Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Shaping Algorithmic Governance in an Era of "High Quality Development": 孙凝晖《人工智能与智能计算的发展》Sun Ninghui; "The Development of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Computing" (special lecture of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee. May 2024)


"It can be seen that the United States prefers the virtual economy with a higher rate of return and despises the real economy with high investment costs and low economic returns. China tends to develop the real economy and the virtual economy simultaneously, and pays more attention to the development of equipment manufacturing, new energy vehicles, photovoltaic power generation, lithium batteries, high-speed rail, 5G and other real economies."  [可见美国更倾向于回报率更高的虚拟经济,轻视投资成本高且经济回报率低的实体经济。中国倾向于实体经济与虚拟经济同步发展,更加重视发展装备制造、新能源汽车、光伏发电、锂电池、高铁、5G等实体经济。 ] (孙凝晖《人工智能与智能计算的发展》)

In a quite interesting lecture delivered at the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee, "The Development of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Computing" [人工智能与智能计算的发展] Sun Ninghui [孙凝晖] suggested the contours and approaches that may be shaping Chinese perceptions and conversations about the future--and the future management--of next generation tech, including big data tech, generative intelligence, and descriptive and predictive analytics. The lecture is worth reading in its entirety and follows below in the original Chinese and in a crude English translation. 

It may be worth foregrounding a number of quite interesting points made and perspectives embraced:

1. The economic-policy role of AI and related tech ought not to be underestimated in the Chinese policy universe. "General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the new generation of artificial intelligence should be used as a driving force to promote the leapfrog development of science and technology, the optimization and upgrading of industries, and the overall leap of productivity, and strive to achieve high-quality development." [ 习近平总书记指出,把新一代人工智能作为推动科技跨越发展、产业优化升级、生产力整体跃升的驱动力量,努力实现高质量发展。 ] (人工智能与智能计算的发展). It is a centerpiece of the vanguard's evolution of the concept and application of "high quality development" of productive forces and thus of the New Era forms of Socialist modernization. It also has a double use--its internal success will produce external benefits--both along the Chinese Belt & Road, and in its engagement with its primary "big country" rival--the United Stated. It is the form of development, then, that becomes key to the evolution of internal and external policies. 

2. Part of the development of the approach to policy going forward is the nature of the understanding of the history of the technology that is now at its core. Sun Ninghui [孙凝晖] advances a version of that history that is important as foundation for what is to come. He speaks here to the organization of tech in and as platforms--something quite useful, which historically is divided into five eras (" five types of successful platform computing systems have been formed " [ 已经形成了五类成功的平台型计算系统 ]). Also important is Sun's division of the "computer age" into three distinct phases with substantial semiotic dimensions.  IT1.0 was the era of machines--that is of semiotic objects or "firstness" in which the object could be signified within separable vessels. IT2.0 was the era of the network--that is of semiotic "secondness" or signification in which machine collectives could be arranged in ways that made possible common or collective signification and meaning making.  IT3.0 Sun argues, is the era of intelligent computing--the point of semiotic "thirdness" or interpretation where the networked machine is transformed from a vessel to its operation, or in contemporary language, where it can can achieve a measure of autonomy. The phenomenological approach is intimately connected with New Era dialectics, one first tested with "social credit" systems in China and the US. Its essence infuses the analysis andf recommendations that follow.

3. However, to get to the point of intelligent analytics for policy under the coded premises of New Era Marxist Leninism, it is first necessary to try to understand the essence of generative intelligence, at least at a basic level (my take here).  Its essence for Sun is tied to a core Leninist principle--the power of collectivization. In this case collectivization is focused on data, that is on intelligence or relevant data silos, each fitted to its functionally differentiated objectives. "The characteristic of the large model is to win by "big", which has three meanings: (1) large parameters, GPT-3 has 170 billion parameters; (2) large training data, ChatGPT uses about 300 billion words and 570GB training data; (3) large computing power requirements, GPT-3 uses about tens of thousands of V100 GPUs for training." [ 大模型的特点是以“大”取胜,其中有三层含义,(1)参数大,GPT-3就有1700亿个参数;(2)训练数据大,ChatGPT大约用了3000亿个单词,570GB训练数据;(3)算力需求大,GPT-3大约用了上万块V100 GPU进行训练。 ] (人工智能与智能计算的发展). It is only from that conceptual-structural baseline that it is possible to understand the ramification for politics-policy-and human (economic) relations. From this conceptual baseline, Sun posits AI development in five parts: (1) development of multimodal large modes to mimic the human five senses); (2) development of video generation of large models (the consequences for the constitution of virtual spaces remains unclear but significant); (3) the development of embodied intelligence (though here the Japanese may have the current edge) that akes generative AI mobile, like humans; (4) the support of AI4R (AI for Research) (as a matter of public guidance in China and of private capacity in the US with state serendipitous support); and (5) consideration of the quite sensitive issue of AI consciousness as a critical task though one that even its its conceptualization remains elusive and phantasmagorical (again my take here).

4. It is no surprise that one of the markers of China-US competition has been the effective abandonment on the core global ordering premises of convergence based on transparency and sharing, to one in which regional centers protect their advantages through expanding notions of security. That is not "news". What is important is the way in which one transposes signification on the "idea" of security. Sun foregrounds the following. 

"First, there is the proliferation of false information on the Internet * * * Second, fake videos, especially fake leaders' videos, cause international disputes, disrupt election order, or cause sudden public opinion events, * * * [which] have led to a decline in social trust in the news media industry. * * * Third, fake news, mainly through the automatic generation of false news to make illegal profits * * * Fourth, face-changing and voice-changing are used for fraud. * * * Fifth, indecent images are generated, especially for public figures."  (人工智能与智能计算的发展)

These serve to define the universe of impacts that are deemed harmful and against which the power fo the State must be deployed. All of these harms produce negative consequences noy just on social collectives but also on AI development. Sun Ninghui identifies these are "credibility issues" [可信问题]. Interestingly these go to the political.normative character of data, an inherently semiotic perspective that starts from the premise that all data is inherently infused with the judgments and sensibilities that define it as data  (relevant) and suggests the character of that relevance. Among these are 

"(1) factual errors of "serious nonsense"; (2) using Western values ​​to narrate and export political bias and wrong speech; (3) being easily misled and exporting wrong knowledge and harmful content; (4) data security issues are aggravated, and big models become traps for important sensitive data." [(1)“一本正经胡说八道”的事实性错误;(2)以西方价值观叙事,输出政治偏见和错误言论;(3)易被诱导,输出错误知识和有害内容;(4)数据安全问题加重,大模型成为重要敏感数据的诱捕器,ChatGPT将用户输入纳入训练数据库,用于改善ChatGPT,美方能够利用大模型获得公开渠道覆盖不到的中文语料,掌握我们自己都可能不掌握的“中国知识”。因此,迫切需要发展大模型安全监管技术与自己的可信大模型。"]. (人工智能与智能计算的发展)

These are,  fact, critically important considerations for a system sensitive an objective of comprehensively infusing national life with Chinese characteristics (see my take here on an aspect of this sensibility and its consequences). This ideological security is then melded with traditional security concerns against both unpatriotic forces within the State and foreign elements outside of the state. 

