Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sovereignty as the State System "Flavor of the Month": Mexico Ramps Up its Sovereignty-Enhancing Legal Architecture (Presidenta anuncia iniciativa constitucional para reforzar la defensa de la soberanía nacional)


Pix credit here (Mel Brooks, History of the World Part 1 (1981))

It seems that the defense of sovereignty is very much in the air. It is a complicated business, however. The United States can  extend, for example, the definition of invasion of its sovereignty and its territory to include both mass migration and the incursions of non-state actors asserting military-political-economic power--in this case global criminal gangs  many of them based in Mexico.  At the same time, the United States might take the position that sovereignty and territorial integrity are purely contextual, and in the case of Ukraine, for example, a basis for bargaining against the interests of larger powers (in this case the United States and the Russian Federation). 

The two track approach to sovereign integrity and the rights to define and defend it, then, appears to be moving to a multi-track system. Thar system appears to leave intact the fundamental notion of sovereign equality among states as a conceptual matter.  On the other hand, it also appears to embrace the notion that sovereignty is also an object--a commodity--the negotiation of which may be a function of relations among states. The commodification of sovereignty (however one wishes to define it with more precision though that is a moving target) within a two track framework appears to allow apex (US and China) or near apex (the Russian Federation, the EU and perhaps others) states somewhat more leeway in bargaining away sovereign rights (including rights to territory and the exploitation of national productive forces) than it does with states lower on the rungs of power (however that is ascertained, again a moving target and highly contextual and situational). Thus for example, within the emerging conceptual frameworks, apex states may be relatively unconstrained (as log as it is managed through law or cages of legality) in projecting power in defense or the full realization of their sovereignty (however they conceive of it in whatever ideal form appeals from time to time) as a "natural" expression of their prerogatives. The same prerogatives, however, might be unavailable to other states--for example should the United States of Mexico seek to project power into the United States in defense of its own notions of sovereignty.  Or less of a conjecture, the way that Ukrainian efforts to project military power into Russia after the invasions of 2014 and 2022, have been effectively prohibited, constrained, or subject to the approval of the apex states bankrolling the Ukrainian military efforts. 

For middle and lower tier states within this framework, this ought to cause some worry.  It is clear that whatever passed for guarantees and assurances, especially those of apex states, may not be worth the bandwidth (or paper) used to record them. They certainly have proven at the very least, subject to an extraordinary and quite elegantly elastic semiotics of interpretation which almost miraculously always seems to serve the then contemporary interest of the apex power applying them.  It is also clear that the semiotics of the concept of sovereignty--that is, its signification (the bundle of principles or aggregations of characteristics with which the term is packed), and its collective interpretation within the community of states (that is conceptual phenomenology--its fulfillment of meaning through application)--provides the term tremendous cognitive power in the abstract and far less protection when applied. 

It is in this context now useful to begin to understand the way that middle level states--especially those within the orbits (whether  they want to orbit or not) of apex states--may be approaching responses to this sovereignty multi-layering. The Ukrainian situation is to some extent exceptional--though it is interesting in that context to see how Ukraine seeks to leverage what is of interest to a distant if fickle patron (its mineral resources) against the inclination of a apex and near apex states to determine the "as applied" meaning of Ukrainian sovereign expectations on the ground, all the while using that as a means of frightening another near apex collection of States (the EU) to upend what appears to be a radical shift in the core alliances of the United States apex--from US-EU to US-Russia, with the intention, ultimately perhaps, of carving up Europe after both have digested Ukraine. That would leave at least 2 but perhaps 2.5 apex states around which others may cluster (for example India to the new US-Russia combine, and Pakistan to China, etc. both of which would do what they must to preserve what they can). This is of course, wild conjecture and unlikely to be true in any respect. It in scenario planning exercises it might be worth including. 


Less of a conjecture is the example of Mexico.  The Mexican Republic's President on 20 February 2025 announced a sovereignty enhancing legal framework: Presidenta anuncia iniciativa constitucional para reforzar la defensa de la soberanía nacional; con EUA hay coordinación, no injerencismo [President announces constitutional initiative to strengthen the defense of national sovereignty; with the US there is coordination, not interference]. Its object was to modify Mexican law (including that of its constitution) to ensure that Mexico would not accept any type of foreign intervention, and that individuals violating this rule would be severely punished. The legal reform, of course, sets up a quite interesting challenge to the U.S. which, in defense of its own sovereignty has declared a number of non-state (criminal) organizations based in Mexico or operated on Mexican territory  terrorist enterprises (Terrorist Designations of International Cartels (20 February 2025))  the designation of which might provide U.S. legal authority to project its power within Mexican territory ("That means stopping the campaigns of violence and terror by these vicious groups both in the United States and internationally. These designations provide law enforcement additional tools to stop these groups." Ibid.). The action applies not merely to the projection of the police power, but also to projection of prosecutorial authority (including investigations) within Mexico. 

