Sunday, July 21, 2024

Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese Style Modernization [中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定]

Pix Credit here (March Towards the Four Modernizations of a Powerful Socialist Nation)

I recently posted about the Communiqué that was distributed on behalf of the Chinese Communist arty Central Committee to mark the end of its 20th CPC Congress 3rd Plenum Session (中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议公报 [Communiqué of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China] ("Each plenary session is concluded with an appropriate communique in which the vanguard emphasizes and details what it views as important for consumption by the masses--and foreigners. This plenary session was no different.")). 

The 3rd Plenum tends to apply the lens of economic and social policy to the key areas identified in the preceding Congress. This one was no different. It's emphasis on the further, and to some extent extensive, elaboration of Socialist modernization, was noteworthy--a topic that occupied much of the space devoted to the text of the Communique.   Socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics (eg 中国式现代化), in its current forms, remains a key driver of Chinese economic/political policy since the end of the Cultural Revolution. At the same time, like applied Chinese Marxist Leninism, the policy and objectives based expression of that principle has undergone sometimes significant changes as China has moved from one era of historical development to another, The evolution has been especially pronounced  as China leaves the Era of Reform and Opening Up and fully enters the current "New Era." The foundational conception of Socialist modernization would have had to change in that transition in any case--that was a necessary consequence of perhaps one of the more profound movements in evolutionary Chinese Leninism--the shift in the identification of the general contradiction (see, here) from the development of productive forces to "the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life." 

In theory, at least, the principal effect of the shift was to produce a change in the meaning of "development of productive forces" beyond  material productivity to its social, cultural, and political elements.In practice that has produced a variety of efforts to develop policy through which it might be possible to change the context and measurement of development (by broadening the factors ot be considered) and to situate development much more deeply within the coordinated efforts to manage social, cultural, economic, and political movement toward longer term goals. At the same time, the term was more tightly connected to the production of ideology and the systems through which contemporary ideology could be expressed. That, in turn, permitted a broadening of the meaning of the objects around which production could be understood, utilized, and their value added or contribution to overcoming the principal contradiction could be measured. 

Every thing and every one could be considered a State Asset (in the sense of contributing to productivity, and by so contributing affecting the character and forward movement that was meant to be a properly conceptualized and managed socialist modernization). Chinese policy, then, could become as concerned about the full development of the ideal worker, cadre, family, social and cultural apparatus as it had been concerned, in the earlier era of historical development with the factors and objects of economic development more detached from its social, cultural, and political resonances. Moreover, socialist modernization--and especially is high quality development can apply as well to the modernization of the mass line through whole process people's democracy, and with it the Socialist law system and  the "correct view of human rights (坚持正确人权观,加强人权执法司法保障 [Adhere to the correct view of human rights, strengthen the law enforcement and judicial protection of human rights]). More importantly, the structural elements of reformed socialist modernization must necessarily follow trade and development outward, with China as the exemplar and the hub of a new system of foreign trade that enhances socialist modernization at home and aligns  partner systems abroad. None of this necessarily means an abandonment of the traditional approaches to the development of productive forces--the efforts to develop, for example, the dual circulation economy as well as the now equally significant principle/policy of high quality development (“新质生产力”,with its focus on innovation and socially significant approaches) clearly suggests that the move toward economic-political-social-cultural integration was not necessarily a faithful regression back to the union of politics and economics of the old class struggle days.

All of this, though, had to be rationalized in a forward facing way. At the time of the distribution of the 3rd Plenum Communique I suggested what appeared to be the framework of the rationalizing way forward:

And indeed, the principle of socialist modernization remains central the evolution of principles of Chinese Marxist-Leninism in and for the New Era of Chinese historical development and a key element of the way in which policy is shaped to meet the current principal contradiction around which applied principles are built and against which they are measured. The Communique builds a comprehensive system around socialist modernization in interesting ways. It is presented as a comprehensive organizing principle and strategy for organizing and rationalizing policy around a core animating principle. Its added value is in its "connective tissue"--socialist modernization connects the Xi and Deng leadership periods traveling significantly from its articulation during the Era of Reform and Opening Up; in this way it provides an important example of the dynamic element in Chinese Marxist Leninism, one that can flow with the times. Much now fits within the modernization umbrella. (中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议公报 [Communiqué of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China]).

And, indeed, on 21 July 2024, the authorities authorized the release of what appears to be a substantive rationalization along those lines:  Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese Style Modernization [中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定]. The document elaborates the key elements identified in the 3rd Plenum Communique. It will likely be the "text" to be used by members of the Central Party School in the  study sessions to be organized for the benefit of key officials and high level CPC members (small sessions) and larger sessions for  cadres, administrators, key elements of society.

The full text follows below in the original Chinese and in a crude English translations.

What makes it especially interesting, beyond its affirmation, development, and reconstitution of socialist modernization for the New Era looking forward to the 21st CPC Congress, is the way in which key concepts can each be merged with and into almost the entirety of the ruling ideology in its then current forms.  Or put differently, this provides an excellent example of the self-referencing foundations of ideological construction in which each element adds a layer but each layer contains within it the entirety of the system, each providing a perspectives based window on the entirety of the project. This is not dialectics--though it moves through processes of iterative dialectics embedded in the CPC Congress system. Rather it reflects a 

Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese Style Modernization [中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定] is divided into 15 sections:

I. The Significance and Overall Requirements of Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics

 II. Build a high-level socialist market economic system

 III. Improve the system and mechanism for promoting high-quality economic development

IV. Build a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation

 V. Improve the macroeconomic governance system

 VI. Improve the system and mechanism for integrated urban-rural development

 VII. Improve the system and mechanism of high-level opening up

 VIII. Improve the system of whole process people's democracy

 IX. Improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics

 X. Deepen the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms

 XII. Deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system

 XIII. Promote the modernization of the national security system and capabilities

 XIV. Continue to deepen defense and military reforms

XV. Improve the Party's leadership in further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization

What becomes unavoidable, and some might be tempted to argue, inevitable, alignment of politics, societal, cultural and economic vectors within the umbrella of the apex objective of a Leninist State committed to Marxist ideals--the engagement of all factors of societal production toward the task of establishing a communist society. The cocktail of measures and the articulation of ruling frameworks, perspectives, and focus are a function of the nature of the contradictions that must be overcome at each stage of the historical development of a society, led by a vanguard and deeply committed to the "big bang" of their lifeworld (lebenswelt)--the conviction that the establishment of a communist society along Marxist lines is both natural and inevitable.  

The official English language translation,  Full text: Resolution of CPC Central Committee on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization may be accessed HERE. My cruder translation follows below along with the original text. It is sometimes useful to compare the refinements of official text with the over or undertones of meanings a cruder translation sometimes might reveal. A side by side bilingual version, prepared by the folks at NCP Observer may be accessed HERE.

受权发布丨中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定


中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定



















































































































































Authorized Release | Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 21

Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics

(Adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on July 18, 2024)

In order to implement the strategic deployment made at the 20th CPC National Congress, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee studied the issue of further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting modernization with Chinese characteristics, and made the following decision.

I. The Significance and Overall Requirements of Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics

(1) The Importance and Necessity of Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform. Reform and opening up are important magic weapons for the cause of the Party and the people to catch up with the times. The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was epoch-making, opening a new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was also epoch-making, opening a new journey of comprehensively deepening reform and promoting reform with systematic and overall design in the new era, and creating a new situation for my country's reform and opening up.

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has united and led the entire Party, the entire army and the people of all ethnic groups across the country. With great historical initiative, great political courage and strong sense of responsibility, it has broken through the shackles of ideas and concepts, broken through the barriers of vested interests, dared to advance into deep waters, dared to tackle tough problems and dared to wade through dangerous shoals, and resolutely eliminated the drawbacks of various systems and mechanisms, realizing the transformation of reform from local exploration and breaking through the ice to system integration and comprehensive deepening. The basic institutional framework in various fields has been basically established, and many fields have achieved historic changes, systematic remodeling and overall reconstruction. The reform tasks determined by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee have been generally completed, and the goal of achieving more mature and more established systems and significant results by the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party has been achieved, providing a strong institutional guarantee for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and achieving the Party’s first centenary goal, and promoting my country to embark on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

The current and future period is a critical period for comprehensively promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. Chinese-style modernization is constantly advancing in reform and opening up, and will surely open up broad prospects in reform and opening up. In the face of the complicated international and domestic situation, the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the new expectations of the people, we must continue to push forward reform. This is an inevitable requirement for upholding and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity; it is an inevitable requirement for implementing the new development concept and better adapting to the changes in the main contradictions in our society; it is an inevitable requirement for adhering to the people-centered approach and making the fruits of modernization construction benefit all the people more and more equitably; it is an inevitable requirement for responding to major risks and challenges and promoting the steady and long-term development of the cause of the Party and the country; it is an inevitable requirement for promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and winning the strategic initiative in the accelerated evolution of the century-old changes; it is an inevitable requirement for deepening the new great project of Party building in the new era and building a stronger and more powerful Marxist party. Reform and opening up are only in progress, not completed. The whole Party must consciously place reform in a more prominent position and further comprehensively deepen reform around promoting Chinese-style modernization.

