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This from our friends at the European Chamber:
On 16th March, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued a notice of public consultation on the Green Industry Guidance Catalogue (2023 Edition) (Draft) [绿色产业指导目录(2023年版)]. For the full draft in Chinese, please click here.
If you would like to comment on the draft Catalogue through the European Chamber, please kindly send your input in Chinese and English, using the template (download here), to Ms Phoebe Yang at pyang@europeanchamber.com.cn before 13th April.
If you have the English translation and are willing to share it, please kindly contact us. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
All comments will be consolidated and submitted to the NDRC in the name of the European Chamber, with all individual company comments remaining anonymous.
The "Announcement on Publicly Soliciting Opinions on the "Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition)" (Draft for Comment) [关于向社会公开征求《绿色产业指导目录(2023年版)》(征求意见稿)意见的公告] follows along with the text of the Green Industry Guidance Catalogue (2023 Edition) (Draft) [绿色产业指导目录(2023年版]) along with the Explanation of the "Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition)" (draft for comments) [《绿色产业指导目录(2023年版)》的解释说明(征求意见稿)] . Earlier versions were issued in ay be accessed here: 2020, 2019 (no longer on line).
Announcement on Publicly Soliciting Opinions on the "Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition)" (Draft for Comment)
Release time: 2023/03/16
Source: Department of Environment and Resources
In order to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and better adapt to the new situation, new tasks, and new requirements of green development, we have organized and revised the "Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2019 Edition)" and formed the "Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition)" (Draft for comments) is now open to the public for comments.
The public consultation period is from March 16, 2023 to April 15, 2023. People from all walks of life are welcome to submit opinions through the Internet, fax, etc. If you suggest modifying or adding items, please provide corresponding explanations. Please log in to the National Development and Reform Commission portal website (https://www.ndrc.gov.cn) homepage opinion solicitation column, enter the public opinion solicitation column of the Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition), and put forward opinions and suggestions. Please send fax to 010-68505594.
Thank you for your participation and support!
Attachments:1. "Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition)" (draft for comments)
2. Explanation of the "Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition)" (draft for comments)
National Development and Reform Commission
March 16, 2023
* * *
1 节能降碳产业
1.1 高效节能装备制造
1.1.1 节能锅炉制造
1.1.2 节能窑炉制造
1.1.3 节能内燃机制造
1.1.4 高效发电机及发电机组制造
1.1.5 节能型泵及真空设备制造
1.1.6 节能型气体压缩设备制造
1.1.7 节能电动机、微特电机制造
1.1.8 节能风机风扇制造
1.1.9 节能型变压器、整流器、电感器和电焊机制造
1.1.10 高效节能磁悬浮动力装备制造
1.1.11 节能农资制造
1.1.12 节能采矿、建筑专用设备制造
1.1.13 高效节能商用设备制造
1.1.14 高效节能家用电器制造
1.1.15 高效照明产品及系统制造 1
1.1.16 高效节能炉具灶具设备制造
1.1.17 余热余压余气利用设备制造
1.1.18 绿色建筑材料制造
1.1.19 能源计量、检测、监测、控制设备制造
1.2 先进交通装备制造
1.2.1 新能源汽车关键零部件制造
1.2.2 船用绿色动力装备制造
1.2.3 先进轨道交通装备制造
1.2.4 新能源飞行器制造
1.3 节能降碳改造
1.3.1 锅炉(窑炉)节能改造和能效提升
1.3.2 汽轮发电机组系统能效提升
1.3.3 电机系统能效提升
1.3.4 电网节能改造
1.3.5 余热余压利用
1.3.6 能量系统优化
1.3.7 绿色照明改造
1.3.8 船舶绿色低碳升级改造
1.4 温室气体控制
1.4.1 二氧化碳捕集利用与封存
1.4.2 油气田甲烷采收利用
1.4.3 消耗臭氧层物质替代品开发与利用 2
1.4.4 工业生产过程温室气体减排 2 环境保护产业
2.1 先进环保装备和原料材料制造
2.1.1 大气污染防治装备制造
2.1.2 水污染防治装备制造
2.1.3 土壤污染治理与修复装备制造
2.1.4 固体废物处理处置装备制造
2.1.5 噪声与振动控制设备制造
2.1.6 放射性污染防治和处理设备制造
2.1.7 环境污染处理药剂材料制造
2.1.8 无毒无害原料生产与替代使用
2.1.9 高效低毒低残留农药生产
2.1.10 环境监测仪器与应急处理设备制造 2.2 大气污染治理
2.2.1 工业脱硫脱硝除尘改造
2.2.2 燃煤电厂超低排放改造
2.2.3 非电行业企业超低排放改造
2.2.4 挥发性有机物综合整治
2.2.5 工业厂矿大气污染物无组织排放控制
2.2.6 城市扬尘综合整治
2.2.7 餐饮油烟污染治理
2.3 水污染治理
2.3.1 水体保护及地下水污染防治
2.3.2 重点流域海域水环境治理
2.3.3 城市黑臭水体整治
2.3.4 重点行业水污染治理
2.3.5 工业集聚区水污染集中治理
2.4 土壤污染治理
2.4.1 农用地污染治理
2.4.2 建设用地污染治理
2.4.3 农林草业面源污染防治
2.4.4 沙漠污染治理
2.5 其他污染治理和环境综合整治
2.5.1 工业固体废弃物无害化处理处置
2.5.2 危险废物处理处置和运输
2.5.3 噪声污染治理
2.5.4 恶臭污染治理
2.5.5 新污染物治理
2.5.6 重点行业清洁生产改造
2.5.7 园区污染治理集中化改造
2.5.8 交通车船污染治理
2.5.9 船舶港口污染防治
2.5.10 畜禽和水产养殖废弃物污染治理 4
2.5.11 农村人居环境整治提升 3 资源循环利用产业
3.1 资源循环利用装备制造
3.1.1 矿产资源综合利用装备制造
3.1.2 水资源高效及循环利用装备制造
3.1.3 工业固体废弃物综合利用装备制造
3.1.4 农林废弃物综合利用装备制造
3.1.5 废旧物资循环利用装备制造
3.1.6 垃圾资源化利用装备制造
3.1.7 废气回收利用装备制造
3.2 资源循环利用
3.2.1 矿产资源综合利用
3.2.2 水资源高效及循环利用
3.2.3 工业固体废弃物综合利用
3.2.4 农林废弃物综合利用
3.2.5 废旧物资循环利用
3.2.6 垃圾资源化利用
3.2.7 废气回收利用
3.2.8 园区循环化改造
4 清洁能源产业
4.1 新能源与清洁能源装备制造
4.1.1 风力发电装备制造
4.1.2 太阳能发电装备制造
4.1.3 生物质能利用装备制造
4.1.4 水力发电和抽水蓄能装备制造
4.1.5 核电装备制造
4.1.6 燃气轮机装备制造
4.1.7 地热能开发利用装备制造
4.1.8 海洋能开发利用装备制造
4.1.9 非常规油气勘查开采装备制造
4.1.10 海洋油气开采装备制造
4.1.11 新型储能装备制造
4.1.12 燃料电池装备制造
4.1.13 氢能“制储输用”全链条装备制造
4.1.14 智能电网产品和装备制造
4.2 清洁能源设施建设和运营
4.2.1 风力发电设施建设和运营
4.2.2 太阳能利用设施建设和运营
4.2.3 生物质能利用设施建设和运营
4.2.4 大型水力发电设施建设和运营
4.2.5 核电站建设和运营
4.2.6 地热能利用设施建设和运营
4.2.7 海洋能利用设施建设和运营
4.2.8 煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)抽采利用设施建设和运营 6
4.2.9 氢能基础设施建设和运营
4.2.10 热泵设施建设和运营 4.3 传统能源清洁高效开发利用
4.3.1 煤炭清洁生产
4.3.2 煤炭清洁高效利用
4.3.3 清洁燃油生产
4.3.4 天然气清洁生产
4.3.5 非常规油气资源开发
4.4 能源系统高效运行
4.4.1 电力源网荷储一体化及多能互补工程建设和运营
4.4.2 新型储能设施建设和运营
4.4.3 抽水蓄能电站建设和运营
4.4.4 煤电机组节能降耗改造、供热改造和灵活性改造
4.4.5 智能电网建设和运营
4.4.6 电力负荷调控响应系统建设和运营
4.4.7 天然气输送储运调峰设施建设和运营
4.4.8 分布式能源工程建设和运营
4.4.9 能源产业数字化智能化升级
5 生态保护修复和利用 5.1 生态农林牧渔业
5.1.1 现代化育种育苗 5.1.2 种质资源保护
5.1.3 绿色农业生产
5.1.4 绿色、有机认证农业
5.1.5 农作物种植保护地、保护区建设和运营
5.1.6 农作物病虫害绿色防控
5.1.7 休闲农业和乡村旅游
5.1.8 农业生态系统保护修复
5.1.9 森林资源培育
5.1.10 林业基因资源保护
5.1.11 林下种养殖和林下采集
5.1.12 森林游憩和康养
5.1.13 绿色畜牧业
5.1.14 绿色渔业
5.2 生态保育
5.2.1 生物多样性保护
5.2.2 自然保护地建设和保护性运营
5.2.3 天然林保护修复
5.2.4 国家储备林建设
5.2.5 森林草原防灭火体系建设和运维
5.2.6 生态产品监测体系和生态感知系统建设和运维
5.3 国土综合整治与生态修复
5.3.1 采煤沉陷区综合治理
5.3.2 地下水超采区治理与修复 8
5.3.3 土地综合整治
5.3.4 荒漠化、石漠化和水土流失综合治理
5.3.5 重点区域生态保护和修复
5.3.6 山水林田湖草沙一体化保护修复
5.3.7 有害生物灾害防治
5.3.8 矿山地质环境、油气田生态环境恢复和生态修复
5.3.9 水生态系统旱涝灾害防控及应对
5.3.10 河湖与湿地保护修复
5.3.11 海洋生态、海域海岸带和海岛生态修复
5.3.12 增殖放流与海洋牧场建设和运营
5.3.13 退耕还林还草和退牧还草工程建设
6 基础设施绿色升级
6.1 建筑节能与绿色建筑
6.1.1 绿色建筑建设和运营
6.1.2 超低能耗、近零能耗、零能耗、低碳、零碳建筑建设
6.1.3 既有建筑节能及绿色化改造
6.1.4 全过程绿色建造
6.1.5 建筑绿色运营
6.1.6 装配式建筑设计和建造
6.1.7 建筑可再生能源应用
6.1.8 建筑用能电气化、智能化改造 9
6.1.9 绿色高效制冷改造和运行
6.1.10 绿色仓储
6.1.11 绿色农房建设、改造和运维
6.2 绿色交通
6.2.1 公路交通基础设施绿色化升级改造
6.2.2 充电、换电和加气设施建设和运营
6.2.3 智能交通体系建设和运营
6.2.4 共享交通设施建设和运营
6.2.5 城乡客运系统建设和运营
6.2.6 城市慢行系统建设和运营
6.2.7 环境友好型铁路建设运营和铁路绿色化改造
6.2.8 多式联运系统与公转铁、公转水建设和运营
6.2.9 公路甩挂运输系统建设和运营
6.2.10 绿色民航
6.2.11 绿色港航
6.2.12 绿色物流
6.3 环境基础设施
6.3.1 园林绿化建设、养护管理和运营
6.3.2 海绵城市建设和运营
6.3.3 城镇供水管网分区计量漏损控制建设和运营
6.3.4 水利设施智能化改造
6.3.5 城镇污水收集系统排查改造建设修复 10
6.3.6 入河入海排污口排查整治及规范化建设和运营
6.3.7 污水污泥处理处置设施建设和运营
6.3.8 生活垃圾处理设施建设和运营
6.3.9 生态环境监测系统建设和运营
6.3.10 生态安全预警体系和生态保护修复信息平台建设和运 维
6.4 城乡能源基础设施
6.4.1 城镇电力设施智能化建设运营和改造
6.4.2 城镇一体化集成供能设施建设和运营
6.4.3 城镇集中供热系统清洁化、低碳化建设运营和改造
6.4.4 农村清洁能源基础设施建设和运营
6.5 信息基础设施
6.5.1 通信网络节能改造
6.5.2 绿色数据中心建设
6.5.3 数据中心节能改造
7 绿色服务
7.1 咨询监理
7.1.1 绿色产业项目勘察服务 7.1.2 绿色产业项目咨询服务 7.1.3 绿色产业项目施工监理服务
7.2 运营管理
7.2.1 能源管理体系建设
7.2.2 合同能源管理
7.2.3 合同节水管理
7.2.4 电力需求侧管理
7.2.5 资源循环利用第三方服务
7.2.6 环境污染第三方治理
7.3 监测检测
7.3.1 能耗在线监测系统建设
7.3.2 温室气体排放源监测
7.3.3 环境损害监测评估
7.3.4 污染源监测
7.3.5 企业环境监测
7.3.6 生态环境监测和生态安全预警
7.3.7 生态系统碳汇监测评估
7.4 评估审查核查
7.4.1 节能评估和能源审计
7.4.2 碳排放核查与温室气体自愿减排项目审定和核查
7.4.3 建筑能效与碳排放测评
7.4.4 清洁生产审核
7.4.5 环境影响评价
7.4.6 生态环境质量监测与评估
7.4.7 自然资源生态保护补偿和生态损害赔偿评估
7.4.8 生态保护修复产品和生态系统评估 12
7.4.9 地质灾害危险性评估
7.4.10 水土保持评估
7.5 绿色技术产品研发认证推广
7.5.1 绿色技术产品研发 7.5.2 绿色技术产品认证推广 7.5.3 绿色技术交易
7.6 资源环境权益交易
7.6.1 碳排放权交易
7.6.2 用能权交易
7.6.3 用水权交易
7.6.4 排污权交易
7.6.5 林权交易
7.6.6 可再生能源绿证和绿色电力交易
Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition)
(Draft for comments)
1 Energy saving and carbon reduction industry
1.1 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving equipment
1.1.1 Manufacturing of energy-saving boilers
1.1.2 Energy-saving kiln manufacturing
1.1.3 Energy-saving internal combustion engine manufacturing
1.1.4 Manufacturing of high-efficiency generators and generating sets 1.1.5 Manufacturing of energy-saving pumps and vacuum equipment 1.1.6 Manufacturing of energy-saving gas compression equipment 1.1.7 Manufacturing of energy-saving motors and micro-special motors 1.1.8 Manufacturing of energy-saving fans
1.1.9 Manufacture of energy-saving transformers, rectifiers, inductors and welding machines 1.1.10 Manufacture of high-efficiency and energy-saving magnetic levitation power equipment
1.1.11 Manufacturing of energy-saving agricultural materials
1.1.12 Manufacture of special equipment for energy-saving mining and construction
1.1.13 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving commercial equipment
1.1.14 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving household appliances
1.1.15 Manufacture of high-efficiency lighting products and systems 1
1.1.16 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving stoves and stoves
1.1.17 Manufacture of waste heat, pressure and gas utilization equipment
1.1.18 Manufacturing of green building materials
1.1.19 Energy measurement, detection, monitoring and control equipment manufacturing
1.2 Manufacturing of Advanced Transportation Equipment
1.2.1 Manufacturing of key components of new energy vehicles 1.2.2 Manufacturing of marine green power equipment 1.2.3 Manufacturing of advanced rail transit equipment 1.2.4 Manufacturing of new energy aircraft
1.3 Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Transformation
1.3.1 Boiler (kiln) energy saving renovation and energy efficiency improvement 1.3.2 Energy efficiency improvement of steam turbine generator system
1.3.3 Energy Efficiency Improvement of Motor System
1.3.4 Power Grid Energy Saving Transformation
1.3.5 Utilization of waste heat and pressure
1.3.6 Energy system optimization
1.3.7 Green lighting renovation
1.3.8 Green and low-carbon upgrading of ships
1.4 Greenhouse Gas Control
1.4.1 Carbon dioxide capture utilization and storage
1.4.2 Recovery and utilization of methane in oil and gas fields
1.4.3 Development and utilization of alternatives to ozone-depleting substances 2
1.4.4 Greenhouse gas emission reduction in industrial production process 2 Environmental protection industry
2.1 Manufacturing of advanced environmental protection equipment and raw materials
2.1.1 Manufacturing of Air Pollution Prevention and Control Equipment
