Sunday, February 09, 2020

Developing the Role of the Communist Party Within State Owned Enterprises: 中共中央印发《中国共产党国有企业基层组织工作条例(试行)》[The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issues the Regulations on the Work of Primary Organizations of the Communist Party of China (Trial)]

Though it has been over a month, I thought it might be useful to circulate for consideration a potentially important draft Regulation on the Work of Primary Organizations of the Communist Party of China (Trial Implementation) 《中国共产党国有企业基层组织工作条例(试行)》(以下简称《条例》) which came into effect on a trail basis December 30, 2019. 
The notice pointed out that state-owned enterprises are an important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and an important pillar and relying force for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country. Adhering to party leadership and strengthening party building are the "roots" and "soul" of state-owned enterprises, and the glorious tradition and unique advantages of our state-owned enterprises. [通知指出,国有企业是中国特色社会主义的重要物质基础和政治基础,是党执政兴国的重要支柱和依靠力量。坚持党的领导、加强党的建设是国有企业的“根”和“魂”,是我国国有企业的光荣传统和独特优势。] 《中国共产党国有企业基层组织工作条例(试行)》
The Company Law of the PRC (2016) Article 17 provides: "The grass-root organizations of the Communist Party of China in companies shall carry out their activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China." The nature of that engagement is specified in Article 32 of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China with respect to state owned and private enterprises. 
In a state-owned or collective enterprise, the primary Party organization acts as the political nucleus and works for the operation of the enterprise. The primary Party organization guarantees and oversees the implementation of the principles and policies of the Party and the state in its own enterprise and backs the meeting of shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and manager (factory director) in the exercise of their functions and powers according to law. It relies wholeheartedly on the workers and office staff, supports the work of the congresses of representatives of workers and office staff and participates in making final decisions on major questions in the enterprise. It works to improve its own organization and provides leadership over ideological and political work, efforts for cultural and ethical progress and the trade unions, the Communist Youth League and other mass organizations.

In a non-public economic institution, the primary Party organization carries out the Party's principles and policies, provides guidance to and oversees the enterprise in observing the laws and regulations of the state, exercises leadership over the trade union, the Communist Youth League organization and other mass organizations, rallies the workers and office staff around it, safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of all quarters and stimulates the healthy development of the enterprise. (Constitution of the CPC Art 32).

The Regulations are particularly noteworthy (for Westerners at least) for two reasons (even if the organization of Chinese SOEs generally do not hold much interest otherwise). The first touches on the political organization of the enterprise and its potential effects on business to business relations in sensitive industries, especially where the connection might touch on matters subject to scrutiny by home states. This might be particularly relevant in the connect of joint ventures, cross investments and other arrangements where an element of control may be involved. Western enterprises with control relationships with local enterprises (for example subsidiaries) will have to take this development into account in organizing its own corporate governance strategies--and especially in their reporting of their corporate governance within their home states to the extent required under home state law. 

The second, and more important, reason is that this template of corporate governance will likely affect the entire control or contract chain of Chinese SOEs operating globally. That ought to be of particular interest to enterprises along the Chinese Belt and Road, many of which will engage in intense inter-relations with Chinese enterprises, including SOEs. It ought also to be of interest to those enterprises outside the Belt and Road sphere that are enmeshed in Chinese global production chains (or at least in such chains where Chinese enterprises, and especially SOEs) are positions at or near the apex of production control or direction.

None of this is to suggest that something terrible, or terribly new, is represented in the Regulations.  Indeed, that is not the case.  But it is to suggest that the renewed emphasis might mean that a set of practices that were observed at the margins and unevenly across industries might now be oven greater emphasis. It is also a signal about the nature of corporate governance of SOEs as inherently BOTH economic and political--and that the political must necessarily be undertaken under the leadership of the CPC.  To those ends,  Chapter 3, 4 and 7 (and here especially Article 31) merit considerable attention.

The Regulation is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 General Rules (Articles 1-3)
Chapter 2 Organizational Settings (Articles 4-10)
Chapter 3 Main Duties (Articles 11-12)
Chapter 4  Party Leadership and Corporate Governance (Articles 13-17)
Chapter 5 Party Building (Articles 18-22)
Chapter 6 Political Construction of the Party (Articles 23-27)
Chapter 7: Democracy and Supervision within the Party (Articles 28-31)
Chapter 8 Leadership and Guarantee (Articles 32-38)
Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions (Articles 39-41)

The Regulation in the original Chinese and in a crude English translation follows.

2020-01-05 19:34 来源: 新华社
【字体:大 中 小】打印

新华社北京1月5日电 近日,中共中央印发了《中国共产党国有企业基层组织工作条例(试行)》(以下简称《条例》),并发出通知,要求各地区各部门认真遵照执行。




(2019年11月29日中共中央政治局会议审议批准 2019年12月30日中共中央发布)

第一章 总则

第一条 为了深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,贯彻落实新时代党的建设总要求和新时代党的组织路线,坚持和加强党对国有企业的全面领导,提高国有企业党的建设质量,推动国有企业高质量发展,根据《中国共产党章程》和有关法律,制定本条例。

第二条 国有企业党组织必须高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,坚持和加强党的全面领导,坚持党要管党、全面从严治党,突出政治功能,提升组织力,强化使命意识和责任担当,推动国有企业深化改革,完善中国特色现代企业制度,增强国有经济竞争力、创新力、控制力、影响力、抗风险能力,为做强做优做大国有资本提供坚强政治和组织保证。