(2) Guiding ideology for further comprehensively deepening reform. We should adhere to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the Scientific Outlook on Development, fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of new ideas, new viewpoints and new propositions on comprehensively deepening reform, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, adhere to the general working principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with the times, and seeking truth and being pragmatic, further liberate and develop social productive forces, stimulate and enhance social vitality, coordinate the domestic and international situations, coordinate the promotion of the "five-in-one" overall layout, coordinate the promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, take economic system reform as the driving force, take promoting social fairness and justice and improving people's well-being as the starting point and end point, pay more attention to system integration, pay more attention to highlighting key points, pay more attention to the actual results of reform, promote better adaptation between production relations and productive forces, superstructure and economic base, national governance and social development, and provide strong impetus and institutional guarantee for China's modernization.

(3) The overall goal of further comprehensively deepening reform. We should continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. By 2035, a high-level socialist market economic system will be fully established, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics will be further improved, the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity will be basically realized, and socialist modernization will be basically realized, laying a solid foundation for building a socialist modern power in an all-round way by the middle of this century.

—— Focus on building a high-level socialist market economic system, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, adhere to and improve the socialist basic economic system, promote high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, promote high-level opening up, build a modern economic system, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development.

—— Focus on developing people's democracy throughout the process, adhere to the organic unity of the Party's leadership, the people's mastery of the country, and the rule of law, promote the improvement of the people's mastery system, the extensive and multi-level institutional development of consultative democracy, and the improvement of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, and the construction of a socialist rule of law country will reach a higher level.

—— Focus on building a socialist cultural power, adhere to the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding role in the field of ideology, improve the system and mechanism for the development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, promote cultural prosperity, enrich the people's spiritual and cultural life, and enhance the country's cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture.

—— Focus on improving the quality of life of the people, improving the income distribution and employment system, improving the social security system, enhancing the balance and accessibility of basic public services, and promoting more obvious and substantial progress in the all-round development of people and the common prosperity of all people.

—— Focus on building a beautiful China, accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, improving the ecological environment governance system, promoting ecological priority, conservation and intensive development, green and low-carbon development, and promoting harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

—— Focus on building a safer China at a higher level, improving the national security system, strengthening the integrated national strategic system, enhancing the ability to maintain national security, innovating the social governance system, mechanisms and means, and effectively building a new security pattern.

—— Focus on improving the Party’s leadership level and long-term governance capabilities, innovating and improving leadership and governance methods, deepening the reform of the Party building system, and improving the comprehensive and strict governance system of the Party.

By 2029, the 80th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the reform tasks set out in this Decision shall be completed.

(4) Principles for further deepening reform in an all-round way. Summarize and apply the valuable experience of comprehensively deepening reform since the reform and opening up, especially in the new era, and implement the following principles: adhere to the overall leadership of the Party, firmly safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership, give full play to the Party's leading role in taking overall charge of the situation and coordinating all parties, and integrate the Party's leadership throughout the entire process of reform to ensure that reform always moves forward in the correct political direction; adhere to the people-centered approach, respect the people's dominant position and pioneering spirit, respond to the people's demands, and ensure that reform is for the people, relies on the people, and the fruits of reform are shared by the people; adhere to the principle of keeping the right direction and making innovations, unswervingly adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, keep pace with the times, adapt to the development of practice, highlight problem orientation, Promote theoretical innovation, practical innovation, institutional innovation, cultural innovation and other innovations at a new starting point; adhere to institutional construction as the main line, strengthen top-level design and overall planning, break and establish at the same time, establish first and then break, build a solid fundamental system, improve basic systems, and innovate important systems; adhere to the rule of law in an all-round way, deepen reforms and promote Chinese-style modernization on the track of the rule of law, achieve the unity of reform and the rule of law, major reforms are based on the law, and timely elevate the results of reforms to legal systems; adhere to the concept of system, handle major relationships such as economy and society, government and market, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, development and security, and enhance the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform.

II. Build a high-level socialist market economic system

A high-level socialist market economic system is an important guarantee for modernization with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to give better play to the role of the market mechanism, create a fairer and more dynamic market environment, optimize the efficiency of resource allocation and maximize benefits, both "let it live" and "control it", better maintain market order, make up for market failures, smooth the circulation of the national economy, and stimulate the endogenous motivation and innovative vitality of the whole society.

(5) Adhere to and implement the "two unshakable" principles. Unshakably consolidate and develop the public economy, unshakably encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy, ensure that all types of economic ownership can use production factors equally in accordance with the law, participate in market competition fairly and receive equal legal protection, and promote the complementary advantages and common development of all types of economic ownership.

Deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, improve the management and supervision system and mechanism, enhance the strategic coordination of relevant management departments, promote the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, promote the strengthening, optimization and expansion of state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises, enhance core functions and enhance core competitiveness. Further clarify the functional positioning of different types of state-owned enterprises, improve the management of main responsibilities and main businesses, and clarify the key investment areas and directions of state-owned capital. Promote the concentration of state-owned capital in important industries and key areas related to national security and the lifeline of the national economy, in public services, emergency response capabilities, public welfare areas related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and in forward-looking strategic emerging industries. Improve the institutional arrangements for promoting original innovation in state-owned enterprises. Deepen the reform of state-owned capital investment and operation companies. Establish an evaluation system for state-owned enterprises to fulfill their strategic missions, improve the classification assessment and evaluation system for state-owned enterprises, and carry out value-added accounting for the state-owned economy. Promote the independent operation of natural monopoly links and market-oriented reform of competitive links in industries such as energy, railways, telecommunications, water conservancy, and public utilities, and improve the regulatory system and mechanism.

Adhere to the policy of creating a good environment and providing more opportunities for the development of the non-public economy. Formulate a law to promote the private economy. Deeply break down market access barriers, promote fair opening of competitive infrastructure fields to business entities, and improve the long-term mechanism for private enterprises to participate in the construction of major national projects. Support capable private enterprises to take the lead in undertaking major national technological research tasks, and further open up major national scientific research infrastructure to private enterprises. Improve the policy system for supporting private enterprise financing and solve the problems of difficult and expensive financing. Improve the legal and regulatory system for long-term supervision of enterprise-related charges and repayment of overdue accounts. Accelerate the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation system for the credit status of private enterprises and improve the credit enhancement system for private small and medium-sized enterprises. Support and guide private enterprises to improve their governance structure and management system, strengthen corporate compliance construction and integrity risk prevention and control. Strengthen in-process and post-event supervision and standardize administrative inspections involving private enterprises.

Improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, promote the entrepreneurial spirit, support and guide all types of enterprises to improve the efficiency of resource utilization and management level, fulfill social responsibilities, and accelerate the construction of more world-class enterprises.

(6) Build a unified national market. Promote the unification of market basic system rules, fair and unified market supervision, and high-standard interconnection of market facilities. Strengthen the rigid constraints of fair competition review, strengthen anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition, and clean up and abolish various regulations and practices that hinder the national unified market and fair competition. Standardize local investment promotion laws and regulations, and strictly prohibit illegal and irregular policy preferences. Establish and improve a unified and standardized, information-sharing bidding and government, public institutions, state-owned enterprise procurement and other public resource trading platform system to achieve full-process open management of projects. Improve the comprehensive market supervision capacity and level. Improve the national standard system and deepen the reform of local standard management system.

Improve the system and rules of factor markets, promote the smooth flow of production factors, efficient allocation of various resources, and full release of market potential. Build a unified urban and rural construction land market. Improve the basic system to promote the standardized development of the capital market. Cultivate a national integrated technology and data market. Improve the mechanism for determining factor prices mainly by market supply and demand, and prevent the government from improperly intervening in price formation. Improve the mechanism for evaluating the contribution of production factors such as labor, capital, land, knowledge, technology, management, and data by the market and determining remuneration based on contribution. Promote price reform in the fields of water, energy, and transportation, optimize the system of tiered water, electricity, and gas prices for residents, and improve the pricing mechanism for refined oil products.

Improve the circulation system, accelerate the development of the Internet of Things, improve integrated circulation rules and standards, and reduce the logistics costs of the whole society. Deepen the reform of the energy management system, build a unified national electricity market, and optimize the operation and dispatching mechanism of oil and gas pipelines.

Accelerate the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system, establish a long-term mechanism for government investment to support the construction of major basic, public welfare, and long-term projects, improve the system and mechanism for government investment to effectively drive social investment, deepen the reform of the investment approval system, improve the mechanism for stimulating the vitality of social capital investment and promoting investment landing, and form a market-led effective investment endogenous growth mechanism. Improve the long-term mechanism for expanding consumption, reduce restrictive measures, reasonably increase public consumption, and actively promote the initial public offering economy.

(7) Improve the basic system of the market economy. Improve the property rights system, protect economic property rights of all kinds of ownership equally and permanently according to law, and establish an efficient comprehensive intellectual property management system. Improve the market information disclosure system and build a trade secret protection system. Implement equal responsibility, equal crime and equal punishment for acts that infringe on economic property rights and legitimate interests of all kinds of ownership, and improve the punitive compensation system. Strengthen the law enforcement and judicial protection of property rights, prevent and correct the use of administrative and criminal means to interfere in economic disputes, and improve the mechanism for identifying and correcting wrongful cases involving enterprises in accordance with the law.

Improve the market access system and optimize the market access environment for new formats and new fields. Deepen the reform of the registered capital subscription registration system and implement the subscription on schedule in accordance with the law. Improve the enterprise bankruptcy mechanism, explore the establishment of a personal bankruptcy system, promote the supporting reform of enterprise cancellation, and improve the enterprise exit system. Improve the social credit system and supervision system.

