Thursday, July 16, 2020

Just Published: Larry Catá Backer, Fabio Bassan and Susanna Cafaro, "International Organizations and Systemic Crisis," ASTRID Rasegna No. 322(11) (July 2020)

I am delighted to pass along news of the publication of  "International Organizations and Systemic Crisis," which appears in the latest issue of ASTRID Rasegna (No. 322(11) (online) (July 2020); ISSN 2038-1662).  OPur thanks to Fabio Bassan for making this possible!
La Fondazione Astrid (Fondazione per l’Analisi, gli Studi e le Ricerche sulla Riforma delle Istituzioni Democratiche e sulla innovazione nelle amministrazioni pubbliche), è nata nel 2001 ed è divenuta fondazione nel 2009. Riunisce oggi più di trecento accademici, ricercatori ed esperti, specializzati nell’analisi, progettazione e implementazione delle politiche pubbliche, delle riforme istituzionali e amministrative, della regolazione dell’economia e delle problematiche dell’Unione europea. . . . Astrid è nata per contribuire alla diffusione della cultura democratica e riformista e al dibattito sulla reinvenzione delle istituzioni di governo, delle politiche pubbliche, dei sistemi amministrativi e della regolazione dell’economia, nel contesto della globalizzazione e dell’unità europea. Astrid opera prevalentemente mediante seminari permanenti o gruppi di studio che producono ricerche, analisi e proposte collegiali. [The Astrid Foundation (Foundation for Analysis, Studies and Research on the Reform of Democratic Institutions and innovation in public administrations), was born in 2001 and became a foundation in 2009. It brings together today more than three hundred academics, researchers and experts, specialized in the analysis, planning and implementation of public policies, institutional and administrative reforms, regulation of the economy and problems of the European Union. . . . Astrid was born to contribute to the spread of democratic and reformist culture and to the debate on the reinvention of government institutions, public policies, administrative systems and the regulation of the economy, in the context of globalization and European unity. Astrid operates mainly through permanent seminars or study groups that produce collaborative research, analysis and proposals.] (ASTRID, Chi siamo).

The essay derives from the amazing webinar organized by the amazing Fabio Bassan in June 2020 on the theme of the resilience of IOs under conditions of systemic crisis (Now Available--Video Recording of Key4biz Executive Webinar Room 451: 'International Organizations and Systemic Crises'. With Fabio Bassan (Roma Tre University), Larry Catà Backer (Penn State University) and Susanna Cafaro (Università of Salento)). Professor Bassan proposed the problem and advanced an approach to its resolution with which the remarkable Susana Cafaro and I engaged. The issues are timely and unlikely to disappear even as COVID-19 eventually passes into history (one can only hope and not soon enough). The essay remains true to the spirit of ASTRID and provides a quite useful exposition of the European middle way, true to the old traditions of post 1945 global ordering that is facing challenges from multiple directions and by multiple actors today. 

Part of the essay follows below and it may be accessed on the ASTRID website; and here.

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