I have been writing about the development of new theoretical and legal
approaches to cooperatives, as the experiment is unfolding in Cuba. I first presented this paper this past summer at the The Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy 22st Annual meeting and Conference in Miami August
1-4, 2012.
(Pix from Marcelo Vieta, Cuba's coming co-operative economy?, Links, July 18, 2012)
I have revised the paper extensively to incorporate the newly promulgated regulatory framework for cooperatives unveiled by the Cuban government in December 2012. (See, Cuba
Issues New Cooperatives Regulations: Tentative Experiment in Socialist
Market Enterprise or a Privatization of State Management?) The article also connects these regulatory innovations to theoretical developments among Cuban academics. (See Camila Piñeiro Harnecker on Cooperatives and Socialism in Cuba)
The revised manuscript may be accessed here. The manuscript will be published under a modified title as Backer, Larry Catá, "The Cooperative as Proletarian Corporation: Property Rights Between Corporation, Cooperatives and Globalization in Cuba", the final version of which will be published at the Northwestern University Journal of International Law and Business Vol. 33(3) (forthcoming 2013).
The revised abstract follows