III. Improve the system and mechanism for promoting high-quality economic development

High-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country . It is necessary to lead the reform based around the new development concept, based on the current stage of development, deepen supply-side structural reform, improve the incentive and constraint mechanism for promoting high-quality development, and create new momentum and new advantages for development.

(8) Improve the system and mechanism for developing new (or high) quality productivity in accordance with local conditions. Promote revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep transformation and upgrading of industries, promote the optimal combination and renewal of workers, labor materials, and labor objects, give birth to new industries, new models, and new momentum, and develop productivity characterized by high technology, high efficiency, and high quality. Strengthen innovation in key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies, strengthen the supply of systems in new fields and new tracks, establish a mechanism for future industrial investment growth, improve the policies and governance systems for promoting the development of strategic industries such as new generation information technology, artificial intelligence, aerospace, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, biomedicine, and quantum technology, and guide the healthy and orderly development of emerging industries. Lead the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries with the improvement of national standards, and support enterprises to transform and upgrade traditional industries with digital intelligence technology and green technology. Strengthen institutional constraints such as environmental protection and safety.

Improve relevant rules and policies to accelerate the formation of production that is more compatible with new quality productivity relationships, promote the aggregation of various advanced production factors to develop new quality productivity, and significantly improve total factor productivity. Encourage and regulate the development of angel investment, venture capital, and private equity investment, better play the role of government investment funds, and develop patient capital.

(9) Improve the system to promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy. Accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, cultivate and expand advanced manufacturing clusters, and promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of manufacturing. Build a number of industry common technology platforms, accelerate the transformation of industrial models and corporate organizational forms, and improve the system and mechanism to enhance the leading position of advantageous industries. Optimize the operation and supervision mechanism of major industrial funds to ensure that the investment direction is in line with national strategic requirements. Establish a mechanism to maintain a reasonable proportion of investment in the manufacturing industry, and reasonably reduce the comprehensive cost and tax burden of the manufacturing industry.

Accelerate the construction of a system and mechanism to promote the development of the digital economy, and improve the policy system to promote digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. Accelerate the popularization and application of new generation information technology in all directions and throughout the entire chain, develop the industrial Internet, and create a digital industry cluster with international competitiveness. Promote the innovative development of the platform economy and improve the normalized supervision system of the platform economy. Build and operate national data infrastructure to promote data sharing. Accelerate the establishment of data property ownership recognition, market transactions, rights and interests distribution, and interest protection systems, enhance data security governance and supervision capabilities, and establish an efficient, convenient, and secure data cross-border flow mechanism.

(10) Improve the system and mechanism for the development of the service industry. Improve the policy system to support the development of the service industry, optimize the accounting of the service industry, and promote the standardization of the service industry. Focus on key links and fields to promote the high-quality development of productive services, develop industrial Internet platforms, break down cross-regional administrative barriers, and promote the integrated development of productive services. Improve the mechanism for accelerating the diversified development of life services. Improve the legal and regulatory system of intermediary service agencies, and promote intermediary service agencies to be honest and trustworthy and perform their duties in accordance with the law.

(11) Improve the system and mechanism for the construction of modern infrastructure. Build a new infrastructure planning and standard system, improve the mechanism for the integrated utilization of new infrastructure, promote the digital transformation of traditional infrastructure, broaden diversified investment and financing channels, and improve the coordination mechanism for the construction of major infrastructure. Deepen the reform of the comprehensive transportation system, promote the reform of the railway system, develop general aviation and low-altitude economy, and promote the optimization of toll road policies. Improve the underwriting capacity and global service level of shipping insurance, and promote the innovation of maritime arbitration system rules. Improve the construction, operation, and management mechanism of major water conservancy projects.

(12) Improve the system to enhance the resilience and security level of industrial chain and supply chain. We should speed up the construction of independent and controllable industrial chain and supply chain, improve and strengthen the development system and mechanism of key industrial chains such as integrated circuits, industrial mother machines, medical equipment, instrumentation, basic software, industrial software, and advanced materials, and promote technological breakthroughs and application of results throughout the chain. We should establish a risk assessment and response mechanism for industrial chain and supply chain security. We should improve the cooperation mechanism for the orderly transfer of industries in the country, and promote the sharing of interests between the transfer-out and receiving areas. We should build a national strategic hinterland and key industrial backup. We should speed up the improvement of the national reserve system. We should improve the coordination and connection system of exploration, production, supply, storage and marketing of strategic mineral resources.

IV. Build a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation

Education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for China's modernization. We must thoroughly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and the strategy of innovation-driven development, coordinate and promote the reform of the system and mechanism of education, science and technology, and talents, improve the new national system, and enhance the overall efficiency of the national innovation system.

(13) Deepen comprehensive reform of education. Accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system, and coordinate the reform of education methods, school-running models, management systems, and guarantee mechanisms. Improve the mechanism of establishing morality and cultivating people, promote the reform and innovation of the integrated ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools, and primary schools, improve the comprehensive training system of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, enhance teachers' teaching and educating abilities, improve the long-term mechanism for the construction of teachers' ethics, and deepen the reform of education evaluation. Optimize the layout of higher education, and accelerate the construction of universities and advantageous disciplines with Chinese characteristics and world-class. Promote the reform of universities in a classified manner, establish a discipline setting adjustment mechanism and talent training model driven by scientific and technological development and national strategic needs, make an extraordinary layout of urgently needed disciplines and majors, strengthen the construction of basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and interdisciplinary disciplines, and the training of top talents, and focus on strengthening the cultivation of innovative capabilities. Improve the mechanism of scientific and technological innovation in universities and improve the efficiency of achievement transformation. Strengthen the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education. Accelerate the construction of a vocational education system that integrates vocational and general education and industry and education. Improve the internship and practice system for students. Guide and standardize the development of private education. Promote the opening up of high-level education, and encourage high-level foreign science and engineering universities to cooperate in running schools in China.

Optimize the allocation of regional education resources and establish a basic public education service supply mechanism that is coordinated with population changes. Improve the mechanism for promoting high-quality and balanced compulsory education, and explore ways to gradually expand the scope of free education. Improve the guarantee mechanism for preschool education, special education, and specialized education. Promote the digitalization of education, empower the construction of a learning society, and strengthen the guarantee of lifelong education.

(14) Deepen the reform of the science and technology system. Adhere to the world's scientific and technological frontiers, the main battlefield of the economy, the major needs of the country, and the people's life and health, optimize the organizational mechanism for major scientific and technological innovation, coordinate and strengthen the research and development of key core technologies, and promote the systematization, institutionalization, and coordination of scientific and technological innovation forces, factor allocation, and talent teams. Strengthen the construction of national strategic scientific and technological forces, improve the national laboratory system, optimize the positioning and layout of national scientific research institutions, high-level research universities, and leading scientific and technological enterprises, promote the coordination of scientific and technological innovation between the central and local governments, coordinate the construction of various scientific and technological innovation platforms, encourage and standardize the development of new R&D institutions, give play to the leading role of my country's super-large-scale market, strengthen the coordination of innovation resources and the organization of forces, and promote the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. Build a scientific and technological security risk monitoring, early warning, and response system, and strengthen the independent guarantee of scientific and technological basic conditions. Improve the management system of scientific and technological societies. Expand international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, encourage the establishment of international scientific and technological organizations in China, and optimize the management mechanism of external professional exchanges and cooperation of universities, research institutes, and scientific and technological societies.

Improve the management of scientific and technological plans, and strengthen the forward-looking and leading layout of basic research fields, cross-cutting frontier fields, and key fields. Strengthen organized basic research, increase the proportion of scientific and technological expenditures used for basic research, improve the basic research investment mechanism that combines competitive support and stable support, encourage qualified localities, enterprises, social organizations, and individuals to support basic research, support the diversification of basic research topics, and encourage high-risk and high-value basic research. Deepen the reform of the science and technology evaluation system, strengthen the governance of scientific and technological ethics, and strictly rectify academic misconduct.

Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, establish a mechanism for cultivating and strengthening leading scientific and technological enterprises, strengthen the deep integration of industry, academia, and research led by enterprises, establish an enterprise R&D reserve system, and support enterprises to take the initiative to lead or participate in national scientific and technological research tasks. Build a mechanism to promote the development and growth of specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. Encourage science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises to increase R&D investment and increase the proportion of additional deductions for R&D expenses. Encourage and guide universities and research institutes to license scientific and technological achievements to small and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with the method of use first and pay later.

Improve the allocation, management and use mechanism of central government science and technology funds, and improve the central government science and technology plan execution and professional institution management system. Expand the scope of the "lump sum system" for fiscal research project funds, and give scientists greater decision-making power over technical routes, greater control over funds, and greater resource dispatching power. Establish a non-consensus project screening mechanism recommended by experts in real name. Allow scientific research institutions to implement a more flexible management system than general institutions, and explore the implementation of enterprise management.

Deepen the reform of the mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the construction of the national technology transfer system, accelerate the layout and construction of a number of concept verification and pilot verification platforms, improve the application policies for the first machine (set), the first batch, and the first version, and increase the government's procurement of independent innovation products. Strengthen the construction of the technical manager team.

Allow scientific and technological personnel to have greater autonomy in the distribution of income from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, establish a separate management system for the assets of official scientific and technological achievements, and deepen the reform of the empowerment of official scientific and technological achievements. Deepen the income distribution reform of universities and research institutes. Allow more qualified state-owned enterprises to be guided by innovation and creation and carry out various forms of medium- and long-term incentives among scientific researchers.

