Wednesday, May 22, 2019

《中国共产党党员教育管理工作条例》"Regulations on the Education and Management of Party Members of the Communist Party of China"

(Pix © Larry Catá Backer; Pottery Figures, Northern Wei Dynasty 386-534 AD unearthed Xi'an 1953>; Beijing National Museum)

On 21 May 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has issued the "Regulations on the Education and Management of Party Members of the Communist Party of China" 中国共产党党员教育管理工作条例》.  "The "Regulations" are guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, guided by the party's constitution, summed up the absorption of practical and innovative achievements, and regulate the content, methods, procedures, etc. of party members' education management, which is the basic of the education management of party members in the new era. follow." (《条例》以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,以党章为根本遵循,总结吸收实践创新成果,对党员教育管理的内容、方式、程序等作出规范,是新时代党员教育管理工作的基本遵循。)

The Regulations provide a window on new thinking respecting the perfection of cadre formation and oversight and is well worth the read. Of particular note for foreign universities is Article 24, which provides:

对因私出国并在国外长期定居的党员,出国学习研究超过5年仍未返回的党员,一般予以停止党籍。停止党籍的决定由保留其组织关系的党组织按照有关规定作出。[For party members who have gone abroad for a long time and have settled abroad for a long time, party members who have studied abroad for more than five years have not stopped returning their party membership. The decision to stop the party membership is made by the party organization that retains its organizational relationship in accordance with relevant regulations.]

It will be interesting to see how these new regulations are meshed both with Social Credit systems and with the disciplinary protocols of the Supervision Law.  Also interesting is the emphasis on "new era" thinking. Though details are to be found elsewhere, it is clear that the focus is away from the normative verities of the past era of reform and opening up in favor of something new, much of which can be seen in the emergence of new policy applications especially in the last two years. The New Era is more clearly now taking normative form and its operationalization within the process of constructing and managing cadre educaiton and working styles stands at the center of the endeavor.

The regulations follow (中文) below with crude English translation.

新华社北京5月21日电 近日,中共中央印发了《中国共产党党员教育管理工作条例》(以下简称《条例》),并发出通知,要求各地区各部门认真遵照执行。





  第一章 总则

  第一条 为了深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,加强党员教育管理工作,提高党员队伍建设质量,保持党员队伍的先进性和纯洁性,根据《中国共产党章程》和有关党内法规,制定本条例。

  第二条 党员教育管理是党的建设基础性经常性工作。党组织应当加强党员教育管理,引导党员坚定共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,增强党性,提高素质,认真履行义务,正确行使权利,充分发挥先锋模范作用。

  第三条 党员教育管理工作以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,落实新时代党的建设总要求和新时代党的组织路线,坚持教育、管理、监督、服务相结合,推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化,不断增强党员教育管理针对性和有效性,努力建设政治合格、执行纪律合格、品德合格、发挥作用合格的党员队伍。

  第四条 党员教育管理工作遵循以下原则:





  第二章 学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想

  第五条 把用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装全党作为党员教育管理的首要政治任务,引导党员充分认识学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重大意义,自觉学懂弄通做实。

  第六条 组织党员读原著、学原文、悟原理,深入学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的核心要义、基本精神、实践要求,掌握贯穿其中的马克思主义立场观点方法,增强政治自觉、理论自信、情感融入。建立以学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为中心内容的党员教育教材体系。


  第七条 坚持集中教育和经常性教育相结合,组织培训和个人自学相结合,采取集中轮训、党委(党组)理论学习中心组学习、理论宣讲、组织生活、在线学习培训等方式,形成习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习教育长效机制,推动党员学深悟透、入脑入心。

  第八条 弘扬理论联系实际的马克思主义学风,引导党员把自己摆进去、把职责摆进去、把工作摆进去,学以致用、知行合一,提高政治站位,强化责任担当,增强过硬本领,做好本职工作,自觉做习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想坚定信仰者和忠实实践者。


  第三章 党员教育基本任务

  第九条 加强政治理论教育,突出党的创新理论学习,组织党员学习党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略,学习马克思主义基本原理和党的基本知识,引导党员坚定理想信念,增强党性修养,努力掌握并自觉运用马克思主义立场观点方法。

  第十条 突出政治教育和政治训练,严格党内政治生活锻炼,教育党员旗帜鲜明讲政治,提高政治觉悟和政治能力,严守政治纪律和政治规矩,永葆共产党人政治本色,做到“四个服从”,在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。