The intent is clear: "“¿Qué significa esto? Colaboramos, nos coordinamos, trabajamos juntos, pero no hay injerencismo, no hay violación a la soberanía." [“What does this mean? We collaborate, we coordinate, we work together, but there is no interference, there is no violation of sovereignty." ] (Presidenta anuncia iniciativa constitucional ). The best case scenario, of course, is that there will be no intervention without the consent of the Mexican State apparatus, though whatever systems are created with respect to those issues. The less best case, though, is that this provides window dressing, and preserves at east formally a shred of dignity, within the context of unequal bargaining that appears to be the emerging expectation among the community of states as they move from a unitary convergence model, to one grounded in fractured convergences within apex state hub and spoke models of state management.

This action was taken just days after Presidebt Sheinbaum addressed the gatering of military offiials celebrating the 112th Anniversary of the Mexican Army (En el 112 Aniversario del Ejército Mexicano, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la soberanía: presidenta Claudia Sheinbaum [On the 112th Anniversary of the Mexican Army, we reaffirm our commitment to sovereignty: President Claudia Sheinbaum]). Expressing the view that the Mexican military were the guardians of Mexican sovereignty and the defenders of peace in Mexico, President Sheinbaum stated: 

“Hoy, en un aniversario más del Ejército Mexicano, ante la bandera que ondea con dignidad, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la soberanía, que es un derecho inalienable, un grito de libertad que resuena en nuestros corazones, es la certeza de que unidos, como un solo pueblo podemos enfrentar cualquier adversidad; cuando nuestro pueblo se une en torno a su historia, su patria y su bandera no hay fuerza en el mundo que pueda doblegar su espíritu” [“Today, on another anniversary of the Mexican Army, before the flag that waves with dignity, we reaffirm our commitment to our sovereignty, which is an inalienable right, a cry for freedom that resonates in our hearts, it is the certainty that united, as one people, we can face any adversity; when our people unite around their history, their homeland and their flag, there is no force in the world that can break their spirit.”] (Ibid)

All of this expresses both the challenges and the growing pains of a system of post-global arrangements that are in a formative stage of development, that may never succeed in attaining their vision--or that might.  Worth noting, as well, is the convergence of the imagery and ceremonials of these high level public discourses. The holding up of the text of action to be undertaken, the ceremonies on its authorization. Here there is little that separates apex from lower tiered state--it is to the sovereignty of text that States appear now to base their incarnated sovereignty within territorial spaces and the cognitive spaces of collective solidarity.

The English and Spanish language versions of the text of  Presidenta anuncia iniciativa constitucional para reforzar la defensa de la soberanía nacional; con EUA hay coordinación, no injerencismo [President announces constitutional initiative to strengthen the defense of national sovereignty; with the US there is coordination, not interference] and of En el 112 Aniversario del Ejército Mexicano, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la soberanía: presidenta Claudia Sheinbaum [On the 112th Anniversary of the Mexican Army, we reaffirm our commitment to sovereignty: President Claudia Sheinbaum] follow below. One awaits the movement from discourse to action.


Presidenta anuncia iniciativa constitucional para reforzar la defensa de la soberanía nacional; con EUA hay coordinación, no injerencismo

Se trata de una iniciativa de reforma al artículo 40 para establecer que México no aceptará ningún tipo de intervención extranjera

Presidencia de la República | 20 de febrero de 2025 | Comunicado

Presidenta Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo


  • Se reformará además, el artículo 19 para establecer la pena más severa posible a quien se vea involucrado en la producción o distribución ilegal de armas
  • “Con México es colaboración y cooperación nunca subordinación, no injerencismo y menos invasión”, agregó
  • Anunció que el Gobierno de México, a través de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), ampliará por complicidad la demanda contra productoras y distribuidoras de armas en Estados Unidos

Con el objetivo de reforzar la defensa de la soberanía nacional, la Presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, anunció que enviará este jueves al Congreso de la Unión una iniciativa de reforma a los artículos 40 y 19 de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos para prohibir expresamente cualquier intento de intervención extranjera.

