Sunday, June 02, 2024

Just Released: Journal of Chinese Political Science Vol 29(2)



 The Journal of Chinese Political Science has released Volume 29, Issue 2 (June 2024) with soe quite interesting contributions (with links toabstarcts):

·  World Power Trends and International Relations: Measuring Power with an Entropy-QAP Approach

  • Xin-Yi Wang
  • Bo Chen

Research Article 03 May 2023 Pages: 207 - 231 

·  Stuck Between the Great Powers: Secondary Countries’ Responses to Soft Power Competition Between the US and China During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Fen Lin
  • Xiang Meng

Research Article 12 July 2023 Pages: 233 - 256 

·  The Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Chinese International Political Influence: An Empirical Study Using a Difference-in-Differences Approach

  • Jingjing An
  • Yanzhen Wang

Research Article 13 June 2023 Pages: 257 - 281 

·  Ontological Security Dilemma: a Practical Model of Relational Deterrence

  • Chih-yu Shih
  • Jason Luo

Research Article 09 May 2023 Pages: 283 - 306 

·  Surviving the Pandemic: NGOs’ Strategies to Cope with COVID-19

  • Song Daolei

Research Article 18 July 2023 Pages: 307 - 336 

·  The Role of Narratives for Gaining Domestic Political Legitimacy: China’s Image Management during COVID-19

  • Elias Klenk
  • Julia Gurol

Research Article Open access 06 September 2023 Pages: 337 - 359 

·  Ten Years of China’s Belt and Road Initiative: A Bibliometric Review

  • Shaleen Khanal
  • Hongzhou Zhang

Review Essay 22 November 2023 Pages: 361 - 395 


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