2.1.2 Manufacturing of Water Pollution Prevention and Control Equipment
2.1.3 Manufacturing of Soil Pollution Control and Restoration Equipment 2.1.4 Manufacturing of Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Equipment 2.1.5 Manufacturing of Noise and Vibration Control Equipment
2.1.6 Manufacture of radioactive pollution prevention and treatment equipment 2.1.7 Manufacture of chemical materials for environmental pollution treatment 2.1.8 Production and alternative use of non-toxic and harmless raw materials 2.1.9 Production of high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides
2.1.10 Manufacture of environmental monitoring instruments and emergency treatment equipment 2.2 Air pollution control
2.2.1 Transformation of industrial desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal
2.2.2 Ultra-low emission transformation of coal-fired power plants
2.2.3 Ultra-low emission transformation of non-electricity enterprises
2.2.4 Comprehensive Control of Volatile Organic Compounds
2.2.5 Fugitive emission control of air pollutants from industrial factories and mines 2.2.6 Comprehensive control of urban dust
2.2.7 Catering oil fume pollution control
2.3 Water pollution control
2.3.1 Water body protection and prevention and control of groundwater pollution 2.3.2 Water environment treatment in key river basins and sea areas 2.3.3 Urban black and odorous water treatment
2.3.4 Water Pollution Control in Key Industries
2.3.5 Centralized treatment of water pollution in industrial agglomeration areas
2.4 Soil pollution control
2.4.1 Agricultural land pollution control
2.4.2 Construction land pollution control 2.4.3 Agriculture, forestry and grass industry non-point source pollution control 2.4.4 Desert pollution control
2.5 Other pollution control and comprehensive environmental improvement
2.5.1 Harmless treatment and disposal of industrial solid waste
2.5.2 Hazardous waste disposal and transportation
2.5.3 Noise pollution control
2.5.4 Odor pollution control
2.5.5 Treatment of New Pollutants
2.5.6 Cleaner production transformation in key industries
2.5.7 Centralized transformation of pollution control in the park
2.5.8 Pollution Control of Vehicles and Vessels
2.5.9 Pollution Prevention and Control of Ships and Ports
2.5.10 Livestock and aquaculture waste pollution control 4
2.5.11 Improvement of rural living environment 3 Resource recycling industry
3.1 Resource recycling equipment manufacturing
3.1.1 Manufacturing of equipment for comprehensive utilization of mineral resources
3.1.2 Manufacturing of water resources efficient and recycling equipment 3.1.3 Manufacturing of equipment for comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste 3.1.4 Manufacturing of equipment for comprehensive utilization of agricultural and forestry waste 3.1.5 Manufacturing of equipment for recycling waste materials
3.1.6 Manufacture of waste resource utilization equipment
3.1.7 Manufacturing of Exhaust Gas Recovery and Utilization Equipment
3.2 Resource recycling
3.2.1 Comprehensive utilization of mineral resources
3.2.2 High efficiency and recycling of water resources 3.2.3 Comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste 3.2.4 Comprehensive utilization of agricultural and forestry waste 3.2.5 Recycling of waste materials
3.2.6 Waste resource utilization
3.2.7 Waste gas recycling
3.2.8 Recycling transformation of the park
4 Clean Energy Industry
4.1 New energy and clean energy equipment manufacturing
4.1.1 Wind power equipment manufacturing
4.1.2 Manufacturing of solar power generation equipment
4.1.3 Biomass energy utilization equipment manufacturing
4.1.4 Manufacturing of hydropower and pumped storage equipment
4.1.5 Manufacturing of nuclear power equipment
4.1.6 Gas turbine equipment manufacturing
4.1.7 Manufacturing of geothermal energy development and utilization equipment
4.1.8 Equipment manufacturing for ocean energy development and utilization
4.1.9 Manufacturing of Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Exploitation Equipment 4.1.10 Manufacturing of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration Equipment
4.1.11 Manufacturing of New Energy Storage Equipment
4.1.12 Manufacturing of fuel cell equipment
4.1.13 Manufacturing of hydrogen energy "production, storage and transportation" full-chain equipment 4.1.14 Manufacturing of smart grid products and equipment
4.2 Construction and operation of clean energy facilities
4.2.1 Construction and operation of wind power facilities
4.2.2 Construction and operation of solar energy utilization facilities
4.2.3 Construction and operation of biomass energy utilization facilities
4.2.4 Construction and operation of large hydropower facilities
4.2.5 Construction and operation of nuclear power plants
4.2.6 Construction and operation of geothermal energy utilization facilities
4.2.7 Construction and operation of marine energy utilization facilities
4.2.8 Construction and operation of coalbed methane (coal mine gas) extraction and utilization facilities 6
4.2.9 Construction and operation of hydrogen energy infrastructure
4.2.10 Construction and operation of heat pump facilities 4.3 Clean and efficient development and utilization of traditional energy
4.3.1 Clean Coal Production
4.3.2 Clean and efficient utilization of coal 4.3.3 Production of clean fuel
4.3.4 Clean production of natural gas 4.3.5 Development of unconventional oil and gas resources
4.4 Efficient operation of the energy system
4.4.1 Construction and operation of integration of power source, grid, load and storage and multi-energy complementary projects 4.4.2 Construction and operation of new energy storage facilities
4.4.3 Construction and operation of pumped storage power stations
4.4.4 Energy-saving and consumption-reducing transformation, heat supply transformation and flexibility transformation of coal-fired power units 4.4.5 Smart grid construction and operation
4.4.6 Construction and operation of power load regulation and response system
4.4.7 Construction and operation of peak-shaving facilities for natural gas transmission, storage and transportation
4.4.8 Construction and operation of distributed energy projects
4.4.9 Digital and Intelligent Upgrade of Energy Industry
5 Ecological Protection, Restoration and Utilization 5.1 Ecological Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
5.1.1 Modern breeding and seedling raising 5.1.2 Germplasm resources protection
5.1.3 Green agricultural production
5.1.4 Green and organic certified agriculture
5.1.5 Crop planting protection areas, construction and operation of protection areas 5.1.6 Green prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests
5.1.7 Leisure agriculture and rural tourism
5.1.8 Agro-ecosystem protection and restoration
5.1.9 Forest resource cultivation
5.1.10 Protection of forestry genetic resources
5.1.11 Understory breeding and understory collection
5.1.12 Forest recreation and health care
5.1.13 Green animal husbandry
5.1.14 Green Fisheries
5.2 Ecological Conservation
5.2.1 Biodiversity Conservation
5.2.2 Construction and protective operation of nature reserves
5.2.3 Natural forest protection and restoration
5.2.4 National reserve forest construction
5.2.5 Construction and operation and maintenance of forest and grassland fire prevention system
5.2.6 Construction and operation of ecological product monitoring system and ecological perception system
5.3 Comprehensive Land Improvement and Ecological Restoration
5.3.1 Comprehensive control of coal mining subsidence area
5.3.2 Treatment and restoration of groundwater overexploitation areas 8
5.3.3 Comprehensive land improvement
5.3.4 Comprehensive control of desertification, rocky desertification and soil erosion
5.3.5 Ecological protection and restoration in key areas
5.3.6 Integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand
5.3.7 Prevention and control of pest disasters
5.3.8 Mine geological environment, oil and gas field ecological environment restoration and ecological restoration 5.3.9 Water ecosystem drought and flood disaster prevention and response
5.3.10 Protection and restoration of rivers, lakes and wetlands
5.3.11 Marine Ecology, Coastal Zones and Island Ecological Restoration
5.3.12 Breeding and release and marine pasture construction and operation
5.3.13 Project construction of returning farmland to forest and grassland and returning grazing land to grassland
6 Green upgrade of infrastructure
6.1 Building energy efficiency and green buildings
6.1.1 Green building construction and operation
6.1.2 Ultra-low energy consumption, near zero energy consumption, zero energy consumption, low carbon and zero carbon building construction
and operation
6.1.3 Energy-saving and green transformation of existing buildings
6.1.4 Whole-process green construction
6.1.5 Green Building Operation
6.1.6 Prefabricated building design and construction
6.1.7 Application of renewable energy in buildings
6.1.8 Electrification and intelligent transformation of building energy use 9
6.1.9 Renovation and operation of green and efficient refrigeration 6.1.10 Green storage
6.1.11 Construction, renovation and operation and maintenance of green farm houses
6.2 Green Transportation
6.2.1 Green upgrade of highway transportation infrastructure
6.2.2 Construction and operation of charging, battery replacement and refueling facilities
6.2.3 Construction and operation of intelligent transportation system
6.2.4 Construction and operation of shared transportation facilities
6.2.5 Construction and operation of urban and rural passenger transport system
6.2.6 Construction and operation of urban slow traffic system
6.2.7 Construction and operation of environment-friendly railways and green transformation of railways 6.2.8 Construction and operation of multimodal transport system and public-to-rail and public-to-water 6.2.9 Construction and operation of highway drop-and-pull transport system
6.2.10 Green civil aviation
6.2.11 Green Port and Airlines
6.2.12 Green Logistics
6.3 Environmental infrastructure
6.3.1 Landscaping construction, maintenance management and operation
6.3.2 Sponge city construction and operation
6.3.3 Construction and operation of regional metering and leakage control of urban water supply network
6.3.4 Intelligent transformation of water conservancy facilities
