Tuesday, August 06, 2024

为全球人工智能治理提供中国方案 [Providing a Chinese solution for global AI governance] (1 August 2024) 中国社会科学网 (China Social Science Network) Policy Papers



 当前,全球人工智能技术快速发展,对经济社会发展和人类文明进步产生深远影响,给世界带来巨大机遇。与此同时,人工智能技术也带来难以预知的各种风险和复杂挑战。人工智能治理攸关全人类命运,是世界各国面临的共同课题。2023年10月18日,习近平主席在第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式主旨演讲中提出了“全球人工智能治理倡议“,系统回答了为什么要加强、如何加强人工智能全球治理的重大时代课题,提出了中国方案,贡献了中国智慧,为凝聚国际社会共识、推进全球共享共治发挥了积极作用。[At present, the rapid development of global artificial intelligence technology has a profound impact on economic and social development and the progress of human civilization, bringing huge opportunities to the world. At the same time, artificial intelligence technology also brings various unpredictable risks and complex challenges. Artificial intelligence governance is related to the fate of all mankind and is a common issue faced by countries around the world. On October 18, 2023, President Xi Jinping proposed the "Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative" in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum. He systematically answered the major contemporary issue of why and how to strengthen the global governance of artificial intelligence, proposed a Chinese solution, contributed Chinese wisdom, and played a positive role in building consensus in the international community and promoting global sharing and co-governance.] (中国社会科学网 (China Social Science Network): 为全球人工智能治理提供中国方案 [Providing a Chinese solution for global AI governance])

Every major power will have its AI law, and more generally its core premises around which AI legalities may be woven. The European Union has given itself both (EU AI Act here; Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI here). The United States has developed its premises and remains committed to markets based guided legalities (Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights here; also here, here and here). China continues to develop its own normative framework and legalities, now in the form of a "Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative" [“全球人工智能治理倡议“]. These are meant not merely to discipline the use and development of AI within a State but also to produce the normative narrative framework against which all global efforts will be undertaken. As such, each reflects the political-economic models of their origins and the structures for their application elsewhere.

As such, all three seek to project their frameworks, normative narratives, and their underlying structures of control outward. In this sense one can understand AI law and norms as effectively the framing of platforms through which  AI related operations can be coordinated and undertaken, while at the same time serving as a border/barrier that protects the integrity of one AI normative platform from others.  A system of multi-platform platform autopoiesis emerges. The object remains the same across platforms:我们重申,各国应在人工智能治理中加强信息交流和技术合作,共同做好风险防范,形成具有广泛共识的人工智能治理框架和标准规范,不断提升人工智能技术的安全性、可靠性、可控性、公平性。[We reiterate that all countries should strengthen information exchange and technical cooperation in AI governance, jointly prevent risks, form an AI governance framework and standard specifications with broad consensus, and continuously improve the security, reliability, controllability and fairness of AI technology. ]. But like the others, these systems are meant to produce the illusion of control and instrumentalization of AI when in fact they reflect  an exteriorized manifestation of efforts at self control even as the human becomes the instrument of AI based systemicities (for my extended analysis see 'The Soulful Machine, the Virtual Person, and the “Human” Condition').

To these ends China has devoted resources to the development of an A regulatory narrative with Chinese characteristics.  These are reflected in five highlighted essays:

1. 防范风险是全球人工智能治理的主要日标; 郎平; 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员 (Preventing risk is the main goal of global AI governance, Lang Ping, Researcher at the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

2. 人工智能治理在于平衡安全与发展; 李艳; 中国现代国际关系研究院科技与网络安全研究所执行所长、研究员 (AI governance is about balancing security and development; Li Yan, Executive Director and Researcher of the Institute of Science, Technology and Cybersecurity, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations)

3. 《全球人工智能治理倡议》中的中国智慧鲁传颖; 上海国际问题研究院研究员、网络空间国际治理研究中心秘书长 (Chinese Wisdom in the Global AI Governance Initiative; Lu Chuanying; Researcher at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Secretary-General of the Center for International Cyberspace Governance Research)

4. 《全球人工智能治理倡议》为数子公平贡献中国方案; 全燕; 广东外语外贸大学新闻与传播学院教授 ("Global AI Governance Initiative" contributes Chinese solutions to digital equity; Quan Yan; Professor of the School of Journalism and Communication, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

5. 全球人工智能治理倡议的世界意义; 费艳颖, 大连理工大学公共管理学院教授; 赵凯, 大连理工大学马克思主义学院博士研究生 (The global significance of the global artificial intelligence governance initiative; Fei Yanying, Professor of the School of Public Administration, Dalian University of Technology; Zhao Kai, PhD candidate of the School of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology)

Each provides useful insights into the development of the "Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative" [“全球人工智能治理倡议“], which follows below in the original Chinese and in a crude English translation along with the text of the five essays identified above.


2023-10-20 15:12
















Global AI Governance Initiative

2023-10-20 15:12

AI is a new field for human development. At present, the rapid development of global AI technology has a profound impact on economic and social development and the progress of human civilization, bringing huge opportunities to the world. At the same time, AI technology also brings various unpredictable risks and complex challenges. AI governance is related to the fate of all mankind and is a common issue faced by all countries in the world.

In the context of multiple challenges facing world peace and development, all countries should uphold a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept, adhere to the principle of giving equal importance to development and security, build consensus through dialogue and cooperation, build an open, fair and effective governance mechanism, promote AI technology to benefit mankind, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

We reiterate that all countries should strengthen information exchange and technical cooperation in AI governance, jointly prevent risks, form an AI governance framework and standard specifications with broad consensus, and continuously improve the security, reliability, controllability and fairness of AI technology. We welcome governments, international organizations, enterprises, scientific research institutions, non-governmental organizations and individual citizens to uphold the concept of consultation, construction and sharing, and work together to promote AI governance.

