Thursday, August 18, 2022

Jiang Shigong, "The rise of great powers and the revival of civilization——The Taiwan issue under the "protracted war of civilization'" [强世功 《大国崛起与文明复兴——“文明持久战”下的台湾问题》]


 The liberal democratic states have tended to view the recent events in Taiwan as another episode of something like the series, Game of Thrones. The liberal democracies, like the noble houses playing the great game in fantasy historical political dramas, think in terms of chess. That is a natural--a semiotic incarnation--of the fundamental approaches to the rationalization of order, the expectations of social organization, and the elaboration of the highest objectives of political organs--the object is to capture the king, and thus the kingdom. These political organs are hierarchical, but consist of semi autonomous actors, each a prisoner of the characteristics that define themselves and their roles in both the social order and in the objectives of collective organization.  The bishop, the castle, the horse. . . . the pawn. The chessboard itself serves as the boundaries of the reality within which the internal games among collectives takes place.  Beyond the board there is nothing--or at least nothing worth signification. Power relations in chess are contained within the board (like they are contained within the institutions of state) but are understood as the aggregation of aligned demi-powers with their own attributes. That is, power relations are endogenous and the players are understood to be the forces of nature.

Taiwan is a piece on the liberal democratic chessboard, but the Chinese vanguard  sees Taiwan as a space, a territory,  on a vastly different board, the rules of which, it players and objectives, are in some ways strikingly different (even in subtle ways) from the chess board in which the liberal democracies place Taiwan. The game, its rules, structures, and boundaries are as confining as those of chess.  But this is not chess. It is Go.  Like chess it is played on a square board.  But the pieces (stones) are undifferentiated.  They are all pawns--the leader sits outside the board directing the pawns, rather than in the game itself. The King in Go--the vanguard or leading force, sits outside the board (the field of play).  In chess, the leading forces act collaboratively and oppositionally within the board. And the object is different--the object is territory. One wins when one surrounds more territory than an opponent. Power relations in Go lie outside the game. There is a sharp division between the mass forces on the board and the leading forces of the guiding vanguard. Like chess, Go players are constrained  by the inherent nature of the pieces--but that nature is both different and directed toward different ends. In Go power relations are exogenous and the players are the vanguard and holders of the mandate of heaven (where heaven is understood to be the incarnation of the rules themselves) who move the masses over territories they seek to control.

This difference, perhaps, speaks to much of the inability of either Chinese or American elites to understand each other, much less to find a space of common ground beyond the ambiguity of effects (interpreted--signified-- in substantially different ways). That has been the story of the so-called "One China" policy.  And it helps explain the risk of engagement as either side seeks to shift the effects on which the ability of ambiguity rests.  Both sides have been doing a bit of shifting effects lately.  Both sides see an end game in sight--the Chinese to acquire territory (the victory in Go); and the Americans to move to constrain the king and dominate the board (the victory in chess). Both sides have advanced arguments to support their actions and justify their objectives.  Neither side is listening very intently to the other. While the Chinese seek territorial union (and from it the consequences of territorial control), the Americans seek extra sovereign autonomy--not control of the territory but the autonomy of  the Taiwanese under the umbrella of a rules based international order (as they call it).   

Applying the semiotics of the games that define a civilization (more on that term below), one can see how civilization defines  the premises through which perception (and thus the construction) of challenge and interactions are China looks at Taiwan and sees territory with people on it; the United States looks at Taiwan and sees people who create a society on a territory.  These differences, and their relationship to civilization, and to civilization's relationship to Taiwan are the central object of an important essay that was circulated recently in China.  In  "The rise of great powers and the revival of civilization——The Taiwan issue under the "protracted war of civilization", Peking University's Jiang Shigong correctly argues that the issue of Taiwan is not merely a political issue, but more importantly it marks  an important point in a longer term ideological event. 

For Jiang, then, Taiwan is the current battlefield of modernity, and of China's engagement and then liberation from it.  Through this lens, it become quite clear that to liberate Taiwan is effectively to liberate Chinese civilization with its engagement with Anglo-European modernity, and the equally ancient civilization that they represent. Jiang argues, and again correctly, that Taiwan  is not yet another example of the playing out of pathetic versions of realpolitik by inferior practitioners with the breadth of knowledge of a glowworm at noon. Instead it represents an important point in the consequences of the peculiar form of Chinese confrontation with European modernity in the late Qing (prior engagements appear to have been more propitious). For Jiang, 这不是单纯军事战争,而是近代以来面对西方文明侵入,中国人在政治、经济和文化各领域展开的生死存亡之战 ["This is not a purely military war, but a life-and-death battle for the Chinese people in the political, economic and cultural fields in the face of the invasion of Western civilization since modern times." Editor's Introduction]. 

The essay on Taiwan, then, starts at its center--the fundamentally unfinished business of Chinese confrontation with the delights and perils of received modernity. It then incarnates that unfinished business within the geographies of the territorial humiliations of the decaying Qing, and of the need to regain what was lost.  Ideology and civilization, in other words as territory. It then situates that territory (in this case Taiwan)  among the variations in conceptions of the international order and within Chinese politics.  All of this is undertaken by way of introduction to the larger themes playing out within the small vessel which is Taiwan--the protracted war of civilizations as Jiang calls it.  That takes the analysis outward ("National Strategy in the Stage of Strategic Stalemate") and inward ("The Challenge of Taiwan issue to Mainland Academics") and back again to modernity ("Reconstruction of History and Modernity") and the politics of civilization. This time the Chinese leadership will apply in a more innovative fashion the lessons of Hong Kong 2019 ("Academics and Politics"). 

Is Jiang playing on a "Go" board, on a "chess" board, or is the seeking to play on an altogether different board? Perhaps, it is more accurate to say that what Jiang sounds the alarm about is the dangers of turning Go "stones" to individualized chess pieces. That may be the thinking that drives the current intensity of response to the current Taiwan situation brought into the open with the visit of Mrs. Pelosi to Taiwan but long simmering. While liberal democratic elites and their press organ popularizers continue to thnk in terms of chess, and through the methodological lens of interest oriented politics, their Chinese opponents may be thinking along quite different, and for them, quite fndametally decisive lines.  That does not change objectives, bit it may suggest a means of improving communication and adjusting strategy to align objectives and tactics against a better understood target. That, at any rate, might be useful to consider on the liberal democratic side.  On the Chinese side, exposition is not proof--and the elaboration of a counter ideology grounded in civilizationally distinct modalities of rationalization does not in itself eviscerate that against which it is deployed. To know oneself is the step step.  But it is no the last, and territories can be surrounded in a number of different and some more elegant ways.

The essay is reproduced below in its original Chinese and in a crude English translation. Readers from liberal democratic states will especially profit from considering the essay, not necessarily for the truth of what it argues, bit for the premises around which it is possible to construct these arguments in ways that not only remain true to the ordering principles of the world view in which it is embedded, but for how that world view substantially affects the way that its holders see themselves, see others, and thus see in Manichean  terms the meeting of those two quite distinct visions on the territory and with the people of Taiwan. My own consideration of the essay follows in the next post.