6.3.5 Investigation, reconstruction, construction and repair of urban sewage collection system 10
6.3.6 Investigation and rectification of sewage outlets entering rivers and seas, as well as standardized construction and operation 6.3.7 Construction and operation of sewage sludge treatment and disposal facilities
6.3.8 Construction and operation of domestic waste treatment facilities
6.3.9 Construction and operation of ecological environment monitoring system
6.3.10 Construction, operation and maintenance of ecological security early warning system and ecological protection and restoration information platform
6.4 Urban and rural energy infrastructure
6.4.1 Intelligent construction, operation and transformation of urban power facilities
6.4.2 Construction and operation of urban integrated energy supply facilities
6.4.3 Clean and low-carbon construction, operation and transformation of urban central heating systems 6.4.4 Construction and operation of rural clean energy infrastructure
6.5 Information Infrastructure
6.5.1 Communication network energy-saving transformation 6.5.2 Green data center construction 6.5.3 Data center energy-saving transformation
7 Green Services
7.1 Consulting supervision
7.1.1 Green industry project survey service 7.1.2 Green industry project consulting service 7.1.3 Green industry project construction supervision service
7.2 Operation Management
7.2.1 Construction of energy management system
7.2.2 Energy management contract
7.2.3 Contract water conservation management
7.2.4 Power Demand Side Management
7.2.5 Third-party services for resource recycling 7.2.6 Third-party governance of environmental pollution
7.3 Monitoring and testing
7.3.1 Construction of online monitoring system for energy consumption
7.3.2 Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emission Sources
7.3.3 Environmental damage monitoring and evaluation
7.3.4 Pollution source monitoring
7.3.5 Enterprise environmental monitoring
7.3.6 Ecological environment monitoring and ecological security early warning 7.3.7 Ecosystem carbon sink monitoring and evaluation
7.4 Assessment Review Verification
7.4.1 Energy Conservation Assessment and Energy Audit
7.4.2 Carbon emission verification and verification and verification of GHG voluntary emission reduction projects
7.4.3 Evaluation of Building Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emissions
7.4.4 Cleaner Production Audit
7.4.5 Environmental impact assessment
7.4.6 Ecological environment quality monitoring and assessment
7.4.7 Natural resource ecological protection compensation and ecological damage compensation assessment
7.4.8 Ecological protection restoration products and ecosystem assessment 12
7.4.9 Geological Hazard Risk Assessment
7.4.10 Soil and water conservation assessment
7.5 Promotion of Green Technology Product R&D Certification
7.5.1 Research and development of green technology products 7.5.2 Promotion of green technology product certification 7.5.3 Green technology transactions
7.6 Resource and environment rights and interests transactions
7.6.1 Carbon emissions trading
7.6.2 Energy usage right trading
7.6.3 Water rights trading
7.6.4 Emissions trading
7.6.5 Forest Right Transaction
7.6.6 Renewable Energy Green Certificate and Green Power Trading
* * *
附件2 《绿色产业指导目录(2023年版)》的解释说明
1 节能降碳产业
1.1 高效节能装备制造
1.1.1 节能锅炉制造
包括高低差速循环流化床油页岩锅炉、煤泥循环流化床锅 炉、蓄热稳燃高炉煤气锅炉、高效煤粉工业锅炉、高效低污染层 燃室燃复合燃烧锅炉、高效生物质锅炉、多流程生物质循环流化 床锅炉、固体可燃废弃物循环流化床锅炉等节能型电站锅炉、工 业锅炉和船用锅炉,以及先进煤气化装备等制造。锅炉能效不低 于《锅炉节能环保技术规程》(TSG 91)中热效率指标目标值水 平,工业锅炉能效不低于《工业锅炉能效限定值及能效等级》 (GB 24500)中1级能效水平。电站锅炉大气污染物排放浓度值符 合《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223)要求,工业锅炉 大气污染物排放浓度值符合《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13271)要求;其他节能锅炉需满足对应大气污染物排放标准要 求。
1.1.2 节能窑炉制造
包括采用高温空气燃烧技术的冶金加热炉、节能工业电炉、 节能型非电热金属处理用炉、节能型辊道窑、节能型隧道窑、节 能型梭式窑、节能型推板窑、节能型保护气氛窑炉、节能型氮化 窑、节能型烧成窑炉、节能型烘烤干燥炉等高效工业窑炉,以及 节能型炉用燃烧器等设备制造。
1.1.3 节能内燃机制造
包括560kW以下的非道路用柴油机和轻型汽车(包括轻型乘 用车和轻型商用车)用柴油机,轻型汽车用汽油机及30kW以下通 用汽油机等内燃机制造。设备能效不低于《往复式内燃机能效评 定规范 第1部分:柴油机》(GB/T 38750.1)、《往复式内燃机能 效评定规范 第2部分:汽油机》(GB/T 38750.2)等标准中1级能 效水平。
1.1.4 高效发电机及发电机组制造
包括节能型交流发电机、节能型直流发电机、节能型发电机 组、节能型内燃发电机组、节能型旋转式变流机、与内燃机配用 的节能型发电机,节能发电机及发电机组专用零件等设备制造。
1.1.5 节能型泵及真空设备制造
包括节能泵、节能型真空干燥设备、节能型真空炉等设备制 造。清水离心泵能效不低于《清水离心泵能效限定值及节能评价 值》(GB 19762)中节能评价值水平;石油化工离心泵能效不低 于《石油化工离心泵能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 32284)中1级
能效水平;潜水电泵能效不低于《小型潜水电泵能效限定值及能 效等级》(GB 32029)、《井用潜水电泵能效限定值及能效等 级》(GB 32030)、《污水污物潜水电泵能效限定值及能效等 级》(GB 32031)中1级能效水平;其他节能泵及真空设备需满足 对应能效标准要求。
1.1.6 节能型气体压缩设备制造
包括节能型空气压缩机、空气调节器用压缩机、透平式压缩 机等设备制造。容积式空气压缩机能效不低于《容积式空气压缩 机能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 19153)中1级能效水平;空气调 节器用全封闭型电动机-压缩机能效不低于《空气调节器用全封闭 型电动机-压缩机能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 35971)中1级能 效水平;其他节能气体压缩设备需满足对应能效标准要求。
1.1.7 节能电动机、微特电机制造
包括节能型直流电动机、节能型交流电动机、节能型交直流 两用电动机、节能型小功率电动机、节能型微特电机、稀土永磁 电机等设备制造。中小型及小功率三相异步、单相异步电动机能 效不低于《电动机能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 18613)中1级能 效水平;永磁同步电动机能效不低于《永磁同步电动机能效限定 值及能效等级》(GB 30253)中1级能效水平;高压三相笼型异步 电动机能效不低于《高压三相笼型异步电动机能效限定值及能效 等级》(GB 30254)中1级能效水平;其他节能电动机需满足对应
1.1.8 节能风机风扇制造
包括节能型工业风扇、通风机、鼓风机、通风罩、循环气罩 等设备制造。通风机能效不低于《通风机能效限定值及能效等 级》(GB 19761)中1级能效水平;离心鼓风机能效不低于《离心 鼓风机能效限定值及节能评价值》(GB 28381)中节能评价值水 平;其他节能风机风扇需满足对应能效标准要求。
1.1.9 节能型变压器、整流器、电感器和电焊机制造
包括节能型变压器、互感器、静止式变流器、电抗器、电感 器、交流接触器、变频器、电焊机等设备制造。三相电力变压器 能效不低于《电力变压器能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 20052) 中1级能效水平;交流接触器能效不低于《交流接触器能效限定值 及能效等级》(GB 21518)中1级能效水平;1kV以上不超过35kV 通用变频调速设备需符合《1kV以上不超过35kV的通用变频调速 设备》(GB/T 30843)要求;1kV及以下通用变频调速设备需符合 《1kV及以下通用变频调速设备》(GB/T 30844)要求;其他节能 变压器、整流器、电感器和电焊机等需满足对应能效标准要求。
1.1.10 高效节能磁悬浮动力装备制造
包括磁悬浮离心鼓风机、磁悬浮透平真空泵、磁悬浮离心制 冷压缩机、磁悬浮低温余热发电机、磁悬浮空气压缩机、磁悬浮 蒸汽压缩机、磁悬浮飞轮储能等装备制造。
1.1.11 节能农资制造
包括节能低碳农业大棚、高效节能农用发动机、高速精量排 种器、节能环保农机和渔机渔船等制造。
1.1.12 节能采矿、建筑专用设备制造
包括节能型建井设备、采掘和凿岩设备、矿山提升设备、矿 物破碎机械、矿物粉磨机械、矿物筛分和洗选设备、矿山牵引车 及其矿车、矿山设备专用配套件等制造。
1.1.13 高效节能商用设备制造
包括节能型复印机、打印机、传真机、微型计算机、投影 机、商用制冷器具、冷水机组、热泵机组、单元式空调等商用设 备制造。产品能效不低于《复印机、打印机和传真机能效限定值 及能效等级》(GB 21521)、《微型计算机能效限定值及能效等 级》(GB 28380)、《投影机能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 32028)、《商用制冷器具能效限定值和能效等级》(GB 26920)、《冷水机组能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 19577)、 《水(地)源热泵机组能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 30721)、 《单元式空气调节机能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 19576)等标 准中1级能效水平。
1.1.14 高效节能家用电器制造
包括节能型房间空调器、空调机组、电冰箱、电动洗衣机、 电饭锅、空气净化器、平板电视机、机顶盒、电风扇等家用电器
制造。产品能效不低于《房间空气调节器能效限定值及能效等 级》(GB 21455)、《多联式空调(热泵)机组能效限定值及能 效等级》(GB 21454)、《家用电冰箱耗电量限定值及能效等 级》(GB 12021.2)、《电动洗衣机能效水效限定值及等级》 (GB 12021.4)、《电饭锅能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 12021.6)、《空气净化器能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 36893)、《平板电视与机顶盒能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 24850)、《电风扇能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 12021.9)等标 准中1级能效水平。
1.1.15 高效照明产品及系统制造
包括发光二极管(LED)用大尺寸开盒即用蓝宝石、大尺寸 高效低成本LED外延生长和芯片制备产业化技术装置、替代型半 导体照明光源、新型LED照明应用产品、半导体照明产品及其生 产装备、控制装置等设备制造。LED产品需符合《LED筒灯性能测 量方法》(GB/T 29293)、《LED筒灯性能要求》(GB/T 29294)、《普通照明用非定向自镇流LED灯性能要求》(GB/T 24908)等标准规范要求,能效不低于《室内照明用LED产品能效 限定值及能效等级》(GB 30255)、《道路和隧道照明用LED灯 具能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 37478)、《普通照明用LED平 板灯能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 38450)等标准中1级能效水 平。
1.1.16 高效节能炉具灶具设备制造
包括高效生物质炉、清洁型煤炉、高效天然气炉、高效家用 燃气灶具等炉具灶具制造。生物质炕炉需符合《生物质炕炉通用 技术条件》(NB/T 34017)等标准规范要求。家用燃气快速热水 器和燃气采暖热水炉能效不低于《家用燃气快速热水器和燃气采 暖热水炉能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 20665)中1级能效水平; 家用燃气灶具能效不低于《家用燃气灶具能效限定值及能效等 级》(GB 30720)中1级能效水平;其他节能炉具灶具需满足对应 能效标准要求。
1.1.17 余热余压余气利用设备制造
包括低热值煤气燃气轮机、低温烟气余热深度回收装置、窑 炉余热利用装置、基于吸收式换热的集中供热装置、循环水及乏 汽余热回收大型热泵装置、高效换热器、高效蓄能器、高效冷凝 器等设备制造。热交换器能效不低于《热交换器能效测试与评价 规则》(TSG R0010)中1级能效水平,其他余热余压余气利用设 备需满足对应能效标准要求。余能利用需符合《工业余能资源评 价方法》(GB/T 1028)、《工业余热梯级综合利用导则》(GB/T 39091)等标准规范要求。
1.1.18 绿色建筑材料制造
包括节能墙体材料、外墙保温材料、节能玻璃、装配式建筑 部品部件、预拌混凝土、预拌砂浆、绿色工业化定制家装等绿色
建材产品制造。建筑玻璃、墙体材料、绝热材料、防水与密封材 料、陶瓷砖(板)等产品需符合《绿色产品评价 建筑玻璃》 (GB/T 35604)、《绿色产品评价 墙体材料》(GB/T 35605)、 《绿色产品评价 绝热材料》(GB/T 35608)、《绿色产品评价 防 水与密封材料》(GB/T 35609)、《绿色产品评价 陶瓷砖 (板)》(GB/T 35610)等标准规范要求。预拌混凝土需符合 《环境标志产品技术要求 预拌混凝土》(HJ/T 412)等标准规范 要求。建筑绝热材料需符合《建筑用绝热制品 六溴环十二烷的限 值》(GB/T 41077)等标准规范要求。
1.1.19 能源计量、检测、监测、控制设备制造
包括节能检测设备、在线能源计量设备、在线能源检测设 备、热工检测设备、节能自控设备、温度计量设备、流量计量设 备、电力计量设备、热力计量设备、能源检测电导率设备、能源 监测磁导率设备等设备制造(不包括含汞设备)。能源计量器具 需符合《用能单位能源计量器具配备和管理通则》(GB 17167) 等标准规范要求。
1.2 先进交通装备制造
1.2.1 新能源汽车关键零部件制造
混合动力专用发动机、机电耦合系统及能量回收系统等新能源汽 车关键核心零部件装备制造。新能源汽车电池需符合《电动汽车
用动力蓄电池安全要求》(GB 38031)、《电动汽车用动力蓄电 池电性能要求及试验方法》(GB/T 31486)、《电动汽车用动力 蓄电池循环寿命要求及试验方法》(GB/T 31484)等标准规范要 求;电动汽车用驱动电机系统需符合《电动汽车用驱动电机系 统》(GB/T 18488)、《电动汽车用驱动电机系统可靠性试验方 法》(GB/T 29307)等标准规范要求;电附件需符合《电动汽车 仪表》(GB/T 19836)等标准规范要求;电动汽车安全需符合 《电动汽车 安全要求》(GB/T 18384)等标准规范要求。
1.2.2 船用绿色动力装备制造
包括利用液化天然气(LNG)、电池、甲醇、氢等船用绿色 动力装备制造,以及提升船舶能效水平、减少船舶污染物排放有 关动力系统和设备制造。
1.2.3 先进轨道交通装备制造
包括铁路高端装备制造、城市和港口轨道交通装备制造、轨 道交通其他装备制造等,不包括轨道建设。
1.2.4 新能源飞行器制造
1.3 节能降碳改造
1.3.1 锅炉(窑炉)节能改造和能效提升
锅炉(窑炉)实施的节能技术改造,以及使用天然气、可再生能 源等清洁能源和工厂余热、电厂乏汽、循环水余热等热力资源替 代煤、石油焦、渣油、重油等燃料锅炉(窑炉)供热的节能技术 改造。
1.3.2 汽轮发电机组系统能效提升
包括以提升汽轮发电机组能效为目的,对汽轮机通流部分、 冷端系统、锅炉受热面及烟风系统、运行控制系统、热力及疏水 系统、辅助电机等设备或系统实施的节能技术改造。
1.3.3 电机系统能效提升
包括以实现电机系统能效提升为目的,采用设备更新、技术 改造、控制系统优化等技术手段,对电机系统(含系统内风机、 水泵、压缩机、变压器等设备)实施的设备或综合性系统节能改 造。
1.3.4 电网节能改造
包括以提升电网能效为目的,对输电线路、变电系统等设备 或系统实施的节能改造。
1.3.5 余热余压利用
包括采用饱和蒸汽发电、烟气余热回收利用、煤气回收利用 等技术,回收工业生产过程低品位余热余压余气等能源资源用于 发电、工业供热、居民供暖或生产工艺再利用的设施建设或技术 改造。
1.3.6 能量系统优化
包括通过工艺流程优化、系统技术集成应用、能量系统设计 与控制优化等技术手段,对工业生产过程能源流、物质流、信息 流实施协同优化,提高能源梯级利用成效,使生产系统整体能效 提升的节能改造,满足《能量系统优化导则》(GB/T 35071)、 《工业园区物质流分析技术导则》(GB/T 38903)等标准规范要 求。
1.3.7 绿色照明改造
包括采用半导体通用照明产品、高压钠灯、金属卤化物灯等 高效照明产品(不包括含汞灯具),高效照明控制系统,以及采 用自然光为光源等实施各类建筑及公共场所的照明节能改造。相 关参数需符合《LED城市道路照明应用技术要求》(GB/T 31832)、《隧道照明用LED灯具性能要求》(GB/T 32481)等国 家标准规范要求,且产品能效不低于《室内照明用LED产品能效 限定值及能效等级》(GB 30255)、《道路和隧道照明用LED灯 具能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 37478)、《普通照明用LED平 板灯能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 38450)、《高压钠灯能效限 定值及能效等级》(GB 19573)、《金属卤化物灯能效限定值及 能效等级》(GB 20054)等标准中1级能效水平,以及《普通照明 用卤钨灯能效限定值及节能评价值》(GB 31276)中节能评价值 水平。
1.3.8 船舶绿色低碳升级改造
包括以提高船舶运行效率,减少船舶污染物和二氧化碳排放 为目的,采用先进适用的绿色技术和装备对船舶进行升级改造。
1.4 温室气体控制
1.4.1 二氧化碳捕集利用与封存
大气中分离出来,加以资源化利用、注入地层封存或注入地下油 藏提高石油产量,如火电厂二氧化碳捕集、二氧化碳驱油、直接 空气碳捕捉、生物质能碳捕捉与封存等技术应用。
1.4.2 油气田甲烷采收利用
包括应用液化处理、吸附处理、压缩处理等技术采收油气田 甲烷,以及将其管输用于其他油井供能、废水脱盐处理供能、发 电等。
1.4.3 消耗臭氧层物质替代品开发与利用