To this end, we propose:

—— The development of artificial intelligence should adhere to the concept of "people-oriented", aim to enhance the common welfare of mankind, and ensure social security and respect for human rights and interests as the premise, to ensure that artificial intelligence always develops in a direction that is conducive to the progress of human civilization. Actively support the use of artificial intelligence to promote sustainable development and respond to global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity conservation.

—— When providing artificial intelligence products and services to other countries, we should respect the sovereignty of other countries, strictly abide by the laws of other countries, and accept the jurisdiction of other countries' laws. Oppose the use of artificial intelligence technology to manipulate public opinion, spread false information, interfere in other countries' internal affairs, social systems and social order, and endanger the sovereignty of other countries.

—— The development of artificial intelligence should adhere to the purpose of "intelligence for good", abide by applicable international law, conform to the common values ​​of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, and jointly prevent and combat the abuse of artificial intelligence technology by terrorism, extremist forces and transnational organized crime groups. Countries, especially major powers, should take a cautious and responsible attitude towards the research and development and use of artificial intelligence technology in the military field.

—— The development of artificial intelligence should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. All countries, regardless of size, strength, and social system, have the right to develop and use artificial intelligence equally. Encourage the world to jointly promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence, share artificial intelligence knowledge, and open source artificial intelligence technology. Oppose drawing lines based on ideology or building exclusive groups to maliciously obstruct the development of artificial intelligence in other countries. Oppose the use of technology monopoly and unilateral coercive measures to create development barriers and maliciously block the global artificial intelligence supply chain.

—— Promote the establishment of a risk level test and assessment system, implement agile governance, classify and grade management, and respond quickly and effectively. R&D entities continue to improve the explainability and predictability of artificial intelligence, improve the authenticity and accuracy of data, ensure that artificial intelligence is always under human control, and create auditable, supervised, traceable, and trustworthy artificial intelligence technology.

—— Gradually establish and improve laws and regulations to protect personal privacy and data security in artificial intelligence research and development and applications, and oppose theft, tampering, disclosure and other illegal collection and use of personal information.

—— Adhere to the principles of fairness and non-discrimination, and avoid bias and discrimination against different or specific nationalities, beliefs, countries, genders, etc. in the process of data acquisition, algorithm design, technology development, product development and application.

——Adhere to ethics first, establish and improve AI ethical standards, norms and accountability mechanisms, form AI ethical guidelines, establish a science and technology ethics review and supervision system, clarify the responsibilities and power boundaries of AI-related entities, fully respect and protect the legitimate rights and interests of various groups, and promptly respond to relevant domestic and international ethical concerns.

——Adhere to the principles of broad participation, consensus, and gradual progress, closely follow the development of technology, conduct risk assessment and policy communication, and share best practices. On this basis, through dialogue and cooperation, on the basis of fully respecting the differences in policies and practices of various countries, promote the active participation of multiple stakeholders and form a broad consensus in the field of international AI governance.

——Actively develop relevant technology development and application for AI governance, support the use of AI technology to prevent AI risks, and improve the technical capabilities of AI governance.

——Enhance the representation and voice of developing countries in the global governance of AI, ensure equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal rules for the development and governance of AI in various countries, carry out international cooperation and assistance for developing countries, and continuously bridge the intelligence gap and governance capacity gap. Actively support the discussion of the establishment of an international AI governance institution under the framework of the United Nations to coordinate major issues of international AI development, security and governance.

2024-05-17 作者:郎平 来源:中国社会科学网











Preventing risks is the main goal of global AI governance
2024-05-17 Author: Lang Ping Source: China Social Sciences Network

To understand the "Global AI Governance Initiative" (hereinafter referred to as the "Initiative"), we need to understand it from the perspective of international security, such as how AI affects world peace. In my opinion, the Initiative, from a global perspective, is to build a community with a shared future for mankind from the perspective of global governance. The Global AI Governance Initiative takes into account two dimensions, one is the overall survival and development of mankind, and the other is international security.

The Initiative belongs to the category of global AI governance, and its main purpose is to avoid risks. One is ethical and moral risks, and the other is security risks. So for example, sometimes, how each of our countries formulates its own AI governance policies is within the sovereign jurisdiction of each country.

In most cases, AI policies are formulated by the country. When a country formulates its own strategy or conducts international cooperation, it often needs to take into account the reactions of other countries, but this is essentially a matter of national sovereignty. Therefore, when we discuss global governance, especially global AI governance, we need to combine the policies of various countries and reach a unified standard to improve the effectiveness of global AI governance.

The main purpose of the Initiative is to prevent the risks brought by AI. Risks contain both challenges and opportunities. When we discuss risks, artificial intelligence not only brings security, that is, the various enabling effects of development, but also brings many security issues, such as fake news, privacy protection, and intellectual property rights.

How do we understand the risks that artificial intelligence brings to us? First of all, we need to list the various security issues that artificial intelligence may bring, and then understand them. For example, we can classify them according to motivations, whether the risks are unintentional or intentional, and whether there are human actions. If it is not man-made, it can be prevented and prevented by technical means, but if it is man-made, this technical means cannot be used to solve it. So it is necessary to distinguish his motivations.

