Sunday, June 16, 2024

Wang Jinnan--Gathering the wisdom and strength to build a beautiful China and a safe China ——Reading "Selected Cases of Promoting and Expanding Chinese-style Modernization: Ecological Civilization·National Security" 王金南 汇聚建设美丽中国平安中国的智慧和力量 ——读《推进和拓展中国式现代化案例选:生态文明·国家安全篇》


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光明日报》[Guangming Daily] (English language online version here) one of the important press organs of the Chinese Communist Party, sometimes plays a role in mass line education. That appears to be especially true in the run up to the 3rd Plenum of the CPC Central Committee where the New Era line on "Chinese stye Modernization" is likely to be underscored. To those ends, perhaps, an article was published by Wang Jinnan--Gathering the wisdom and strength to build a beautiful China and a safe China ——Reading "Selected Cases of Promoting and Expanding Chinese-style Modernization: Ecological Civilization·National Security" [王金南 汇聚建设美丽中国平安中国的智慧和力量 ——读《推进和拓展中国式现代化案例选:生态文明·国家安全篇》].  

Wang Jinnan's essay may be more interesting given his position as deputy director of the Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).  The CPPCC has just published a set of report/recommendations during the course of its Standing Committee 7th Meeting (See, Hints for the Direction and Workproduct of the Upcoming Meeting of the 3rd Plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee--The Recommendation-Reports of the 7th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC 14th National Committee).  Though the focus is on 《推进和拓展中国式现代化案例选:生态文明·国家安全篇》["Selected Cases of Promoting and Expanding Chinese-style Modernization: Ecological Civilization/National Security"], the structures and emphasis suggest an important element of policy focus.

While the entire essay is worth careful study, several points stand out. 

1. The connection between policy and patriotic education about policy cannot be underestimated. There is a connection made between the development of theory, the transposition of theory into forms of policy application in the current stage of historical development, of educational text suitable for transmitting that theory to cadres and the masses, and of translating that transmission into patriotic instruction for mass action. While each of the steps is important, of course, it is the emphasis on the flow between them that may bear some additional consideration. "必须深刻认识到,只有不断强化党的创新理论武装,才能始终保持思想上更加清醒,政治上更加坚定,行动上更加自觉。" ["We must deeply realize that only by constantly strengthening the Party's innovative theoretical armament can we always remain clearer in thinking, more resolute in politics, and more conscious in action"]. ([王金南 汇聚建设美丽中国平安中国的智慧和力量  supra).  Certainly that is not unknown in the liberal democratic West where, for example, it has become fashionable to instill in knowledge producers and transmitters the motion that knowledge is not worth cultivating unless it has an impact aligned with state policy goals  (in the US see eg here).

2. Likewise, the connections between New Era transposition and development of Leninist theory in its application of dialectical Marxist progression and the objectification of that theory as policy goals also cannot be underestimated.  The new development of productive forces (innovation, etc.), New Era Socialist modernization, ecological civilization, AND national security are intimately interlinked. They are not understood as separate objectives that sometimes overlap; rather they are each instituted in the shadow of the others. This parallels emerging notion of ideological "unities" --"In his preface to the sixth batch of national cadre training materials, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we should truly master the unique skills of Marxism and ensure political unity and action unity with a high degree of ideological unity. [习近平总书记在为第六批全国干部学习培训教材所作的序言中强调,真正把马克思主义看家本领学到手,以思想高度统一确保政治统一、行动统一。]" ([王金南 汇聚建设美丽中国平安中国的智慧和力量 supra).

3. The references to ideological and thus objectives based purity is an interesting focus. It expresses the notion of Sinicization in quasi moral terms. Purity here is understood as de-naturing received concepts and global ideas in ways that strip them of their home ideological characteristics.  What is received form abroad becomes useful only when it is re-imagined in forms that are localized both culturally and ideologically. Otherwise, foreign ideological premises can be used to corrupt the project of staying on the Socialist path toward the establishment of a Communist society for the nation (eventually). 

4. The essay then distills the essence of the textbook: (1) the importance of using case studies for training; (2) the political nature of policy which then requires the guidance of the CPC; (3) the interconnections between ecological civilization objectives and national security; (4) the  critical objective of transposing theory into practical application (consistent with and advancing theory in the usual dialectical style of Chinese Leninism). 

5. Underlying all of this is the new fundamental objective or driver of New Era policy--innovation. "A prominent theme of the sixth batch of national cadre learning and training textbooks is to deeply study the relevant theories of Chinese-style modernization and transform the party's innovative theories into innovative practices to promote Chinese-style modernization." [第六批全国干部学习培训教材的一个突出主题,就是要深入学习中国式现代化相关理论,将党的创新理论转化为推进中国式现代化的创新实践。] ([王金南 汇聚建设美丽中国平安中国的智慧和力量 supra).








作者:王金南 《光明日报》( 2024年06月16日 03版)















Gathering the wisdom and strength to build a beautiful China and a safe China
——Reading "Selected Cases of Promoting and Expanding Chinese-style Modernization: Ecological Civilization·National Security"
Author: Wang Jinnan
"Guangming Daily" (June 16, 2024, 03 Edition)

Recently, the sixth batch of national cadre learning and training textbooks were officially issued, and "Selected Cases of Promoting and Expanding Chinese-style Modernization: Ecological Civilization·National Security" is an important chapter. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that cadres at all levels must learn and use textbooks well and be firm activists and doers in the construction of Chinese-style modernization. We must conscientiously implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and unremittingly use Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and the overall national security concept to arm our minds, guide practice, and promote work, and effectively transform the party's innovative theory into a powerful force for building a beautiful China and a safe China.