包括鼓励消耗臭氧层物质、氢氟碳化物、持久性有机污染物 替代品的开发和利用。消耗臭氧层物质指对臭氧层有破坏作用并 列入《中国受控消耗臭氧层物质清单》的化学品,氢氟碳化物指 可能引起气候变暖并列入《中国受控消耗臭氧层物质清单》的化 学品,持久性有机污染物指全氟化合物、溴系阻燃剂等列入《关 于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》的化学品。
1.4.4 工业生产过程温室气体减排 12
包括通过工艺改进和清洁生产等措施减少生产过程温室气体 排放的活动,如水泥行业通过非碳酸盐原料替代传统石灰石原 料、玻璃行业应用先进的浮法工艺减少温室气体排放,化工行业 使用六氟化硫混合气和回收六氟化硫等。
2 环境保护产业
2.1 先进环保装备和原料材料制造
2.1.1 大气污染防治装备制造
包括烟气除尘、烟气脱硫脱硝脱汞、挥发性有机物(VOCs) 处理、二噁英处理、移动源尾气后处理、食品业油烟净化、家用 房间空气清洁装置等装备制造。需符合《除尘器能效限定值及能 效等级》(GB 37484)(2级及以上能效水平)、《电除尘器》 (GB/T 40514)、《电袋复合除尘器》(GB/T 27869)、《高效 能大气污染物控制装备评价技术要求》(GB/T 33017)、《燃煤 烟气脱硫设备》(GB/T 19229)、《燃煤烟气脱硝技术装备》 (GB/T 21509)等相关标准规范要求,鼓励达到《环境保护综合 名录(2021年版)》《国家鼓励发展的重大环保技术装备目录 (2020年版)》等相关政策和规范要求。
2.1.2 水污染防治装备制造
包括城镇和农村生活污水、工业废水处理与再生利用、回用 装备,地表水、地下水污染防控治理与修复装备,清淤机械、排 水管网维护检测装备、海绵城市建设配套装备、城镇雨水收集与
处理装备,饮用水安全保障及漏损控制装备等装备制造。需符合 《污水处理设备安全技术规范》(GB/T 28742)、《石油化工工 程防渗技术规范》(GB/T 50934)、《家用和类似用途饮用水处 理装置》(GB/T 30307)、《污水处理用旋转曝气机能效限定值 及能效等级》(GB 37483)(2级及以上能效水平)、《污水处理 用潜水推流式搅拌机能效限定值及能效等级》(GB 37485)(2级 及以上能效水平)、《高效能水污染物控制装备评价技术要求 旋 转曝气机》(GB/T 38220)等相关标准规范要求,鼓励达到《环 境保护综合名录(2021年版)》《国家鼓励发展的重大环保技术 装备目录(2020年版)》等相关政策和规范要求。
2.1.3 土壤污染治理与修复装备制造
包括矿山复垦与生态修复、农用地土壤污染修复、工业用地 土壤污染修复、污染地块治理与修复装备,以及列入《土壤污染 防治先进技术装备目录》的相关装备等制造。鼓励达到《环境保 护综合名录(2021年版)》《国家鼓励发展的重大环保技术装备 目录(2020年版)》等相关政策和规范要求。
2.1.4 固体废物处理处置装备制造
包括工业固体废弃物、生活垃圾、建筑垃圾、农业固体废 物、废弃电器电子产品、废弃机动车船等固体废物的处理处置装 备制造。需符合《垃圾填埋压实机》(GB/T 27871)、《垃圾裂 化焚烧装置》(GB/T 35251)、《垃圾焚烧尾气处理设备》
(GB/T 29152)、《餐饮业餐厨废弃物处理与利用设备》(GB/T 28739)等相关标准规范要求,鼓励达到《环境保护综合名录 (2021年版)》《国家鼓励发展的重大环保技术装备目录(2020 年版)》等相关政策和规范要求。
2.1.5 噪声与振动控制设备制造
包括声屏障、消声器、隔声窗、动力设备隔振装置、管道隔 振用软连接设备、轨道振动与噪声控制装置、吸声隔声材料、阻 尼抑振材料和设备、有源噪声与振动控制设备等装备制造。需符 合《通风消声器》(HJ/T 16)、《隔声窗》(HJ/T 17)、《复合 阻尼隔振器和复合阻尼器》(GB/T 14527)等相关标准规范要 求,鼓励达到《环境保护综合名录(2021年版)》《国家鼓励发 展的重大环保技术装备目录(2020年版)》等相关政策和规范要 求。
2.1.6 放射性污染防治和处理设备制造
包括放射性废物处理和处置装置、放射源污染土壤的治理与 修复装备等设备制造。
2.1.7 环境污染处理药剂材料制造
包括新型化学除磷药剂、杀菌灭藻剂、有机合成高分子絮凝 剂、微生物絮凝剂等环保药剂和高性能袋式除尘滤料及纤维等制 造,以及列入《国家鼓励发展的重大环保技术装备目录(2020年 版)》和满足《烟气集成净化专用碳基产品》(GB/T 35254)、
《烟气脱硝催化剂检测技术规范》(GB/T 38219)等国家标准的 环境污染治理药剂和材料制造。
2.1.8 无毒无害原料生产与替代使用
包括在电器电子、汽车、涂料、家具、儿童玩具、教育场所 硬件设备、印刷、汽车制造涂装、橡胶制品、皮革、制鞋等重点 行业使用的无毒无害或低毒低害原料,对含重金属或有机污染物 等有毒有害物质原料进行替代的原料或替代品生产和使用。如 《国家鼓励的有毒有害原料(产品)替代品目录》所列替代品及 其他低(无)VOCs含量涂料、油墨、胶粘剂、清洗剂等替代品的 生产和使用,清洁包装原料制造,可降解塑料制品生产和使用, 以竹代塑,以及《环境保护综合名录(2021年版)》中“高污 染、高环境风险”产品的替代产品的生产和使用。
2.1.9 高效低毒低残留农药生产
包括低毒低残留农药制造生产工艺改造升级、高毒高风险农 药替代、高效低毒低残留的环境友好型农药研发生产等。高效低 毒低残留农药需符合《种植业生产使用低毒低残留农药主要品种 名录(2018)》等国家和行业优先支持的农药品种且不属于《环 境保护综合名录(2021版)》中“高污染、高环境风险”的农药 产品。
2.1.10 环境监测仪器与应急处理设备制造 包括大气、水、土壤、生物、噪声与振动、固体废物、机动
车排放(含遥感监测和PEMS检测)、核与辐射等生态环境监测及 检测仪器仪表、环境应急检测仪器仪表、环境应急装备等设备制 造,以及列入《环境保护综合名录(2021年版)》《国家鼓励发 展的重大环保技术装备目录(2020年版)》的设备制造。
2.2 大气污染治理
2.2.1 工业脱硫脱硝除尘改造
造、焦炉煤气精脱硫改造、水泥行业脱硫脱硝除尘改造、玻璃行 业熔窑烟气脱硫脱硝除尘改造等。改造后大气污染物排放需符合 《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13271)、《钢铁烧结、球团 工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 28662)、《水泥工业大气污染 物排放标准》(GB 4915)、《产业园区废气综合利用原则和要 求》(GB/T 36574)、《燃煤烟气脱硝装备运行效果评价技术要 求》(GB/T 34340)、《燃煤烟气脱硫装备运行效果评价技术要 求》(GB/T 34605)、《钢铁烧结烟气脱硫除尘装备运行效果评 价技术要求》(GB/T 34607)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
2.2.2 燃煤电厂超低排放改造
包括脱硫、脱硝、除尘超低排放改造以及超低排放控制系统 优化等燃煤发电机组超低排放改造。需符合《关于开展全国煤电 机组改造升级的通知》(发改运行〔2021〕1519号)、《煤电节 能减排升级与改造行动计划(2014-2020年)》(发改能源
〔2014〕2093号)、《全面实施燃煤电厂超低排放和节能改造工 作方案》(环发〔2015〕164号)中超低排放标准及其他相关要 求。
2.2.3 非电行业企业超低排放改造
包括钢铁、水泥、焦化等行业脱硫、脱硝、除尘超低排放改 造。需符合《关于推进实施钢铁行业超低排放的意见》(环大气 〔2019〕35号)、《关于做好钢铁企业超低排放评估监测工作的 通知》(环办大气函〔2019〕922号)中超低排放标准等相关要 求,需符合《重污染天气重点行业绩效分级及减排措施》中水泥 行业水泥熟料企业A级绩效指标要求和粉磨站引领性指标要求。
2.2.4 挥发性有机物综合整治
包括石化、化工、工业涂装、包装印刷、油品储运销等重点 行业企业和领域挥发性有机物综合整治,涂料、油墨、胶粘剂、 清洗剂等含VOCs原辅材料使用企业低(无)VOCs含量原辅材料 替代。需符合国家和地方挥发性有机物相关排放标准。
2.2.5 工业厂矿大气污染物无组织排放控制
包括对工业厂矿中不经过排气筒的、开放式作业场所逸散的 以及通过缝隙、通风口、敞开门窗和类似开口(孔)排放的无组 织大气污染物排放等进行控制。
2.2.6 城市扬尘综合整治 包括在建设工程施工现场设置全封闭围挡墙、物料堆放覆
盖、土方开挖湿法作业、进出道路地面硬化、出入车辆清洗,渣 土运输车辆采取密闭措施,采用道路机械化清扫等低尘作业方 式,城市及周边建设绿化和防风防沙林等,施工扬尘排放需符合 地方排放标准要求。
2.2.7 餐饮油烟污染治理
包括在餐饮服务经营场所安装高效油烟净化设施、油烟异味 治理设施以及实施治理设施第三方运维管理、餐饮集聚区的综合 治理等。设施运行需符合《饮食业油烟排放标准》(GB 18483) 等国家、地方排放标准要求,油烟净化设备需符合《饮食业油烟 净化设备技术要求及检测技术规范(试行)》(HJ/T 62)等标准 规范要求。
2.3 水污染治理
2.3.1 水体保护及地下水污染防治
开展重要饮用水水源地达标建设、备用水源建设、水源涵养和生 态修复,开展生物缓冲带建设,实施报废矿井、钻井、取水井封 井回填,开展石油化工、矿山开采、农田等区域地下水污染调 查、预防和区划、风险评估及污染治理等。
2.3.2 重点流域海域水环境治理
包括统筹使用截污治污、垃圾清理、河道清淤疏浚、湿地保 护修复、植被恢复等手段,开展的改善水环境质量、恢复水域生
态功能的治理活动。包括实施长江、黄河、珠江、淮河、海河、 松花江、辽河等七大流域,东南诸河、西北诸河、西南诸河等水 环境保护与综合治理,开展河湖生态修复,实施太湖、洞庭湖、 滇池、巢湖、鄱阳湖、白洋淀、乌梁素海、呼伦湖、艾比湖等重 点湖库水污染综合治理,开展长江中下游、珠三角等河湖内源治 理,开展渤海、长江口-杭州湾、珠江口邻近海域等重点海域综 合治理等。
2.3.3 城市黑臭水体整治
包括污水处理、再生利用、污水管渠建设和技术改造,排污 口整治、截污系统建设和改造,内源治理、人工湿地建设、垃圾 清理、智慧水务等治理活动。治理后水体水质需满足《城市黑臭 水体整治工作指南》《城市黑臭水体整治——排水口、管道及检 查井治理技术指南》等法规政策和国家、地方标准规范要求。
2.3.4 重点行业水污染治理
包括造纸、焦化、氮肥、有色金属、印染、农副食品加工、 原料药制造、制革、农药、电镀等重点行业的污废水治理,工业 废水循环利用和清洁化改造。需符合国家、地方相关水污染物排 放标准和所在行业清洁生产评价指标体系、《工业废水处理与回 用技术评价导则》(GB/T 32327)等相关标准规范要求。
2.3.5 工业集聚区水污染集中治理 包括经济技术开发区、高新技术产业开发区、出口加工区等
工业集聚区污水预处理系统建设、污水收集系统和污水集中处理 与再生利用设施建设和运营。集聚区工业废水排放需符合国家、 地方相关水污染物排放标准,满足《产业园区水的分类使用及循 环利用原则和要求》(GB/T 36575)等标准规范要求。园区排水 允许接入城镇市政污水系统的,需符合国家、地方相关水污染物 排放标准和《污水排入城镇下水道水质标准》(GB/T 31962)等 纳管要求。
2.4 土壤污染治理
2.4.1 农用地污染治理
地土壤环境质量类别划分、安全利用、风险管控、治理与修复, 以及治理与修复效果评估等。
2.4.2 建设用地污染治理
包括开展建设用地土壤污染状况详查与监测、风险评估,以 及采用转移、吸收、降解等物理、化学、生物工程技术措施,降 低土壤污染物含量水平,使建设用地土壤质量符合相关规划用地 土壤环境质量要求,提升建设用地土壤利用价值。
2.4.3 农林草业面源污染防治
包括通过源头控制、过程阻断、末端强化等综合防治措施, 减少农田污染和农业废弃物污染以及抗生素污染等新型污染;测 土配方施肥,农田氮磷拦截与再利用等农业清洁生产技术应用;
农作物病虫害专业化统防统治及绿色防控专业化服务;粪污集中 处理和资源化利用,畜禽规模化养殖和粪污资源化利用、病死畜 禽无害化处理设施,生态沟渠、污水净化塘等设施建设和运营; 农业地膜污染防治。畜禽养殖需符合《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标 准》(GB 18596)要求。
2.4.4 沙漠污染治理
包括采用清洗、淋洗、玻璃化、热处理以及气相抽吸等物理 措施,焚烧、电动修复、化学稳定等化学措施,植物修复、动物 修复和微生物修复等生物措施开展的沙漠污染治理活动。
2.5 其他污染治理和环境综合整治
2.5.1 工业固体废弃物无害化处理处置
工废渣、除尘灰等工业固体废弃物的回收、无害化处理和再利用 设施建设和运营。需符合《工业固体废物综合利用技术评价导 则》(GB/T 32326)、《工业固体废物综合利用产品环境与质量 安全评价技术导则》(GB/T 32328)、《工业综合利用设备环境 化设计导则》(GB/T 31513)、《工业固体废物综合利用术语》 (GB/T 34911)、《一般工业固体废物贮存和填埋污染控制标 准》(GB 18599)、《水泥窑协同处置固体废物污染控制标准》 (GB 30485)、《排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 工业固体废物 (试行)》(HJ 1200)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求和
《工业固体废物资源综合利用评价管理暂行办法》《国家工业固 体废物资源综合利用产品目录》等支持范围。
2.5.2 危险废物处理处置和运输
包括列入《国家危险废物名录》的医疗废物、医药废物、废 药物药品、农药废物、木材防腐剂废物、废有机溶剂与含有机溶 剂废物、热处理含氰废物、废矿物油与含矿物油废物等危险废物 的减量化、无害化处理设施建设和运营,以及相关危险废物的运 输。需符合《危险废物焚烧污染控制标准》(GB 18484)、《危 险废物贮存污染控制标准》(GB 18597)、《危险废物填埋污染 控制标准》(GB 18598)、《含氰废水处理处置规范》(GB/T 32123)、《危险废物处置工程技术导则》(HJ 2042)、《危险货 物运输包装通用技术条件》(GB 12463)、《危险废物收集、贮 存、运输技术规范》(HJ 2025)等国家、行业相关标准规范要 求。
2.5.3 噪声污染治理
包括工业企业噪声污染治理、交通噪声污染治理、建筑施工 噪声污染治理以及社会生活噪声污染治理等。需符合《工业企业 厂界环境噪声排放标准》(GB 12348)、《建筑施工场界环境噪 声排放标准》(GB 12523)、《社会生活环境噪声排放标准》 (GB 22337)等相关标准规范要求。
2.5.4 恶臭污染治理
包括在生产经营活动中产生恶臭气体的企业和其他单位安装 净化装置或采取其他工程技术措施开展恶臭污染治理。需符合 《恶臭污染物排放标准》(GB 14554)等相关标准规范要求。
2.5.5 新污染物治理
包括石化、涂料、纺织印染、橡胶、农药、医药等行业新污 染物治理试点工程,有毒有害化学物质绿色替代、新污染物减排 以及污水污泥、废液废渣中新污染物治理示范技术应用。需符合 《新污染物治理行动方案》(国办发〔2022〕15号)等有关政策 和标准规范要求。
2.5.6 重点行业清洁生产改造
包括钢铁、石油石化、化工、有色金属等重点行业企业清洁 生产改造,(聚)氯乙烯生产行业无汞化改造等。需符合《钢铁 行业清洁生产评价指标体系》《氮肥行业清洁生产评价指标体系 (试行)》《烧碱/聚氯乙烯行业清洁生产评价指标体系(试 行)》《铝行业清洁生产评价指标体系(试行)》《铅锌行业清 洁生产评价指标体系(试行)》等相关标准规范要求。
2.5.7 园区污染治理集中化改造
包括工业园区、企业集群集中污染治理设施、集中喷涂设 施,以及集中涂装中心、活性炭集中处理中心、溶剂回收中心等 涉VOCs“绿岛”项目建设运营及升级改造,废弃可再生资源(如 废钢铁、废有色金属、废塑料、废橡胶)集中拆解处理和集中污
染治理设施建设运营,工业园区、企业集群公共基础设施(如供 水、供电、供热、道路、通信等)建设和技术改造等。需符合 《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918)、《产业园区 基础设施绿色化指标体系及评价方法》(GB/T 38538)等国家、 地方相关标准规范要求。
2.5.8 交通车船污染治理
包括采用高效、节能、环保的机动车船和非道路移动机械替 换老旧和高能耗、高排放装备,机动车船和非道路移动机械的污 染排放实时监控系统建设,对机动车船、非道路移动机械维修废 油、废水和废气实施治理等,需符合国家、地方有关排放标准要 求。
2.5.9 船舶港口污染防治
包括以防治船舶港口污染为目的实施的港口油气回收系统建 设,船舶改造加装尾气污染治理装备和生活污水收集处理装置, 大型煤炭、矿石码头堆场防风抑尘设施建设,港口船舶污染物接 收设施建设,岸电设施建设,干散货码头粉尘专项治理,实施内 河船舶环保设施升级改造,以及避免船舶压舱水带来外来物种入 侵危害的设施建设等。需符合《船舶水污染物排放控制标准》 (GB 3552)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
2.5.10 畜禽和水产养殖废弃物污染治理 包括畜禽粪污收集处理、畜禽养殖废水处理、畜禽养殖恶臭
气体防治、畜禽养殖二次污染防治、病死畜禽收集和无害化处 置,以及水产清洁养殖、废弃物收集、减少养殖尾水排放、病死 水产品无害化处置等设施建设和改造。需符合《畜禽规模养殖污 染防治条例》《病死畜禽和病害畜禽产品无害化处理管理办法》 《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB 18596)、《畜禽养殖粪便 堆肥处理与利用设备》(GB/T 28740)、《畜禽粪便无害化处理 技术规范》(GB/T 36195)等有关法规政策和国家、地方相关标 准规范要求。
2.5.11 农村人居环境整治提升
包括农村生活垃圾分类、清扫收集、储转运等无害化和资源 化处理,卫生厕所建设和粪污处理、生活污水治理、农村河道综 合治理、黑臭水体整治、村容村貌提升、饮用水安全工程等设施 建设和运营。农村污水处理设施运行效果应不低于《农村生活污 水处理设施运行效果评价技术要求》(GB/T 40201)中良好等 级。
3 资源循环利用产业
3.1 资源循环利用装备制造
3.1.1 矿产资源综合利用装备制造
包括能源矿产、黑色金属矿产、有色金属(含稀有金属)矿 产、非金属矿产及共伴生矿资源综合利用等装备制造。
3.1.2 水资源高效及循环利用装备制造 26
包括农业节水灌溉装置,电力、钢铁、有色、石油石化、煤 炭、化工、造纸、纺织印染、食品加工、机械、电子等高用水行 业节约用水及废水处理回用装置,城镇污水再生利用装置,建筑 中水利用装置,矿井水利用和净化装置,苦咸水综合利用设施, 雨水收集利用与回渗装置,大型膜法反渗透海水淡化膜组件、高 压泵、能量回收等关键部件和热法海水淡化核心部件,热膜耦合 海水淡化装备,利用电厂余热、核能以及风能、海洋能和太阳能 等可再生能源进行海水淡化的装备,浓盐水综合利用及浓缩零排 放装备等装备制造。
3.1.3 工业固体废弃物综合利用装备制造
包括煤矸石、粉煤灰、工业副产石膏、冶炼渣、尾矿、化工 废渣、赤泥、工业副产盐、废旧滤袋等固体废弃物的综合利用, 冶金烟灰粉尘回收与稀贵金属高效低成本回收等装备制造。
3.1.4 农林废弃物综合利用装备制造
包括秸秆、畜禽养殖废弃物收储运及加工设备,粪肥还田施 用设备,病死畜禽、水产品无害化处置设备,养殖废弃物资源化 利用装备,农膜、化肥与农兽药包装、灌溉器材、农机具、渔网 网衣、筏架等废旧农用物资回收利用设备,以及次小薪材、林业 三剩物(采伐剩余物、造材剩余物、加工剩余物)等资源化利用 装备制造。
3.1.5 废旧物资循环利用装备制造 27
包括废钢铁、废有色金属、废塑料、废纸、废旧轮胎、废旧 手机、废旧动力电池、废旧纺织品、废玻璃等再生资源回收利用 装备制造,废弃电器电子产品、报废机动车、报废船舶、退役飞 机、废铅蓄电池、退役光伏组件、风电机组叶片等拆解利用装备 制造,汽车零部件、工程机械、机床、文办设备、盾构机、航空 发动机、工业机器人等再制造装备制造。
3.1.6 垃圾资源化利用装备制造
包括生活垃圾资源化利用、餐厨废弃物资源化利用、污泥综 合利用、建筑垃圾综合利用、道路桥梁轨道施工产生的废旧路面 沥青综合利用等装备制造。
3.1.7 废气回收利用装备制造
包括在钢铁、焦化、建材、有色金属、石化化工等行业生产 过程中,对产生的荒煤气(焦炉煤气)、高炉煤气、转炉煤气、 高硫天然气等可燃废气,工业氢气、甲烷、硫化氢、氯、氯化 氢、高纯度二氧化碳等工业废气,烟气、窑炉废气等含尘废气等 进行治理、原料化、燃料化及其他综合利用等装备制造。
3.2 资源循环利用
3.2.1 矿产资源综合利用
源开发和综合利用,铁、锰、铬等黑色金属矿产中低品位矿、伴 生矿综合开发利用,铜、铅、镍、锡、铝、镁、金、银等有色金
属矿产资源高效开发利用、伴生矿综合开发利用,以及高岭土、 铝矾土、石灰石、石膏、磷矿等非金属矿产资源伴生矿综合开发 利用。工艺、产品等需符合国家、地方有关法规政策和相关标准 规范要求。
3.2.2 水资源高效及循环利用
包括农业领域节水灌溉等节水技术应用及农田水利设施建 设,工业生产过程节水改造和生产用水、排水循环利用,城镇居 民生活节水和污水处理再利用,服务业和公共设施节水和排水处 理再利用,允许排入城镇污水系统的工业废水和初期雨水等无害 化资源化利用,海水、苦咸水淡化处理及再利用,雨水、微咸水 等收集、处理和利用,非常规水资源利用等设施建设和运营。需 符合国家、地方有关法规政策要求以及《节水灌溉工程技术规 范》(GB/T 50363)、《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918)、《城市污水再生利用分类》(GB 18919)、《节水型产 品通用技术条件》(GB/T 18870)、《节水型卫生洁具》(GB/T 31436)、《海水淡化利用 工业用水水质》(GB/T 39481)、《雨 水集蓄利用工程技术规范》(GB/T 50596)等国家、地方相关标 准规范要求。
3.2.3 工业固体废弃物综合利用
包括工业固体废弃物在提取有价组分、建材生产、工程建设 (含房屋、基础设施等)、塌陷区治理、采空区充填、生态修
复、水污染治理、大气污染治理等领域的应用。如煤矸石和粉煤 灰在工程建设、绿色建材生产以及盐碱地、沙漠化土地生态修复 等领域利用,金属尾矿有价组分高效提取及整体利用,采矿废石 制备砂源替代材料和胶凝回填利用,赤泥在道路材料中应用及回 收铁、碱、氧化铝,钢渣微粉作混凝土掺合料在工程建设领域应 用,冶炼渣中回收稀有稀散金属和稀贵金属等有价组分,磷石膏 在水泥、土壤调理剂、硫酸、新型建筑材料生产中的利用,脱硫 石膏、柠檬酸石膏在绿色建材和石膏晶须等新材料生产中的应 用,工业副产石膏的资源化、高价值化利用等。工艺、产品等需 符合国家、地方有关法规政策和相关标准规范要求。
3.2.4 农林废弃物综合利用
包括秸秆收储运、固化成型,秸秆生产环保板材、炭基产 品、聚乳酸、纸浆等原料化利用,秸秆还田等肥料化利用,青黄 贮、膨化、微贮等饲料化利用,食用菌基质、育苗基质、栽培基 质等基料化利用等;畜禽养殖废弃物收集、处理和资源化利用, 畜禽粪污生产有机肥、沼气等资源化利用;次小薪材、林业三剩 物生产复合板材、食用菌栽培和能源化利用等;以果皮、果壳、 果渣等经济林果加工剩余物为原料的肥料化利用、栽培基质化利 用及活性炭、皂素等林化产品生产。工艺、产品等需符合国家、 地方有关法规政策和相关标准规范要求。
3.2.5 废旧物资循环利用