第三条 国有企业党组织工作应当遵循以下原则:






第二章 组织设置

第四条 国有企业党员人数100人以上的,设立党的基层委员会(以下简称党委)。党员人数不足100人、确因工作需要的,经上级党组织批准,也可以设立党委。




第五条 国有企业党委由党员大会或者党员代表大会选举产生,每届任期一般为5年。党总支和支部委员会由党员大会选举产生,每届任期一般为3年。任期届满应当按期进行换届选举。根据党组织隶属关系和干部管理权限,上级党组织一般应当提前6个月提醒做好换届准备工作。


第六条 国有企业党委一般由5至9人组成,最多不超过11人,其中书记1人、副书记1至2人。设立常务委员会的,党委常务委员会委员一般5至7人、最多不超过9人,党委委员一般15至21人。党委委员一般应当有3年以上党龄,其中中央企业及其直属企业(单位)、省属国有企业的党委委员应当有5年以上党龄。


第七条 国有企业党组织书记、副书记以及设立常务委员会的党委常务委员会委员,一般由本级委员会全体会议选举产生。选举结果报上级党组织批准。


第八条 国有企业党委设立纪律检查委员会或者纪律检查委员,党总支和支部委员会设立纪律检查委员。

第九条 国有企业在推进混合所有制改革过程中,应当同步设置或者调整党的组织,理顺党组织隶属关系,同步选配好党组织负责人和党务工作人员,有效开展党的工作。

第十条 为执行某项任务临时组建的工程项目、研发团队等机构,党员组织关系不转接的,经上级党组织批准,可以成立临时党组织。临时党组织领导班子成员由批准其成立的党组织指定。

第三章 主要职责

第十一条 国有企业党委(党组)发挥领导作用,把方向、管大局、保落实,依照规定讨论和决定企业重大事项。主要职责是:








第十二条 国有企业党支部(党总支)以及内设机构中设立的党委围绕生产经营开展工作,发挥战斗堡垒作用。主要职责是:







第四章 党的领导和公司治理

第十三条 国有企业应当将党建工作要求写入公司章程,写明党组织的职责权限、机构设置、运行机制、基础保障等重要事项,明确党组织研究讨论是董事会、经理层决策重大问题的前置程序,落实党组织在公司治理结构中的法定地位。

第十四条 坚持和完善“双向进入、交叉任职”领导体制,符合条件的党委(党组)班子成员可以通过法定程序进入董事会、监事会、经理层,董事会、监事会、经理层成员中符合条件的党员可以依照有关规定和程序进入党委(党组)。






第十五条 国有企业重大经营管理事项必须经党委(党组)研究讨论后,再由董事会或者经理层作出决定。研究讨论的事项主要包括:









第十六条 国有企业党组织应当按照干部管理权限,规范动议提名、组织考察、讨论决定等程序,落实对党忠诚、勇于创新、治企有方、兴企有为、清正廉洁的要求,做好选配企业领导人员工作,加大优秀年轻领导人员培养选拔力度,加强企业领导人员管理监督,保证党对干部人事工作的领导权和对重要干部的管理权。


第十七条 健全以职工代表大会为基本形式的民主管理制度,探索职工参与管理的有效方式,推进厂务公开、业务公开,保障职工知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权,维护职工合法权益。重大决策应当听取职工意见,涉及职工切身利益的重大问题必须经过职工代表大会或者职工大会审议。坚持和完善职工董事制度、职工监事制度,保证职工代表有序参与公司治理。

第五章 党员队伍建设

第十八条 国有企业党组织应当坚持集中教育和经常性教育相结合,采取集中轮训、党委(党组)理论学习中心组学习、理论宣讲、在线学习培训等方式,强化政治理论教育、党的宗旨教育、党章党规党纪教育和革命传统教育,组织引导党员认真学习党史、新中国史、改革开放史,推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化,把不忘初心、牢记使命作为加强党的建设的永恒课题和全体党员、干部的终身课题,形成长效机制。

第十九条 严肃党的组织生活,认真召开民主生活会和组织生活会,提高“三会一课”质量,落实谈心谈话、民主评议党员和主题党日等制度,增强党内政治生活的政治性、时代性、原则性、战斗性。坚持重温入党誓词、重温入党志愿书等有效做法,落实党员领导干部讲党课制度。

第二十条 强化党员日常管理,及时转接党员组织关系,督促党员按期足额交纳党费,增强党员意识。加强和改进青年党员、农民工党员、出国(境)党员、流动党员、劳务派遣制员工党员的管理服务。有针对性做好离退休职工党员、兼并重组和破产企业职工党员管理服务工作。



第二十一条 按照控制总量、优化结构、提高质量、发挥作用的总要求和有关规定发展党员。坚持把政治标准放在首位,重视在生产经营一线、青年职工和高知识群体中发展党员,力争每个班组都有党员。注重把生产经营骨干培养成党员,把党员培养成生产经营骨干。对技术能手、青年专家等优秀人才,党组织应当加强联系、重点培养。

第二十二条 紧密结合企业生产经营开展党组织活动,通过设立党员责任区、党员示范岗、党员突击队、党员服务队等形式,引导党员创先争优、攻坚克难,争当生产经营的能手、创新创业的模范、提高效益的标兵、服务群众的先锋。引导党员积极参与志愿服务,注重发挥党员在区域化党建和基层治理中的重要作用。