Pix Credit here
5. The solution to the problems of security are quite interesting.  One expects part of it--the advocacy of centralized law and norm making under the guidance and leadership of the political vanguard and aligned with New Era Marxist-Leninism and its application to the challenges of the current manifestation of the general contradiction. But there is also embedded in that something quite remarkable: " promote human-machine harmony and friendship" [促进人机和谐友好] (人工智能与智能计算的发展). The meaning and scope of this notion is well worth exploring. It may signal, if only tentatively, a n opening to a quite distinctive approach to generative intelligence.   

6. But these solutions cannot be undertaken in a vacuum; indeed they may well be shaped by the current state of relations with the United States, and most particularly with the American exercise of  what Sun Ninghui correctly identified as the national security aspects of AI--but this time drected against China. That poses a set of dilemmas for the Chinese. 

Dilemma 1 is that the United States has long been in a leading position in AI core capabilities, and China is in tracking mode.* * * Dilemma 2 is that high-end computing power products are banned from sale, and high-end chip processes have been stuck for a long time.* * * Dilemma 3 is the weak domestic intelligent computing ecosystem and insufficient penetration of AI development frameworks.* * * Dilemma 4 is that the cost and threshold of AI application in the industry remain high." [困境一为美国在AI核心能力上长期处于领先地位,中国处于跟踪模式。* * *  困境二为高端算力产品禁售,高端芯片工艺长期被卡。* * * 困境三为国内智能计算生态孱弱,AI开发框架渗透率不足。* * * 困境四为AI应用于行业时成本、门槛居高不下。] (《人工智能与智能计算的发展》Section 4)

7. From out of these dilemma three choices emerge that are worth pursuing. Each is both a reflection of an assessment of internal and external constraints. These are worth careful study if only because some portion of the suggestions are likely to make their way up to the higher levels of the governing apparatus. Each is designed to take advantage of perceived weaknesses in the U.S. approach (or its blindness to threat) and to leverage Chinese strengths in ways that advance its core political and operational projects, the later based BOTH on the dual circulation strategy and the development of a new approach to the high quality development of productive forces i the New Era.   "Choice 1: Unify the technical system and take the closed-source or open-source path? * * * Choice 2: Algorithm model or new infrastructure? * * * Choice three: Does AI+ focus on empowering the virtual economy or the real economy?" [选择一:统一技术体系走闭源封闭,还是开源开放的道路?* * * 选择二:拼算法模型,还是拼新型基础设施?* * * 选择三:AI+着重赋能虚拟经济,还是发力实体经济?]. (《人工智能与智能计算的发展》Section 5). Of these Choices 1 and 3 are quite interesting if only for the way they mirror approaches in other policy areas. Choice 1 consists of three steps. The first is to catch up and surpass the United States in its own AI turf, the second step is to then build a closed system internal to China and applied to critical sectors, and the third step is to develop a new  open system for export one meant to supplant and the current dominance of the US system. This is a model with rough echos in other sectors. Choice 3 is important because of its perceptive analysis of the cultural context in which economic policy is undertaken, especially in the way in which its development is understood. The core insight is set out in the opening quote and ought to be burned into policy consciousness., not necessarily for the truth of it but for the power of the belief in it that drives elites in both states. 




  1 计算技术发展简介



  机械计算时期已经出现了现代计算机的一些基本概念。查尔斯∙巴贝奇(Charles Babbage)提出了差分机(1822年)与分析机(1834年)的设计构想,支持自动机械计算。这一时期,编程与程序的概念基本形成,编程的概念起源于雅卡尔提花机,通过打孔卡片控制印花图案,最终演变为通过计算指令的形式来存储所有数学计算步骤;人类历史的第一个程序员是诗人拜伦之女艾达(Ada),她为巴贝奇差分机编写了一组求解伯努利数列的计算指令,这套指令也是人类历史上第一套计算机算法程序,它将硬件和软件分离,第一次出现程序的概念。

  直到在二十世纪上半叶,出现了布尔代数(数学)、图灵机(计算模型) 、冯诺依曼体系结构(架构) 、晶体管(器件)这四个现代计算技术的科学基础。其中,布尔代数用来描述程序和硬件如CPU的底层逻辑;图灵机是一种通用的计算模型,将复杂任务转化为自动计算、不需人工干预的自动化过程;冯诺依曼体系结构提出了构造计算机的三个基本原则:采用二进制逻辑、程序存储执行、以及计算机由运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备这五个基本单元组成;晶体管是构成基本的逻辑电路和存储电路的半导体器件,是建造现代计算机之塔的“砖块”。基于以上科学基础,计算技术得以高速发展,形成规模庞大的产业。






  2 智能计算发展简介


  智能计算的起点是通用自动计算装置(1946年)。艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)和冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)等科学家,一开始都希望能够模拟人脑处理知识的过程,发明像人脑一样思考的机器,虽未能实现,但却解决了计算的自动化问题。通用自动计算装置的出现,也推动了1956年人工智能(AI)概念的诞生,此后所有人工智能技术的发展都是建立在新一代计算设备与更强的计算能力之上的。

