Tuesday, July 19, 2022

"Accelerating construction of data-based institutional system." (加快构建数据基础制度体系) From the June 2022 Issue of 《学习文选》



The June 2022 issue of《学习文选》(central CCP published policy journal for party cadres), focusing on the topic of "accelerating construction of data-based institutional system." (加快构建数据基础制度体系). 

The focus is important. It continues to deepen and broaden a commitment to digitalization that appears to be affecting larger and larger sectors of Chinese life. It is bound up as much with data driven governance as it is with the rewards and punishments ratings systems like social credit.  It also speaks to new ways of turning to quantification, as well as digitalization, as a means of better managing and coordinating compliance based systems for ordering society. That becomes, in turn, a critical component of meeting the challenge of the central contradiction in the New Era between the growing demand for better life of the people and the unbalanced and insufficient development (e.g., The Principle Contradictions in the New Era and the Mission and Responsibility of the Contemporary Youth). Critically important is the role of digitalization in the realization of the implementation of whole process democracy and the operation of the state. That development ties the digitalization of economic and political life and its rationalization through data driven systems that make precise and precisely deliver government in key sectors of national life.

Key areas discussed include the following:

 Xi Jinping presided over the twenty-sixth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms, emphasizing accelerating the construction of a basic data system and strengthening and improving administrative divisions. Li Keqiang, Wang Huning, and Han Zheng attended. 【link

Building a digital economy with data as the key element link

 Building a data-based system safety net link

 Accelerate the construction of a digital economy with data as a key element  link

 Digital government construction: data sharing and digital co-governance link

 Accelerate the construction of a national governance system for data elements link

Accelerate the Construction of Data Basic Institutional System (New Theory)link

 Accelerate the construction of data infrastructure system link

People's Net Review: Promoting the Efficient Circulation and Use of Data and Empowering the Real Economy link

 The relevant text (issue pp. 5-10) ) follows below in the original Chinese along with a crude English translation, along with links to a fuller treatment of each of the snippets. Of particular interest to those  studying the intensification of digitalization of governance and in effects on the constitution and operationalization of whole process democracy (全过程民主 ) are the essays: Digital government construction: data sharing and digital co-governance and  Accelerate the construction of a national governance system for data elements . The first advances the notion of a coordinated digitalization of economy and administration:

Digital government occupies an indispensable part in the process of digitization and intelligence of the entire economy and society. It is not only a basic requirement for the nation to build a digital economy governance system and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the digital economy, but also an important part and of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and its driving force.
The second seeks to develop a structure for the governance of the construction of the digital government system itself. "Building a national governance system for data elements is not only an urgent need for the nation to promote the modernization of national governance, but also an urgent need for my country to release the value of data elements and occupy the commanding heights of international digital competition."The extended version of both also follow below.



编者按:中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席、中央全面深化改革委员会主任习 近平 6 月 22 日下午主持召开中央全面深化改革委员会第二十六次会议,审议通过了《关于
 构建数据基础制度更好发挥数据要素作用的意见》、《关于加强和改进行政区划工作的意见》、 《关于开展科技人才评价改革试点的工作方案》、《强化大型支付平台企业监管促进支付和金 融科技规范健康发展工作方案》。 习近平主持召开中央全面深化改革委员会第二十六次会议强调 加快构建数据 基础制度 加强和改进行政区划工作 李克强王沪宁韩正出席

习近平在主持会议时强调,数据基础制度建设事关国家发展和安全大局,要维护国家数 据安全,保护个人信息和商业秘密,促进数据高效流通使用、赋能实体经济,统筹推进数据 产权、流通交易、收益分配、安全治理,加快构建数据基础制度体系。要加强党中央对行政 区划工作的集中统一领导,做好统筹规划,避免盲目无序。要遵循科技创新规律和人才成长 规律,以激发科技人才创新活力为目标,按照创新活动类型,构建以创新价值、能力、贡献 为导向的科技人才评价体系,引导人尽其才、才尽其用、用有所成。要推动大型支付和金融 科技平台企业回归本源,健全监管规则,补齐制度短板,保障支付和金融基础设施安全,防 范化解系统性金融风险隐患,支持平台企业在服务实体经济和畅通国内国际双循环等方面发 挥更大作用。【详细



