Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Adhere to the Party's Cultural Leadership: 《红旗文稿》2024年第14期 [Red Flag Manuscripts, Issue 14 July 2024]; Table of Contents (with Links)


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 文化关乎国本、国运。中国共产党历来高度重视运用文化引领前进方向、凝聚奋斗力量,团结带领全国各族人民不断以思想文化新觉醒、理论创造新成果、文化建设新成就推动党和人民的事业向前发展。[Culture is related to the foundation and destiny of a country. The Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to using culture to guide the direction of progress and to gather strength for struggle. It has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to continuously promote the cause of the Party and the people with new ideological and cultural awakenings, new theoretical achievements, and new cultural construction achievements.] ( 坚守党的文化领导权和中华民族的文化主体性/宋月红 [Adhere to the Party's cultural leadership and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation/Song Yuehong])

《红旗文稿》“Hóngqí wéngǎo” (Red Flag Manuscripts) has published its Issue 14 (July 2024). Much of it anticipated the work product of the 3rd Plenum and its focus on a  reinvigorated socialist modernization for the New Era (here, here, here, here, and here).  The essays are useful and they suggest that even before the 3rd Plenum the notion of socialist modernization as the principal lens through which vanguard policy could be approached was already flowering. 

The Table of Contents with links (in the original Chinese) along with an English translation follow below. 

Two noteworthy essays are also included in the original and in a crude English translation. The first situates the issue essays and recommends highlighted essays (本期重点推荐 [Key recommendations of this issue]). The second includes an essay that was not on the recommended list but important nonetheless: 宋月红, 中国社会科学院当代中国研究所副所长、研究员 (Song Yuehong, Deputy Director and Researcher of the Institute of Contemporary China, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), 坚守党的文化领导权和中华民族的文化主体性 [Adhere to the Party's cultural leadership and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation]. The quoted language at the start of this post gives an indication of the nature and scope of its argument. This essay is well worth reading.  It suggests the that culture, like any other productive force is both a commodity which can be projected outward into the world and inward into and as the national narrative around which and shaping all socialist productivity in traditional areas.  Its power as a productive force is significant; but so is its subjectivity. That subjectivity is understood both in its ordinary sense of focusing on the subject of production, but also in its semiotic sense of dialectical and iterative self-expression that, like other forms of production, is guided.  The essence of cultural production is then guidance--its interpretation and application of cultural objects that are signified (draw their significance form the contexts from which they emerged from out of popular expectation manifested in action)and collectively interpreted in a dialogue with and against the normative vocabulary of the guiding collective. In liberal democracy that is embedded in and reflects  the aggregation of multiple interpenetrating autonomous actions guided through market power. Chinese Leninism understands that process as a State asset the guidance of which must be embedded within the vanguard forces of the nation, in this case organized as its Communist Party.   Socialist phenomenology, that starts with the collective, then, produces and interesting pathway the course of which may be distinguished from the aggregating pathways of phenomenology that starts with the individual.



目 录




  守正创新 不断为共建美好世界作出更大贡献——纪念和平共处五项原则发表70周年/习近平外交思想研究中心






  切实增强政治定力、纪律定力、道德定力、抵腐定力/胡喜如 黎 滢


  因地制宜发展新质生产力/朱安东 黄怡暄

  协同推进生态环境保护和绿色低碳发展/ 王前虎









 Table of Contents

Key Recommendations of This Issue

Main Thesis

Promoting Chinese-style modernization in the process of further deepening reform/Wang Weiguang

Adhering to the truth and making innovations, and continuously making greater contributions to building a better world together - commemorating the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence/Xi Jinping Diplomatic Thought Research Center


Further comprehensively deepening reform around promoting Chinese-style modernization/Qiushi.com commentator

Draw the most beautiful and best picture on a blank sheet of paper - the practical exploration of comprehensively deepening reform in the Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone/Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone Party Working Committee

Further comprehensively deepening reform with institutional construction as the main line/Zhao Lingyun


Effectively enhance political determination, disciplinary determination, moral determination, and anti-corruption determination/Hu Xiru Li Ying


Develop new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions/Zhu Andong Huang Yixuan

Coordinated promotion of ecological environmental protection and green and low-carbon development/ Wang Qianhu


Adhere to the Party's cultural leadership and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation/Song Yuehong

