Monday, April 02, 2018

国务院办公厅印发《科学数据管理办法》 Chinese State Council issues "Administrative Measures for Scientific Data"

(Pix © Larry Catá Backer 2018)

China has been moving vigorously to develop its framework for the incorporation of data and algorithm in the construction of new systems of rule making for the better management of productive forces in the post 19th CPC Congress New Era.  The object is to develop the capabilities for the implementation of social credit systems grounded on big data management through which management can be projected on the real time activities of enterprises, citizens, organizations and government officials.  To that end it is necessary first to develop the capacity to produce and protect big data--the source from which information based governance systems can be constructed. (e.g.,Democracy Part 40: From Mass Democracy to The "Wisdom of the Crowd"-- Socializing People for Roles in New Data Driven Governance).  But data protection is not limited to regulatory efforts, it is also tied to the protection of socialist modernization and the development of productive forces in the area of science and technology. That aggregation of objectives around data now drives some regulatory initiatives in China. This is especially important in light of recent scandals relating to scientific data in China (see, e.g., here, here, here, and here). "This month, in the wake of a fake peer review scandal that claimed 107 papers by Chinese scholars, the country’s Ministry of Science and Technology proclaimed a “no tolerance” policy for research misconduct — although it’s not clear what that might look like." (Chinese courts call for death penalty for researchers who commit fraud). 

It is possible that we now know what that policy might look like--and its integraiton into broader policies respecting data collection and retention. Recently, the Chinese State Council has taken an important step in the direction of  developing robust measures for the generation and protection of the data necessary for the construction of social credit and other data based regulatory systems, including the protection of science and technology directed data generation and use. It has just issued its 科学数据管理办法》["Administrative Measures for Scientific Data"]
科学数据是国家科技创新发展和经济社会发展的重要基础性战略资源。近年来,随着我国科技投入不断增长,科技创新能力不断提升,科学数据呈现出“井喷式”增长,而且质量大幅提高。海量科学数据对生命科学、天文学、空间科学、地球科学、物理学等多个学科领域的科研活动更是带来了冲击性影响,科学研究方法发生了重要变革。科技创新越来越依赖于大量、系统、高可信度的科学数据,我国在科学数据开发利用、开放共享和安全保护等方面还有很大改进空间。[Scientific data is an important basic strategic resource for national scientific and technological innovation and economic and social development. In recent years, with the continuous increase in China’s investment in science and technology and the continuous improvement in scientific and technological innovation capabilities, scientific data has exhibited “blowout” growth, and the quality has greatly increased. Massive scientific data has brought impact impacts on scientific research activities in many disciplines such as life sciences, astronomy, space science, earth science, and physics. The scientific research method has undergone important changes. Scientific and technological innovation is increasingly dependent on massive, systematic, high-confidence scientific data. There is still much room for improvement in the development and utilization of scientific data, open sharing, and security protection in China.]
These measures are grounded in the fundamental objectives of the "New Era" principles announced at the 19th CPC Congress and its focus on the establishment of a more all around approach to managing the productive forces of society not just in the economic, but also in all other fields of human activity. They represent an extension and clarification, as well of the 2014 State Council Notice concerning Issuance of the Planning Outline for the Construction of a Social Credit System (2014-2020). (e.g.,China's Social Credit Initiative in a Global Context: Introduction and the Problem of Transparency)

This post includes the text of 国务院办公厅印发《科学数据管理办法》plus a crude translation into English.  The Announcement includes an important introductory section along with the measures themselves (科学数据管理办法 [Scientific Data Management Approach]).


2018-04-03 中国政府网




 The General Office of the State Council issued the "Administrative Measures for Scientific 
 Data"2018-04-03 China Government Network 
Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Administrative Measures for Scientific Data Management" (hereinafter referred to as "Measures") to further strengthen and standardize scientific data management, ensure the safety of scientific data, increase the level of open sharing, and better serve the country's scientific and technological innovation, economic and social development, and National security provides support.

Scientific data is an important basic strategic resource for national scientific and technological innovation and economic and social development. In recent years, with the continuous increase in China’s investment in science and technology and the continuous improvement in scientific and technological innovation capabilities, scientific data has exhibited “blowout” growth, and the quality has greatly increased. Massive scientific data has brought impact impacts on scientific research activities in many disciplines such as life sciences, astronomy, space science, earth science, and physics. The scientific research method has undergone important changes. Scientific and technological innovation is increasingly dependent on massive, systematic, high-confidence scientific data. There is still much room for improvement in the development and utilization of scientific data, open sharing, and security protection in China.