党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视发展数字经济,将其上升为国 家战略。近年来,我国网络购物、移动支付、共享经济等数字经济新业态新模式蓬勃发展, 走在了世界前列。数据要素是数字经济深入发展的核心引擎。随着信息技术和人类生产生活 交汇融合,互联网快速普及,全球数据呈现爆发增长、海量集聚的特点,蕴藏着巨大的经济 社会价值。习近平总书记指出:“要构建以数据为关键要素的数字经济”“做大做强数字经济, 拓展经济发展新空间”。这为我们发挥好数据这一新型生产要素的作用、推动数字经济健康 发展指明了方向。【详细


数据基础制度建设事关国家发展和安全大局,要维护国家数据安全,保护个人信息和商 业秘密,促进数据高效流通使用、赋能实体经济,加快构建数据基础制度体系。这是日前审 议通过的《关于构建数据基础制度更好发挥数据要素作用的意见》的题中应有之义。深刻理 解数据基础制度的功能与作用,把安全贯穿数据治理全过程,具有很重要的意义。【详细



中央全面深化改革委员会第二十六次会议指出,我国具有数据规模和数据应用优势,我 们推动出台数据安全法、个人信息保护法等法律法规,积极探索推进数据要素市场化,加快 构建以数据为关键要素的数字经济。随着我国数字经济的蓬勃发展,数据已经成为继土地、 劳动、资本等之后的又一重要生产要素,它已经融入生产、分配、流通、消费和社会服务管 理等各个环节,深刻改变着生产方式、生活方式和社会治理方式。与此同时,对数据的生产、 加工和利用也成为一个规模巨大的产业。根据工信部的数据,“十三五”时期我国数据产业 年均复合增长率超过 30%,2021 年的产业规模已突破了 1.3 万亿元。市场是配置资源的有效 手段,要让数据资源得到最有效率的利用,就必须建设高效运作的数据要素市场。更好地培 育数据市场,进一步提升数据要素的利用效率,必须加快相关的制度建设,解决好数据产权、 流通交易、收益分配、安全治理等领域的规则问题。【详细


要基于数据共享与数字共治,加快数字经济时代下政府职能的转变和升级,推动数字政 府建设。党的十八大以来,我国高度重视数字经济的发展,数字政府建设步入快车道,中央 和地方各级政府部门积极探索数字政府的建设方式。总体来看,我国当前电子政务的建设已 初具成效,为“十四五”期间进一步提升数字政府治理能力奠定了坚实基础。数字政府在整 个经济社会的数字化、智能化过程中占据着不可或缺的一环,既是我国构建数字经济治理体 系、促进数字经济健康持续发展的基本需求,也是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要推 动力。要以数字政府为核心,充分利用好政府部门的公共数据资源,统筹安全与发展推动数 据共享,充分调动好数字经济中的各类互补者,集合社会各级力量做好数字共治,最终共同 推动数字政府的建设。【详细


数据作为新型生产要素,是数字化、网络化、智能化的基础,已快速融入生产、分配、 流通、消费和社会服务管理等各个环节,深刻改变着生产方式、生活方式和社会治理方式。 为保障数据基础制度体系的健康运行,迫切需要构建符合数据要素特点的数据要素国家治理 体系。数据要素国家治理体系是指统筹数据要素流通与应用的一系列相互关联、相互协调的 制度安排,体现在国家、行业、区域、企业、个人等不同层面,涉及科技、产业、社会等不 同应用领域以及数据采集、存储、加工、分析等不同管理阶段。构建数据要素国家治理体系 不仅是我国推进国家治理现代化的迫切需要,而且是我国释放数据要素价值、占据国际数字 竞争制高点的迫切需要。为此,需要宏中微系统推进,构建数据要素国家治理框架,面向数

 据应用与管理全链条,促进数据要素在不同环节、不同领域的融通汇聚,坚持技术创新与制 度创新双轮驱动,发挥政府与市场协同作用,提高数据要素治理效能。【详细



数据基础制度建设事关国家发展和安全大局。前不久,习近平总书记在主持中央全面深 化改革委员会第二十六次会议时强调:“统筹推进数据产权、流通交易、收益分配、安全治 理,加快构建数据基础制度体系”。这为我们发展数字经济指明了方向。我国具有数据规模 和数据应用优势,据测算,预计到 2025 年,中国产生的数据总量将达 48.6ZB(1 个 ZB 约等 于 10 万亿亿字节),约占全球的 27.8%。数据具有初始成本高、复制成本低和非排他性等技 术经济特征,能够被无限利用而不会产生量和质的损耗。把庞大的数据资源转化为生产要素, 赋能实体经济,将为高质量发展注入新动能。【详细