  智能计算发展的第二阶段是逻辑推理专家系统(1990年)。E.A.费根鲍姆(Edward Albert Feigenbaum)等符号智能学派的科学家以逻辑和推理能力自动化为主要目标,提出了能够将知识符号进行逻辑推理的专家系统。人的先验知识以知识符号的形式进入计算机,使计算机能够在特定领域辅助人类进行一定的逻辑判断和决策,但专家系统严重依赖于手工生成的知识库或规则库。这类专家系统的典型代表是日本的五代机和我国863计划支持的306智能计算机主题,日本在逻辑专家系统中采取专用计算平台和Prolog这样的知识推理语言完成应用级推理任务;我国采取了与日本不同的技术路线,以通用计算平台为基础,将智能任务变成人工智能算法,将硬件和系统软件都接入通用计算平台,并催生了曙光、汉王、科大讯飞等一批骨干企业。


  直到2014年左右,智能计算进阶到第三阶段——深度学习计算系统。以杰弗里·辛顿(Geoffrey Hinton)等为代表的连接智能学派,以学习能力自动化为目标,发明了深度学习等新AI算法。通过深度神经元网络的自动学习,大幅提升了模型统计归纳的能力,在模式识别①等应用效果上取得了巨大突破,某些场景的识别精度甚至超越了人类。以人脸识别为例,整个神经网络的训练过程相当于一个网络参数调整的过程,将大量的经过标注的人脸图片数据输入神经网络,然后进行网络间参数调整,让神经网络输出的结果的概率无限逼近真实结果。神经网络输出真实情况的概率越大,参数就越大,从而将知识和规则编码到网络参数中,这样只要数据足够多,就可以对各种大量的常识进行学习,通用性得到极大的提升。连接智能的应用更加广泛,包括语音识别、人脸识别、自动驾驶等。在计算载体方面,中国科学院计算技术研究所2013年提出了国际首个深度学习处理器架构,国际知名的硬件厂商英伟达(NVIDIA)持续发布了多款性能领先的通用GPU芯片,都是深度学习计算系统的典型代表。


  大模型的特点是以“大”取胜,其中有三层含义,(1)参数大,GPT-3就有1700亿个参数;(2)训练数据大,ChatGPT大约用了3000亿个单词,570GB训练数据;(3)算力需求大,GPT-3大约用了上万块V100 GPU进行训练。为满足大模型对智能算力爆炸式增加的需求,国内外都在大规模建设耗资巨大的新型智算中心,英伟达公司也推出了采用256个H100芯片,150TB海量GPU内存等构成的大模型智能计算系统。


  一是技术上的规模定律(Scaling Law),即很多AI模型的精度在参数规模超过某个阈值后模型能力快速提升,其原因在科学界还不是非常清楚,有很大的争议。AI模型的性能与模型参数规模、数据集大小、算力总量三个变量成“对数线性关系”,因此可以通过增大模型的规模来不断提高模型的性能。目前最前沿的大模型GPT-4参数量已经达到了万亿到十万亿量级,并且仍在不断增长中;







  第四个前沿方向是AI4R(AI for Research)成为科学发现与技术发明的主要范式。当前科学发现主要依赖于实验和人脑智慧,由人类进行大胆猜想、小心求证,信息技术无论是计算和数据,都只是起到一些辅助和验证的作用。相较于人类,人工智能在记忆力、高维复杂、全视野、推理深度、猜想等方面具有较大优势,是否能以AI为主进行一些科学发现和技术发明,大幅提升人类科学发现的效率,比如主动发现物理学规律、预测蛋白质结构、设计高性能芯片、高效合成新药等。因为人工智能大模型具有全量数据,具备上帝视角,通过深度学习的能力,可以比人向前看更多步数,如能实现从推断(inference)到推理(reasoning)的跃升,人工智能模型就有潜力具备爱因斯坦一样的想象力和科学猜想能力,极大提升人类科学发现的效率,打破人类的认知边界。这才是真正的颠覆所在。

  最后,通用人工智能③(Artificial General Intelligence,简称AGI)是一个极具挑战的话题,极具争论性。曾经有一个哲学家和一个神经科学家打赌:25年后(即2023年)科研人员是否能够揭示大脑如何实现意识?当时关于意识有两个流派,一个叫集成信息理论,一个叫全局网络工作空间理论,前者认为意识是由大脑中特定类型神经元连接形成的“结构”,后者指出意识是当信息通过互连网络传播到大脑区域时产生的。2023年,人们通过六个独立实验室进行了对抗性实验,结果与两种理论均不完全匹配,哲学家赢了,神经科学家输了。通过这一场赌约,可以看出人们总是希望人工智能能够了解人类的认知和大脑的奥秘。从物理学的视角看,物理学是对宏观世界有了透彻理解后,从量子物理起步开启了对微观世界的理解。智能世界与物理世界一样,都是具有巨大复杂度的研究对象,AI大模型仍然是通过数据驱动等研究宏观世界的方法,提高机器的智能水平,对智能宏观世界理解并不够,直接到神经系统微观世界寻找答案是困难的。人工智能自诞生以来,一直承载着人类关于智能与意识的种种梦想与幻想,也激励着人们不断探索。

  3 人工智能的安全风险



  一是数字分身。AI Yoon是首个使用 DeepFake 技术合成的官方“候选人”,这个数字人以韩国国民力量党候选人尹锡悦(Yoon Suk-yeol)为原型,借助尹锡悦 20 小时的音频和视频片段、以及其专门为研究人员录制的 3000 多个句子,由当地一家 DeepFake 技术公司创建了虚拟形象 AI Yoon,并在网络上迅速走红。实际上 AI Yoon 表达的内容是由竞选团队撰写的,而不是候选人本人。








  4 中国智能计算发展困境




  困境三为国内智能计算生态孱弱,AI开发框架渗透率不足。英伟达CUDA⑤(Compute Unified Device Architecture, 通用计算设备架构)生态完备,已形成了事实上的垄断。国内生态孱弱,具体表现在:一是研发人员不足,英伟达CUDA生态有近2万人开发,是国内所有智能芯片公司人员总和的20倍;二是开发工具不足,CUDA有550个SDK(Software Development Kit, 软件开发工具包),是国内相关企业的上百倍;三是资金投入不足,英伟达每年投入50亿美元,是国内相关公司的几十倍;四是AI开发框架TensorFlow占据工业类市场,PyTorch占据研究类市场,百度飞桨等国产AI开发框架的开发人员只有国外框架的1/10。更为严重的是国内企业之间山头林立,无法形成合力,从智能应用、开发框架、系统软件、智能芯片,虽然每层都有相关产品,但各层之间没有深度适配,无法形成一个有竞争力的技术体系。


  5 中国如何发展智能计算的道路选择
















  相应地美国AI主要应用于虚拟经济和IT基础工具,AI技术也是“脱实向虚”,自2007年以来硅谷不断炒作虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)、元宇宙、区块链、Web3.0、深度学习、AI大模型等,是这个趋势的反映。  













China Energy Storage Network News: The Chinese People's Congress website recently published Sun Ninghui's speech "The Development of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Computing" at the special lecture of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee. The full text is reproduced as follows. Let us enter the unfathomable world of artificial intelligence together.