The "Measures" implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, take Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics as a guide, deeply grasp the development trend of scientific data in the era of big data, fully draw on domestic and foreign advanced experience and mature practices, and strengthen the full life cycle of scientific data. Management puts data security at the forefront, highlights the importance of scientific data sharing and utilization, innovates institutional mechanisms, focuses on weak links, and strengthens and standardizes scientific data management. This will further improve the level of scientific data in China and bring into play the national financial input and output. Benefits are of great significance to improving scientific and technological innovation, economic and social development, and national security support and support capabilities.

The Measures clarify the general principles, main responsibilities, data collection, exchange and preservation, sharing and utilization, and confidentiality and security of China's scientific data management, and put emphasis on specific management measures in five areas. The first is to clarify the division of responsibilities of all parties, strengthen the main body of legal entity responsibility, clarify the responsibilities of competent authorities, embody “who owns and who is responsible” and “who is open and who benefits”. Second, in accordance with the principle of “classified classification and management to ensure safety and controllability,” competent authorities and legal entities determine the confidentiality and opening conditions of scientific data according to law, and strengthen the supervision of the sharing and use of scientific data. The third is to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, regulate the conduct of users and producers of scientific data, and show respect for the intellectual property rights of scientific data. Fourth, the scientific data produced by the Science and Technology Plan project are required to be subject to mandatory exchanges, and standardized management and long-term preservation are conducted through scientific data centers, and data accumulation and open sharing are strengthened. Fifth, it is proposed that legal entities should establish incentive mechanisms in terms of job setup, performance income, and job title assessment, and strengthen scientific data management capabilities.







第一章 总则

第一条 为进一步加强和规范科学数据管理,保障科学数据安全,提高开放共享水平,更好支撑国家科技创新、经济社会发展和国家安全,根据《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》、《中华人民共和国促进科技成果转化法》和《政务信息资源共享管理暂行办法》等规定,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称科学数据主要包括在自然科学、工程技术科学等领域,通过基础研究、应用研究、试验开发等产生的数据,以及通过观测监测、考察调查、检验检测等方式取得并用于科学研究活动的原始数据及其衍生数据。

第三条 政府预算资金支持开展的科学数据采集生产、加工整理、开放共享和管理使用等活动适用本办法。


第四条 科学数据管理遵循分级管理、安全可控、充分利用的原则,明确责任主体,加强能力建设,促进开放共享。

第五条 任何单位和个人从事科学数据采集生产、使用、管理活动应当遵守国家有关法律法规及部门规章,不得利用科学数据从事危害国家安全、社会公共利益和他人合法权益的活动。

第二章 职责

第六条 科学数据管理工作实行国家统筹、各部门与各地区分工负责的体制。

第七条 国务院科学技术行政部门牵头负责全国科学数据的宏观管理与综合协调,主要职责是:





第八条 国务院相关部门、省级人民政府相关部门(以下统称主管部门)在科学数据管理方面的主要职责是:






第九条 有关科研院所、高等院校和企业等法人单位(以下统称法人单位)是科学数据管理的责任主体,主要职责是:






第十条 科学数据中心是促进科学数据开放共享的重要载体,由主管部门委托有条件的法人单位建立,主要职责是:





第三章 采集、汇交与保存

第十一条 法人单位及科学数据生产者要按照相关标准规范组织开展科学数据采集生产和加工整理,形成便于使用的数据库或数据集。


第十二条 主管部门应建立科学数据汇交制度,在国家统一政务网络和数据共享交换平台的基础上开展本部门(本地区)的科学数据汇交工作。

第十三条 政府预算资金资助的各级科技计划(专项、基金等)项目所形成的科学数据,应由项目牵头单位汇交到相关科学数据中心。接收数据的科学数据中心应出具汇交凭证。


第十四条 主管部门和法人单位应建立健全国内外学术论文数据汇交的管理制度。


第十五条 社会资金资助形成的涉及国家秘密、国家安全和社会公共利益的科学数据必须按照有关规定予以汇交。


第十六条 法人单位应建立科学数据保存制度,配备数据存储、管理、服务和安全等必要设施,保障科学数据完整性和安全性。

第十七条 法人单位应加强科学数据人才队伍建设,在岗位设置、绩效收入、职称评定等方面建立激励机制。

第十八条 国务院科学技术行政部门应加强统筹布局,在条件好、资源优势明显的科学数据中心基础上,优化整合形成国家科学数据中心。

第四章 共享与利用

第十九条 政府预算资金资助形成的科学数据应当按照开放为常态、不开放为例外的原则,由主管部门组织编制科学数据资源目录,有关目录和数据应及时接入国家数据共享交换平台,面向社会和相关部门开放共享,畅通科学数据军民共享渠道。国家法律法规有特殊规定的除外。

