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For those interested here is the revised current version of Academic's Code of Conduct (中国科学院院士行为规范(试行)) in the original Chinese and a crude English translation. For many people, the provisions on prohibited conduct (§§27-31) draws the most interest. Here a comparison with similar provisions under other political-economic models might seem useful, as each model seeks to ensure the integrity of its core premises and objectiveness (e.g., national rejuvenation, social justice, etc.) through the education field.
Despite the fuss, what it appears to reinforce is the global trend toward the exercise of greater care by academics in ways that are more comprehensively defined by the state, either directly, through regulation and compliance responsibilities delegated to institutions, or indirectly through social norm objectives with regulatory (and disciplinary) effect. These efforts, of course, all have national characteristics appropriate to the space, time, and place in which they are expressed. It is the study of those national characteristics applied to academics, and their effectiveness sin light of the challenge of the current general contradiction, that ought to be an important place of study. For local commentary and consequences, see, e.g., here, here, and here.
第一章 总则
第一条 中国科学院院士(以下简称院士)是国家设立的科学技术方面的最高学术称号,为终身荣誉。为维护院士称号的学术性、荣誉性和纯洁性,根据国家有关规定和《中国科学院院士章程》,制订本规范。
第二条 遵守宪法和法律法规,提高政治站位,增强责任意识,尊崇道德操守,做爱党爱国的模范和科研人员的榜样。
第三条 做胸怀祖国、服务人民的表率。为提高我国自主创新能力,增强我国综合国力,推动我国科技进步、经济发展、生态保护、民生改善,服务国家安全和国家决策作出贡献。
第四条 做追求真理、勇攀高峰的表率。研判科技发展态势,发挥学术引领作用,集智攻关、团结协作,在关键核心技术和产业发展方面主动担当。
第五条 做坚守学术道德、严谨治学的表率。发扬中国科学院学部(以下简称学部)优良传统,弘扬追求真理的求实精神,以身作则、严格自律,坚持立德为先、诚信为本、敬业奉献、淡泊名利,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观,引领社会良好风尚。
第六条 做甘为人梯、奖掖后学的表率。肩负起举荐和培养青年科技人才的责任,弘扬学为人师、行为世范的育人精神,为创新拔尖人才脱颖而出作出贡献。
第七条 遵守《中国科学院院士章程》和学部各项规章制度,郑重行使院士权利,切实履行院士义务,更好发挥院士作用。严格执行学部会议制度,按规定参加院士增选,以及学部组织的学科发展战略研究与咨询评议、学术活动与出版、科学规范与伦理、弘扬科学家精神、科学普及与教育、国际交流与合作等相关工作。
第二章 科研活动行为规范
第八条 树立科学的价值理念,以探究真理、发现新知为使命,以服务社会、造福人类为目标,以科学精神、科学文化为灵魂,追求卓越科学。
第九条 坚持解放思想、实事求是,坚持严肃、严格、严密的科学态度。恪守科学道德准则,坚守底线、严格自律,在科研诚信建设中发挥示范带动作用。反对学术上的浮躁浮夸作风,反对一切科研不端行为。
第十条 发扬科技协作和集体主义精神,尊重合作者和他人的劳动和权益,带头严格践行学术规范,着力培育德才兼备的科研团队。
第十一条 积极倡导“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的双百方针,发扬学术民主,充分尊重学术领域中的不同意见,积极回应学术质疑,勇于纠正学术错误。
第十二条 严格执行国家相关规定,恪守科研诚信要求,遵守科技伦理规范,开展负责任的科学研究。
