Friday, July 01, 2022

The Double Happiness (囍) of Hong Kong: 習近平在慶祝香港回歸祖國25周年大會暨香港特區第六屆政府就職典禮上的講話 [Speech by Xi Jinping at the Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Sixth Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region]


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习近平走上主席台监誓。李家超首先宣誓就职,他面对中华人民共和国国旗、国徽和香港特别行政区区旗,举起右手,依照香港特别行政区基本法的规定庄严宣誓。 . . . 接着,由习近平监誓,香港特别行政区第六届政府主要官员在李家超带领下宣誓就职。 [Xi Jinping stepped onto the rostrum to take the oath. Li Jiachao took the oath of office first. Facing the national flag of the People's Republic of China, the national emblem and the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, he raised his right hand and solemnly took the oath in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. . . . Then, under the supervision of Xi Jinping, the main officials of the sixth government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were sworn in under the leadership of Li Jiachao.] (庆祝香港回归祖国25周年大会暨香港特别行政区第六届政府就职典礼隆重举行 习近平出席并发表重要讲话 2022-07-01 14:41:25 [The Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Sixth Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was held. Xi Jinping attended and delivered an important speech])
Ritual is a necessary spectacle for the visualization, and the reinforcement, of the dense systems of principles around which social collectives are organized and operate.  They are especially potent when they are performed at the close of a period of intense transformation, even one, as in the case of the Hong Kong SAR, the trajectories of which were obvious for a long time. (see essays in  for a discussion of the development of the evolution of the principles of autonomy of Hong Kong within China during the apex period of turbulence from 2019-2020 in Hong Kong Between 'One Country' and 'Two Systems' (2021))

Ritual requires, as well an invocation--an authoritative "voice over" (cf. here) of the performance of acts of allegiance and of fealty to a governing orders and their human representatives. This also is all the more important at the (and as the) close of a period of turbulence leading to the distilling of a new era of political sensibilities around the organization of a region that is both autonomous and yet closely tied to the sovereign heartland.

In this case and quite propitiously, there was an amalgamation of two ritual events of the highest importance for the Hong Kong SAR.  The first was a commemoration of the passage of a quarter century since the formal end of U.K. control of a portion of Chinese territory and the ceding of sovereignty of another portion of territory that together constitutes the contemporary Hong Kong SAR. That is of immense importance as part of the narrative of Chinese reconstitution and of its return to its proper role within itself and in the world. That commemoration was all the more important because it m,arks  more definitively the return of Hing Kong to Chinese sovereignty in now more tangible ways; way in which the rituals of fealty and hierarchy serve to underscore. 

The second was the installation of a new cadre of leaders, as a concrete manifestation of the victory of the patriotic front front in Hong Kong and of the deepening of the concept, first nicely articulated by Deng Xiaoping in 1984, respecting the administration of Hong Kong within China.

Some requirements or qualifications should be established with regard to the administration of Hong Kong affairs by the people of Hong Kong. It must be required that patriots form the main body of administrators, that is, of the future government of the Hong Kong special region. Of course it should include other Chinese, too, as well as foreigners invited to serve as advisers. What is a patriot? A patriot is one who respects the Chinese nation, sincerely supports the motherland’s resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong and wishes not to impair Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. Those who meet these requirements are patriots, whether they believe in capitalism or feudalism or even slavery. We don’t demand that they be in favour of China’s socialist system; we only ask them to love the motherland and Hong Kong.(Deng Xiaoping, "One Country, Two Systems"; Summation of separate talks with members of a Hong Kong industrial and commercial delegation and with Sze-yuen Chung and other prominent Hong Kong figures 22-23 June 1984; Vol 3 Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping).

The core premise of autonomy remains constant; the application of that concept as a set of operational principles touching on economic, social, political. and cultural norms, though, has now changed with the times. The first principle of autonomy also remains constant--reflecting the policy choice to preserve the so-called capitalist (e.g., a private sector individualized markets driven system) operations of the SAR while so-called socialist operations (e.g., public sector and vanguard guided collective markets sensitive systems) continue to develop in the rest of the nation--though both tracks are realized under the leadership of the vanguard and its parameters also change with the times (now most recently entering its joint new era). As Deng Xiaoping put it: "We are pursuing a policy of “one country, two systems”. More specifically, this means that within the People’s Republic of China, the mainland with its one billion people will maintain the socialist system, while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue under the capitalist system. . .  " (Deng, supra). That autonomy, so characterized, is then meant to produce the paving stones with which a sturdy bridge can be built between the so-called capitalist and the so-called socialist world political-economic orders, and only on which (expanded through the structures of the Belt & Road Initiative) appropriate interactions may be facilitated. 