  第十一条 强化党章党规党纪教育,引导党员牢记入党誓词,坚持合格党员标准,自觉遵守党的纪律,带头践行社会主义核心价值观,培养高尚道德情操,培育良好思想作风、学风、工作作风、生活作风和家风。加强宪法法律法规教育,引导党员尊法学法守法用法。

  第十二条 加强党的宗旨教育,引导党员践行全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,贯彻党的群众路线,提高群众工作本领,密切联系服务群众。

  第十三条 进行革命传统教育,引导党员学习党史、国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史和中华优秀传统文化,铭记党的奋斗历程,弘扬党的优良传统,传承红色基因,践行共产党人价值观,激发爱国主义热情。

  第十四条 开展形势政策教育,围绕贯彻执行党和国家重大决策、推进落实重大任务,宣讲党的路线方针政策,解读世情国情党情,回应党员关注的问题,引导党员正确认识形势,把思想和行动统一到党中央要求上来。

  第十五条 注重知识技能教育,根据党员岗位职责要求和工作需要,组织引导党员学习掌握业务知识、科技知识、实用技术等,帮助党员提高综合素质和履职能力,增强服务本领。

  第四章 党员日常教育管理主要方式

  第十六条 党支部应当运用“三会一课”制度,对党员进行经常性的教育管理。党员应当按期参加党员大会、党小组会和上党课,进行学习交流,汇报思想、工作等情况。党员领导干部应当参加双重组织生活。



  第十七条 党支部每年至少召开1次组织生活会,也可以根据工作需要随时召开,一般以党员大会、党支部委员会会议或者党小组会形式进行。

  第十八条 党支部一般每年开展1次民主评议党员。党支部召开党员大会,按照个人自评、党员互评、民主测评的程序,组织党员进行评议。党支部委员会会议或者党员大会根据评议情况和党员日常表现情况,提出评定意见。


  第十九条 基层党组织应当注重分析党员思想状况和心理状态,党组织负责人应当经常同党员谈心谈话,有针对性地做好思想政治工作。

  第二十条 市、县党委或者基层党委每年应当组织党员集中轮训,主要依托县级党校(行政学校)、基层党校等进行。根据事业发展和党的建设重点任务,结合本地区本部门本单位中心工作和党员实际,确定培训内容和方式。党员每年集中学习培训时间一般不少于32学时。

  第二十一条 党组织应当按照党中央部署要求,组织党员认真参加党内集中学习教育,引导党员围绕学习教育主题,深入学习党的创新理论,查找解决自身存在的突出问题。


  第二十二条 党组织应当充分发挥党员的先锋模范作用,结合不同群体党员实际,通过树立、学习身边的榜样,设立党员示范岗、党员责任区,开展设岗定责、承诺践诺等,引导党员做好本职工作,干在实处、走在前列,创先争优,在联系服务群众、完成重大任务中勇于担当作为,做到平常时候看得出来、关键时刻站得出来、危急关头豁得出来。


  第二十三条 党组织应当坚持从严教育管理和热情关心爱护相统一,从政治、思想、工作、生活上激励关怀帮扶党员。


  第五章 党籍和党员组织关系管理

  第二十四条 经党支部党员大会通过、基层党委审批接收的预备党员,自通过之日起,即取得党籍。




  第二十五条 党员组织关系是指党员对党的基层组织的隶属关系。



  第二十六条 对没有人事档案的党员,应当由具有审批预备党员权限的基层党委建立党员档案,由所在党委或者县级以上党委组织部门保存。


  第六章 党员监督和组织处置

  第二十七条 党组织应当通过严格组织生活、听取群众意见、检查党员工作等多种方式,监督党员遵守党章党规党纪特别是政治纪律和政治规矩情况,遵守宪法法律法规和道德规范情况,参加组织生活情况,履行党员义务、联系服务群众、发挥先锋模范作用情况等。

  第二十八条 发现党员有思想、工作、生活、作风和纪律方面苗头性倾向性问题的,以及群众对其有不良反映的,党组织负责人应当及时进行提醒谈话,抓早抓小、防微杜渐。

  第二十九条 对党员不按照规定参加党的组织生活、不按时交纳党费、流动到外地工作生活不与党组织主动保持联系的,以及存在其他与党的要求不相符合的行为、情节较轻的,党组织应当采取适当方式及时进行批评教育,帮助其改进提高。

  第三十条 对缺乏革命意志,不履行党员义务,不符合党员条件,但本人能够正确认识错误、愿意接受教育管理并且决心改正的党员,党组织应当作出限期改正处置,限期改正时间不超过1年。对给予限期改正处置的党员应当采取帮助教育措施。