台海变天? 北大教授: 还有一场决定性的暗战要拿下 | 文化纵横

强世功 文化纵横 2022-08-06 20:15 Posted on 北京

✪ 强世功 | 北京大学法学院
























中华文明的孕育和成熟与其独特的地理环境密切相关。东部、南部广阔的大海和西部高山峻岭为东亚大陆上的文明发育提供了安全屏障,唯一的不足是北部开阔的高原。国家分裂或朝代灭亡也大都来自北方势力的入侵,长城由此成为构筑帝国安全的最后屏障,成为国家安全的象征。不过也正是来自北方不断侵入才刺激着文明的成长。这种相对安全的地理环境形成了“分久必合,合久比分”的历史循环论,也促进了民族和文化之间的融合,使得中华文明对任何其他民族和文化怀着一个开放的心态。古典中国政治追求的从来都是“以天下为己任”的普遍主义,只有“天下”和“文明”的观点,而没有狭隘的国家或民族观点,以至于白鲁恂(Lucian W.Pye)说,“中国是佯装成国家的文明”。















活跃在美国政界的汉学家谭若思(Ross Terrill)指出,一旦台湾不再以独立实体存在,东亚的权力平衡亦会跟着改变,日本会减低对美国安全保证的信赖,菲律宾、越南也将会重新考虑对中国的看法。当然,他给美国政府提供的政策建议就是肢解中国,支持台湾独立。而亨廷顿在《文明的冲突》中甚至假想了一场台海战争引发亚洲战争最终摧毁中国。























































































The Taiwan Strait is changing? Peking University professor: There is still a decisive dark battle to win | Cultural aspect

Qiang Shigong Cultural aspect 2022-08-06 20:15 Posted on Beijing


The new issue of "Cultural Landscape" will be released in August 2022

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Jiang Shigong | Peking University Law School


[Introduction] Recently, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan, intensifying tensions across the Taiwan Strait. As one of the countermeasures, the Chinese People's Liberation Army implemented sea and airspace control in the waters around the Taiwan Island, and carried out joint exercises in actual combat. Conventional missiles crossed the Taiwan Island for the first time, attracting attention from all walks of life.


From a long-term historical perspective, this paper analyzes the past, present, and future of the Taiwan issue in the context of civilization revival. The author believes that thinking about the Taiwan issue should start with thinking about the dilemma of modernity faced by China. The Taiwan issue is not only a political event, but also an ideological event, which concerns the future of whether the Chinese civilization can be revived in the future. The Taiwan question is essentially a "protracted war" between two civilizational forces in Asia. This is not a purely military war, but a life-and-death battle waged by the Chinese in the political, economic and cultural fields in the face of the invasion of Western civilization since modern times. Therefore, to solve the Taiwan issue, we must take war seriously and truly prepare for war in exchange for lasting peace. The biggest obstacle to solving the Taiwan issue is precisely that we lack a set of civilized forces to exert cultural influence and win the unification of people's hearts. In this regard, Chinese people of insight should break the deadlock, transcend dogma, region or even group self-interest, and share the arduous fate of modern China, not only to provide the Chinese with a picture of the future of civilization, but also to transform political power into civilized power; It not only solves the Taiwan issue fundamentally, but also provides an ethical example for human life.


This article was originally published in "Open Times", and the original title was "Rise of Great Powers and Revival of Civilization: The Taiwan Issue under the "Protracted War of Civilization", which only represents the author's point of view and is hereby compiled for readers' reference.


The rise of great powers and the revival of civilization——The Taiwan issue under the "protracted war of civilization"


In a complex political situation, the Taiwan issue has become the key to China's domestic and foreign affairs. On the one hand, whether China can rise peacefully is closely related to how to solve the Taiwan issue, which needs to be examined in the context of the reorganization of the international political landscape; on the other hand, the Taiwan issue is closely related to China’s gradual political transformation, and how to solve the Taiwan issue It is not only about the choice of means based on the current situation, but also about the construction of China's future political system and the revival of Chinese civilization.


The Taiwan issue is not only a political event, but also an ideological event. It involves not only the internal affairs of reunification and division and the international issue of China's rise and the world structure, but also the future of mankind, whether the Chinese civilization can be revived in the future. This is actually a problem that China has been facing since it entered modern times. Therefore, when thinking about the Taiwan issue, we must first start by thinking about the dilemma of modernity that China is facing.


The dilemma of modernity facing China


The national transformation that China has undergone since entering modern times has undoubtedly opened up a broad space for civil liberties, and the free creation of everyone has brought new vitality to the ancient civilization. Today, we have not only created a miracle in the history of human economic development and formed a unique "Beijing Model", but also engaged in an unprecedented undertaking for mankind on the road of promoting constitutionalism, rule of law and democracy: facing the consequences of  modernity, are we walking on the road of the end of history as a "follower", or are we opening up a new historical road for mankind with the consciousness of a political nation? This is not so much a challenge and test of history to Chinese civilization, as it is an opportunity that history has given us as a nation.


However, in contrast to the vibrant free creativity of everyone, we are faced with unprecedented difficulties and intricate problems, because we have to walk through the thousand years of Western history in just over a hundred years. Years of modernization. Equity issues, moral issues, corruption issues, education issues, population issues and environmental issues, etc. These piles of issues transform individual freedom into sharp social conflicts: conflicts between rich and poor, conflicts between officials and people, regional differences, urban-rural differences, etc., These contradictions certainly require the establishment of a harmonious society under the rule of law, which should be regulated and regulated through a set of fair and reasonable systems, but it is undeniable that behind these apparent contradictions lies a deep basic contradiction of human existence: the large population of conflict with limited resources. All these issues cannot be considered as a simple policy or system, but must be considered in the context of modernity.


In fact, modern liberalism provides us with a fundamental perspective for thinking about these issues: maximizing utility through the market allocation of resources. This means that in the era of globalization, excess labor can be alleviated by the free flow of population, and resource scarcity can naturally be solved through the global market. However, this ideal of liberalism has been stifled by an external force. In the current Western-dominated global economic system, capital and material resources can flow freely around the world, but labor resources cannot. This means that our large labor force must be trapped in this resource-poor land, and our economic policy can only seek to attract foreign capital, but not export labor.


No matter what reasons Western economists concoct, they cannot hide the common sense of an ordinary person. The Chinese people's right to pursue happiness is limited by the harsh living environment. The harsh living environment breaks into the world, and what awaits them may be the fate of "stowaways". Some people may complain that China has too many people, but it is not a sin to have a large population. Everyone has the right to survive and live a happy life. China's large population cannot be a reason for them to lose their rights in the face of this unreasonable international economic order.