第六章 党的政治建设

第二十三条 国有企业党组织必须把党的政治建设摆在首位,担负起党的政治建设责任,提高政治站位,强化政治引领,增强政治能力,涵养政治生态,防范政治风险,坚决落实党中央决策部署,推动企业聚焦主责主业,服务国家发展战略,全面履行经济责任、政治责任、社会责任。

第二十四条 坚持用党的创新理论武装党员干部职工,突出政治教育和政治训练,推动习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进企业、进车间、进班组、进头脑,引领职工群众听党话、跟党走。开展中国特色社会主义和实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦宣传教育,加强爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育,抓好形势政策教育。

第二十五条 坚持以社会主义核心价值观引领企业文化建设,传承弘扬国有企业优良传统和作风,培育家国情怀,增强应对挑战的斗志,提升产业兴国、实业报国的精气神。深化文明单位创建,组织开展岗位技能竞赛,开展群众性文化体育活动,弘扬劳模精神、工匠精神,大力宣传、表彰先进典型,发挥示范引领作用,造就有理想守信念、懂技术会创新、敢担当讲奉献的新时代国有企业职工队伍。

第二十六条 把思想政治工作作为经常性、基础性工作,把解决思想问题同解决实际问题结合起来,多做得人心、暖人心、稳人心的工作,积极构建和谐劳动关系,努力将矛盾化解在基层。健全落实企业领导人员基层联系点、党员与职工结对帮带等制度,定期开展职工思想动态分析,有针对性做好人文关怀和心理疏导。注意在企业改革重组、化解过剩产能、处置“僵尸企业”和企业破产等过程中,深入细致做好思想工作,解决职工群众困难,引导职工群众拥护支持改革,积极参与改革。

第二十七条 坚持党建带群建,充分发挥群团组织桥梁纽带作用,推动群团组织团结动员职工群众围绕企业改革发展和生产经营建功立业,多为职工群众办好事、解难事,维护和发展职工群众利益。

第七章 党内民主和监督

第二十八条 国有企业党组织应当落实党员的知情权、参与权、选举权、监督权,畅通党员参与党内事务的途径,推进党务公开,建立健全党员定期评议党组织领导班子等制度。落实党员代表大会代表任期制,健全代表联系党员群众等制度,积极反映基层党组织和党员意见建议。

第二十九条 落实全面从严治党责任,强化政治监督,加强对党的理论和路线方针政策以及重大决策部署贯彻落实的监督检查。严格落实中央八项规定及其实施细则精神,坚决反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风。加强对制度执行的监督,加强对企业关键岗位、重要人员特别是主要负责人的监督,强化对权力集中、资金密集、资源富集、资产聚集的重点部门和单位的监督,突出“三重一大”决策、工程招投标、改制重组、产权变更和交易等重点环节的监督,严肃查处侵吞挥霍国有资产、利益输送等违规违纪问题。问题严重的,应当及时向上级党组织报告。

第三十条 落实党内监督责任,建立健全党内监督制度机制,强化日常管理和监督,充分发挥内设纪检组织、党委工作机构、基层党组织和党员的监督作用。加强对企业领导人员的党性教育、宗旨教育、警示教育,落实谈心谈话制度,加大提醒、函询、诫勉等力度,通过巡视巡察、考察考核、调研督导、处理信访举报、抽查核实个人有关事项报告等方式,督促企业领导人员依规依法用权、廉洁履职。


第三十一条 国有企业内设纪检组织履行监督执纪问责职责,协助党委推进全面从严治党、加强党风建设和组织协调反腐败工作,精准运用监督执纪“四种形态”,坚决惩治和预防腐败。


第八章 领导和保障

第三十二条 各级党委应当把国有企业党的建设纳入整体工作部署和党的建设总体规划,按照管人管党建相统一的原则,健全上下贯通、执行有力的严密体系,形成党委统一领导、党委组织部门牵头抓总、国有资产监管部门党组(党委)具体指导和日常管理、有关部门密切配合、企业党组织履职尽责的工作格局。中央组织部负责全国国有企业党的建设工作的宏观指导。



第三十三条 国有企业党组织履行党的建设主体责任,书记履行第一责任人职责,专职副书记履行直接责任,内设纪检组织负责人履行监督责任,党组织领导班子其他成员履行“一岗双责”,董事会、监事会和经理层党员成员应当积极支持、主动参与企业党建工作。


第三十四条 全面推行党组织书记抓基层党建述职评议考核。强化考核结果运用,考核结果在一定范围内通报,并作为企业领导人员政治素质考察和综合考核评价的重要依据。


第三十五条 国有企业党委按照有利于加强党的工作和精干高效协调原则,根据实际需要设立办公室、组织部、宣传部等工作机构,有关机构可以与企业职能相近的管理部门合署办公。领导人员管理和基层党组织建设一般由一个部门统一负责,分属两个部门的应当由同一个领导班子成员分管。

第三十六条 根据企业职工人数和实际需要,配备一定比例专兼职党务工作人员。选优配强党组织书记,把党支部书记岗位作为培养选拔企业领导人员的重要台阶。注重选拔政治素质好、熟悉经营管理、作风正派、在职工群众中有威信的党员骨干做企业党建工作,把党务工作岗位作为培养企业复合型人才的重要平台。严格落实同职级、同待遇政策,推动党务工作人员与其他经营管理人员双向交流。