  第三十一条 党员具有下列情形之一的,按照规定程序给予除名处置:








  第七章 流动党员管理

  第三十二条 基层党组织应当加强流动党员管理,对外出6个月以上并且没有转移组织关系的流动党员,应当保持经常联系,跟进做好教育培训、管理服务等工作。在流动党员相对集中的地方,流出地党组织可以依托园区、商会、行业协会、驻外地办事机构等成立流动党员党组织。



  第三十三条 农村党支部应当明确专人负责同流动党员保持联系。乡镇党委应当掌握流动党员基本情况,指导督促党支部加强日常教育管理。利用流动党员集中返乡等时机,组织其参加组织生活或者教育培训。对政治素质较好、有致富带富能力的流动党员,应当及时纳入村后备力量培养。



  第三十四条 高校党组织对组织关系保留在学校的高校毕业生流动党员,应当继续履行管理职责。党员组织关系保留时间一般不超过2年,对符合转出组织关系条件的及时转出。


  第八章 党员教育管理信息化

  第三十五条 适应时代发展要求,充分运用互联网技术和信息化手段,改进党员教育管理工作,推进基层党建传统优势与信息技术深度融合,不断提高党员教育管理现代化水平。

  第三十六条 统筹规划、整合资源,健全党员信息库,加强全国党员管理信息系统建设,推动党员干部现代远程教育和党员电化教育创新发展,推进党员教育管理网站、移动客户端等平台一体化建设,建立党性教育基地网上平台,打造党务、政务、服务有机融合的网络阵地。

  第三十七条 坚持网上和网下相结合,依托党员教育管理信息化平台,开展党员信息管理、党组织活动指导管理、流动党员管理服务、发展党员管理和党费管理等业务应用,为党员提供在线学习培训、转接组织关系、参与党内事务和关怀帮扶等服务。


  第三十八条 党员应当主动学网用网,依托各类党员教育管理信息化平台,积极参加在线学习培训,认真参加党组织的活动,自觉接受党组织的教育管理。通过网络向群众宣传党的理论和路线方针政策,听取群众意见,联系服务群众。


  第九章 组织领导和工作保障

  第三十九条 在党中央领导下,由中央组织部牵头,中央纪委国家监委机关、中央宣传部、中央党校(国家行政学院)、中央和国家机关工委、教育部党组、国务院国资委党委等参加,建立全国党员教育管理工作协调小组,负责全国党员教育管理工作的规划部署、组织协调和检查指导,协调小组办公室设在中央组织部。省、自治区、直辖市党委应当建立党员教育管理工作协调机构。建立健全党员教育管理工作协调机构运行机制,充分发挥职能作用。









  第四十条 地方各级党委和部门单位党组(党委)领导本地区本部门本单位党员教育管理工作,贯彻执行党中央关于党员教育管理工作的方针政策和部署要求,定期研究党员教育管理工作,分析党员队伍状况,有针对性地提出工作措施。


  第四十一条 乡镇、街道、国有企业、高等学校等基层党委,按照规定配备一定数量的专兼职组织员,由县级以上党委组织部门进行业务指导和管理,承担指导督促发展党员和党员教育管理等工作。




  第四十二条 党员教育管理工作经费应当列入地方各级财政预算,结合实际按照党员数量划拨,重点保障农村、社区、非公有制经济组织和社会组织、公共就业和人才服务机构等基层党组织开展党员教育管理,形成稳定的经费保障机制。各级党委留存的党费主要用于教育培训党员、支持基层党组织开展组织生活。加强对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区党员教育管理工作经费支持。

  第四十三条 各级党委各党组应当加强对党员教育管理工作的检查考核。基层党委每年把党员教育管理工作情况作为向上级党组织报告工作的重要内容。在基层党建工作述职评议考核中,对党组织负责人抓党员教育管理工作情况作出评价。上级党组织在开展年度考核和任期考核中,应当考核检查下级党组织党员教育管理工作情况。


  第十章 附则

  第四十四条 中国人民解放军和中国人民武装警察部队党员教育管理工作规定,由中央军事委员会根据本条例制定。

  第四十五条 本条例由中央组织部负责解释。

  第四十六条 本条例自2019年5月6日起施行。

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 21st Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on the Education and Management of Party Members of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and issued a notice requesting all departments in various regions to strictly follow the implementation.

The notice pointed out that party member education management is a basic and regular work of party building. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to strengthening the management of party members' education and promoting the formation of a good situation in which the entire party has strictly grasped the education and management of party members. The "Regulations" are guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, guided by the party's constitution, summed up the absorption of practical and innovative achievements, and regulate the content, methods, procedures, etc. of party members' education management, which is the basic of the education management of party members in the new era. follow.