Although some Western economic theories believe that the free flow of labor can be replaced by the flow of resources, when we want to buy Russian oil, we will encounter resistance from Japan; when we want to buy oil in Central Asia, the power of the United States Start taking control of the countries there; when you want to import oil from Africa, the aircraft carriers that pop up on the long shipping line at any time make your free trade come to nothing. Free trade must be guaranteed by law, but whose law can guarantee such free trade? Hayek believes that "freedom is the absence of coercion", then, what kind of coercive force constitutes coercion on the free flow of population and resources on a global scale? The typical example we have seen is that if a country does not obey the political arrangements of the Western world, it will face economic sanctions from the Western world, and use the coercion of state violence to eliminate free trade.


It is here that liberalism touches an icy modern force, the sovereign force that constitutes the international order. Liberals do not like sovereignty because they know that the right of each individual to choose to live freely and to create freely is enforced by the sovereign powers of nations such as embassies, visa offices, immigration offices, customs and the courts behind them, prisons, the military, and so on. If the state and sovereignty cannot be completely eliminated on a global scale, and an "open society" or "world harmony" cannot be formed in which everyone moves freely on a global scale, then the individual freedom advocated by liberalism can only be downgraded to "civil liberty" , that is, civil liberties that presuppose the political community or the state. Therefore, true liberals never adopt an ostrich policy to hate sovereignty, but take it seriously and lead it. Hobbes, the originator of liberalism, organized free individuals into powerful sovereignty such as "Leviathan", and used sovereignty to oppose sovereignty, which constitutes the basic principle of modern international law.


Today, the Chinese people's right to pursue freedom is not only subject to various internal constraints, but also to external coercion, which often exacerbates internal conflicts. It is conceivable that if the energy and markets required for China's economic development are unreasonably restricted by other sovereign countries, what will happen to the Chinese people's pursuit of freedom. In fact, the reason why the economic policy after 1949 has moved towards a planned economy and even collectivization is inseparable from the complete blockade of China by the Western world. A free people must presuppose strong national sovereignty to curb the hegemony of other sovereigns, establish a fair and reasonable international order, ensure economic growth, and thus provide a good external environment for resolving internal conflicts.


National sovereignty is not a force imposed from outside, but is precisely the product of individual freedom. It comes from everyone's desire and will to pursue freedom, and it is the legal manifestation of popular sovereignty. State sovereignty is nothing but a tool for everyone to achieve freedom, and the extension of state sovereignty is also the extension of civil liberties. Civil liberties and state sovereignty constitute the two wings of modernity. In the age of globalization, national sovereignty is so important because everyone urgently needs to realize their freedom through national sovereignty.


The real dilemma of Chinese modernity is that while liberating civil liberties, the state is unable to satisfy its liberties. Today, our products have been exported all over the world, and our production raw materials rely on resources on a global scale. The closer we are to the world, the more we need national sovereignty to protect the supply chain of free trade on a global scale. In the era of globalization, the concept of national security has gone beyond the traditional scope, and it is in this sense that the Taiwan issue is closely linked to the fate of a free China.



China's Geographical Environment and National Security


National security is first and foremost the state's protection of its citizens' life, property and the pursuit of happiness and other basic human rights from being deprived by other countries. Therefore, a strong state is a necessary condition for ensuring the freedom of citizens. There are many accidental factors in the strength of a country, of which geographical environment is an important factor. Montesquieu linked the country's polity with its geographic environment, and when Tocqueville explored American democracy, the first thing Tocqueville saw was its unique geographic environment.


The gestation and maturity of Chinese civilization are closely related to its unique geographical environment. The vast seas in the east and south and the high mountains and mountains in the west provided a safety barrier for the development of civilization on the East Asian continent. The only shortcoming was the open plateau in the north. The division of the country or the demise of the dynasty also mostly came from the invasion of the northern forces, and the Great Wall became the last barrier to build the security of the empire and a symbol of national security. But it was the constant intrusion from the north that stimulated the growth of civilization. This relatively safe geographical environment has formed the historical cycle theory of "divide for a long time, and join for a long time", and also promoted the integration between ethnic groups and cultures, making Chinese civilization open to any other ethnic group and culture. The pursuit of classical Chinese politics has always been the universalism of "taking the world as one's own responsibility", with only the view of "world" and "civilization", but no narrow view of the state or nation, so much so that Lucian W.Pye said , "China is a civilization that pretends to be a country".




Since the nineteenth century, the invasion of the Western world has meant that China's ancient security concept has been comprehensively challenged. Because of the development of modern technology, the importance of geographical barriers in national security has been reduced. The southeastern coast, once a security barrier, has become the most insecure open door, and China's frontier faces a full-scale crisis. "A long period of separation must be united, and a long-term alliance must be divided" has also become an old Chinese calendar. The Chinese people are facing not only a crisis of national domination, but also a crisis of civilization being destroyed and races being wiped out. The Western world defeated the "civilized state" with a "nation-state" attitude. Since then, China has experienced a painful transition from a "civilized state" to a "nation-state".


It was in the face of the invasion of Western powers that the Chinese launched an internal revolution in order to resist foreign invasions. The Chinese people's struggle for state rights abroad has naturally become a domestic struggle for human rights. Human rights are intertwined with state rights, individual liberties and state sovereignty from the very beginning. The history of the Chinese people's construction of a "nation-state" is also the history of their construction of an international political order. "The country wants independence and the people want liberation." The history of Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong's construction of the republic is also the history of the Chinese nation's opposition to foreign oppression and the pursuit of civil liberties.


The "May Fourth" generation intertwined "enlightenment" with "salvation", because national independence is the guarantee of individual freedom, and individual freedom is the driving force of national independence. Civil liberties and the construction of the nation-state are thus closely linked, and the republic is founded on civil liberties and popular sovereignty. In this historical process, the fates of Taiwan and the mainland are closely linked. Even after 1949, cross-strait relations have always been in a "state of civil war" in international law. Whether it is resolved through peace or war depends on the political situation on both sides of the strait. development of.


The construction of the nation-state has been China's political effort to respond to the international order from the very beginning, so the establishment and development of the People's Republic, including the Taiwan issue, must also be understood in the context of the international political order. After the founding of New China, national security has always faced threats from the Soviet Union in the north and the US-Japan alliance in the east. Under the situation of the Soviet Union and the United States competing for hegemony, our alliance with the Soviet Union in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China also included considerations for the security of the North, and China's choice must be regarded as an enemy by the United States. The Korean War began, and the United States based on the strategy of "blocking China" Consider, including Taiwan in its "encirclement chain" in eastern China. In such an international security environment, the external environment of China's free economy is limited. In order to ensure the supply of capital and raw materials necessary for modernization, the planned economic model has gradually become a historical necessity.