“¿Qué significa esto? Colaboramos, nos coordinamos, trabajamos juntos, pero no hay injerencismo, no hay violación a la soberanía. Eso es lo que queremos que quede claro en esta definición que han decidido, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos y el Senado de los Estados Unidos para el nombramiento de grupos terroristas a los grupos de la delincuencia organizada, a los seis grupos de delincuencia organizada que nombraron ”, explicó en la conferencia de prensa matutina: “Las mañaneras del pueblo”.

Expuso que la iniciativa contempla adicionar dos párrafos al artículo 40 para dejar en claro que México no aceptará ninguna intervención extranjera:

Primer párrafo: “El pueblo de México, bajo ninguna circunstancia, aceptará intervenciones, intromisiones o cualquier otro acto desde el extranjero que sea lesivo de la integridad, independencia y soberanía de la Nación, tales como golpes de Estado, injerencia en elecciones o la violación del territorio mexicano sea esta por tierra, agua, mar o espacio aéreo”.

Segundo párrafo: “Tampoco consentirá intervención en investigación y persecución alguna sin la autorización y colaboración expresa del Estado Mexicano en el marco de las leyes aplicables”.

Mientras que el artículo 19 se reformaría para establecer que: “A cualquier nacional o extranjero involucrado en la fabricación, distribución, enajenación, traslado o internación al territorio nacional de manera ilícita de armas, y a cualquier extranjero que realice actividades al margen de la ley vinculadas con los párrafos segundo y tercero del artículo 40 de esta Constitución, se le impondrá la pena más severa posible, así como la medida cautelar de prisión preventiva oficiosa”.

Destacó que el objetivo es que la decisión de Estados Unidos de designar a los grupos de la delincuencia organizada como grupos terroristas, no sea vista como una oportunidad para invadir la soberanía mexicana.

“Nosotros lo que queremos dejar claro frente a esta designación es que: nosotros no negociamos la soberanía, como lo dije ayer. Esta no puede ser una oportunidad, por parte de Estados Unidos, para invadir nuestra soberanía. Entonces, ellos pueden ponerles el nombre que ellos decidan, pero con México es colaboración y coordinación, nunca subordinación, no injerencismo y menos invasión”, aseveró.

Respecto a la demanda que mantiene el Gobierno de México contra productoras y distribuidoras de armas, adelantó que la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) trabaja en una ampliación de la demanda, luego de que la Evaluación Nacional del Comercio y Tráfico de Armas de Fuego (NFCTA, por sus siglas inglés) de la Agencia de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas de Fuego y Explosivos (ATF, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos, reconoce que el 74 por ciento de las armas que usa la delincuencia organizada en México proviene de forma ilegal de la industria militar estadounidense.

“Va a haber, además, una ampliación de esta demanda por complicidad de aquellos que vendan armas que son introducidas en nuestro país”, agregó.

Reiteró que México es un país libre, independiente, soberano, que siempre se coordinará en el marco de su Constitución Política y leyes.

Recordó que ambos países quieren que el consumo y tráfico de drogas disminuya, así como los índices de violencia, por lo que enfatizó en la importancia de continuar trabajando con coordinación y colaboración.

“En su momento, el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, hizo modificaciones—como lo veíamos ayer— en la Ley de Seguridad Nacional. Para que quede muy claro: Que hay colaboración, que hay coordinación, pero no hay injerencismo, ni subordinación”, agregó.

Al final de la conferencia matutina, la Presidenta de México firmó la iniciativa de reforma en compañía de la consejera jurídica del Ejecutivo Federal, Ernestina Godoy Ramos y la subsecretaria de Educación Básica, Angélica Noemí Juárez Pérez.


President announces constitutional initiative to strengthen the defense of national sovereignty; with the US there is coordination, not interference
This is an initiative to reform article 40 to establish that Mexico will not accept any type of foreign intervention

Presidency of the Republic | February 20, 2025 | Press release
President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo
President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo

Article 19 will also be amended to establish the most severe possible penalty for anyone involved in the illegal production or distribution of weapons

“With Mexico, it is collaboration and cooperation, never subordination, not interference and much less invasion,” she added

She announced that the Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), will expand the lawsuit against arms producers and distributors in the United States for complicity

With the aim of strengthening the defense of national sovereignty, the President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, announced that she will send this Thursday to the Congress of the Union an initiative to reform articles 40 and 19 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States to expressly prohibit any attempt at foreign intervention.