The notice stressed that the formulation and implementation of the "Regulations" is very important for improving the quality of party members, inspiring the vitality of party organizations, promoting the comprehensive development of the party from the strict governance of the party, consolidating the party's long-term ruling foundation, and realizing the party's great ruling mission. The meaning.

The notice requires that every party member, regardless of his or her position, must accept the educational management of the party organization in accordance with the requirements of the party constitution and the provisions of the Regulations. Party committees at all levels of the party committee should take the education and management of party members as a major political responsibility, take effective measures, strictly implement the "Regulations", enhance pertinence and effectiveness, and prevent formalism. We must do a good job in the propaganda and interpretation of the "Regulations" and study and training so that party organizations at all levels, the majority of party members, especially party members and leading cadres, can thoroughly understand the spirit of the "Regulations", comprehensively grasp the contents of the "Regulations", and strictly implement the provisions of the "Regulations." The Central Organization Department should strengthen supervision and guidance with relevant departments to ensure that the "Regulations" are effectively implemented. All departments and regions in the implementation of the "Regulations" in the important circumstances and recommendations, should be timely reported to the Party Central Committee.

The "Regulations on the Education and Management of Party Members of the Communist Party of China" is as follows.

Chapter I General

Article 1 In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the management of party members' education, improve the quality of party members' construction, and maintain the advanced and pure nature of party members, according to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and relevant party regulations, Formulate this Regulation.

Article 2 The education management of party members is the basic regular work of party building. Party organizations should strengthen the education and management of party members, guide party members to strengthen the broad ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen "four self-confidences", achieve "two maintenance", enhance party spirit and improve quality. Seriously fulfilling their obligations, exercising their rights correctly, and giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role.

The third party member education management work is guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", the scientific development concept, and Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and implements the general requirements for party building in the new era. In the new era, the party's organization line adheres to the combination of education, management, supervision, and service, promotes the normalization of "two studies and ones", and continuously enhances the pertinence and effectiveness of party members' education management, and strives to build political qualifications and enforce discipline. A team of qualified party members who are qualified, qualified in character, and functioning well.

Article 4 The management of party members' education follows the following principles:

(1) Adhere to the party's ability to manage the party and comprehensively and strictly manage the party, and implement strict requirements to the whole process and all aspects of party members' education and management work. Party members and leading cadres take the lead in receiving education management;

(2) Persist in taking the party's political construction as the guide, highlight party education and political theory education, and guide party members to abide by the party constitution and party discipline, and not forget the initial heart and keep in mind the mission;

(3) Persist in focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, paying attention to the quality and effectiveness of party members' education management, ensuring the implementation of the party's theory, line, principles, policies, and decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee;

(4) Adhere to the actual situation, strengthen the classification guidance, respect the party members' main status, and give full play to the party branch's direct education, management, and supervision of party members.

The second chapter studies and implements Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Article 5 Arming the whole party with Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the primary political task of party members' education management, guiding party members to fully understand the great significance of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, consciously learning and getting through .

Article 6: Organizing party members to read the original works, learn the original texts, and understand the principles, thoroughly study and understand the core essence, basic spirit, and practical requirements of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, grasp the Marxist standpoints and methods that permeate them, and enhance political consciousness and theory. Self-confidence and emotional integration. Establish a textbook system for party members' education that focuses on studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Education guides party members to closely study Xi’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and learn Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", and the scientific concept of development, and constantly improve the Marxist ideological consciousness and theoretical level.

Article 7: Adhere to the combination of centralized education and regular education, organize training and individual self-study, adopt centralized training, party committee (party group) theoretical study center group study, theoretical presentation, organization life, online learning training, etc., forming Xi Jinping new The long-term mechanism for the study and education of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the era, and the promotion of party members' deep understanding and thoroughness.

Article 8: Carry forward the Marxist style of study that combines theory with practice, and guide party members to put themselves in, to put in their duties, to put their work in, to use what they have learned, to be united in knowing and doing things, to improve political standing, to strengthen their responsibilities, and to strengthen their ability to do so. Do my job well and consciously be a firm believer and loyal practitioner of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Party members and leading cadres should adhere to higher standards and stricter requirements, comprehensive study, systematic study, thorough study, in-depth study, and follow-up learning, consciously use to arm the mind, guide practice, promote work, and play a role in demonstration.

