Wednesday, July 31, 2024

2024 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights [第十三届联合国工商业与人权论坛] (25-27 November 2024)--Provisional Program, Information on Participation, and Registration


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 I am delighted to pass along the announcement of the provisional program and registration links for the 2024 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights to take place in Geneva 25-27 November 2024.  The announcement (in English, FrançaisEspañol, and 中文) follow below. They each include information about the Forum, participation and registration.

The theme for the 2024 Forum is  focused on the elaboration of an objective mentioned in the Commentary to UNGP Principle 3 that has taken on a life of its own: "Realizing the “Smart Mix of Measures” to protect human rights in the context of business activities." The Concept Note elaborating on the Forum theme follows below and may be accessed HERE

My commentary to UNGP Principle 3 (and the "smart mix of measures" objective (forthcoming as Chapter 7 of The UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights: A Commentary (OUP  forthcoming), may be accessed HERE; summary and introduction HERE.   

The provisional program also follows below and may be accessed HERE.



The United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights is the world's largest annual gathering on business and human rights that regularly attracts over 4,000 participants to its physical sessions in Geneva from governments, businesses, community groups and civil society, law firms, investor organisations, indigenous peoples, multilateral organisations, UN agencies, national human rights institutions, trade unions, academia and the media. In 2024, the 13th annual Forum will be held in person at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, with some of the sessions in hybrid format.


Over three days, from 25 to 27 November 2024, participants will take part in over 29 sessions to discuss current business-related human rights issues under the overall theme of “Realizing the “Smart Mix of Measures” to protect human rights in the context of business activities.”. The concept note for this year’s event and further information is available on the Forum website.

All relevant stakeholders from all regions are encouraged to register.



Join the Forum to share experiences and learn about the latest initiatives to promote corporate respect for human rights in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Forum is guided and chaired by the Working Group on Business and Human Rights.

For further information, please visit the Forum webpage.

Le Forum annuel des Nations Unies sur les entreprises et les droits de l'homme est le plus grand rassemblement mondial sur les entreprises et les droits de l'homme, réunissant régulièrement plus de 4000 participants provenant de gouvernements, entreprises, associations locales et société civile, cabinets juridiques, investisseurs, peuples autochtones, les organisations multilatérales, organismes de l’ONU, institutions nationales de défense des droits de l'homme, organisations syndicales, milieux universitaires, et médias. En 2024, le 13ème Forum annuel se tiendra en personne au Palais des Nations, à Genève, dont certaines sessions en format hybride.



Pendant trois jours, du 25 au 27 novembre 2024, les participants du Forum prendront part à 29 sessions pour discuter des questions actuelles de droits de l'homme liées aux entreprises sous le thème général "Concrétiser "l’assortiment judicieux de mesures" pour protéger les droits humains dans le contexte des activités commerciales". La note conceptuelle de l'événement de cette année et de plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site web du Forum.

Tous les acteurs concernés de toutes les régions sont invités à s’inscrire.


Participez au Forum pour partager des expériences et vous informer sur les dernières initiatives visant à promouvoir une conduite responsable des entreprises conformément aux Principes directeurs relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme. Le Forum est guidé et présidé par le Groupe de travail sur les entreprises et les droits de l’homme.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez visiter la page web du Forum.

El Foro anual de las Naciones Unidas sobre las empresas y los derechos humanos es el mayor encuentro anual a nivel mundial sobre las empresas y los derechos humanos, regularmente atrayendo a más de 4.000 participantes: representantes de gobiernos, empresas, grupos comunitarios y sociedad civil, despachos jurídicos, inversores, pueblos indígenas, organizaciones multilaterales, organismos de la ONU, instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos, grupos sindicales, academia y medios de comunicación. En 2024, el 13° Foro anual se celebrará presencialmente en el Palacio de las Naciones, en Ginebra, con algunas de las sesiones en formato híbrido.


Durante tres días, del 25 al 27 de noviembre de 2024, los y las participantes podrán unirse a más de 29 sesiones virtuales para debatir sobre los temas actuales en materia de derechos humanos y empresas bajo el tema central de: “Realizar una “combinación inteligente de medidas” para proteger los derechos humanos en el contexto de las actividades empresariales”. La nota conceptual del evento de este año y más información están disponibles en el sitio web del Foro.

Todas las partes interesadas de todas las regiones son invitadas a inscribirse.


Únase al Foro para intercambiar experiencias y aprender acerca de las numerosas iniciativas destinadas a promover el respeto de los derechos humanos por parte de las empresas en consonancia con los Principios Rectores de Naciones Unidas sobre las empresas y los derechos humanos. El Foro está dirigido y presidido por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre las empresas y los Derechos Humanos.

Para más información, por favor, visite la página web del Foro.