Build a science and technology financial system that is compatible with scientific and technological innovation, strengthen financial support for major national scientific and technological tasks and science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, and improve the support policy for long-term capital investment in early, small, long-term, and hard technology. Improve the risk dispersion mechanism for major technological breakthroughs and establish a science and technology insurance policy system. Improve the convenience of foreign investment in equity investment and venture capital in China.

(15) Deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism. Implement more active, more open and more effective talent policies, improve the mechanism for independent talent training, and accelerate the construction of a national high-level talent base and a platform for attracting and gathering talents. Accelerate the construction of national strategic talent forces, focus on cultivating strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams, focus on cultivating outstanding engineers, great craftsmen, and high-skilled talents, and improve the quality of all types of talents. Build a first-class team of industrial technical workers. Improve the mechanism for orderly flow of talents, promote the rational regional layout of talents, and deepen the talent cooperation between the east, middle and west. Improve the mechanism for discovering, selecting and training young innovative talents, and better protect the treatment of young scientific and technological personnel. Improve the system to ensure that scientific researchers focus on scientific research.

Strengthen the talent incentive mechanism, insist on empowering employers and untying talents. Establish a talent evaluation system oriented towards innovation ability, quality, effectiveness and contribution. Open up talent exchange channels between universities, research institutes and enterprises. Improve the support and guarantee mechanism for overseas talent introduction and form a talent system with international competitiveness. Explore the establishment of a high-tech talent immigration system.

V. Improve the macroeconomic governance system

Scientific macroeconomic regulation and effective government governance are the inherent requirements for giving full play to the advantages of the socialist market economy system. It is necessary to improve the macroeconomic regulation system, coordinate the reform of key areas such as finance and taxation, and enhance the consistency of macroeconomic policy orientation.

(16) Improve the national strategic planning system and policy coordination mechanism. Establish a national strategic formulation and implementation mechanism, strengthen the deep integration of major national strategies, and enhance the macro-guidance and coordination functions of national strategies. Improve the national economic and social development planning system, strengthen the planning connection and implementation mechanism, give play to the strategic guidance role of national development planning, strengthen the basic role of national land space planning, and enhance the support role of special planning and regional planning implementation. Improve the system of expert participation in public decision-making.

Centering the implementation of national development plans and major strategies, we will promote the coordinated efforts of fiscal, monetary, industrial, price, and employment policies, and optimize the allocation of various incremental resources and the adjustment of stock structures. We will explore the implementation of national macro-balance sheet management. We will include both economic and non-economic policies in the consistency assessment of macro-policy orientations. We will improve the expectation management mechanism. We will improve the statistical indicator accounting system that supports high-quality development, and strengthen the coverage of new economic and new fields. We will strengthen the statistical infrastructure of industrial activity units, optimize the statistical methods for headquarters and branches, and gradually promote the statistics of the places where business entities conduct activities. We will improve the international macro-policy coordination mechanism.

(17) Deepen fiscal and taxation system reform. We will improve the budget system, strengthen the overall coordination of fiscal resources and budgets, and include all income obtained by relying on administrative power, government credit, and state-owned resources and assets in government budget management. We will improve the state-owned capital operation budget and performance evaluation system, and strengthen the financial support for major national strategic tasks and basic people's livelihood. We will strengthen macro-guidance on budget compilation and fiscal policies. We will strengthen public service performance management and strengthen ex ante functional assessment. We will deepen zero-based budget reform. We will unify budget allocation rights, improve the uniformity and standardization of budget management, and improve the budget disclosure and supervision system. Improve the accrual-based government comprehensive financial reporting system.

Improve the tax system that is conducive to high-quality development, social equity, and market unification, and optimize the tax system structure. Study the tax system that is compatible with new business forms. Fully implement the principle of statutory taxation, standardize tax incentives, and improve the support mechanism for key areas and key links. Improve the direct tax system, improve the individual income tax system that combines comprehensive and classified taxation, standardize the tax policies for business income, capital income, and property income, and implement a unified taxation of labor income. Deepen the reform of tax collection and management.

Establish a central and local fiscal relationship with clear responsibilities, coordinated financial resources, and balanced regions. Increase local autonomous financial resources, expand local tax sources, and appropriately expand local tax management authority. Improve the fiscal transfer payment system, clean up and standardize special transfer payments, increase general transfer payments, and improve the degree of matching between municipal and county financial resources and responsibilities. Establish an incentive and constraint mechanism for transfer payments to promote high-quality development. Promote the backward shift of the consumption tax collection link and steadily transfer it to local governments, improve the value-added tax refund policy and deduction chain, and optimize the sharing ratio of shared taxes. Study the merger of urban maintenance and construction tax, education surcharge and local education surcharge into local surcharge, and authorize local governments to determine the specific applicable tax rate within a certain range. Reasonably expand the scope of support for local government special bonds, and appropriately expand the fields, scale and proportion of capital. Improve the government debt management system, establish a full-caliber local debt monitoring and supervision system and a long-term mechanism for preventing and resolving hidden debt risks, and accelerate the reform and transformation of local financing platforms. Standardize the management of non-tax revenue, appropriately delegate some non-tax revenue management authority, and let local governments manage it in a differentiated manner based on actual conditions.

Appropriately strengthen central government affairs and increase the proportion of central fiscal expenditure. In principle, central fiscal affairs shall be arranged by the central government itself, and the number of central fiscal affairs entrusted to local governments shall be reduced. Local governments shall not be required to arrange matching funds in violation of regulations. If it is necessary to entrust local governments to exercise affairs, funds shall be arranged through special transfer payments.

(18) Deepen financial system reform. Accelerate the improvement of the central bank system and smooth the monetary policy transmission mechanism. Actively develop science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance, and strengthen high-quality financial services for major strategies, key areas, and weak links. Improve the positioning and governance of financial institutions, and improve the incentive and constraint mechanism for serving the real economy. Develop diversified equity financing, accelerate the development of multi-level bond markets, and increase the proportion of direct financing. Optimize the management system of state-owned financial capital.

Improve the function of the capital market that coordinates investment and financing, prevent risks, strengthen supervision, and promote the healthy and stable development of the capital market. Support the entry of long-term funds into the market. Improve the quality of listed companies, strengthen the supervision and delisting system of listed companies. Establish a long-term mechanism to enhance the inherent stability of the capital market. Improve the behavioral norms and constraint mechanism for major shareholders and actual controllers. Improve the incentive and constraint mechanism for dividends of listed companies. Improve the investor protection mechanism. Promote the docking of regional equity market rules and the unification of standards.

Formulate a financial law. Improve the financial regulatory system, bring all financial activities under supervision in accordance with the law, strengthen the regulatory responsibility and accountability system, and strengthen the coordination of central and local supervision. Build a safe and efficient financial infrastructure, unify the registration, custody, settlement and clearing rules and systems of the financial market, establish a hard constraint system for early risk correction, and build a financial stability guarantee system that effectively prevents and controls systemic risks. Improve the mechanism for protecting financial consumers and combating illegal financial activities, and build a "firewall" for industrial capital and financial capital. Promote high-level financial opening, steadily and prudently promote the internationalization of the RMB, and develop the offshore RMB market. Steadily promote the research and development and application of digital RMB. Accelerate the construction of Shanghai International Financial Center.

Improve the management model of pre-entry national treatment plus negative list, and support qualified foreign institutions to participate in financial business pilot projects. Steadily and prudently expand financial  market interconnection and optimization of the qualified foreign investor system. Promote the construction of an independent and controllable cross-border payment system and strengthen the financial security mechanism under open conditions. Establish a unified full-caliber foreign debt supervision system. Actively participate in international financial governance.

(19) Improve the mechanism for implementing the regional coordinated development strategy. Build a regional economic layout and land space system with complementary advantages. Improve the system and policy system to promote the formation of a new pattern of western development, make new breakthroughs in the comprehensive revitalization of the northeast, accelerate the rise of the central region, and accelerate the modernization of the eastern region. Promote the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and other regions to better play the role of high-quality development power source, optimize the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin and the high-quality development mechanism. Promote the construction of Xiongan New Area with high standards and high quality. Promote the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle to go deeper and more practical. Improve the system of main functional areas and strengthen the guarantee mechanism for the optimization and development of land space. Improve the regional integrated development mechanism, build a new mechanism for cross-administrative region cooperation and development, and deepen the industrial cooperation between the east, middle and west. Improve the system and mechanism to promote the development of the marine economy.

VI. Improve the system and mechanism for integrated urban-rural development

Integrated urban-rural development is an inevitable requirement for China's modernization. We must coordinate new industrialization, new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, comprehensively improve the integration of urban and rural planning, construction and governance, promote equal exchange and two-way flow of urban and rural factors, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, and promote the common prosperity and development of urban and rural areas.

(20) Improve the system and mechanism for promoting new urbanization. Build a benign interactive mechanism for industrial upgrading, population agglomeration and urban development. Promote the system of providing basic public services by registered permanent residence, promote eligible rural migrant population to enjoy the same rights as registered permanent residence population in social insurance, housing security, compulsory education for accompanying children, etc., and accelerate the urbanization of rural migrant population. Safeguard the legitimate land rights and interests of farmers who have settled in cities, safeguard their land contracting rights, homestead use rights and collective income distribution rights in accordance with the law, and explore ways to establish voluntary paid withdrawal.

