Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Socialize the People to the New Era Official History and the Project of National Rejuvenation Under the Leadership of the Vanguard!: 深入领会新时代的历史性成就和历史性变革 [Deeply understand the historic achievements and historic changes of the new era]


  经过艰苦奋斗,中国人民用自己的双手在中华大地上实现了全面建成小康社会的目标,打赢了脱贫攻坚战,历史性地解决了绝对贫困问题。图为第四届中国图片大赛簕杜鹃特别奖获奖作品《大庆3100张脱贫户笑脸绽放幸福画卷》,该图片是大庆市摄影家协会用拼图方式完成的,主图主人公是脱贫户王玉兰。Pix credit : (深入领会新时代的历史性成就和历史性变革).

There is no point going to the trouble of developing of official history if one is not prepared to use it to help shape the masses. The nation can be better brought to overcome the contradictions of the current historical era and to change itself and its way of understanding the world under the leadership of the vanguard with an official history. "The more comprehensive the understanding of the historical process, the more profound the grasp of historical laws, the richer the party's historical wisdom, and the more active the grasp of the future."  (深入领会新时代的历史性成就和历史性变革 来源:《求是》2022/01 作者:曲青山 2022-01-01 16:00:48 ).

China now has its official history for the new era (discussed at "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century" [中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议(全文)] Text and Thoughts). In an address to the Democratic Life Meeting on Party History Learning and Education held by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee from December 27 to 28, 2021, Xi Jinping elaborated on the value and use of the Central Committee Resolution on the Historic Achievements of the Party. His remarks were summarized in an essay that appeared in Qiushi, the theoretical organ of the Chinese Communist Party1 January 2022 under the authorship of "Qu Qingshan." That essay, 深入领会新时代的历史性成就和历史性变革来源:《求是》2022/01 作者:曲青山 2022-01-01 16:00:48[Deeply understand the historic achievements and historic changes of the new era; Source: "Seeking Truth" [Qiushi] 2022/01 Author: Qu Qingshan 2022-01-01 16:00:48], is worth reading.

That essay follows below in the original Chinese as well as in a crude English translation.  Most of it speaks for itself and is quite straightforward. A very few points may be worth underlining.

1. Both the Central Committee History Resolution and this  "Deeply Understand" essay are essential elements in the construction of New Era developments of Chinese Marxist-Leninism. It is a memory, justification, and the application of the insights of the normative project of Chinese Leninism in its long term work of moving society toward the establishment of Communist society in China.  At the same time, the Resolution and its official interpretation (plus this application guide) also continue to help shape and evolve New Era theory. But more importantly, it suggests the dynamic nature of Chinese Marxist Leninism that ensures that it is flexible enough to respond to the current situation both by the evolution of policy and the theoretical basis for the deployment of policy. Systems that are capable of dynamic evolution--through mechanics of textual interpretation, through a magisterium, or through processes of periodic reform appear to retain a closer connection with the masses whose behavior is its subject and object.

2. The "Deeply Understand" essay, like many that will be written around it (and the "Resolution"), is focused on two audiences and thus speaks at two tonal levels. The first and simplest "tone" is the effort to popularize the sometimes more complex and subtle weaving of more than a  century of theoretical-political development in ways that may be more easily conveyed to, taught, and absorbed by the masses. There will be more of this  as more targeted instructional materials are prepared for various target audiences (students, rural populations, workers, etc.). The more nuanced tone is directed toward Party cadres, especially at the lower and middle levels. That too, will produce additional teaching materials that will also be targeted to the different levels of the Party. Without the mechanics of communal meaning making, without the policing of a common lens through which the world can be seen and understood, the integrity of the masses and the leadership of its core may be weakened. This is as important in liberal democratic theaters of authority as it is in Marxist Leninist ones, though the performance of power and the lenses are quite different and irreconcilable. States whose elites are unable to maintain a close connection between theory way of seeing the world and those of the masses may find their authority questioned  and their relevance threatened. Yet the maintenance of a common language is hard work, made harder by the need for internal translation and external projection.