第二十条 法人单位要对科学数据进行分级分类,明确科学数据的密级和保密期限、开放条件、开放对象和审核程序等,按要求公布科学数据开放目录,通过在线下载、离线共享或定制服务等方式向社会开放共享。

第二十一条 法人单位应根据需求,对科学数据进行分析挖掘,形成有价值的科学数据产品,开展增值服务。鼓励社会组织和企业开展市场化增值服务。

第二十二条 主管部门和法人单位应积极推动科学数据出版和传播工作,支持科研人员整理发表产权清晰、准确完整、共享价值高的科学数据。

第二十三条 科学数据使用者应遵守知识产权相关规定,在论文发表、专利申请、专著出版等工作中注明所使用和参考引用的科学数据。

第二十四条 对于政府决策、公共安全、国防建设、环境保护、防灾减灾、公益性科学研究等需要使用科学数据的,法人单位应当无偿提供;确需收费的,应按照规定程序和非营利原则制定合理的收费标准,向社会公布并接受监督。



第五章 保密与安全

第二十五条 涉及国家秘密、国家安全、社会公共利益、商业秘密和个人隐私的科学数据,不得对外开放共享;确需对外开放的,要对利用目的、用户资质、保密条件等进行审查,并严格控制知悉范围。

第二十六条 涉及国家秘密的科学数据的采集生产、加工整理、管理和使用,按照国家有关保密规定执行。主管部门和法人单位应建立健全涉及国家秘密的科学数据管理与使用制度,对制作、审核、登记、拷贝、传输、销毁等环节进行严格管理。


第二十七条 主管部门和法人单位应加强科学数据全生命周期安全管理,制定科学数据安全保护措施;加强数据下载的认证、授权等防护管理,防止数据被恶意使用。


第二十八条 法人单位和科学数据中心应按照国家网络安全管理规定,建立网络安全保障体系,采用安全可靠的产品和服务,完善数据管控、属性管理、身份识别、行为追溯、黑名单等管理措施,健全防篡改、防泄露、防攻击、防病毒等安全防护体系。

第二十九条 科学数据中心应建立应急管理和容灾备份机制,按照要求建立应急管理系统,对重要的科学数据进行异地备份。

第六章 附则

第三十条 主管部门和法人单位应建立完善科学数据管理和开放共享工作评价考核制度。

第三十一条 对于伪造数据、侵犯知识产权、不按规定汇交数据等行为,主管部门可视情节轻重对相关单位和责任人给予责令整改、通报批评、处分等处理或依法给予行政处罚。


第三十二条 主管部门可参照本办法,制定具体实施细则。涉及国防领域的科学数据管理制度,由有关部门另行规定。

第三十三条 本办法自印发之日起施行。

The General Office of the State Council circulated
Notice of Scientific Data Management Measures

The State Council issued No. 17 (2018)

The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the ministries and commissions of the State Council, and the agencies directly under the State Council:

The "Administrative Measures for Scientific Data" has been approved by the State Council and is now printed and distributed to you. Please implement it in earnest.

Office of the State Council
March 17, 2018
(This article is released publicly)