第三十七条 通过纳入管理费用、党费留存等渠道,保障企业党组织工作经费,并向生产经营一线倾斜。纳入管理费用的部分,一般按照企业上年度职工工资总额1%的比例安排,由企业纳入年度预算。整合利用各类资源,建好用好党组织活动阵地。


第三十八条 坚持有责必问、失责必究。对国有企业党的建设思想不重视、工作不得力的,应当及时提醒、约谈或者通报批评,限期整改。对违反本条例规定的,按照有关规定追究责任。

第九章 附则

第三十九条 本条例适用于国有独资、全资企业和国有资本绝对控股企业。国有资本相对控股并具有实际控制力的企业,结合实际参照本条例执行。

第四十条 本条例由中央组织部负责解释。

第四十一条 本条例自2019年12月30日起施行。其他有关国有企业党组织工作的规定,凡与本条例不一致的,按照本条例执行。
【我要纠错】 责任编辑:李润发


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issues the Regulations on the Work of Primary Organizations of the Communist Party of China (Trial)
2020-01-05 19:34 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 5th. Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has issued the Regulations on the Work of Primary Organizations of the Communist Party of China (Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") and issued notices requiring all regions and departments to abide by them.

The notice pointed out that state-owned enterprises are an important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and an important pillar and relying force for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country. Adhering to party leadership and strengthening party building are the "roots" and "soul" of state-owned enterprises, and the glorious tradition and unique advantages of our state-owned enterprises. Guided by Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the "Regulations" thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, implemented the requirements of the Party Constitution, and comprehensively regulated the work of party organizations in state-owned enterprises. It is the basic principle for strengthening the party building of state-owned enterprises in the new era.

The notice requires that party committees (groups) at all levels should proceed from the perspective of consolidating the party's ruling foundation, take state-owned enterprise party building as an important task in managing the party, and take effective measures to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities and promote the Regulations. Come to fruition and see results. It is necessary to earnestly grasp the study, propaganda, and implementation of the Regulations, so that party organizations at all levels, especially state-owned enterprise party organizations, and party members and cadres, can fully understand the spirit of the Regulations and fully grasp the contents of the Regulations , Strictly abide by and implement the provisions of the Regulations. The Central Organization Department shall strengthen supervision and guidance together with relevant departments to ensure that the provisions of the Regulations are implemented. All departments and regions in the implementation of the "Regulations" of important situations and recommendations should be reported to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner.

The full text of the Regulations is as follows.

Regulations of the Communist Party of China on the Work of Primary Organizations of State-owned Enterprises (Trial) (Reviewed and approved by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on November 29, 2019; released by the CPC Central Committee on December 30, 2019)

Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1 In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, implement the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era, adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership of state-owned enterprises, and improve the quality of party building in state-owned enterprises To promote the high-quality development of state-owned enterprises, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and relevant laws.

Article 2. Party organizations of state-owned enterprises must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and be guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents," the scientific development concept, and Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Adhere to the party's basic theory, basic line, and basic strategy, strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards", adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership, adhere to the party's management of the party, and comprehensive compliance Govern the Party strictly, highlight political functions, enhance organizational power, strengthen mission awareness and responsibility, promote deep reform of state-owned enterprises, improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, and enhance the competitiveness, innovation, control, influence, and anti-risk capabilities of the state-owned economy Provide strong political and organizational guarantees for strengthening and strengthening state-owned capital.

Article 3: The party organization work of state-owned enterprises shall follow the following principles:

(1) Persisting in the unification of strengthening party leadership and improving corporate governance, and integrating party leadership into all aspects of corporate governance;

(2) Adhere to the deep integration of party building work with production and operation, and test the effectiveness of party organization work with the results of enterprise reform and development;

(3) Adhere to the party's management of cadres and the party's management of personnel, and cultivate high-quality professional enterprise leaders and talents;

(4) Persist in grasping the grassroots and laying the foundation, highlighting the building of party branches, and enhancing the vitality of grassroots party organizations;

(5) Persist in relying whole-heartedly on the working class, embody the master status of the enterprise workers and masses, and consolidate the class foundation of the party in power.

Chapter 2 Organizational Settings

Article 4: If the number of party members in state-owned enterprises is more than 100, a grass-roots party committee (hereinafter referred to as the party committee) shall be established. If the number of party members is less than 100, and due to work needs, a party committee may also be established with the approval of a higher-level party organization.

If the number of party members is more than 50 and less than 100, a party branch committee (hereinafter referred to as the general party branch) is established. If the number of party members is less than 50 and it is indeed necessary for work, a general party branch may be established with the approval of a higher-level party organization.

If there are 3 or more formal party members, a party branch is established. A party branch with 7 or more formal party members establishes a branch committee.

With the approval of the Party Central Committee, Chinese-managed enterprises generally set up party groups, and Chinese-managed financial enterprises set up party-type party committees.

Article 5: Party committees of state-owned enterprises are elected by party members' congresses or party member congresses, and their term of office is generally five years. The general party branch and branch committees are elected by the party member assembly, and each term of office is generally three years. At the end of the term, general elections shall be held on schedule. According to the affiliation of party organizations and the management authority of cadres, higher-level party organizations should generally remind them to prepare for the general election 6 months in advance.