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It is with this in mind that one can better appreciate and understand the remarks, delivered by Xi Jinping, at this double ceremonial event, a speech marking a time of double happiness (囍; shuāngxǐ) in the political and ideological sense (習近平在慶祝香港回歸祖國25周年大會暨香港特區第六屆政府就職典禮上的講話 [Speech by Xi Jinping at the Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Sixth Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region]). And, indeed, the semiotics of marriage, of union,  and of a unification of not quite opposites but certainly of yinyang (阴阳) principles, may be intimated just beneath the surface of the text. Here that 囍 (double happiness) is compounded by the joint commemoration of a historical event and its incarnation in the peopling of core administrative-supervisory organs. 

The remarks are worth a careful reading for the way in which it memorializes the framework and expectations of Hong Kong autonomy in the New Era. It is important as well for the way in which it frames the approaches of officials in projecting the narrative of Hong Kong as reflected in Mr. Xi's remarks to a wider foreign audience in English (a discussion of which follows below). 

The remarks resonate the theme of double happiness in its construction.  It pairs four principles of 'One Country, Two Systems' in the New Era with four points of hope (expectations). Together these yinyang (阴阳) principles and points produce an auspicious eight guiding pillars of Hong Kong autonomy within the One Country Two Systems Framework in the new era.

The four guiding principles neatly summarize the ideological development of One Country Two Systems in its contemporary forms:

First, the principle of "one country, two systems" must be fully and accurately implemented. The "One Country, Two Systems" policy is a complete system. Safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests is the highest principle of the "one country, two systems" policy. [第一,着力提高治理水平。完善治理體系、提高治理能力、增強治理效能,是把香港特別行政區建設好、發展好的迫切需要。行政長官和特別行政區政府是香港的當家人,也是治理香港的第一責任人。]

Second, we must adhere to the unity of the central government's overall governance power and the guarantee of a high degree of autonomy for the special administrative regions. . . The implementation of the central government's overall governance power and the protection of the special administrative region's high degree of autonomy are unified and linked, and only by doing this can the special administrative region be managed well.  [第二,不斷增強發展動能。. . . 落實中央全面管治權和保障特別行政區高度自治權是統一銜接的,也只有做到這一點,才能夠把特別行政區治理好。]

Third, "patriots ruling Hong Kong" must be implemented. The political power must be in the hands of the patriots, this is the general political law in the world. . . Safeguarding the right to govern means safeguarding the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and safeguarding the vital interests of the more than seven million Hong Kong residents. [第三,切實排解民生憂難。. . . 守護好管治權,就是守護香港繁榮穩定,守護七百多萬香港居民的切身利益。]

Fourth, Hong Kong's unique position and advantages must be maintained. . . Backed by the motherland and connected to the world, this is Hong Kong's unique and significant advantage. [第四,共同維護和諧穩定。. . . 背靠祖國、聯通世界,這是香港得天獨厚的顯著優勢,]

From these it is possible to develop more refined leadership expectations which are summarized as the points of hope:

4 points of hope. . . . First, focus on improving the level of governance. . . Second, continue to enhance the momentum of development. . . . Third, effectively solve the problems of people's livelihood. . . . Fourth, jointly maintain harmony and stability.

The first points to strengthening the patriotic and core and administrative capacities of the state apparatus in the SAR and of further modifying that apparatus to make this possible. As Mr. Xi suggested in his remarks: "要按照德才兼備的標準選賢任能,廣泛吸納愛國愛港立場堅定、管治能力突出、熱心服務公眾的優秀人才進入政府。要提升國家觀念和國際視野,從大局和長遠需要出發積極謀劃香港發展。("It is necessary to select talents and appoint them according to the standard of having both political integrity and ability, and widely attract outstanding talents who have a firm stand of patriotism and love for Hong Kong, have outstanding governance capabilities, and are enthusiastic about serving the public to join the government."). 

