Thursday, November 19, 2020

I Congreso Italo-Español sobre la Lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático (First Italo-Spanish Congress on the Key Role of the Courts in the Fight Against Climate Change).



I am delighted to announce the  I Congreso Italo-Español sobre la Lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático (First Italo-Spanish Congress on the Key Role of the Courts in the Fight Against Climate Change). The Congress takes place 19-20 November in a mixed mode (physical-virtual) format.

El programa del congreso incluye diferentes conferencias a cargo de expertos como Carmen Márquez, que abordará los «Casos ambientales, daños climáticos y responsabilidad corporativa»; Michele Nino, que profundizará en el «Arbitraje internacional y cambio climático», y Antoni Pigrau, que tratará las «Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y la responsabilidad internacional del Estado». Asimismo, se han programado tres sesiones temáticas sobre el marco teórico internacional de los impactos ambientales y sociales del cambio climático; los litigios sobre cambio climático; y las visiones internacionales sobre el cambio climático, así como una mesa redonda dedicada a los actores destacados en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Además, se realizará una presentación de comunicaciones.  El congreso cuenta con la financiación de la Generalitat Valenciana. [The congress program includes different lectures by experts such as Carmen Márquez, who will address "Environmental cases, climate damage and corporate responsibility"; Michele Nino, who will delve into "International arbitration and climate change", and Antoni Pigrau, who will deal with "Greenhouse gas emissions and the international responsibility of the State." Likewise, three thematic sessions have been programmed on the international theoretical framework of the environmental and social impacts of climate change; litigation on climate change; and international visions on climate change, as well as a round table dedicated to leading actors in the fight against climate change. In addition, there will be a presentation of communications. The congress is financed by the Generalitat Valenciana.] (Announcement)

Great thanks to the organizing committee for a great program and a shout out to Maria Chiara Marullo, for organizing the excellent panel on which I will participate. 

The Conference Program and the PowerPoint of my presentation, El estado del litigio en materia de cambio climático en los EEUU [The State of Climate Change Litigation in the USA] follow. Links in my PPT may be accessed here. ACCESS and DOWNLOAD PPT HERE:  Climate_Litigation_US_2020

The parallel sessions (comunicaciones) held on the 19th November at 18.30h (CET), will be streamed via Meet:

Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:

The full and updated program can be consulted at the following link:

If you have any question, please contact us:








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