Thursday, March 31, 2022

Seminario Internacional: La lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático [The legal battle against climate change] (5 de mayo 2022 en forma online)


I am delighted to pass along the announcement of an international seminar La lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático [The legal battle against climate change in the courts]. The seminar is sponsored by the Universitat Jaume I (Valencia) and organized by Francisco Javier Zamora Cabot (Universitat Jaume I), Lorena Sales Pallarés (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), and Maria Chiara Marullo (Universitat Jaume I). 

I addition to the organizers, who will present their recently published books on climate change and climate change actors (discussed below), participants include 

  • H.E. Mr. Philippe Couvreur, Judge Ad Hoc, International Court of Justice, The Hague, who will present “El cambio climático y la Corte Interacional de Justicia: perspectivas"

    Gregorio Mesa Cuadros, Catedrático de la facultad de derecho y CC. políticas y sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Columbia, who will present “Crisis climáticas y afectaciones a derechos ambientales"

    Larry Catá Backer, profesor de las facutades to relaciones internacionales y de derecho, Pennsylvania State University, who will present: “Rethinking climate change from the perspective of the 2018 proposal for a Framework Principles on Human Rights and the Environment." 

The seminar is developed around the recent publication of two books that have added substantially to the discussion about climate change litigation centered in Spain and more broadly in the Spanish speaking world. One was published this year by the seminar organizers: Zamora Cabot, Francisco Javier Sales Pallarés, Lorena; Chiara Marullo, Maria, La lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático  (ISBN: 9788413458700; Thompson Reuters Editorial Aranzadi; 2022). The abstract nicely sets the tone for the seminar:

Representa esta obra un punto de inflexión por cuanto hasta el momento no se ha realizado en España un libro dedicado exclusivamente a la lucha judicial frente al cambio climático a pesar del importante impacto que sobre los derechos humanos supone. Diferentes voces y matices pulsan aquí reflexiones sobre la época en la que vivimos de transformación radical de nuestros marcos de referencia, donde uno de los ámbitos de reflexión y de acción compartida obligada en la comunidad internacional se centra en la emergencia climática. ¿Cómo debemos actuar desde la dimensión de la gobernanza para transformar el actual modelo en otro sostenible, justo y equitativo? Con una mirada coral transversal y pluridisciplinar se aborda la problemática del cambio climático a través de un hilo conductor guiado por los casos prácticos y el análisis jurisprudencial más reciente tanto en Europa como en Latinoamérica.

[This work represents a turning point in that, to date, a book dedicated exclusively to the legal battles in courts centered on climate change issues had not been produced in Spain, despite the significant impact those issues have on human rights. Different voices and nuances elaborate distinct reflections on the times in which we live in radical transformation of our frames of reference, where one of the areas of reflection and shared action required in the international community focuses on the climate emergency. How should we act from the governance dimension to transform the current model into a sustainable, fair and equitable one? From a blended transverse and multidisciplinary perspective, the problem of climate change is addressed through a common thread guided by case studies and the most recent jurisprudential analysis both in Europe and in Latin America.]

The other is a companion work:  Aspectos destacados en la lucha frente al cambio climático ((eds) Francisco Javier Zamora Cabot; Lorena Sales Pallarés; Maria Chiara Marullo; and Beatriz Felipe Pérez (Thompson Reuters Editorial Aranzadi; 2022)). This volume focuses on the critical actors who are driving climate change litigation and principally NGOs, consumers and indigenous peoples. 

La obra ofrece un amplio abanico de actores, ONG’s, pueblos indígenas, pequeños estados insulares, asociaciones de consumidores…que nos plantean situaciones reales a las que se enfrentan en la actualidad, así como los recursos legales con los que cuentan o justamente aquellos que requerirían para poder hacer frente en igualdad de condiciones frente a las grandes multinacionales que con frecuencia están detrás de los efectos más devastadores.

[The work features a wide range of actors--NGOs, indigenous peoples, small island states, consumer associations... who present us with real situations that they face today, as well as the legal resources they have or as well as those that they would require. to be able to deal on equal terms with the large multinationals that are often thought to be responsible for the most devastating climate effects. ]

The  Seminar will be conducted in SPANISH and ENGLISH.  


The brief summary of my presentation follows below

Rethinking Climate Change from the perspective of the 2018 proposal for a “Framework principles on human rights and the environment” (A/HRC/37/59).
The object: is to invert the contemporary analysis from its principal focus on climate change as the goal the evidence of which is measured through markers of bio-diversity and the environment, to an analysis that focuses on bio-diversity and environment as the goal the evidence of which is measured through climate change mitigating measures.

Reconsiderando el tema del Cambio Climático desde la perspectiva de la propuesta de 2018 de un “Marco de principios sobre derechos humanos y medio ambiente” (A/HRC/37/59).
El objeto: es invertir el análisis contemporaneo de su enfoque principal en el cambio climático como el objetivo cuya evidencia se mide a través de marcadores de la biodiversidad y el medio ambiente, a un análisis que se centre en la biodiversidad y el medio ambiente como el objetivo la evidencia de los cuales se mide a través de medidas de mitigación del cambio climático.

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