The second touches on the regional development of Hong Kong as a bridge to the outside but equally importantly as a critical part of the regional integration of the Greater Pearl River Delta region. Mr. Xi noted: "中央全力支持香港同世界各地展開更廣泛、更緊密的交流合作,吸引滿懷夢想的創業者來此施展抱負。" ("The Central Government fully supports Hong Kong to carry out wider and closer exchanges and cooperation with other parts of the world, attracting entrepreneurs full of dreams to come here to display their ambitions. ").

 The third seeks to embed the principal contradiction of the Chinese New Era into the governance objectives of Hong Kong. As Mr. Xi stated in his remarks: "人民對美好生活的嚮往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。 . . . 讓每位市民都堅信,只要辛勤工作,就完全能夠改變自己和家人的生活。" ("As I said, the people's yearning for a better life is our goal. . . . More and fairer benefits for all citizens, so that every citizen believes that as long as they work hard, they can completely change their lives and their families."). 

The fourth embeds a form of people's democratic dictatorship into the internal operations of Hong Kong (democracy for patriots and dictatorship for opponents) grounded on the principle of stability and prosperity. Mr. Xi expressed it this way: "香港居民,不管從事什麼職業、信奉什麼理念,只要真心擁護「一國兩制」方針,只要熱愛香港這個家園,只要遵守基本法和特別行政區法律,都是建設香港的積極力量,都可以出一份力" ("Hong Kong residents, no matter what occupation or belief they believe in, as long as they sincerely support the "one country, two systems" policy, as long as they love Hong Kong as their homeland, and as long as they abide by the Basic Law and the laws of the Special Administrative Region, they are all positive forces for the construction of Hong Kong, and they can all contribute to the development of Hong Kong."). This last point is worth emphasizing for both the people of Hing Kong and the foreigners seeking economic opportunity in the SAR.

These points were underscored in a full page paid advertisement that appeared in the national print edition of the Wall Street Journal on 1 July: "Hong Kong: A New Era--Stability, Prosperity, Opportunity (Wall Street Journal 1 July 2022; p. A8. The paid advertisement was placed by the Government of the Hong Kong SAR. It quite effectively distilled Mr. Xi's remarks in a way that is thought to be useful for foreigners seeking to take up the invitation to invest in New Era Hong Kong. The name is quite important as descriptive--this is a notice that the Hong Kong of the 1990s-2019 is gone, and that while Hong Kong is again open for business, that opening is now subject to quite important terms, terms that align with the premises of the central authorities respecting Chinese sovereignty, domestic interference, and the strict boundaries of foreign engagement within its territories, even autonomous ones. That aligns with the 25th anniversary theme which also served as the title of the advertisement--a new era of stability, prosperity and opportunity. "The past three years have been particularly tough--our society and our economy were shaken by  social unrest in 2019. . . As our economy gradually recovers from the impact of the pandemic, and with stability restored, Hong Kong is looking ahead to a bright new era." (Advertisement, supra). 

What follows is a transliteration of the main points of Mr. Xi's speech distilled for a business audience.  The first section--"Back on Track Under  'One Country, Two Systems'--ties the the policy of stability as a "keystone for Hong Kong's development" to the implementation of the National Security Law and the reform of the elections law.  In effect it takes what in the West has been developed into a narrative of the negative effects of these measures and ties them to the positive of inbound investment free of the worries of a restive (and unpatriotic in the language of official pronouncements) population. But then it ties the NSL to the protections afforded under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. That might suggest the residual element of the Sino-UK Joint Declaration, but it is also important to understand that those instruments will be applied consonant with the Chinese constitutional order and its premises. And of course it might be borne in mind that though China has signed the ICCPR in 1998, it has not ratified that instrument.  Yet in that regard it might also be noted that though President Jimmy Carter signed the ICESCR in 1977 it has yet to be ratified by the US. 

The next section--"a new era of opportunities"--then nudges the narrative from legal/constitutional framing  to an integrated development.  Mirroring Mr. Xi's remarks (supra, as Point 3 of his four points of hope), it notes both the National 14 Five-Year Plan and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA)plan as the policy context in which inbound investment will be aligned. That aligns with the thrust of the following section--"Gateway to the Greater Bay Area." The Advertisement explains: "Being in the most open and internationally-connected city ion the GBA, Hong Kong will make full use of its 'One Country, Two Systems"' advantages to become a world class destination for people to live, work, invest, network, and enjoy a high quality of life." And, indeed, it is the allure of lifestyle that is then emphasized in the section entitled "An Alluring Lifestyle." That section accounts for the largest proportion of text in the Advertisement. It emphasizes a high quality of life in a place that is secure and safe.  