Adhere to the principle that the people build the city and the city is for the people. Improve the urban planning system and guide the coordinated development and intensive and compact layout of large, medium and small cities and towns. Deepen the reform of urban construction, operation and governance systems, and accelerate the transformation of urban development modes. Promote the formation of a new system of smart and efficient governance of megacities and super-megacities, and establish a system and mechanism for the integrated development of metropolitan areas. Deepen the reform of granting super-large towns economic and social management rights commensurate with their population and economic scale. Establish a sustainable urban renewal model and policies and regulations, strengthen the construction of underground integrated pipeline corridors and the renovation and upgrading of old pipelines, and deepen the action to enhance urban safety and resilience.

(21) Consolidate and improve the basic rural management system. Orderly promote the pilot program of extending the second round of land contracts for another 30 years after their expiration, deepen the reform of the separation of ownership, contracting rights and management rights of contracted land, and develop moderate-scale agricultural operations. Improve the agricultural management system, improve the price formation mechanism for the transfer of contracted land management rights, promote farmers' cooperative management, and promote the linkage between the support policies for new agricultural operators and the increase of farmers' income. Improve a convenient and efficient agricultural social service system. Develop a new type of rural collective economy, build an operation mechanism with clear property rights and reasonable distribution, and grant farmers more adequate property rights and interests.

(22) Improve the support system for strengthening, benefiting and enriching farmers. Adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas and improve the investment mechanism for rural revitalization. Strengthen county-level industries that enrich the people, build a diversified food supply system, and cultivate new industries and new formats in rural areas. Optimize the agricultural subsidy policy system and develop multi-level agricultural insurance. Improve the normalized mechanism for preventing poverty relapse and poverty covering the rural population, and establish a stratified and classified assistance system for low-income rural populations and underdeveloped areas. Improve the long-term management mechanism for the assets formed by national investment in poverty alleviation. Use the experience of the "10 million project" to improve the long-term mechanism for promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

Accelerate the improvement of the income guarantee mechanism for grain farmers and promote the prices of important agricultural products such as grain to remain at a reasonable level. Coordinate the establishment of a provincial horizontal interest compensation mechanism for grain production and marketing areas, and take substantial steps in the interest compensation of major production areas. Coordinate the promotion of reforms in the grain purchase and sales and reserve management systems and mechanisms, and establish a new supervision model. Improve the long-term mechanism for grain and food conservation.

(23) Deepen land system reform. Reform and improve the balance system of cultivated land occupation and compensation, bring all types of cultivated land occupation under unified management, improve the quality acceptance mechanism for supplementary cultivated land, and ensure that the balance standard is met. Improve the construction, acceptance, and management mechanism of high-standard farmland. Improve the management system to ensure that arable land is used for planting basic crops. Allow farmers to revitalize and utilize legally owned housing through leasing, equity investment, cooperation, etc. Promote the reform of rural collective commercial construction land entering the market in an orderly manner, and improve the land value-added income distribution mechanism.

Optimize land management, improve the land management system that is efficiently connected with macro policies and regional development, give priority to ensuring the reasonable use of land for leading industries and major projects, and give advantageous regions greater development space. Establish a coordination mechanism between the allocation of new urban construction land indicators and the increase in permanent population. Explore the implementation of the balance mechanism of occupation and compensation for the targeted use of national centralized reclamation of arable land for specific projects and regions. Optimize the use of urban industrial and commercial land, accelerate the development of the secondary market for construction land, promote mixed development and utilization of land, and reasonable conversion of use, and revitalize stock land and inefficient land. Carry out special governance of land use in various industrial parks. Formulate policies for the extension and renewal of industrial and commercial land use rights after expiration.

VII. Improve the system and mechanism of high-level opening up

Opening up is a distinctive symbol of Chinese-style modernization. We must adhere to the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world, promote reform through opening up, rely on my country's super-large market advantages, enhance our openness in expanding international cooperation, and build a new open economy system with a higher level.

(24) Steadily expand institutional opening up. Actively connect with international high-standard economic and trade rules, achieve interoperability and compatibility of rules, regulations, management, and standards in the fields of property rights protection, industrial subsidies, environmental standards, labor protection, government procurement, e-commerce, and finance, and create a transparent, stable, and predictable institutional environment. Expand independent opening up, orderly expand the opening up of my country's commodity market, service market, capital market, labor market, etc., and expand unilateral opening up to the least developed countries. Deepen the reform of foreign aid systems and mechanisms to achieve full-chain management.

Maintain the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core, actively participate in the reform of the global economic governance system, and provide more global public goods. Expand the global network of high-standard free trade zones, establish a compliance mechanism that connects with international common rules, and optimize the environment for open cooperation.

(25) Deepen foreign trade system reform. Strengthen the coordination of trade policies and fiscal, taxation, finance and industrial policies, build a system of institutional support and policy support for a strong trading nation, accelerate the reform of domestic and foreign trade integration, and actively respond to the trend of digitalization and greening of trade. Promote innovation in customs clearance, taxation, foreign exchange and other regulatory aspects, and create an institutional environment conducive to the development of new formats and models. Innovate and develop digital trade, and promote the construction of a comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce. Build a commodity trading center and a global distribution center, support various entities to orderly deploy overseas circulation facilities, and support qualified regions to build international logistics hubs and commodity resource allocation hubs. Improve the trade risk prevention and control mechanism, and improve the export control system and trade remedy system.

Innovate and enhance service trade, fully implement the negative list of cross-border service trade, promote comprehensive pilot demonstrations for expanding the opening up of the service industry, and encourage professional service institutions to improve their international service capabilities. Accelerate the development of offshore trade and develop new offshore international trade businesses. Establish and improve the cross-border financial service system and enrich the supply of financial products and services.

(26) Deepen the reform of the foreign investment and outbound investment management system. Create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment, and protect the rights and interests of foreign investment in accordance with the law. Expand the catalogue of industries that encourage foreign investment, reasonably reduce the negative list of foreign investment access, implement the complete abolition of restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, and promote orderly expansion of opening up in the fields of telecommunications, the Internet, education, culture, and medical care. Deepen the reform of the system and mechanism for promoting foreign investment, guarantee the national treatment of foreign-invested enterprises in terms of factor acquisition, qualification licensing, standard setting, government procurement, etc., and support participation in upstream and downstream supporting cooperation in the industrial chain. Improve the system of convenience for foreign personnel to enter the country, such as residence, medical care, and payment. Improve the system and mechanism for promoting and protecting outward investment, improve the outward investment management service system, and promote international cooperation in the industrial chain and supply chain.

(27) Optimize the regional opening-up layout. Consolidate the leading position of the eastern coastal areas in opening-up, improve the level of opening-up in the central, western, and northeastern regions, and accelerate the formation of a comprehensive opening-up pattern with land-sea linkage, internal and external linkage, and east-west two-way mutual assistance. Give full play to the advantages of coastal, border, riverside, and transportation trunk lines, optimize the division of regional opening-up functions, and create a diverse open highland. Implement the free trade pilot zone promotion strategy and encourage pioneering and integrated exploration. Accelerate the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

Give full play to the institutional advantages of "one country, two systems", consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's status as an international financial, shipping and trade center, support Hong Kong and Macao in building a place for the gathering of international high-end talents, and improve the mechanism for Hong Kong and Macao to play a better role in the country's opening up. Deepen cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and strengthen the connection of rules and mechanisms. Improve the system and policies to promote cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and deepen cross-strait integrated development.

(28) Improve and promote the mechanism of high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road". Continue to implement the "Belt and Road" science and technology innovation action plan, and strengthen the construction of multilateral cooperation platforms in the fields of green development, digital economy, artificial intelligence, energy, taxation, finance, disaster reduction, etc. Improve the integrated layout of land, sea, air and network, and build a three-dimensional interconnection network of the "Belt and Road". Coordinate the promotion of major landmark projects and "small and beautiful" livelihood projects.

VIII. Improve the system of whole process people's democracy

Developing whole process people's democracy  is an essential requirement for Chinese-style modernization. We must unswervingly follow the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, adhere to and improve our country's fundamental political system, basic political system, and important political system, enrich the forms of democracy at all levels, and make the people's mastery of their own affairs concrete and realistic in all aspects of national political and social life.

(29) Strengthen the construction of the system of people's mastery of their own affairs. Adhere to, improve, and operate the people's congress system. Improve the supervision system of the people's congress over administrative organs, supervisory organs, judicial organs, and procuratorial organs, improve the supervision law and its implementation mechanism, and strengthen the people's congress's review and supervision of budget and final accounts and the supervision of state-owned assets and government debt management. Improve the rules of procedure of the people's congress and the system of argumentation, evaluation, review, and hearing. Enrich the content and form of people's congress representatives' contact with the people. Improve the working mechanism for absorbing public opinion and gathering public wisdom. Give full play to the role of mass organizations such as trade unions, the Communist Youth League, and the Women's Federation as bridges and links in contacting and serving the people.

(30) Improve the mechanism of consultative democracy. Give full play to the role of the CPPCC as a special consultative body, improve the mechanism of in-depth consultation and interaction, full expression of opinions, and broad consensus building, and strengthen the construction of the mechanism of the CPPCC to reflect public sentiment, connect with the masses, and serve the people. Improve the democratic supervision mechanism of the CPPCC.

Improve the system of consultative democracy, enrich the forms of consultation, improve the institutionalized platform of party consultation, NPC consultation, government consultation, CPPCC consultation, people's group consultation, grassroots consultation, and social organization consultation, and strengthen the coordination and cooperation of various consultation channels. Improve the implementation mechanism of consultation before decision-making and during decision-making implementation, and improve the mechanism for adopting, implementing, and feedback on consultation results.

