Tuesday, May 01, 2012

New Issue of the German Law Journal "Ruptures in International Law"

This from Peer Zumbansen and Russell Miller of the German Law Journal:

We are pleased to announce that the new issue of the German Law Journal, Review of Developments in German, European & International Jurisprudence is now available at www.germanlawjournal.com.

It is a richly packed issue, indeed. Its Articles section offers contributions on global rulemaking and multinational corporations, Canada's military engagement in Afghanistan and reflections on the US presidency.

In addition, we are happy to publish a thoughtful symposium on international legal theory, which includes contributions to the 4th Conference of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) in Cambridge in 2011. The symposium, held under the auspices of the International Legal Theory Group within ESIL, brought together scholars who draw on legal theory, political philosophy and international law to map the current state of international legal theorizing.

We are grateful to our authors and to you, our readers, who have been supporting the work of the Journal with so much dedication, interest and inspiration. And, we are, certainly, very grateful to the wonderful group of students at Osgoode Hall and at Washington & Lee without whose help it would not be possible to get the Journal out, month after month, year after year.

13 German Law Journal No. 5 (2012)



Special Issue: The Ruptures in International Law


  1. Thanks for sharing law journals that's so innovative, keep it up.

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