Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Journal of Comparative Law Issue 19(1)--"The Worldview of Comparative Law"


 The Journal of Comparative Law has made available its Issue 19(1), with some article  available open access. Its focus and theme is on "The Worldview of Comparative Law."  The Contents including links to open access contributions, follows below.




Special Issue
The Worldview of Comparative Law
Edited by O. V. Kresin

W. E. Butler & O. V. Kresin

World Picture of Comparative Law: “The Courage of Your Convictions” (PDF, 1.5 MB)
O. V. Kresin

The Concept of Legal World Picture
M. A. Damirli

“Writing the Earth and Representing the World“: The Cartographical Ambitions of Comparative Law (PDF, 1.29 MB)
M. Nicolini

Basic Transformation of Legal Pictures: Purpose and Method of Comparative Law
O. Halabudenko

Comparative Law and its Aspirations
J. Gordley

Comparativism, Philosophy of Law, and Comparative Jurisprudence
O. D. Tykhomyrov & D. O. Tykhomyrov

After the “Picture of Law”: Legal Comparison as the Discourse of the Existence of Law
O. V. Tkachenko

National Legal Systems in the Context of Comparative Law
A. Saidov

National, Transnational, and Global Law: Trends of Development and Interaction
A. V. Egorov

The Impact of Religions on Law-Making and Classification of Legal Systems (Islamic Law)
H. Behruz

Conception of Human Rights as Component of Religious Legal System (Contemporary Catholicism)
S. P. Rabinovych

Universality and Non-Universality in International Law: Comparative Reflections and Implications (PDF, 1.16 MB)
W. E. Butler

The Private and Public Law Dichotomy as the Paradigm of Global Law: Reality or Myth?
E. O. Kharytonov & O. I. Kharytonova

The Concept of “Imitation” and its Epistemological Relevance in Comparative Law and Comparative Legal History
M. Gutan

The Business Judgment Rule in Anglo-American and Civil Law Systems: An Underlying Worldview (PDF, 1.24 MB)
C. M. de Iuliis

Can Methods from the Social and Human Sciences be of Value in Understanding Comparative Law Methodology?
G. Samuel

Units of Comparison Beyond (National) Law
A. Mercescu

Contested Economic Maps of Legal Systems
M. Graziadei & M. Giraudo

Legal Images and Understandings of Law: Juristic Assumptions and Results, Student Evaluations and Choices (PDF, 1.28 MB)
C. Varga

Comparative Common Law Teaching: Why it is so Hard (PDF, 1.19 MB)
C. Valcke

Recently Appeared
W. E. Butler

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