(31) Improve the grassroots democratic system. Improve the grassroots mass autonomy mechanism led by grassroots party organizations, improve the grassroots democratic system and work system, and broaden the channels for various grassroots organizations and masses to participate in grassroots governance in an orderly manner. Improve the system of public affairs. Improve the democratic management system of enterprises and institutions with workers' congresses as the basic form, and improve the effective forms of enterprise workers' participation in management.

(32) Improve the overall united front work pattern. Improve the policy measures to give full play to the political role of the united front in rallying people's hearts and gathering strength. Adhere to, develop, and improve China's new party system. Better play the role of non-Party personages and improve the system for building a team of non-Party representative personages. Formulate a law to promote ethnic unity and progress, improve the institutional mechanism for building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation. Systematically promote the sinicization of religion in my country and strengthen the rule of law in the governance of religious affairs. Improve the political leadership mechanism for non-Party intellectuals and new social strata. Comprehensively build a close and clean relationship between government and business, and improve the working mechanism to promote the healthy development of the non-public economy and the healthy growth of non-public economic personages. Improve the work mechanism for Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese affairs.

IX. Improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics

The rule of law is an important guarantee for China's modernization. It is necessary to fully implement the Constitution, safeguard the authority of the Constitution, coordinate the reform of legislation, law enforcement, justice and law-abiding, improve the mechanism for ensuring equality before the law, promote the spirit of socialist rule of law, safeguard social fairness and justice, and comprehensively promote the rule of law in all aspects of national work.

(33) Deepen reform in the field of legislation. Improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics with the Constitution as the core, improve the institutional system to ensure the full implementation of the Constitution, and establish a reporting system for the implementation of the Constitution. Improve the legislative work pattern led by the Party Committee, dominated by the National People's Congress, supported by the government, and participated by all parties. Coordinate the establishment, revision, abolition, interpretation and compilation of laws and regulations, strengthen legislation in key areas, emerging areas and foreign-related areas, improve the constitutional review and filing review system, and improve the quality of legislation. Explore regional collaborative legislation. Improve the coordination mechanism between Party regulations and national laws and regulations. Build a unified national information platform for laws, regulations and normative documents.

(34) Deepen the promotion of law-based administration. Promote the legalization of government agencies, functions, powers, procedures and responsibilities, promote the standardization, regularization and convenience of government services, and improve the integrated online government service platform covering the whole country. Improve the legality review mechanism for major decisions and normative documents. Strengthen government legislative review. Deepen the reform of the administrative law enforcement system, improve the grassroots comprehensive law enforcement system and mechanism, and improve the administrative law enforcement supervision system and mechanism. Improve the administrative discretion benchmark system in areas such as administrative penalties, and promote cross-regional coordination of administrative law enforcement standards. Improve the two-way coordination system between administrative penalties and criminal penalties. Improve the administrative reconsideration system and mechanism. Improve the administrative adjudication system. Improve the vertical management system and the local hierarchical management system, and improve the vertical management agency and local coordination and cooperation mechanism. Steadily promote the optimization of institutions in small counties with small populations. Deepen the reform of the development zone management system. Optimize the structure and layout of public institutions and strengthen their public welfare.

(35) Improve the system and mechanism of fair law enforcement and justice. Improve the system and mechanism in which the supervisory organs, public security organs, procuratorates, courts and judicial administrative organs perform their respective duties, and the supervisory power, investigative power, procuratorial power, judicial power and executive power cooperate and restrict each other, so as to ensure that all links and processes of law enforcement and justice operate under effective supervision. Deepen the reform of separating the judicial power from the executive power, improve the national execution system, and strengthen the supervision of the parties, procuratorates and the public over the execution activities. Improve the law enforcement and judicial relief and protection system, and improve the state compensation system. Deepen and standardize judicial openness, implement and improve the judicial responsibility system. Standardize the establishment of specialized courts. Deepen the reform of administrative case hierarchical jurisdiction, centralized jurisdiction and cross-regional jurisdiction. Build a coordinated and efficient police system and mechanism, promote the reform of the organization and establishment management of local public security organs, and continue to promote the reform of the management system of civil aviation public security organs and customs anti-smuggling departments. Standardize the management system of police auxiliary personnel.

Adhere to the correct view of human rights, strengthen the protection of human rights law enforcement and justice, and improve the pre-examination, in-process supervision and post-event correction, etc. working mechanism, improve the system of compulsory measures involving citizens' personal rights and compulsory measures such as sealing, seizure, freezing, etc., and investigate and punish criminal acts such as abuse of power for personal gain, illegal detention, torture and forced confession in accordance with the law. Promote full coverage of lawyer defense in criminal cases. Establish a system for sealing records of minor crimes.

(36) Improve the mechanism for promoting the construction of a rule of law society. Improve the public legal service system covering urban and rural areas, and deepen the reform of the lawyer system, notary system, arbitration system, mediation system, and judicial appraisal management system. Improve legal publicity and education, and improve the practice-oriented education and training mechanism of law schools. Strengthen and improve the protection of minors' rights and interests, strengthen the prevention and control of juvenile crimes, and formulate special correction education regulations.

(37) Strengthen the construction of foreign-related rule of law. Establish a working mechanism for promoting foreign-related legislation, law enforcement, justice, law-abiding and legal services, and legal talent training. Improve the foreign-related legal system and rule of law implementation system, and deepen international cooperation in law enforcement and justice. Improve the judicial trial system such as the parties' agreement on jurisdiction and the choice of applicable foreign law in foreign-related civil legal relations. Improve the international commercial arbitration and mediation system, and cultivate world-class arbitration institutions and law firms. Actively participate in the formulation of international rules.

X. Deepen the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms

Chinese-style modernization is a modernization that coordinates material and spiritual civilization. We must enhance cultural confidence, develop advanced socialist culture, promote revolutionary culture, inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, accelerate the adaptation to the new situation of rapid development of information technology, cultivate and form a large-scale team of outstanding cultural talents, and stimulate the cultural innovation and creativity of the whole nation.

(38) Improve the responsibility system for ideological work. Improve the work system of using the Party's innovative theories to arm the whole Party, educate the people, and guide practice, improve the learning system of the Party Committee (Party Group) Theory Learning Center Group, and improve the ideological and political work system. Innovate the Marxist theory research and construction project, implement the philosophy and social sciences innovation project, and build an independent knowledge system of Chinese philosophy and social sciences. Improve the news spokesperson system. Build a work mechanism and evaluation system that adapts to the production and dissemination of all media, and promote the systematic reform of mainstream media. Improve the public opinion guidance mechanism and the public opinion response coordination mechanism.

Promote the normalization and institutionalization of ideal and belief education. Improve the institutional mechanism for cultivating and practicing the core socialist values. Improve and innovate the working mechanism of cultivating, practicing and creating civilization. Implement the project of building a civilized rural style. Optimize the publicity and learning mechanism of heroes and models, innovate the organization mechanism of patriotic education and various mass theme activities, and promote the whole society to respect heroes, cherish the memory of martyrs and strive to be pioneers. Build a system for inheriting Chinese traditional virtues, improve the system and mechanism for building social morality, professional ethics, family virtues and personal morality, improve the long-term mechanism for building integrity, educate and guide the whole society to consciously abide by the law, follow public order and good customs, and resolutely oppose materialism, hedonism, extreme individualism and historical nihilism. Form a mechanism for the segmented and precise implementation of online ideological and moral education. Establish and improve the mechanism for coordinated governance of prominent issues in the moral field, and improve the long-term mechanism for "cracking down on pornography and illegal publications".

(39) Optimize the supply mechanism of cultural services and cultural products. Improve the public cultural service system, establish a mechanism for high-quality cultural resources to reach the grassroots directly, improve the mechanism for social forces to participate in public cultural services, and promote the reform of the separation of ownership and use rights of public cultural facilities. Deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the cultural sector, promote the deepening of internal reforms in cultural institutions in a classified manner, and improve the mechanism for the construction and development of art troupes.

Adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, adhere to the combination of producing results and talents, and the integration of works and environment, and improve the service, guidance, and organization mechanism of literary and artistic creation and production. Improve the cultural industry system and market system, and improve cultural and economic policies. Explore effective mechanisms for the integration of culture and technology, and accelerate the development of new cultural formats. Deepen the reform of the administrative approval and filing system in the cultural sector, and strengthen supervision during and after the event. Deepen the comprehensive governance of the entertainment sector.

Establish a coordination agency for the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, establish a cultural heritage protection supervision system, and promote the systematic protection and unified supervision of cultural heritage. Build a Chinese civilization identification system. Improve the system and mechanism for the in-depth integration and development of culture and tourism. Improve the public service system for national fitness, and reform and improve the management system and operation mechanism of competitive sports.

(40) Improve the comprehensive network governance system. Deepen the reform of the network management system, integrate network content construction and management functions, and promote the integrated management of news propaganda and network public opinion. Improve the development and management mechanism of generative artificial intelligence. Strengthen the rule of law in cyberspace, improve the long-term mechanism for network ecological governance, and improve the network protection system for minors.

(41) Build a more effective international communication system. Promote the reconstruction of the international communication pattern, deepen the reform and innovation of the international communication mechanism of mainstream media, and accelerate the construction of a multi-channel and three-dimensional external communication pattern. Accelerate the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, and comprehensively improve the effectiveness of international communication. Build a mechanism for implementing the global civilization initiative. Promote the facilitation of management of going out and inviting in, and expand international cultural exchanges and cooperation.