In addition to unintentional and intentional security risks, it is also very important for us to determine whether it is a subjective security threat or an objective security threat. In other words, when we realize that it may bring us risks, our cognition actually includes both the objective part, that is, the objective development of artificial intelligence, and the subjective cognition. However, the subjective cognition may be due to the lack of security capabilities. The same objective security risk is not considered a challenge for countries with strong security capabilities.

As for the risks of artificial intelligence, we need to distinguish whether it is objective or subjective, because the objective is relatively unchanged, but the subjective is related to many factors of our own, so this is also a prerequisite for us to understand how to deal with this risk. Another is security risk. What kind of threat may it bring to us? The severity of the threat is whether it threatens the overall interests, major interests, or general interests. We need to understand these security risks from different dimensions before we can prevent them. We need to use different response methods to prevent risks.

For artificial intelligence, we need to improve our security capabilities. As long as we have the ability, we can embrace risks instead of fearing them, because risks are everywhere, so we must find challenges from risks. For artificial intelligence, theoretically speaking, we must adhere to the overall national security concept, coordinate development and security, and achieve governance on the basis of security.

China Social Sciences Network Li Xiang/Interview and compilation

(The author is the director and researcher of the National Security Research Office of the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

2024-05-11 作者:李艳 来源:中国社会科学网










  中国长期作为发展中国家,在这个过程中,对于科技的变革,我们感同身受,我们也见证了历史发展的规律,只有行稳致远方可合理、健康运用人工智能。 从某种意义上来说,对于人工智能的未来,我们要考虑的就是全球的安全和稳定,即如何用人工智能推动全球安全稳定,这是世界各国需要做的功课。

  中国社会科学网 李想/整理


Li Yan: AI governance lies in balancing security and development
2024-05-11 Author: Li Yan Source: China Social Sciences Network

In October 2023, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global AI Governance Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the "Initiative") at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which is of great significance. The rise of AI has triggered a new wave of technological revolution. Therefore, AI is in urgent need of governance. The importance of AI governance lies in balancing security and development.

AI governance emphasizes people-oriented and technology for good. How to make technology people-oriented is the key issue in the use of AI. Today, the entire international community is surprised by the outbreak of a new wave of AI enthusiasm. In this case, proposing an initiative can make it better serve all mankind. The content of the initiative is short, the language is concise, and the issues are to the point. In particular, the initiative mentions some risk issues, including the problem of the intelligence gap, the coordinated development of global AI, the new North-South gap, and so on. The initiative summarizes the problems facing the development of global AI in concise and clear language, covering almost all areas of AI governance and all core concerns of the international community, so that the international community can think more forward-lookingly about the future development path of AI.

As a major country in the development of artificial intelligence, China's proposal itself reflects the responsibility and commitment of a major country, and is also a weather vane. The proposal has injected strong power into the future development of artificial intelligence, sounded the clarion call for artificial intelligence reform, and pointed out the direction for the future of artificial intelligence to be good.

The people-oriented nature of artificial intelligence is inseparable from risk prevention. Risk prevention is related to safety. Therefore, we need to understand from a broader perspective, on the one hand, whether the technology itself is safe, and on the other hand, understand the ethical and moral issues of artificial intelligence itself. At the same time, we need to see uncertainty. Talking about artificial intelligence mainly focuses on whether it can bring about technological change, but there is still uncertainty about the direction of change. If risks cannot be predicted, it means that the risk is high and the governance process will be complicated.

Artificial intelligence governance requires interdisciplinary and cross-domain. In the future, in terms of risk prevention, risks need to be refined, such as what risks will there be at the technical level, what risks will be brought at the application level, and what risks will be brought at the rule level, and even what kind of risks the entire development process may bring to society as a whole, and the same is true for artificial intelligence. If risks are to be refined, there will actually be various security issues at all levels, which requires comprehensive governance.

No matter whether it is the strategic community, policy community, academic community, or business community, only when all walks of life come together can we have a relatively objective and realistic judgment on the dynamics of AI development and the future direction of development, and make better decisions for AI governance. In order to further standardize AI governance, various departments should actively explore, including deep-level AI management norms, especially some content aspects, to maintain AI security, reduce some security risks that AI may bring, and make some AI standard formulation and technical evaluation.

Artificial intelligence is an emerging thing, and various departments need to remain open and flexible, which is very important for improving AI governance. In addition, feedback on the mechanism is also very important. We need to move forward in exploration.

In terms of the international dimension, the international community has also made a lot of efforts. In the framework of the United Nations, we have also expressed our own views on the development of AI, and we will also cooperate with or actively respond to some international agendas, including participating in the AI ​​Summit hosted by the United Kingdom. Internationally, we have shown an open and positive state as a whole.

In the future, with the development of digitalization, inequality will also appear, and the gap between the North and the South will further widen, which is not conducive to the good of AI. Artificial intelligence should not be a winner-takes-all game, and the strong should always be strong. Only common development can benefit the international community and mankind. For the vast majority of developing countries, in order to gain the initiative, they should take the initiative to understand artificial intelligence and welcome the scientific and technological revolution. Only in this way can they cope with the challenges brought by the global artificial intelligence field.

China has been a developing country for a long time. In this process, we feel the same about the changes in science and technology. We have also witnessed the laws of historical development. Only by moving steadily and far can we use artificial intelligence reasonably and healthily. In a sense, for the future of artificial intelligence, what we need to consider is global security and stability, that is, how to use artificial intelligence to promote global security and stability. This is the homework that countries around the world need to do.