第十三条 聚焦主责主业,发挥学术引领作用。在职院士要坚持在本人专业领域科研一线开展工作,用于科技创新和研发活动的时间一般不少于三分之二,深入基层和一线解决实际问题。
第十四条 承担科研项目要实事求是,严格履行科研合同义务,合理合法使用科研经费。
第三章 社会活动行为规范
第十五条 积极弘扬科学精神,传播科学思想,倡导科学方法,普及科学知识。积极运用专业特长诠释和解决国家社会关注的问题。在身体条件允许的情况下,每年至少参与一次面向社会公众的科普活动。
第十六条 自觉遵守国家和所在单位关于待遇和退休等有关规定。
第十七条 自觉遵守学部关于兼职管理的规定,兼职工作要与自身精力和时间相适应。自觉遵守院士报告制度。
第十八条 基于自身专业知识参加与本人学科领域相关的评估评审、咨询、授课、学术交流等活动,按照国家相关标准取酬。在上述活动中,坚决破除“四唯”,坚持保密、公平、公正的原则,实事求是、不徇私情,自觉抵制一切不正之风。
第十九条 自觉接受社会监督,正确对待质疑和批评。公开发表言论时要同党中央大政方针保持一致。
第四章 增选工作行为规范
第二十条 站在国家利益的高度,从科技事业全局出发,遵循公正、客观、诚信的原则,严把增选质量关。参加增选工作须严格遵守增选工作纪律并签署承诺书。
第二十一条 推荐候选人时,要以科研诚信和纪法标准作为底线,坚持德才兼备,坚持院士标准,全面了解所推荐候选人的科技成就和科学道德等情况,独立判断候选人的学术水平和贡献,负责任地推荐候选人、撰写推荐意见。
第二十二条 评选过程中,认真阅读和研究候选人的材料,全面、科学、客观地判断和评价候选人的学术水平和贡献。
第二十三条 超脱部门、单位和学科的利益,郑重负责地履行选举权利。关注国家重大急需领域、基础学科和新兴交叉学科的发展,注意学科平衡。
第二十四条 自觉抵制不正之风以及行政干预增选工作,抵制各种人情评审,对增选工作中的不当行为负有检举责任,发现违反增选工作行为规范或守则的情况,应及时举报。收到有关候选人的投诉或相关材料应及时送交学部工作机构登记。
第二十五条 严格遵守增选工作的回避制度和保密规定。
第二十六条 担任党政机关、参照公务员法管理机关(单位)负责人和企业主要负责人的院士,任职期间暂停推荐权和选举权。
第五章 禁止行为
第二十七条 禁止参与有损中国科学院及院士群体声誉的活动。禁止以院士称号谋取不正当利益。禁止以院士名义参加中国科学院和中国工程院、学部和学术团体、学术期刊以外活动。禁止参加各类应景性、应酬性活动。禁止参与设置以“院士”冠名的非学术活动场所。
第二十八条 禁止公开发表与自身专业领域无关的学术意见。禁止参加与本人职务职责和专业领域无关的咨询、评审、评价、评估、推荐等活动。禁止违背推荐、评审、鉴定和评奖等活动的公平和保密原则。
第二十九条 禁止院士增选中的各种不当行为。禁止接受任何个人或单位委托推荐、无原则推荐;禁止在院士增选中说情打招呼;禁止与候选人发生不当交往和利益交换;禁止接受各种名目的送礼;禁止参加可能影响院士增选公正性的会议和活动等。
第三十条 禁止违反规定与候选人交流增选工作相关事宜。禁止泄露个人收到的与院士增选有关的微信、短信、邮件、信件等投诉信息或材料。
第三十一条 禁止以任何方式向他人泄露评选过程中对候选人的讨论、评价、投诉及调查处理意见、选举结果等。禁止擅自向社会公开整个增选过程的任何信息。
第六章 附则
第三十二条 自觉遵守本行为规范,如有违反,根据相关规定予以处理。
第三十三条 本规范经中国科学院学部主席团审议通过,中国科学院党组批准实施,由中国科学院学部主席团负责解释和修订。
Code of Conduct for Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Trial)
Ministry of Science and Technology of Science and Technology [2023] No. 36
Source: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as academician) is the highest academic title established by the state in science and technology and is a lifelong honor. In order to maintain the academic nature, honor and purity of the academician title, these norms are formulated in accordance with relevant national regulations and the "Charter of Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences".
Article 2: Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations, improve political standing, enhance awareness of responsibility, respect moral integrity, and be a model of patriotism for the party and an example for scientific researchers.