包括机动车辆、数码产品、家用电器、服装等二手商品回收 利用,汽车零部件、工程机械、机床、文办设备、电动机、内燃 机、矿山机械、石油机械、冶金机械、轨道车辆、其他专用机械 设备及其零部件等再制造产品生产,盾构机、航空发动机、工业 机器人等新兴领域再制造产品生产,废钢铁、废有色金属、废塑 料、废纸、废旧轮胎、废旧纺织品、废玻璃等再生资源回收利 用,废弃电器电子产品、废旧手机、报废机动车、报废船舶、废 铅蓄电池、退役光伏组件、废旧动力电池、风电机组叶片等产品 回收拆解利用,纸、塑料、金属、玻璃、木等材质的包装废弃物 回收与处理,废旧农膜、灌溉器材、农机具、渔网网衣、筏架等 废旧农用物资回收和综合利用等。二手商品再利用、再制造和再 生资源、工艺、产品等需符合国家、地方有关法规政策要求以及 《再生利用品和再制造品通用要求及标识》(GB/T 27611)、 《包装与环境》(GB/T 16716)等国家、地方相关标准规范要 求。
3.2.6 垃圾资源化利用
包括生活垃圾资源化利用、餐厨废弃物资源化利用、污泥综 合利用、建筑垃圾综合利用和无害化处置、道路路面施工产生的 废旧路面材料综合利用等。装备、工艺、产品等需符合国家、地 方有关法规政策要求以及《生活垃圾综合处理与资源利用技术要 求》(GB/T 25810)、《餐饮业餐厨废弃物处理与利用设备》
(GB/T 28739)、《农用污泥污染物控制标准》(GB 4284)、 《城镇污水处理厂污泥泥质》(GB/T 24188)、《城镇污水处理 厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918)、《工程施工废弃物再生利用 技术规范》(GB/T 50743)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
3.2.7 废气回收利用
包括对钢铁、焦化、建材、有色金属、石化化工等行业生产 过程中产生的各类废气进行能源化、原料化、资源化利用。如对 荒煤气(焦炉煤气)、高炉煤气、转炉煤气、高硫天然气等废气 进行能源化回收利用和生产燃料乙醇等原料化利用,对工业氢 气、甲烷、硫化氢、氯、氯化氢、二氧化碳等废气开展提纯生产 纯氢、硫磺及二氧化碳耦合制甲醇等原料化回收利用,对高纯度 二氧化碳等废气进行原料化、矿化、驱油等回收利用,对生产含 氢氯氟烃和氢氟碳化物过程中副产三氟甲烷等废气资源化利用, 对烟气、窑炉废气等含尘废气进行资源化利用,对废气进行余热 余压回收利用等。工艺、产品等需符合国家、地方有关法规政策 和相关标准规范要求。
3.2.8 园区循环化改造
包括以提升资源产出率和废弃物循环利用率为目标,依托园 区已有项目开展的建链、补链、延链等产业发展类活动,推动形 成循环经济产业链;园区内开展的闲置土地、低效土地盘整及废 弃土地修复等土地集约利用类活动;园区内开展的废弃物循环利
用改造等活动。需符合《工业园区循环经济管理通则》(GB/T 31088)、《工业园区循环经济评价规范》(GB/T 33567)、《工 业企业和园区循环经济标准体系编制通则》(GB/T 33751)等国 家、地方相关标准规范要求。
4 清洁能源产业
4.1 新能源与清洁能源装备制造
4.1.1 风力发电装备制造
包括适合我国风能资源和气候条件、先进高效的陆上风力发 电机组和海上风力发电机组,5兆瓦及以上海上和高原型、低温 型、低风速风力发电机组配套的各类发电机、风轮叶片、轴承、 电缆、变速箱、塔筒等零部件,风电场相关系统与装备等制造。
4.1.2 太阳能发电装备制造
包括光伏发电设备、光热发电设备、太阳能发电控制系统与 装备等制造。光伏发电设备制造企业和项目需符合《光伏制造行 业规范条件(2021年本)》要求。
4.1.3 生物质能利用装备制造
包括生物质资源收集、粉碎、运输和储存设备,生物质发电 装备,生物质供热装备,生物质沼气、生物质燃气生产装备,生 物质固液体燃料生产装备等制造。
4.1.4 水力发电和抽水蓄能装备制造 包括高性能大容量水电机组、高水头大容量抽水蓄能机组成
套设备、百万千瓦级大型水轮发电机组、变速抽水蓄能机组、超 高水头大型冲击式水轮发电机组、海水抽水蓄能机组等制造。
4.1.5 核电装备制造
包括百万千瓦级先进压水堆核电站成套设备,快中子堆和高 温气冷堆核电站设备,模块化小型核能装置,核应急装置,核级 海绵锆、核级泵、核级阀、百万千瓦级核电系列用锆合金包壳 管、换热管、核电用钛合金管道及其管配件和核动力蒸汽发生器 传热管用特材等辅助设备,核电用防辐射材料,铀矿开采、铀纯 化转化、铀浓缩等设备,高性能燃料元件,铀钚混合氧化物燃料 制备装置,数字化、自动化仪表控制系统及反应堆、测量报警保 护系统等辅助设备,先进乏燃料后处理装置,核辐射安全与监测 装置,核设施退役与放射性废物处理和处置装置,铀、钍伴生矿 综合利用设备等制造。
4.1.6 燃气轮机装备制造
包括重型燃气轮机、微型燃气轮机等制造,以及复杂结构陶 瓷型芯、高强抗热冲击陶瓷模壳、大尺寸定向结晶或单晶叶片、 大型涡轮盘、高精度转子、高耐用性轴承和密封设备、高强钢拉 杆、高温高压燃烧器等燃气轮机核心部件制造。
4.1.7 地热能开发利用装备制造
包括地源热泵系统、高温地热热泵系统、地热吸收式制冷系 统、中低温地热发电系统、地热干燥及热水供应系统、地热防腐
4.1.8 海洋能开发利用装备制造
包括利用海洋潮汐能、潮流能、波浪能、温差能、盐差能等 资源发电的海洋能开发利用装备制造,如潮汐能灯泡贯流式水轮 机、竖井贯流式水轮机、垂直轴潮流能水轮机、水平轴潮流能水 轮机、鹰式波浪能转换装置、振荡水柱式波浪能转换装置、摆式 波浪能转换装置、点吸收式波浪能转换装置、海洋温差能转换装 置、海洋盐差能转换装置等。
4.1.9 非常规油气勘查开采装备制造
包括百万道级地震采集系统、多维高精度成像测井系统、深 井自动化钻机、旋转导向钻井系统、深井超深井连续管作业装 备、国产水下生产系统、11000吨半潜式起重铺管船、页岩水平井 快速钻井装备、长寿命耐油井下动力钻具、埋深超过3500米页岩 储层水平井分段压裂装备、钻井液及压裂返排液处理处置装备等 制造。
4.1.10 海洋油气开采装备制造
包括半潜式钻井平台、钻井船、自升式钻修井/作业平台、半 潜式生产平台、浮式生产储卸装置、起重铺管船、大型起重船/浮 吊、水下勘测机器人、水下采油树、泄漏油应急处理装置等水下 系统及作业装备等制造。
4.1.11 新型储能装备制造
包括能量型、功率型储能技术装备及系统集成、辅助技术装 备等制造。能量型储能技术装备及系统集成包括压缩空气、锂离 子电池、铅碳电池、液流电池技术装备及系统集成,钠离子电 池、固态锂离子电池、水系电池等新一代高性能储能技术装备及 系统集成,储热蓄冷技术装备及系统集成。功率型储能技术装备 及系统集成包括超导、电介质电容器等电磁储能技术装备及系统 集成,超级电容器、飞轮储能技术装备及系统集成。辅助技术装 备包括电池管理系统、能量智能管理系统、安全预警与系统防护 技术装备、先进冷却与消防技术装备等。
4.1.12 燃料电池装备制造
包括质子交换膜燃料电池、直接甲醇燃料电池、碱性燃料电 池、熔融碳酸燃料电池、磷酸燃料电池、固体氧化物燃料电池等 制造。
4.1.13 氢能“制储输用”全链条装备制造
包括用于可再生能源制氢的碱性电解槽、PEM电解槽、SOEC 电解槽、AEM电解槽、质子交换膜、双极板等装备,以及高压气 态、低温液态、固态、深冷高压、有机液体等形态的氢储运所需 铝内胆碳纤维全缠绕气瓶、塑料内胆碳纤维全缠绕气瓶、长管拖 车和管束式集装箱、管道、氢气阀门等装备制造。
4.1.14 智能电网产品和装备制造 包括智能变压器、整流器和电感器,先进电力电子装置,智
能输配电及控制设备,特高压输电装备,充电设施,智能电网与 新能源相关的控制类产品等制造。
4.2 清洁能源设施建设和运营
4.2.1 风力发电设施建设和运营
营。需符合《风力发电场设计规范》(GB 51096)、《风力发电 工程施工与验收规范》(GB/T 51121)、《风电场接入电力系统 技术规定》(GB/T 19963)、《大型风电场并网设计技术规范》 (NB/T 31003)等国家、行业有关标准规范要求。
4.2.2 太阳能利用设施建设和运营
包括太阳能光伏发电、太阳能热发电和太阳能热利用等设 施。需符合《光伏发电站设计规范》(GB 50797)、《光伏发电 系统接入配电网技术规定》(GB/T 29319)、《独立光伏系统 技 术规范》(GB/T 29196)、《光伏建筑一体化系统运行与维护规 范》(JGJ/T 264)、《家用太阳能热水系统能效限定值及能效等 级》(GB 26969)(2级及以上能效水平)、《民用建筑太阳能热 水系统应用技术标准》(GB 50364)、《工业应用的太阳能热水 系统技术规范》(GB/T 30724)、《家用太阳能热水系统储水箱 技术要求》(GB/T 28746)、《太阳能供热采暖工程技术规范》 (GB 50495)等国家、行业有关标准规范要求。
4.2.3 生物质能利用设施建设和运营 37
包括以农林废弃物、城市生活垃圾为原料发电、供热及生产 气体、液体、固体燃料,以地沟油为主要原料生产生物柴油,以 及醇、电、气、肥等多联产示范等。需符合《秸秆发电厂设计规 范》(GB 50762)、《生物液体燃料工厂设计规范》(GB 50957)、《生物液体燃料建设项目生产准备和生产过程管理标 准》(NB/T 13006)、《大中型沼气工程技术规范》(GB/T 51063)、《生物质气化集中供气运行与管理规范标准》(NY/T 2908)等国家、行业有关标准规范要求。燃煤耦合生物质发电技 改项目参照《关于燃煤耦合生物质发电技改试点项目建设通知》 (国能发电力〔2018〕53号)执行。
4.2.4 大型水力发电设施建设和运营
包括《“十四五”现代能源体系规划》《“十四五”可再生 能源发展规划》等国家级能源规划中明确的重点大型水电基地建 设和运营,包括金沙江流域岗托、奔子栏、龙盘、乌东德、白鹤 滩、拉哇、旭龙等项目,雅砻江流域牙根二级、两河口、孟底沟 等项目,大渡河丹巴、双江口等项目,黄河羊曲等项目,金沙 江、雅砻江、大渡河、乌江、红水河、黄河上游等主要水电基地 扩机和优化升级项目。
4.2.5 核电站建设和运营
包括在保障环境安全前提下,利用可控核裂变释放热能,采 用第三代和第四代核电技术发电的设施建设和运营。需符合《核
电工程施工质量保证规定》(NB/T 20120)、《压水堆核电厂反 应堆系统设计总要求》(NB/T 20285)、《核电厂常规岛及辅助 配套设施建设施工技术规范》(NB/T 25043.1)、《核电厂常规岛 及辅助配套设施建设施工验收规程》(NB/T 25044.1)等国家、行 业相关标准规范要求。
4.2.6 地热能利用设施建设和运营
包括中深层水热型地热供暖、浅层地热能利用、地热发电等 设施建设和运营。
4.2.7 海洋能利用设施建设和运营
包括潮汐能发电系统、波浪能发电系统、潮流能/海流能发电 系统、海洋温差发电系统、海洋盐差发电系统等设施建设和运 营。
4.2.8 煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)抽采利用设施建设和运营
包括煤层气开采设施、井下瓦斯抽采设施、煤层气输配管 网、煤层气储存设施、煤层气发电系统等设施建设和运营。需符 合《民用煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)》(GB 26569)、《煤层气(煤矿 瓦斯)利用导则》(GB/T 28754)等国家、行业相关标准规范要 求。
4.2.9 氢能基础设施建设和运营
包括可再生能源制氢(氨)、氢电耦合、氢气安全高效储 存、加氢站、氢燃料电池运行维护、氢燃料电池汽车、氢燃料电
池发电和氢能应用等设施建设和运营。需符合《氢气使用安全技 术规程》(GB 4962)、《氢系统安全的基本要求》(GB/T 29729)、《水电解制氢系统技术要求》(GB/T 19774)、《氢气 储存输送系统》(GB/T 34542)、《液氢贮存和运输技术要求》 (GB/T 40060)、《氢气站设计规范》(GB 50177)、《加氢站 技术规范》(GB 50516)、《示范运行氢燃料电池电动汽车技术 规范》(GB/T 29123)、《固定式燃料电池发电系统》(GB/T 27748)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
4.2.10 热泵设施建设和运营
包括空气源热泵、地下水源热泵、地表水源热泵、污水源热 泵、土壤源热泵、高温地热热泵、高温空气能热泵等热泵供热 (冷)设施建设和运营。
4.3 传统能源清洁高效开发利用
4.3.1 煤炭清洁生产
低能源资源消耗,减少生态环境损害和破坏,实现安全高效绿色 智能开采;加大煤炭洗选加工力度,提高商品煤煤质质量等。需 符合《煤炭工业发展“十三五”规划》(发改能源〔2016〕2714 号)、《商品煤质量管理暂行办法》(发展改革委等六部门令第 16号)、《关于促进煤炭安全绿色开发和清洁高效利用的意见》 (国能煤炭〔2014〕571号)和《煤炭清洁高效利用行动计划
(2015-2020年)》(国能煤炭〔2014〕141号)等法规政策要求, 以及《煤炭井工开采单位产品能源消耗限额》(GB 29444)(单 位产品能耗先进值水平)、《煤炭露天开采单位产品能源消耗限 额》(GB 29445)(单位产品能耗先进值水平)、《煤炭工业污 染物排放标准》(GB 20426)等相关标准规范要求。
4.3.2 煤炭清洁高效利用
包括工业清洁燃烧和清洁供热、民用清洁采暖、煤炭资源综 合利用等领域的活动。需符合《国家发展改革委等部门关于发布 〈煤炭清洁高效利用重点领域标杆水平和基准水平(2022年 版)〉的通知》(发改运行〔2022〕559号)等相关政策及标准规 范要求。
4.3.3 清洁燃油生产
包括符合国VI汽油标准的汽油产品、符合国VI柴油标准的柴 油产品、燃油清净增效剂生产,以及重劣质原油、煤焦油加工技 术装备的应用等。
4.3.4 天然气清洁生产
包括在天然气生产过程中采用先进工艺技术与设备,从源头 削减污染,提高资源利用效率,减少或者避免污染物的产生和排 放,以减轻或者消除对人类健康和环境的危害。需符合《陆上石 油天然气开采工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 39728)、《陆上 石油天然气开采业清洁生产技术指南》(SY/T 7292)、《陆上石
油天然气开采业绿色矿山建设规范》(DZ/T 0317)等标准规范要 求。
4.3.5 非常规油气资源开发
4.4 能源系统高效运行
4.4.1 电力源网荷储一体化及多能互补工程建设和运营
储高度融合的新型电力系统为目的的区域(省)级、市(县) 级、园区(居民区)级源网荷储一体化工程的建设和运营;为增 加可再生能源消纳能力、利用多种资源组合优势、提高电力系统 运行稳定性的风光储一体化、风光水(储)一体化、风光火 (储)一体化等多能互补系统建设和运营;采用天然气热电冷三 联供、分布式可再生能源和能源智能微网等技术建设运营的终端 一体化供能系统设施建设和运营,且设施综合能效应不低于70%。 需符合《关于推进电力源网荷储一体化和多能互补发展的指导意 见》(发改能源规〔2021〕280号)、《关于推进多能互补集成优 化示范工程建设的实施意见》(发改能源〔2016〕1430号)等国 家、地方相关政策要求。
4.4.2 新型储能设施建设和运营
包括钠离子电池、锂离子电池、钒液流电池、铁铬液流电 池、锌溴液流电池等电化学储能,压缩空气储能,飞轮储能,火
电、核电抽汽蓄能等各类新型储能技术及复合型储能技术的实 证、示范和产业化项目。需符合《电化学储能电站设计规范》 (GB 51048)、《储能用铅酸蓄电池》(GB/T 22473)、《锂离 子电池行业规范条件(2021年本)》(工业和信息化部公告2021 年第37号)、《新型储能项目管理规范(暂行)》(国能发科技 规〔2021〕47号)、《关于加强电化学储能电站安全管理的通 知》(国能综通安全〔2022〕37号)等有关法规政策和国家、地 方相关标准规范要求。
4.4.3 抽水蓄能电站建设和运营
包括为提高电网对风电、光伏发电等间歇性可再生能源电力 消纳能力,提升电网运行灵活性、稳定性和可靠性,在电网中主 要承担电力“削峰填谷”功能的抽水蓄能电站建设和运营。需符 合《抽水蓄能电站水能规划设计规范》(NB/T 35071)、《抽水 蓄能电站选点规划编制规范》(NB/T 35009)等国家、行业相关 标准规范要求。
4.4.4 煤电机组节能降耗改造、供热改造和灵活性改造
包括参照《国家发展改革委 国家能源局关于开展全国煤电机 组改造升级的通知》(发改运行〔2021〕1519号)、《国家发展 改革委办公厅 国家能源局综合司关于做好2022年煤电机组改造升 级工作的通知》(发改办运行〔2022〕662号)等有关政策要求开 展的煤电机组节能降碳改造、供热改造和灵活性改造项目。
4.4.5 智能电网建设和运营
包括集成信息、控制、储能等技术以及智能化电力设备,促 进清洁能源消纳,实现电力发输配用储过程中的数字化管理、智 能化决策、互动化交易的电网设施建设和运营。需符合《智能电 网用户端通信系统一般要求》(GB/Z 32501)、《智能电网调度 控制系统总体框架》(GB/T 33607)等国家、地方相关标准规范 要求。
4.4.6 电力负荷调控响应系统建设和运营
包括用于数据采集、负荷控制、服务支持等的电力负荷调控 响应系统建设和运营。需符合《电力负荷管理系统技术规范》 (GB/T 15148)、《智能工厂 过程工业能源管控系统技术要求》 (GB/T 38848)、《综合能源 泛能网协同控制总体功能与过程要 求》(GB/T 39119)、《工业企业能源管控中心建设指南》 (GB/T 40063)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
4.4.7 天然气输送储运调峰设施建设和运营
包括天然气长输管道、储气库、支线管道、区域管网,以及 液化天然气(LNG)接收站等天然气输送、储运、调峰设施建设 和运营,甲烷泄漏检测与修复装置配备,以及以落实气源合同为 前提在天然气资源富集区推动天然气发电与新能源联营设施建设 和运营。需符合《天然气基础设施建设与运营管理办法》(国家 发展改革委令第8号)等有关法规政策和《输气管道工程设计规
范》(GB 50251)、《液化天然气接收站工程设计规范》(GB 51156)、《液化天然气(LNG)生产、储存和装运》(GB/T 20368)、《地下储气库设计规范》(SY/T 6848)等国家、行业相 关标准规范要求。
4.4.8 分布式能源工程建设和运营
包括天然气热电冷三联供、分布式可再生能源发电、地热能 供暖制冷等分布式能源工程。天然气或其他化石能源驱动的分布 式冷热电三联供能源系统和工程项目的节能率需符合《分布式冷 热电能源系统的节能率 第1部分:化石能源驱动系统》(GB/T 33757.1)要求,相关系统和工程项目规划设计需符合《分布式冷 热电能源系统设计导则》(GB/T 39779)要求,相关系统和工程 项目的制冷、供热单元和动力单元需符合《分布式冷热电能源系 统技术条件》(GB/T 36160)等相关标准规范要求。
4.4.9 能源产业数字化智能化升级
包括电厂、电网、油气田、油气管网、油气储备库、煤矿、 终端用能等领域设备设施、工艺流程的智能化升级,建设智能调 度体系,建设智慧能源平台和数据中心,开展智能调度、能效管 理、负荷智能调控等智慧能源系统技术示范,厂站智能运行、作 业机器人替代、大数据辅助决策等技术应用。
5 生态保护修复和利用 5.1 生态农林牧渔业
5.1.1 现代化育种育苗
包括采用高效育种技术进行种子生产加工、质量测试评价、 良种推广服务,现代化育种基地、品种区试站、抗性鉴定站、品 种测试评价中心、现代化种子(苗)生产基地以及国家核心育种 场、种公畜站和扩繁基地的建设,以及规模化、机械化、标准 化、集约化、信息化育苗活动。需符合《林木种子检验规程》 (GB 2772)、《主要造林树种苗木质量分级》(GB 6000)、 《育苗技术规程》(GB 6001)、《林木种子质量分级》(GB 7908)、《农作物种子检验规程总则》(GB/T 3543.1)、《草种 子检验规程》(GB/T 2930)、《草品种审定技术规程》(GB/T 30395)、《主要造林阔叶树种良种选育程序与要求》(GB/T 14073)、《淡水鱼苗种池塘常规培育技术规范》(GB/T 1008)、《海水虾类育苗水质要求》(GB/T 21673)等国家、行 业相关标准规范要求。
5.1.2 种质资源保护
包括农作物种质资源、畜禽遗传资源、水产种质资源、农业 微生物种质资源、林业种质资源和农业野生植物的引种观察、收 集保存、鉴定评价、分发共享活动,对已列入《国家重点保护野 生植物名录》的处于濒危状态、对粮食安全和农林业可持续发展 具有重要价值的农业野生植物,包括农作物野生近缘植物、野生 蔬菜、野生果树、野生茶和野生药用植物等的保护活动,其他对
动植物品种资源形成有效保护的活动,以及国家农作物种质资源 中期库、国家林草种质资源库(圃)、国家级海洋渔业生物种质 资源库、国家级淡水渔业生物种质资源库、水产原良种场、水产 遗传育种中心、中转隔离基地、国家动植物基因库、种质资源 圃、畜禽保护场保护区、基因库、农业微生物种质资源库的新建 和改扩建。
5.1.3 绿色农业生产
包括推进农业生产“三品一标”(品种培优、品质提升、品 牌打造和标准化生产)、农产品“三品一标”(绿色、有机、地 理标志和达标合格农产品)、选育推广高产优质多抗新品种、农 业绿色发展监测评价等活动,标准地膜制造和环境友好生物可降 解地膜制造,采用加工减损、循环利用、梯次利用、节能低碳等 技术推进农产品加工业绿色转型的活动,以及优质农产品生产基 地、地理标志农产品核心生产基地、生态农场、农业绿色发展先 行区、现代农业全产业链标准化示范基地、绿色标准化农产品生 产基地、畜禽养殖标准化示范场、水产健康养殖和生态养殖示范 区的建设。
5.1.4 绿色、有机认证农业
包括通过有机农产品、绿色农产品、生态原产地保护产品、 国家森林生态标志产品认证认定的农业生产、加工活动。需符合 有关法规政策和《有机产品 生产、加工、标识与管理体系要求》
(GB/T 19630)、《绿色食品产地环境质量》(NY/T 391)、 《生态原产地产品保护评定通则》(SN/T 4481)、《国家森林生 态标志产品通用规则》等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.1.5 农作物种植保护地、保护区建设和运营
包括在划定的永久基本农田区域因地制宜开展的零星分散耕 地整合归并、土地复垦及耕地提质改造工程;在永久基本农田开 展的退化耕地综合治理、中低产田改造、高标准农田建设等耕地 质量提升工程;耕地占补平衡项目中被占用耕地表土剥离用于新 增耕地、劣质地或基本农田整备区耕地土壤改良工程,以及农田 水利设施建设、耕地保水保肥、污控修复等活动。其中,禁止开 垦、复垦严重沙化土地,禁止在25度以上陡坡开垦、复垦耕地, 禁止违规毁林开垦耕地。需符合《保护农作物的大气污染物最高 允许浓度》(GB 9137)、《土壤环境质量 农用地土壤污染风险管 控标准(试行)》(GB 15618)、《高标准农田建设通则》 (GB/T 30600)、《粮食生产功能区和重要农产品生产保护区划 定技术规程(试行)》等有关政策和国家、地方相关标准规范要 求。
5.1.6 农作物病虫害绿色防控
包括通过推广抗病虫作物品种,使用“以虫治虫”“稻鸭共 育”“生物生化制剂”等生物防治技术,使用“杀虫灯”“防虫 网阻隔”等理化诱控技术,使用高效、低毒、低残留、环境友好
型农药,开展的农作物病虫害绿色防控活动,以及化学农药减量 增效、使用量零增长活动等。有条件地区,鼓励建立地方标准。
5.1.7 休闲农业和乡村旅游
包括农业与旅游、教育、康养等产业融合,推动发展田园养 生、研学科普、农耕体验、休闲垂钓、民宿康养等休闲农业和乡 村旅游新业态,休闲农业重点县、美丽休闲乡村、休闲农业精品 园区、乡村旅游重点村镇建设,以及乡村休闲旅游精品景点和乡 村旅游精品线路发布推介。
