Monday, February 17, 2025

EU Commission Makes Available its "Living Repository to Foster Learning and Exchaneg on AI Literacy" and Third AI Pact webinar on AI literacy 20 February 2025


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Article 4 of the EU AI Act (Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence and amending Regulations (EC) No 300/2008, (EU) No 167/2013, (EU) No 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, (EU) 2018/1139 and (EU) 2019/2144 and Directives 2014/90/EU, (EU) 2016/797 and (EU) 2020/1828 (Artificial Intelligence Act) (Text with EEA relevance) PE/24/2024/REV/1) provides:

Providers and deployers of AI systems shall take measures to ensure, to their best extent, a sufficient level of AI literacy of their staff and other persons dealing with the operation and use of AI systems on their behalf, taking into account their technical knowledge, experience, education and training and the context the AI systems are to be used in, and considering the persons or groups of persons on whom the AI systems are to be used.

To those ends, the European Commission has established a living repository.  The Press Release (Living repository to foster learning and exchange on AI literacy, with links to the compilation) described the effort to date:

The EU AI Office has gathered some of the ongoing practices among the pledgers of the AI Pact with the purpose of creating a living repository (download the PDF below) to provide examples on ongoing AI literacy practices.  The list of practices is non-exhaustive and will be updated with further practices on a regular basis. The practices so far published are divided alphabetically according to their different level of implementation (fully implemented, partially rolled-out, planned). While replicating the practices collected in this living repository does not automatically grant presumption of compliance with Article 4, the repository aims to encourage learning and exchange among providers and deployers of AI systems. By publishing the practices, the Commission does not imply either endorsement or evaluation in any way. The living repository is part of a broader effort of the EU AI Office to support the implementation of Article 4 of the AI Act.

In addition the EU Commission announced a webinar on AI Literacy scheduled for 20 February 2025: Third AI Pact webinar on AI literacy | Shaping Europe’s digital future. The webinar will be open to all and streamed live on our YouTube channel.

The Living Repository as of 31 January 2025 may be accessed HERE. It current contents follow below along with information about the Third AI Pact webinar on AI literacy.

Disclaimer............................................................................................................................ 1
I. Fully implemented practices ........................................................................................ 4
1) Assicurazioni Generali S.p.a . ......................................................................................... 4
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ............................................................................. 4
Sector: Insurance and Asset Management ..................................................................... 4
2) ................................................................................................................... 6
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ............................................................................. 6
Sector: ICT ..................................................................................................................... 6
3) Criteo .............................................................................................................................. 7
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ............................................................................. 7
Sector: ICT ..................................................................................................................... 7
4) EnBW Energie Baden Württemberg AG .......................................................................... 9
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ............................................................................. 9
Sector: Energy ............................................................................................................... 9
5) OpenSky Data Systems ................................................................................................ 11
Size: Medium (50 to 249 employees) ............................................................................ 11
Sector: ICT ................................................................................................................... 11
6) TELEFÓNICA S.A. ........................................................................................................ 15
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ........................................................................... 15
Sector: ICT ................................................................................................................... 15
II. Partially rolled-out practices ...................................................................................... 18
7) Anekanta AI ................................................................................................................... 18
Size: Micro (1 to 15 employees) .................................................................................... 18
Sector: Several sectors, including security and biometrics domains ............................. 18
8) BiMeta Corporation ....................................................................................................... 20
Size: Micro (1 to 15 employees) .................................................................................... 20
Sector: Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) ........................................... 20
Living Repository of
AI Literacy Practices – v. 31.01.2025
9) Collibra B.V. .................................................................................................................. 22
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ........................................................................... 22
Sector: ICT ................................................................................................................... 22
10) Dedalus Healthcare ....................................................................................................... 24
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ........................................................................... 24
Sector: Health .............................................................................................................. 24
11) Gjensidige Forsikring ASA ............................................................................................. 26
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ........................................................................... 26
Sector: Insurance ......................................................................................................... 26
12) INECO........................................................................................................................... 29
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ........................................................................... 29
Sector: Public administration ........................................................................................ 29
13) Studio Deussen ............................................................................................................. 32
Size: Micro (1 to 15 employees) .................................................................................... 32
Sector: Creative Industry .............................................................................................. 32
14) TIM................................................................................................................................ 36
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ........................................................................... 36
Sector: ICT ................................................................................................................... 36
III. Planned practices ....................................................................................................... 39
15) Milestone Systems ........................................................................................................ 39
Size: Large (250 employees or more) ........................................................................... 39
Sector: ICT ................................................................................................................... 39

*       *      *

Learn more about the approach of the European Union towards Article 4 of the AI Act and discover the ongoing practices of the AI Pact organisations.

AdobeStock © Cholticha Kranjumnong

Article 4 of the AI Act, which requires providers and deployers of AI systems to ensure a sufficient level of AI literacy, will enter into application on 2 February 2025.

As part of its AI Pact activities, the EU AI Office invites you to join the webinar dedicated to this topic that will take place on Thursday 20 February from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. The webinar will be open to all and streamed live on our YouTube channel.

In the first part of the webinar, the EU AI Office will focus on Article 4 of the AI Act and its requirements, presenting the initiatives foreseen to facilitate the implementation of this general provision.

During this session we will launch a living repository containing a first non-exhaustive list of ongoing practices gathered among the members of the AI Pact, which will be regularly updated. While complying with the initiatives included in this repository will not automatically grant presumption of compliance with Article 4, the repository should encourage learning and exchange among providers and deployers on the topic.

In the second part of the webinar, some practices and related learnings will be presented in an interactive dialogue between the EU AI Office and AI Pact members.

A Q&A session will close the webinar.

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