Article 3: Set an example of caring for the motherland and serving the people. In order to improve my country's independent innovation capabilities, enhance my country's comprehensive national strength, promote my country's scientific and technological progress, economic development, ecological protection, and improvement of people's livelihood, and contribute to serving national security and national decision-making.
Article 4: Set an example in pursuing the truth and climbing to new heights. Study and judge the development trend of science and technology, give full play to the leading role of academics, gather wisdom to tackle key problems, unite and collaborate, and take the initiative in the development of key core technologies and industries.
Article 5: Set an example of adhering to academic ethics and rigorous scholarship. Carry forward the fine traditions of the Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty), carry forward the pragmatic spirit of pursuing truth, lead by example, be strict in self-discipline, adhere to ethics first, integrity-based, dedication, indifference to fame and fortune, consciously practice the core socialist values, and lead the society Good fashion.
Article 6: Be a role model for others and encourage others to learn. Should shoulder the responsibility of recommending and cultivating young scientific and technological talents, promote the educational spirit of learning as a teacher and acting as a model for the world, and contribute to the emergence of innovative and top-notch talents.
Article 7: Abide by the "Articles of Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" and the rules and regulations of the academic department, solemnly exercise the rights of academicians, earnestly perform the obligations of academicians, and better play the role of academicians. Strictly implement the department meeting system, participate in the co-optation of academicians as required, and participate in the discipline development strategy research and consultation and review organized by the department, academic activities and publications, scientific norms and ethics, promotion of the spirit of scientists, science popularization and education, international exchanges and cooperation, etc. Work.
Chapter 2 Code of Conduct for Scientific Research Activities
Article 8: Establish scientific values and concepts, take exploring truth and discovering new knowledge as the mission, serve the society and benefit mankind as the goal, take scientific spirit and scientific culture as the soul, and pursue scientific excellence.
Article 9: Persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and adhering to a serious, strict, and rigorous scientific attitude. Abide by scientific ethics, adhere to the bottom line, exercise strict self-discipline, and play a leading role in the construction of scientific research integrity. Oppose academic impetuousness and exaggeration, and oppose all scientific research misconduct.
Article 10: Carry forward the spirit of scientific and technological collaboration and collectivism, respect the labor and rights of collaborators and others, take the lead in strictly practicing academic norms, and strive to cultivate scientific research teams with both ability and political integrity.
Article 11 Actively advocate the double-hundred policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend", carry forward academic democracy, fully respect different opinions in the academic field, actively respond to academic doubts, and have the courage to correct academic mistakes.
Article 12 Strictly implement relevant national regulations, abide by scientific research integrity requirements, comply with scientific and technological ethics norms, and conduct responsible scientific research.
Article 13: Focus on the main responsibilities and main business and play an academic leading role. Working academicians must insist on working on the front line of scientific research in their professional fields, and generally spend no less than two-thirds of their time on scientific and technological innovation and R&D activities, going deep into the grassroots and front lines to solve practical problems.
Article 14 When undertaking scientific research projects, one must seek truth from facts, strictly perform scientific research contract obligations, and use scientific research funds reasonably and legally.
Academicians who serve as heads of party and government agencies, management agencies (units) with reference to the Civil Servant Law, and main heads of enterprises will no longer apply for scientific research projects during their tenure.
Chapter 3 Code of Conduct for Social Activities
Article 15 Actively promote the scientific spirit, spread scientific ideas, advocate scientific methods, and popularize scientific knowledge. Actively use professional expertise to interpret and solve issues of national and social concern. If physical conditions permit, participate in at least one science popularization activity for the public every year.
Article 16 Consciously abide by the relevant regulations on remuneration, retirement and other matters of the state and the unit where you work.
Article 17 Consciously abide by the department’s regulations on part-time management, and part-time work must be consistent with your own energy and time. Consciously abide by the academician reporting system.