3. There is a third audience that appears on the sidelines.  That audience includes foreign friends (for whom these materials are meant to make the curation of history more accessible and better understood as part of the Chinese Marxist-Leninist project). But it also includes foreign competitors and opponents, for whom these materials are meant to develop a justification for and a legitimization of the the Chinese Marxist Leninist project in history, and, through history, to its authority in contemporary times.This projection is a critical element of the development of Chinese ideological internationalism (as it has been for the similar project of liberal democratic internationalism).  Its focus on the developing state camp is also crucial.  It is clear that except for sympathetically intellectual elites in the liberal democratic camp, such projections are important principally to ensure the preservation f a space for legitimacy and the challenge to the liberal democratic camp's claims to universalism. That is a cultural-political project and an old one. But so is the effort to project  Chinese Leninism in forms that may be both interesting to and compatible with the needs and outlooks of developing states.  The Belt & Road Initiative provides the space where such a project may be undertaken.  These performances of theory and their memorialization may serve as the means of translating these notions  beyond Chinese territorial borders. Consequently it may be more important to gauge how these expressions are received in developing states than their reception in Washington, D.C., New York, Paris, or Berlin.




来源:《求是》2022/01 作者:曲青山 2022-01-01 16:00:48





























  党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央把科技创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,作出战略谋划和系统部署。一大批重大创新成果竞相涌现,一些前沿领域开始进入并跑、领跑阶段,科技实力正在从量的积累迈向质的飞跃、从点的突破迈向系统能力提升,对促进经济社会发展、提高国家综合实力、满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要的支撑作用显著增强。图为2021年11月20日拍摄的中国光谷科技会展中心“5G+工业互联网成果展”现场。 新华社发 伍志尊/摄





  党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央以前所未有的力度抓生态文明建设,我国生态环境保护发生历史性、转折性、全局性变化。甘肃省张掖市黑泉村曾长期受风沙袭扰,经过当地村民数十年不懈努力,肆虐的“黄龙”被层层“绿网”牢牢锁住,实现了“绿富同兴”。图为祁连山下的西沙窝防风固沙林带。 郑耀德/摄





















Deeply understand the historic achievements and historic changes of the new era
Source: "Seeking Truth" [Qiushi] 2022/01 Author: Qu Qingshan 2022-01-01 16:00:48

Deeply understand the historic achievements and historic changes of the new era

Qu Qingshan

Historical cognition is an important basis for historical confidence. The more comprehensive the understanding of the historical process, the more profound the grasp of historical laws, the richer the party's historical wisdom, and the more active the grasp of the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized this at the Democratic Life Meeting on Party History Learning and Education held by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee from December 27 to 28, 2021.

The "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Hundred Years of Struggle" (hereinafter referred to as the "Resolution") deliberated and passed by the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is a programmatic document of Marxism; it is the new era of the Communist Party of China People keep in mind the original mission, adhere to and develop the political declaration of socialism with Chinese characteristics; take history as a mirror, create the future, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The "Resolution" comprehensively summarizes the major achievements and historical experience of the party's century-long struggle. It is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to have the original mission, inherit the red genes, promote the whole party to further unify thoughts, wills, and actions, and unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to win the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.


The "Resolution" clearly divides the party's century-long struggle into four historical periods, namely the period of the new democratic revolution, the period of socialist revolution and construction, the new period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Judging from the space occupied by each historical period, the fourth part, "Creating a New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics", uses the most pen and ink and occupies the largest space, more than half of the Resolution. If we say that the first part "grasps the great victory of the new democratic revolution", the second part "completes the socialist revolution and promotes socialist construction", and the third part "carries out reform and opening up and socialist modernization" is the part of the party's century-long struggle in broad brush strokes. The fourth part is the "fine brushwork" in the party's century-long struggle.

