Thursday, November 10, 2022

America's Two Democracies in an Age of Transformation--The Semiotics of the Emerging 5th American Republic


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But nations, like individuals, become wise only through experience, and only through experience of their own. Now, to be sure, it is easy to see that the German people would be in a quite different position today if they had shaken off the yoke of princely rule in that fateful year 1848, if Weimar had triumphed over Potsdam and not Potsdam over Weimar. But every person must take his life and every nation must take its history as it comes; nothing is more useless than complaining over errors that can no longer be rectified, nothing more vain than regret. (Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State & Economy (1919; 1983), p 27).

 Many years from now it may be possible that school children in the United States will be taught a history of the Republic quite different than that taught before the middle of the 21st century.  That history is now based on a specific narrative premise:  a history of the United States as an unbroken progressive striving to realize the conceptual framework of the Republic ("the light of the world") through successive generations, and the inexorable march toward its realization in a long and seamless process (Matthew 5:14 (KJV) "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid"). Future generations may be taught that the nation has passed through several eras.  The First (generative) Republic was  crafted as a polyglot amalgam of colonial aspirations and practuces, one the genesis of which produced the revolutionary moment that established American post colonial republicanism ignited by the transformation of the colonial metropolis. The 2nd Republic (the 1st post colonial one) existed from the founding of the American Confederacy in 1783 until the nation split in 1860. The 3rd Republic was built on the foundation of the reconquest of seceding territories now unified by national economies and existed in it this form roughly between 1865 and the 1920s. The 4th, social justice, Republic started with the Great Depression and sought to augment economic unity with societal solidarity grounded in principles of equality, non-discrimination, and social justice.

Many years from now scholars and others will also argue passionately about the end of that 4th American Republic.  While many continue to believe that it has not fallen, it is not clear that the 4th Republic survived that great tumultuous period starting with the symbolic attack on the heart  of the Republic by foreigners on 11 September 2001, the economic collapse that further weakened national and global coherence in 2007, and the effective rejection of globalization by the American left (as the corrupted product of godless capitalism that must be overturned) and the American right (as the corrupted product a misplaced sacrifice of American interests). But the old Republic has nonetheless now fallen sometime between the election of Mr. Obama, and the electoral and legal rejectionism that was the mark of the instability that marked American life from the start of the Trump Administration.

 What comes after?

Certainly the old forms will be scrupulously respected.  That marks the continuity from the 1st through the 5th Republic. And the discursive forms of imagining the Republic will remain undisturbed (despite the best efforts of the current crop of public intellectuals otherwise).  But the words of that discourse will again change.  That has been the singular mark of continuity amidst revolution in the United States.  The continuity is represented by the unchanging power of text (the the constitution, of judicial interpretation, or core principles and the like) even as its meaning is flushed and the language infused with new meaning that marks the movement from one Republican age to another. Words, in this sense become both detached from fixed meaning, and derive their power from the ability to fill and drain them with meaning power to reflect transformative movements.  So now the idea of democracy is undergoing a similar change. That change is both reactionary and transformative. Each of these Republics, then, is marked by its reconstitution as semiotic objects--as vessels, the content of which can be filled and refilled to embrace the sacrifices of those who successfully contest its past and forge its future.

One thing is certain--while its origins may be difficult to pinpoint--the articulation of that rupture was made crystal clear around the mid term elections of 2022. Two speeches--separated by weeks, nicely capture that rupture, and those who stand and shout at each other from the edges of the widening gap between them. They capture the reactionary and transformative trajectories of the discourse of democracy, and with it, the institution of a new Republic in the United States.  In both, the discourse is wrapped around two primary tropes.  

The first is democracy--now weaponized as a catechism, a vessel, and a sorting device that separates  (in the language of Chinese Marxist-Leninism) patriots from reactionaries.  That is the essence of Mr. Biden's speech--exquisitely Leninist in its sensibilities and discursive tropes. In some ways it is like reading an emerging liberal-democratic version of Mao Zedong's On People's Democratic Dictatorship (1949)--but without an overtly institutionalized vanguard. That this is wholly unconscious makes it all the more potent. And the danger of "left error" becomes much more real (see here). Here the manifestation of the democratic impulse is exogenous--triggered by voting but exercised through the state, and guided by its regulatory apparatus. Mr. DeSantis veers democracy to the right.  That right turning is not toward fascism--as the leftists would have one believe, trapped as they are in their own iron binary of vanguard authoritarianism versus elite totalitarianism. Rather, it is  a turning back to markets driven democracy--where people vote with their feet and where resistance is not necessarily futile.  The consequence is a reading of democracy as a collection of passive virtues, one that is expressed by the collective consequences of the individual choices decisions of the masses. People vote with their feet, the way that consumers engage with their pocketbooks in markets.  In sime ways it is like reading a condensed version of the trending theorization of market democracy around the traditionally categorized as right wing writings of Ludwig von Mises. And it is the role of the state to safeguard and respect those choices.  In a sense, then, the speeches reflect new forms of old arguments, refashioned in the United States in the context of inherent contradictions of the 4th Republic's directed justice justice foundation. Here the manifestation of the democratic impulse is endogenous, through the aggregated choices of individuals, which the state must nurture and protect, where-ever this might take them both.