Chairman, Vice Chairmen, Secretary-General, Members:

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence is ushering in an explosive development led by generative artificial intelligence big models. On November 30, 2022, OpenAI launched an artificial intelligence dialogue chat robot ChatGPT. Its outstanding natural language generation ability has attracted widespread attention worldwide. It has exceeded 100 million users in 2 months. A wave of big models has been set off at home and abroad. Gemini, Wenxin Yiyan, Copilot, LLaMA, SAM, SORA and other big models have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. 2022 is also known as the first year of big models. The current information age is accelerating into the development stage of intelligent computing. Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence technology are emerging in an endless stream, gradually empowering thousands of industries and promoting artificial intelligence and data elements to become typical representatives of new quality productivity. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the new generation of artificial intelligence should be used as a driving force to promote the leapfrog development of science and technology, the optimization and upgrading of industries, and the overall leap of productivity, and strive to achieve high-quality development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the development of the intelligent economy, promoted the deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy, and injected strong impetus into high-quality development.

1 Introduction to the development of computing technology

The development history of computing technology can be roughly divided into four stages. The emergence of the abacus marks the entry of mankind into the first generation - the era of mechanical computing. The second generation - the symbol of electronic computing is the emergence of electronic devices and electronic computers. The emergence of the Internet has brought us into the third generation - network computing. At present, human society is entering the fourth stage - intelligent computing.

Early computing devices were manual auxiliary computing devices and semi-automatic computing devices. The history of human computing tools began with the Chinese abacus in 1200 AD, followed by the Napier chips (1612) and the roller adder (1642). In 1672, the first computing device that automatically completed four arithmetic operations - the stepping calculator was born.

Some basic concepts of modern computers have appeared in the mechanical computing period. Charles Babbage proposed the design concept of the Difference Engine (1822) and the Analytical Engine (1834) to support automatic mechanical calculations. During this period, the concepts of programming and programs were basically formed. The concept of programming originated from the Jacquard loom, which controlled the printing pattern through punched cards, and eventually evolved into storing all mathematical calculation steps in the form of calculation instructions; the first programmer in human history was Ada, the daughter of the poet Byron. She wrote a set of calculation instructions for Babbage's Difference Engine to solve the Bernoulli sequence. This set of instructions was also the first set of computer algorithm programs in human history. It separated hardware and software, and the concept of program appeared for the first time.

It was not until the first half of the 20th century that the four scientific foundations of modern computing technology, Boolean algebra (mathematics), Turing machine (computational model), von Neumann architecture (architecture), and transistor (device), emerged. Among them, Boolean algebra is used to describe the underlying logic of programs and hardware such as CPUs; Turing machines are a universal computing model that transforms complex tasks into automatic computing without human intervention; the von Neumann architecture proposes three basic principles for constructing computers: using binary logic, program storage and execution, and computers are composed of five basic units: arithmetic units, controllers, memory, input devices, and output devices; transistors are semiconductor devices that constitute basic logic circuits and storage circuits, and are the "bricks" for building modern computer towers. Based on the above scientific foundations, computing technology has developed rapidly and formed a large-scale industry.

From the birth of the world's first electronic computer ENIAC in 1946 to today in the 21st century, five types of successful platform computing systems have been formed. Currently, various types of applications in various fields can be supported by these five types of platform computing devices. The first category is high-performance computing platforms, which solve scientific and engineering computing problems in core national departments; the second category is enterprise computing platforms, also known as servers, which are used for enterprise-level data management and transaction processing. Currently, computing platforms of Internet companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent belong to this category; the third category is personal computer platforms, which appear in the form of desktop applications, and people interact with personal computers through desktop applications; the fourth category is smart phones, whose main features are mobility and portability. Mobile phones connect to data centers through the network, and they are mainly Internet applications. They are distributed though deployment in data centers and mobile terminals; the fifth category is embedded computers, which are embedded in industrial equipment and military equipment. Through real-time control, they ensure that specific tasks are completed within a certain time. These five types of devices cover almost all aspects of our information society. The sixth type of platform computing system centered on intelligent computing applications, which people have been pursuing for a long time, has not yet been formed.

The development of modern computing technology can be roughly divided into three eras.

IT1.0, also known as the electronic computing era (1950-1970), has the basic feature of being centered on "machines". The basic architecture of computing technology has been formed. With the advancement of integrated circuit technology, the scale of basic computing units has been rapidly miniaturized, and the density, computing performance and reliability of transistors have been continuously improved. Computers have been widely used in scientific and engineering computing and enterprise data processing.

IT2.0, also known as the network computing era (1980-2020), is centered on "people". The Internet connects the terminals used by people with the data center in the background, and Internet applications interact with people through smart terminals. Internet companies represented by Amazon and others have proposed the idea of ​​cloud computing, encapsulating the computing power in the background into a public service and renting it to third-party users, forming the cloud computing and big data industry.

IT3.0, also known as the intelligent computing era, began in 2020. Compared with IT2.0, it adds the concept of "things", that is, various end-side devices in the physical world are digitized, networked and intelligent, realizing the three-way integration of "people-machine-things". In the era of intelligent computing, in addition to the Internet, there is also data infrastructure to support various terminals to achieve the interconnection of all things through the end-edge cloud. AI is embedded in terminals, objects, edges, and clouds, providing large-model intelligent services similar to ChatGPT, and finally realizing AI intelligence wherever there is computing. Intelligent computing has brought a huge amount of data, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence algorithms, and explosive demand for computing power.

2 Introduction to the development of intelligent computing

Intelligent computing includes artificial intelligence technology and its computing carriers, and has roughly gone through four stages, namely general computing devices, logical reasoning expert systems, deep learning computing systems, and large-model computing systems.

