Sunday, January 09, 2022

习近平 "加强党史军史和光荣传统教育 确保官兵永远听党话、跟党走" [Xi Jinping, "Strengthen the education of party history, military history and glorious traditions to ensure that officers and soldiers always listen to the party and follow the party"]


 2019年10月1日,庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会在北京天安门广场隆重举行。这是中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平检阅受阅部队。 新华社记者 李涛/摄 [On October 1, 2019, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. This is Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspecting the troops under review. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Tao / photo]

The recent eruption in Kazakhstan serves to remind one of the centrality of the rationalization of the authority of the civilian and military /police establishments within a state apparatus not merely in keeping order but in preserving the institutionalized expression of its political system incarnated in the bureaucracies of its government. The same is true in the context of the outward use of the military/police establishment, for example in the much threatened Russian invasion of Ukraine that has been "scheduled" for the Spring of 2022. The use of a military/police power within the autonomous regions of China and potentially in its efforts to secure territory in some future time also suggest the importance of understanding the discursive and theoretical model, the principles, that help shape the relationship between the political and military establishments if only to understand better their interactions, their own vanguards and where and how the core of their leadership may be identified.

The relationship between the military and the political apparatus in Marxist Leninist states poses similar challenges to those faced in liberal democratic states.  These revolve around two main issues.  The first is normative: the socialization of the military apparatus and especially it middle and lower ranks into the core normative principles and values of the the societal and political order. Related ot that is the task of inculcating a sense of the responsibility of the military within that order.  That then touches on the second great challenge, one that is institutional. This second challenge focuses on the naturalization of a very specific order or hierarchy of authority, especially as between the military and the political institutions of society. In liberal democratic states that produces a rich narrative of the supremacy of civilian leadership of the military and of the military as the force tool of the political order.  In Leninist states, the narrative produced is of the leadership of the political vanguard over the military, and of the supremacy of the vanguard over and within the institution of the military. It is true enough that the relationship is the subject of treatment in the most sacred of the political writings on which the state is organized.  But those writings tend to be a doorway rather than the destination when it comes to the actual expression of its principles in the political and bureaucratic institutionalization of the relations between two establishments, the nature and powers of which are quite distinct though interwoven.

In both cases there is a wide variation in the way that these principles are applied to the construction of an institutionalized bureaucratic governance establishment. Much of it is a function of the history and national context in which it is developed.  But in all cases, those contextual factors are molded to and by the fundamental narrative of the ordering of the state, and of the military/police power within it. In Cuba, for example, the historical reality that produced a Communist vanguard from out of the military establishment that has seized power shaped in quite distinctive ways the construction of a Leninist power architecture between military and political bureaucracies (Cuba's Praetorian Marxism is discussed in my book, Cuba's Caribbean Marxism, Chapter 3 (2018)).  In China the vanguard and its military establishment were joined together almost from the first, and that produced a very different development and a very different expression of the character and form of the challenges of military/police power within a Leninist political construct.

It is to that sort of challenge that Qiushi (Seeking Truth) the theoretical organ of the Chinese Communist Party, choose to push a collection of remarks by Xi Jinping that touched on those issues in the summer of 2021: 习近平 "加强党史军史和光荣传统教育 确保官兵永远听党话、跟党走" [Xi Jinping, "Strengthen the education of party history, military history and glorious traditions to ensure that officers and soldiers always listen to the party and follow the party"] Qiushi  [Seeking Truth] July 31 2021 . The opening excerpt is telling and expresses in Leninist terms the almost universal principle for adherents of the view that only civilian control of the military/police power is legitimate in the construction of a political order, that the military--its individuals and its institutional self-consciousness must be socialized to serve a superior authority--or better put, to serve the superior values of the political-economic model of the state overseen by a civilian apparatus.:

One: It is necessary to always put ideological and political construction in the first place in all aspects of the military construction, strengthen theoretical arming, strengthen the education of military spirit, continue to deeply cultivate the core values ​​of contemporary revolutionary soldiers, organize officers and soldiers to earnestly study the history of the party and the military, so that the absolute leadership of the party over the army will be It is deeply rooted in the thinking of officers and soldiers to ensure that the entire army resolutely obeys the command of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission at all times and under any circumstances. (Speech at the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission on November 16, 2012)

The starting point is both well understood and interesting for having to be repeated.  During the medieval period in Europe, for example, the constant repetition of ordinances sometimes suggested the challenges of getting anyone or sufficient numbers to adhere to its command.  Other times it served as part of a ritualized expression of the obvious, made necessary because while institutions live "forever" the individuals who serve it and give it life do not. The result is the need for constant training as people come and go.  But its essence is unmistakable.  First is the overarching authority of the principles of rationalized norms on which the state is grounded.  Second, a fidelity to a very specific apparatus as the authoritative and legitimate guardian of that normative complex, and third, the need to inculcate appropriate learning, to socialize the military/police power in this construction to ensure a continued and high degree of fidelity to its structuring. This is little different from the way it is undertaken in liberal democratic states, except that the actors and norms are quite different. The point, though, is important--one does not speak here of a naked and arbitrary power bereft of either a guiding ideology or a grounding in legitimating principles. That makes the discourse that follows both more powerful and important to understand, especially for those who manage the civilian and military establishments of competing forces. 

The excerpts end where they start: a strong military is one whose members are tightly ideologically controlled--or better, managed. It is the role fo the civilians to ensure that necessary socialization.  But not just socialization, but the inculcation of the fundamental vales of Leninism that then opens the individuals from the lowest ranks up top the principles of Marxism developed by the Leninist leadership organs and expressed as its Basic Line. One does not just create a loyal military but a Marxist one as well. (Paragraph 19 below). But then that is precisely what liberal democratic military establishments ought to be considering as well. Yet the modalities of that inculcation present substantially different challenges--one that it is not clear that is especially important to senior military bureaucrats or their civilian supervisors at the current time.

The article follows with a crude English translation.  Students of military institutonalism and of civil-military relations may find this of interest.  Those seeking to understand both the normative construction of Leninist governance and its internal contradictions may also find items of use from these collection of remarks.  Students of discourse might find the curation of these remarks, and their ordering within the article of great interest as well. 

加强党史军史和光荣传统教育 确保官兵永远听党话、跟党走

来源:《求是》2021/15 作者:习近平 2021-07-31 15:10:02








  2014年10月30日,全军政治工作会议在福建省上杭县古田镇召开。这是10月31日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席会议并发表重要讲话。 新华社记者 李刚/摄



  2019年10月1日,庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会在北京天安门广场隆重举行。这是中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平检阅受阅部队。 新华社记者 李涛/摄









  2021年7月21日至23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到西藏,祝贺西藏和平解放70周年,看望慰问西藏各族干部群众。这是23日上午,习近平在拉萨亲切接见驻西藏部队官兵代表,向驻西藏部队全体指战员致以诚挚的问候,对驻西藏部队作出的突出贡献给予充分肯定。 新华社记者 李刚/摄










  2019年新春佳节即将到来之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平2月2日专程来到北京卫戍区,深入基层班排,察看执勤哨位,亲切慰问部队官兵,代表党中央和中央军委,向全体人民解放军指战员、武警部队官兵、民兵预备役人员致以诚挚问候和新春祝福。这是北京卫戍区支援保障大队警卫勤务一中队战士现场书写“福”字敬送习主席,表达官兵对习主席的新春祝福。 新华社记者 李刚/摄






















  2018年6月11日下午,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平视察北部战区海军。这是习近平来到某潜艇部队,登上潜艇,同艇员亲切交谈。 新华社记者 李刚/摄