Give full play to the educational value of revolutionary poetry/Zhang Tingguang


Cultivate urgently needed talents for the development of new quality productivity/He Yufang


Ecological protection compensation enters a new stage of legalization - Study the "Ecological Protection Compensation Regulations"/Li Hongwei


 *       *       *



来源:《红旗文稿》2024/14 2024-07-27 11:02:34



  习近平外交思想研究中心:守正创新 不断为共建美好世界作出更大贡献——纪念和平共处五项原则发表70周年






 Key recommendations of this issue
Source: "Red Flag Manuscript" 2024/14 2024-07-27 11:02:34

Wang Weiguang: Promote Chinese-style modernization in further deepening reform in an all-round way

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is the general mobilization and deployment to promote the comprehensive deepening of reform in breadth and depth in the new era and new journey. To learn and understand the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, we must fully realize that further deepening reform in an all-round way is the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization, closely focus on the overall goal of continuing to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, firmly grasp the primary task of achieving high-quality development, lead high-quality development with the new development concept, and provide strong impetus and institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization.

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thought Research Center: Adhere to the truth and innovate, and continue to make greater contributions to building a better world - commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

In June 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the commemoration meeting for the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, comprehensively expounding the spiritual connotation and contemporary value of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, pointing out the direction of building a community with a shared future for mankind in the world's century-old changes, and sending out the strong voice of the times for the "Global South" to create a better future with the people of all countries in the world. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee emphasized that "we must firmly pursue an independent and peaceful foreign policy, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, practice the common values ​​of all mankind, implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, and advocate equal and orderly world multipolarization and inclusive economic globalization", demonstrating China's responsibility as a major country in promoting the construction of a better world.

Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone Party Working Committee: A blank sheet of paper draws the most beautiful and best pictures - Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone's practical exploration of comprehensively deepening reform

Chinese-style modernization is constantly advancing in reform and opening up, and will also open up broad prospects in reform and opening up. As a "special zone within a special zone", Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone is a national strategic platform personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. In order to promote the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up in the Qianhai Cooperation Zone and better play a demonstration and leading role in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Qianhai Cooperation Zone has embarked on a new journey of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, and has drawn the most beautiful and best picture on a blank sheet of paper.

Zhao Lingyun: Further comprehensively deepen reform with institutional construction as the main line

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee emphasized that further comprehensively deepen reform should summarize and apply the valuable experience of comprehensively deepening reform since reform and opening up, especially in the new era, and proposed that further comprehensively deepen reform should implement the important principle of "six persistences", including "persisting in institutional construction as the main line". A deep understanding and grasp of this important principle is of great theoretical and practical significance for further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization.


 *       *       *


来源:《红旗文稿》2024/14 作者:宋月红 2024-07-27 11:23:31





















  责任编辑:王 寅


Adhere to the Party's cultural leadership and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation
Source: "Red Flag Manuscript" 2024/14 Author: Song Yuehong 2024-07-27 11:23:31

General Secretary Xi Jinping made a profound exposition on the cultural construction of keeping the right and innovating at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development: "To keep the right is to keep the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding position in the field of ideology, to keep the fundamental requirement of 'two combinations', and to keep the cultural leadership of the Communist Party of China and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation." This is a major innovative viewpoint proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping who has profoundly summarized the historical experience of the Party and has insight into the general trend of the development of the times. It demonstrates a profound understanding of the role of cultural status in the new era and a scientific grasp of the Party's ideological work, and provides a strong political guarantee and strong spiritual power for the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups in the country to forge ahead towards the grand goal of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

First, adhering to the Party's cultural leadership is related to the future and destiny of the Party and the country

Culture is related to the foundation and destiny of the country. The Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to using culture to guide the direction of progress and to gather the strength of struggle. It has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to continuously promote the development of the cause of the Party and the people with new ideological and cultural awakening, new theoretical achievements, and new achievements in cultural construction. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has clearly proposed to uphold the Party's cultural leadership, profoundly expounded the extreme importance of the Party's leadership in propaganda, ideology and culture, and raised the Party's comprehensive leadership over propaganda, ideology and culture to a new historical height.