The second is  ἀποκάλυψις (apocalypse and the choice awaiting as the nation moves from one historical era to another.  There has been a trend, episodic in the United States, of building contradiction to an inflection point presented as either a fundamental normative choice on which the entirety of the future of the nation rests, or as a need to seek salvation through purification in anticipation of some sort of New Jerusalem (and back to Matthew 5:14). One speaks here in the tropes of apocalypse, of revelation and the possibility of redemption or salvation by embracing the appropriate frame of reference or conduct. This is an old trope in the United States now enriched by its multiple layers of religious, cultural, and social traditions. The wheel turns and ages come and go--the eschatology of American movement from age to age has been heavily embedded in popular discourse feeding mass ecstasy. One does not speak here so much about solidarity as about choice producing national redemption or damnation; it follows that the nation, in either case, must be protected against itself. I would expect many will continue to make it their business to shape that future for themselves, and presumptuously for others. In either case, the flag is a nice touch (discussed here). Ironically enough, both Mr. Trump and Mrs, Clinton now appear to be receding into the past precisely because while they served as signs of the apocalypse, and as contributors to its progress, they did not  belong to the coming age. What emerges beyond the detritus of American politics of the age of transformation, from 11 September 2001 to the end of the Administration of Mr. Trump, remains to be seen.

Those speeches: (1) President Biden's Remarks ("Standing Up for Democracy); and (2) Ron DeSantis's Victory Speech, follow below without additional comment.


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Remarks by President Biden on Standing up for Democracy

Columbus Club, Union Station
Washington, D.C.

(November 2, 2022)