China Social Sciences Network Li Xiang/Compilation

(The author is the executive director and researcher of the Institute of Science and Technology and Cyber ​​Security of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations)


2024-01-23 作者:鲁传颖 来源:中国社会科学网





  其次,中国强调发展人工智能发展需要跨越“小圈子”,反对特定国家将全球治理机制工具化、私物化。《全球人工智能治理倡议》强调应坚持相互尊重、平等互利的原则,各国无论大小、强弱,无论社会制度如何,都有平等发展和利用人工智能的权利。这是对西方国家日益倡导的“小圈子”治理模式的一次修正和突破,强调人工智能的发展必须惠及各国人民,而不应该成为特定国家巩固科技霸权、攫取私利的工具。相比于此,美国、英国等西方国家虽然积极开展人工智能国际合作,但不论是军事防务领域的人工智能防务伙伴关系(AI PfD)、美英澳三国集团(AUKUS),还是产业与发展领域的美欧贸易和技术委员会(TTC)以及美印人工智能倡议(USIAI),抑或是伦理与价值方面的自由在线联盟人工智能与人权工作组(T-FAIR)等机制,都有着极强的排他性和竞争性。如果不能破除这种思维,建立真正以发展和安全为导向的人工智能全球治理机制,则会人为放大人工智能发展中的风险,阻碍人工智能的全球治理进程。













【Focus on Academic China】Chinese Wisdom in the Global Initiative on Artificial Intelligence Governance
2024-01-23 Author: Lu Chuanying Source: China Social Sciences Network

On October 18, 2023, the Chinese government issued the Global Initiative on Artificial Intelligence Governance, which systematically expounded the Chinese solution for artificial intelligence governance in three aspects: artificial intelligence development, security, and governance. The Global Initiative on Artificial Intelligence Governance is not only the Chinese wisdom contributed in a critical period when artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly and opportunities and risks are emerging rapidly, but also an appeal on behalf of the vast number of developing countries in the context of the monopoly of the rule construction of artificial intelligence governance by Western countries. It will play a positive role in the development and governance of global artificial intelligence and the implementation of the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind.

I. The Global Initiative on Artificial Intelligence Governance has designed a governance approach different from that of Western countries

Due to its strategic, global, and uncertain characteristics, artificial intelligence has become an important force affecting national development and security. Countries around the world have introduced national artificial intelligence strategies and have begun to compete and cooperate in the field of international rule-making for artificial intelligence governance. Related initiatives, visions, and plans have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Against this background, China's "Global AI Governance Initiative" shows its uniqueness and superiority in the following three aspects, which are different from those of Western countries.

First, China emphasizes that the development of AI must adhere to the "people-oriented" concept. This concept originates from the ancient Chinese "people-oriented" thought, emphasizing that the state and society should serve the people. At the same time, it also absorbs the Western discussion on human rights, criticizes the tendency of over-emphasis on instrumentality and weaponization, and advocates a more harmonious and balanced perspective on human relations. This "people-oriented" thought has gained new connotations and importance in today's era of artificial intelligence, that is, the development of artificial intelligence technology not only needs to respect and safeguard individual rights, but also should be aimed at promoting the common welfare of mankind, with the premise of ensuring social security and respecting human rights, ensuring that artificial intelligence always develops in a direction that is conducive to the progress of human civilization, and further helps the implementation of sustainable development issues such as climate and biology. In this sense, the initiative not only provides a framework for the ethical norms and development direction of artificial intelligence technology, but also puts forward a deeper ethical intention, advocating the construction of a new model of global AI governance that balances the interests of all parties and jointly responds to human challenges.

Second, China emphasizes that the development of artificial intelligence needs to transcend "small circles" and opposes the instrumentalization and privatization of global governance mechanisms by specific countries. The Global AI Governance Initiative emphasizes the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. All countries, regardless of size, strength or social system, have the right to develop and use AI equally. This is a correction and breakthrough to the "small circle" governance model increasingly advocated by Western countries, emphasizing that the development of AI must benefit the people of all countries, and should not become a tool for specific countries to consolidate their technological hegemony and gain private interests. In contrast, although Western countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom are actively engaged in international cooperation in AI, whether it is the AI ​​Defense Partnership (AI PfD) in the field of military defense, the US-UK-Australia Group (AUKUS), the US-EU Trade and Technology Committee (TTC) in the field of industry and development, the US-India Artificial Intelligence Initiative (USIAI), or the Free Online Alliance Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Working Group (T-FAIR) in the field of ethics and values, all have extremely strong exclusivity and competitiveness. If we cannot break this kind of thinking and establish a truly development- and security-oriented global AI governance mechanism, we will artificially magnify the risks in the development of AI and hinder the global governance process of AI.

Finally, China stood on the standpoint of the vast majority of developing countries and proposed that the representation and voice of developing countries in the global governance of artificial intelligence should be enhanced, so that the vast majority of developing countries can participate more equally. From a realistic perspective, developing countries have problems with their lack of participation and narrow scope in the global governance of artificial intelligence and the formulation of international rules. On the one hand, this is related to the fact that the development of artificial intelligence in the vast majority of developing countries is still in a backward stage and their motivation and awareness of participating in international rules are not strong. On the other hand, the monopoly of developed countries on governance mechanisms and international rules has further strengthened the dilemma of developing countries' inability to participate in international governance. Against this background, China's "Global Initiative on Artificial Intelligence Governance" proposed the principles of "equal rights", "equal opportunities" and "equal rules" for the development and governance of artificial intelligence in various countries, and advocated the need to carry out international cooperation and assistance for developing countries to continuously bridge the intelligence gap and governance capacity gap. This will solve the marginalization problem of developing countries in the global governance of artificial intelligence from the two aspects of capacity, willingness and platform openness, and construct fair and reasonable international rules by taking into account the positions and voices of Western and non-Western countries.