Strengthen the education of party history, military history and glorious traditions to ensure that officers and soldiers always listen to the party and follow the party
Source: "Seeking Truth" 2021/15 Author: Xi Jinping 2021-07-31 15:10:02

Strengthen the education of party history and military history and glorious traditions; Ensure that officers and soldiers always listen to the Party and follow the Party

Xi Jinping


It is necessary to always put ideological and political construction in the first place in all aspects of military construction, strengthen theoretical arming, strengthen military soul education, continue to deeply cultivate the core values ​​of contemporary revolutionary soldiers, organize officers and soldiers to earnestly study the history of the party and the military, so that the absolute leadership of the party over the army will be It is deeply rooted in the thinking of officers and soldiers to ensure that the entire army resolutely obeys the command of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission at all times and under any circumstances.  (Speech at the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission on November 16, 2012)


As an armed group that carries out the party's political tasks, our army must take listening to the party's command as the top priority in military construction, and ensure that the troops are absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, and absolutely reliable. Our army was created by the party. It was closely linked with the party from the moment it was born, and it has always acted and fought under the absolute leadership of the party. Our party is a Marxist party and a party that serves the people wholeheartedly. Only by adhering to the party's absolute leadership over the army can we fundamentally guarantee the nature of the people's army. For more than 80 years, the reason why our army has always maintained strong cohesion, centripetal force, and combat effectiveness, has withstood various tests, and has continued from victory to victory, is the most fundamental reason for the strong leadership of the party. If this one is lost, the army will deteriorate. At any time and under any circumstances, our army must firmly follow the party's command of the spirit of a strong army, adhere to the fundamental principle of the party's absolute leadership over the army and the fundamental purpose of the people's army, and unswervingly implement the party's theory, line, principles and policies. , always loyal to the party, loyal to socialism, loyal to the motherland, loyal to the people, so that all actions obey the command of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission. (Speech at the plenary meeting of the PLA delegation at the First Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on March 11, 2013).


On October 30, 2014, the All-Army Political Work Conference was held in Gutian Town, Shanghang County, Fujian Province. This is October 31. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang / photo


It is necessary to insist on putting the ideological and political construction and mastering of the army in a prominent position, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in accordance with the requirements of being at the forefront, carry out in-depth publicity and education on socialism with Chinese characteristics, continue to cultivate the core values ​​of contemporary revolutionary soldiers, vigorously Develop an advanced military culture, do a solid job in the educational activities on the theme of "Strengthening Faith and Forging the Soul of the Army", organize officers and soldiers to earnestly study the history of the Party and the military, strengthen the political confidence and political consciousness of the Party's absolute leadership of the army, and make sure that officers and soldiers hold high the banner and listen to the military. The ideological and political basis of party command. (Speech at the plenary meeting of the PLA delegation at the First Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on March 11, 2013)


On October 1, 2019, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. This is Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspecting the troops under review. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Tao / photo


The foundation of the military's ideological and political construction is to unswervingly adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over the military. Our party has always attached great importance to ideologically, politically and organizationally controlling the troops. In the early days of our army, the principle of the party commanding the gun was established. The biggest achievement of Sanwan's reorganization was to improve the party organization in the workers' and peasants' revolutionary army and build the branch on the company. Comrade Luo Ronghuan later pointed out that if Comrade Mao Zedong wisely solved this fundamental problem, then this army would not have a political soul and would not have a clear program of action. (Speech after listening to the work report of the Beijing Military Region on July 29, 2013)


History and reality tell us that in order to consolidate the party's ruling position and ensure that the socialist red country never changes color, we must unswervingly uphold the party's absolute leadership over the military. It is necessary to educate and guide officers and soldiers, especially senior and middle-level leading cadres, to consciously strengthen their political beliefs, stand firm in political positions, and strictly abide by political discipline, so as to maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission at all times and under any circumstances, and resolutely obey the command of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission. (Speech after listening to the work report of the Beijing Military Region on July 29, 2013)