Scientific Data Management ApproachChapter 1 GeneralThe first is to further strengthen and standardize the management of scientific data, ensure the safety of scientific data, increase the level of openness and sharing, and better support national scientific and technological innovation, economic and social development, and national security. According to the "Progress of the People's Republic of China on Science and Technology," and "Chinese People The Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements and the Provisional Measures for the Administration of the Sharing of Administrative Information Resources shall be formulated.Article 2 The scientific data referred to in these Measures shall be mainly included in the natural sciences, engineering and technical sciences, and other fields, and shall be obtained and used for data obtained through basic research, applied research, and experimental development, as well as through observation and monitoring, investigation and investigation, and inspection and testing. The raw data of scientific research activities and their derived data.Article 3 These Measures shall apply to such activities as collection, production, processing, open sharing, management and use of scientific data supported by government budget funds.Any unit or individual engaged in scientific data related activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China and meets the conditions prescribed in these Measures shall be implemented in accordance with these Measures.Article 4 Scientific data management follows the principles of hierarchical management, safety control, and full utilization, defining the main responsibility, strengthening capacity building, and promoting openness and sharing.Article 5 Any unit or individual engaged in the collection, production, use, or management of scientific data shall abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the State and department rules, and shall not use scientific data to engage in activities that endanger national security, public interests or the legitimate rights and interests of others.Chapter II DutiesArticle 6 The system of scientific data management shall be organized by the state as a whole and all departments shall be responsible for the division of workers.Article 7 The administrative department of science and technology under the State Council shall take the lead in the overall management and comprehensive coordination of scientific data across the country. The main responsibilities are:(1) Organizing research and development of national scientific data management policies and standards;(2) Coordinating and promoting scientific data standard management, open sharing and evaluation and evaluation;(3) To coordinately promote the construction and development of the National Scientific Data Center;(D) Responsible for the construction of national scientific data network management platform and data maintenance.Article 8 The main responsibilities of relevant departments of the State Council and relevant departments of the provincial people's government (hereinafter collectively referred to as the competent department) in the management of scientific data are:(1) Responsible for establishing and improving the scientific data management policies and rules and regulations of this department (local area), and publicizing and implementing the national scientific data management policies;(B) to guide its subsidiary legal entities to strengthen and standardize scientific data management;(3) Doing or authorizing the relevant units to do a good job of scientific data sizing in accordance with relevant state regulations;(4) Overall planning and construction of scientific data centers of this department (local area) to promote the openness and sharing of scientific data;(5) To establish a sound and effective incentive mechanism and organize the evaluation and assessment of the scientific data work of the legal entities subordinate to the department (local area).Article 9 The legal entities concerning scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, and enterprises (hereinafter collectively referred to as legal entities) are responsible subjects for the administration of scientific data. Their main responsibilities are:(1) Implement the national and departmental (local) scientific data management policies, and establish and improve relevant management systems for scientific data of the unit;(2) Scientific data collection, production, processing, and long-term preservation in accordance with relevant standards and standards to ensure data quality;(3) Doing a good job in the confidentiality and safety management of scientific data in accordance with relevant regulations;(4) Establishing a scientific data management system, promulgating an open catalogue of scientific data, updating it in time, and actively carrying out scientific data sharing services;(5) Responsible for the conditions, funds, and personnel guarantees for the software and hardware facilities required for scientific data management operations.Article 10 The scientific data center is an important carrier for promoting the openness and sharing of scientific data. It is entrusted by competent authorities to establish legal entities with conditions, and the main responsibilities are:(1) To undertake the integration and exchange of scientific data in related fields;(b) Responsible for the classification, classification, analysis, and analysis of scientific data;(3) To ensure the safety of scientific data and promote the openness and sharing of scientific data according to law;(d) Strengthen exchanges and cooperation in scientific data at home and abroad.Chapter III Collection, Exchange, and PreservationArticle 11 Legal persons and scientific data producers shall organize and carry out scientific data collection, production, processing and arrangement in accordance with relevant standards and regulations to form an easy-to-use database or data set.The legal entity shall establish a scientific data quality control system to ensure the accuracy and availability of the data.Article 12 The competent department shall establish a scientific data exchange system, and carry out the scientific data exchange work of the department (local area) on the basis of the national unified government affairs network and data sharing and exchange platform.Article 13 The scientific data formed by scientific and technological plans (special projects, funds, etc.) funded by government budget funds shall be submitted by the project leader to the relevant scientific data centers. The scientific data center that receives the data should issue a certificate of exchange.The management departments of science and technology plans (special funds, funds, etc.) at all levels shall establish a mechanism for the exchange of scientific data, acceptance of scientific and technological plans (special projects, funds, etc.), and the scientific data generated after acceptance of projects/projects shall also be submitted.Article 14 Competent departments and legal entities shall establish and improve the management system for the submission of data for academic papers at home and abroad.When scientific data created by government budget funds are used to compose and publish relevant scientific data when publishing papers in foreign academic