XI. Improve the system of safeguarding and improving people's livelihood

Safeguarding and improving people's livelihood in the process of development is a major task of China's modernization. We must persist in doing our best and acting within our means, improve the system of basic public services, strengthen the construction of inclusive, basic and bottom-line livelihood, solve the most direct and realistic interests of the people, and continuously meet the people's yearning for a better life.

(42) Improve the income distribution system. Build a coordinated system of primary distribution, redistribution, and tertiary distribution, increase the proportion of residents' income in the distribution of national income, and increase the proportion of labor remuneration in the primary distribution. Improve the mechanism for determining, reasonably increasing and ensuring the payment of wages for workers, and improve the policy system for distribution based on factors. Improve the redistribution adjustment mechanism such as taxation, social security and transfer payments. Support the development of public welfare and charity.

Regulate the order of income distribution, standardize the mechanism for wealth accumulation, increase the property income of urban and rural residents through multiple channels, and form a system that effectively increases the income of low-income groups, steadily expands the size of the middle-income group, and reasonably adjusts excessive income. Deepen the reform of the wage determination mechanism of state-owned enterprises, reasonably determine and strictly regulate the remuneration, allowances and subsidies of heads of state-owned enterprises at all levels.

(43) Improve the employment priority policy. Improve the mechanism for promoting high-quality full employment, improve the employment public service system, and strive to solve structural employment contradictions. Improve the employment support system for key groups such as college graduates, migrant workers and retired soldiers, and improve the lifelong vocational skills training system. Coordinate the urban and rural employment policy system, simultaneously promote the reform of household registration, employment, archives and other services, optimize the policy environment for entrepreneurship and employment promotion, and support and regulate the development of new employment forms. Improve the institutional mechanism for promoting equal opportunities and smooth the channels for social mobility. Improve the labor relations consultation and coordination mechanism and strengthen the protection of workers' rights and interests.

(44) Improve the social security system. Improve the national coordination system of basic pension insurance and improve the unified national social security public service platform. Improve the social security fund value preservation and appreciation and safety supervision system. Improve the financing and reasonable adjustment mechanism of basic pension and basic medical insurance, and gradually increase the basic pension of urban and rural residents' basic pension insurance. Improve the social security system for flexible employment, migrant workers, and new employment forms, expand the coverage of unemployment, work-related injury, and maternity insurance, completely cancel the restrictions on household registration in the place of employment, and improve the transfer and continuation policy of social security relations. Accelerate the development of a multi-level and multi-pillar pension insurance system, expand the coverage of the annuity system, and promote the individual pension system. Give full play to the role of various types of commercial insurance in supplementary protection. Promote provincial coordination of basic medical insurance, deepen the reform of medical insurance payment methods, improve the major disease insurance and medical assistance system, and strengthen the supervision of medical insurance funds. Improve the social assistance system. Improve the system for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of women and children. Improve the social security system and care service system for the disabled.

Accelerate the establishment of a housing system that combines renting and purchasing, and accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development. Increase the construction and supply of affordable housing to meet the rigid housing needs of the wage earners. Support the diversified improvement housing needs of urban and rural residents. Fully empower city governments to regulate the real estate market, formulate policies based on the city, and allow relevant cities to cancel or reduce housing purchase restrictions and cancel the standards for ordinary and non-ordinary residential properties. Reform the financing methods of real estate development and the pre-sale system of commercial housing. Improve the real estate tax system.

(45) Deepen the reform of the medical and health system. Implement the health-first development strategy, improve the public health system, promote social co-governance, medical and prevention coordination, and medical and prevention integration, and strengthen monitoring and early warning, risk assessment, epidemiological investigation, testing, emergency response, and medical treatment. Promote the coordinated development and governance of medical care, medical insurance, and medicine. Promote the expansion and sinking of high-quality medical resources and regional balanced layout, accelerate the construction of a tiered diagnosis and treatment system, promote the construction of close-knit medical alliances, and strengthen primary medical and health services. Deepen the reform of public hospitals oriented to public welfare, establish a charging mechanism dominated by medical services, improve the salary system, and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for staffing. Guide and standardize the development of private hospitals. Innovate medical and health supervision methods. Improve the mechanism to support the development of innovative drugs and medical devices, and improve the mechanism for the inheritance and innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine.

(46) Improve the support and service system for population development. Improve the population development strategy with a focus on coping with aging and declining birthrates, improve the population service system covering the entire population and the entire life cycle, and promote high-quality population development. Improve the policy system and incentive mechanism for fertility support, and promote the construction of a fertility-friendly society. Effectively reduce the costs of childbirth, raising children, and educating children, improve the maternity leave system, establish a fertility subsidy system, improve the level of basic childbirth and child medical public services, and increase personal income tax deductions. Strengthen the construction of a universal childcare service system, support the development of multiple models such as employer-run childcare, community-embedded childcare, and family childcare centers. Understand the objective laws of population mobility, promote relevant public services to follow people, and promote the rational aggregation and orderly flow of urban and rural and regional populations.

Actively respond to population aging and improve the policy mechanism for the development of the elderly care industry. Develop the silver economy and create diversified and personalized jobs suitable for the elderly. In accordance with the principles of voluntariness and flexibility, steadily and orderly promote the reform of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age. Optimize the supply of basic elderly care services, cultivate community elderly care service institutions, improve the operating mechanism of public elderly care institutions, encourage and guide enterprises and other social forces to actively participate, promote mutual elderly care services, and promote the integration of medical care and elderly care. Accelerate the filling of gaps in rural elderly care services. Improve services for elderly people with special difficulties such as widows, the disabled and the disabled, and accelerate the establishment of a long-term care insurance system.

XII. Deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system

Chinese-style modernization is a modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. It is necessary to improve the ecological civilization system, coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, actively respond to climate change, and accelerate the improvement of the system and mechanism for implementing the concept that green waters and green mountains are gold and silver mountains.

(47) Improve the basic ecological civilization system. Implement a regional, differentiated and precise ecological environment management system, and improve the ecological environment monitoring and evaluation system. Establish and improve a land use control and planning permit system that covers the entire region and all types and is unified and connected. Improve the natural resource asset property rights system and management system, improve the entrustment and agency mechanism for the ownership of natural resource assets owned by the whole people, and establish a responsibility assessment and supervision system for ecological environment protection, natural resource protection and utilization, and asset value preservation and appreciation. Improve the coordination mechanism for national ecological security work. Compile the Ecological Environment Code.

(48) Improve the ecological environment governance system. Promote the construction of the ecological environment governance responsibility system, supervision system, market system, and legal and regulatory system. Improve the system and mechanism for precise, scientific and legal pollution control, implement the fixed pollution source supervision system with the pollution discharge permit system as the core, establish a coordinated governance system for new pollutants and environmental risk control, and promote the coordinated reduction of multiple pollutants. Deepen the reform of the system for legal disclosure of environmental information and build an environmental credit supervision system. Promote the construction of an ecological environment governance system that connects upstream and downstream in important river basins. Comprehensively promote the construction of a natural protection area system with national parks as the main body.

Implement the ecological protection red line management system, improve the integrated protection and systematic governance mechanism of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands and deserts, and build a diversified ecological protection and restoration investment mechanism. Implement the rigid water resource constraint system and comprehensively promote the water resource fee-to-tax reform. Strengthen the coordination mechanism for biodiversity protection. Improve the marine resource development and protection system. Improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products. Deepen the reform of the paid use system of natural resources. Promote comprehensive ecological compensation, improve horizontal ecological protection compensation mechanisms, and coordinate the promotion of compensation for ecological and environmental damage.

(49) Improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism. Implement fiscal, taxation, financial, investment, and price policies and standard systems that support green and low-carbon development, develop green and low-carbon industries, improve green consumption incentive mechanisms, and promote the construction of a green, low-carbon, circular development economic system. Optimize government green procurement policies and improve the green tax system. Improve the total resource management and comprehensive conservation system, and improve the waste recycling system. Improve the clean and efficient use of coal mechanism. Accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, and improve new energy consumption and regulation policies and measures. Improve the work system for adapting to climate change. Establish a new mechanism for the comprehensive transformation from energy consumption dual control to carbon emission dual control. Build a carbon emission statistical accounting system, a product carbon labeling certification system, and a product carbon footprint management system, improve the carbon market trading system and the voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading system, and actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

XIII. Promote the modernization of the national security system and capabilities

National security is an important foundation for the steady and long-term development of Chinese-style modernization. We must fully implement the overall national security concept, improve the system and mechanism for maintaining national security, achieve a benign interaction between high-quality development and high-level security, and effectively ensure the long-term stability of the country.

(50) Improve the national security system. Strengthen the coordination mechanism for national security work, improve the national security legal system, strategic system, policy system, and risk monitoring and early warning system, and improve the security guarantee system in key areas and the coordination and command system for important projects. Build a coordinated and efficient national security protection system and promote national security science and technology empowerment.

(51) Improve the public security governance mechanism. Improve the system for handling major public emergencies, improve the emergency command mechanism under the framework of big security and big emergency, strengthen the grassroots emergency foundation and force, and improve the disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities. Improve the mechanism for the investigation and rectification of production safety risks and the responsibility investigation. Improve the food and drug safety responsibility system. Improve the biosafety supervision, early warning and prevention and control system. Strengthen the construction of the network security system and establish an artificial intelligence safety supervision system.