The most fundamental reason why our army has been able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and hardships and continue to move from victory to victory is to unswervingly listen to the party's words and follow the party. This is the soul and lifeblood of our army, which can never be changed or lost. The primary task of party building in the army is to ensure the party's absolute leadership over the army, which is also the fundamental requirement for party building in the army. (Speech at a meeting with representatives of the Party Construction Work Conference of the whole army on November 6, 2013)


Gutian is the place where our party established the principles of ideological party building and political army building, the place where the foundation of our military's political work was laid, and the place where the new type of people's army was shaped. Meeting here is iconic. Gutian is a place I am very familiar with and have been here many times. The political work of our military sprouts in the period of the Great Revolution, was founded at the beginning of the founding of the army, is based on the Gutian Conference, and has been continuously enriched and developed in the long-term revolution, construction and reform practice. In the morning, at the old site of the Gutian Conference and the site of the memorial hall, the scene of the forefathers exploring the revolutionary road, the blue thread and the hard struggle, came to my mind one after another. The Gutian Conference was held at a critical moment of life and death for the Red Army. At that time, Comrade Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Chen Yi led the main force of the Fourth Red Army to descend from Jinggang Mountain. During the process of moving to southern Jiangxi and western Fujian, the troops had a debate on the principles of army building. After the Eighth Party Congress of the Fourth Red Army, the Fourth Red Army failed to attack the Dongjiang River. The troops were confused and demoralized, and faced a severe test. According to the "Letter from the Central Committee in September", the Fourth Red Army held the ninth party congress to correct and eliminate all kinds of non-proletarian ideology, and formed the famous Gutian meeting resolution in the history of our party and our army. This meeting established the Marxist principles of building the Party and the army, established the policy, principles and systems of our army's political work, and proposed a solution to the fundamental problem of building an army with peasants as the main component into a new type of people's army of a proletarian nature. principle direction.

History can often be seen more clearly after the passage of time. Looking back, the Gutian Conference made our army reborn from the ashes and the phoenix nirvana. Since then, under the leadership of the party, our army has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, and has continued from victory to victory. The political work of our army laid the foundation of the Gutian Conference played a decisive role in the survival and development of our army.


From July 21 to 23, 2021, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, came to Tibet to congratulate the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, and visited and expressed condolences to officials and people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. On the morning of the 23rd, Xi Jinping cordially received the representatives of the troops stationed in Tibet in Lhasa, extended sincere greetings to all the commanders and fighters of the troops stationed in Tibet, and fully affirmed the outstanding contributions made by the troops stationed in Tibet. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang / photo

On December 26 last year, I said at the symposium commemorating the 120th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's birth, that in everything going forward, we must not forget the road we have traveled; the past. On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Gutian Conference, we came here for the purpose of tracing the origin, thinking deeply about where and why we started, reviewing the glorious history of our party and our army, and cherishing the great achievements of the older generation of revolutionaries. Accept the baptism of thought for better progress. (Speech at the All-Army Political Work Conference on October 31, 2014)


"Everyone who controls the country and runs the army must teach them with propriety and encourage them with righteousness." Political work is essentially the work of the party to lead and control the army. As an armed group that carries out the party's political tasks, our army must adhere to the party's absolute leadership in order to become a revolutionary army under the party's absolute leadership. where to go. If we can't do this, not only our army will not be able to grow and develop, but the revolution, construction and reform under the leadership of the party will not be successful.