journals, the authors of the thesis shall submit the scientific data to their units for unified management before the publication of the paper.Article 15 Scientific data involving state secrets, national security, and public interests that are formed by social funds must be submitted in accordance with relevant regulations.Other scientific data generated from the encouragement of social funding shall be submitted to relevant scientific data centers.Article 16 A legal entity shall establish a system for the preservation of scientific data and provide necessary facilities such as data storage, management, service, and security to ensure the integrity and safety of scientific data.Article 17 A legal entity shall strengthen the construction of a scientific data talent team and establish an incentive mechanism in terms of job setting, performance income, and job title assessment.Article 18 The administrative department for science and technology under the State Council shall strengthen its overall layout and optimize the integration to form a national scientific data center on the basis of a scientific data center with good conditions and obvious advantages in resources.Chapter 4 Sharing and UtilizationArticle 19 The scientific data formed by the government budget funds shall be in accordance with the principle of opening as the exception and not being open, and the competent department shall organize the compilation of the scientific data resource catalog. The relevant catalogs and data shall be timely accessed to the national data sharing and exchange platform. The society and relevant departments are open to sharing, and the scientific data are shared between the military and the people. Except where there are special provisions in national laws and regulations.Article 20 Legal entities shall classify scientific data, classify the confidentiality and duration of confidentiality of scientific data, open conditions, open objects, and audit procedures, publish scientific data open catalogs as required, and download online, share offline, or customize services. And other ways open to the community to share.Article 21 The legal entity shall, based on demand, analyze and mine scientific data to form valuable scientific data products and carry out value-added services. Encourage social organizations and enterprises to carry out market-based value-added services.Article 22 Competent departments and legal entities shall actively promote the publication and dissemination of scientific data, and support scientific researchers in organizing the publication of scientific data with clear, accurate and complete property rights and high sharing value.Article 23 Users of scientific data shall abide by the relevant provisions of intellectual property rights and shall indicate the scientific data used and referenced in the work of publication, patent application, and monograph publication.Article 24 Where scientific data are required for government decision-making, public safety, national defense construction, environmental protection, disaster prevention and reduction, public welfare scientific research, etc., the legal entity shall provide it without compensation; if fees are really required, procedures and non- The principle of profit is to establish a reasonable charge standard and announce it to the public and accept supervision.For scientific activities that require the use of scientific data, the parties should sign a paid service contract to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties.If there are special provisions in national laws and regulations, they shall comply with its provisions.Chapter 5 Confidentiality and SecurityArticle 25 Scientific data concerning state secrets, national security, social public interests, trade secrets and personal privacy shall not be open to the outside world; if it is really open to the outside world, it shall review the purposes of use, user qualifications, and confidentiality conditions. And strictly control the scope of knowledge.Article 26 The collection, production, processing, management, and use of scientific data involving state secrets shall be carried out in accordance with relevant State secrecy provisions. The competent authorities and legal entities shall establish and improve a system of scientific data management and use involving state secrets, and strictly manage the links of production, verification, registration, copying, transmission, and destruction.In the case of foreign exchanges and cooperation that need to provide scientific data concerning state secrets, the legal entity shall clearly state the type, scope, and use of the data to be used, and report to the competent department for approval in accordance with the procedures for the administration of confidentiality. After being approved by the competent authority, the legal entity shall go through relevant formalities in accordance with regulations and sign a confidentiality agreement with the user.Article 27 Competent departments and legal entities shall strengthen the safety management of scientific data throughout its life cycle, formulate scientific data security protection measures, and strengthen protection management of data download authentication, authorization, etc. to prevent data from being used maliciously.For scientific data that need to be published externally or scientific data that needs to be provided externally, the competent authorities and legal entities should establish a corresponding security review system.Article 28 Legal entities and scientific data centers shall establish network security assurance systems in accordance with the national cyber security management regulations, adopt safe and reliable products and services, and improve the management of data management and control, attribute management, identification, behavior tracing, and blacklist management. Measures to improve the security protection system against tamper, leakage, attack, and virus.Article 29 Scientific data centers shall establish emergency management and disaster recovery mechanisms, establish emergency management systems as required, and back up important scientific data in different places.Chapter VI Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 30 Competent departments and legal entities shall establish and improve evaluation systems for the evaluation of scientific data management and open and shared work.Article 31 For acts of forgery of data, infringement of intellectual property rights, failure to submit data in accordance with regulations, etc., the competent department may, according to the severity of the circumstances, order the relevant units and responsible persons to order rectification, report criticism, and dispose of the punishment or impose administrative penalties according to law.The units and individuals that violate the relevant laws and regulations of the State shall be prosecuted for corresponding responsibilities according to law.Article 32 The competent department may formulate detailed implementation rules with reference to these Measures. Scientific data management systems that involve the field of national defense are separately stipulated by relevant departments.Article 33 The present Measures shall come into force as of the date of issuance.

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