5.1.8 农业生态系统保护修复
包括在东北地区、黄淮海和长江流域等地开展耕地轮作,在 地下水超采区、生态严重退化区开展休耕,实施农产品复合种 植、开展盐碱渍涝治理等活动。
5.1.9 森林资源培育
包括良种生产、苗木培育、森林营造、森林抚育、森林主伐 更新、森林可持续经营等。需符合《森林抚育规程》(GB/T 15781)、《林木种子检验规程》(GB 2772)、《森林资源规划 设计调查技术规程》(GB/T 26424)、《造林技术规程》(GB/T 15776)、《封山(沙)育林技术规程》(GB/T 15163)、《飞播 造林技术规程》(GB/T 15162)、《中国森林认证 森林经营》 (GB/T 28951)、《中国森林认证 产销监管链》(GB/T 28952) 等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
5.1.10 林业基因资源保护
包括林业基因(遗传)资源调查、监测与信息化平台建设, 林业基因(遗传)资源收集与保存工程(原地或异地保护、保存 设施、保护区建设等),乡土树种、经济树种、速生树种的育 种、驯化和生物勘探工程,良种利用工程,侵入物种防控等。需 符合《林木种子贮藏》(GB/T 10016)、《林业基础信息代码编 制规范》(LY/T 2267)、《森林资源管理信息系统建设导则》 (LY/T 2185)、《主要造林阔叶树种良种选育程序与要求》 (GB/T 14073)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.1.11 林下种养殖和林下采集
包括在不破坏森林植被、不影响林木生长的前提下,在林下 或林间空地种植粮食作物、油料作物、药材、食用菌、饲草、蔬 菜等,林下养殖家禽、放牧或舍饲饲养家畜等,以及在不破坏林 地资源的前提下,合理有序发展的林下采集业。
5.1.12 森林游憩和康养
包括在不破坏地表植被、生物多样性和生态系统的前提下, 依托森林、草地、湿地、荒漠、高山、湖泊、河流、海岸带和野 生动物植物等自然景观资源,开展的游览观光、休闲体验、文化 体育、健康养生等活动。需符合《森林体验基地质量评定》 (LY/T 2788)、《森林养生基地质量评定》(LY/T 2789)等国 家、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.1.13 绿色畜牧业
包括畜禽规模养殖场标准化建设,新型兽药和饲料添加剂生 产,优质饲草产业发展,种养结合型家庭农场、合作社、龙头企 业,科学合理利用天然草原的家庭牧场等。需符合《畜牧法》、 《畜禽规模养殖污染防治条例》等法规政策和相关标准规范要 求。
5.1.14 绿色渔业
包括碳汇渔业及净水渔业、稻渔综合种养及盐碱水渔农综合 利用、池塘及工厂化循环水养殖、深水抗风浪及深远海养殖、海 洋牧场、不投饵网箱养殖、水产品加工及副产物综合利用,生态 健康养殖有关模式,推进捕捞、养殖、加工、渔港等各领域设施 装备节能降碳更新改造等。需符合《草型湖泊网围养殖技术规范 养鱼、养蟹、鱼蟹混养》(SC/T 1091)、《稻渔综合种养技术规 范》(SC/T 1135)、《低洼盐碱地池塘养殖技术规范》(SC/T 1049)、《淡水养殖池塘设施要求》(SC/T 6048)、《海水养殖 水排放要求》(SC/T 9103)、《海洋牧场建设技术指南》(GB/T 40946)、《淡水网箱养鱼 通用技术要求》(SC/T 1006)、《浮 动式海水网箱养鱼技术规范》(SC/T 2013)、《水产制品生产卫 生规范》(GB 20941)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.2 生态保育
5.2.1 生物多样性保护
包括珍稀濒危野生动植物抢救性保护、动植物资源经营、渔 业资源保护、古树名木保护等。需符合《珍稀濒危野生植物保护 小区技术规程》(LY/T 1819)、《珍稀濒危野生植物种子采集技 术规程》(LY/T 2590)、《中国森林认证 生产经营性珍稀濒危植 物经营审核导则》(LY/T 2603)、《生物多样性观测技术导则》 (HJ 710)、《水生哺乳动物饲养设施要求》(SC/T 6073)、 《自然保护区建设项目生物多样性影响评价技术规范》(LY/T 2242)、《自然保护区生物多样性调查规范》(LY/T 1814)、 《森林生态系统生物多样性监测与评估规范》(LY/T 2241)、 《海洋调查规范》(GB/T 9411)、《水库渔业资源调查规范》 (SL 167)、《城市古树名木养护和复壮工程技术规范》(GB/T 51168)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.2.2 自然保护地建设和保护性运营
包括国家公园、自然保护区、自然公园建设及保护性运营 等。需符合《自然保护区条例》《风景名胜区条例》《国家公园 管理暂行办法》和国家公园体制改革相关法规政策要求,以及 《国家公园总体规划技术规范》(GB/T 39736)、《国家公园设 立规范》(GB/T 39737)、《国家公园监测规范》(GB/T 39738)、《国家公园考核评价规范》(GB/T 39739)、《国家公 园标识规范》(LY/T 3216)、《自然保护地分类分级》(LY/T 3291)、《自然保护地生态旅游规范》(LY/T 3292)、《自然保
护地名词术语》(GB/T 31759)、《自然保护区总体规划技术规 程》(GB/T 20399)、《自然保护区生态旅游规划技术规程》 (GB/T 20416)、《自然保护地勘界立标规范》(GB/T 39740) 等国家、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.2.3 天然林保护修复
包括为维护天然林生态系统的原真性、完整性开展的森林病 虫害等有害生物防治、森林管护装备和基础设施建设,天然林抚 育保育基础设施建设(如天然林场内林场管护用房、供电、供 水、通信、道路等基础设施建设),天然林退化修复工程(如采 用乡土树种的坡耕地还林、人工造林、封山育林、抚育性采伐 等)。需符合《林业资源分类与代码 自然保护区》(GB/T 15778)、《森林抚育规程》(GB/T 15781)、《国有林区标准化 苗圃》(LY/T 1185)、《天然林资源保护工程建设评价技术规 程》(LY/T 1818)、《森林采伐作业规程》(LY/T 1646)等国 家、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.2.4 国家储备林建设
包括通过集约人工林栽培、现有林改培、抚育及补植补造等 措施,营造和培育工业原料林、乡土树种、珍稀树种和大径级用 材林等多功能森林的活动。
5.2.5 森林草原防灭火体系建设和运维 包括对森林草原火灾的预防和扑救等体系建设和运维。需符
合《森林防火条例》《草原防火条例》等法律法规,《全国重要 生态系统保护和修复重大工程总体规划(2021-2035年)》(发改 农经〔2020〕837号)及其专项规划等相关政策规划,森林草原火 险区划、预警监测、装备机具、信息通信、队伍建设、火源管 理、基础设施建设等标准规范要求。
5.2.6 生态产品监测体系和生态感知系统建设和运维
需符合《关于建立健全生态产品价值实现机制的意见》《全 国重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程总体规划(2021-2035年)》 (发改农经〔2020〕837号)、《林草生态网络感知系统建设方 案》《森林生态系统长期定位观测方法》(GB/T 33027)、《森 林生态系统长期定位观测指标体系》(GB/T 35377)、《森林生 态系统服务功能评估规范》(GB/T 38582)等相关政策和标准规 范要求。
5.3 国土综合整治与生态修复
5.3.1 采煤沉陷区综合治理
态恢复活动,以及采煤沉陷区影响范围内居民避险搬迁、基础设 施和公共服务设施修复提升、非煤接续替代产业平台建设等。
5.3.2 地下水超采区治理与修复
包括华北、东北等地下水超采区开展的灌区节水改造、田间 高效节水灌溉工程、以节水为目的的农作物种植品种结构调整和
休耕轮耕、工业节水改造、城镇供水管网改造建设、再生水利用 工程、调水水利工程、地下水水源置换工程、生态补水等地下水 超采区治理与修复活动。
5.3.3 土地综合整治
包括农村土地综合整治和城镇低效用地再开发等活动,如农 村山水路林村综合整治、低效农用地整理(不含林地)、低效闲 散建设用地整治、工矿废弃地复垦和空心村整治,为提高耕地质 量而进行的改良土壤、培肥地力、保水保肥、污控修复等,以及 对城镇中布局散乱、利用粗放、用途不合理、建筑危旧的存量建 设用地采取综合整治措施、增加城镇建设用地有效供给和提高土 地利用效能的活动等。需符合《土地整治术语》(TD/T 1054)、 《土地整治项目基础调查规范》(TD/T 1051)、《美丽乡村建设 指南》(GB/T 32000)、《村庄整治技术规范》(GB 50445)等 国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.3.4 荒漠化、石漠化和水土流失综合治理
包括因地制宜采用退耕还林还草、退牧还草、封沙育林育 草、人工种草造林等植物治沙措施,建设机械沙障和植物沙障等 物理治沙措施,在水资源匮乏植物难以生长地区使用土壤凝结剂 固结流沙表层等化学治沙措施开展的土地荒漠化治理活动;在石 漠化地区开展的退耕还林还草、造林整地,生态经济林、水源涵 养林、水土保持林营造建设,封山育林等石漠化综合治理活动;
通过治坡(梯田、台地、鱼鳞坑建设等)、治沟(淤地坝、拦沙 坝等)和小型水利工程等工程措施,种草造林等生物措施,蓄水 保土农业生产和建设项目开发方式开展的水土流失综合治理活 动。需符合《防沙治沙技术规范》(GB/T 21141)、《喀斯特石 漠化地区植被恢复技术规程》(LY/T 1840)、《开发建设项目水 土流失防治标准》(GB 50434)、《水土保持工程设计规范》 (GB 51018)、《水土保持综合治理技术规范》(GB/T 16453) 等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.3.5 重点区域生态保护和修复
包括在青藏高原生态屏障区、黄河重点生态区(含黄土高原 生态屏障)、长江重点生态区(含川滇生态屏障)、东北森林 带、北方防沙带、南方丘陵山地带、海岸带等重点区域,开展的 天然林草恢复、封山育林、草畜平衡、草原禁牧休牧轮牧、沙化 土地封禁保护、退化土地治理等生态保护和修复活动。需符合 《封山(沙)育林技术规程》(GB/T 15163)、《造林技术规 程》(GB/T 15776)、《防沙治沙技术规范》(GB/T 21141)、 《开发建设项目水土流失防治标准》(GB 50434)、《水土保持 工程设计规范》(GB 51018)、《水土保持综合治理技术规范》 (GB/T 16453)、《重要湿地监测指标体系》(GB/T 27648)、 《湿地生态风险评估技术规范》(GB 27647)、《河湖生态保护 与修复规划导则》(SL 709)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要
包括对受损、退化、服务功能下降的山、水、林、田、湖、 草、沙等生态系统进行整体保护、系统修复、综合治理的活动。 需符合《山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程指南(试行)》(自然 资办发〔2020〕38号)等有关法规政策和《国土空间生态保护修 复工程实施方案编制规程》(TD/T 1068)、《国土空间生态保护 修复工程验收规范》(TD/T 1069)等国家、行业相关标准规范要 求。
5.3.7 有害生物灾害防治
包括为保护生物多样性进行的外来物种入侵防控,农业、林 业病虫害有害生物灾害防治活动,以及以资源化利用为手段治理 外来入侵物种的活动。需符合《外来物种环境风险评估技术导 则》(HJ 624)、《自然保护区外来入侵种管理规范》(LY/T 2243)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.3.8 矿山地质环境、油气田生态环境恢复和生态修复
包括对矿产资源勘探和采选、油气田开采等过程中的各类生 态破坏和环境污染采取人工促进措施,依靠生态系统的自我调节 能力与自组织能力,逐步恢复与重建地块生态功能的活动。如矿 山废弃地土地整治、、植被恢复,废弃矿井回填封闭、矿山土地 复垦、沉陷区恢复治理,矿山大气、水、土壤污染防治和治理,
5.3.6 山水林田湖草沙一体化保护修复
尾矿等废弃物综合利用,减少土地占用等。需符合《矿山地质环 境保护与土地复垦方案》《矿山生态修复技术规范 第1部分:通 则》(TD/T 1070.1)及分矿种专则、《矿山废弃地植被恢复技术 规程》(LY/T 2356)、《土地复垦质量控制标准》(TD/T 1036)、《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838)、《环境空气质量 标准》(GB 3095)、《页岩气开发工程地下水环境监测技术规 范》(NB/T 10848)、《海上油(气)田开发工程环境保护设计 规范》(SY/T 10047)等有关法规政策和国家、行业相关标准规范 要求。
5.3.9 水生态系统旱涝灾害防控及应对
包括自然水系连通恢复、水利设施建设、湿地恢复、灾害预 警信息平台建设等水生态系统灾害防控及应对设施建设和运营。 需符合《洪涝灾情评估标准》(SL 579)、《湿地生态风险评估技 术规范》(GB/T 27647)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要 求。
5.3.10 河湖与湿地保护修复
包括因地制宜采取治理、修复、保护等措施,促使河湖、湿 地原生生态系统保护和生物多样性恢复,增强其生态完整性和可 持续性的活动。如污染物控源减污设施建设、河滨湖滨生态缓冲 带建设、乡土物种植被恢复、河湖有序连通、生态调度工程建 设,防洪、防岸线蚀退设施建设等。需符合《湿地分类》(GB/T
24708)、《重要湿地监测指标体系》(GB/T 27648)、《国家重 要湿地确定指标》(GB/T 26535)、《湿地生态风险评估技术规 范》(GB 27647)、《河湖生态保护与修复规划导则》(SL 709)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
5.3.11 海洋生态、海域海岸带和海岛生态修复
包括为维护海洋生态安全、改善海洋生态系统质量、提升海 洋生态系统服务功能,通过自然恢复和人工修复相结合的方式, 修复受损的海洋生态,实施蓝色海湾整治和自然岸线修复,保护 修复海岛自然资源和生态环境等活动。需符合《海洋生态修复技 术指南》(GB/T 41339)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
5.3.12 增殖放流与海洋牧场建设和运营
包括为改善水域环境、保护生物多样性向海洋、滩涂、江 河、湖泊、水库等天然水域投放渔业生物卵子、幼体或成体,恢 复或增加种群数量、改善和优化水域生物群落结构的增殖放流与 海洋牧场建设和运营。需符合《国家级海洋牧场示范区管理工作 规范(试行)》(农办渔〔2017〕59号)、《人工鱼礁建设项目 管理实施细则(试行)》(农办渔〔2017〕58号)、《水产苗种 违禁药物抽检技术规范》(农业部公告第1192号)等国家、地方 相关法规政策,以及《海洋牧场建设技术指南》(GB/T 40946)、《海洋牧场分类》(SC/T 9111)、《水生生物增殖放流 技术规程》(SC/T 9401)、《人工鱼礁建设技术规范》(SC/T
9416)、《人工鱼礁资源养护效果评价技术规范》(SC/T 9417) 等国家、地方、行业标准规范要求。
5.3.13 退耕还林还草和退牧还草工程建设
包括为保护生态环境,在水土流失严重、沙化、盐碱化、石 漠化严重耕地实施的有计划、有步骤停止耕种,因地制宜种草造 林、恢复植被、抑制生态环境恶化的活动;以及为抑制草场退 化,开展的禁牧封育、草原围栏、舍饲棚圈、人工饲草地建设等 草原生态保护设施建设活动。需符合《退耕还林工程建设效益监 测评价》(GB/T 23233)、《退耕还林工程检查验收规则》 (GB/T 23231)、《退耕还林工程质量评估指标与方法》(GB/T 23235)等国家、地方有关法规政策和相关标准规范要求。
6 基础设施绿色升级
6.1 建筑节能与绿色建筑
6.1.1 绿色建筑建设和运营
包括绿色建筑的设计、建造、综合性能调适、交付培训、智 慧运维等。需符合《绿色建筑标识管理办法》《绿色建筑评价标 准》(GB/T 50378)、《绿色工业建筑评价标准》(GB/T 50878)、《绿色建筑运行维护技术规范》(JGJ/T 391)、《建筑 绿色运营技术规程》等相关法规政策和标准规范要求,绿色建筑 需达到一星级及以上标准。
6.1.2 超低能耗、近零能耗、零能耗、低碳、零碳建筑建设 60
包括超低能耗、近零能耗、零能耗、低碳、零碳建筑的设 计、建造和运行。超低能耗居住建筑需符合《被动式超低能耗绿 色建筑技术导则(试行)(居住建筑)》(建科〔2015〕179 号),近零能耗建筑需符合《近零能耗建筑技术标准》(GB/T 51350)。超低能耗建筑、近零能耗建筑及零能耗建筑需符合国 家、地方相关标准规范要求。低碳、零碳建筑项目需依据《建筑 碳排放计算标准》(GB/T 51366)计算具体碳排放量。
6.1.3 既有建筑节能及绿色化改造
包括改造后建筑相关技术指标符合国家或地方相关建筑节能 标准的既有建筑物节能改造、建筑用能系统节能改造活动;获得 有效期内国家相关绿色建筑星级标识的既有建筑改造和运营,以 及改造后达到有效期内国家相关绿色建筑星级标识的既有建筑改 造和运营。需符合《民用建筑设计统一标准》(GB 50352)、 《公共建筑节能设计标准》(GB 50189)、《公共建筑节能改造 技术规范》(JGJ 176)、《既有建筑维护与改造通用规范》(GB 55022)、《既有居住建筑节能改造技术规程》(JGJ/T 129)、 《既有建筑绿色改造评价标准》(GB/T 51141)、《既有社区绿 色化改造技术标准》(JGJ/T 425)等国家、地方、行业相关标准 规范要求。
6.1.4 全过程绿色建造
指通过科学管理和技术创新,采用有利于节约资源、保护环 境、减少排放、提高效率、保障品质的建造方式的工程建造相关 活动,包括绿色策划、绿色设计、绿色施工、绿色交付全过程。 需符合《绿色建造技术导则(试行)》(建办质〔2021〕9号)、 《建筑工程绿色施工规范》(GB/T 50905)、《建筑工程绿色施 工评价标准》(GB/T 50640)等有关法规政策和国家、行业相关 标准规范要求。
6.1.5 建筑绿色运营
指利用系统调适、节能改造、智慧化管理等手段提升既有建 筑运营效率,包括建筑运行阶段综合性能调适、设备设施精细化 管理及维护、建筑环境长效监测、能耗能效智慧管理等活动。需 符合《用能单位能耗在线监测技术要求》(GB/T 38692)、《绿 色建筑运行维护技术规范》(JGJ/T 391)、《建筑智能化系统运 行维护技术规范》(JGJ/T 417)、《空调通风系统运行管理标 准》(GB 50365)、《空气调节系统经济运行》(GB/T 17981)、《照明设施经济运行》(GB/T 29455)、《高等学校校 园建筑节能监管系统建设技术导则》《高等学校校园建筑节能监 管系统运行管理技术导则》《医院建筑能耗监管系统建设技术导 则》等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
6.1.6 装配式建筑设计和建造 包括采用预制部件在建设工地通过装配施工方法的建筑设计
和建设。需符合《装配式混凝土建筑技术标准》(GB/T 51231)、《装配式钢结构建筑技术标准》(GB/T 51232)、《装 配式木结构建筑技术标准》(GB/T 51233)等国家、地方相关标 准规范要求,建筑相关技术指标需达到《装配式建筑评价标准》 (GB/T 51129)中A级及以上标准要求。
6.1.7 建筑可再生能源应用
包括利用建筑屋顶、墙面安装太阳能光伏发电装置向建筑提 供电力,以及利用热泵等设施向建筑供冷、供热的建筑可再生能 源应用系统的设计、建设及可再生能源建筑应用改造活动。需符 合《建筑光伏系统应用技术标准》(GB/T 51368)、《太阳能光 伏玻璃幕墙电气设计规范》(JGJ/T 365)、《民用建筑太阳能热 水系统应用技术标准》(GB 50364)、《太阳能供热采暖工程技 术标准》(GB 50495)、《可再生能源建筑应用工程评价标准》 (GB/T 50801)、《户式空气源热泵供暖应用技术导则》(建标 〔2020〕66号)、《地源热泵系统工程技术规范》(GB 50366)、《柔性直流输电换流站设计标准》(GB/T 51381)、 《柔性直流输电成套设计标准》(GB/T 51397)等国家、地方、 行业相关标准规范要求。
6.1.8 建筑用能电气化、智能化改造
包括提高采暖、生活热水、炊事等建筑终端用能电气化水平 以及提升建筑智能化运行水平的升级改造活动。智能建筑的设
计、建造和运营需符合《智能建筑设计标准》(GB 50314)、 《智能建筑工程施工规范》(GB 50606)、《智能建筑工程质量 验收规范》(GB 50339)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要 求。
6.1.9 绿色高效制冷改造和运行
包括以建筑中央空调系统、商务产业园区、冷链物流等为重 点,更新升级制冷技术、设备,优化负荷供需匹配的设计、改造 和运行活动。需符合《空气调节系统经济运行》(GB/T 17981)、《远置式压缩冷凝机组冷藏陈列柜系统经济运行》 (GB/T 31510)等标准中经济运行要求。
6.1.10 绿色仓储
包括达到绿色建筑评价标准的物流仓储场所、节能型农产品 冷库、贮藏库等仓储场所的设计、建设、运营和改造活动。需符 合《绿色仓库要求与评价》(SB/T 11164)等标准规范对绿色物流 仓储建筑的有关要求。
6.1.11 绿色农房建设、改造和运维
包括绿色农房的设计、建设、改造、综合性能调适、交付培 训、智慧运维等。需符合《农村居住建筑节能设计标准》(GB/T 50824)等标准规范要求。
6.2 绿色交通
6.2.1 公路交通基础设施绿色化升级改造
包括公路、综合交通枢纽、高速公路服务区、客货运场站等 交通基础设施的绿色化改造。公路基础设施建设和改造需符合 《绿色公路建设技术指南》有关要求,公路、服务区、客货运场 站等节能及绿色化改造后需达到《绿色交通设施评估技术要求》 (JT/T 1199.1)等相关标准规范要求,绿色化升级改造技术需符合 《交通运输行业重点节能低碳技术推广目录(2021年度)》等国 家、地方有关政策要求。
6.2.2 充电、换电和加气设施建设和运营
包括分布式交流充电桩、集中式快速充电站、非车载充电 机、换电设施、汽车和船舶天然气加注站、城市公共充电设施、 城际快速充电网络等基础设施建设和运营。需符合《电动汽车交 流充电桩技术条件》(NB/T 33002)、《电动汽车快速更换电池 箱通用要求》(NB/T 33025)、《电动汽车非车载传导式充电机 技术条件》(NB/T 33001)、《汽车加油加气加氢站技术标准》 (GB 50156)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
6.2.3 智能交通体系建设和运营
包括交通指挥中心系统与设备、电子警察系统与设备、交通 视频监视系统与设备、卡口系统与设备、交通信号控制系统与设 备、智能公交系统与设备、城市智慧汽车基础设施、智能停车系 统与设备、交通信息采集发布系统与设备、GPS与警用系统与设 备、出租车信息服务管理系统与设备、综合客运枢纽信息化系统