Our party has established party organizations at all levels of the army, with teams in platoons, branches in companies, and party committees in units above the battalion level, and party leadership goes directly to the grassroots and soldiers. Comrade Mao Zedong said: "The Red Army fought hard and did not collapse because of the fact that the branch was built on the company." A few years ago, when I visited Venezuela, President Chavez asked me what the Chinese Communist Party relies on for its strength. , I told him about the example of the branch being built on the link. He really appreciates that, it's something they want to do and can't.  (Speech at the All-Army Political Work Conference on October 31, 2014)


In long-term practice, our army has carried out in-depth political work, relied on the firm belief that "revolutionary ideals are higher than the sky", relied on overcoming all enemies without being overwhelmed by any enemy, and conquering all difficulties without being overwhelmed by any difficulties. Revolutionary spirit, completed the rare long march in the world, defeated the Kuomintang army with American equipment with "millet and rifle", defeated the world's number one enemy armed to the teeth in the Korean battlefield, and performed a mighty and majestic war drama. , has created a heroic feat of earth-shattering, weeping ghosts and gods.

This place in western Fujian has made outstanding contributions to the revolution. When the Long March set off, there were more than 20,000 children of Fujian and Western China in the Red Army. The Red 34th Division, which served as the general guard of the Central Red Army, had more than 6,000 people mainly from Fujian and Western regions. The division commander, Chen Shuxiang, was unfortunately captured. He tore open his abdominal wound, twisted his intestines, and sacrificed heroically, fulfilling his vow to "bleed the last drop of blood for the Soviets". In the long-term revolutionary struggle, millions of soldiers of our army gave their lives, and countless heroic figures and hero groups emerged. Zhao Yiman, Dong Cunrui, Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation Eight female warriors are among the outstanding representatives. "The revolution is not afraid of death, and the revolution is not afraid of death." As long as there is one person left, they will fight the enemy to the end. This is the creed of the people's army. I read the book "The Coldest Winter" written by American David Halberstam, which is about the Korean War. In it, he wrote that what the United States and the United Nations admire most about the Chinese People's Volunteers is that the soldiers braved the powerful firepower. The fearless spirit of the brave charge made them tremble with fear. (Speech at the All-Army Political Work Conference on October 31, 2014)


Our army has always emphasized the unity of officers and soldiers, complete equality in politics, and sharing weal and woe in life, forming a new relationship between officers and soldiers that is different from the old army. The army is like a melting pot, melting and transforming peasants, old soldiers, and captives into heroic revolutionary fighters. During the Civil Revolutionary War, millions of Kuomintang army soldiers turned their guns under the education of our army and turned on Chiang Kai-shek. They personally felt that the people's army is good, and the Kuomintang army is two different things.


As the 2019 Spring Festival is approaching, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, made a special trip to the Beijing Garrison District on February 2, went deep into the grassroots team, inspected the duty posts, cordially expressed condolences to the officers and soldiers, and represented the Party Central Committee and the military. The Central Military Commission would like to extend its sincere greetings and New Year wishes to all the officers and men of the People's Liberation Army, officers and men of the Armed Police Force, and militia reservists. This is the soldiers of the First Squadron of the Guard Service of the Beijing Garrison Support Brigade who wrote the word "Fu" on the spot to send President Xi to express their New Year wishes to President Xi. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang / photo

Hard work is the political essence of our army. Comrade Mao Zedong once responded to the complaints of some comrades who compared the PLA's eating sauerkraut with the capitalists' 5 bowls. Our army was able to learn from the lesson of Li Zicheng's army entering Beijing that "a huge number of people are enjoying themselves in the capital" and did not become Li Zicheng's second place. Fundamentally speaking, it was the result of educating officers and soldiers with a spirit of hard work. (Speech at the All-Army Political Work Conference on October 31, 2014)


In the long-term practice, our military's political work has formed a set of fine traditions, which mainly include: adhere to the fundamental principle and system of the party commanding the gun, adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, and adhere to the fundamental style of the mass line. , insist on arming officers and soldiers with scientific theory, insist on playing a service guarantee role around the central tasks of the party and the army, insist on fair and dignified selection and use of cadres, adhere to the unity of officers and soldiers, promote democracy, adhere to the implementation of conscious and strict discipline, and adhere to the revolution of hard work, sacrifice and dedication Spirit, insist that party members and cadres take the lead, lead by example, and so on. These fine traditions are the fundamental principles and content of our military's political work. We must deeply understand the important position and role of our military's political work, and pass on the fine traditions forged with blood and life by our ancestors from generation to generation. (Speech at the All-Army Political Work Conference on October 31, 2014)