7:01 P.M. EDT 
THE PRESIDENT:  Good evening, everyone.  Just a few days ago, a little before 2:30 a.m. in the morning, a man smashed the back windows and broke into the home of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the third-highest ranking official in America.
He carried in his backpack zip ties, duct tape, rope, and a hammer.  As he told the police, he had come looking for Nancy Pelosi to take her hostage, to interrogate her, to threaten to break her kneecaps.  But she wasn’t there.
Her husband, my friend Paul Pelosi, was home alone.
The assailant tried to take Paul hostage.  He woke him up, and he wanted to tie him up.  The assailant ended up using a hammer to smash Paul’s skull.
Thankfully, by the grace of God, Paul survived.
All of this happened after the assault, and it just — it’s hard to even say; it’s hard to even say — after the assailant entered the home asking, “Where’s Nancy?  Where’s Nancy?”
Those were the very same words used by the mob when they stormed the United States Capitol on January the 6th when they broke windows, kicked in the doors, brutally attacked law enforcement, roamed the corridors hunting for officials, and erected gallows to hang the former Vice President, Mike Pence.
It was an enraged mob that had been whipped up into a frenzy by a President repeating over and over again the Big Lie that the election of 2020 had been stolen.
It’s a lie that fueled the dangerous rise in political violence and voter intimidation over the past two years.
Even before January the 6th, we saw election officials and election workers in a number of states subject to menacing calls, physical threats, even threats to their very lives.
In Georgia, for example, the Republican secretary of state and his family were subjected to death threats because he refused to break the law and give in to the defeated President’s demand: just find him 11,780 votes.  “Just find me 11,780 votes.”
Election workers, like Shaye Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman, were harassed and threatened just because they had the courage to do their job and stand up for truth, to stand up for our democracy.
This institution — this intimidation and this violence against Democrats and Republicans and nonpartisan officials just doing their jobs are the consequence of lies told for power and profit, lies of conspiracy and malice, lies repeated over and over that generate a cycle of anger, hate, vitriol, and even violence.
In this moment, we have to confront those lies with the truth.  The very future of our nation depends on it.
My fellow Americans, we’re facing a defining moment, an inflection point.  And we must — with one overwhelming, unified voice — speak as a country and say there is no place — no place — for voter intimidation or political violence in America, whether it’s directed at Democrats or Republicans.  No place, period.  No place ever.
I speak today near Capitol Hill, near the U.S. Capitol — the citadel of our democracy.
I know there is a lot at stake in these midterm elections, from our economy, to the safety of our streets, to our personal freedoms, to the future of healthcare and Social Security and Medicare.  It’s all important.
But we’ll have our differences.  We’ll have our difference of opinion.  And that’s how it’s supposed to be.  But there is something else at stake: democracy itself. 
I’m not the only one who sees it.  Recent polls have shown that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe our democracy at — is at risk, that our democracy is under threat.  They too see that democracy is on the ballot this year, and they’re deeply concerned about it.
So, today, I appeal to all Americans, regardless of party, to meet this moment of national and generational importance.
We must vote, knowing what’s at stake is not just the policy of the moment, but institutions that have held us together as we have sought a more perfect union are also at stake.  We must vote knowing who we have been, what we’re at risk of becoming.
Look, my fellow Americans, the old expression, “Freedom is not free; it requires constant vigilance.”
From the very beginning, nothing has been guaranteed about democracy in America.  Every generation has had to defend it, protect it, preserve it, choose it, for that’s what democracy is: It’s a choice — a decision of the people, by the people, and for the people.
The issue couldn’t be clearer, in my view.  We, the people, must decide whether we will have fair and free elections and every vote counts. 
We, the people, must decide whether we’re going to sustain a republic where reality is accepted, the law is obeyed, and your vote is truly sacred. 
We, the people, must decide whether the rule of law will prevail or whether we’ll allow the dark forces to thirst — that thirst for power put ahead of the principles that we — have long guided us.
You know, American democracy is under attack because the defeated former President of the United States refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election.  He refuses to accept the will of the people.  He refuses to accept the fact that he lost.
He has abused his power and put the loyalty to himself before loyalty to the Constitution.  And he’s made a Big Lie an article of faith in the MAGA Republican Party — the minority of that party.
The great irony about the 2020 election is it’s the most attacked election in our history.  And yet — and yet, there is no election in our history that we can be more certain of its results.
Every legal challenge that could have been brought was brought.  Every recount that could have been undertaken was undertaken.  Every recount confirmed the results.
Wherever fact or evidence have been demanded, the Big Lie has been proven to be just that, a big lie, every single time.
Yet, now, extreme MAGA Republicans aim to question not only the legitimacy of past elections but elections being held now and into the future.
The extreme MAGA element of the Republican Party — which is a minority of that party, as I said earlier, but is its driving force — is trying to succeed where they failed in 2020 to suppress the rights of voters and subvert the electoral system itself.
That means denying your right to vote and deciding whether your vote even counts.  Instead of waiting until an election is over, they’re starting well before it.  They are starting now.
They’ve emboldened violence and intimidation of voters and election officials. 
It’s estimated that there are more than 300 election deniers on the ballot all across America this year.
We can’t ignore the impact this is having on our country.  It’s damaging, it’s corrosive, and it’s destructive.
And I want to be very clear: This is not about me.  It’s about all of us.  It’s about what makes America “America.”  It’s about the durability of our democracy.
For democracies are more than a form of government.  They’re a way of being, a way of seeing the world — a way that defines who we are, what we believe, why we do what we do.
Democracy is simply that fundamental. 
We must, in this moment, dig deep within ourselves and recognize that we can’t take democracy for granted any longer.
With democracy on the ballot, we have to remember these first principles.  Democracy means the rule of the people — not the rule of monarchs or the monied, but the rule of the people.
Autocracy is the opposite of democracy.  It means the rule of one: one person, one interest, one ideology, one party.