The party organization elections of enterprises directly under the central enterprises are guided by the party committees (party groups) of the central enterprises, and the examination and approval procedures are handled in accordance with relevant party regulations. Central enterprises and their directly affiliated enterprises (units) convene party member congresses, and may assign representatives to the next-level enterprises (units) of party organizations that are affiliated to local party organizations.

Article 6: Party committees of state-owned enterprises generally consist of 5 to 9 members, with a maximum of 11 members, including 1 secretary and 1 to 2 deputy secretaries. Where a standing committee is established, the number of members of the standing committee of the party committee is usually 5 to 7, with a maximum of 9 members, and the number of members of the party committee is generally 15 to 21. Party committee members should generally have a party age of 3 years or more. Among them, party members of central enterprises, directly-owned enterprises (units) thereof, and provincial state-owned enterprises should have party years of 5 years or more.

The party branch of a state-owned enterprise generally consists of 5 to 7 members, with a maximum of 9 members; the branch committee consists of 3 to 5 members, and generally does not exceed 7 members. A party branch with less than 7 formal party members has a secretary and a deputy secretary if necessary. The party branch (general party branch) secretary should generally have a party age of more than one year.

Article 7: Secretary of the party organization, deputy secretary of a state-owned enterprise, and members of the standing committee of the party committee that establish a standing committee are generally elected by the plenary meeting of the committee at the corresponding level. The election results are reported to higher party organizations for approval.

The Party Committee of the Central Enterprise (Party Group) may, when it deems necessary, mobilize or appoint the person in charge of the Party organization of the enterprise (unit) directly under it.

Article 8: The Party committee of a state-owned enterprise shall establish a disciplinary inspection committee or a disciplinary inspection committee, and the Party branch and branch committees shall establish a disciplinary inspection committee.

Article 9: In the process of advancing the reform of mixed ownership, state-owned enterprises should simultaneously set up or adjust the party's organization, rationalize the affiliation of the party organization, select and match party leaders and party affairs staff, and effectively carry out the party's work.

Article 10 (1) For projects, R & D teams and other institutions that are temporarily set up to perform a certain task, if the party member organization relationship is not transferred, a temporary party organization may be established with the approval of a higher-level party organization. The members of the leadership group of the interim party organization are designated by the party organization that approved it.

Chapter 3 Main Duties

Article 11: Party committees (party groups) of state-owned enterprises play a leading role, discuss the direction, manage the overall situation, and ensure implementation, and discuss and decide on major issues of the enterprise in accordance with regulations. The main responsibilities are:

(1) Strengthen the political construction of the corporate party, adhere to and implement the basic system, basic system, and important system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and educate and guide all party members to always take Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in their political positions, political directions, political principles, and political roads. The Party Central Committee maintains a high degree of consistency;

(2) In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, study and propagate the party's theory, implement the party's line, guidelines, and policies, and supervise and ensure that the party's central party's major decision-making arrangements and higher-level party organization resolutions are implemented in this enterprise;

(3) To study and discuss major business management matters of the enterprise, and to support the shareholders' (major) meeting, the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and the management to exercise their powers according to law;

(4) Strengthen the leadership and control over the selection and employment of enterprises, and do a good job of building the leadership team and the cadre and talent team of the company;

(5) Fulfilling the main responsibilities of corporate party style and clean government construction, leading and supporting internal disciplinary inspection organizations to perform their duties of supervision and disciplinary accountability, rigorously clarifying political discipline and political rules, and promoting the comprehensive extension of the strict governance of the party to the grassroots;

(6) Strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations and party members, and unite and lead the staff and workers to actively participate in enterprise reform and development;

(7) Lead corporate ideological and political work, spiritual civilization construction, and united front work, and lead corporate group, Communist Youth League, and women's organizations.

Article 12: Party branches (general party branches) of state-owned enterprises and party committees set up in internal institutions carry out work around production and operation and play the role of battle fortress. The main responsibilities are:

(1) Learn to propagate and implement the Party's theory, line, guidelines, policies, publicize and implement the decisions of the Party Central Committee, superior Party organizations, and the organization, and unite and lead the staff and workers to complete various tasks of the unit.

(2) Participate in the decision-making of major issues of the unit in accordance with regulations, and support the person in charge of the unit to carry out work.

(3) Do well in the education, management, supervision, service and development of party members, strictly enforce the party's organizational life, organize the party members to create first place and strive for superiority, and give full play to the role of party members as pioneers and role models.

(4) Closely liaising with the staff and workers, promoting the reasonable demands of the staff and workers, and conscientiously doing a good job of ideological and political work. Lead the organization's trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's organizations and other group organizations to support their independent and responsible work in accordance with their respective regulations.

(5) To supervise party members, cadres and other employees of enterprises in strict compliance with national laws and regulations, corporate financial and personnel systems, and safeguard the interests of the country, the collective, and the masses.

(6) Seek truth from facts. Make suggestions on party building and party work, and report important situations to party organizations in a timely manner. Communicate Party members and the masses with the Party's work in accordance with regulations.

Chapter 4 Party Leadership and Corporate Governance

Article 13 State-owned enterprises shall write the requirements for party building work into the company's articles of association, and state important matters such as the duties and powers of the party organization, institutional settings, operating mechanisms, and basic guarantees, and make clear that party organization research and discussion is a major decision-making issue for the board of directors and managers. Pre-procedures to implement the legal status of party organizations in corporate governance structures.