Chapter III Basic Tasks of Party Member Education

Article 9 Strengthen political and political education, highlight the party's theory of innovation, organize party members to study the party's basic theories, basic lines, and basic strategies, learn the basic principles of Marxism and the party's basic knowledge, guide party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and enhance party spirit. Efforts to master and consciously apply the Marxist standpoint approach.

Article 10 highlightspolitical education and political training, strictly enforce political life within the party, educate party members to speak politics clearly, raise political consciousness and political ability, strictly abide by political discipline and political rules, and keeps the political qualities of communists, so that "four obedience "The ideological and political action is highly consistent with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core."

Article 11 Strengthen Party Constitution, Party and Party Education, Guide Party Members to Remember the Party's Oath, Adhere to the Standards of Qualified Party Members, Conscientiously Obey the Party's Discipline, Lead the Practice of Socialist Core Values, Cultivate High Moral Morality, and Cultivate Good Ideological Style, Style of Study, and Work Style Life style and family style. Strengthen the education of constitutional laws and regulations, and guide party members to respect the law and law.

Article 12: Strengthen the party's purpose education, guiding party members to practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, implementing the party's mass line, improving the people's work skills, and closely contacting the masses.

Article 13 Conduct revolutionary traditional education and guide party members to study party history, national history, reform and opening history, socialist development history and Chinese excellent traditional culture, remember the party's struggle process, carry forward the party's fine traditions, inherit the red genes, and practice the Communist Party. People's values ​​stimulate patriotism.

Article 14: Carry out education on situation and policy, focus on implementing the major decisions of the party and the state, promote the implementation of major tasks, preach the party's line, principles and policies, interpret the feelings of the country and the country, respond to the concerns of party members, and guide party members to correctly understand the situation and bring ideas. And the action is unified to the party Central Committee to ask for it.

Article 15 Focus on knowledge and skills education, organize and guide party members to learn business knowledge, scientific and technological knowledge, practical technology, etc. according to the duties and requirements of party members, and help party members improve their overall quality and ability to perform their duties and enhance their service skills.

Chapter IV Main Methods of Daily Education Management of Party Members

Article 16 The Party branch shall use the "three sessions and one lesson" system to conduct regular education and management of party members. Party members should attend party members' meetings, party group meetings, and party classes as scheduled, conduct study and exchanges, and report on ideas and work. Party members and leading cadres should participate in dual organizational life.

The Party branch should carry out the theme party day once a month, close to the party members' thinking and work practice, organize party members to concentrate on studying, organize life, conduct democratic deliberations and carry out volunteer services.

Party members should pay party fees on time. Party organizations should do a good job in the collection, use and management of party fees.

Article 17 The Party branch shall hold at least one organization life meeting every year, or may hold it at any time according to the needs of the work, generally in the form of a party member assembly, a party branch committee meeting or a party group meeting.

Article 18 The Party branch generally conducts a democratic evaluation of party members once a year. The Party branch convened a party member conference to organize party members to conduct deliberations in accordance with the procedures of individual self-evaluation, party member mutual evaluation, and democratic evaluation. The Party branch committee meeting or the party member meeting puts forward assessment opinions based on the evaluation situation and the daily performance of party members.

Democratic appraisal of party members can be combined with organizational life.

Article 19: Grassroots party organizations should pay attention to analyzing the ideological status and psychological state of party members. The heads of party organizations should always talk with party members and do a good job in ideological and political work in a targeted manner.

Article 20 The municipal or county party committees or grass-roots party committees shall organize party members to conduct round-robin training every year, mainly relying on county-level party schools (administrative schools) and grass-roots party schools. According to the career development and the key tasks of the party's construction, combined with the work of the unit center of this department and the actual situation of party members, determine the training content and methods. The annual concentration of training for party members is generally not less than 32 hours.

Article 21 Party organizations shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee's deployment, organize party members to seriously participate in the party's centralized learning and education, guide party members around the theme of learning and education, thoroughly study the party's innovation theory, and find outstanding problems to solve their own existence.

Provincial party committees and industry system party organizations can carry out special study and education in a timely manner according to the party members' ideological status and party building needs.

Article 22 Party organizations shall give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, combine the actual situation of party members in different groups, establish and study the example of the party, establish party members' demonstration posts, party member responsibility zones, carry out post-responsibility, promises, etc. Party members do their job well, do their work, walk in the forefront, create the first place to compete for excellence, and courageously take responsibility in contacting the masses and accomplishing major tasks, so that they can be seen at ordinary times, stand up at key moments, and get a critical moment. come out.

Encourage and guide party members to participate in volunteer service. Party members should actively participate in voluntary service activities carried out by the party organizations, or they can carry out volunteer service activities on their own.