The starting point of intelligent computing is the general automatic computing device (1946). Scientists such as Alan Turing and John von Neumann initially hoped to simulate the process of human brain processing knowledge and invent machines that think like human brains. Although this was not achieved, it solved the problem of computing automation. The emergence of general automatic computing devices also promoted the birth of the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) in 1956. Since then, all the development of artificial intelligence technology has been based on a new generation of computing devices and stronger computing power.

The second stage of the development of intelligent computing is the logical reasoning expert system (1990). Scientists of the symbolic intelligence school such as Edward Albert Feigenbaum took the automation of logic and reasoning ability as the main goal and proposed an expert system that can perform logical reasoning on knowledge symbols. People's prior knowledge enters the computer in the form of knowledge symbols, enabling computers to assist humans in making certain logical judgments and decisions in specific fields, but expert systems rely heavily on manually generated knowledge bases or rule bases. Typical representatives of this type of expert system are Japan's fifth-generation aircraft and China's 863 plan-supported 306 intelligent computer theme. In the logic expert system, Japan uses a dedicated computing platform and a knowledge reasoning language such as Prolog to complete application-level reasoning tasks; China has adopted a different technical route from Japan, based on a general computing platform, turning intelligent tasks into artificial intelligence algorithms, connecting both hardware and system software to a general computing platform, and giving birth to a number of backbone enterprises such as Sugon, Hanwang, and iFlytek.

The limitation of the symbolic computing system lies in its explosive computational time and space complexity, that is, the symbolic computing system can only solve linear growth problems, and cannot solve high-dimensional complex space problems, thus limiting the size of the problems that can be handled. At the same time, because the symbolic computing system is based on knowledge rules, we cannot enumerate all common sense by exhaustive enumeration, so its scope of application is greatly limited. With the arrival of the second AI winter, the first generation of intelligent computers gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

Until around 2014, intelligent computing advanced to the third stage - deep learning computing system. The connected intelligence school represented by Geoffrey Hinton and others aims to automate learning capabilities and has invented new AI algorithms such as deep learning. Through the automatic learning of deep neural networks, the ability of model statistical induction has been greatly improved, and great breakthroughs have been made in application effects such as pattern recognition①. The recognition accuracy of some scenarios even exceeds that of humans. Taking face recognition as an example, the entire neural network training process is equivalent to a network parameter adjustment process. A large amount of labeled face image data is input into the neural network, and then the network parameters are adjusted to make the probability of the result output by the neural network infinitely close to the real result. The greater the probability of the neural network outputting the real situation, the larger the parameters, so that knowledge and rules are encoded into the network parameters. In this way, as long as there is enough data, a large amount of common sense can be learned, and the versatility is greatly improved. The application of connected intelligence is more extensive, including speech recognition, face recognition, autonomous driving, etc. In terms of computing carriers, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed the world's first deep learning processor architecture in 2013, and the internationally renowned hardware manufacturer NVIDIA has continuously released a number of general-purpose GPU chips with leading performance, which are typical representatives of deep learning computing systems.

The fourth stage of the development of intelligent computing is the large model computing system (2020). Driven by the large model technology of artificial intelligence, intelligent computing has reached a new height. In 2020, AI shifted from "small model + discriminant" to "large model + generative", and upgraded from traditional face recognition, target detection, and text classification to today's text generation, 3D digital human generation, image generation, speech generation, and video generation. A typical application of large language models in the field of dialogue systems is OpenAI's ChatGPT, which uses the pre-trained base large language model GPT-3 and introduces a training corpus of 300 billion words, which is equivalent to the sum of all English texts on the Internet. The basic principle is: train the model by giving it an input and letting it predict the next word, and improve the prediction accuracy through a large amount of training, so that you can eventually ask it a question, the large model will generate an answer, and you can have an instant conversation with people. On the basis of the base large model, some prompt words are given to it for supervised instruction fine-tuning. Through human <instruction, reply> pairs, the model gradually learns how to have multiple rounds of dialogue with people; finally, through the artificially designed and automatically generated reward function, reinforcement learning iteration is carried out to gradually achieve the alignment of the large model with human values.

The characteristic of the large model is to win by "big", which has three meanings: (1) large parameters, GPT-3 has 170 billion parameters; (2) large training data, ChatGPT uses about 300 billion words and 570GB training data; (3) large computing power requirements, GPT-3 uses about tens of thousands of V100 GPUs for training. In order to meet the explosive increase in the demand for intelligent computing power of large models, both China and foreign countries are building large-scale new intelligent computing centers at a huge cost. NVIDIA has also launched a large-model intelligent computing system composed of 256 H100 chips and 150TB of massive GPU memory.

The emergence of large models has brought three changes.

The first is the technical scaling law, which means that the accuracy of many AI models increases rapidly after the parameter scale exceeds a certain threshold. The reason is not very clear in the scientific community and is highly controversial. The performance of AI models is in a "log-linear relationship" with the three variables of model parameter scale, data set size, and total computing power. Therefore, the performance of the model can be continuously improved by increasing the scale of the model. At present, the number of parameters of the most cutting-edge large model GPT-4 has reached trillions to tens of trillions, and is still growing;

Second, the demand for computing power in the industry has exploded. The training of large models with hundreds of billions of parameters usually requires 2-3 months of training on thousands or even tens of thousands of GPU cards. The sharply increased demand for computing power has driven the ultra-high-speed development of related computing companies. Nvidia's market value is close to two trillion US dollars, which has never happened to chip companies before;

Third, the society has impacted the labor market. The report "Research on the Potential Impact of AI Large Models on the Chinese Labor Market" jointly released by the National Development Research Institute of Peking University and pointed out that among the 20 most affected occupations, accounting, sales, and clerical work are at the forefront. Physical labor jobs that require dealing with people and providing services, such as human resources, administration, and logistics, are relatively safer.

The technological frontier of artificial intelligence will develop in the following four directions.

The first frontier direction is multimodal large models. From a human perspective, human intelligence is naturally multimodal. People have eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mouth (language). From an AI perspective, vision, hearing, etc. can also be modeled as a sequence of token②, which can be learned in the same way as the large language model, and further aligned with the semantics in the language to achieve multimodal alignment intelligence.