Article 14 Adhere to and improve the "two-way entry and cross-serving" leadership system. Qualified members of the party committee (party group) can enter the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and the managerial level through legal procedures, and qualified members of the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and the managerial level. Can enter the party committee (party group) in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures.

The party committee (party group) secretary and chairman are generally held by one person, and the general manager of the party members serves as deputy secretary. If it is really necessary for the leader of the higher-level enterprise to serve concurrently as the chairman of the work, according to the actual situation of the enterprise, the party committee secretary can be the general manager of the party member, or it can be equipped separately.

An independent legal entity with no board of directors and only executive directors. The party committee secretary and executive director are usually one person. If the general manager is established separately and is a party member, he or she should generally be the deputy secretary of the party committee.

Whether a non-independent legal person enterprise such as a branch company, the party committee secretary and the general manager are separated is determined based on actual conditions. In general, the party committee secretary is the deputy general manager and the party member general manager is the deputy secretary of the party committee.

The Party Committee (Party Group) of the Central Enterprise is equipped with a full-time deputy secretary. The full-time deputy secretary usually enters the board of directors and does not serve at the managerial level. Large-scale enterprises with large numbers of employees and party members and central party-owned enterprises (units) and local state-owned enterprise party committees may be equipped with full-time deputy secretaries. The person in charge of the internal disciplinary inspection organization in the party committee (party group) of a state-owned enterprise generally does not concurrently hold other positions. If it is necessary to concurrently hold the position, it shall be reported to the superior party organization for approval.

The state-owned enterprise party organization implements a system of combining collective leadership and individual division of responsibilities. Members of the party organization leadership team who enter the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and the manager must implement the party's organizational decisions.

Article 15: Major matters of management and management of state-owned enterprises must be studied and discussed by the party committee (party group) before the board of directors or the manager makes a decision. The issues discussed in the study mainly include:

(1) Major measures to implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and implement the national development strategy;

(2) Enterprise development strategies, mid- and long-term development plans, and important reform plans;

(3) Principles of directionality in corporate assets reorganization, property right transfer, capital operation, and large investment;

(4) establishment and adjustment of corporate organizational structure, formulation and modification of important rules and regulations;

(5) Major matters involving the production safety, maintenance stability, employee rights and interests, and social responsibilities of the enterprise;

(6) Other important matters that should be studied and discussed by the party committee (party group).

The party committee (party group) of a state-owned enterprise should formulate a list of matters for research and discussion in light of the actual situation of the enterprise, and clarify the powers and responsibilities of the party committee (party group) and other governing bodies such as the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and the management.

The party branch (general party branch) of an independent legal entity enterprise that has decision-making authority over major matters of people, property, and materials and does not have a party committee is generally headed by a party member as the secretary and member, and the party branch (general party branch) conducts collective research and checks on major issues of the enterprise.

Article 16 Party organizations of state-owned enterprises shall, in accordance with the management authority of cadres, standardize procedures for motion nominations, organization of inspections, discussion and decision-making, and implement the requirements for party loyalty, courage to innovate, good governance, prosperous enterprises, and integrity. Good job selection of enterprise leaders, increase the training and selection of outstanding young leaders, strengthen the management and supervision of enterprise leaders, and ensure the party's leadership of personnel work and management of important cadres.

Implement the strategy of strengthening the enterprise with talents, improve the mechanism for talent cultivation, introduction, and use, and focus on doing business management talents, professional and technical talents, high-skilled talents, and talent shortages in special fields, stimulate and protect entrepreneurship, and create a good encouragement for innovation and entrepreneurship surroundings.

Article 17 Improve the democratic management system based on the workers 'congress as a basic form, explore effective ways for employees to participate in management, promote the disclosure of factory affairs and operations, protect the employees' right to information, participation, expression, and supervision, and safeguard their legality rights and interests. Major decisions shall be made in accordance with the opinions of the staff and workers, and major issues involving the vital interests of the staff must be considered by the staff representative conference or the staff conference. Adhere to and improve the employee director system and employee supervisor system to ensure the orderly participation of employee representatives in corporate governance.

Chapter 5: Party Building

Article 18 Party organizations of state-owned enterprises should adhere to the combination of centralized education and regular education, and adopt methods such as centralized rotation training, party committee (party group) theoretical learning center group learning, theoretical lectures, and online learning and training to strengthen political theory education and the party's purpose. Education, Party Constitution, Party Discipline Education, and Revolutionary Tradition Education, organize and guide Party members to seriously study the history of the Party, the history of New China, and the history of reform and opening up; The permanent task of strengthening party building and the life-long task of all party members and cadres, forming a long-term mechanism.

Article 19 Seriously organize the party ’s organizational life, conscientiously hold democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings, improve the quality of the “three meetings and one lesson”, implement a system of talks, democratic evaluation of party members, and theme party days, and strengthen the politics of party life Nature, time, principle, and combat. Adhere to effective methods such as reviewing the oath of entry to the party, and the voluntary letter of joining the party, and implement the party lecture system for leading cadres.

Article 20 (1) Strengthen daily management of party members, promptly transfer party organization relationships, urge party members to pay party fees in full and on time, and increase party member awareness. Strengthen and improve the management and service of young party members, migrant worker party members, party members abroad, mobile party members, and labor party members. Provide targeted management and service for party members of retired workers, employees of mergers and acquisitions, and bankrupt enterprises.