Upholding the Party's cultural leadership is a major political advantage for our Party to continue to grow and develop. It is vital for a political party to establish and consolidate cultural leadership. Marx and Engels emphasized that the proletarian party, as the most reliable leader of the proletariat, must not only continuously strengthen the "dominant economic power", but also persist in consolidating the "dominant spiritual power". In various historical periods of revolution, construction, and reform, our Party has always placed the construction of cultural leadership in an important strategic position and has always been an advocate and leader of advanced culture. The first resolution of the Party adopted at the First National Congress of the Party proposed: "The publication of all books, daily newspapers, slogans and leaflets shall be supervised by the Central Executive Committee or the Provisional Central Executive Committee." Comrade Mao Zedong once pointed out that ideological and political work is the lifeline of economic work and all other work. Comrade Deng Xiaoping proposed that we should not only build a high level of material civilization, but also a high level of spiritual civilization, "grasping both with both hands, and both hands must be strong." In the process of exploring the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, our Party's understanding of the laws of cultural construction has been continuously deepened, and the grasp of the Party's cultural leadership has become more conscious, more proactive and more determined. Facts have fully proved that the development and growth of our Party are inseparable from the fruitful propaganda, ideological and cultural work.

Adhering to the Party's cultural leadership is an inevitable requirement for adhering to Marxism, the soul, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, the root. The Communist Party of China is not only a firm believer and practitioner of Marxism, a faithful inheritor and promoter of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also a leading force in continuously promoting the "two combinations" and consolidating cultural subjectivity. Over the past 100 years, our Party has always unwaveringly upheld the guiding role of Marxism in the field of ideology, unswervingly inherited and carried forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, promoted the "two combinations", and through the "combination" laid a solid foundation for the road, opened up innovation space, and consolidated cultural subjectivity. On the one hand, Marxism activated the genes of Chinese civilization with the light of truth, led China into the modern world, and promoted the life renewal and modern transformation of Chinese civilization; on the other hand, the excellent traditional Chinese culture enriched the cultural life of Marxism, promoted Marxism to continuously achieve a new leap in the sinicization and modernization, and showed an increasingly distinctive Chinese style and Chinese style. It is precisely because of the adherence to the Party's cultural leadership that the root of the excellent traditional Chinese culture has regained its brilliance and the soul of Marxism has flourished.

Adhering to the Party's cultural leadership is an important guarantee for shouldering the new cultural mission of the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the world has accelerated its unprecedented changes in a century, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period. Cultural diversity and change have become more prominent, and exchanges, integration and confrontations have become increasingly frequent. To achieve ideological unity and unity of the whole Party and society, and fundamentally ensure that socialism with Chinese characteristics will not degenerate or change color, it is necessary to adhere to the Party's cultural leadership. "Two consolidations", "nine insistences", "fourteen emphasises" and "seven efforts", Xi Jinping's cultural thought and a series of important expositions and major decision-making arrangements made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on propaganda, ideology and culture work have always highlighted the adherence to and strengthening of the party's overall leadership, ensuring that the whole party moves forward in unison, promoting the propaganda, ideology and culture cause in the new era to achieve historic achievements, and the overall and fundamental changes in the ideological field. Continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era. By further strengthening ideological guidance and propaganda and education, it will surely better lead the whole party and society to strengthen cultural confidence and provide a strong political guarantee for promoting the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.

2. Adhere to the party's overall leadership over propaganda, ideology and culture work

Adhering to the party's cultural leadership and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation, and constantly consolidating and strengthening the party's powerful cultural power to lead the times, is related to what kind of cultural power to build and how to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. We must adhere to the party's overall leadership over propaganda, ideology and culture work, implement political responsibilities, be brave in reform and innovation, strengthen legal guarantees, build a strong cadre and talent team, and provide a strong political guarantee for building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Strengthen cultural confidence and constantly consolidate the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation. The cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation was established by the Chinese Communist Party leading the Chinese people on the land of China. It was established on the basis of creatively transforming and innovatively developing the excellent traditional Chinese culture, inheriting revolutionary culture, developing the advanced socialist culture, and drawing on and absorbing all the excellent achievements of human civilization. It was established by combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and the excellent traditional Chinese culture. To continuously consolidate the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation, we must firmly grasp the new cultural mission of the new era, strive to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology, consolidate the common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the whole party and the people of the whole country, strive to build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership, a socialist spiritual civilization with strong vitality and creativity, and a Chinese cultural soft power with strong appeal and influence, and constantly create new glory for Chinese culture and lay a solid foundation for building a socialist cultural power.

