Monday, June 24, 2024

CfP: Semiotica Journal--"Silenced Faces and Voices and Invisible Bodies – A Semiotics Investigation"



I am delighted to share a Call for Papers for a special Issue of Semiotica edited by the extraordinary Anne Wagner (Lille). Its theme is "Silenced Faces and Voices and Invisible Bodies – A Semiotics Investigation."

This Special Issue is dedicated to exploring themes of marginalization, invisibility, and
exclusion within diverse legal, political, cultural, and social frameworks. The aim is to unpack
the semiotics of silence and invisibility, assessing their manifestations and impacts on various
communities and individuals.

The CfP follows below. 

Call for Papers
Silenced Faces and Voices and Invisible Bodies – A Semiotics Investigation

Journal: Semiotica (Potential Publishing Venue)
Guest Editor
Anne Wagner
ULR 4487—CRDP—Centre de recherche Droits et perspectives du droit
University of Lille Équipe René Demogue

This Special Issue is dedicated to exploring themes of marginalization, invisibility, and
exclusion within diverse legal, political, cultural, and social frameworks. The aim is to unpack
the semiotics of silence and invisibility, assessing their manifestations and impacts on various
communities and individuals.

Key Focus Areas for Submissions
1. Comprehensive Analyses

o In-depth analysis of how various legal frameworks and political climates
perpetuate or challenge the phenomena of silence and invisibility.
o Contributions that critically evaluate the role of cultural norms and social
practices in marginalizing or empowering those who are silenced or rendered
o Discussions may include specific case studies, historical perspectives, or
comparative studies across different societies.

2. Conceptual Engagement
o Theoretical exploration of silenced voices and/or faces and invisibility within
semiotic studies.
o Examination of how these concepts are symbolized and interpreted in different
cultural or social contexts.
o Engagement with theoretical frameworks such as semiotics, discourse analysis,
phenomenology, and post-structuralism.

3. Diverse Perspectives
o Highlighting diverse perspectives on invisibility and silence, focusing on
traditionally marginalized or excluded groups.
o Contributions should discuss the implications for social justice and policy
o Interdisciplinary approaches exploring intersections of race, gender, sexuality,
and disability in the context of silence and invisibility.

Submission Details
• Submissions should not only outline problems but also propose pathways toward
visibility and recognition.
• Original research articles, case studies, and review essays are invited.
• Submissions can be in English or French.
• Include an abstract (700 words, including keywords and a short list of 10 references)
and a short biography (no more than 10 lines).

Important Dates
• Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 February 2025
• Full Paper Submission Deadline: 31 July 2025

Review Process
• All papers will undergo a blind peer-review process to ensure impartiality and high
academic standards.
• Final publication approval is subject to a positive evaluation by the Editor-in-Chiefs of

Special Issue Proposal
In case of an overwhelming number of high-quality submissions, a proposal can be made to the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law to publish a special issue with a specific angle of research, further expanding the exploration of the themes of marginalization, invisibility, and exclusion.

For further inquiries and submission guidelines, please contact Anne Wagner at
Join us in this comprehensive investigation to uncover and articulate the silenced and
the unseen.

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