II. The "Global Initiative on Artificial Intelligence Governance" provides a practical and feasible solution for artificial intelligence governance

In fact, the purpose of China's release of the "Global Initiative on Artificial Intelligence Governance" is not to "innovate", but to "seek common ground". The Global Initiative on AI Governance, based on the reality and the future, not only provides certain corrections and supplements to the current AI global governance plan led by Western countries such as the United States and Europe, but also further provides a practical plan for implementing the existing consensus on AI governance. Therefore, the Global Initiative on AI Governance is not only a vision, but also a guide to action.

First, the Global Initiative on AI Governance provides key guidance in the governance of AI throughout its life cycle. Since AI risks are contained in different development stages such as its technical design, R&D, and application, and are closely linked and superimposed on each other. Therefore, it is necessary to identify risks and design governance plans from a full life cycle perspective. In the Global Initiative on AI Governance, the principle of "ethics first" is proposed in the conceptual design stage; the principle of fairness and non-discrimination should be adhered to in the procedures of data acquisition, algorithm design, technology development, and product development in the R&D stage; it also emphasizes the need to adhere to and implement the purpose of "intelligent for good" in the deployment and application stages; and further requires the establishment of a cross-stage, rapid response, agile and efficient risk level testing and evaluation system. Through the design of a governance mechanism throughout the life cycle, we can ensure that artificial intelligence is always under human control and create auditable, supervised, traceable and trustworthy artificial intelligence technology.

Second, the Global AI Governance Initiative proposes implementation suggestions for the consensus principle of global AI governance. For example, under the principle of multilateral governance, China has clearly proposed to continue to insist on the United Nations playing a leading role, support the discussion of the establishment of an international AI governance organization under the United Nations framework, and coordinate major issues of international AI development, security and governance; for example, in terms of AI ethics, China has clearly proposed to establish not only to establish and improve AI ethics standards in advance, to standardize the formation of AI ethics guidelines, and to clarify the responsibilities and power boundaries of AI-related entities; but also to establish a science and technology ethics accountability system, review and supervision system during and after the event; and to respond to relevant domestic and international ethical concerns in a timely manner on the basis of fully respecting and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all groups. It can be seen that China's initiative has demonstrated a far-reaching strategic vision and a pragmatic action plan, which not only responds to the current international community's general concerns about the development of AI, but also provides a new implementation path for global AI governance. Through such efforts, China is actively participating in the innovation of global governance and promoting the construction of a more fair and reasonable new order of international AI governance.

Third, the Global Initiative on AI Governance introduces China's experience of safe and orderly development to the world. For AI governance, security is the premise of development. Without security, the achievements of development will be lost, and development is the guarantee of security. If we cannot keep up with the pace of technological development from a dynamic perspective, we will not be able to achieve effective governance. Therefore, from China's perspective, the purpose of AI governance is to ensure the security of AI technology and enhance the common welfare of mankind through the construction of relevant rules on the basis of always maintaining the development process. In order to implement this, China has designed the principles of broad participation, consensus, and gradual progress in the Global Initiative on AI Governance, integrating governance into the process of development. At the same time, it also proposes to actively develop relevant technology development and application for AI governance, so that technological development can empower safe governance. As a result, China has designed a set of specific ideas to find a reasonable balance between multiple dimensions such as development and security, change and stability.

Third, the Global Initiative on AI Governance will have an important impact on the future of global governance

Due to the advanced concept and practical operability, China's Global Initiative on AI Governance not only provides a specific and feasible action program for the international community, but also demonstrates China's open attitude and constructive position in global governance. This initiative will further promote the process of global AI governance and accelerate the realization of China's grand vision of "building a community with a shared future for mankind".

From the perspective of the global process of AI governance, China's "Global AI Governance Initiative" provides a non-binding open framework. This initiative only sets the bottom line and provides a platform for cooperation, thus providing more possibilities for breaking the current deadlock in global AI governance. At present, global AI governance faces many challenges: in international security, it faces the problems of AI militarization, the use and regulation of autonomous weapons; in technical security, it faces the problems of difficulty, lag and weak binding in standard setting; in technological innovation, there is a lack of trust among countries, and strategic competition replaces open cooperation in technology; in technology application, there are problems of digital divide and unequal development... These problems hinder the advancement of AI governance. In this context, China's initiative provides an open and inclusive framework to encourage countries to make choices and adjustments according to their national conditions and needs, and provides new opportunities for cooperation between countries on AI governance issues.

From the perspective of the implementation of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, the "Global AI Governance Initiative" will work together with the "three major global initiatives" to contribute to the construction of a new international order and the implementation of the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind. In the face of changes in the world, the times, and history, China has provided China's interpretation and solutions for key issues such as development, security, and cooperation that are of common concern to the people of the world through the "Three Global Initiatives", and has not stopped at the discussion of traditional issues. China has keenly perceived the new problems and challenges that emerging technologies bring to global governance, and has demonstrated its attitude of actively assuming international responsibilities by proposing the "Global Initiative on Artificial Intelligence Governance". China hopes to promote the harmonious unity of technological development, security, and governance through its own efforts. On this basis, countries will share the development achievements of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and achieve the bridging of the digital divide. Behind this series of initiatives is the continuous voice of China and the continuous emergence of Chinese wisdom. China will continue to exert its strength in traditional and emerging fields to realize the beautiful vision of a community with a shared future for mankind.