The Sino-Soviet alliance did not mean that China would become a vassal state of the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union tried to bring China into its sphere of influence, our first generation of leaders categorically rejected the request, even at the cost of fighting against the Soviet Union. Since then, China's national security has been in a situation of being attacked on both sides. "If you drop your pants, you will also have to use the atomic bomb." Chen Yi's words express the aspirations of a generation of Chinese people to pursue freedom. For this freedom from foreign domination, a generation of Chinese has paid a heavy price for future generations. The Great Leap Forward, the People's Commune and the "Cultural Revolution" all gave priority to the development of heavy industry, military industry and the construction of these countries on the third line under the total blockade of the United States and the Soviet Union. Strategies are closely related, and it is impossible to understand the origins of domestic conflicts of interest without seeing such a hostile external environment. Such a security strategy will undoubtedly come at a huge price, but it has also created an environment for us to build peace for decades.


In order to counter the global hegemony of the Soviet Union, the United States established diplomatic relations with China in 1972, and the United States recognized Taiwan as a part of China. The blockade on China's eastern coast began to be lifted, and China's economic construction began from the southeast coast. Absorbing foreign capital and export trade became China's economic development strategy. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait entered a stage of benign interaction, and economic and trade continued to grow. However, when the disintegration of the Soviet Union made China's northern frontier relatively secure, the ensuing global hegemony of the United States not only expanded its influence into Central Asia, threatening China's northwestern frontier, but also reintroduced Taiwan as its fulcrum to contain China's rise, strengthening the its military alliance with Japan. Although the current global strategy of the United States is still in flux, Taiwan has undoubtedly become the strategic focus of the United States against China.



Taiwan in the International Order and Chinese Politics


As part of China's territory, Taiwan did not play an important role in traditional national security strategies, and thus did not become the focus of the painstaking efforts of the Ming and Qing empires. With the rise of modern capitalism in China, the vast overseas world has become an indispensable part of economic development, and China's concept of national security has extended from the mainland to the world, and Taiwan's strategic position in China's territory has also become more and more important. The more important it is, it is not only an important barrier to protect China's energy and products from free trade on a global scale, but also an important fulcrum for the United States to contain China's rise.


​​Ross Terrill, a sinologist active in U.S. politics, pointed out that once Taiwan ceases to exist as an independent entity, the balance of power in East Asia will also change, Japan will reduce its trust in U.S. security guarantees, and the Philippines and Vietnam will also reconsider Views on China. Of course, his policy advice to the U.S. government is to dismember China and support Taiwanese independence. In "Clash of Civilizations", Huntington even imagined that a war in the Taiwan Strait would trigger an Asian war and eventually destroy China.


American strategists have given us a very clear map. On the surface, the international political struggle is a struggle for political leadership among different countries, but in fact it is a struggle for discourse leadership, and ultimately for the dominance of civilization. In a clash of civilizations, each civilization needs a core state to maintain the power of that civilization. In the tradition of Confucian civilization, China is the undisputed core country, but in the modern transformation of Confucian civilization, Japan has become a world power by "separating from Asia and joining Europe", and exerting considerable influence in East Asia and Southeast Asia. If it forms an alliance with China and Japan, the power of the United States will definitely withdraw from its domination of East Asia and Southeast Asia. However, based on the historical contradictions and actual conflicts of interests between the two sides, unless China gains a decisive advantage over Japan, Japan will inevitably "rely on the world" and form an alliance with the United States to against China.


In the competition between China and Japan in East Asia, Taiwan is undoubtedly a key element. If China achieves reunification, occupies the strategic high ground of the entire East Asia geopolitically, and still maintains economic growth and political stability, and forms a stable strategic partnership with ASEAN, North Korea and South Korea, Japan’s wise choice can only be to “get rid of Europe into Asia”, restoring the entire East and Southeast Asia to the Confucian civilizational tradition. If the power of the United States withdraws from East Asia, its hegemony over South Asia and the Persian Gulf will also weaken, and the Confucian civilization will thus gain enough space for a comprehensive revival. The world may form a North American bloc, a European bloc, a Russian Central Asian bloc, and an East Asian bloc. co-governance with the South Asian Group. On the other hand, if the United States or Japan controls Taiwan, China's rise will be like a lion in a cage.


Therefore, if China wants to revive its traditional civilization, it must obtain political leadership in East Asia, and to achieve political leadership in East Asia, it must achieve reunification with Taiwan; conversely, if China wants to achieve Taiwan reunification, it must obtain political leadership in East Asia. To gain political leadership in East Asia, it is necessary to rebuild the influence of traditional civilization in East Asia. The Taiwan issue involves the contest between two civilizational forces in Asia, and the result affects the future of human civilization.


​​From the perspective of international law, Taiwan is undoubtedly a part of China's territory, and the realization of reunification with Taiwan must also be considered from the perspective of China's internal affairs. The Taiwan issue originated from the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party for political dominance in 1945. This civil war has continued to this day. It is actually the difference between the two modernity paths in China's transition from a "civilized country" to a "nation-state". choice.


Since the 1980s, with the continuous sublation of socialism on the mainland, the differences between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in the direction of modernity have gradually narrowed. Taiwan's economic transformation and political democratization were once regarded as a successful model to indicate China's future, because how to achieve a stable modern political transformation has always been a difficult problem faced by the Chinese nation in the "nation-state" transformation. Taiwan's achievements are seen as It is the pride of the Chinese nation and traditional civilization. It is a pity that the Taiwan authorities have transformed the drive for political democratization into the struggle for unification and independence between the people of this province and those of other provinces, and turned it into a force that divides the country, so that peaceful reunification is fading away, and the danger of war is increasing. Recently, historical opportunities have passed by the Chinese people.


Fate will bless great statesmen and not political clowns. In the poor performance of Taiwan's political clowns, democratization exposed its most vulnerable side, and also exposed the darkest side of modernity: that is, democratization has become an incentive to provoke regional conflicts, ethnic conflicts, class conflicts, and cultural conflicts, and it has also become a The justification for the division of the country and the nation is that the Taiwanese separatist forces are using cultural means to transform the minds of the Taiwanese and split Taiwan from their hearts and minds in order to achieve complete political division. National sovereignty and cultural unity are in crisis.


​​In this critical autumn, mainland China must use the greatest tenacity and will to provoke the important task of national reunification, regard it as a test of destiny, and realize it with the political ambition and superb political wisdom of civilization revival. National unity. It is necessary to think about the Taiwan issue not only from the perspective of international politics, but also from the perspective of domestic politics. While preventing division, we must adopt new thinking and explore ways to unify.



War and Peace: The Protracted War of Civilizations


In history, the rise of a great power often requires one or two iconic war victories to gain self-identity and world recognition, and there are also great powers that eventually collapsed due to wars in the process of their rise. The peaceful rise of great powers requires historical opportunities in addition to the superb political wisdom of political leaders. Behind the success and failure, virtue and destiny, often reflects the inevitability of the rise and fall of civilization.