Article 23 Party organizations shall adhere to the strict management of education and enthusiasm for the unity of love and protection, and encourage and protect the party members from politics, thought, work and life.

In response to the actual situation of the old party members' bodies, residence and family, they adopt a flexible approach to education management services, organize them to participate in the party's organizational life, and play their role. For party members who are old and frail, inconvenient to move, seriously ill or even disabled, organizing activities and carrying out study and education do not make hard demands. The party organizations give more care to them through sending homework and visiting condolences.

Chapter V Management of Party Membership and Party Member Organization

Article 24 The probationary party members who have been approved by the party members' assembly of the Party branch and approved by the grassroots party committees shall obtain the party membership from the date of their adoption.

For party members who have gone abroad for a long time and have settled abroad for a long time, party members who have studied abroad for more than five years have not stopped returning their party membership. The decision to stop the party membership is made by the party organization that retains its organizational relationship in accordance with relevant regulations.

Party members who have lost contact with the party organization for more than six months and have not been contacted through various means are allowed to stop party membership. The decision to stop the party membership is made by the party branch or the party organization at the higher level in accordance with relevant regulations. If it is really impossible to obtain contact after stopping the party for 2 years, it will be removed from the party in accordance with the principle of leaving the party.

For party members who have stopped party membership, if they meet the requirements, they can resume party membership in accordance with the prescribed procedures. In principle, it is impossible to reintegrate the party, if it is allowed to quit the party, persuade the party not to retreat, remove the party from the party, quit the party, and expel the party.

Article 25 The relationship between party members and organizations refers to the affiliation of party members to the grassroots organizations of the party.

Each party member must be incorporated into a branch, group, or other specific organization of the party. Party members with fixed working units and units that have established party organizations are generally incorporated into the party organizations of their units. Party members who do not have a fixed working unit or who have not established a party organization are generally incorporated into their regular residence or public employment and talent service agencies, parks, buildings and other party organizations.

If a party member’s work unit or permanent place of residence changes, or if they go out to study, work, or live for more than 6 months and the location is relatively fixed, the organization relationship shall be transferred. Grassroots party committees with the authority to approve and prepare party members can directly transfer and receive party members' organizational relations across the country. When the party organization receives the party member organization relationship, if necessary, it can take appropriate measures to check the party members' files. For party members who have transferred their organizational relations but have not yet been accepted, the original party organization still has management responsibility. The party organization must not refuse to accept the party member organization relationship for no reason.

Article 26 Party members who do not have personnel files shall be established by the grass-roots party committees with the authority to examine and approve the party members, and shall be kept by the party committee or the party committee organization department at or above the county level.

Where there are conditions, the electronic management of party members' files is implemented.

Chapter VI Party Member Supervision and Organizational Disposition

Article 27: Party organizations shall, in strict ways of organizing their lives, listening to the opinions of the masses, and inspecting the work of party members, supervising party members' observance of party constitutions, party disciplines, especially political disciplines and political rules, and observing constitutional laws, regulations, and ethics. Participate in the organization's living conditions, fulfill the obligations of party members, contact the masses, and give play to the role of vanguard and exemplary role.

Article 28: If a party member has problems with the tendency of thinking, work, life, work style and discipline, and if the masses have a bad reaction to it, the person in charge of the party organization shall promptly remind the conversation, grasp the early arrest, and prevent the micro-duration. .

Article 29: Party members who do not participate in the party’s organizational life in accordance with the regulations, fail to pay party fees on time, and move to work and life in the field do not actively maintain contact with the party organizations, and there are other acts that are inconsistent with the requirements of the party, and the circumstances are relatively light. Party organizations should take appropriate and timely criticism and education to help them improve and improve.

Article 30: For party members who lack the will to revolution, do not fulfill the obligations of party members, and do not meet the conditions of party members, but who can correctly understand mistakes, are willing to accept education management, and are determined to correct, party organizations should make corrections within a time limit, and the time limit for correction should not exceed one year. . Party members who have been given a deadline for correction shall be assisted and educated.

Article 31 If a party member has one of the following circumstances, the delisting shall be given in accordance with the prescribed procedures:

(1) If the ideals and beliefs are lacking, the political stance is shaken, and the conditions of party members have been lost, they will be removed;

(2) Faith in religion. If the party organization helps the education to remain unchanged, it is advised to quit the party and persuade it to be removed.