Why does the Resolution make such a layout and arrangement, and what are the considerations?

First, our party has made a systematic summary of the history of the first three periods. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his explanation of the "Resolution": "For the Party during the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the period of socialist revolution and construction, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party to the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party The history of the period, the first two historical resolutions have been systematically summarized; the achievements and experience of the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, the Party Central Committee held the 20th and 30th anniversaries of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. I made a careful summary, and I gave a speech at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, and I also made a systematic summary." For the first and second historical periods, the summary of the first two historical resolutions "the basic expositions and conclusions are still up to now. Be applicable". For the third historical period, the careful summary by the Party Central Committee and the systematic summary by General Secretary Xi Jinping still have important guiding significance.

After arduous struggle, the Chinese people used their own hands to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects on the land of China, won the battle against poverty, and solved the problem of absolute poverty historically. The picture shows the 4th China Photo Contest Bougainvillea Special Award winning work "3100 pictures of happy faces of poverty alleviation households in Daqing". This picture was completed by the Daqing Photographers Association with a puzzle. The main character of the picture is Wang Yulan, a poverty alleviation household.

Second, the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an intermediate link between the past and the future, connecting the past at one end and the future at the other. The past, present, and future are interlinked. Today comes from yesterday, and tomorrow comes from today. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in his explanation of the "Resolution": "The emphasis on the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics will help guide the whole party to further strengthen its confidence, focus on what we are doing, and move forward with a more high-spirited attitude towards the new journey. A new era of meritorious deeds.”

Third, perceptual cognition needs to rise to rational cognition in time. Comrade Mao Zedong once said: "Our practice has proved that what we feel, we cannot immediately understand it, and only what we understand can we feel it more deeply. Feeling only solves phenomenal problems, and theory solves essential problems." Only by doing scientific abstraction, can we understand the essence of things, grasp the laws of history, enhance historical consciousness, and carry forward history initiative. The new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been created since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Every Chinese is a participant, witness and practitioner of this era. Although everyone has personal feelings and personal experiences about the new era, if they do not systematically summarize and rise to the level of rational understanding in time, then these feelings and experiences are only perceptual, partial, and incomplete. stage, it is inevitable to have one-sidedness and historical limitations.

The "Resolution" concentrates the wisdom of the whole party, promotes democracy, brainstorms, carefully and timely inventory, sort out, and summarize the new era. It will undoubtedly play an extremely important role and significance in maintaining the good development momentum in the past and continuing to forge ahead with an unremitting struggle.


The section "Creating a New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" in the "Resolution" recalls the extraordinary journey of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, uniting and leading the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It fully reflects the latest achievements of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to keep pace with the times, and systematically summarizes the historic achievements and historic changes that have taken place in the cause of the party and the country in the new era.

To learn and comprehend this part of the "Resolution", we must first understand and grasp the decisive meaning of the "two establishments". The "Resolution" profoundly summed up the party's century-long struggle and the great practice since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and reached a major political conclusion, which is "two establishments". The "Resolution" pointed out: "The Party has established Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, and establishes the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The development of the cause of the party and the country is of decisive significance for advancing the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." The baseline and key point of this major political assertion lies in "the development of the cause of the party and the country in the new era and the historical process of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is decisive."

Under what historical background and conditions were the "two establishments" established? It was established in the new era, new development stage and new historical orientation. What kind of era is the new era? What kind of connotation does it have? The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China devoted a paragraph to the discussion, and the Resolution also made further emphasis. The "Resolution" pointed out: "The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core will make overall plans to grasp the overall situation of the strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes unseen in the world in a century, and emphasize that the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is to inherit the past and usher in the future, build on the past and usher in the future, and continue under new historical conditions. The era of winning the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the era of decisively building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and then building a great modern socialist country in an all-round way. The era in which all the sons and daughters of the Chinese people work together and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is an era in which our country continues to make greater contributions to mankind." This is the connotation and characteristics of the five aspects of the new era, and these five aspects have also been determined. The goals and historical tasks of our party at this historical stage. The "Resolution" pointed out: In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the main task facing the party is to achieve the first centenary goal, start a new journey to achieve the second centenary goal, and continue to move towards the grand goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. . It can be seen that the new era has marked the development of the party and the country in a new historical position.

