Saturday, May 18, 2024

Useful Resources from the Future of Life Institute (FLI): "The AI Act Explorer"



For those of you interested in exploring the EU's new Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, the  Future of Life Institute (FLI): "The AI Act Explorer" may prove helpful. It is based, for the moment on the full Final Draft of the Artificial Intelligence Act as of 19 April 2024 including the AI Act's 13 critical Annexes. The Act and Annexes run 458 pages in its English version--for the 19 April text in other languages see here. Also available are a collection of all of the official AI Act document.

One of the great ironies of the EU Act is that it is so long and technical that it may require big data tech, and perhaps generative intelligence, in order to effectively understand and apply its provisions. It has, in this way, effectively de-humanized the critical human element which was among the core objectives of the Act in the first place.  But then mimesis is a critical characteristic of this field, even as those busy working on coding, application, and attaching all of this to text (the only thing left of the project of humanization it may seem) sometimes forget. For a longer discussion of the theory around why this constrict and its irony may be inevitable at this stage see 'The Soulful Machine, the Virtual Person, and the “Human” Condition', International Journal for the Semiotics of Law

In any case the AI Act is here, and compliance, conformity and contestation are all necessary and potential next steps. --and contestation--for which this resource may be helpful. 

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