We must continue to strengthen the party's innovative theoretical armament

Persisting in arming the whole party with the latest achievements of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, guiding practice, and promoting work is an important experience for our party to create history and achieve brilliant achievements. We must deeply realize that only by continuously strengthening the party's innovative theoretical armament can we always remain more sober in thought, more firm in politics, and more conscious in action.

Strengthening theoretical armament is an inherent requirement for maintaining the advanced nature of Marxist parties. The advanced nature of Marxist parties is first manifested in their theoretical advancement. In his preface to the sixth batch of national cadre training materials, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we should truly master the unique skills of Marxism and ensure political unity and action unity with a high degree of ideological unity. Ideological construction is the basic construction of the Party. In the course of a century of struggle, our Party has always taken Marxism as its guide to action, and has continuously enriched and developed Marxism in practice, completing arduous tasks that various political forces have been unable to accomplish since modern times. Practice has proved that adhering to the guidance of scientific theories and arming with scientific theories is the fundamental guarantee for our Party to maintain its advanced nature and purity. The book profoundly explains the worldview and methodology embodied in Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and the overall national security concept, and provides an authoritative case textbook for the broad masses of Party members, cadres and the masses to deepen their ideological understanding of building ecological civilization and safeguarding national security.

Strengthening theoretical armament is a practical need to promote and expand Chinese-style modernization. Chinese-style modernization is the correct path to building a strong country and national rejuvenation. We must see that promoting and expanding Chinese-style modernization is an unprecedented pioneering cause. Facing the complex international and domestic situation, arduous and heavy tasks of reform, development and stability, and various uncertain and unpredictable risks and challenges, scientific theories are needed to guide the direction of progress. Chinese-style modernization is a modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and national security is the foundation of national rejuvenation. The book comprehensively displays typical cases of building a beautiful China and a safe China, and has important practical value for promoting Chinese-style modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and maintaining national security and social stability.

Strengthening theoretical armament is an important path to improve the ability and level of party members and cadres. The party's historical experience and current development tell us that without the whole party's great learning and the great training of cadres, there will be no great development of the cause; we must be good at drawing the spiritual power of forging ahead and moving forward courageously from the party's innovative theory, strengthen historical confidence, and temper the ability to struggle, and always forge ahead with a determined and courageous attitude to forge ahead on the new journey and make contributions to the new era. Practice has also repeatedly proved that only by insisting on learning and applying, practicing, and constantly improving work ability and level can we implement the learning results in doing our job well and promoting the development of the cause. The book not only teaches enlightenment, but also teaches methods and paths, and promotes the style of study that combines theory with practice. It is an ideological treasure house for the majority of party members and cadres to improve their theoretical literacy and enhance their ability to shoulder the heavy responsibility of modernization construction.

Important case textbook for implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The book uses typical cases to deeply explain Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and the overall national security concept, accurately grasps the learning characteristics of party members and cadres, and actively responds to the ideological confusion and difficulties in the work of party members and cadres. It is a set of theoretical and practical training materials that are both political, practical and comprehensive.

First, it highlights political nature. The case setting of the book is clear-cut and political, and it maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of political stance, political direction, political principles and political path. The chapter structure and content arrangement focus on reflecting the latest theoretical innovations of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on ecological civilization and national security, fully reflecting the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of Chinese-style modernization, and reflecting political and ideological nature.

Second, it highlights comprehensiveness. The book covers typical cases in the two aspects of promoting ecological civilization and national security construction in various regions and departments since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The ecological civilization section includes cases such as green development, pollution prevention and control, ecological protection, and "dual carbon" work. Among them, pollution prevention and control involves multiple cases of concern to the grassroots, such as water, air, and soil; the national security section involves cases in multiple fields related to national security, such as financial security, energy security, biosecurity, environmental risks, and social governance. The textbook includes both traditional typical cases such as Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project" and the latest excellent practices such as strengthening counter-espionage and counter-espionage, providing fresh theoretical and practical readings for improving the comprehensive capabilities of party members and cadres.

Third, it highlights practicality. Based on the needs of ecological civilization and national security construction in the new era, the book aims to deepen the understanding and understanding of cadres at all levels on promoting Chinese-style modernization, adheres to pragmatism, problem orientation, and theory and practice, pays attention to improving the scientificity, academicity, and readability of cases, and plays the role of textbooks in cadre learning and training. The book has clear ideas, reasonable structure, and rigorous logic. The style is simple, the content is easy to understand, and the cases are rich, which meets the needs of cadre training.

A prominent theme of the sixth batch of national cadre learning and training textbooks is to deeply study the relevant theories of Chinese-style modernization and transform the party's innovative theories into innovative practices to promote Chinese-style modernization. Learning and using the sixth batch of national cadre training materials well is an important task for cadre training at present and in the future. It is necessary to include the materials in the training courses of party schools and the learning content of party members and cadres, solidly organize the learning and exchange of the party's innovative theories, strengthen the analysis, interpretation and publicity of typical cases, and promote Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and the overall national security concept to become a powerful ideological weapon for building a beautiful China and a safe China.

(Author: Wang Jinnan, deputy director of the Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and honorary dean of the Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

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