(52) Improve the social governance system. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, improve the urban and rural grassroots governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law and moral governance under the leadership of the Party organization, and improve the social governance system of co-construction, co-governance and sharing. Explore the establishment of a unified national population management system. Improve the social work system and mechanism, strengthen party building to lead grassroots governance, strengthen the construction of social workers, and promote the construction of a volunteer service system. Promote the legalization of petition work. Improve the city's social governance capabilities, strengthen the functions of public service platforms such as citizen hotlines, and improve the management mechanism and regular promotion mechanism of the "efficient completion of one thing" key items list. Improve the social psychological service system and crisis intervention mechanism. Improve the mechanism for giving full play to the role of family education and family style construction in grassroots governance. Deepen the reform of industry associations and chambers of commerce. Improve the management system of social organizations.
Improve the system of matching the responsibilities, powers and resources of towns (sub-districts), and strengthen the service and management capabilities of towns (sub-districts). Improve the overall prevention and control system of public security, improve the regular mechanism of cracking down on gangsters and eliminating evil, and severely punish illegal and criminal activities that the masses strongly complain about in accordance with the law.

(53) Improve the national security mechanism involving foreign countries. Establish and improve the coordination mechanism for peripheral security work. Strengthen the system and mechanism for early warning, prevention and control, and protection of overseas interests and investment risks, deepen international law enforcement cooperation in the field of security, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and legal persons overseas. Improve the mechanism for countering sanctions, interference, and "long-arm jurisdiction". Improve the mechanism for safeguarding maritime rights and interests. Improve the mechanism for participating in global security governance.

XIV. Continue to deepen defense and military reforms

Defense and military modernization are important components of Chinese-style modernization. We must uphold the Party's absolute leadership over the people's army, implement the strategy of reform and strengthening the army in depth, and provide strong guarantees for achieving the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army and basically realizing the modernization of national defense and the army as scheduled.

(54) Improve the leadership and management system and mechanism of the people's army. Improve the system and mechanism for implementing the system of responsibility of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and deepen the political construction of the army. Optimize the functional configuration of the CMC departments, improve the coordinated promotion mechanism for combat, construction and preparation, improve the consultation and evaluation mechanism for major decisions, deepen strategic management innovation, and improve the military governance system. Improve the work mechanism for governing the army according to law. Improve supporting policies and systems in the fields of combat readiness, military human resources, etc. Deepen the reform of military academies and promote the connotation-oriented development of academies. Implement the adjustment and reform of military enterprises and institutions.

(55) Deepen the reform of the joint combat system. Improve the functions of the CMC Joint Combat Command Center, improve the command function in major security areas, and establish a coordinated operation mechanism with the central and state organs. Optimize the composition of the theater joint combat command center and improve the joint combat command formation model of the task force. Strengthen the coordination of the construction and use of the network information system. Build a new type of military and arms structure, accelerate the development of strategic deterrence, vigorously develop new domains and new types of combat forces, and coordinate and strengthen the construction of traditional combat forces. Optimize the force composition of the armed police force.

(56) Deepen cross-military and local reforms. Improve the integrated national strategic system and capacity building work mechanism, and improve the system and mechanism for military-related decision-making and coordination. Improve the mechanism for reporting military needs for national defense construction and the connection between the military and the local government, and improve the national defense mobilization system. Deepen the reform of the defense science and technology industry system, optimize the layout of the defense science and technology industry, improve the weapons and equipment procurement system, establish a military product design feedback mechanism, and build a modern weapons and equipment management system. Improve the coordination mechanism for military and civilian standardization work. Strengthen the construction and management coordination in the fields of aerospace and military trade. Optimize the leadership and management system of border and coastal defense, and improve the mechanism for the joint management of the party, government, military, police and people. Deepen the reform of the militia system. Improve the work mechanism of supporting the army and the people.

XV. Improve the Party's leadership in further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization

The Party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization. We must deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards". We must maintain a high degree of consciousness in leading the social revolution with the Party's self-revolution, adhere to the spirit of reform and strict standards to manage and govern the Party, improve the Party's self-revolution system and norms, and continuously promote the Party's self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation and self-improvement, and ensure that the Party always remains the strong leadership core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

(57) Adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee in further deepening reform. The Party Central Committee leads the overall design, overall coordination and overall promotion of reform. Improve the implementation mechanism of the Party Central Committee's major decisions and arrangements to ensure that the Party Central Committee's orders are carried out. Party committees (party groups) at all levels are responsible for implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, planning and promoting reforms in their respective regions and departments, encouraging innovation in light of actual conditions, and creating new experiences that can be replicated and promoted. Follow the Party's mass line in the new era and fully incorporate social expectations, mass wisdom, expert opinions and grassroots experience into the design of reforms. Set reform topics around solving prominent contradictions, optimize the mechanism for generating key reform plans, uphold truth, correct mistakes, and promptly discover problems and correct deviations. Improve the reform incentive and public opinion guidance mechanism to create a good reform atmosphere.

(58) Deepen the reform of the Party's construction system. Focus on mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the whole Party to grasp reform and promote development, and improve the Party's construction system and mechanism. Strengthen the Party's innovative theoretical armament, and establish and improve a long-term mechanism for learning to forge souls, increase wisdom, correct work styles and promote work. Deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, clearly establish the correct orientation for selecting and employing people, vigorously select cadres who are politically strong, dare to take responsibility, are determined to reform, have outstanding achievements, and are honest and upright, and strive to solve the problems of cadres acting arbitrarily, not acting, not daring to act, and not being good at acting. Establish and practice the correct view of political achievements, and improve the working mechanism for effectively preventing and correcting deviations in the view of political achievements. Implement the "three distinctions" to encourage cadres to be pioneering and enterprising, and to do things and start businesses. Promote the normalization of the ability of leading cadres to be promoted or demoted, and increase the efforts to adjust cadres who are not suitable for current positions. Improve the regular training mechanism, especially the basic training mechanism, strengthen professional training and practical training, and comprehensively improve the ability of cadres to build modernization. Improve and implement the term system for leading cadres, and improve the handover system for the main leaders of the leadership team. Strengthen the political and organizational functions of the party organization. Explore effective ways to strengthen the party building of new economic organizations, new social organizations, and new employment groups. Improve the education and management mechanism for party members and the role they play. Improve the party's internal regulations and enhance the authority and enforcement of the party's internal regulations.

(59) Deepen the promotion of party conduct and clean government and the fight against corruption. Improve the mechanism of specific, precise and regular political supervision. Persevere in implementing the spirit of the Central Committee's eight regulations and improve the institutional mechanism for preventing and treating formalism and bureaucracy. Continue to streamline and standardize meeting documents and various activities such as creating demonstrations, evaluating and reaching standards, festivals, exhibitions and forums, strictly control the total amount of supervision, inspection and assessment at the grassroots level, improve the quality of research, and make great efforts to solve the problem of excessive frequency and complexity. Formulate a list of responsibilities for townships (streets) to perform, and improve the long-term mechanism for reducing the burden on the grassroots. Establish a discipline education mechanism that combines regularity and concentration, deepen the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline, and comprehensively play the role of the party's discipline education in restraining, guaranteeing and motivating.

Improve the working mechanism of promoting the fear of corruption, inability to corrupt, and unwillingness to corrupt, and strive to eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption. Improve the mechanism of investigating and treating unhealthy practices and corruption together, deepen the rectification of corruption in areas with concentrated power, intensive capital and rich resources, seriously investigate and deal with the problem of collusion between government and business that undermines the political ecology and economic development environment, improve the joint punishment mechanism for key bribers, and enrich the effective methods for preventing and treating new types of corruption and hidden corruption. Strengthen the governance of false accusations. Improve the mechanism for chasing, preventing and recovering fugitives. Strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era.

Improve the supervision system of the Party and the State. Strengthen the main responsibility and supervision responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. Improve and strengthen the supporting system for supervision of the "top leaders" and the leadership team. Improve the power allocation and operation constraint mechanism, and oppose the idea of ​​privilege and the phenomenon of privilege. Promote the organic connection between discipline enforcement and criminal justice. Improve the system and mechanism of inspection and supervision. Optimize the functions of supervision, inspection and investigation institutions, improve the discipline inspection and supervision system of vertically managed units, and promote the full deployment of discipline inspection and supervision teams to centrally managed enterprises. Deepen the reform of the grassroots supervision system and mechanism. Promote national legislation against corruption, amend the Supervision Law, and introduce the Anti-cross-border Corruption Law.

 (60) Implement reforms with a firm determination. The whole Party must implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee to further deepen reforms in an all-round way in a pragmatic and courageous manner. We must adhere to the principle of coordination between the top and the bottom and the integration of departments and regions. We must scientifically formulate reform tasks, timetables and priorities, clarify the subjects and responsibilities for implementing various reforms, include the implementation of major reforms in the content of supervision and inspection and inspection, and test reforms with actual results and the satisfaction of the people.

Chinese-style modernization is modernization on the path of peaceful development. In foreign affairs, we must firmly adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, practice the common values ​​of all mankind, implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives and global civilization initiatives, advocate an equal and orderly world multipolarization and inclusive economic globalization, deepen the reform of foreign affairs mechanisms, participate in and lead the reform and construction of the global governance system, firmly safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and create a good external environment for further deepening reforms in an all-round way and promoting Chinese-style modernization.

The whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups across the country should unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold high the banner of reform and opening up, unite their hearts and minds, work hard to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, achieve the second centenary goal, and strive to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

[Editor: Liu Xiaodong]

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