Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Text of General Assembly Resolution A/76/300 (28 July 2022)--'The human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment '


Pix Credit,

Olga Martin-Ortega, Fatimazahra Dehbi, Valerie Nelson, and Renginee Pillay, Editorial: ‘Towards a Business, Human Rights and the Environment Framework,’ (2022) 14 Sustainability 6596

Like many, I recently considered the UN General Assembly Resolution: The human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment (A/76/300 (28 July 2022), a considerably important gesture that seeks to further both the convergence of human rights and sustainability narratives, though with human rights at the center (Self-Centered Human Rights: UN General Assembly Adopts Resolution Declaring Access to a Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment is a Universal Human Right).

At the time I was unable to include the definitive text of the Resolution. That is now available and it follows below. As is common with these types of text, the preambular material may in fact be of greater interest than the quite succinct text of the main body of the resolution itself. The text of the Resolution may be accessed HERE


Pix Credit, Martin Ortega, 'Towards a Business, Human Rights, and Environment Framework, supra


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