“What does this mean? We collaborate, we coordinate, we work together, but there is no interference, there is no violation of sovereignty. That is what we want to make clear in this definition that the United States government and the United States Senate have decided on for the designation of terrorist groups to organized crime groups, to the six organized crime groups that they named,” he explained at the morning press conference: “The morning press conferences of the people.”

He explained that the initiative contemplates adding two paragraphs to article 40 to make it clear that Mexico will not accept any foreign intervention:

First paragraph: “The people of Mexico, under no circumstances, will accept interventions, interferences or any other act from abroad that is harmful to the integrity, independence and sovereignty of the Nation, such as coups d'état, interference in elections or the violation of Mexican territory, whether by land, water, sea or airspace.”

Second paragraph: “Nor will it consent to any intervention in investigation or persecution without the express authorization and collaboration of the Mexican State within the framework of the applicable laws.”

While Article 19 would be reformed to establish that: “Any national or foreigner involved in the illegal manufacture, distribution, sale, transfer or importation into the national territory of weapons, and any foreigner who carries out activities outside the law related to the second and third paragraphs of Article 40 of this Constitution, will be imposed the most severe penalty possible, as well as the precautionary measure of preventive detention.”

He stressed that the objective is that the decision of the United States to designate organized crime groups as terrorist groups, is not seen as an opportunity to invade Mexican sovereignty.

“What we want to make clear in the face of this designation is that: we do not negotiate sovereignty, as I said yesterday. This cannot be an opportunity, on the part of the United States, to invade our sovereignty. So, they can give them the name they decide, but with Mexico it is collaboration and coordination, never subordination, not interference and much less invasion,” he asserted.

Regarding the lawsuit that the Mexican government is pursuing against arms producers and distributors, he said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) is working on expanding the lawsuit, after the National Firearms Trade and Traffic Assessment (NFCTA) of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) of the United States Department of Justice, recognized that 74 percent of the weapons used by organized crime in Mexico come illegally from the U.S. military industry.

“There will also be an expansion of this lawsuit for complicity of those who sell weapons that are introduced into our country,” he added.

He reiterated that Mexico is a free, independent, sovereign country, which will always coordinate within the framework of its Political Constitution and laws.

She recalled that both countries want drug consumption and trafficking to decrease, as well as the rates of violence, so she emphasized the importance of continuing to work with coordination and collaboration.

“At the time, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made modifications—as we saw yesterday—to the National Security Law. To make it very clear: There is collaboration, there is coordination, but there is no interference, nor subordination,” she added.

At the end of the morning conference, the President of Mexico signed the reform initiative in an event attended the the legal advisor to the Federal Executive, Ernestina Godoy Ramos and the Undersecretary of Basic Education, Angélica Noemí Juárez Pérez.



En el 112 Aniversario del Ejército Mexicano, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la soberanía: presidenta Claudia Sheinbaum

"Ustedes son los guardianes de nuestra soberanía y los defensores de la paz", destacó

Presidencia de la República | 19 de febrero de 2025 | Comunicado

En el 112 Aniversario del Ejército Mexicano, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la soberanía: presidenta Claudia Sheinbaum


  • Anunció que en reconocimiento al esfuerzo de las y los soldados mexicanos se incrementarán sus percepciones

En el marco de la conmemoración del 112 Aniversario del Ejército Mexicano, la Presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, refrendó su compromiso de defender la soberanía nacional, la cual destacó, es un derecho inalienable de la patria.

“Hoy, en un aniversario más del Ejército Mexicano, ante la bandera que ondea con dignidad, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la soberanía, que es un derecho inalienable, un grito de libertad que resuena en nuestros corazones, es la certeza de que unidos, como un solo pueblo podemos enfrentar cualquier adversidad; cuando nuestro pueblo se une en torno a su historia, su patria y su bandera no hay fuerza en el mundo que pueda doblegar su espíritu”, destacó en la Inauguración de las Instalaciones del 27/o Regimiento de la Caballería Motorizado en Cerralvo, Nuevo León.