Therefore, in the process of the rise of great powers, war must be taken seriously, war must be grasped and controlled tightly, and war must be considered carefully, not only to avoid collapse due to war, but also to seize the opportunity to take advantage of the rapid rise of war , but also in the ability to strive for victory without a fight and a peaceful rise. In the process of such thoughtful political decision-making, it is necessary not only to have a sober consideration of the pattern of international interests, but also to have a clear understanding of the comparison of national strengths, not only to have a clear understanding of the purpose, nature, impact and consequences of wars It is necessary to take into account and make full use of various economic, political and cultural means to achieve the goals of the war.


In any case, we must realize that war is only a means of politics, and it is a dangerous means to be used as a last resort. If war is necessary, it must be inevitable, and it must be a necessary requirement to serve the established strategic goals. If a country does not have an overall strategy for its rise and the tenacity to achieve its strategic goals, any rash consideration of war is dangerous.


​​In today's situation, we must think about war as a necessary part of realizing the reunification of Taiwan, and think about war as a necessary and possible means of politics. Such considerations are precisely a necessary part of the overall national strategy, which is the rise of the Chinese nation. Without the reunification of Taiwan, this grand strategy cannot be realized, and in order to realize this grand strategy, the current strategy is to firmly grasp the strategic opportunity period of the 20 years of this century. , try to avoid war as much as possible.

Therefore, whether it is the country's grand strategy or the strategic steps to realize the country's grand strategy, war must be taken into account. This includes both fully preparing for war and avoiding it as much as possible. Only by taking war seriously and truly preparing for war can it be possible to avoid war, to create peace, or to create a lasting peace through a war of limited cost. This dialectic of war and peace is rooted in unalterable human nature, because only ambition can curb ambition and maintain political balance.




The reason why the current situation in the Taiwan Strait is so dangerous is that the political power of the entire East Asia is in an unbalanced confrontation. The US-Japan alliance is trying to contain China's rise with an overwhelming advantage in East Asia. Taiwan is just a bargaining chip for its hegemonic ambitions. If this containment develops into a war, it will not only be a distressing civil war, but a worrying regional international conflict. If it is not effectively controlled, it is likely to evolve into a worldwide conflict. If we are defeated in this conflict, the result is not only the division of the country and the collapse of the political system, but also the revival of the nation and civilization may be far away. This war is too critical, too important, and we must be soberly aware of who our enemy is and what the consequences of the war will be. The more serious the danger of Taiwan independence, the more urgent the task of realizing Taiwan's reunification, and the greater the possibility and danger of war; the more serious the consequences of war, the more serious the real war must be, and the more efforts must be made to prevent Taiwan independence and avoid war.



Avoiding a losing war requires as much political foresight as waging a winning one. The Qing government recklessly launched a doomed Sino-Japanese naval battle, which directly led to the collapse of the empire, while the victory of New China in the Korean War in 1951 established its voice in international politics. It is also focused on the Korean peninsula, and it is also a war with a powerful country. Behind the defeat and victory, not only the difference in the international situation, the difference in the comprehensive strength of the country, but also the difference in the political wisdom of statesmen and the political will of the people. If politicians don't consider these three, they can't talk about war in vain.


On the issue of war, we must not only oppose naive pacifism and cowardly capitulationism, but also oppose pure economism, believing that war will destroy economic development, while failing to see that national security is the cornerstone of economic development, but we must also oppose ignoring The adventurism of strength and the blindness of the timing prevent war from becoming an end and a reckless gamble. Both of these tendencies are naive manifestations of a nation's political immaturity. The former lacks political will and the latter lacks political rationality. A truly mature politician, on the other hand, must balance strong political will and strong political instinct with cold political restraint and thoughtful political calculation, must rationally choose suitable and feasible tools for noble political principles, must be aware of To the extent that war is but one of the possible tools, it must be subordinate to the grand strategy of the state.


​​Today's situation in the Taiwan Strait does not seem to have developed to the critical juncture of the year, but it is already in a situation of "difficulties and difficulties", and this will become a dilemma we face for a long time, and our thinking is still "exchange space for space" time" and still insist on "protracted war". Of course, the "protracted war" mentioned here is not a purely military war, but a protracted political, economic and cultural war that the Chinese have waged in the face of the invasion of Western civilization since modern times. This is a "protracted war of civilization".


Deng Xiaoping’s strategy of focusing on economic construction, keeping a low profile, never taking the lead, and never participating in the arms race, is actually still the strategic idea of ​​“exchanging space for time”, that is, giving up political and military space and immersing ourselves in economic construction in exchange for valuable time during a period of strategic opportunity. The Taiwan issue must be considered in the context of this "protracted war". If we can maintain "Taiwan is not independent, the mainland is not armed" and realize economic and cultural interaction between the two sides of the strait, we will gain precious time to strengthen our national strength. Although we are currently in a weak position, we have survived the dangerous period of colonial wars in the 19th century and the Cold War in the 20th century. We have passed the stage of strategic defense since the end of the Qing Dynasty, stabilized our feet, and entered the stage of strategic stalemate. This means that we must start to "make a difference", whether internationally or domestically, whether politically, militarily, or economically and culturally, we must take a positive and steady offensive, and even take offense as defense in local areas. Actively expand base areas, accumulate small victories into big victories, and create conditions for national reunification.


​​In this comprehensive "protracted war of civilization", military warfare is undoubtedly its component and the most dangerous part. In particular, the danger of "fighting with incompetence to destroy the country" must be considered, because the people are always easy to be hollowed out. Inspired by the great truth of the war, politicians must consider the consequences of war, and must always keep in mind that reunification is not our only goal, the revival of civilization is our real goal. During the period of strategic opportunity, if the Taiwan independence forces blatantly declare independence with the support of the United States and Japan, and force China into a corner, war or peace? This still requires a calm and comprehensive assessment of the current situation, strength, and the consequences of the war. It cannot be led by the nose of impulsive public opinion, and it is also impossible to take the war as an irresponsible gamble with the slightest fluke and illusion. If this war is unavoidable, there must be a strong will that is not afraid of "shattering pots and pans." Only this kind of determination and will to "break the net" will it be possible to contain the war or win the victory. If this is a war of "death by war", such a war must be avoided and other unified ideas must be sought. Therefore, regardless of war or peace, responsible politicians must make prudent decisions and obey the grand strategy of national rise and civilization revival.



National strategy in the stage of strategic stalemate


Thinking from the perspective of a "protracted war of civilizations", the rise of a country only means that we have entered a stage of stalemate, one in which only the revival of civilization moves the situation to the stage of strategic counter-offensive. The strategic opportunity period in the first two decades of this century is a critical period when China begins to enter the stage of strategic stalemate. It determines the future and destiny of China and changes the future and destiny of the world.


Optimists once believed that if China maintains sustained economic growth and political stability, by the 2020s, China will far surpass Japan in economic power and be close to the United States, and its military power will also be greatly enhanced. In order to avoid a catastrophic conflict, the United States will withdraw from its influence in East Asia, recognize and encourage China's political leadership in Asia, and establish lasting cooperative relations with China internationally, thereby laying the political foundation for national unity and civilized renewal.