For the military, the core and most important thing in firm belief and belief is to cast a solid military soul and unswervingly adhere to the party's absolute leadership over the military. Just now, when I visited the Military History Museum, I was deeply touched by the story of the "half belt" of the 274th Regiment of the 93rd Division of the Red 31st Army during the Long March. The soldiers of the Red Army would rather suffer from starvation, but also keep half of the belt and take it to "go to Yan'an to see Chairman Mao". This is the power of faith, and it is a vivid portrayal of "Tie Xin follows the Party". There are many red resources like this in the army. It is necessary to explore and use them well, enrich the connotation of the project of "passing down red genes from generation to generation", strengthen the education of party history and military history and glorious traditions, and ensure that officers and soldiers will always listen to the party and follow the party. (Speech during an inspection of the 13th Army Group on January 5, 2016)


The victory of the Long March enlightens us: the people's army is the support of the revolution and the hope of the nation, and the absolute leadership of the party over the army is the fundamental guarantee for the victory of the people's army. The Long March trained the people's army, the Long March trained the people's army, the Long March made the people's army, and the Long March opened a new starting point for the development of the people's army. The Long March is the glory of the people's army, and the glorious people's army must always inherit the great spirit and fine style of the Red Army's Long March. (Speech at the Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Red Army's Long March on October 21, 2016)


Over the past 90 years, under the leadership of the Party, the People's Army has continuously moved from victory to victory, and has made outstanding achievements in the annals of history for national independence and people's liberation, for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people. The 90 years of hard work of the People's Army, condensed with firm ideals and beliefs, fine revolutionary traditions, and tenacious fighting style, are our precious spiritual wealth. We must bear in mind the glorious history, inherit the red genes, and continue to advance the great cause created by our revolutionary ancestors from a new starting point, and inspire and inspire the cadres, the masses, and the military officers and fighters to be confident in the path, theory, and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. , cultural self-confidence, and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make unremitting efforts to build the people's army into a world-class army. (Speech on July 21, 2017 when visiting the "Remember the glorious history and create a strong army - the theme exhibition to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army")


The people's army went from victory to victory, demonstrating the great power of the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Comrade Mao Zedong once pointed out: "Our principle is that the party commands the gun, and the gun must not be allowed to command the party." The fundamental principle and system of the party's absolute leadership over the army originated in the Nanchang Uprising, based on the Sanwan Reorganization, and finalized in the Gutian Conference. It is the political characteristics and fundamental advantages of the people's army that are completely different from all the old armies. Tens of thousands of revolutionary soldiers are determined to listen to the party's words and follow the party's words. They rise up even more in the face of setbacks and move forward bravely in the face of adversity. On the long and stormy revolutionary road, the most frequently spoken words by our soldiers are: as long as you follow the party, you will surely win. Loyalty has created the people's army's unyielding loyalty to the party, created the fish-water affection between the people's army and the people, and created the people's army's firm will to fight for the party and the people.

History tells us that the party's command of the gun is the fundamental guarantee for maintaining the essence and purpose of the people's army. This is an unbreakable truth that our party has drawn from the struggle of blood and fire. With the Communist Party of China and the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people's army will have direction and strength to advance. On the way forward, the people's army must firmly adhere to the party's absolute leadership over the army, regard this as the people's army's soul that can never be changed, and the lifeblood that can never be lost. , Take the direction of the party as the direction and the will of the party as the will. (Speech at the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on August 1, 2017)


