Wednesday, January 08, 2025

The OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project Updates: Releasing An Interpretive Guide and Case Based Pratical Guides


 1.  Access to Remedy in Cases of Business-Related Human Rights Abuse: AN INTERPRETIVE GUIDE.  The official version of the interpretive guide has now been released! This guide provides additional background explanation on the principles of the access to remedy pillar of the UNGPs so as to support a full understanding of their meaning and intent. It aims to equip all actors, whether specialist or non-specialist, with the knowledge and insights needed for more effective implementation of the UNGPs in
relation to access to remedy for business and human rights harms.

2. Access to Remedy in Cases of Business-Related Human Rights Abuse: PRACTICAL GUIDES
In addition to the interpretive guide, OHCHR has released a set of ARP compilations. Each compilation pulls together the heart of ARP guidance - the policy objectives, recommended actions, and explanatory notes - into a single document. This set of practical guides now makes it easier for readers to find and understand the complete guidance, developed over the course of six years, on how to enhance the effectiveness of:
State-Based Judicial Mechanisms
State-Based Non-Judicial Mechanisms
Non-State-Based Grievance Mechanisms

All four publications are in the process of being translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. Please contact the ARP team if you would like to help ensure the translations are accurate. An update will be shared when the final, translated versions are available.

The full Update may be accessed HERE.

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