Concept Note
13th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights
25 - 27 November 2024
Realizing the “Smart Mix of Measures” to protect human rights in the context
of business activities
Since its first session in 2012, the annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights has
brought together thousands of participants from governments, international organizations,
business, civil society, trade unions, communities, lawyers, and academia from around the
world (there were 4,000 participants in 2023). Centred on the UN Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) – the authoritative global framework for States and
businesses in relation to preventing the adverse impacts on human rights arising from
business activities – the Forum provides a unique multi-stakeholder platform for discussing
key trends and challenges in implementing and advancing the UNGPs.
Established by the UN Human Rights Council, the Forum is guided and chaired by the UN
Working Group on Business and Human Rights. It is organized by the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
Focus of the 2024 Forum
The “smart mix of measures” – national, international, voluntary and mandatory – has been
central to the realization of the UNGPs over the past decade. Already into the second decade of implementation, this is the moment to reflect on what the “smart mix” means now and into the future, what has worked and not worked, and how should the smart mixes that are emerging in different parts of the world better integrate access to remedy as the third pillar of the UNGPs in view of novel challenges, including those presented by the fragility of global value chains.
Accordingly, this Forum will offer participants a multi-stakeholder platform to explore key
trends and prospects at the national, regional, and global levels in relation to the
implementation of the UNGPs through a “smart mix”. This may include specific application
and implementation of a smart mix of measures in the following proposed, but not exhaustive
areas :
• State action;
• Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI);
• Access to Remedy for all;
• Climate change, environmental challenges, and nature-based solutions;
• Indigenous Peoples rights; and
• Human rights due diligence.

These sessions and others will examine both the challenges and opportunities of the smart
In considering these challenges, the key questions which are likely to be considered at the
Forum include:
• What are the drivers for, and obstacles to, a smart mix in any area?
• To what extent is there evidence of smart mixes at the national, regional, and
international levels?
• What, if any, are the impacts of smart mixes on the lived experiences of those affected by business activities?
• What good practices of smart mixes can be found in the actions of States, businesses, and other stakeholders?
• What are effective multi-stakeholder approaches for ensuring an effective smart mix ofmeasures?

This Forum provides an opportunity to reflect critically on the changes which have been made by smart mixes since the UNGPs were adopted. Participants will consider whether and to what extent these changes have proved effective, especially for rights-holders, and what still needs to be achieved.

The Forum will also provide an opportunity to address various other issues in focus. These
may include “standing items” for the Forum agenda, such as:
• Region focused sessions;
• Sessions led by organisation such as ILO, OECD, and the Business and Human Rights Unit
of the OHCHR;
• Indigenous Peoples rights and impacts of business activities; and
• Gender, business and human rights
Discussions may also include emerging or systemic issues that confront the business and
human rights agenda.
A tentative Forum programme is expected in July 2024.
The full agenda will be posted on the Forum web page by the end of September 2024.
Participating in the Forum

The Working Group makes an open call for session proposals and side events, as part of its
inclusive approach for the Forum. However, as renovations to the United Nations buildings in
Geneva are ongoing, it is still unclear at this stage as to how many sessions will be possible
and whether the format will be in-person only or hybrid.
Proposals for sessions are very welcome. These must include:
• An outline of the proposed topic and its focus and key objectives – limited to 250 words;
• Proposed speakers, with a maximum of 5 speakers plus a moderator
o Please indicate name, organization, and envisaged contribution
o Emphasis will be given to identifying skilled moderators/facilitators with expertise in the topics on the Forum agenda
o Proposed speakers must reflect diversity of gender, region and stakeholder background (e.g, State, business and civil society organisation). The Working Group will not accept proposals with panels that are not well balanced.

• The organisers of the proposal – only one proposal per organization will be considered.
• Joint proposals are accepted but only a maximum of two joint proposals for any one organisation.

Please be aware of the following:
• Given the growth in the number of submissions since 2012 and the limited capacity due to ongoing building renovations, it will not be possible to accommodate all proposals. In some instances, two or more proposals may be merged.
• The Working Group is a co-organiser of all sessions. This means that we may need to recommend speakers to reflect better a diversity of stakeholders. So please do not confirm with any proposed speakers before the agreement by the Working Group of the speaker panel.
• We are not sure yet if there will be space this year for accommodating externally organized “side event” requests. Those wishing to organize “side events” in Geneva before or after the Forum are encouraged to explore options outside of the UN premises and to keep the Forum organizers informed via We kindly ask those organizing side events to refrain from scheduling them at the same time as the forum. Side events that are organized outside of the official hours of the forum can be advertised on the official forum website.
• All proposals must be submitted to the Forum organisers by 19 April 2024
• Form for call for session proposals:
• These proposals will be considered by the Working Group at their meeting in the first week of May 2024. Successful proposals will be informed in June-July 2024.

Information about the agenda, registration process and virtual participation will be posted on
the Forum’s dedicated webpage in due course. Stay also posted on updates by following us on
X: @WGBizHRs and LinkedIn: UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights.


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