Sunday, March 02, 2025

CfP: 11th Annual ICGS Conference: 2025 Theme--Transformative Corporate Governance


Delighted to pass along the CfP for the 11th Annual ICGS Conference: Transformative Corporate Governance at the University of Manchester. It will be held 17-19 October 2025. This from the conference organizers:

Each year, the ICGS conference provides a forum for international academics and policymakers to showcase and discuss the latest corporate governance research issues and practices. The 11th annual conference aims to foster a lively, multidisciplinary dialogue and debate among scholars and practitioners by concentrating on the transformative role of corporate governance. As we are experiencing continuous transformation in the contemporary business world, companies are expected to navigate a changing economic and socio-political environment in an effective and sustainable way. For example, business communities and management scholarship are increasingly paying attention to “grand challenges” such as: Artificial intelligence; Climate change; Deglobalisation; Geopolitical tensions; Global health issues; and Poverty reduction

While corporate governance is well-recognised for promoting accountability to shareholders and stakeholders, its role in helping companies manage external changes and transform their practices and environment is still underexplored. It becomes evident that we need to further understand and appreciate the role of corporate governance in periods of societal transformation. As the first industrial city and a hub of innovation, Manchester is the ideal place for such discussions and exchanges of ideas.

 The CfP may be accessed HERE and follows below.



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