Take the cultivation and practice of the socialist core values ​​as a basic project to gather the soul and strengthen the foundation. The core values ​​are the spiritual bond that a nation relies on to maintain and the common ideological and moral foundation of a country. We must improve the institutional mechanism for cultivating and practicing the socialist core values, give play to the role of policy guidance, and reflect the requirements of the socialist core values ​​in the constitution, laws, regulations and public policies, and transform them into rigid and binding legal provisions. Give full play to the powerful force of the socialist core values ​​to unite people's hearts and gather people's strength, carry forward the spiritual spectrum of the Chinese Communists with the great spirit of party building as the source, deepen patriotism, collectivism, and socialism education, strengthen the ideological and moral construction of the whole society, inspire people to form good moral will and moral emotions, and strive to cultivate new people of the era who shoulder the great task of national rejuvenation.

Clearly adhere to the party's management of propaganda and ideology. Adhering to the party's management of propaganda means adhering to the basic standpoints, viewpoints, and methods of Marxism, clearly adhering to the principle of party spirit, firmly grasping the correct political direction, and standing firm in political positions. Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, grasp and reflect the overall picture of events or things from a macro perspective, firmly publicize the party's theories, lines, principles, policies, major work arrangements of the Central Committee, and major analysis and judgments of the Central Committee on the situation, and resolutely maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee. Establish a people-centered work orientation, combine serving the masses with educating and guiding the masses, combine meeting needs with improving literacy, publicize more about the great struggles and fiery lives of the people, and more about the advanced models and touching deeds emerging among the people, enrich the people's spiritual world, and enhance the people's spiritual strength. We must insist that propaganda work should be based on unity, stability and encouragement, and positive propaganda. We must persist in consolidating and strengthening mainstream ideology and public opinion, promoting the main theme, spreading positive energy, grasping the timing, degree and effectiveness, improving the quality and level of propaganda, enhancing attraction and appeal, and inspiring the powerful force of unity and progress in the whole society.

Ideological work is the work of establishing the heart of the country and the soul of the nation. We must adhere to the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding position in the field of ideology and build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership. In accordance with the general requirements of holding high the banner, focusing on the overall situation, serving the people, and reforming and innovating, we must strengthen political awareness, political awareness, and position awareness, do a good job in propaganda and ideological work, strengthen socialist cultural construction, strengthen mainstream ideology and public opinion, and focus on promoting unified thinking and gathering strength. Rely on the power of Marxist truth, rely on in-depth and meticulous ideological and political work, use truth to expose lies, and let science defeat fallacies. Put ideological work in an important position, strengthen the management of ideological positions, implement who is in charge and who is in charge and who is in charge and local management, dare to grasp and manage, dare to show the sword, and firmly grasp the initiative in ideological work.

Keep the ideological and public opinion positions firmly in your own hands. The most basic and crucial thing to firmly grasp the party's leadership over ideological work is to firmly grasp the ideological and public opinion positions in our own hands, whether it is for radio and television, news and publishing units, or for social science theory, culture and art units, whether it is for traditional media or emerging media. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of positions and emphasizes that "our comrades must enhance their awareness of positions". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has insisted on the party's control over the media, insisted on politicians running newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and news websites, and continuously consolidated and expanded the mainstream ideological and public opinion forging ahead in the new era, and laid a solid common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the whole party and the people of the whole country.

We must respect the laws of news dissemination, ensure that the media firmly grasp the correct public opinion orientation, sing the main melody, strengthen positive energy, and expand and strengthen the mainstream ideological and public opinion. Strengthen Internet thinking, promote the complementary advantages and integrated development of traditional media and emerging media, and deeply integrate in terms of content, channels, platforms, operations, management, etc., and strive to create a group of new mainstream media with diverse forms, advanced means, and competitiveness, and form a modern communication system with three-dimensional diversity and integrated development. Firmly grasp the leadership of network ideological work, resolutely win the network ideological struggle, ensure that the network information industry always moves forward in the right direction, and pass the Internet test. Place all levels and types of media under the leadership of the Party, and ensure that the leadership of news propaganda work is always in the hands of people who are loyal and reliable to the Party.