(The author is a researcher at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and Secretary-General of the Center for International Governance of Cyberspace) 

2024-02-01 作者:全燕 来源:中国社会科学网





















  中国社会科学网 李想/整理

[Focus on Academic China] "Global AI Governance Initiative" contributes Chinese solutions to digital equity
2024-02-01 Author: Quan Yan Source: China Social Sciences Network

In order to standardize the code of conduct of artificial intelligence in the world, propose a governance plan for artificial intelligence in the future world, and reduce the risks that artificial intelligence brings to human society, on October 18, 2023, China proposed the "Global AI Governance Initiative" (hereinafter referred to as the "Initiative") to the world, and put forward a valuable plan for promoting global artificial intelligence governance. China Social Sciences Network invited Quan Yan, professor of the School of Journalism and Communication of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and "Yunshan Outstanding Scholar", to interpret the "Initiative".

China Social Sciences Network: How does the "Initiative" regulate the use of artificial intelligence at the international level?

Quan Yan: Global AI governance is an important connotation of global governance. One of the overall goals of global governance is to provide public goods to the world and avoid global public hazards. Today, global public goods are increasingly dependent on the support of artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence technology itself can also be regarded as a global public product to some extent. Therefore, global AI governance can be defined as the development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems by governments, international and intergovernmental organizations through the formulation of rules and procedures.

The initiative raises normative issues related to AI technology and sets out the norms that must be followed to make the development of AI technology produce positive social effects. Generally, the development and deployment of AI technology are carried out on a transnational and transregional scale, rarely considering the limitations of traditional jurisdictions, while global AI governance considers the formulation and implementation of global normative policies for AI. The content of the initiative involves managing and guiding the development of AI to ensure that the application of AI on a global scale is safe, fair and ethical.

First, it is necessary to fully understand the subjects that should be governed. How to govern global subjects involved in the universal development and deployment of AI technology is a key issue. The initiative emphasizes that the development of AI should adhere to the purpose of "intelligence for good", comply with applicable international law, and comply with the common values ​​of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind. The governance methodology and meta-theory contributed by my country provide a theoretical framework through a series of expectations, setting the boundaries of principles and norms for more specific solutions.

Second, we must adhere to the principles of fairness and non-discrimination. Decision-making algorithms may reflect and exacerbate existing injustices, which is a concentrated manifestation of algorithmic bias. The initiative mentioned that it is necessary to avoid bias and discrimination against different or specific ethnic beliefs, nationalities, genders, etc. in the process of data acquisition, algorithm design, technology development, product development and application.

In addition, the governance of artificial intelligence should also pay attention to profit distribution. Technology profits are privatized, while the negative effects of technology are socialized. Artificial intelligence technology can bring profits to developers and holders, but the harmful effects and risks it may produce are largely shared by society.

China Social Sciences Network: What is the significance of the "Initiative" for achieving digital equality?

Quan Yan: The key factor in achieving digital equality is to expand transparency. In order to ensure that artificial intelligence can follow the regulatory framework when deployed, more tools are needed to support governance. Explainable machine learning is essential for proper trust and effective management of the new generation of artificial intelligence machines. Regardless of the differences between countries and regions, artificial intelligence governance needs to be supported by verification tools and incentive mechanisms for participation. Verification tools can help build the necessary trust in technology between domestic and international participants, including algorithm design and methods used by regulators to evaluate the implementation of artificial intelligence, such as data science methods, algorithm design, hardware, etc. If we lack verification methods, effective governance of artificial intelligence will face the dilemma of not being able to go deeper.

Effective global AI governance requires the participation of all countries and regions to create a common charter or convention. This requires the implementation of incentives such as sharing technical data and expertise to encourage multinational, multilateral and multi-party participation. If most parts of the world do not participate in the formulation and development of these charters, global AI governance will not be widely supported and will have no practical significance. The participation of multiple parties and the creation of a common charter will help promote effective governance and effectively reduce digital inequality.

Currently, countries and regions around the world have promulgated corresponding data protection regulations. The European Union has promulgated the General Data Protection Regulation and the Artificial Intelligence Ethics Principles. The United States has signed the Asilomar Artificial Intelligence 23 Principles. China has also successively issued laws and regulations including data privacy protection and cybersecurity level protection. Although all countries have issued corresponding governance plans, the differences between countries and regions are relatively obvious, and the principles and methods are not the same. Only by establishing a larger dialogue mechanism on issues related to AI governance, so that all countries can clearly find common interests and controversial points, and use this as a benchmark, can global governance achieve substantial progress. Therefore, before building a broader global framework, it is necessary for the international community to establish specific AI governance mechanisms and standards, such as application standards for lethal autonomous weapons systems, healthcare, transportation, and general AI. On the basis of promoting fairness and equality, using more precise regulations and more appropriate governance mechanisms, including methods for certifying, explaining, and auditing algorithmic systems, will help ensure that ethical relationships with AI are responded to.

China Social Sciences Network: In your opinion, how does the Initiative affect the development of human civilization?

Quan Yan: The Initiative is of great significance to the development of human civilization. The Global AI Governance Initiative provides an important reference for the international community to regulate the use of AI.

First, work for the common welfare of mankind. The Initiative emphasizes the concept of people-oriented, that is, positioning the development goal of AI to enhance the common welfare of mankind, and this concept helps to emphasize the common value goals of countries and provide impetus for international cooperation.