All of this in the service of the core narrative of the transformations after 2020: to cement Hong Kong's "position as an international financial centre and a conduit for flows of capital, investment and trade between China  and the rest of the world." (Advertisement, supra). This is the message of Mr. Xi's 25th Anniversary speech, but now translated and projected in English to audiences abroad.  And yet to read it more richly, and to understand its nuances, it is useful to have the text of Mr. Xi's remarks firmly in mind. For all of that, the narrative will likely be a hard sell in the U.S. (see, e.g., here).

The text of Mr. Xi's remarks follow along with a crude English translation.




























(來源:新華網 文字實錄)
責任編輯: 梁存希


 Speech by Xi Jinping at the Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Sixth Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (full text)

On the morning of July 1, the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the inauguration ceremony of the sixth government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were grandly held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended and delivered an important speech. The following is the full text of Xi Jinping's speech:

Compatriots and friends:

Today, we have a grand gathering here to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and hold the inauguration ceremony of the sixth-term government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

First of all, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all Hong Kong residents! I would like to extend my warm congratulations to the newly-appointed sixth Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr. Li Jiachao, and to the principal officials of the sixth government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and members of the Executive Council! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my compatriots at home and abroad and international friends who have supported the cause of "One Country, Two Systems" and Hong Kong's prosperity and stability!

The history of civilization of the Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years records the hard work of the Chinese ancestors in the land of Lingnan. The modern history of China after the Opium War records the humiliation of Hong Kong's forced cession, and also records the struggle of the sons and daughters of China to save their lives. The magnificent century-old struggle of the Chinese Communist Party united and led the people records the unique and important contributions made by the Hong Kong compatriots. Throughout history, Hong Kong compatriots have always stood together with the motherland through thick and thin, and are connected by blood.

The return of Hong Kong to the motherland has ushered in a new era in Hong Kong's history. Over the past 25 years, with the full support of the motherland and the joint efforts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and all sectors of society, the practice of "one country, two systems" has achieved universally recognized success in Hong Kong.

——After returning to the motherland, Hong Kong has dared to be the first in the world, dared to be a trend-setter, and played the role of an important bridge and window connecting the mainland of the motherland and the rest of the world in the magnificent torrent of national reform and opening up, and created the miracle of long-term, stable and rapid economic development for the motherland. an irreplaceable contribution. Hong Kong actively integrates into the overall situation of national development, aligns with the national development strategy, and continues to maintain the advantages of a high degree of freedom and openness and smooth integration with international rules. The fields of exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland have been comprehensively expanded, and the mechanism has been continuously improved.

——After returning to the motherland, Hong Kong has overcome all kinds of wind and rain challenges and moved forward steadily. Whether it is the international financial crisis, the new crown pneumonia epidemic, or some violent social unrest, nothing has stopped Hong Kong's progress. Over the past 25 years, Hong Kong's economy has flourished, its status as an international financial, shipping, and trade center has been solid, and its innovative technology industry has emerged rapidly. Its freedom and openness is the world's largest, and its business environment is world-class. The original laws, including common law, have been maintained and developed. All social undertakings made progress in an all-round way, and the overall social situation was generally stable. The vitality of Hong Kong as a cosmopolitan city has amazed the world.

——After returning to the motherland, Hong Kong compatriots realized the mastery of the country, practiced "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy, which opened the real democracy in Hong Kong. Over the past 25 years, the constitutional order of the Special Administrative Region based on the Constitution and the Basic Law has been running steadily, the central government's overall governance power has been implemented, and the Special Administrative Region's high degree of autonomy has been properly exercised. The National Security Law for Hong Kong was formulated, the institutional norms for safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were established, and the Hong Kong election system was revised and improved to ensure the implementation of the principle of "patriots ruling Hong Kong". The democratic system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is in line with the principle of "one country, two systems" and the constitutional status of Hong Kong. It is conducive to safeguarding the democratic rights of Hong Kong residents, and is conducive to maintaining Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, showing a bright future.

Compatriots and friends!