数据是事实或观察的结果,用于表示客观事物的未经加工的原始素材,是数字经济时代 重要的生产要素。数据基础制度则是从数据产权、流通交易、收益分配、安全治理等方面对 发展数据要素作出的规范,以确保数据要素按照一定准则在合理范围内健康发展。数据基础 制度体系强调的是数据基础制度的系统集成,是对发展数据要素作出的有效规制的有机整体。 “十四五”规划纲要明确提出,建立数据资源产权、交易流通、跨境传输和安全保护等基础 制度和标准规范。今年发布的《中共中央 国务院关于加快建设全国统一大市场的意见》进 一步明确,加快培育数据要素市场,建立健全数据安全、权利保护、跨境传输管理、交易流 通、开放共享、安全认证等基础制度和标准规范。此次中央深改委《关于构建数据基础制度 更好发挥数据要素作用的意见》再次强调,促进数据高效流通使用、赋能实体经济,加快构 建数据基础制度体系。一系列的战略部署表明,党中央已经将数据上升为国家基础性战略资 源,通过加快构建标准框架体系,健全相关基础制度和标准规范,打造强大数据要素市场, 夯实我国数字经济发展的基础。【详细


日前召开的中央全面深化改革委员会第二十六次会议,审议通过了《关于构建数据基础 制度更好发挥数据要素作用的意见》,指出要建立包括数据产权制度、数据要素权益保护制 度以及合规高效的数据要素流通和交易制度等在内的数据基础制度。要看到,数据作为新型 生产要素,是数字化、网络化、智能化的基础,深刻改变着生产方式、生活方式和社会治理

 方式。数据及其基础制度的建设事关国家发展和安全大局,必须要加快构建数据基础制度体 系、守住安全底线,完善数据要素市场化配置机制,促进数据高效流动使用、赋能实体经济。 【详细

Focus in this issue

Editor’s note: Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and Director of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission, presided over the 26th meeting of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission on the afternoon of June 22, and reviewed and approved the “On Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission”.
 Opinions on Building a Data Basic System to Better Play the Role of Data Elements, Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Administrative Divisions, Work Plan for Carrying out the Pilot Reform of Scientific and Technological Talent Evaluation, Strengthening the Supervision of Large-scale Payment Platform Enterprises to Promote Payment and Financial Services Work Plan for the Healthy Development of Science and Technology Regulations.

Xi Jinping presided over the twenty-sixth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms, emphasizing accelerating the construction of a basic data system and strengthening and improving administrative divisions. Li Keqiang, Wang Huning, and Han Zheng attended.

When chairing the meeting, Xi Jinping emphasized that the construction of the data infrastructure system is related to the overall situation of national development and security. It is necessary to maintain national data security, protect personal information and business secrets, promote the efficient circulation and use of data, empower the real economy, and coordinate the promotion of data property rights and circulation transactions. , income distribution, security governance, and accelerate the construction of a data-based system. It is necessary to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee over the administrative division work, make overall planning, and avoid blind disorder. It is necessary to follow the law of scientific and technological innovation and the law of talent growth, with the goal of stimulating the innovation vitality of scientific and technological talents, and according to the type of innovation activities, build a scientific and technological talent evaluation system oriented by innovation value, ability and contribution, and guide people to make the best use of their talents and make the best use of them. made. It is necessary to promote the return of large-scale payment and fintech platform companies to their origins, improve regulatory rules, fill in the shortcomings of the system, ensure the security of payment and financial infrastructure, prevent and resolve systemic financial risks, and support platform companies in serving the real economy and smoothing domestic and international cooperation. Circulation and other aspects play a greater role. 【link

Authoritative interpretation

Building a digital economy with data as the key element

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to the development of the digital economy and elevated it to a national strategy. In recent years, my country's online shopping, mobile payment, sharing economy and other new forms of digital economy and new models have flourished, taking the lead in the world. Data elements are the core engine for the in-depth development of the digital economy. With the integration of information technology and human production and life, and the rapid popularization of the Internet, global data is characterized by explosive growth and massive agglomeration, which contains huge economic and social value. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must build a digital economy with data as the key element", "make the digital economy bigger and stronger, and expand new space for economic development". This points out the direction for us to give full play to the role of data, a new factor of production, and to promote the healthy development of the digital economy. 【link