与设备、路网综合管理系统、智能化新一代民航旅客服务系统 (PSS)、智慧机场管理系统、旅游联程联运信息服务系统、高速 公路扣费系统、市区过桥系统、隧道自动扣费系统、停车场不停 车交费系统等建设和运营。
6.2.4 共享交通设施建设和运营
包括公共租赁自行车、互联网租赁自行车、互联网租赁电动 自行车、互联网租赁汽车、汽车分时租赁系统、立体停车设施设 备、自行车停车设施等共享交通设施建设和运营。
6.2.5 城乡客运系统建设和运营
包括地铁、轻轨、有轨电车等城市轨道交通设施建设和运 营,农村客运班线、乡镇客运站建设和运营,城市公共汽电车系 统(含公交专用道、枢纽场站、信息系统)建设、改造及运营, 新能源和清洁能源客车和公共车辆购置等。
6.2.6 城市慢行系统建设和运营
包括步行交通系统建设、自行车交通系统建设、非机动车停 车设施建设、都市绿道建设、道路交叉口路灯优化、路段过街设 施建设、慢行系统优化等。
6.2.7 环境友好型铁路建设运营和铁路绿色化改造
环境友好型铁路是指符合国家环保标准规范,考虑对生物重 要栖息地的影响,在项目建设和运营过程中切实保护自然生态、 尽量减少生态影响的客运、货运和客货两用铁路。包括环境友好
型铁路及相关场所建设和运营,以及既有铁路电气化改造、铁路 场站和铁路设备绿色化改造、废弃铁路复垦等。铁路客运站、货 运站建设或改造后需达到《绿色铁路客站评价标准》(TB/T 10429)、《绿色交通设施评估技术要求 第4部分:绿色客运站》 (JT/T 1199.4)、《绿色交通设施评估技术要求 第5部分:绿色货 运站》(JT/T 1199.5)等标准规范要求。
6.2.8 多式联运系统与公转铁、公转水建设和运营
包括普通集装箱、大宗物资、冷链物资、汽车整车、快递包 裹等物资多式联运系统建设和运营,以及促进公转铁、公转水的 相关设施建设和运营。
6.2.9 公路甩挂运输系统建设和运营
包括甩挂作业站场、甩挂运输管理信息系统等建设运营和改 造。
6.2.10 绿色民航
包括含机场航站楼、跑道、机场廊桥供电设施等在内的绿色 机场建设,机场绿色化改造,机场新增或更新的作业车辆及机械 采用新能源或清洁能源。绿色机场建设和机场绿色化改造需符合 《绿色航站楼标准》(MH/T 5033)等标准规范要求。
6.2.11 绿色港航
包括港口和船舶岸(受)电系统建设,船用LNG等清洁燃料 加注设施建设,内河老旧码头升级改造、船舶受电设施设备改造
等。相关设施建设和改造需符合《绿色港口等级评价指南》 (JTS/T 105-4)、《内河航道绿色建设技术指南》(JTS/T 225) 等国家、行业相关标准规范要求。
6.2.12 绿色物流
包括新能源及清洁能源轻型物流车辆、中重型卡车购置,综 合物流枢纽或大型货物集散中心的建设和运营,邮政快递营业场 所和处理场所等物流场所的绿色化改造,智慧货运信息平台或系 统的建设和运营,数字化智能化邮政快递信息系统或平台的建设 和运营,城市寄递系统建设和运营,农村寄递物流体系建设和运 营,零碳物流园区示范等活动。
6.3 环境基础设施
6.3.1 园林绿化建设、养护管理和运营
地公共设施建设、养护和运营,城市绿道及其配套的驿站、标识 系统和其他附属设施的建设、养护管理和运营,居住用地、公共 管理与公共服务设施用地、商业服务业设施用地、工业用地、物 流仓储用地、公用设施用地、绿地与广场用地等的附属绿地建 设、养护管理和运营,各级各类城市道路的分隔绿带、路侧绿 带、绿化环岛等绿地建设、养护管理,城市郊野公园、区域设施 防护绿地等区域绿地建设、养护管理和运营,城市建筑屋顶绿 化、墙面绿化、桥隧绿化等立体空间绿化工程建设、养护管理,
需符合《公园设计规范》(GB 51192)、《绿道规划设计导则》 (建城函〔2016〕211号)、《城市道路绿化规划与设计规范》 (CJJ 75)、《城市绿地分类标准》(CJJ/T 85)、《垂直绿化工 程技术规程》(CJJ/T 236)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要 求。
6.3.2 海绵城市建设和运营
包括在公共建筑及居住小区因地制宜采取屋顶绿化、可渗透 地面铺装、微地形、雨水花园建设,雨落管断接、雨水调蓄与收 集利用等设施建设和运营;在非机动车道、人行道、停车场、广 场等场所采用透水铺装,道路与广场雨水收集、净化和利用设 施,生物滞留带、环保雨水口、旋流沉砂等道路雨水径流污染防 治治理等设施建设和运营;在城镇公园和公共绿地等场所的雨水 花园、下凹式绿地、人工湿地、雨水塘等设施建设和运营;城市 排水防涝设施达标建设,如城市易涝点排水改造,雨污分流管 网、雨水岸线净化设施建设和改造,沿岸流干管建设和改造,沉 淀过滤、人工湿地等溢流污废水净化设施建设和改造,雨水调蓄 设施科学布局建设运营和改造等;以及为保护和修复城市水体自 然生态系统开展的河湖水系自然连通恢复和保护工程,河道系统 整治、生态修复活动,如渠化河道改造,因势利导恢复自然弯曲 河岸线,自然深潭浅滩和泛洪漫滩等。
6.3.3 城镇供水管网分区计量漏损控制建设和运营 69
包括城镇公共供水设施建设运营和改造,以及供水管网流量 计量、水质监测、压力调控、数据采集与远传等供水管网漏损控 制设备设施建设运营和改造。
6.3.4 水利设施智能化改造
包括搭建数字孪生平台,升级监测设施,提升通信、计算、 控制等设施水平,提升水利设施业务智能化水平和预报、预警、 预演、预案能力。
6.3.5 城镇污水收集系统排查改造建设修复
包括城镇污水管网排查、疏浚、维修修复及改造,污(雨) 水调蓄设施建设与改造,污水管网地理信息系统(GIS)建设和运 营等。
6.3.6 入河入海排污口排查整治及规范化建设和运营
包括运用无人机、水下机器人等仪器设备进行入河入海排污 口排查和上游排污管线巡查巡检,制订更新排污口位置图、排污 管线图,对不符合要求的入河入海排污口按照相关技术规定进行 拆除关闭、归并纳管、清理整治,对相关排污管线进行修复、改 造和维护,按照要求开展入河入海排污口规范化建设,开展入河 入海排污口相关监测、数据采集与传输等设施建设和运营。
6.3.7 污水污泥处理处置设施建设和运营
包括城镇和农村污水处理及再生利用设施建设运营和改造, 污泥浓缩、调理和脱水等减量化处置设施建设运营和改造,厌氧
消化处理、高温好氧发酵处理、石灰稳定、热干化、焚烧等处理 设施建设运营和改造,以及污泥的运输和储存等。需符合《城镇 污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918)等标准要求。污泥处 理处置需符合《农用污泥污染物控制标准》(GB 4284)、《城镇 污水处理厂污泥泥质》(GB/T 24188)、《城镇污水处理厂污泥 处置 混合填埋用泥质》(GB/T 23485)、《城镇污水处理厂污泥 处置 土地改良用泥质》(GB/T 24600)、《城镇污水处理厂污泥 处置 单独焚烧用泥质》(GB/T 24602)、《城镇污水处理厂污泥 处理稳定标准》(CJ/T 510)等国家、地方、行业相关标准规范要 求。农村污水处理设施运行效果应不低于《农村生活污水处理设 施运行效果评价技术要求》(GB/T 40201)中良好等级。
6.3.8 生活垃圾处理设施建设和运营
包括城镇和农村生活垃圾收集、转运等处理设施建设和运 营,需符合《农村生活垃圾收运和处理技术标准》(GB/T 51435)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
6.3.9 生态环境监测系统建设和运营
包括大气、地表水(含水功能区和农田灌溉水)、地下水、 饮用水源、海洋、土壤、温室气体、噪声、辐射等环境监测系统 的建设和运营,系统采样分析设备、监测仪器、计算机、监测车 辆、监测无人机、监测气球等硬件设备购置、安装建设及软件系 统开发,污染源自动监测设施建设和运营等。相关设备需符合国
6.3.10 生态安全预警体系和生态保护修复信息平台建设和运 维
包括生态安全预警体系的建设和运维,以及生态保护修复信 息平台系统的设计、开发、测试和运维。需符合《自然资源部关 于印发〈自然资源调查监测体系构建总体方案〉的通知》(自然 资发〔2020〕15号)等国家、地方有关政策和标准规范要求。
6.4 城乡能源基础设施
6.4.1 城镇电力设施智能化建设运营和改造
造,用电设备智能化改造,以及高污染、低效用能设备的电能替 代改造等。
6.4.2 城镇一体化集成供能设施建设和运营
包括多能互补利用设施、分布式供能设施或系统、智能微网 等城镇一体化集成供能设施建设和运营。
6.4.3 城镇集中供热系统清洁化、低碳化建设运营和改造
包括城镇集中供热锅炉节能降碳环保改造、城镇集中供热管 网节能降碳改造、热电联产机组供暖替代散煤和燃煤小锅炉、低 品位工业余热供暖系统建设运营、核能供热系统建设运营,以及 因地制宜实施的热泵、生物质能、地热能、太阳能等清洁低碳供 暖等。
6.4.4 农村清洁能源基础设施建设和运营
包括清洁取暖设备应用和设施建设运营,清洁取暖配套的农 村电网、燃气管道建设改造,以及其他清洁低碳能源利用设施建 设运营。
6.5 信息基础设施
6.5.1 通信网络节能改造
包括先进高效的互联网数据中心(IDC)、企业级数据中心 (EDC)、高性能计算中心、超算中心等不同类型数据中心的建 设,数据中心电能比需不低于《数据中心能效限定值及能效等 级》(GB 40879)中2级能效水平。
6.5.3 数据中心节能改造
7 绿色服务
7.1 咨询监理
7.1.1 绿色产业项目勘察服务
6.5.2 绿色数据中心建设
7.1.2 绿色产业项目咨询服务
包括节能降碳、环境保护、资源循环利用、清洁能源、生态 保护修复和利用、环境基础设施绿色升级等绿色产业项目的方案 设计、技术论证、方案评价、尽职调查、可行性研究、风险评 估、工程验收与后评价、运维优化、环境安全评估、生态效率评 价,绿色产业发展规划研究、绿色低碳技术咨询、节水管理与技 术咨询、化学品生态毒理测试与预测咨询、环境友好型产品评估 和信息声明、环境服务质量评价、环境信息披露等服务,自愿碳 减排项目设计、碳排放信息披露等碳减排相关的咨询服务,以及 环境、社会和治理(ESG),绿色金融、环境投融资及风险评估、 招标采购代理、信息披露、人才培训等方面的咨询服务等。
7.1.3 绿色产业项目施工监理服务
包括节能降碳、环境保护、资源循环利用、清洁能源、生态 保护修复与利用、环境基础设施绿色升级等绿色产业项目的施工 监理服务。
7.2 运营管理
7.2.1 能源管理体系建设
管理标杆企业信息咨询、能源管理体系建设成效评估、能源管理 体系工具软件开发、能源管理体系认证服务等。需符合《能源管
理体系 要求》(GB/T 23331)、《能源管理体系 实施指南》 (GB/T 29456)、《水泥行业能源管理体系实施指南》(GB/T 30259)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
7.2.2 合同能源管理
包括采用节能效益分享、能源费用托管、节能量保证、融资 租赁等形式开展的节能技术改造服务,以及合同能源管理商务模 式咨询、融资咨询、服务评价等。需符合《合同能源管理技术通 则》(GB/T 24915)、《合同能源管理服务评价技术导则》 (GB/T 40010)等相关标准规范要求。
7.2.3 合同节水管理
包括采用节水效益分享、节水效果保证、用水费用托管等形 式开展的节水技术改造服务,以及合同节水管理服务模式咨询、 融资咨询、服务评价等。需符合《合同节水管理技术通则》 (GB/T 34149)等相关标准规范要求。
7.2.4 电力需求侧管理
包括节约用电服务、环保用电服务、绿色用电服务、智能用 电服务、有序用电服务等。需符合《电力需求侧管理办法(修订 版)》(发改运行规〔2017〕1690号)等国家、地方有关政策和 标准规范要求。
7.2.5 资源循环利用第三方服务 包括为矿产资源综合利用、水资源高效及循环利用、工业固
体废弃物综合利用、农林废弃物综合利用、废旧物资循环利用、 垃圾资源化利用、废气回收利用等项目提供第三方服务。
7.2.6 环境污染第三方治理
包括大气污染治理、水污染治理、土壤污染治理、其他污染 治理和环境综合整治等环境污染第三方治理。
7.3 监测检测
7.3.1 能耗在线监测系统建设
能耗在线监测计算机平台开发、能耗计量和在线监测设备校准、 能耗监测数据库和应用软件开发,重点用能单位、国家机关和大 型公共建筑等能耗在线监测系统建设等。能耗在线监测系统建设 需满足《用能单位能耗在线监测技术要求》(GB/T 38692)、 《建筑材料行业能耗在线监测技术要求》(GB/T 40083)等国 家、地方、行业相关标准规范要求。
7.3.2 温室气体排放源监测
包括温室气体等碳排放数据的监测,监测系统平台开发和数 据核算、分析评价、预警、运营维护服务,相关衍生的碳资产管 理和碳信息披露服务等。
7.3.3 环境损害监测评估
包括环境损害评估监测方案设计、环境损害鉴定评估、环境 损害应急处置方案设计、环境损害法律咨询服务、环境损害保险
7.3.4 污染源监测
包括污染源监测系统开发、污染源监测设备采购、污染源监 测数据库建设和应用软件开发、污染物排放计量和监测设备校准 服务等。
7.3.5 企业环境监测
包括企业环境监测设备采购、环境监测服务、环境监测软硬 件开发、环境影响数据库建设、污染物监控人员培训等。需符合 《产业园区循环经济信息化公共平台数据接口规范》(GB/T 36578)等标准规范要求。
7.3.6 生态环境监测和生态安全预警
包括水、空气、土壤、固体废物、地下水、海洋、农业面 源、辐射、噪声、新污染物等生态环境监测,突发生态环境事件 涉及的监测设计方案等技术服务,农业废弃物资源监测、农用地 和农用水资源监测、林业和草原碳汇监测、生态遥感监测、生物 群落监测、生态调查监测预警、生态系统质量监测、生物多样性 监测、水土保持监测等监测服务以及毒性试验服务等。
7.3.7 生态系统碳汇监测评估
包括国土调查、遥感监测、碳汇监测技术和模型开发、碳储 量评估、生态系统碳汇认证标准和认证方法研究、生态保护修复 碳汇成效监管、生态保护修复补偿、生态系统碳汇价值评估、生
7.4 评估审查核查
7.4.1 节能评估和能源审计
源审计、节能量评估、能源审计培训、固定资产投资项目节能报 告编制服务等。需符合《用能单位节能量计算方法》(GB/T 13234)、《节能量测量和验证技术通则》(GB/T 28750)、《节 能量测量和验证实施指南》(GB/T 32045)、《节能评估技术导 则》(GB/T 31341)、《能源审计技术通则》(GB/T 17166)等 国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
7.4.2 碳排放核查与温室气体自愿减排项目审定和核查
包括碳排放第三方核查、碳排放核查人员培训、碳排放核查 数据库建设、碳排放核查结果抽查校核、温室气体自愿减排项目 审定与核查服务等。企业碳排放核算需符合《工业企业温室气体 排放核算和报告通则》(GB/T 32150)、《温室气体排放核算与 报告要求》(GB/T 32151)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
7.4.3 建筑能效与碳排放测评 包括对各类建筑能效水平和碳排放水平的检测评价服务等。 7.4.4 清洁生产审核 包括对企业生产过程及其生产管理开展全面系统的调查和诊
7.4.5 环境影响评价
包括环境影响综合评价、环境影响及跟踪监测解决方案设 计、环境影响法律咨询、环境影响数据库建设,环境影响技术评 估,生态保护红线、环境质量底线、资源利用上限和环境准入负 面清单编制,以及建设项目、行政区域、工业园区等环境风险评 估、环境应急控制方案编制、环境应急预案制定等。
7.4.6 生态环境质量监测与评估
包括水环境、海洋环境、大气环境、土壤环境、噪声与振动 环境质量监测与评估等。
7.4.7 自然资源生态保护补偿和生态损害赔偿评估
包括对自然资源生态保护补偿的评估,自然资源生态损害赔 偿的评估服务等。
7.4.8 生态保护修复产品和生态系统评估
包括生态保护修复产品价值核算、生态保护修复产品评估、 生态修复成效评估、生态系统服务价值评估服务等。
7.4.9 地质灾害危险性评估
包括塌塴、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝、地面沉降等 地质灾害的危险性评价、灾害区易损性评价、地质灾害破坏损失 评价等。要符合《地质灾害危险性评估规范》(GB/T 40112)等 相关标准规范要求。
7.4.10 水土保持评估
包括建设项目水土保持方案编制、监测评估、监理等技术服 务,水土保持设施验收、第三方评估,水土保持信息化监管,水 土保持法律咨询服务等。需符合《生产建设项目水土保持监测与 评价标准》(GB/T 51240)等国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
7.5 绿色技术产品研发认证推广
7.5.1 绿色技术产品研发
保护修复和利用等领域先进技术产品研发。产品需符合国家、地 方相关标准规范要求。
7.5.2 绿色技术产品认证推广
包括节能降碳、环境保护、资源循环利用、清洁能源、生态 保护修复和利用等领域先进技术推广,人造板和木制地板、涂 料、卫生陶瓷、建筑玻璃、太阳能热水系统、家具、绝热材料、 防水密封材料、陶瓷砖(板)、纺织产品、木塑制品、纸和纸制 品、塑料制品、洗涤用品、电冰箱、空调器和洗衣机、轮胎、快 递封装用品等绿色产品认证和推广,计算机、复印机等节能产品 认证和推广,硅酸盐水泥、平板玻璃等低碳产品认证和推广,水 嘴、淋浴器等节水产品认证和推广,节能玻璃、保温材料等绿色 建材产品认证和推广,电子电器、建材等环境标志产品认证和推 广,有机产品认证和推广,绿色食品认证和推广,森林可持续经
营及产品认证和推广,生态保护修复产品认定,绿色交通基础设 施认证和推广,可持续航空燃料认证,节能服务公司综合能力评 定、合同能源管理服务认证等。需符合《绿色产品标识使用管理 办法》(市场监管总局公告2019年第20号)、《绿色建材评价标 识管理办法》(建科〔2014〕75号)、《有机产品认证管理办 法》(市场监管总局令2022年第61号第二次修订)、《绿色食品 标志管理办法》(农业农村部令2022年第1号修订)等有关法规政 策要求,产品需符合国家、地方相关标准规范要求。
7.5.3 绿色技术交易
包括节能降碳、环境保护、资源循环利用、清洁能源、生态 保护修复和利用等领域先进技术交易,以及交易平台的建设和运 营,技术成果展示、成果转化、技术审核、技术评估、技术转 移、所有权和使用权的转移等服务及其指导和监督。
7.6 资源环境权益交易
7.6.1 碳排放权交易
算、碳配额注册登记及变更、碳交易法律服务、碳减排方案咨询 与服务、碳金融、碳信息管理服务等。
7.6.2 用能权交易
包括用能权统计核算、用能权第三方审核、用能权交易法律 咨询、节能方案咨询与服务、用能权交易系统开发建设、用能权
7.6.3 用水权交易
包括用水权交易可行性分析、交易参考价格核定、交易方案 设计、交易技术咨询、交易法律服务、交易系统开发建设等。
7.6.4 排污权交易
包括排污权交易的数据统计核算服务、交易法律服务、减排 方案咨询与服务、金融服务、信息管理服务等。
7.6.5 林权交易
包括林权交易可行性分析、交易参考价格核定、交易方案设 计、数据统计核算、交易技术咨询、交易法律服务、金融服务、 信息管理服务以及交易系统开发建设等。
7.6.6 可再生能源绿证和绿色电力交易
包括可再生能源绿证和绿色电力交易的项目信息管理、证书 核发、交易体系建设等。可再生能源绿证和绿色电力交易需符合 《关于试行可再生能源绿色电力证书核发及自愿认购交易制度的 通知》(发改能源〔2017〕132号)、《绿色电力交易试点工作方 案》等政策要求。
Annex 2 Explanation of the "Green Industry Guidance Catalog (2023 Edition)"
(Draft for comments)
1 Energy saving and carbon reduction industry
1.1 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving equipment
1.1.1 Manufacturing of energy-saving boilers
Including high-low differential speed circulating fluidized bed oil shale boiler, coal slime circulating fluidized bed boiler, heat storage and stable combustion blast furnace gas boiler, high-efficiency pulverized coal industrial boiler, high-efficiency low-pollution layer combustion chamber-fired composite combustion boiler, high-efficiency biomass boiler Energy-saving power plant boilers, multi-process biomass circulating fluidized bed boilers, solid combustible waste circulating fluidized bed boilers, industrial boilers and marine boilers, and advanced coal gasification equipment. The energy efficiency of boilers shall not be lower than the target value level of the thermal efficiency index in the "Technical Regulations for Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection of Boilers" (TSG 91), and the energy efficiency of industrial boilers shall not be lower than the level 1 energy efficiency level in the "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades of Industrial Boilers" (GB 24500). The air pollutant emission concentration value of power plant boilers meets the requirements of "Emission Standards for Air Pollutants in Thermal Power Plants" (GB 13223), and the emission concentration value of air pollutants for industrial boilers meets the requirements of "Emission Standards for Air Pollutants for Boilers" (GB 13271); other energy-saving boilers Need to meet the requirements of the corresponding air pollutant emission standards.