To state the obvious, the lives of billions of people, from antiquity until now, have been shaped by the battle between these competing forces: between the aspirations of the many and the greed and power of the few, between the people’s right for self-determination and the self-seeking autocrat, between the dreams of a democracy and the appetites of an autocracy.
What we’re doing now is going to determine whether democracy will long endure.  It, in my view, is the biggest of questions: whether the American system that prizes the individual, bends toward justice, and depends — depends on the rule of law — whether that system will prevail.
This is the struggle we’re now in: a struggle for democracy, a struggle for decency and dignity, a struggle for prosperity and progress, a struggle for the very soul of America itself.
Make no mistake — democracy is on the ballot for us all. 
We must remember that democracy is a covenant.  We need to start looking out for each other again, seeing ourselves as “We the People,” not as entrenched enemies.
This is a choice we can make.  Disunion and chaos are not inevitable. 
There’s been anger before in America.  There’s been division before in America.  But we have never given up on the American experiment, and we can’t do that now.
The remarkable thing about American democracy is this: Just enough of us, on just enough occasions, have chosen not to dismantle democracy but to preserve democracy.  We must choose that path again.
Because democracy is on the ballot, we have to remember that even in our darkest moments there are fundamental values and beliefs that unite us as Americans, and they must unite us now.
What are they? 
Well, I think, first, we believe the vote in America is sacred — to be honored, not denied; respected, not dismissed; counted, not ignored.  A vote is not a partisan tool to be counted when it helps your candidates and tossed aside when it doesn’t.
Second, we must, with an overwhelming voice, stand against political violence and voter intimidation.  Period.  Stand up and speak against it. 
We don’t settle our differences in America with a riot, a mob, or a bullet, or a hammer.  We settle them peacefully at the battol [sic] — at the battol boc- — the ballot box.
We have to be honest with ourselves though.  We have to face this problem.  We cannot turn away from it.  We can’t pretend it’s just going to solve itself. 
There is an alarming rise in the number of our people in this country condoning political violence or simply remaining silent because silence is complicity.  The disturbing rise in voter intimidation.  The pernicious tendency to excuse political violence or at least — at least trying to explain it away.
We can’t allow this sentiment to grow.  We must confront it head on now.  It has to stop now. 
I believe the voices excusing or calling for violence and intimidation are a distinct minority in America, but they’re loud and they are determined.
We have to be more determined.  All of us who reject political violence and voter intimidation — and I believe that’s the overwhelming majority of the American people — all of us must unite to make it absolutely clear that violence and intimidation have no place in America.
And third, we believe in democracy.  That’s who we are as Americans.  I know it isn’t easy.  Democracy is imperfect.  It always has been.  But we are all called to defend it now.  Now.
History and common sense tell us that liberty, opportunity, and justice thrive in a democracy, not in an autocracy.
At our best, America is not a zero-sum society where for you to succeed, someone else has to fail.  The promise of America is big enough — it’s big enough for everyone to succeed.  Every generation opening the door of opportunity just a little wider.  Every generation, including those who had been excluded before.
We believe we should leave no one behind, because each one of us is a child of God, and every person — every person is sacred.  If that’s true, then every person’s rights must be sacred as well.
Individual dignity, individual worth, individual determination — that’s America.  That’s democracy.  And that’s what we have to defend.
Look, even as I speak here tonight, 27 million people have already cast their ballot in the midterm elections.  Millions more will cast their ballots in the final days leading up to November the 9th — 8th, excuse me.   And for the first time — this is the first time since the national election of 2020, once again we’re seeing record turnout all over the country. 
And that’s good.  We want Americans to vote.  We want every American’s voice to be heard. 
Now we have to move the process forward.  We know that more and more ballots are cast in early voting or by mail in America.  And we know that many states don’t start counting those ballots until after the polls close on November 8th. 
That means, in some cases, we won’t know the winner of the election for a few days — until after a few days after the election.  It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. 
It’s always been important for citizens in a democracy to be informed and engaged.  Now it’s important for citizens to be patient as well.  That’s how this is supposed to work.  
This is also the first national election since the events of January 6th, when the armed, angry mob stormed the U.S.  Capitol.  I wish — I wish I could say the assault on our democracy had ended that day, but I cannot. 
As I stand here today, there are candidates running for every level of office in America — for governor, Congress, attorney general, secretary of state — who won’t commit — they will not commit to accepting the results of elections that they’re running in. 
That is a path to chaos in America.  It’s unprecedented, it’s unlawful, and it’s un-American.  As I’ve said before, you can’t love your country only when you win. 
This is no ordinary year.  So I ask you to think long and hard about the moment we’re in.  In a typical year, we’re often not faced with questions of whether the vote we cast will preserve democracy or put us at risk.  But this year, we are.
This year, I hope you will make the future of our democracy an important part of your decision to vote and how you vote. 
I hope you’ll ask a simple question of each candidate you might vote for: Will that person accept the legitimate will of the American people and the people voting in his district or her district?  Will that person accept the outcome of the election, win or lose?
The answer to that question is vital.  And in my opinion, it should be decisive.  On the answer to that question hangs the future of the country we love so much and the fate of the democracy that has made so much possible for us. 
Too many people have sacrificed too much for too many years for us to walk away from the American project and democracy.  Because we’ve enjoyed our freedoms for so long, it’s easy to think they’ll always be with us no matter what. 
But that isn’t true today.  In our bones, we know democracy at risk — is at risk.  But we also know this: It’s within our power, each and every one of us, to preserve our democracy. 
And I believe we will.  I think I know this country.  I know we will. 
You have the power.  It’s your choice.  It’s your decision.  The fate of the nation, the fate of the soul of America lies where it always does: with the people — in your hands, in your heart, and your ballot. 
My fellow Americans, we’ll meet this moment.  We just need to remember who we are.  We are the United States of America.  There’s nothing — nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. 
May God bless you all.  May God protect our troops.  May God bless those standing guard over our democracy.
Thank you, and Godspeed.  (Applause.)
7:22 P.M. EDT