Building a data-based system safety net

The construction of a basic data system is related to the overall situation of national development and security. It is necessary to maintain national data security, protect personal information and business secrets, promote the efficient circulation and use of data, empower the real economy, and accelerate the construction of a basic data system. This is the proper meaning of the title of the "Opinions on Building a Data Basic System to Better Play the Role of Data Elements", which was reviewed and approved recently. It is of great significance to have a deep understanding of the functions and functions of the basic data system, and to implement security throughout the entire process of data governance. 【link

June 2022 issue

 Accelerate the construction of a digital economy with data as a key element

The 26th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform pointed out that my country has the advantages of data scale and data application. We promote the introduction of laws and regulations such as the Data Security Law and the Personal Information Protection Law, actively explore and promote the marketization of data elements, and accelerate the construction of data-based Key elements of the digital economy. With the vigorous development of my country's digital economy, data has become another important factor of production after land, labor, capital, etc. It has been integrated into all aspects of production, distribution, circulation, consumption and social service management, profoundly changing the mode of production. , way of life and social governance. At the same time, the production, processing and utilization of data has also become a huge industry. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the compound annual growth rate of my country's data industry exceeded 30%, and the industry scale in 2021 has exceeded 1.3 trillion yuan. The market is an effective means of allocating resources. To make the most efficient use of data resources, it is necessary to build an efficient data element market. In order to better cultivate the data market and further improve the utilization efficiency of data elements, it is necessary to speed up the construction of relevant systems and solve the problems of rules in the fields of data property rights, circulation transactions, income distribution, and security governance. 【link

Digital government construction: data sharing and digital co-governance

Based on data sharing and digital co-governance, we must accelerate the transformation and upgrading of government functions in the era of digital economy, and promote the construction of digital government. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has attached great importance to the development of the digital economy, and the construction of digital government has entered the fast lane. Central and local government departments at all levels have actively explored the construction of digital government. Overall, the nation's current e-government construction has achieved initial results, laying a solid foundation for further enhancing the digital government governance capability during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. Digital government occupies an indispensable part in the process of digitization and intelligence of the entire economy and society. It is not only a basic requirement for the nation to build a digital economy governance system and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the digital economy, but also an important part and of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and its driving force.  It is necessary to take the digital government as the core, make full use of the public data resources of government departments, coordinate security and development to promote data sharing, fully mobilize all kinds of complementary systems in the digital economy, gather forces at all levels of society to do digital co-governance, and ultimately jointly promote the construction of digital government. 【link

Accelerate the construction of a national governance system for data elements

As a new production factor, data is the foundation of digitization, networking, and intelligence. It has been rapidly integrated into production, distribution, circulation, consumption, and social service management, profoundly changing production methods, lifestyles, and social governance. In order to ensure the healthy operation of the data infrastructure system, it is urgent to build a national governance system for data elements that conforms to the characteristics of data elements. The national governance system of data elements refers to a series of interrelated and coordinated institutional arrangements that coordinate the circulation and application of data elements, which are reflected at different levels such as countries, industries, regions, enterprises, and individuals, and involve different application fields such as technology, industry, and society. And different management stages such as data collection, storage, processing, and analysis. Building a national governance system for data elements is not only an urgent need for the nation to promote the modernization of national governance, but also an urgent need for my country to release the value of data elements and occupy the commanding heights of international digital competition. To this end, it is necessary to promote the macro-in-micro system, build a national governance framework for data elements,

June 2022 issue

integrate the entire chain of data application and management, promote the integration and convergence of data elements in different links and fields, adhere to the two-wheel drive of technological innovation and institutional innovation, give full play to the synergy between the government and the market, and improve the efficiency of data element governance. 【link

In-depth analysis

Accelerate the Construction of Data Basic Institutional System (New Theory)

The construction of the data infrastructure system is related to the overall situation of national development and security. Not long ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when presiding over the 26th meeting of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Committee: "To coordinate the promotion of data property rights, circulation transactions, income distribution, and security governance, and to accelerate the construction of a basic data system." This points the way for us to develop the digital economy. The nation has the advantages of data scale and data application. It is estimated that by 2025, the total amount of data generated in China will reach 48.6ZB (one ZB is approximately equal to 10 trillion bytes), accounting for about 27.8% of the world. Data has the technical and economic characteristics of high initial cost, low replication cost and non-exclusivity, and can be used indefinitely without loss of quantity and quality. Converting huge data resources into production factors and empowering the real economy will inject new momentum into high-quality development. 【link