Pessimists believe that, in order to contain China's rise, the US-Japan alliance and the EU have launched a strategy of dismantling China and instigating Taiwan's independence. Sino-US relations will deteriorate in an all-round way, China's economy will decline, domestic social conflicts will be intensified, and internal and external problems will be intensified. In this situation, the outcome of an all-out war could destroy Taiwan, batter Japan, dismember China, and bring down the United States, while Europe, Russia, and India are fully revived. If we compare the two future scenarios, then China's development strategy has a clear goal and blueprint, which is to strive for the bright future offered by optimists and avoid the tragic fate described by pessimists. Formulate a complete set of national strategies at the stage of strategic stalemate, and strive for a "China with a bright future".


​​First, strategic restraint must be exercised. On the one hand, it is political strategic restraint, including avoiding direct conflict with the United States and even Japan, avoiding direct challenges to the hegemony of the United States, and supporting the United States’ dominance in other international issues in exchange for the United States’ status as a major power over China on East Asian issues. On the other hand, it is the restraint in economic strategy, taking the road of new industrialization, developing high-tech industries, and gradually reducing industries with high energy consumption and low added value, which is not only conducive to the long-term development of China's economy, but also It can avoid fierce conflicts of economic interests with the western world due to energy shortage and product sales.


However, we must clearly recognize that strategic restraint is by no means a strategic retreat, but a positive, restrained, realistic and conditional way of attack. The small-step incremental strategy, consolidates and strengthen  power by means of the active establishment of bases. In the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of that year, the Communist Party adopted the strategy of ceding the south of the Yangtze River and marching into the Northeast, and in the Northeast it adopted the strategy of giving up the road and occupying the two sides, which are typical examples of this kind of strategic restraint. Today, we must apply this strategy and tactics to international politics.


​​Second, it must actively participate in the establishment of the international order, consciously establish its own bases in Latin America, Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East, consolidate its position in East Asia, and establish a cooperative institutional mechanism conducive to national security. On the one hand, it is necessary to make full use of the United Nations and its traditional advantages in the "third world", establish its own strategic base in the third world, and play the role of a major power in global affairs, so as to form necessary constraints on the United States; The policy of good-neighborliness and friendship, selectively developing strategic alliances with certain neighboring countries, and building buffer zones to prevent conflicts through various institutional mechanisms, such as making full use of the "six-nation mechanism" to positively promote the peace and reunification of the Korean Peninsula; using The "9+3" mechanism coordinates and maintains the stability and prosperity of ASEAN; promotes political cooperation with Central Asian countries through the "Shanghai Organization"; uses the traditional friendship with Pakistan to promote reconciliation between India and Pakistan, and becomes the de facto core country in Asia with a low-key attitude , the United States is forced to respect China's political leadership in Asia.


​​Third, we must make full use of our economic advantages, be good at transforming economic advantages into political advantages, and ultimately into cultural and ideological advantages, and play the role of "soft power". China's biggest advantage in Asia and the world at the moment is its economic advantage, and its biggest disadvantage is its ideological disadvantage, not only because the communist ideology lost its appeal after the end of the Cold War, but because the Western world has mastered modern discourse .


In order to change this disadvantage, in addition to continuously absorbing Western culture and updating Marxist ideology, the key is to take the activation and revival of traditional cultural ideology as the mission of civilization revival, so as to consciously return to traditional cultural values ​​and give full play to Chinese The influence of traditional culture in Asia and its appeal to Western civilization. On the one hand, it is necessary to use traditional Chinese culture to promote the value identity, cultural identity and the shared identity of Asian countries, strengthen the political identity of Asian countries in handling Asian affairs, encourage and support Japan's "Brexit into Asia", and reintegrate Japan into the Asian world. On the other hand, while actively absorbing Western culture, we must release cultural and ideological goodwill to Western civilization through political democratization, eliminate some Westerners’ doubts about the development direction of Chinese civilization, and serve as a builder of world order. Rise as a collaborator.


​​Fourth, the foundation of the entire external strategy lies in the internal strategy. The internal strategy must be in harmony with the external strategy and promote each other instead of deteriorating each other. Fundamentally speaking, only the healthy and stable internal development of a country can achieve national security externally. Economically, it is necessary to carry out intellectual property innovation in accordance with the national economic and military strategy, and at the same time, it is necessary to balance the regional development differences between urban and rural areas and narrow the class contradiction caused by the income gap; politically, it is necessary to actively respond to modern democratization challenges, explore the governing law of the ruling party under the democratic system, improve the governing capacity, establish a modern administrative management system, improve the rule of law and constitutional construction, and explore a new path of democratization; in terms of culture, we must establish the dominant position of Chinese culture. , restore the cultural self-esteem and self-confidence of the Chinese people, so as to unite people's hearts, take Marxist thought and Western liberal thought as the organic composition of Chinese civilization, and revive and rebuild Chinese civilization on the basis of modernity.


​​Fifth, we must fully understand the cultural and personal estrangement caused by the isolation of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the complexity caused by it. Therefore, we must use new thinking on the Taiwan issue and take the road of gradual reunification. The Anti-Secession Law sets the bottom line for Taiwan's reunification, but how to achieve reunification still has a lot of room for imagination and requires political imagination.


On this basis, on the one hand, China must truly regard Taiwan as a local internal affairs issue, actively influence Taiwan’s politics, and exert influence in Taiwan’s elections; to boldly and imaginatively  apply  strategies of institutional innovation. In this regard, the "one country, two systems" solution to the return of Hong Kong and Macau is an example of institutional innovation.


​​If we can adopt an international strategy of strategic restraint, cooperative system building and cultural integration externally, and a coordinated development and gradual unification domestic strategy internally, the future of China's peaceful rise is at hand, and the revival of civilization will follow. Therefore, we must realize that "we are engaged in a great cause unprecedented in human history", and we should have full confidence and calm response to this, but we must also be aware of the difficulties we are facing, be prepared for a rainy day, and take a long-term perspective. There can be no slack.


​​The challenge of the Taiwan issue to mainland intellectuals


For every Chinese, the Taiwan issue has always been a pain in the heart. Taiwan's current state of division and the tendency to split not only harms national security and interests, but more importantly harms the dignity and significance of the Chinese people. Taiwan's pain for the Chinese lies in the memory of civilized humiliation, because human beings are different from animals, that is, human beings are not a nihilistic existence, but an existence that is endowed with meaning by civilization. History has never been a physical concept of time, but the carrier of cultural meaning, the soil for nurturing subject consciousness, and the source of all values, ethics, and legitimacy. History is by no means a record of the past, but a testimony to the present. History is civilization, a philosophy about eternal existence. To defend history is to defend human existence. This is a life-and-death battle between becoming a master or becoming a slave. This is an instinctive battle for survival. The purpose of philosophy is to defend this war at its highest level. . The pain of the Taiwan question lies in the fact that it poses a comprehensive challenge to the existence of the Chinese people, to the philosophical basis for the existence of the Chinese people, and to Chinese civilization.