The second frontier direction is video generation of large models. OpenAI released the Wensheng video model SORA on February 15, 2024, which greatly increased the video generation time from a few seconds to one minute, and significantly improved the resolution, picture realism, and timing consistency. The greatest significance of SORA is that it has the basic characteristics of the world model, that is, the ability of humans to observe the world and further predict the world. The world model is based on the basic physical common sense of understanding the world (such as water flows to lower places, etc.), and then observes and predicts what will happen in the next second. Although there are still many problems for SORA to become a world model, it can be considered that SORA has learned the picture imagination and minute-level future prediction ability, which are the basic characteristics of the world model.

The third frontier direction is embodied intelligence. Embodied intelligence refers to intelligent entities that have bodies and support interaction with the physical world, such as robots and driverless cars. They process multiple sensory data inputs through multimodal large models, and the large models generate motion instructions to drive the intelligent entities.  , replacing the traditional motion-driven mode based on rules or mathematical formulas, and realizing the deep integration of virtual and reality. Therefore, robots with embodied intelligence can gather the three major schools of artificial intelligence: connectionism represented by neural networks, symbolism represented by knowledge engineering, and behaviorism related to cybernetics. The three major schools can act on one intelligent body at the same time, which is expected to bring new technological breakthroughs.

The fourth frontier direction is that AI4R (AI for Research) has become the main paradigm for scientific discovery and technological invention. At present, scientific discovery mainly relies on experiments and human brain intelligence, and humans make bold guesses and carefully verify them. Information technology, whether it is computing or data, only plays some auxiliary and verification roles. Compared with humans, artificial intelligence has great advantages in memory, high-dimensional complexity, full vision, reasoning depth, and conjecture. Can AI be used as the main method for some scientific discoveries and technological inventions to greatly improve the efficiency of human scientific discovery, such as actively discovering physical laws, predicting protein structures, designing high-performance chips, and efficiently synthesizing new drugs? Because the AI ​​model has a full amount of data and a God's perspective, it can see more steps ahead than humans through deep learning. If it can achieve a leap from inference to reasoning, the AI ​​model has the potential to have the same imagination and scientific conjecture as Einstein, greatly improving the efficiency of human scientific discovery and breaking the cognitive boundaries of humans. This is the real subversion.

Finally, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a very challenging and controversial topic. There was once a philosopher and a neuroscientist who made a bet: 25 years later (that is, in 2023), will researchers be able to reveal how the brain achieves consciousness? At that time, there were two schools of thought about consciousness, one called integrated information theory and the other called global network workspace theory. The former believed that consciousness was a "structure" formed by the connection of specific types of neurons in the brain, and the latter pointed out that consciousness is generated when information is transmitted to brain areas through interconnected networks. In 2023, people conducted adversarial experiments through six independent laboratories, and the results did not fully match the two theories. The philosopher won and the neuroscientist lost. Through this bet, we can see that people always hope that artificial intelligence can understand the secrets of human cognition and the brain. From the perspective of physics, physics has a thorough understanding of the macroscopic world, and then it starts to understand the microscopic world from quantum physics. The intelligent world, like the physical world, is a research object with great complexity. The AI ​​big model still uses data-driven and other methods to study the macroscopic world, improve the intelligence level of the machine, and does not understand the intelligent macroscopic world enough. It is difficult to find answers directly in the microscopic world of the nervous system. Since its birth, artificial intelligence has been carrying all kinds of human dreams and fantasies about intelligence and consciousness, and has also inspired people to continue to explore.

3 Security risks of artificial intelligence

While the development of artificial intelligence has promoted the progress of science and technology in today's world, it has also brought many security risks, which must be dealt with from both technical and regulatory aspects.

First, there is the proliferation of false information on the Internet. Here are several scenarios:

One is digital avatars. AI Yoon is the first official "candidate" synthesized using DeepFake technology. This digital person is based on Yoon Suk-yeol, a candidate of the South Korean National Power Party. With the help of Yoon Suk-yeol's 20 hours of audio and video clips and more than 3,000 sentences recorded specifically for researchers, a local DeepFake technology company created the virtual image AI Yoon and quickly became popular on the Internet. In fact, the content expressed by AI Yoon was written by the campaign team, not the candidate himself.

Second, fake videos, especially fake leaders' videos, cause international disputes, disrupt election order, or cause sudden public opinion events, such as fake Nixon's announcement of the failure of the first moon landing and fake Ukrainian President Zelensky's announcement of "surrender". These behaviors have led to a decline in social trust in the news media industry.

Third, fake news, mainly through the automatic generation of false news to make illegal profits, use ChatGPT to generate hot news and earn traffic. As of June 30, 2023, there are 277 fake news websites generated worldwide, which seriously disrupt social order.

Fourth, face-changing and voice-changing are used for fraud. For example, a Hong Kong international company was defrauded of $35 million because the AI ​​voice imitated the voice of a corporate executive.

Fifth, indecent images are generated, especially for public figures. For example, pornographic videos of movie stars are produced, which have a negative social impact. Therefore, it is urgent to develop counterfeit detection technology for Internet false information.

Next, AI big models face serious credibility issues. These issues include: (1) factual errors of "serious nonsense"; (2) narratives based on Western values, outputting political bias and wrong speech; (3) easy to be misled, outputting wrong knowledge and harmful content; (4) data security issues are aggravated, and big models have become traps for important sensitive data. ChatGPT incorporates user input into the training database to improve ChatGPT. The US can use big models to obtain Chinese corpus that is not covered by public channels and master "Chinese knowledge" that we may not master ourselves. Therefore, it is urgent to develop big model security supervision technology and our own credible big models.

In addition to technical means, AI security protection requires relevant legislative work. In 2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Ethics Code". In August 2022, the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee issued the "Information Security Technology Machine Learning Algorithm Security Assessment Code". In 2022-2023, the Central Cyberspace Affairs Office successively issued the "Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation Management Regulations", "Internet Information Service Deep Synthesis Management Regulations", "Generative Artificial Intelligence Service Management Measures", etc. European and American countries have also successively issued laws and regulations. On May 25, 2018, the European Union issued the "General Data Protection Regulation". On October 4, 2022, the United States issued the "Blueprint for the Artificial Intelligence Bill of Rights". On March 13, 2024, the European Parliament passed the EU "Artificial Intelligence Act".

