Saturday, October 28, 2023

李克强同志逝世 [Comrade Li Keqiang passed away]


Pix Credit here (Li (R2) at PKU Law)



新华社北京10月27日电  中国共产党第十七届、十八届、十九届中央政治局常委,国务院原总理李克强同志,近日在上海休息,2023年10月26日因突发心脏病,经全力抢救无效,于10月27日0时10分在上海逝世,享年68岁。(讣告后发)

 Comrade Li Keqiang passed away

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 27. Comrade Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 17th, 18th and 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and former Prime Minister of the State Council, was resting in Shanghai recently. He suffered a sudden heart attack on October 26, 2023. After all-out efforts to rescue him failed, he died in Shanghai at 0:10 on October 27 at the age of 68. (obituary will be posted later)


Pix Credit here

I F poysonous mineralls, and if that tree, 
Whose fruit threw death on else immortall us, 
If lecherous goats, if serpents envious 
Cannot be damn'd; Alas; why should I bee?
Why should intent or reason, borne in mee,
Make sinnes, else equall, in mee more heinous?
And mercy being easie, and glorious
To God; in his sterne wrath, why threatens hee?
But who am I, that dare dispute with thee
O God? Oh! of thine onely worthy blood,
And my teares, make a heavenly Lethean flood,
And drowne in it my sinnes blacke memorie;
That thou remember them, some claime as debt,
I thinke it mercy, if thou wilt forget.

John Donne, Holy Sonnets IX (1633)


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