​​As we all know, Taiwanese thought after 1949 was mainly under the potential domination of liberal discourses from Hu Shi to Yin Haiguang. This discourse became mainstream due to the Taiwan democratization movement in the 1980s, and freedom and autocracy became Its ideological axis echoes the mainstream discourse of mainland intellectuals in the 1980s, but behind the discourse of freedom and autocracy in mainland intellectuals, there is a larger background of enlightenment discourse originating from the "May Fourth": tradition and modernity, China and the West. In the 1990s, a philosophical revolution was launched in Taiwan's intellectual circles, and civil society and localization became the dominant discourse in the ideological circle, which also quickly affected the intellectual circles in mainland China, triggering the Chinese exception of civil society theory and "local knowledge" Argument. Since the late 1990s, Taiwan's philosophical revolution has developed in a more extreme direction. Localization has led to ethnic issues between people in the province and other provinces. The ethnic issue has finally been linked to the "imagined community" and has become the philosophical defense of the Taiwan independence movement. . The history and civilization that are the basis for the survival of the Chinese people have been torn apart, and the philosophical foundation of China's unification has encountered unprecedented challenges.


​​Since the 1980s, the closely related ideological interaction between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has finally broken for the first time in philosophy due to the cruel political reality, because China is not a false construction of symbolic imagination, nor is it a state machine constructed by legal technology, but through history. and a political community constructed from civilization. The Chinese nation is not a race in the biological sense, and the Chinese are not citizenship in the legal sense, but a philosophical subject with historical and ethical significance. In a word, China and the Chinese nation, shaped by historical civilization, are fundamental to each Chinese in the sense of existentialism, and have the significance and value of civilization. It contains philosophical truth and moral absoluteness. . The Taiwan independence forces defend Taiwan's independence by tearing up history and fabricating it. In fact, they are destroying history, destroying civilization, and ultimately destroying the philosophical basis for the existence of every Chinese. Because the fundamental question is: What is the philosophical basis for our existence as Chinese people? This cannot be answered by international law, nor can it be answered by the political consequences of unification and division, nor can it be answered by war.


​​Facing the philosophical challenge of Taiwan independence forces, the mainland intellectuals and even the entire Chinese intellectual community suddenly fell into "aphasia" and lost their ability to respond philosophically. The right to speak, this "aphasia" highlights the basic situation of the mainland intellectuals over the past 20 years.


​​First of all, we must admit that a considerable number of intellectuals hold an indifferent attitude towards Taiwan independence in their bones, because in their minds, the Chinese people or China itself has no meaning, and they identify as "citizens of the world", after all It's a citizen who identifies with the Western world, or a citizen of the United States. In the eyes of these people, as long as people live freely, anyone can do anything, but these people do not seriously think about what freedom is. These people opposed taking back Hong Kong in the 1980s, and wanted to be "one-night Americans" in the 1990s. Later, they argued that it was a historic mistake for the United States to overthrow the New China by not crossing the Yalu River during the Korean War.


​​Second, the disciplinarization of knowledge has made intellectuals all concerned about issues in the professional field. The Taiwan issue has therefore been specialized and turned into an issue for Taiwan issue experts to think about, while it is not seen that the Taiwan issue involves freedom, sovereignty, and civilization that China faces. The problem of modernity. In the professional field, the development of political science is undoubtedly the weakest. It has been almost replaced by administrative science in university departments, lacking attention and thinking about political philosophy. As for our philosophers, almost all of them have become academic philosophy professors, unable to think about the philosophical challenges that the Taiwan issue poses to the survival of the Chinese people.


​​Finally, in the above context, those intellectuals who truly care about the Taiwan issue and are eager to defend national unity face theoretical difficulties in philosophical defense, because liberals have monopolized the legitimate discourse of modernity such as freedom, human rights, and cultural identity. , any theoretical reflection will be slapped with a discredited political hat. If you advocate a military solution to the Taiwan issue, you will be accused of Machiavellianism; if you emphasize the unity of the nation, you will be accused of nationalism; if you emphasize the meaning of traditional culture, you will be accused of conservatism. Therefore, if the boundaries of disciplines cannot be overcome and the entire discourse of modernity cannot be reflected theoretically, it will be difficult to establish the subjectivity of Chinese civilization, the meaning of existence of the Chinese people will be difficult to gain legitimacy, and it will be difficult for the issue of Taiwan reunification to be given the highest philosophical status. defend.



Reconstruction of History and Modernity


From the above-mentioned basic pattern of mainland intellectuals, it can be seen that the Chinese have lost the ability to defend the meaning of their own existence. The reason is that the mainland intellectuals have a one-sided understanding of the issue of modernity and a one-dimensional understanding of the issue of freedom. Human freedom is understood as an existence without history and culture, and an existence without roots. And culture is all regarded as the traditional authority that restricts freedom and destroyed, and people become the naked subject of desire. How, however, is it possible for an unfounded subject of desire to establish a state and submit to the rule of political authority? The subject of this desire can destroy the country at any time, because the state and political authority have no authority in themselves, and the autonomy of the individual is the highest authority. This one-dimensional liberal approach leads to nihilism and postmodernism.


So, with liberalism, the real question is how can a free person become an ethical subject? How do free people establish the authority and stability of the political system? This is exactly the theme of the liberal master Rousseau's thinking. From the subject of desire to the subject of ethics, a person must be trained to become a "citizen" through education, and then he can establish a government through a social contract and rely on "civil religion" to maintain a political community. The presence. And such "civil religion" must be national. Therefore, true liberalism must be based on nationalism. Only the sense of belonging and identity cultivated by nationalism can lay the foundation of the republic. The real foundation of free citizenship lies in in history and culture. It was from Rousseau's standpoint that Tocqueville explored the meaning of modern democracy.


​​From this point of view, since the May Fourth Movement, Chinese liberals have been in a state of paradox. On the one hand, they have spared no effort to advocate liberalism, and on the other hand, they have spared no effort to deny the historical and cultural traditions that support liberalism. To the extent that it denies the Chinese people's survival ethics and turns the Chinese people into pure and unrooted subjects of desire, freedom is equal to the satisfaction of pure desire without any ethical meaning of survival. The reason for the monopoly of economic liberalism. Therefore, the difficulty of modernity facing China lies not only in how to solve the contradiction between population and resources and satisfy the desires of every free person, but also in conforming to the restoration of traditional culture, giving philosophical significance to the existence of the Chinese people, and making the existence of the Chinese people ethical of dignity and pride.


​​Today, Chinese people's wealth is increasing every day and happiness is decreasing every moment, because the country lacks the direction of civilization and the individual lacks the foundation of ethical life. The ethical foundation and survival meaning endowed by traditional culture have been destroyed by the anti-tradition since the May Fourth Movement, and the ethical foundation and survival meaning endowed by communism were once again destroyed by the post-Cold War ideology. Today, in addition to the never-ending greed, we Survival can depend on what. This destruction of the foundation of existence is accomplished every time through the deconstruction of history and the ethical virtues established in history.