China should accelerate the introduction of the "Artificial Intelligence Law", build an artificial intelligence governance system, ensure that the development and application of artificial intelligence follow the common values ​​of mankind, and promote human-machine harmony and friendship; create a policy environment conducive to the research, development and application of artificial intelligence technology; establish a reasonable disclosure mechanism and audit evaluation mechanism, understand the principles and decision-making process of artificial intelligence mechanisms; clarify the security responsibilities and accountability mechanisms of artificial intelligence systems, trace the responsible parties and remedy them; promote the formation of fair, reasonable, open and inclusive international artificial intelligence governance rules.

4 Dilemma of China's Intelligent Computing Development

Artificial intelligence technology and intelligent computing industry are at the focus of Sino-US technological competition. Although China has made great achievements in the past few years, it still faces many development difficulties, especially the difficulties caused by the US technology suppression policy.

Dilemma 1 is that the United States has long been in a leading position in AI core capabilities, and China is in tracking mode. China has a certain gap with the United States in the number of high-end AI talents, AI basic algorithm innovation, AI base large model capabilities (large language model, Wensheng graph model, Wensheng video model), base large model training data, base large model training computing power, etc., and this gap will continue for a long time.

Dilemma 2 is that high-end computing power products are banned from sale, and high-end chip processes have been stuck for a long time. A100, H100, B200 and other high-end intelligent computing chips are banned from sale to China. Huawei, Loongson, Cambrian, Sugon, Haiguang and other companies have entered the entity list. Their advanced chip manufacturing processes④ are limited. The process nodes that can meet large-scale mass production in China lag behind the international advanced level by 2-3 generations, and the performance of core computing power chips lags behind the international advanced level by 2-3 generations.

Dilemma 3 is the weak domestic intelligent computing ecosystem and insufficient penetration of AI development frameworks. NVIDIA's CUDA⑤ (Compute Unified Device Architecture) ecosystem is complete and has formed a de facto monopoly. The domestic ecosystem is weak, specifically manifested in: First, there is a shortage of R&D personnel. NVIDIA's CUDA ecosystem has nearly 20,000 developers, which is 20 times the total number of personnel in all domestic smart chip companies; second, there are insufficient development tools. CUDA has 550 SDKs (Software Development Kits), which is hundreds of times that of related domestic companies; third, there is insufficient capital investment. NVIDIA invests $5 billion annually, which is dozens of times that of related domestic companies; fourth, the AI ​​development framework TensorFlow occupies the industrial market, PyTorch occupies the research market, and the number of developers of domestic AI development frameworks such as Baidu PaddlePaddle is only 1/10 of that of foreign frameworks. What is more serious is that there are many companies in China, and they cannot form a joint force. From intelligent applications, development frameworks, system software, and intelligent chips, although there are related products at each layer, there is no deep adaptation between the layers, and a competitive technical system cannot be formed.

Dilemma 4 is that the cost and threshold of AI application in the industry remain high. At present, Chinese AI applications are mainly concentrated in the Internet industry and some defense fields. When AI technology is promoted and applied to various industries, especially from the Internet industry to non-Internet industries, a lot of customization work is required, the migration is difficult, and the cost of single use is high. Finally, the number of talents in the field of AI in China is obviously insufficient compared with the actual demand.

5 How China chooses the road to develop intelligent computing

The choice of the road for the development of artificial intelligence is crucial to China, and it is related to the sustainability of development and the final international competitive landscape. The current cost of using artificial intelligence is very high. Microsoft Copilot suite costs $10 per month, ChatGPT consumes 500,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per day, and Nvidia B200 chips cost more than $30,000. In general, China should develop affordable, safe and reliable artificial intelligence technology to seek to eliminate the size of the information-poor population in China and to benefit the countries along the Belt and Road Initiative; and empower all social strata with low usage thresholds, so that China's key advanced industries can maintain competitiveness and relatively backward industries can significantly narrow the gap.

Choice 1: Unify the technical system and take the closed-source or open-source path?

The intelligent computing industry is supported by a tightly coupled technical system, that is, a series of technical standards and intellectual property rights that closely link materials, devices, processes, chips, complete machines, system software, application software, etc. China is presented with three paths to develop an intelligent computing technology system:

The first is to catch up with and be compatible with the A system dominated by the United States. Most of China's Internet companies take the GPGPU/CUDA compatibility path, and many startups in the chip field also try to be compatible with CUDA in ecological construction. This path is more realistic. Due to the restrictions of the United States on Chinese processes and chip bandwidth in terms of computing power, it is difficult to form a unified domestic ecosystem in terms of algorithms, and the maturity of the ecosystem is severely limited. In terms of data, there is a lack of high-quality Chinese data. These factors will make it difficult to narrow the gap between the pursuers and the leaders, and sometimes it will be further widened.

Second, build a dedicated and closed B system. Build a closed ecosystem for enterprises in special fields such as military, meteorology, and justice, produce chips based on domestic mature processes, pay more attention to vertical large models in specific fields compared to large base models, and use more domain-specific high-quality data for training large models. This path is easy to form a complete and controllable technical system and ecology. Some large Chinese backbone enterprises have taken this path. Its disadvantage is that it is closed and cannot gather most of the domestic forces, and it is difficult to achieve globalization.

Third, build an open and open C system globally. Use open source to break the ecological monopoly, lower the threshold for enterprises to own core technologies, and allow each enterprise to make its own chips at low cost, forming a vast ocean of smart chips to meet ubiquitous smart needs. Use openness to form a unified technical system, and Chinese enterprises and global forces will unite to build a unified intelligent computing software stack based on international standards. Form a pre-competitive sharing mechanism for enterprises, share high-quality databases, and share open source general base models. For the global open source ecosystem, Chinese enterprises have benefited a lot in the Internet era more as a user but also as a participant. In the AI era, Chinese enterprises should become more major contributors to the RISC-V⑥+AI open source technology system and become the leading force of global open sharing.

Choice 2: Algorithm model or new infrastructure?

Artificial intelligence technology should empower all walks of life and has a typical long-tail effect⑦. 80% of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises need low-threshold, low-price intelligent services. Therefore, the Chinese intelligent computing industry must be built on a new data space infrastructure. The key is that China should take the lead in realizing the comprehensive infrastructure of intelligent elements, namely data, computing power, and algorithms. This work can be compared with the historical role of the US information superhighway plan (i.e., information infrastructure construction) in the early twentieth century on the Internet industry.