It is in the historical position of the new era that General Secretary Xi Jinping, with profound people's feelings, outstanding political wisdom, and strong mission, leads the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups to carry forward the great historical initiative, and solve many long-term problems that have not been solved. We have accomplished many great things that we wanted to do in the past but could not be done, and pushed the cause of the party and the country to achieve historic achievements and bring about historic changes. In this process, General Secretary Xi Jinping has become the well-deserved core of the party, the leader of the people, and the commander-in-chief of the army. Among them, the "first establishment" was established at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and the "second establishment" was established at the 19th CPC National Congress. "Two establishments" is an inevitable conclusion drawn from summarizing the magnificent course of the new era, and it has been proved to be completely correct by practice.

In a mature Marxist political party, the establishment of a strong leadership core always complements and promotes the guidance of scientific thought. The great struggle of the new era has produced the Party's strong leadership core, and the Party's strong leadership core has led the great struggle of the new era; the great practice of the new era has nurtured and spawned the Party's innovative theory, and the Party's innovative theory has led the greatness of the new era. practice. The strong core, advanced ideas and extraordinary undertakings reflect each other, and in the process of mutual transformation and mutual promotion, the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.

The "two establishments" are not only the most important political achievements and the most valuable historical experience since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, but also a solemn historical conclusion drawn from a profound summary of the party's century-long struggle. Establishing a mature and stable leadership core and establishing the guiding position of scientific theory have always been related to the success or failure of the party's cause and the party's future and destiny. During the Revolutionary War, the Zunyi Conference in 1935 actually established the leadership of Comrade Mao Zedong in the Party Central Committee and the Red Army, and began to establish the leadership of the correct Marxist line with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative in the Party Central Committee, and began to form Comrade Mao Zedong as the core. The first generation of the central leadership collective of the party, which saved the party, the Red Army, and the Chinese revolution at the most critical moment, became a life-and-death turning point in the history of the party. In the next 10 years, from the Zunyi Conference to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is precisely because of the gradual formation of the first generation of the party's central leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core that our party can better summarize historical experience from an overall and strategic perspective. And theoretical thinking has made Mao Zedong Thought continue to develop and mature, and guide the Chinese revolutionary ship to ride the wind and waves and sail successfully to the other side of glory. Writing the "two establishments" into the "Resolution" is not only the result of historical development, the crystallization of historical struggle, but also the enlightenment of historical experience and the demonstration of historical laws, which fully demonstrates our party's high level of historical consciousness and historical confidence.

Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall. By adhering to and maintaining the "Two Establishments", our party will be able to adhere to the correct direction of progress, ride the wind and waves without getting lost, and constantly improve the party's We can always grasp the law of development, use the scientific world outlook and methodology to plan the development of the cause, deal with risks and challenges, and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to continuously open up a bright future for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


From the perspective of theoretical innovation and practical change, we can understand and grasp the historical achievements and historical changes that have taken place in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