La Comandanta Suprema de las Fuerzas Armadas resaltó que el Ejército Mexicano, la Fuerza Aérea y la Guardia Nacional son instituciones que sostienen al Estado, por ello las y los soldados que las conforman son la esencia de la soberanía, por su lealtad, disciplina, profesionalismo y amor a la patria.

“Ustedes son los guardianes de nuestra soberanía y los defensores de la paz y la seguridad de nuestros ciudadanos. En cada rincón de México, desde las montañas hasta las llanuras, su valentía y dedicación se hacen presentes. Y es un honor para mí reconocer su sacrificio y su compromiso”, señaló.

Destacó que quienes conforman el Ejército Mexicano luchan por la construcción de la paz y contra los desastres naturales, brindando su ayuda y apoyo a las y los mexicanos en momentos complicados, por ello, en reconocimiento a su labor y vocación, la Jefa del Ejecutivo Nacional anunció que habrá un aumento en las percepciones de las Fuerzas Armadas.

“Sabemos que ser parte de las Fuerzas Armadas no es solo un trabajo, es una vocación que exige sacrificio personal y familiar. Cada uno de ustedes deja atrás a sus seres queridos para servir a la nación. Y por ello, a nombre del pueblo de México les doy las gracias. Es un esfuerzo extraordinario”, reconoció.

Invitó a las y los soldados a pensar que la patria no es solo un territorio, sino el escenario de nuestra fecunda historia, de los pueblos primeros y de la riqueza natural y cultural de nuestra nación.

“Es el refugio de nuestros sueños, el escenario de nuestras esperanzas y el legado que dejaremos a las futuras generaciones; es nuestro pueblo”, agregó.

Recordó que el Ejército Mexicano tiene su origen en la Revolución Mexicana, ya que el 19 de febrero de 1913, el entonces gobernador de Coahuila, Venustiano Carranza, convocó a través de un decreto la creación de un Ejército Revolucionario que se opusiera al gobierno usurpador de Victoriano Huerta, quien traicionó al entonces presidente, Francisco I. Madero, en un Golpe de Estado.

“El llamado Ejército Constitucionalista no solo luchó contra el régimen de Huerta, sino que también se convirtió en un símbolo de resistencia y lucha por los derechos del pueblo y de nuestra independencia. A través de sus victorias, el Ejército ayudó a consolidar la Revolución Mexicana y a sentar las bases de una nueva en la historia de México”, recordó.

Por ello, llamó a nunca olvidar que las Fuerzas Armadas mexicanas provienen de una revolución social, de la lucha por la democracia, de la defensa del pueblo por sus derechos, por la justicia social y por la soberanía.

El comandante del Ejército Mexicano, general Norberto Cortés Rodríguez, resaltó que en las Fuerzas Armadas también se vive un tiempo de mujeres, ya que actualmente son 42 mil 352 las que están incorporadas a la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional y a partir del 1 de marzo, 30 mujeres se integrarán al 27/o Regimiento de la Caballería Motorizado.

También destacó el Sistema Educativo Militar, que actualmente cuenta con 109 opciones de estudio que incluyen posgrados, especialidades, licenciaturas, carreras técnicas y de nivel medio-superior, así como cursos de aplicación, capacitación y perfeccionamiento.

Finalmente, refrendó el compromiso de las Fuerzas Armadas con la Presidenta de México en su papel de Comandanta Suprema para mantenerse firmes y leales al pueblo, a las instituciones y al país.

“Doctora Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, Presidenta de México y Comandanta Suprema de las Fuerzas Armadas, en esta fecha histórica y trascendental para las mujeres y hombres que integramos las filas del Ejército Mexicano, le refrendamos nuestro compromiso y lealtad institucional, ese es el ideal que nos motiva a mantenernos fieles y firmes a nuestro pueblo, a las instituciones y a México”, concluyó.

Durante la inauguración de las Instalaciones del 27/o Regimiento de la Caballería Motorizado la Presidenta de México entregó condecoraciones a hombres y mujeres del Ejército Mexicano y Guardia Nacional por su destacado desempeño; al mismo tiempo que develó la placa conmemorativa a la inauguración de este nuevo inmueble para la institución.

Al evento también asistieron la secretaria de Gobernación, Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez; el secretario de la Defensa Nacional, general Ricardo Trevilla Trejo; el secretario de Marina, almirante Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles; y el gobernador de Nuevo León, Samuel García Sepúlveda.