Accelerate the construction of data infrastructure system

Data is the result of facts or observations, raw raw materials used to represent objective things, and an important factor of production in the digital economy era. The basic data system is to regulate the development of data elements from the aspects of data property rights, circulation transactions, income distribution, security governance, etc., to ensure the healthy development of data elements within a reasonable range in accordance with certain criteria. The data-based institutional system emphasizes the system integration of the data-based system, and is an organic whole that effectively regulates the development of data elements. The “14th Five-Year Plan” outline clearly states that basic systems and standards for data resource property rights, transaction circulation, cross-border transmission and security protection should be established. The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a Large National Market" issued this year further clarified that the cultivation of the data element market should be accelerated, and basic systems such as data security, rights protection, cross-border transmission management, transaction circulation, open sharing, and security certification should be established and improved. and standard specifications. The “Opinions on Building a Basic Data System to Better Play the Role of Data Elements” by the Central Deep Reform Commission once again emphasized that the efficient circulation and use of data will be promoted, the real economy will be empowered, and the building of a basic data system will be accelerated. A series of strategic deployments show that the CPC Central Committee has elevated data to a national basic strategic resource. By accelerating the construction of a standard framework system, improving relevant basic systems and standards, creating a strong data element market, and consolidating the foundation for the development of my country's digital economy. 【link

People's Net Review: Promoting the Efficient Circulation and Use of Data and Empowering the Real Economy

The 26th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms held a few days ago reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Building a Data Basic System to Better Play the Role of Data Elements", pointing out that it is necessary to establish a data property rights system, a data element rights protection system and compliance. Data base system including efficient data element circulation and transaction system. It should be noted that data, as a new factor of production, is the foundation of digitization, networking and intelligence, profoundly changing production methods, lifestyles and social governance.

June 2022 issue

The construction of data and its basic system is related to the overall situation of national development and security. It is necessary to speed up the construction of the basic data system, maintain the bottom line of security, improve the market-based allocation mechanism of data elements, promote the efficient flow and use of data, and empower the real economy. 【link



周迪 施新伟

2022年06月23日08:46    来源:人民网-理论频道








【Theoretical observation】
Digital government construction: data sharing and digital co-governance

Zhou Di Shi Xinwei

June 23, 2022 08:46 Source: People's Daily Online - Theory Channel

Based on data sharing and digital co-governance, we must accelerate the transformation and upgrading of government functions in the era of digital economy, and promote the construction of digital government. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has attached great importance to the development of the digital economy, and the construction of digital government has entered the fast lane. Central and local government departments at all levels have actively explored the construction of digital government. Overall, my country's current e-government construction has begun to take effect, laying a solid foundation for further improving the digital government governance capacity during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. The author believes that digital government occupies an indispensable part in the process of digitization and intelligence of the entire economy and society. It is not only a basic requirement for my country to build a digital economy governance system and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the digital economy, but also a national governance system and governance capability. important driver of modernization. It is necessary to take the digital government as the core, make full use of the public data resources of government departments, coordinate security and development to promote data sharing, fully mobilize all kinds of complementary elements in the digital economy, gather forces at all levels of society to do digital co-governance, and ultimately jointly Promote the construction of digital government.

The economic base determines the superstructure, and the superstructure reacts to the economic base. In the era of digital economy, digital technology and the real economy are deeply integrated, and data elements enable various application scenarios of digital industrialization and industrial digitization. Only by building a digital government that is applicable to the development laws of the digital economy can the governance of the digital economy be safely and efficiently improved, thereby regulating and guiding the healthy and sustainable development of the digital economy. Based on the current construction status of my country's digital government and the development needs of the digital economy in the future, the author believes that the construction of a digital government should follow the following three principles: First, coordinate the two major issues of security and development, and promote public data to empower social governance and economic development . It is an important aspect of building a digital government for the government to open and share public data and improve the efficiency of data utilization. As a national strategic resource, the security of data is also related to national security. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the bottom-line thinking, enhance the sense of urgency, strictly abide by the "Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China", and establish and improve a data security collaborative governance system; but also dare to explore and innovate to maximize the social and economic value of public data. Second, while satisfying the people's yearning for a better life, the digital government should also play a role in regulating the development of the digital economy. The construction of a digital government needs to focus on the main contradictions in my country at this stage, and to satisfy the people's yearning for a better life as the starting point and the end point. At the same time, the construction of a digital government should also be at the forefront of the development of the digital economy, grasp the direction of the digital economy, and regulate the development of the digital economy. Third, the construction of a digital government should grasp the relationship between the government and the market, and make full use of the objective development laws of the digital economy. The digital government is not only the ruler of the digital society and the digital economy, but also an important participant. Therefore, the construction of digital government needs to fully understand, analyze and make good use of the objective development laws of the digital economy, and jointly build an efficient digital society and digital economy with various complementary elements of the digital economy, and jointly build an effective digital governance system.