Ron DeSantis gives victory speech after re-election as Florida Governor Transcript

Ron DeSantis gives victory speech after re-election as Florida Governor Transcript
RevBlogTranscripts2022 MidtermsRon DeSantis gives victory speech after re-election as Florida Governor Transcript

Ron DeSantis gives victory speech after re-election as Florida Governor. Read the transcript here.

Ron DeSantis (00:01):

Thank you. Thank you very much. Well, thank you so much. Over these past four years, we’ve seen major challenges for the people of our state, for the citizens of the United States, and above all, for the cause of freedom. We saw freedom in our very way of life and so many other jurisdictions in this country wither on the vine. Florida held the line. We chose facts over fear. We chose education over indoctrination. We chose law and order over rioting and disorder. Florida was a refuge of sanity when the world went mad. We stood as a citadel of freedom for people across this country and indeed across the world. We faced attacks, we took the hits, we weathered the storms, but we stood our ground. We did not back down. We had the conviction to guide us and we had the courage to lead. We made promises. We made promises to the people of Florida, and we have delivered on those promises.

And so today, after four years, the people have delivered their verdict. Freedom is here to stay. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now, thanks to the overwhelming support of the people of Florida, we not only won an election, we have rewritten the political map. Thank you for honoring us with a win for the ages. I want to thank all of our campaign staff, from campaign manager [inaudible 00:02:45]. This was the best-run campaign in the history of Florida politics. I want to thank all of our wonderful volunteers who worked so hard to get out the vote. Your support means the world to Casey and I. God bless you and thank you.

Now, it’s a lot easier to run a good campaign when you got a great record to run on, and I would not have been able to see the level of accomplishments that we saw unless I had outstanding personnel working in the executive office of the governor, as well as heading state agencies. These folks worked hard to implement our agenda. They believed in our agenda and the results have been historic. Thank you for your support and work. Thank you to Miami-Dade County. Thank you to Palm Beach County. Now, we’re still tallying the votes, but it’s clearly apparent that this election we will have garnered a significant number of votes from people who may not have voted for me four years ago. And I just want to let you know, I am honored to have earned your trust and your support over these four years.

And most important of all, thank you to the greatest First Lady in all 50 states for being a great wife, giving unwavering support, being a tremendous mother to our three young children, and serving as an example for women throughout this state, especially going through the battle of cancer. She is remarkable. Now, today is the culmination of the 2022 fall elections. But in reality, Americans have been voting for many years now. They’ve been voting with their feet, and the results of that behavior has been just as stark as our landslide victory today. States and cities governed by leftist politicians have seen crime skyrocket. They’ve seen their taxpayers abused, they’ve seen medical authoritarianism imposed, and they’ve seen American principles discarded. The woke agenda has caused millions of Americans to leave these jurisdictions for greener pastures.

Now, this great exodus of Americans, for those folks, Florida, for so many of them, has served as the promise land. We have embraced freedom. We have maintained law and order. We have protected the rights of parents. We have respected our taxpayers, and we reject woke ideology. We fight the woke in the legislature. We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die. People have come here because our policies work. Leadership matters. We refuse to use polls and put our finger in the wind. Leaders don’t follow. They lead. We set out a vision, we executed on that vision and we produced historic results. And the people of this state have responded in record fashion. Now, while our country flounders due to failed leadership in Washington, Florida is on the right track. I believe the survival of the American experiment requires a revival of true American principles. Florida has proved that it can be done. We offer a ray of hope that better days still lie ahead.

I am proud of our achievements in this state. I am honored by your support and I look forward to the road ahead. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race in this first term, and I have kept the faith. We’ve accomplished more than anybody thought possible four years ago. But we’ve got so much more to do and I have only begun to fight. God bless you all. Thank you very much. Thank you for a historic landslide victory.

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