 On the 112th Anniversary of the Mexican Army, we reaffirm our commitment to sovereignty: President Claudia Sheinbaum
"You are the guardians of our sovereignty and the defenders of peace," she stressed

Presidency of the Republic | February 19, 2025 | Press release
On the 112th Anniversary of the Mexican Army, we reaffirm our commitment to sovereignty: President Claudia Sheinbaum
On the 112th Anniversary of the Mexican Army, we reaffirm our commitment to sovereignty: President Claudia Sheinbaum

She announced that in recognition of the efforts of Mexican soldiers, their salaries will be increased

In the framework of the commemoration of the 112th Anniversary of the Mexican Army, the President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, reaffirmed her commitment to defend national sovereignty, which she stressed is an inalienable right of the homeland.

“Today, on another anniversary of the Mexican Army, before the flag that waves with dignity, we reaffirm our commitment to sovereignty, which is an inalienable right, a cry for freedom that resonates in our hearts, it is the certainty that united, as one people, we can face any adversity; when our people unite around their history, their homeland and their flag, there is no force in the world that can bend their spirit,” she stressed at the Inauguration of the Facilities of the 27th Motorized Cavalry Regiment in Cerralvo, Nuevo León.

The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces stressed that the Mexican Army, the Air Force and the National Guard are institutions that support the State, therefore the soldiers that make them up are the essence of sovereignty, for their loyalty, discipline, professionalism and love of country.

“You are the guardians of our sovereignty and the defenders of the peace and security of our citizens. In every corner of Mexico, from the mountains to the plains, their bravery and dedication are present. And it is an honor for me to recognize their sacrifice and commitment,” she said.

She highlighted that those who make up the Mexican Army fight for the construction of peace and against natural disasters, providing their help and support to Mexicans in difficult times, therefore, in recognition of their work and vocation, the Head of the National Executive announced that there will be an increase in the perceptions of the Armed Forces.

“We know that being part of the Armed Forces is not just a job, it is a vocation that demands personal and family sacrifice. Each one of you leaves behind your loved ones to serve the nation. And for that, on behalf of the people of Mexico I thank you. It is an extraordinary effort,” she acknowledged.

She invited the soldiers to think that the homeland is not just a territory, but the stage of our fruitful history, of the first peoples and of the natural and cultural wealth of our nation.

“It is the refuge of our dreams, the stage of our hopes and the legacy that we will leave to future generations; it is our people,” he added.

He recalled that the Mexican Army has its origins in the Mexican Revolution, since on February 19, 1913, the then governor of Coahuila, Venustiano Carranza, called through a decree the creation of a Revolutionary Army to oppose the usurping government of Victoriano Huerta, who betrayed the then president, Francisco I. Madero, in a coup d'état.

“The so-called Constitutionalist Army not only fought against the Huerta regime, but also became a symbol of resistance and struggle for the rights of the people and our independence. Through its victories, the Army helped consolidate the Mexican Revolution and lay the foundations for a new one in the history of Mexico,” he recalled.

For this reason, he called to never forget that the Mexican Armed Forces come from a social revolution, from the fight for democracy, from the defense of the people for their rights, for social justice and for sovereignty.

The commander of the Mexican Army, General Norberto Cortés Rodríguez, highlighted that in the Armed Forces there is also a time of women, since there are currently 42,352 women who are incorporated into the Secretariat of National Defense and as of March 1, 30 women will join the 27th Motorized Cavalry Regiment.

He also highlighted the Military Education System, which currently has 109 study options that include postgraduate, specialization, bachelor's, technical and middle-high level careers, as well as application, training and improvement courses.

Finally, he reaffirmed the commitment of the Armed Forces with the President of Mexico in her role as Supreme Commander to remain firm and loyal to the people, the institutions and the country.

“Doctor Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, President of Mexico and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, on this historic and transcendental date for women and men that have been integrated into the ranks of the Mexican Army, we reaffirm to you our commitment and institutional loyalty, that is the ideal that motivates us to remain faithful and firm to our people, to the institutions and to Mexico," she concluded.

During the inauguration of the facilities of the 27th Motorized Cavalry Regiment, the President of Mexico awarded decorations to men and women of the Mexican Army and National Guard for their outstanding performance; at the same time she unveiled the commemorative plaque at the inauguration of this new facility for the institution.

The event was also attended by the Secretary of the Interior, Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez; the Secretary of National Defense, General Ricardo Trevilla Trejo; the Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles; and the Governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García Sepúlveda.

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