Build a systematized and hierarchical data authorization mechanism to promote the safe and efficient sharing of public data across departments, regions, and industries. Data elements are the core engine for the deepening development of the digital economy. In the process of developing integrated government services, governments at all levels have mastered massive public data, but there are data islands and data closed loops. Public data sharing is limited mainly because public data is closely related to national data security, and public data with finer granularity often involves various types of privacy of the public. A classified and hierarchical data authorization mechanism is the basis for data sharing. A hierarchical authorization mechanism should be formulated according to the sensitivity of public data, and a classified authorization mechanism should be formulated according to the differences in public data usage scenarios. Through the classified and graded data authorization mechanism, on the premise of ensuring the security of public data, on the one hand, it can promote the flow of public data in different government departments and different administrative regions, and empower the digital government's "digital governance" and "digital intelligence" capabilities; On the other hand, share public data with digital economic entities, and promote public data as data elements to enter the production activities of all walks of life in the digital economy.

Improve the level of digital technology and focus on the value of data rather than the sharing of data itself. Among the public data held by government departments, a small amount of individual public data does not have the value of big data analysis, and a large amount of public data is an important national strategic resource. In addition, some public data includes a large number of fields that reflect people's personal information, which may be used by criminals and endanger people's personal safety. Therefore, the construction of a digital government should improve the digital technology level of relevant government departments, and realize the sharing of data value through private computing, data services, etc., rather than the sharing of data itself. Data sharing based on digital technology can revitalize the government's ability to conduct governance based on data, so that the role of public data is no longer limited to the previous integrated government services, but is connected to the overall environment of the development of the digital economy. It not only conveniently serves the people, but also efficiently contributes to the creation of social wealth.

Build a platform-based government, concentrate forces at all levels of society through digital platforms, and do a good job of digital co-governance. The development of the digital economy has spawned a large number of digital platforms. On the one hand, the digital government can open an official government account on the digital platform to increase the coverage of government affairs; tighter network connections. The information transmission of the platform-based government is more timely, the information transparency is higher, and the information interaction between the government and the people is also stronger. Build a platform-based government, take governments at all levels as the core, give full play to collective wisdom, and concentrate forces at all levels of society to do a good job in public governance. Under the platform-based government, the digital government leads the digital platform and the public to jointly form digital co-governance capabilities, providing impetus for the modernization of China's national governance system, and for the realization of goals such as epidemic control, common prosperity, and "dual-carbon" development. together.

Accelerate the transformation of functions and roles, unite various types of complementary players in the digital economy, and do a good job in digital co-governance that regulates the development of the digital economy. In the digital economy, the government plays both the role of a ruler and a participant. Digital technology and data elements enable the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. While giving birth to new industries, new formats and new models, it also leads to problems such as digital platform monopoly, improper data privacy protection, and disorderly expansion of Internet capital. Therefore, the construction of a digital government also requires the government to have a deep understanding of the development logic of the digital industry, grasp the development trends of the digital economy, and issue policies and regulations in a timely and effective manner to regulate the unreasonable phenomena in the development of the digital economy. In the process of drafting, revising and promulgating these policies and regulations, it can also gather the social wisdom of various complementarities in the digital economy, including university scholars and industry practitioners. To build a digital government, governments at all levels should be the core, and various entities of the digital economy as important complementary elements to jointly deal with practical problems in the ecological development of the digital industry and the construction of the data element market, so as to escort the healthy and sustainable development of the digital economy.

(The author Zhou Di is an associate researcher at Tongji University in Shanghai; Shi Xinwei is an assistant professor at Capital University of Economics and Business)
(Editors: Dai Xiaoling, Qin Hua)



2022年07月12日10:33    来源:光明网-理论频道














Accelerate the construction of a national governance system for data elements

July 12, 2022 10:33 Source: Guangming Network-Theory Channel
Original title: Accelerate the construction of a national governance system for data elements

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to digital development, and has clearly proposed to build a digital China. On June 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 26th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and emphasized that the construction of the data infrastructure system is related to the overall situation of national development and security. Promote the efficient circulation and use of data, empower the real economy, coordinate the promotion of data property rights, circulation transactions, income distribution, and security governance, and accelerate the construction of a data infrastructure system. The meeting also reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Building a Data Basic System to Better Play the Role of Data Elements".