It is necessary to forge a strong grassroots who listen to the party and follow the party, and ensure that the party's absolute leadership over the army goes directly to the grassroots and officers and soldiers. It is necessary to strengthen the political guidance of grass-roots officers and soldiers, adhere to the use of the Party's scientific theory to build a company and educate people, do a good job of arming officers and soldiers with the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the Party's idea of ​​strengthening the army in the new era, and deepen the "remaining true to the original intention and keeping in mind the mission". "The theme education and the theme education of "Inheriting the red gene and taking on the important task of strengthening the military", promote the project of red gene transmission from generation to generation, and lay a solid ideological and political foundation for obeying the command of the party and dedicating to the cause of strengthening the military. We must look at grass-roots officers and soldiers with a vision of trust, appreciation, and development, explore the construction of an ideological and political education system in the new era, and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of education. It is necessary to strengthen the political function and organizational strength of grass-roots party organizations, strengthen the construction of secretaries, explore and standardize the organization and operation methods, and give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of the majority of party members. (Speech at the grassroots construction meeting of the Central Military Commission from November 8 to 10, 2019)


On the afternoon of June 11, 2018, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping inspected the navy of the Northern Theater Command. This is Xi Jinping coming to a submarine force, boarding the submarine, and having a cordial conversation with the crew. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang / photo


We must uphold the Party's absolute leadership over the military, strengthen the Party's innovative theoretical armament, and pay close attention to comprehensively and strictly administer the Party and the army, and ensure that the troops are absolutely loyal, pure, and reliable. It is necessary to carry forward the fine traditions, inherit the red genes, create the characteristic arms culture of the Marine Corps, cultivate a fighting spirit that is not afraid of hardship and death, and bring the troops to life. It is necessary to strictly manage the education and management of the troops to maintain a high degree of concentration, unity, security and stability of the troops. It is necessary to innovate ideas and measures, do a good job in laying the foundation for the grassroots, and forge a strong grassroots. It is necessary to develop solidarity, fraternity, harmony, and purity of internal relations, and to do practical things, solve difficult problems, and do good deeds for the officers and soldiers with enthusiasm, and fully stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the officers and soldiers. (Speech during an inspection of the Marine Corps on October 13, 2020)


In the turbulent War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the heroic Chinese People's Volunteers have always carried forward the patriotic spirit of putting the interests of the motherland and the people above all else, striving for the dignity of the motherland and the nation, and the revolutionary heroism of being heroic, tenacious, and giving up their lives. The spirit of revolutionary optimism with hardships and hardships, and always maintaining high morale, the spirit of revolutionary loyalty to fulfill the mission entrusted by the motherland and the people, and the spirit of generous devotion to oneself, and the spirit of internationalism to fight for the cause of peace and justice for mankind, forged the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and helping Korea.

The great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea transcends time and space and is ever-lasting, and must be inherited and carried forward from generation to generation. (Speech on October 23, 2020 at the Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea)


It is necessary to uphold the Party's absolute leadership over the military, strengthen the Party's innovative theoretical armed forces, pay close attention to the comprehensive and strict management of the Party and the military, do a good job in ideological work, ensure the absolute loyalty, purity and reliability of the army, and always be the leader of the Party and the people. Loyal Guard. It is necessary to implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, do a good job in the study and education of the party history in light of the actual situation, highlight the study of the party history, understand the ideas, do practical things, and open a new situation, educate and guide the officers and soldiers to remember the original mission, inherit the red genes, and take on the important task of strengthening the army. It is necessary to adhere to strengthening the foundation and consolidate the base, persevere in laying the foundation for the grassroots, strictly control the education and management of the army, and solve problems and problems for the officers and soldiers with enthusiasm, so as to build a strong grassroots in an all-round way.  (Speech when inspecting the Second Mobile Corps of the Armed Police on March 24, 2021)

※This is an excerpt from General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech from November 2012 to March 2021 on strengthening the education of the party's history and military history and glorious traditions to ensure that officers and soldiers always listen to the party's words and follow the party.
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