III. Actively take action in shouldering the new cultural mission

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that continuing to promote cultural prosperity, building a cultural power, and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era. To uphold the Party's cultural leadership and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, promote the continuous strengthening of propaganda, ideology and culture work in the new era and new journey, and continue to shoulder the new cultural mission of building a cultural power and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point.

Fully implement the responsibility system for ideological work. We must uphold the Party's leadership over culture. In the face of increasingly active social ideas and value orientations, the coexistence of mainstream and non-mainstream, and the turbulent social thoughts, we must consolidate and strengthen the guiding role of Marxism in the field of ideology, consolidate and strengthen the common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, accelerate the construction of a socialist cultural power, enhance cultural soft power, and improve China's international discourse power. We must improve the responsibility system for ideological work, improve the work system of arming the whole Party, educating the people, and guiding practice with the Party's innovative theories, improve the learning system of the Party Committee (Party Group) Theory Learning Center Group, and improve the ideological and political work system. We must strictly implement the institutional arrangements for the Party's comprehensive leadership over ideological work, and promote the whole Party to take the initiative in propaganda and ideological work, be responsible for the territory, be responsible for the territory, and fulfill the territory, dare to grasp and manage, dare to fight, and clearly oppose and resist various erroneous views. We must accelerate the construction of China's independent knowledge system, promote the construction of the discipline system, academic system, and discourse system of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and base ourselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation. We must summarize China's experience with Chinese principles, elevate China's experience to Chinese theory, and achieve spiritual independence. Strengthen the construction of international communication capabilities, give full play to the role of emerging media, enhance the creativity, appeal and credibility of foreign discourse, and build a more effective international communication system.

Enhance the quality and ability to shoulder new cultural missions. Adhering to the Party's innovative theory to guide the direction of cultural development, constantly enhancing the quality and ability to shoulder new cultural missions, and building a propaganda, ideological and cultural work team that bravely shoulders the mission responsibility is an important foundation for doing a good job in cultural work. We must adhere to the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, deepen the understanding of the laws of cultural construction, and consciously implement it in all aspects and throughout the process of propaganda, ideological and cultural work. Deepen the reform and innovation of propaganda, ideological and cultural work, and focus on innovation in concepts, methods and grassroots work. Build a work mechanism and evaluation system that adapts to the production and dissemination of all media, promote systematic changes in mainstream media, make full use of new technologies and new applications to innovate media dissemination methods, and occupy the commanding heights of information dissemination. Accelerate the cultivation of a propaganda work team that is politically strong, highly skilled, pragmatic and innovative, and can win battles, constantly improve professional standards, and strive to open up a new situation in propaganda, ideological and cultural work in the new era.

Adhere to and improve the system and mechanism of the Party's leadership in cultural development. To uphold the Party's cultural leadership, we must strive to form a work mechanism with clear responsibilities and joint management under the unified leadership of the Party Committee (Party Group), and build a "big propaganda" pattern covering the whole Party and society. We must improve the public opinion guidance mechanism with correct orientation, establish and improve the work mechanism for the integrated management of traditional media and emerging media, build a mainstream public opinion pattern that integrates online and offline, and links internal and external propaganda, and establish an all-media communication system based on content construction, supported by advanced technology, and guaranteed by innovative management. We must improve and innovate positive propaganda, improve the major public opinion guidance mechanism and public opinion response coordination mechanism, and establish and improve the comprehensive network governance system. We must improve the state-owned cultural asset management system and mechanism with the organic combination of Party committee and government supervision and the effective leadership of propaganda departments, and establish and improve the cultural creation and production system and mechanism that puts social benefits first and unifies social and economic benefits. We must improve the public cultural service system, establish a mechanism for high-quality cultural resources to reach the grassroots directly, improve the mechanism for social forces to participate in public cultural services, and promote the reform of the separation of ownership and use rights of public cultural facilities. We must deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the cultural field, promote the deepening of internal reforms in cultural institutions in a classified manner, and improve the construction and development mechanism of art institutions. Improve the volunteer service system, improve the long-term mechanism for building integrity, and educate and guide the whole society to consciously abide by the law and follow public order and good customs.

(Author: Deputy Director and Researcher of the Institute of Contemporary China, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Editor: Wang Yin

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