As a new production factor, data is the foundation of digitization, networking, and intelligence. It has been rapidly integrated into all aspects of production, distribution, circulation, consumption, and social service management, profoundly changing production methods, lifestyles, and social governance methods. In order to ensure the healthy operation of the data infrastructure system, it is urgent to build a national governance system for data elements that conforms to the characteristics of data elements. The national governance system of data elements refers to a series of interrelated and coordinated institutional arrangements that coordinate the circulation and application of data elements, which are reflected at different levels such as countries, industries, regions, enterprises, and individuals, and involve different application fields such as technology, industry, and society. And different management stages such as data collection, storage, processing, and analysis. Building a national governance system for data elements is not only an urgent need for my country to promote the modernization of national governance, but also an urgent need for my country to release the value of data elements and occupy the commanding heights of international digital competition. To this end, it is necessary to promote the macro, medium and micro systems, build a national governance framework for data elements, face the entire chain of data application and management, promote the integration and convergence of data elements in different links and fields, adhere to the dual-wheel drive of technological innovation and institutional innovation, and give full play to the government Synergize with the market to improve the efficiency of data element governance.

Building a national governance system for data elements is an urgent need for high-quality digital development

The efficient governance of national data elements urgently needs to build a national governance system for data elements. Data elements have diffused and penetrated widely in various fields, forming a complex system of ternary integration of the human world, the physical world and the information world. The integration of the three-dimensional world makes the traditional data governance method show problems such as insufficient system supply, division of governance departments, and slow response speed. Moreover, the current data governance mechanisms at different levels, departments, and types have not been effectively connected. The data governance demands of different subjects such as the government, platform enterprises, social organizations, and individuals may conflict with each other. Data in different fields of technology, industry and society Governance rules are difficult to reconcile. Therefore, it is urgent to build a national governance system for data elements, make up for the shortcomings of the collaborative governance system for data elements, strengthen the connection of governance rules for different data elements, break governance silos, and improve the overall efficiency of data governance.

To release the value of data elements, it is urgent to build a national governance system for data elements. The value generation of data elements is a multi-dimensional and dynamic concept. From the perspective of the data management chain, the value of data elements is reflected in different links such as data collection, storage, processing, analysis, and services; from the perspective of the data application chain, the value of data elements is reflected in innovative applications in different fields such as technology, industry, and society. my country has a super-large market advantage and a large number of innovative entities, which lays a good foundation for the value generation of data elements, and also increases the difficulty of data governance. On the one hand, the utilization rate of data resources is not high. The technical level of converting raw data into data elements needs to be improved, and a large amount of unstructured data has not been effectively utilized. On the other hand, the strategic value and self-generating characteristics of data elements have prompted innovation entities to build their own leading innovation ecosystems, but it has also caused problems such as data monopoly and data discrimination. Therefore, it is urgent to build a national governance system for data elements to promote the orderly release of the economic and social value of data elements.

To occupy the commanding heights of digital competition, it is urgent to build a national governance system for data elements. The ability of data element governance is becoming a key force in reshaping international relations, changing the competition pattern of international discourse power, and promoting the accelerated reconstruction of the geopolitical pattern of cyberspace. Major countries and organizations in the world have formulated data element governance rules and cultivated their own data element resource advantages. Actively carry out digital diplomacy and strive to take the initiative in global data governance. For example, in April 2022, the United States issued a proposal to promote the use of fair data, proposing to strengthen information collection, improve infrastructure to make full use of data resources, and establish a classified data management mechanism; the European Union issued the "Data Act" in February 2022, Aiming to strengthen digital sovereignty, it has made binding regulations on data sharing, international data transmission, and data interoperability. Therefore, it is urgent to build a national governance system for data elements, promote the integration of various data governance rules at all levels with international standards, improve the international discourse power of data governance, strengthen the autonomy and control of key data elements, and occupy the commanding heights of international digital competition.