​​Therefore, in order to respond to the philosophical challenge raised by the Taiwan question, we must rebuild the important position of history in modernity, link history with the meaning of life, link history with the cultivation of virtue and ethical life, and understand more comprehensively and completely Issues of liberalism and modernity, defend the significance of Chinese history and civilization to the free life of the Chinese people, and provide a philosophical basis for the ethical life of the Chinese people. Therefore, in China's intellectual circles in the future, historical issues will inevitably become the main issues of philosophical thinking again, because the Chinese people's survival beliefs and ethical life are not given by any religion, but by their ancestors. When our intellectuals understand history according to the standards of modern Western disciplines, they have not considered the pros and cons of history for life at all.


​​To think about history as a philosophy and as a basis for Chinese people to settle down is neither a theoretical reflection in academies nor a wishful effort by intellectuals, but must be rooted in a deep realistic foundation. When our intellectuals lost their survival instinct, this survival instinct was expressed in a rude way among the people. The continuous domestication of civilization since the "May Fourth" has made our intellectuals obsessed with the "last aristocracy" and become too civilized, having lost their simple natural nature and healthy life force. Today, only by returning to the masses, to their own historical and cultural traditions, and to the political community, can intellectuals regain their strong vitality and provide a philosophical basis for the ethical life of the Chinese people.


​​Academic and Politics


The Taiwan issue, as an issue that the people, politicians and scholars must face seriously, is not only a political issue, but also a philosophical issue. The reunification of Taiwan is not only conducive to the peaceful rise of China, but also to the revival of Chinese civilization, because national reunification will lay the political foundation for the revival of civilization, liberate Chinese politics from forced defense, and become confident, open, and calm. As a result, China's political development has also gained a wider space, providing political impetus for the revival of civilization, and establishing a dominant position for Chinese culture, enabling China to gradually return to the tradition of "civilized state" while completing the construction of a "nation-state".



The fundamental challenge is: How are we prepared to construct the international political order as nations unify and rise? What ethical virtues are we prepared to take responsibility for as human beings? In addition to providing products and markets to the world, what kind of ideology and culture, what way of life, and what kind of future vision can we provide? The rise of China is not only to allow the Chinese people to maximize their free creativity, but also to assume their responsibilities to other countries and people, and to provide an example for the way of life of mankind. In the final analysis, the reconstruction of ethical life is the revival of civilization. Depend on. The mission of civilization revival is to provide meaningful and universal answers to the ethical life of all mankind. This is undoubtedly the mission that history has given the Chinese nation. The Taiwan issue should be understood not only in the political picture of the clash of civilizations, but also in the philosophical picture of the revival of civilization and the reconstruction of ethical life. If we do not have this ethical impulse to pursue a better life, political unity will not be able to guarantee long-term stability. .


​​The revival of civilization seems to be the mantra of the Chinese at present, and it is easy to go to extreme conservatism. In fact, the revival of civilization must answer the challenges posed by modernity and the challenges of Western civilization to traditional civilization. As Liang Qichao said back then, today's China has become the world's China, and the revival of Chinese civilization must integrate multiple elements in cultural and ideological aspects to create a brand-new modern Chinese civilization, which means that this civilization is both modern and Chinese. . This means that Chinese scholars must view their past achievements in civilization and the achievements of world civilization with an open mind, and they must also abandon all kinds of shackles and dogmas, including various "foreign dogmas" and "ancient dogmas", especially to prevent one This kind of slave mentality of bowing down to "foreign dogma" and "ancient dogma", Chinese scholars must first establish the self-awareness of contemporary Chinese civilization creation, and revive our civilization with a high degree of imagination and creativity towards the future.


As far as the reality is concerned, Chinese scholars on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should first overcome the hostility caused by ideological differences, and must get rid of ideological dogma and "liberalism" and "communism", "democracy" and "authoritarianism". The narrow mentality caused by political ideological labels such as "leftist" and "rightist", "liberal" and "conservative" breaks the inertia of ideological thinking. The long-term politicization of Chinese scholars has hindered serious and long-term thinking, limited the horizons of thinking about Chinese politics and the future of Chinese civilization, and suffocated the creativity of thinking about human history and future destiny. For this reason, Chinese scholars must be freed from the Cold War mentality, from the consciousness of "the end of history", and from the consciousness of slavery. How to rebuild ethical life in the face of the impact of modernity. Only through the reconstruction of this ethical life can Chinese civilization have hope of rejuvenation, and Chinese scholars can make real contributions to human civilization.


​​Looking back, the biggest obstacle to solving the Taiwan issue at present is that we lack a set of civilized forces to exert cultural influence to win the unification of hearts and minds. Because Chinese civilization is under the pressure of Western civilization, our culture can only absorb Western culture, and it is difficult to form its own cultural creativity. This cultural stagnation is misaligned with vigorous economic growth.


Faced with this situation, Chinese scholars tend to attribute the responsibility to political forces restricting the freedom of thought, while politicians tend to see “public intellectuals” as sellers of Western culture or destroyers of the political order, and there is no real culture. create. This situation of mutual distrust between politics and ideas has become a real obstacle to the current political transformation and the revival of civilization. We must make conscious efforts to break this deadlock and establish a benign interaction between politics and academia, between politicians and scholars, which requires each other to find a balance between Weber's so-called "ethics of belief" and "ethics of responsibility", and also It is necessary for each other to support each other in the future facing the renaissance of civilization, and it is even more necessary for them to jointly build up self-confidence in their own history and cultural traditions. It is a heavy task. All Chinese scholars must, with profound civilized care and arduous academic efforts, transcend various ready-made dogmas, transcend the selfish interests of regions and parties, and provide the Chinese with a picture of the future of civilization; and Chinese politicians also Political power must be transformed into a civilized power with a sense of responsibility to undertake historical missions.


From the perspective of civilization revival, whether the Taiwan issue can be successfully resolved is not only a severe test for the revival of Chinese civilization, but also the core key to the success or failure of the revival of Chinese civilization. Today's China needs both great politicians who undertake the mission of civilization rejuvenation, who regard safeguarding national unity as the cornerstone of civilization rejuvenation, and the prosperity of cultural ideas as the primary task of civilization rejuvenation; today's China also needs great scholars who undertake civilization revival, and take contemporary Think of Chinese history and world history as a part of Chinese civilization, and treat the real political forces as the pillars for the future of civilization. Chinese politicians and Chinese scholars must shoulder the arduous destiny of modern China with a reinforced iron body, and make unremitting creation with strong will and grand spirit. We are convinced that when the Taiwan issue is resolved, it will also be the day when ancient China becomes a powerful country and a great civilization standing in the world again, and it is also the beginning of the Chinese people's new attempt to provide an ethical example for human life.

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