The core productivity of the information society is cyberspace. The evolution process of cyberspace is: from the computing space composed of one-dimensional connection of machines, to the information space composed of two-dimensional connection of human-machine information, and then to the data space composed of three-dimensional connection of human-machine-object data. From the perspective of data space, the essence of artificial intelligence is the steel made from data, and the big model is the product of deep processing of the entire Internet data. In the digital age, what is transmitted on the Internet is information flow, which is a structured abstraction after the computing power has roughly processed the data; in the intelligent age, what is transmitted on the Internet is intelligent flow, which is a modeled abstraction after the computing power has deeply processed and refined the data. A core feature of intelligent computing is to use numerical calculations, data analysis, artificial intelligence and other algorithms to process massive data pieces in the computing power pool, obtain intelligent models, and then embed them into various processes in the information world and the physical world.

The Chinese government has proactively laid out new infrastructure in advance, seizing the initiative in the competition among countries around the world.

First, data has become a national strategic information resource. Data has the dual attributes of resource elements and value processing. The resource element attributes of data include production, acquisition, transmission, aggregation, circulation, transaction, ownership, assets, security and other links. China should continue to increase its efforts to build a national data hub and data circulation infrastructure.

Secondly, AI big models are a type of algorithm infrastructure in data space. Based on the general large model, we will build the infrastructure for the research and development and application of large models, support the large models dedicated to the research and development of enterprises, serve the industries of robots, unmanned driving, wearable devices, smart homes, smart security, etc., and cover long-tail applications.

Finally, the construction of the national integrated computing power network has played a leading role in promoting the infrastructure of computing power. While reducing the threshold cost of using computing power, it also provides high-throughput, high-quality intelligent services for the widest range of people. The Chinese solution for computing power infrastructure needs to have "two lows and one high", that is, on the supply side, it greatly reduces the total cost of computing power devices, computing power equipment, network connection, data acquisition, algorithm model call, power consumption, operation and maintenance, development and deployment, so that the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises can afford high-quality computing power services and have the enthusiasm to develop computing power network applications; on the consumer side, it greatly reduces the threshold of computing power use for the majority of users, and public services for the public must be easy to obtain and use, ready to use like water and electricity, and easy to customize computing power services and develop computing power network applications like writing web pages. On the service efficiency side, China's computing power services must achieve low entropy and high throughput, where high throughput means that while achieving high concurrency services, the response time of end-to-end services can be satisfied at a high rate; low entropy means that when there is disordered competition for resources in high concurrent loads, the system throughput is guaranteed not to drop sharply. Ensuring "more computing" is particularly important for China.

Choice three: Does AI+ focus on empowering the virtual economy, or on empowering the real economy? 
The effectiveness of "AI+" is the touchstone of the value of artificial intelligence. After the subprime mortgage crisis, the proportion of added value of US manufacturing in GDP decreased from 28% in 1950 to 11% in 2021, and the proportion of US manufacturing employment in the entire industry decreased from 35% in 1979 to 8% in 2022. It can be seen that the United States prefers the virtual economy with a higher rate of return and despises the real economy with high investment costs and low economic returns. China tends to develop the real economy and the virtual economy simultaneously, and pays more attention to the development of equipment manufacturing, new energy vehicles, photovoltaic power generation, lithium batteries, high-speed rail, 5G and other real economies. Correspondingly, American AI is mainly used in the virtual economy and IT basic tools, and AI technology is also "from the real to the virtual". Since 2007, Silicon Valley has been hyping virtual reality (VR), metaverse, blockchain, Web3.0, deep learning, AI big models, etc., which is a reflection of this trend.

China's advantage lies in the real economy. The manufacturing industry has the most complete industrial categories and the most complete system in the world, and is characterized by multiple scenarios and a lot of private data. China should select a number of industries to increase investment and form a paradigm that can be promoted across the industry with low barriers, such as selecting equipment manufacturing as a representative industry to continue its advantages and pharmaceutical industry as a representative industry to quickly narrow the gap. The technical difficulty of empowering the real economy is the integration of AI algorithms and physical mechanisms.

The key to the success of artificial intelligence technology is whether it can significantly reduce the cost of an industry or a product, thereby expanding the number of users and the scale of the industry by 10 times, producing a transformative effect similar to that of steam engines for the textile industry and smartphones for the Internet industry. China
should embark on a high-quality development path that is suitable for its own artificial intelligence to empower the real economy.


① Pattern recognition refers to the use of computational methods to divide samples into certain categories according to the characteristics of the samples. It is the use of mathematical methods by computers to study the automatic processing and interpretation of patterns, and the environment and objects are collectively referred to as "patterns". The main research directions are image processing and computer vision, speech and language information processing, brain network groups, and brain-like intelligence.

②Token can be translated as a word unit, which refers to a symbol used to represent a word or phrase in natural language processing. A token can be a single character or a sequence of multiple characters. ③General artificial intelligence refers to the type of artificial intelligence that has intelligence that is equal to or even exceeds that of humans. General artificial intelligence can not only perform basic thinking abilities such as perception, understanding, learning and reasoning like humans, but can also flexibly apply, quickly learn and think creatively in different fields. The research goal of general artificial intelligence is to seek a unified theoretical framework to explain various intelligent phenomena.

④Chip manufacturing process refers to the process of manufacturing CPU or GPU, that is, the size of transistor gate circuits, in nanometers. Currently, the most advanced process for mass production in the world is represented by TSMC's 3nm. More advanced manufacturing processes can integrate more transistors inside the CPU and GPU, so that the processor has more functions and higher performance, smaller area, lower cost, etc.

⑤CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model designed and developed by NVIDIA, which includes the CUDA instruction set architecture and the parallel computing engine inside the GPU. Developers can use C language to write programs for the CUDA architecture, and the programs written can run with ultra-high performance on processors that support CUDA.

⑥RISC-V (pronounced "risk-five") is an open general-purpose instruction set architecture initiated by the University of California, Berkeley. Compared with other paid instruction sets, RISC-V allows anyone to use the RISC-V instruction set for free to design, manufacture and sell chips and software.

⑦The long tail effect refers to the phenomenon that the total revenue of products or services with small sales but many types that were not valued originally exceeds that of mainstream products due to their huge total volume. In the field of Internet, the long tail effect is particularly significant.

⑧High concurrency usually refers to the design to ensure that the system can process many requests in parallel at the same time.

【Editor: Meng Jin】he Chinese solution for the infrastructure of computing power should significantly reduce the computing

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