Caring for and caring for party members from politics, ideology, work, and life, establishing and improving the mechanism of caring and helping within the party, visiting the honorary awards and rewards on important festivals, anniversaries, etc., often contacting party members who are disabled due to work, old party members, Party members living in difficulties and families who have lost their jobs due to public sacrifice, help solve practical problems.

Strictly enforce party discipline, and timely educate or deal with party members who violate party discipline in accordance with relevant party regulations.

Article 21 (1) Develop party members in accordance with the general requirements for controlling total volume, optimizing structure, improving quality, and exerting functions and relevant regulations. Persist in putting political standards first, attach importance to the development of party members in the frontline of production and operation, young workers and high-knowledge groups, and strive to have party members in each team. Pay attention to cultivating the backbone of production and operation into party members, and cultivating party members into the backbone of production and management. Party organizations should strengthen contact and focus on training talents such as technical experts and young experts.

Article 22 Party activities are organized in close combination with the production and operation of enterprises, and party members are set up in areas such as Party Member Responsibility Areas, Party Member Demonstration Posts, Party Member Commandos, Party Member Service Teams, etc. to guide Party members to strive for superiority, overcome difficulties, and strive for production and operation. Experts, models of innovation and entrepreneurship, role models for improving efficiency, and pioneers serving the masses. Guide party members to actively participate in voluntary services and pay attention to the important role of party members in regional party building and grassroots governance.

Chapter 6 Political Construction of the Party

Article 23 Party organizations of state-owned enterprises must give top priority to the party's political construction, shoulder the party's political construction responsibilities, improve political standing, strengthen political leadership, strengthen political capabilities, conserve political ecology, prevent political risks, and implement them resolutely. The CPC Central Committee makes decisions and deployments, promotes enterprises to focus on their main responsibilities, serves the national development strategy, and fully performs economic, political, and social responsibilities.

Article 24: Persist in arming party members, cadres, and employees with the party's innovative theory, highlight political education and training, and promote Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era into enterprises, workshops, teams, and the mind, and guide the staff to listen to the party Follow the party. We will carry out publicity and education on socialism with Chinese characteristics and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, strengthen education on patriotism, collectivism, and socialism, and do a good job of education on policies and situations.

Article 25: Persist in leading the construction of corporate culture with the core values ​​of socialism, carry forward and carry forward the fine traditions and style of state-owned enterprises, cultivate national sentiments, strengthen the fighting spirit to meet challenges, and promote the spirit of industry to rejuvenate the country and industry to serve the country. Deepen the establishment of civilized units, organize job skills competitions, carry out mass cultural and sports activities, promote the spirit of model workers and craftsmen, vigorously publicize and recognize advanced models, and play a leading role in demonstration. Lecture on the dedication of the state-owned enterprise staff in the new era.

Article 26 Make ideological and political work as regular and basic work, combine solving ideological problems with practical problems, do more popular, warm, and stable work, actively build harmonious labor relations, and work hard to resolve contradictions At the grassroots level. We will improve the system of grass-roots contact points for corporate leaders, pairing of party members and employees, and help them to conduct regular analysis of employees' ideological dynamics, and provide targeted humanistic care and psychological counseling. In the process of enterprise reform and reorganization, dissolving excess capacity, disposing of "zombie enterprises" and corporate bankruptcy, we must do a good job of ideological work, solve the difficulties of the staff and workers, guide them to support and support the reform, and actively participate in the reform.

Article 27 Adhere to party building and group building, give full play to the role of bridge and group organization, promote group organization to mobilize the masses of workers and staff to build a career around enterprise reform and development and production and operation, and do more good things for employees, solve problems, maintain and develop The interests of the employees.

Chapter 7: Democracy and Supervision within the Party

Article 28: Party organizations of state-owned enterprises shall implement the party members ’right to know, participate, vote, and supervise, unblock the channels for party members to participate in intra-party affairs, promote the openness of party affairs, and establish and improve the system of party members’ regular review of party organization leadership. Implement the tenure system of the party member congress, improve the system of deputies to contact the party members, and actively reflect the opinions and suggestions of grass-roots party organizations and party members.

Article 29 (1) To implement the strict and strict management of the party's responsibilities, strengthen political supervision, and strengthen the supervision and inspection of the party's theory, line, policy, and implementation of major decision-making arrangements. Strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and its detailed rules for implementation, and resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance. Strengthen the supervision of the implementation of the system, strengthen the supervision of key positions of enterprises, important personnel, especially the main responsible persons, strengthen the supervision of key departments and units with centralized power, capital intensive, resource-rich, and asset-gathering, highlighting the "three major and one big The supervision of key links such as decision-making, project bidding, restructuring and reorganization, property rights change and transactions, and serious investigation and punishment of violations of regulations and disciplines such as embezzlement and waste of state-owned assets and benefits transmission. If the problem is serious, it should be reported to the higher-level party organization in a timely manner.

Article 30: Implement the responsibility for supervision within the party, establish and improve the supervision mechanism within the party, strengthen day-to-day management and supervision, and give full play to the supervisory role of internal disciplinary inspection organizations, party committee working institutions, grass-roots party organizations, and party members. Strengthen party education, purpose education, and warning education for corporate leaders, implement a heart-to-heart talk system, increase reminders, correspondence, and exhortations, and conduct inspections, inspections, investigations, supervision, handling letter reports, and spot checks to verify personal related matters Reports and other methods urged the leaders of the company to perform their duties with integrity and in accordance with the law.