"One country, two systems" is an unprecedented innovation. The fundamental purpose of "One Country, Two Systems" is to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and to maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macau. Everything the central government does is for the good of the country, for the good of Hong Kong and Macao, and for the good of the compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao. At the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, I once said that the central government adheres to two points in implementing the "one country, two systems" policy. . Today, I would like to stress again that "One Country, Two Systems" has been tested and tested repeatedly in practice. It conforms to the fundamental interests of the country and the nation, as well as the fundamental interests of Hong Kong and Macau. It has been generally approved by the international community. Such a good system, there is no reason to change it, it must be adhered to for a long time!

Compatriots and friends!

Review the old and know the new, learn from the past and know the future. The rich practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong has left us a lot of valuable experience and profound inspiration. Twenty-five years of practice tells us that only by deeply understanding and accurately grasping the practical laws of "one country, two systems" can we ensure that the cause of "one country, two systems" will always move in the right direction.

First, the principle of "one country, two systems" must be fully and accurately implemented. The "One Country, Two Systems" policy is a complete system. Safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests is the highest principle of the "one country, two systems" policy. Under this premise, Hong Kong and Macau will maintain their original capitalist system for a long time and enjoy a high degree of autonomy. The socialist system is the fundamental system of the People's Republic of China, and the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. All residents of the special administrative region should consciously respect and safeguard the fundamental system of the country. The full and accurate implementation of the "One Country, Two Systems" policy will create unlimited development space for Hong Kong and Macau. The stronger the "one country" principle is, the more obvious the advantages of "two systems" will be.

Second, we must adhere to the unity of the central government's overall governance power and the guarantee of a high degree of autonomy for the special administrative regions. Hong Kong returned to the motherland, re-integrated into the national governance system, and established a special administrative region constitutional order based on the principle of "one country, two systems". The central government has overall governance over the special administrative region, which is the source of the special administrative region's high degree of autonomy. The implementation of the central government's overall governance power and the protection of the special administrative region's high degree of autonomy are unified and linked, and only by doing this can the special administrative region be managed well. The Special Administrative Region adheres to the executive-led system. The executive, legislative and judicial organs perform their duties in accordance with the Basic Law and relevant laws. The executive and legislative organs both check and balance each other and cooperate with each other, and the judicial organs exercise judicial power independently in accordance with the law.

Third, "patriots ruling Hong Kong" must be implemented. The political power must be in the hands of the patriots, this is the general political law in the world. No country or region in the world will allow unpatriotic or even traitorous or treasonous forces and figures to take power. It is an inevitable requirement to ensure the long-term stability of Hong Kong to firmly hold the governance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the hands of patriots, and it cannot be shaken at any time. Safeguarding the right to govern means safeguarding the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and safeguarding the vital interests of the more than seven million Hong Kong residents.

Fourth, Hong Kong's unique position and advantages must be maintained. In handling Hong Kong affairs, the central government has always considered it from a strategic and overall perspective, and has always taken the fundamental and long-term interests of the country and Hong Kong as its starting point and end point. The fundamental interests of Hong Kong are consistent with the fundamental interests of the country, and the hearts of the central government and the hearts of Hong Kong compatriots are completely connected. Backed by the motherland and connected to the world, this is Hong Kong's unique and significant advantage. Hong Kong residents cherish it, and the central government also cherishes it. The central government fully supports Hong Kong in maintaining its unique status and advantages for a long time, consolidating its status as an international financial, shipping and trade center, maintaining a free, open and regulated business environment, maintaining the common law system, and expanding smooth and convenient international ties. The Central Committee believes that in the historical process of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Hong Kong will surely make a significant contribution.

Compatriots and friends!

As the Chinese people and the Chinese nation ushered in the great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong, Hong Kong compatriots have never been absent. At present, Hong Kong is in a new stage from chaos to governance to governance and prosperity. The next five years will be a critical period for Hong Kong to break new ground and achieve a new leap forward. Opportunities and challenges coexist, and opportunities outweigh challenges. The central government and people from all walks of life in Hong Kong have high hopes for the new SAR government, and people of all ethnic groups in the country are full of blessings for Hong Kong. Here, I offer 4 points of hope.