Second, promote international cooperation. The Initiative advocates information exchange and technical cooperation among countries in the field of AI. This international cooperation helps to deepen mutual understanding among countries and promote joint efforts in technology research and development and standard setting.

Third, promote equality and mutual benefit. The Initiative emphasizes the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and encourages all countries to participate equally in the development of artificial intelligence technology, which will help reduce inequality between different countries. In particular, it will narrow the technological gap between technologically developed countries and underdeveloped or underdeveloped countries, and promote common prosperity.

Secondly, it is conducive to mutual learning among civilizations. The Initiative emphasizes the purpose of intelligence for good, which is actually to abide by applicable international law and common values ​​of all mankind, which will also help promote mutual respect, learning and exchanges among different civilizations.

Finally, it promotes ethics and fairness. The Initiative proposes to establish ethical standards and norms for artificial intelligence, focusing on fairness and non-discrimination, which will help establish common ethical values ​​in the development of artificial intelligence and promote countries to avoid discriminatory behavior in the application of technology.

Currently, intelligent civilization is affecting the development direction of human civilization. The Initiative mentions "intelligent for good", which I will concretize as "algorithm for good", that is, how to promote the control of risks brought to us by technology in the face of the purpose of algorithms benefiting mankind or artificial intelligence benefiting mankind. Artificial intelligence has indeed changed our civilization, but on the other hand, making good use of artificial intelligence can better promote the construction of a new form of human civilization.

The Initiative builds a common platform for different countries and civilizations to promote common development through cooperation and dialogue, jointly respond to the challenges of artificial intelligence technology, and promote the international community to form a consensus on artificial intelligence governance, thereby promoting civilization exchanges between China and other countries in the world.

China Social Sciences Network Li Xiang/Compilation

2024-06-19 作者:费艳颖 赵凯 来源:中国社会科学网-中国社会科学报











The global significance of the Global AI Governance Initiative
2024-06-19 Author: Fei Yanying Zhao Kai Source: China Social Sciences Network-China Social Sciences Daily

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that digital civilization should benefit people of all countries and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. On October 18, 2023, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, proposing the "Global AI Governance Initiative" (hereinafter referred to as the "Initiative"). The Initiative focuses on global cooperation in AI governance in the era of digital civilization, marking that my country has actively practiced the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind in the field of AI, and has taken concrete actions to implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. The Global AI Governance Initiative focuses on solving the historical question of "Where is human civilization going?" in the era of intelligence, contributing constructive ideas to global cooperation and effective governance of AI in the era of digital civilization, providing a blueprint for international discussions and rule-making in the field of AI, and sending out the "strong voice of China" leading global AI governance in the era of digital civilization.

Assisting the healthy development of global artificial intelligence

The initiative provides a conceptual guide for global artificial intelligence governance, and realizes global collaborative governance of artificial intelligence under the coordinated development and security of artificial intelligence. It not only points out the direction for the development of artificial intelligence in my country, but also injects a powerful Chinese force into ensuring the healthy, orderly and safe development of artificial intelligence in the world. First, the initiative highlights the concepts of "responsibility", "people-oriented" and "intelligent for good", providing value guidance for global artificial intelligence governance. Unlike some countries that strive to build an exclusive "small circle", the initiative adheres to the common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept and the global governance concept of consultation, construction and sharing, advocates people-oriented, intelligent for good, diversified participation, open dialogue, co-construction and sharing, and win-win cooperation, and actively bridges the intelligence gap. The initiative provides constructive solutions for global artificial intelligence governance with a broader global vision, a wider range of artificial intelligence cooperation fields, a deeper level of artificial intelligence forward-looking layout, and a higher level of artificial intelligence governance capacity building. Second, coordinate the two key points of global artificial intelligence development and security. The initiative "adheres to the principle of giving equal importance to development and security", and takes agile governance and moderate constraints as principles, which not only overcomes the adverse effects of strong supervision on AI technology innovation, but also avoids the disorderly development of AI caused by weak supervision, and achieves a balance between AI technology development and security. Third, coordinate the relationship between national AI governance and global AI governance. The initiative fully reflects China's mature governance experience in legislation, strategic planning, ethical norms, and other aspects of AI in recent years, and also absorbs the outstanding achievements of multilateral parties in the international community, including the vast number of developing countries, in the field of AI governance. The initiative insists on coordinating the domestic and international situations, focusing on the country and the world, and advocates improving the global AI governance capabilities. It is necessary to build an open, healthy, and safe domestic AI responsible innovation ecosystem, and actively help other developing countries cross the intelligence gap and change the extremely unbalanced status quo in the field of global AI development.