——From the perspective of theoretical innovation, deeply grasp Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the latest achievement of the Sinicization of Marxism. How did Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era come into being? What kind of scientific connotation, historical status and significance does this thought have? The "Resolution" has made a comprehensive and in-depth exposition on this. The "Resolution" pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists, mainly represented by Comrade Xi Jinping, have insisted on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's concrete reality and with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and adhered to Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. , the important thought of "Three Represents", and the Scientific Outlook on Development, profoundly summed up and made full use of the historical experience since the founding of the party, and proceeded from the new reality to create Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The "combination of the two" mentioned here is a deepening and an improvement of our Party's understanding of this issue, and an important theoretical innovation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping made profound reflections and scientific judgments on a series of major theoretical and practical issues related to the development of the party and the country in the new era, and discussed what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics to adhere to and develop in the new era, and how to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. , what kind of modern socialist power to build, how to build a socialist modern power, what kind of long-term ruling Marxist political party, how to build a long-term ruling Marxist political party and other major issues of the times, and put forward a series of original state governance. New ideas, new ideas, new strategies. The "Resolution" has expanded from "a major issue of the era" in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to "three major issues of the era" on the major issues of the era answered by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is the main founder of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is contemporary Chinese Marxism, 21st century Marxism, and the essence of the times of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, realizing a new leap in the sinicization of Marxism. Of the above four sentences, the first, second, and fourth sentences were spoken after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and have been spoken all the time. This time, they were explicitly written into the "Resolution". The phrase "it is the essence of the era of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit" is a new evaluation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the Resolution, which was officially put forward for the first time in a party document.

The "Resolution" further summarizes the scientific connotation and core content of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era on the basis of the "eight clarifications" in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The first is to clarify that the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China is the highest political leadership force. Self-confidence" and achieve "two maintenance".

This article is based on the eighth point in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that "the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the party is the highest political leadership force "Mentioning here, the statement that "the whole party must strengthen the 'four consciousness', strengthen the 'four self-confidence', and achieve the 'two maintenance'" was added.

The second is to clearly uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. The general task is to realize socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the basis of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we will build a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful socialist in two steps by the middle of this century. A powerful modern country, promoting China with Chinese-style modernization Great national revival.

This article adds the expression "promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization".

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has placed scientific and technological innovation at the core of the overall national development, and has made strategic plans and systematic deployments. A large number of major innovation achievements have emerged one after another, and some frontier fields have entered the stage of parallel running and leading. The supporting role of comprehensive strength and meeting the people's growing needs for a better life has been significantly enhanced. The picture shows the scene of the "5G+ Industrial Internet Achievement Exhibition" at the China Optics Valley Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center on November 20, 2021. Xinhua News Agency Wu Zhizun / photo

The third is to clarify that the main contradiction in Chinese society in the new era is the contradiction between the people's ever-growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. We must adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, develop people's democracy throughout the process, and promote the all-round development of people. , The common prosperity of all the people has made more obvious and substantial progress.

This article adds the expressions of "developing people's democracy in the whole process" and "making more obvious substantive progress".

The fourth is to clarify that the overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the five-in-one of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction. Strictly govern the party in four comprehensive ways.

This article expresses the "five-in-one" and "four comprehensive" in the "eight clear". These two concepts appear in the Resolution for the first time, and after unfolding, readers can understand the connotations of "Five-in-One" and "Four Comprehensives" more clearly.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has made unprecedented efforts to build ecological civilization, and my country's ecological environment protection has undergone historic, turning and overall changes. Heiquan Village, Zhangye City, Gansu Province has been harassed by sandstorms for a long time. After decades of unremitting efforts of local villagers, the raging "Huanglong" has been firmly locked by layers of "green nets", realizing "green wealth and prosperity". The picture shows the Xishawo windbreak and sand-fixation forest belt under the Qilian Mountains. Zheng Yaode / photo

Fifth, it is clear that the overall goal of comprehensively deepening the reform is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and to promote the modernization of the country's governance system and governance capacity. Sixth, it is clear that the general goal of comprehensively promoting the rule of law is to build a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics and a socialist country under the rule of law.

These two are original.

Seventh, it is clear that the basic socialist economic system must be adhered to and improved, so that the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation, the government can better play its role, grasp the new development stage, implement the new development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and speed up Build a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles mutually promoting each other, promote high-quality development, and coordinate development and security.

This one is brand new.

Eighth, it is clear that the party's goal of strengthening the army in the new era is to build a people's army that obeys the party's command, can win battles, and has a good work style, and build the people's army into a world-class army.