(3) Failing to quit the party because of ideological degeneration, and still insist on withdrawing from the party after education;

(4) In order to achieve personal goals, to quit the party, if the education does not change, persuade them to quit the party and persuade them to be removed;

(5) If there is still no change after the expiration of the time limit, he/she is advised to quit the party and persuaded to remove the name;

(6) Without proper reasons, if they do not participate in the party's organizational life for six consecutive months, or do not pay party fees, or do not do the work assigned by the party, they shall be removed from the party according to their own disengagement.

Party members who violated the party discipline were given disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China.

Chapter VII Mobile Party Member Management

Article 32: Grassroots party organizations shall strengthen the management of mobile party members. Mobile party members who have gone abroad for more than 6 months and have not transferred organizational relations shall maintain regular contact and follow up on education, training and management services. Where the party members are relatively concentrated, the party organizations that flow out of the land can rely on the parks, chambers of commerce, industry associations, and offices in foreign countries to establish mobile party members.

Party organizations that flow into the land should assist in the daily management of mobile party members. In accordance with the way in which the organizational relationship is affiliated and participates in the life of multiple organizations, the organization of mobile party members will participate in organizational life. Party and town service centers such as towns, streets, villages, communities, and parks should be open to mobile party members. Mobile party members can participate in democratic appraisals in inflow party organizations or mobile party members.

For mobile party members who have the conditions for transferring organizational relations, the party organizations that flow out and inflow should be connected to do a good job of transfer.

Article 33 The rural party branch shall clarify that a person is responsible for maintaining contact with the mobile party members. The township party committee should master the basic situation of mobile party members and guide and urge the party branches to strengthen daily education management. Use the opportunity of mobile party members to return home and organize their participation in organizational life or education and training. For members of the mobile party who have good political quality and have the ability to become rich, they should be promptly included in the training of the reserve force of the village.

The urban community party organization guides the mobile party members living in different places, and guides them to report to the party organization in their place of residence, consciously participate in the activities of the party organization in the place of residence, and accept the management of the party organization. For party members who have settled in different places, guide and help them to transfer organizational relations in a timely manner.

The party organizations of public employment and talent service institutions shall establish and improve party organizations for mobile talents, rationalize the relationship between party members of mobile talents, and strengthen and improve the daily education management of party members of mobile talents.

Article 34 The party members of colleges and universities who retain the college graduates in the school shall continue to perform their management duties. The retention time of party members' organization relations is generally not more than 2 years, and the time limit for the transfer of organizational relations is timely.

For members of the study and study abroad, the party organization of the former university or work unit retains its organizational relationship and contacts it at least once every six months. After returning to study abroad, the party members returned to the organization and resumed their organizational life.

Chapter VIII Party Member Education Management Informationization

Article 35 Adapt to the requirements of the development of the times, make full use of Internet technology and information technology, improve the education management of party members, promote the deep integration of traditional advantages of grassroots party building and information technology, and continuously improve the modernization level of party members' education management.

Article 36: Overall planning and integration of resources, improve the information base of party members, strengthen the construction of the national party member management information system, promote the modern distance education of party members and cadres, and the innovative development of party members' electrification education, and promote the integration of party members' education management websites and mobile clients. Construction, establish an online platform for party education bases, and create an online position for the organic integration of party affairs, government affairs, and services.

Article 37: Adhere to the combination of online and offline, relying on the information management platform for party members' education management, and carry out business applications such as party member information management, party organization activity guidance management, mobile party member management services, development of party member management and party fee management, etc. Online learning training, transfer of organizational relationships, participation in party affairs and care assistance.

Focus on the use of information and data, conduct real-time analysis and judgment on the status of party members and party members' education management, identify problems in a timely manner, and continuously improve their work.

Article 38 Party members shall actively learn to use the network, rely on all kinds of party members' education management information platform, actively participate in online learning training, seriously participate in party organization activities, and consciously accept the educational management of party organizations. Through the network, we will publicize the party's theory, line, principles and policies, listen to the opinions of the masses, and contact the masses.

Party organizations should educate and guide party members to strictly regulate network behavior, dare to fight against false statements on the Internet, and must not produce, publish or disseminate information content that violates the party's disciplinary regulations and national laws and regulations.

Chapter IX Organizational leadership and job security

Article 39 Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Central Organization Department shall take the lead, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the State Supervision Commission, the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Party School (National School of Administration), the Central and State Organs Working Committee, the Ministry of Education Party Group, and the State Council SASAC The party committee and other participants participated in the establishment of the National Party Member Education Management Coordination Group, which is responsible for the planning, organization, coordination, and inspection guidance of the national party members' education management. The coordination group office is located in the Central Organization Department. The party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall establish a coordination organization for the education and management of party members. Establish and improve the operational mechanism of the Party Member Education Management Coordination Mechanism and give full play to its functional role.