Make good use of the supervisory committee, auditing, legal, financial and other supervisory forces of the enterprise, give full play to the role of employee supervision, social supervision and public opinion supervision, and promote the organic integration and mutual coordination of various types of supervision to form a synergy of supervision and improve the effectiveness of supervision.

Article 31 The internal disciplinary inspection organization of a state-owned enterprise performs its duties of accountability for supervision and discipline, assists the party committee in advancing the strict management of the party, strengthens the construction of party style, and organizes and coordinates anti-corruption work, and accurately applies the "four forms" of discipline supervision. Resolutely punish and prevent corruption.

The disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies assigned by the Disciplinary Supervision Commissions at all levels to perform disciplinary inspection and supervision duties are authorized to supervise the party committee (party group) of the enterprise on behalf of the superior disciplinary committee and supervise and promote the state-owned enterprise party committee (party group) to implement the strict and strict management of the party's main responsibility.

Chapter 8 Leadership and Guarantee

Article 32 Party committees at all levels shall incorporate the construction of state-owned enterprises into the overall work plan and the overall planning of the party's construction, and in accordance with the principle of unified management of the party and the management of the party, improve and implement a strong and rigorous system to form a unified leadership of the party committee The party committee organization department leads the work pattern of the general leadership and the state-owned assets supervision department's party group (party committee) for specific guidance and daily management, close cooperation between relevant departments, and corporate party organizations' performance of due diligence. The Central Organization Department is responsible for the macro-instruction of the party-building work of state-owned enterprises across the country.

The party building work of enterprises (units) directly under the central enterprises is mainly led and guided by the party committee (party group) of the central enterprise, with the assistance of party committees at or above the city level where the enterprise is located.

The party committee of the China Financial Management Corporation leads the party organizations in this system vertically, and is responsible for the party building work in this system.

Article 33 The party organization of a state-owned enterprise fulfills the responsibility of the party's main body of construction, the secretary performs the duties of the first responsible person, the full-time deputy secretary performs the direct responsibility, the person in charge of the discipline inspection organization has the supervision responsibility, and other members of the party organization's leadership team perform the "one Duties and responsibilities ", the members of the board of directors, the board of supervisors and managers of the management should actively support and take an active part in the party building of enterprises.

Party organizations at all levels should strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the responsibility system for party building, conduct pressure at various levels, and promote implementation.

Article 34 (1) Comprehensively implement the party organization secretary's appraisal and assessment of party building at the grassroots level. Strengthen the use of assessment results, report the assessment results within a certain range, and serve as an important basis for the political quality inspection and comprehensive assessment of corporate leaders.

At the beginning of each year, the enterprise party organization reports to the superior party organization a comprehensive report on the party building work of the previous year, and members of the party's leadership team regularly report to the party organization of the enterprise to grasp the party building work.

Article 35: Party committees of state-owned enterprises shall, in accordance with the principles conducive to strengthening the Party's work and capable and efficient coordination, set up offices, organization departments, and propaganda departments according to actual needs. Relevant organizations may co-operate with management departments with similar functions. The management of leaders and the building of grass-roots party organizations are generally under the unified responsibility of one department, and those belonging to the two departments should be managed by the same leadership team member.

Article 36 (1) A certain percentage of full-time and part-time party affairs staff shall be provided according to the number of employees and actual needs of enterprises. Selecting and appointing strong party organization secretaries, and taking the post of party branch secretary as an important step in training and selecting enterprise leaders. Pay attention to the selection of good political qualities, familiar with business management, decent work style, and the credibility of the party members backbone among the staff and workers to do the party building work of the enterprise, and use the party work posts as an important platform for the training of enterprise complex talents. Strictly implement the policy of same rank and same treatment, and promote two-way communication between party affairs staff and other management personnel.

Strengthen the training of party branch secretaries and party affairs staff, and ensure that party branch secretaries and party affairs staff participate in at least one concentrated training each year. The new party branch secretary should generally complete the post training within six months.

Article 37 (1) Through the inclusion of management costs, party fee retention, and other channels, the company's party organization work funds are guaranteed, and it is inclined to the front line of production and operation. The part that is included in the management expenses is generally arranged in accordance with the proportion of 1% of the total wages of employees in the previous year, and is included in the annual budget by the enterprise. Integrate and utilize all kinds of resources, and make good use of party organizations' positions.

Establish a regular supervision and guidance mechanism for the work of party branches, promote the standardization and standardized construction of party branches, and do a good job in rectifying and improving weak and scattered primary party organizations. Pay attention to the use of network information technology and new media platforms to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of party organization activities and education and management of party members.

Article 38: Persist in asking for responsibilities and asking for failures. Those who do not pay attention to the party building ideas of state-owned enterprises and are unable to work effectively should promptly remind, interview or report criticism, and make corrections within a time limit. Those who violate the provisions of these regulations shall be held accountable in accordance with relevant regulations.

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

Article 39 (1) These regulations apply to wholly state-owned, wholly-owned enterprises and enterprises with absolute control of state-owned capital. Enterprises with relatively controlled state-owned capital and actual control shall implement these regulations with reference to the actual situation.

Article 40: The Central Organization Department is responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.

Article 41: These regulations come into effect on December 30, 2019. Other regulations concerning the work of party organizations in state-owned enterprises that are inconsistent with these regulations shall be implemented in accordance with these regulations.

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