This one is original.

The ninth is to make it clear that major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics should serve national rejuvenation, promote human progress, promote the building of a new type of international relations, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

This article adds the expression "serving national rejuvenation and promoting human progress".

Tenth is to clarify the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, put forward the general requirements for party building in the new era, comprehensively promote the party's political, ideological, organizational, work style, and discipline building, integrate system development, and further promote anti-corruption. struggle, implement the political responsibility of governing the party, and lead the great social revolution with the great self-revolution.

This article retains the expression "putting forward the general requirements for party building in the new era" and puts it at the end of the "Ten Clarifications", echoing the party's leadership from start to finish.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China summarizes the core content of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era from two aspects. On the one hand, it talks about the "eight clarifications" from the ideological and conceptual level, and on the other hand, it talks about the "fourteen adherences" from the basic strategy level. . The "Resolution" enriched and developed the "eight clarifications" into "ten clarifications", reflecting that since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era has been further enriched and developed in practice. The "Ten Clarifications" are a re-summarization and refinement of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

——From the perspective of practical change, deeply grasp the new achievements of practice in the new era. The "Resolution" systematically expounds the major strategies, major work promoted, and major measures launched by the Party since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China from 13 aspects, focusing on summarizing original ideas, transformative practices, breakthroughs Progress, landmark achievement.

These 13 aspects are: adherence to the overall leadership of the party, comprehensive and strict governance of the party, economic construction, comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up, political construction, comprehensive rule of law, cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction, national defense and military construction, and safeguarding the country Security, adherence to "one country, two systems" and promoting the reunification of the motherland, and diplomatic work. If we compare the 13 aspects of the Resolution with the 14 aspects of the basic strategy for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era stated in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will find that the 13 aspects are mainly from the practical level. The "Fourteen Persistence" is from a strategic point of view, the former is the expansion and deepening of the latter in the field of practice, and it is also the expansion and deepening of the "Ten Clarifications" in the field of practice.

The elaboration of each of the 13 aspects in the "Resolution" generally follows the historical context, the background of the times, the practice process, the chronological order, the logical relationship, and the specific content. The content of the narrative is in various fields, under what historical conditions, what kind of problems, what kind of thinking, what kind of strategies and what kind of measures did General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee take? , leading the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to do what they did, how they did it, and what kind of results they finally achieved. It can be said that it is a comprehensive summary and comprehensive demonstration of the achievements and experience of the Party Central Committee in the new era with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core.

These historic achievements are comprehensive and groundbreaking. For example, China has built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, won the battle against poverty in an all-round way, and solved the problem of absolute poverty that has plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It is worth more than 10,000 US dollars, ranking among the middle-income countries in the world; my country has achieved a large number of landmark achievements in basic and cutting-edge fields such as manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, supercomputing, quantum communication, large aircraft manufacturing, and aircraft carriers. Realize the leap from "following" to "running side by side" and "leading"; build the world's largest social security system, 1.02 billion people have basic pension insurance, 1.36 billion people have basic medical insurance, and people's living standards have improved significantly... …

These historic changes are deep and fundamental. For example, adhere to the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, focus on the construction of work style from the spirit of implementing the eight regulations of the Central Committee, and carry out the anti-corruption struggle with a zero-tolerance attitude. Overwhelming victory and comprehensive consolidation; adhere to the overall goal of improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and advancing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. Remodeling and overall restructuring; insist on grasping the requirements of entering a new development stage, firmly establish a new development concept, and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles mutually promoting each other, realizing the traditional development concept. , a fundamental change in the development model...

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the cause of the party and the country has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. The most fundamental reason is that General Secretary Xi Jinping is the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole party is at the helm, and that it has Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping. Scientific guide to socialist ideology.

This is the conclusion drawn by history, the answer given by practice, and the judgment made by the people.

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