The Central Organization Department is mainly responsible for the overall planning and coordination of party members' education and management work, do a good job in organizing arrangements for party members' centralized education and regular education, and strengthen specific guidance on party members' education management.

The State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is mainly responsible for the discipline and style education of party members, guiding the supervision of party members, and investigating and dealing with party discipline and violations of the party's discipline and duties.

The Central Propaganda Department is mainly responsible for party members' political theory education, situation and policy education, guiding and coordinating the preparation of party members' educational materials, and organizing advanced and typical study and promotion of party members.

The Central Party School (National School of Administration) is mainly responsible for the training of party members and leading cadres, and guides the local party schools (administrative colleges) to include party members' education and training in the teaching plan to ensure the time and quality of teaching.

The Central and State Organs Working Committee is mainly responsible for guiding the party organizations at all levels of the central and state organs to do a good job in the education and management of party members.

The party group of the Ministry of Education is mainly responsible for macro-directing the education and management of party members in higher education institutions.

The Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council is mainly responsible for the education and management of party members in the regulated enterprises.

Local party committees at all levels and discipline inspection and supervision organs, party committee propaganda departments, party schools (administrative colleges), government working committees, education work committees, and SASAC party committees, etc., respectively, in accordance with their functional responsibilities, undertake the tasks of party members' education management.

Article 40 Local party committees and departmental party committees (party committees) shall lead the education and management of party members in their own departments in this region, implement the Party Central Committee's guidelines, policies, and deployment requirements for party members' education and management, and regularly study the education and management of party members. Analyze the status of party members and propose work measures in a targeted manner.

The grassroots party committee fulfills the basic duties of grasping the education and management of party members, promotes the implementation of the work arrangements of the party organizations at higher levels, organizes the work of centralized training of party members, management of organizational relations, commendation and encouragement, care and assistance, organization and disposal, and disciplinary action, and guides the party branches under its jurisdiction. Do a good job in the daily education management of party members. The Party branch performs its duties in accordance with the Party Constitution and the relevant provisions of the Party. The party group shall implement the requirements and tasks of the party branch on the education and management of party members.

Article 41 The grassroots party committees, such as townships, streets, state-owned enterprises, and institutions of higher learning, shall be equipped with a certain number of full-time and part-time organizers in accordance with the regulations. The party committees at or above the county level shall organize and conduct business guidance and management, and shall be responsible for supervising and promoting the development of party members and party members. Management and other work.

Party members' education lecturer appointment system is implemented. Party committees at or above the county level select party members' education lecturers from outstanding party school teachers, grassroots party organization secretaries, advanced model figures, party workers, experts and scholars, practical technical talents, and retired cadres.

Strengthen the construction of county-level party schools (administrative schools) and grass-roots party schools. County-level party schools (administrative schools) should regard the centralized training of party members as an important task. Organize the party members' education lecturers in a planned manner to teach at the grassroots level. Pay attention to the role of the party and group service center, the party member cadre education and training base, and the new era civilized practice center.

Strengthen the construction planning of the national party members' education and training materials, and organize the preparation of the basic textbooks for the education of party members nationwide. All departments and departments of all regions can develop educational materials for party members with unique characteristics and pragmatic management in light of actual conditions.

Article 42 The funds for the education and management of party members shall be included in the local budgets at all levels, in accordance with the actual number of party members, with emphasis on guaranteeing grassroots party organizations such as rural, community, non-public economic organizations and social organizations, public employment and personnel service institutions. Conduct education management for party members and form a stable funding guarantee mechanism. The party fees retained by party committees at all levels are mainly used to educate and train party members and support grassroots party organizations to organize their lives. Strengthen financial support for the education and management of party members in the revolutionary old areas, ethnic areas, border areas, and poverty-stricken areas.

Article 43 Party committees of party committees at all levels shall strengthen the examination and examination of the education and management of party members. The grassroots party committee regards the education and management of party members as an important part of the report work of the higher party organizations. In the assessment of the work of the party building work at the grassroots level, the party responsible for the party organization was evaluated for the work of educating the party members. In the annual assessment and term assessment, the higher-level party organizations shall examine and inspect the education and management of party members in the lower-level party organizations.

In the case of dereliction of duty in the education and management of party members, they shall be held accountable and accountable in accordance with relevant regulations.

Chapter X Supplementary Provisions

Article 44 The regulations governing the education and management of party members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with these Regulations.

Article 45 The Central Organization Department is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

Article 46 These Regulations shall come into force on May 6, 2019.

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