Create a collaborative and efficient national governance system for data elements

Build a national governance system for data elements that takes into account efficiency, fairness and security. One is to improve the data carrier system. Optimize the space and industrial layout of infrastructure such as data centers, supercomputing centers, and the Internet of Things, and provide carrier support for the generation, circulation, and transaction of data elements. The second is to improve the digital literacy and skills of the entire population. Strengthen digital literacy and skills training to improve citizens’ ability to access, process and apply data. The third is to build a classification and hierarchical authorization use system for data elements. For different data such as structured data or unstructured data, raw data or processed data, private data or public data, sensitive data or non-sensitive data, real-time data or historical data, etc., formulate classification and grading authorization standards for data elements to realize data The unity of factor economic value and social value. The fourth is to build a market-oriented circulation configuration system for data elements. Establish a data element circulation system that conforms to the characteristics of data elements, encourage market entities to participate in the construction of data trading platforms, and establish a data value distribution mechanism in which the market evaluates data element contributions and determines rewards based on contributions. The fifth is to build a data element security system. Strengthen the monitoring and certification, security assessment and risk early warning capacity building of data elements, and realize the full chain traceability of data elements. Strengthen the protection of data and personal privacy in key areas, improve the cross-border data circulation mechanism, and avoid data risks.

Create a national governance system for data elements oriented to the entire chain of data applications. The first is to build a national governance system for scientific research data. Establish a digital platform for the open sharing of scientific and technological resources and scientific and technological cooperation, improve the utilization efficiency of scientific and technological resources, and promote scientific and technological cooperation. Improve the institutional environment of open source intellectual property rights, open source standards, etc., create an open source technology ecological service system, and prevent open source supply chain risks. The second is to improve the national governance system for industrial data. Improve anti-monopoly, anti-unfair competition, taxation and other regulatory policies for data elements, and create a market environment conducive to the healthy development of the digital economy. The third is to improve the national governance system for social data. Establish a public data management platform in the fields of education, medical care, transportation, social security, security, pension, emergency management, etc. to assist social services and governance decisions. Use multiple data to establish digital cities and digital villages with security situational awareness, and strengthen social risk analysis and early warning capabilities.

Create a national governance system for data elements oriented to the entire chain of data management. The first is to expand the supply and demand matching of the entire chain of data element management. Promote the construction of public service platforms such as the Digital Transformation Promotion Center, and provide innovative entities with services such as transaction matching, consulting, and security assurance for the entire chain of data element management. Facing the innovation and development needs of digital technology, digital economy and digital society, expand the application scenarios of data elements such as data generation, collection, storage, processing, analysis, and services. The second is to build a standard and normative system for the entire chain of data element management. Create data element standards and specifications for the entire management chain of data collection, storage, processing, analysis, service, etc., improve the interoperability, accuracy, and standardization of data elements, and promote the efficient connection of the entire chain of data elements.

Adhere to the dual-wheel drive of technological innovation and institutional innovation, and promote the reform of data element governance methods and mechanisms. The first is to build a data element governance technology system. Facing the entire chain of data management and application, strengthen research and development breakthroughs in data governance technologies such as sensors, Internet of Things, edge computing, data centers, high-performance computing, servers, industrial software, privacy computing, etc. Governance provides a technical base. The second is to establish a national governance agency for data elements. Coordinate and manage data element systems of different chains, departments and regions, monitor and evaluate the source, destination and application of data elements in real time, interpret laws related to data element governance, and help market entities identify application prospects and risks of data elements.

Give full play to the role of the government and the market, and create a data element governance model with multiple subjects coordinated and co-governed. First, improve data governance laws and regulations. Formulate a national data strategy, build a systematic and comprehensive governance framework for data elements in terms of scientific and technological research and development, talent training, infrastructure construction, sustainable economic growth, improving public services, ensuring data security, and regulating cross-border data flow, and guide the marketization of data elements. configuration. The second is to clarify the positioning of multi-subject collaborative co-governance. Adhering to the values ​​of openness, cooperation, equality, and reciprocity, clarify the rights and responsibilities of governments at all levels, platform companies, social organizations, and the public to participate in data governance. The third is to create a data sharing mechanism for the coordinated co-governance of multiple subjects. Comprehensively consider the efficiency and security of technology, industry, and social development, define the monitoring, collection, and use rights of government departments for different data elements, promote the conditional openness and sharing of public sector data, and promote healthy interaction between multiple subjects.

       Authors: Chen Kaihua (Researcher, Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Kang Jin (Engineer, China Industrial Internet Research Institute)
(Editors in charge: Liu Yuanyuan, Dai Xiaoling)

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