First, focus on improving the level of governance. Improving the governance system, enhancing the governance capacity, and enhancing the governance efficiency are the urgent needs to build and develop the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region well. The Chief Executive and the Government of the Special Administrative Region are the leaders of Hong Kong and the first responsible for governing Hong Kong. We must faithfully fulfill our vows, implement the "one country, two systems" policy with practical actions, safeguard the authority of the Basic Law, and serve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region wholeheartedly. It is necessary to select talents and appoint them according to the standard of having both political integrity and ability, and widely attract outstanding talents who have a firm stand of patriotism and love for Hong Kong, have outstanding governance capabilities, and are enthusiastic about serving the public to join the government. It is necessary to enhance the national concept and international vision, and actively plan the development of Hong Kong from the overall situation and long-term needs. It is necessary to change the governance concept, grasp the relationship between the government and the market, and better combine the promising government with the efficient market. It is necessary to strengthen government management, improve the government's work style, establish a new style of daring to take responsibility and do good deeds, and demonstrate a new atmosphere of good governance and good governance.

Second, continue to enhance the momentum of development. Hong Kong has a special status, excellent conditions and very broad space for development. The central government fully supports Hong Kong in seizing the historical opportunities brought about by national development and actively aligning with national strategies such as the "14th Five-Year Plan", the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road" initiative. The Central Government fully supports Hong Kong to carry out wider and closer exchanges and cooperation with other parts of the world, attracting entrepreneurs full of dreams to come here to display their ambitions. The central government fully supports Hong Kong to actively and prudently push forward reforms, break down the barriers of solidified interests, and fully unleash the tremendous creativity and development vitality of Hong Kong society.

Third, effectively solve the problems of people's livelihood. "Those who enjoy the world's benefits will take care of the world's troubles; those who live in the world's pleasures will share the world's worries." As I said, the people's yearning for a better life is our goal. At present, the biggest aspiration of the people in Hong Kong is to hope for a better life, to live in a more spacious house, to have more opportunities to start a business, to have better education for children, and to take better care of them when they are older. The people call, and I respond. The new government of the special administrative region must be pragmatic and promising, live up to the people, take the expectations of the whole society, especially ordinary citizens, as the biggest pursuit of governance, and take bolder and more effective measures to overcome difficulties and achieve development results. More and fairer benefits for all citizens, so that every citizen believes that as long as they work hard, they can completely change their lives and their families.

Fourth, jointly maintain harmony and stability. Hong Kong is a common home for all residents, where everything is prosperous. After going through ups and downs, everyone feels that Hong Kong cannot be chaotic and cannot afford to be chaotic, and even more deeply feels that Hong Kong's development cannot be delayed any longer. Hong Kong residents, no matter what profession they pursue or what they believe in, as long as they sincerely support the "one country, two systems" policy, as long as they love Hong Kong as their homeland, and as long as they abide by the Basic Law and the laws of the Special Administrative Region, they are all positive forces for the construction of Hong Kong. and they can all make a contribution to the development of Hong Kong. It is hoped that all Hong Kong compatriots will vigorously promote the mainstream values ​​centered on loving the country and Hong Kong, which are in line with the "One Country, Two Systems" policy, and continue to carry forward the fine tradition of tolerance and mutual assistance, seeking common ground while reserving differences, self-improvement, hard work and daring to win, and jointly create a better life.

We must also pay special attention to caring for young people. If youth thrive, Hong Kong will thrive; if youth develop, Hong Kong will develop; if youth have a future, Hong Kong will have a future. It is necessary to lead young people to deeply understand the development trend of the country and the world, and enhance their national pride and sense of ownership. It is necessary to help the majority of young people solve the practical difficulties faced by their studies, employment, entrepreneurship, and property ownership, and create more opportunities for them to grow and become talents. We earnestly hope that every youth in Hong Kong will join the ranks of building a better Hong Kong and write a wonderful life with a fiery youth.

Compatriots and friends!

"I would like to use the wings of the yellow crane to fly into the sky." The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. Promoting the successful practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong is an important part of this historical process. We firmly believe that with the firm support of the great motherland and the solid guarantee of the "one country, two systems" policy, Hong Kong will surely be able to create greater brilliance on the new journey of realizing my country's second centenary goal, and will surely be able to share the Chinese nation with the people of the motherland. The glory of the great revival!

(Source: Xinhuanet text record)
Responsible editor: Liang Cunxi


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