Article 18 Participants who participate in assessment review, consultation, teaching, academic exchange and other activities related to their subject field based on their own professional knowledge will be remunerated in accordance with relevant national standards. In the above-mentioned activities, we resolutely break the "four onlys" [only papers, only professional titles, only academic qualifications, onlñy awards (more here)], adhere to the principles of confidentiality, fairness and impartiality, seek truth from facts, not show favoritism, and consciously resist all unhealthy tendencies.
Article 19 Consciously accept social supervision and correctly handle doubts and criticisms. When making public remarks, we must be consistent with the major policies of the Party Central Committee.
Chapter 4 Code of Conduct for Additional Selection Work
Article 20: Stand at the height of national interests, proceed from the overall situation of science and technology, follow the principles of fairness, objectivity, and integrity, and strictly control the quality of additional selections. Those who participate in the co-option work must strictly abide by the co-option work disciplines and sign a letter of commitment.
Article 21 When recommending candidates, we must take scientific research integrity and disciplinary standards as the bottom line, insist on having both ability and political integrity, adhere to academician standards, fully understand the scientific and technological achievements and scientific ethics of the recommended candidates, and independently judge the candidates’ merits Academic level and contribution, recommend candidates responsibly and write recommendations.
Article 22 During the selection process, carefully read and study the candidates’ materials, and comprehensively, scientifically and objectively judge and evaluate the candidates’ academic level and contributions.
Article 23: Abandon the interests of departments, units and disciplines, and perform election rights solemnly and responsibly. Pay attention to the development of major nationally urgent fields, basic disciplines and emerging interdisciplinary disciplines, and pay attention to the balance of disciplines.
Article 24: Consciously resist unhealthy tendencies and administrative interference in co-election work, resist various human evaluations, bear the responsibility for reporting inappropriate behavior in co-election work, and report violations of the co-election work norms or codes of conduct in a timely manner report. Complaints or relevant materials received about candidates should be promptly submitted to the department's working organization for registration.
Article 25: Strictly abide by the avoidance system and confidentiality regulations for co-election work.
Article 26 Academicians who serve as heads of party and government organs, administrative agencies (units) with reference to the Civil Servant Law, and principal persons in charge of enterprises shall have their right to recommend and vote suspended during their term of office.
Chapter 5 Prohibited Behaviors
Article 27 It is prohibited to participate in activities that damage the reputation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and its academicians. It is prohibited to seek improper benefits by using the title of academician. It is prohibited to participate in activities other than the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, departments and academic groups, and academic journals in the name of academicians. It is prohibited to participate in various casual and social activities. It is prohibited to participate in setting up non-academic activity venues named after “academicians”.
Article 28 It is prohibited to publicly express academic opinions that have nothing to do with one’s own professional field. It is prohibited to participate in consultation, review, evaluation, evaluation, recommendation and other activities that have nothing to do with one's job responsibilities and professional fields. It is prohibited to violate the principles of fairness and confidentiality in activities such as recommendation, review, appraisal and awards.
Article 29 All kinds of improper conduct in the co-optation of academicians are prohibited. It is prohibited to accept recommendations entrusted by any individual or unit or recommend without principle; it is prohibited to intercede and say hello in the selection of academicians; it is prohibited to have improper contacts and exchanges of interests with candidates; it is prohibited to accept gifts under various names; it is prohibited to participate in activities that may affect the fairness of the selection of academicians. meetings and events.
Article 30 It is prohibited to communicate with candidates about matters related to co-election work in violation of regulations. It is prohibited to disclose WeChat, text messages, emails, letters and other complaint information or materials received by individuals related to the co-optation of academicians.
Article 31 It is prohibited to disclose to others in any way the discussions, evaluations, complaints, investigation and handling opinions on candidates, election results, etc. during the selection process. It is prohibited to disclose any information about the entire co-option process to the public without authorization.
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
Article 32 Consciously abide by this code of conduct. Any violation will be dealt with according to relevant regulations.
Article 33 This specification has been reviewed and approved by the Presidium of the Division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and approved for implementation by the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Presidium of the Division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is responsible for interpretation and revision.
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