Resolving global AI security risks

The initiative uses scientific thinking and methods, pays close attention to the tolerance and mutual learning between heterogeneous civilizations from the cultural confidence of Chinese civilization, gathers broad consensus for promoting the healthy development of global AI, and contributes Chinese wisdom to preventing and resolving global AI security risks. First, the initiative uses the "seven major thinking" to provide scientific methodological guidance for global AI governance. The initiative points out that we should achieve collaborative and systematic governance in the entire life cycle of AI data acquisition, algorithm design, technology development, product development and application; think about AI governance issues from a global perspective and raise them to a strategic level that concerns the fate of all mankind; have a deep insight into the historical position of the rapid development of AI technology and seize the historical opportunity of AI technology change; advocate giving equal importance to AI development and security, and taking both domestic and international considerations into account; innovate governance concepts, promote "intelligent good" with agile governance, and actively develop new AI governance technologies; explore the legalization of AI governance; emphasize that the development of AI should respect the sovereignty of other countries as the bottom line, and ensure that AI develops in a direction that is conducive to the progress of human civilization. Second, the initiative implements the "six insistences" and provides fundamental values ​​for global AI governance. Adhere to the people-first principle, and promote AI technology to assist, benefit and care for humanity with the concept of "people-oriented"; adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance, encourage all entities to work together to promote AI governance, and show a self-confident and self-reliant Chinese image; adhere to the principle of keeping the right path and making innovations, keep up with the development of cutting-edge AI technology, and deepen the understanding of the laws of technological development; adhere to problem-oriented, focus on preventing AI bias and discrimination, bridging the global intelligence gap and governance capacity gap, and other issues; adhere to the system concept, based on the global AI governance needs, and focusing on my country's AI governance practices, looking at the present and the future, seeking the unity of AI governance, and respecting the diversity of policies and practices of various countries; adhere to the world-minded, with both world and Chinese characteristics, oppose the artificial creation of AI development barriers, advocate dialogue and cooperation to promote AI for the benefit of mankind, and demonstrate a broad global vision and world-mindedness. Third, the proposal highlights the unique background of Chinese civilization's innovation, inclusiveness and peace, and endows global AI governance practices with Chinese wisdom from a civilizational perspective. The initiative adheres to the core propositions of "people-oriented", respecting the sovereignty of other countries, opposing ideological demarcation or building exclusive groups, and respecting the differences in AI policies and practices of various countries. It is imbued with the essence of China's excellent traditional culture such as "harmony but difference", "inclusiveness", and "being friendly to neighbors", which clarifies the profound and distinctive cultural heritage of the Chinese initiative and is the greatest manifestation of Chinese civilization in the field of AI governance.

Improving Global AI Governance Capabilities

The initiative provides a practical Chinese solution for comprehensively improving global AI governance capabilities from the macro and micro dimensions of global AI governance. First, the initiative proposes Chinese concepts at the levels of goals, concepts, principles, and capabilities of global AI macro governance. In terms of governance goals, it emphasizes accelerating the construction of an open, fair and effective global AI governance mechanism to better promote AI technology to benefit mankind and enhance the common well-being of all mankind; in terms of governance concepts, it emphasizes concepts such as "people-oriented", "intelligent for good" and "responsible", and presents China's key propositions in AI governance from unique perspectives such as the relationship between AI and people and AI ethics; in terms of governance principles, it adheres to the basic principles of balancing security and development, mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, broad participation, consensus, fairness and non-discrimination, and provides a fair and correct direction for coordinating AI governance conflicts among countries and global AI governance reforms; in terms of governance capabilities, it focuses on improving the rights protection capabilities, organizational coordination capabilities, international coordination capabilities, risk prevention and mitigation capabilities, and sustainable development capabilities of global AI governance. Second, it advocates proposing Chinese solutions at the levels of objects, subjects, tools, and strategies for global AI micro-governance. In terms of governance objects, it advocates incorporating AI data collection, algorithm design, model training, scenario testing and other technical developments, as well as AI product development and application, into the key governance vision, focusing on personal privacy protection and data security in data acquisition, the authenticity and accuracy of data use, and the interpretability and predictability of algorithms. In terms of governance subjects, governments, international organizations, enterprises, scientific research institutions, non-governmental organizations and individual citizens are all key subjects in the multi-governance structure of artificial intelligence. In terms of governance tools, the initiative emphasizes the establishment and improvement of laws and regulations in the field of artificial intelligence, the improvement of standards and ethical systems, the realization of co-governance of technology, law, ethics, declarations, and initiatives, the coordination of soft and hard laws, and the connection of internal and external laws. In terms of governance strategy, with ethics first, agile governance, and a forward-looking and adaptive governance mechanism with hierarchical classification, we can quickly and effectively respond to the emerging new risks in the field of artificial intelligence and realize the integration of "dynamic changes in governance priorities" and "dynamic adjustments in governance policies".

Shaping a new order for global artificial intelligence governance

The initiative responds to the demands of developing countries and promotes the development of the global artificial intelligence governance system in a more fair and reasonable direction. First, the initiative makes strategic plans from the height of the common interests of all mankind and contributes China's strength to accelerate the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind in the intelligent era. The Initiative is a high-quality international public product provided by China for all mankind in the era of digital civilization. It emphasizes that there should be common recognition in building consensus on the value of AI governance, close consultation in formulating international rules for AI governance, joint efforts in building a global mechanism for AI governance, and joint response in resolving security risks in AI governance, so as to form a more fair, inclusive and inclusive global AI governance order. The Initiative actively practices the common values ​​of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, seeks the common welfare of the community with a shared future for mankind with "intelligent goodness", and jointly moves towards a new future of digital civilization. Second, the Initiative responds to the demands of the vast majority of developing countries and actively enhances the voice of developing countries in participating in global AI governance. The Initiative is an important measure to enhance my country's voice in the field of global AI, and it also represents the general interests of the vast majority of developing countries in the formulation of global AI governance standards and the expression of rules. The Initiative adheres to the role of developing countries, supports developing countries to participate more deeply, widely and effectively in the formulation of global AI governance rules, fully reflects the opinions, interests and demands of developing countries, and is firmly committed to improving the representation and decision-making power of developing countries in the international AI governance system, breaking the discourse hegemony and rule monopoly of Western developed countries in the field of AI, and playing a constructive role of developing countries in the global governance of AI.

(The author is a professor at the School of Public Administration of Dalian University of Technology; a doctoral student at the School of Marxism of Dalian University of Technology)

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