1.1.2 Energy-saving kiln manufacturing
Including metallurgical heating furnaces using high-temperature air combustion technology, energy-saving industrial electric furnaces, energy-saving non-electric metal treatment furnaces, energy-saving roller kilns, energy-saving tunnel kilns, energy-saving shuttle kilns, energy-saving pusher kilns, energy-saving protection Atmosphere kilns, energy-saving nitriding kilns, energy-saving firing kilns, energy-saving baking and drying furnaces and other high-efficiency industrial furnaces, as well as energy-saving furnace burners and other equipment manufacturing.
1.1.3 Energy-saving internal combustion engine manufacturing
Including non-road diesel engines below 560kW and diesel engines for light vehicles (including light passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles), gasoline engines for light vehicles and general-purpose gasoline engines below 30kW and other internal combustion engines. The energy efficiency of the equipment shall not be lower than the first-level energy efficiency in the "Code for Energy Efficiency Assessment of Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Part 1: Diesel Engines" (GB/T 38750.1), "Code for Energy Efficiency Assessment of Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Part 2: Gasoline Engines" (GB/T 38750.2) level.
1.1.4 Manufacturing of high-efficiency generators and generator sets
Including energy-saving AC generators, energy-saving DC generators, energy-saving generator sets, energy-saving internal combustion generator sets, energy-saving rotary converters, energy-saving generators used with internal combustion engines, energy-saving generators and special parts for generator sets And other equipment manufacturing.
1.1.5 Manufacture of energy-saving pumps and vacuum equipment
Including energy-saving pumps, energy-saving vacuum drying equipment, energy-saving vacuum furnace and other equipment manufacturing. The energy efficiency of clean water centrifugal pumps should not be lower than the level of energy-saving evaluation values in the "Limitable Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Evaluation Values of Clean Water Centrifugal Pumps" (GB 19762); GB 32284) level 1
Energy efficiency level; the energy efficiency of submersible electric pumps is not lower than the "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades of Small Submersible Electric Pumps" (GB 32029), "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades of Submersible Electric Pumps for Wells" (GB 32030), "Sewage Sewage Submersible Pumps" Electric pump energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency grade "(GB 32031) level 1 energy efficiency level; other energy-saving pumps and vacuum equipment need to meet the requirements of the corresponding energy efficiency standards.
1.1.6 Manufacture of energy-saving gas compression equipment
Including energy-saving air compressors, compressors for air conditioners, turbo compressors and other equipment manufacturing. The energy efficiency of volumetric air compressors shall not be lower than the energy efficiency level of Class 1 in the "Limitable Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades of Volumetric Air Compressors" (GB 19153); Totally enclosed motor-compressor energy efficiency limit values and energy efficiency grades" (GB 35971) level 1 energy efficiency level; other energy-saving gas compression equipment must meet the corresponding energy efficiency standards.
1.1.7 Manufacturing of energy-saving motors and micro-special motors
Including energy-saving DC motors, energy-saving AC motors, energy-saving AC-DC motors, energy-saving low-power motors, energy-saving micro motors, rare earth permanent magnet motors and other equipment manufacturing. The energy efficiency of small and medium-sized and low-power three-phase asynchronous and single-phase asynchronous motors is not lower than the energy efficiency level of Level 1 in the "Limitable Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades of Electric Motors" (GB 18613); Limit Values and Energy Efficiency Grades" (GB 30253) Class 1 energy efficiency level; the energy efficiency of high-voltage three-phase cage-type asynchronous motors is not lower than the first-class energy efficiency in "High-Voltage Three-phase Cage Asynchronous Motor Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades" (GB 30254) level; other energy-saving motors need to meet the corresponding
energy efficiency standards.
1.1.8 Manufacture of energy-saving fans
Including energy-saving industrial fans, ventilators, blowers, ventilation hoods, circulating air hoods and other equipment manufacturing. The energy efficiency of the ventilator shall not be lower than the level 1 energy efficiency level in the "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades of Ventilators" (GB 19761); Value level; other energy-saving fan fans need to meet the requirements of the corresponding energy efficiency standards.
1.1.9 Manufacture of energy-saving transformers, rectifiers, inductors and welding machines
Including energy-saving transformers, transformers, static converters, reactors, inductors, AC contactors, frequency converters, welding machines and other equipment manufacturing. The energy efficiency of three-phase power transformers is not lower than the level 1 energy efficiency level in the "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades of Power Transformers" (GB 20052); the energy efficiency of AC contactors is not lower than the "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades of AC Contactors" (GB 21518) Medium-level 1 energy efficiency level; general-purpose variable frequency speed control equipment above 1kV not exceeding 35kV must meet the requirements of "General Frequency Variable Speed Control Equipment above 1kV and not exceeding 35kV" (GB/T 30843); general frequency control equipment below 1kV must comply with " 1kV and below general frequency conversion speed regulation equipment" (GB/T 30844) requirements; other energy-saving transformers, rectifiers, inductors and welding machines must meet the corresponding energy efficiency standards.
1.1.10 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving maglev power equipment
Including magnetic suspension centrifugal blower, magnetic suspension turbine vacuum pump, magnetic suspension centrifugal refrigeration compressor, magnetic suspension low temperature waste heat generator, magnetic suspension air compressor, magnetic suspension steam compressor, magnetic suspension flywheel energy storage and other equipment manufacturing.
1.1.11 Manufacturing of energy-saving agricultural materials
Including the manufacture of energy-saving and low-carbon agricultural greenhouses, high-efficiency and energy-saving agricultural engines, high-speed precision seed metering devices, energy-saving and environment-friendly agricultural machinery, fishing machinery and fishing boats, etc.
1.1.12 Manufacture of special equipment for energy-saving mining and construction
Including energy-saving well construction equipment, mining and rock drilling equipment, mine hoisting equipment, mineral crushing machinery, mineral grinding machinery, mineral screening and washing equipment, mine tractors and their mine cars, special accessories for mining equipment, etc.
1.1.13 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving commercial equipment
Including energy-saving copiers, printers, fax machines, microcomputers, projectors, commercial refrigeration appliances, chillers, heat pump units, unitary air conditioners and other commercial equipment manufacturing. The energy efficiency of the product shall not be lower than the "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Copiers, Printers and Fax Machines" (GB 21521), "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Microcomputers" (GB 28380), "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Projectors" ( GB 32028), "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Commercial Refrigeration Appliances" (GB 26920), "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Chillers" (GB 19577), "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Water (Ground) Source Heat Pump Units" (GB 30721), "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades of Unitary Air Conditioners" (GB 19576) and other standards of energy efficiency level 1.
1.1.14 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving household appliances
Including energy-saving room air conditioners, air conditioning units, refrigerators, electric washing machines, rice cookers, air purifiers, flat-screen TVs, set-top boxes, electric fans and other household appliances
manufacture. The energy efficiency of the product is not lower than the "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades of Room Air Conditioners" (GB 21455), "Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades of Multi-connected Air Conditioning (Heat Pump) Units" (GB 21454), "Household Refrigerator Power Consumption Energy Efficiency Limit Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Electric Washing Machines (GB 12021.2), Energy Efficiency Limit Values and Water Efficiency Grades for Electric Washing Machines (GB 12021.4), Energy Efficiency Limit Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Rice Cookers (GB 12021.6), Energy Efficiency Limits for Air Purifiers Level 1 energy efficiency level in standards such as "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Levels for Flat-screen TVs and Set-Top Boxes" (GB 24850), "Electric Fan Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Levels" (GB 12021.9).
1.1.15 Manufacturing of high-efficiency lighting products and systems
Including large-size out-of-the-box sapphire for light-emitting diodes (LED), large-scale high-efficiency and low-cost LED epitaxial growth and chip preparation industrialization technology devices, alternative semiconductor lighting sources, new LED lighting application products, semiconductor lighting products and their production equipment , control devices and other equipment manufacturing. LED products must comply with "Measurement Methods for Performance of LED Downlights" (GB/T 29293), "Performance Requirements for LED Downlights" (GB/T 29294), "Performance Requirements for Non-directional Self-ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting" (GB/T 29294) T 24908) and other standards and regulations, the energy efficiency is not lower than the "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Levels of LED Products for Indoor Lighting" (GB 30255), "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Levels of LED Lamps for Road and Tunnel Lighting" (GB 37478), Level 1 energy efficiency level in standards such as "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Levels of LED Panel Lights for General Lighting" (GB 38450).
1.1.16 Manufacturing of high-efficiency and energy-saving stoves and stoves
Including the manufacture of high-efficiency biomass stoves, clean briquette stoves, high-efficiency natural gas stoves, and high-efficiency household gas stoves. Biomass kang stoves must meet the requirements of standards such as "General Technical Conditions for Biomass Kang Stoves" (NB/T 34017). The energy efficiency of domestic gas instant water heaters and gas heating water heaters is not lower than the energy efficiency level of Level 1 in the "Restricted Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades of Domestic Gas Instant Water Heaters and Gas Heating Water Heaters" (GB 20665); the energy efficiency of domestic gas stoves is not lower than " Household gas stove energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency grade "(GB 30720) level 1 energy efficiency level; other energy-saving stoves and stoves must meet the requirements of the corresponding energy efficiency standards.
1.1.17 Manufacture of waste heat, pressure and gas utilization equipment
Including low calorific value gas turbine, low-temperature flue gas waste heat deep recovery device, kiln waste heat utilization device, central heating device based on absorption heat exchange, large heat pump device for circulating water and waste steam waste heat recovery, high-efficiency heat exchanger, and high-efficiency energy storage Manufacture of equipment such as condensers and high-efficiency condensers. The energy efficiency of the heat exchanger shall not be lower than the level 1 energy efficiency level in the "Heat Exchanger Energy Efficiency Test and Evaluation Rules" (TSG R0010), and other waste heat, pressure, and gas utilization equipment shall meet the requirements of the corresponding energy efficiency standards. Residual energy utilization must meet the requirements of standards such as "Methods for Evaluation of Industrial Residual Energy Resources" (GB/T 1028) and "Guidelines for Cascade Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Waste Heat" (GB/T 39091).
1.1.18 Manufacturing of green building materials
Including energy-saving wall materials, external wall insulation materials, energy-saving glass, prefabricated building parts, ready-mixed concrete, ready-mixed mortar, green industrialized custom home decoration, etc.
Manufacture of building materials. Architectural glass, wall materials, heat insulation materials, waterproof and sealing materials, ceramic tiles (boards) and other products must comply with the "Green Product Evaluation of Architectural Glass" (GB/T 35604), "Green Product Evaluation of Wall Materials" (GB/T 35605), "Green Product Evaluation Thermal Insulation Materials" (GB/T 35608), "Green Product Evaluation Waterproof and Sealing Materials" (GB/T 35609), "Green Product Evaluation Ceramic Bricks (Boards)" (GB/T 35610), etc. standard specification requirements. Ready-mixed concrete shall comply with the requirements of standards such as "Technical Requirements for Environmental Labeling Products - Ready-mixed Concrete" (HJ/T 412). Building thermal insulation materials must meet the requirements of standards such as "Limits of Hexabromocyclododecane for Thermal Insulation Products for Buildings" (GB/T 41077).
1.1.19 Energy measurement, detection, monitoring and control equipment manufacturing
Including energy-saving detection equipment, online energy measurement equipment, online energy detection equipment, thermal detection equipment, energy-saving automatic control equipment, temperature measurement equipment, flow measurement equipment, power measurement equipment, heat measurement equipment, energy detection conductivity equipment, energy monitoring magnetic conductance Manufacturing of high-efficiency equipment and other equipment (excluding mercury-containing equipment). Energy measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of standards such as "General Rules for Equipping and Management of Energy Measuring Instruments for Energy Consumption Units" (GB 17167).
1.2 Manufacturing of Advanced Transportation Equipment
1.2.1 Manufacturing of key components of new energy vehicles, including new energy vehicle batteries, motors and their control systems, electrical accessories, plug-in
Manufacture of key core components and equipment for new energy vehicles such as hybrid special engines, electromechanical coupling systems, and energy recovery systems. New energy vehicle batteries must comply with the "Electric Vehicle
Safety Requirements for Traction Batteries for Electric Vehicles (GB 38031), Electrical Performance Requirements and Test Methods for Traction Batteries for Electric Vehicles (GB/T 31486), Cycle Life Requirements and Test Methods for Traction Batteries for Electric Vehicles (GB/T 31484) and other standards and specifications; the drive motor system for electric vehicles must comply with the requirements of standards such as "Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles" (GB/T 18488), "Reliability Test Method for Drive Motor Systems for Electric Vehicles" (GB/T 29307) ;Electrical accessories must meet the requirements of standards such as "Electric Vehicle Instrument" (GB/T 19836); the safety of electric vehicles must meet the requirements of standards such as "Electric Vehicle Safety Requirements" (GB/T 18384).
1.2.2 Manufacturing of marine green power equipment
Including the manufacture of marine green power equipment using liquefied natural gas (LNG), batteries, methanol, hydrogen, etc., as well as the manufacture of power systems and equipment related to improving ship energy efficiency and reducing ship pollutant emissions.
1.2.3 Manufacturing of Advanced Rail Transit Equipment
Including high-end railway equipment manufacturing, urban and port rail transit equipment manufacturing, and other rail transit equipment manufacturing, etc., excluding track construction.
1.2.4 Manufacturing of new energy aircraft
Includes electric, hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuel powered aircraft manufacturing.
1.3 Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Transformation
1.3.1 Boiler (kiln) energy-saving renovation and energy efficiency improvement Including the use of equipment and equipment for the purpose of achieving boiler (kiln) energy efficiency improvement
Replacement update, technical transformation, fuel optimization, combustion adjustment technical means such as overall optimization,
Energy-saving technical transformation of boilers (kilns), and the use of natural gas, renewable energy and other clean energy and factory waste heat, power plant exhaust steam, circulating water waste heat and other thermal resources to replace coal, petroleum coke, residual oil, heavy oil and other fuel boilers (kilns) Furnace) heating energy-saving technical transformation.
1.3.2 Improvement of energy efficiency of turbogenerator system
Including, for the purpose of improving the energy efficiency of the steam turbine generator set, the energy-saving technical transformation of the flow part of the steam turbine, the cold end system, the heating surface of the boiler and the flue air system, the operation control system, the heat and drainage system, the auxiliary motor and other equipment or systems.
1.3.3 Energy Efficiency Improvement of Motor System
Including, for the purpose of improving the energy efficiency of the motor system, adopting technical means such as equipment renewal, technical transformation, and control system optimization, to implement energy-saving equipment or comprehensive systems for the motor system (including fans, pumps, compressors, transformers, etc. in the system) remodel.
1.3.4 Power Grid Energy Saving Transformation
Including the energy-saving transformation of transmission lines, power transformation systems and other equipment or systems for the purpose of improving the energy efficiency of the power grid.
1.3.5 Utilization of waste heat and pressure
Including the use of technologies such as saturated steam power generation, waste heat recovery and utilization of flue gas, and gas recovery and utilization, and recovery of energy resources such as low-grade waste heat, pressure, and gas in industrial production processes for power generation, industrial heating, residential heating, or production process reuse. or technological transformation.
1.3.6 Energy system optimization
Including the implementation of collaborative optimization of energy flow, material flow, and information flow in the industrial production process through technical means such as process optimization, system technology integration application, energy system design and control optimization, to improve the efficiency of energy cascade utilization, and to improve the overall energy efficiency of the production system The energy-saving transformation meets the requirements of standards such as "Guidelines for Energy System Optimization" (GB/T 35071) and "Technical Guidelines for Material Flow Analysis in Industrial Parks" (GB/T 38903).
1.3.7 Green lighting renovation
Including the use of semiconductor general lighting products, high-pressure sodium lamps, metal halide lamps and other high-efficiency lighting products (excluding mercury-containing lamps), high-efficiency lighting control systems, and the use of natural light as the light source to implement lighting energy-saving renovations for various buildings and public places. Relevant parameters must comply with national standards such as "Technical Requirements for LED Urban Road Lighting Application" (GB/T 31832), "Performance Requirements for LED Lamps for Tunnel Lighting" (GB/T 32481), and the energy efficiency of the product shall not be lower than "Indoor Lighting Energy Efficiency Allowable Values and Energy Efficiency Grades of LED Products for Use (GB 30255); GB 38450), "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades for High Pressure Sodium Lamps" (GB 19573), "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades for Metal Halide Lamps" (GB 20054) and other standards such as Level 1 energy efficiency levels, and "Tungsten Halogen for General Lighting The level of energy-saving evaluation value in "Limitable Values of Lamp Energy Efficiency and Evaluation Value of Energy Conservation" (GB 31276).
1.3.8 Green and low-carbon upgrading of ships
Including upgrading ships with advanced and applicable green technologies and equipment for the purpose of improving ship operating efficiency and reducing ship pollutants and carbon dioxide emissions.
1.4 Greenhouse Gas Control
1.4.1 Carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage, including carbon dioxide from industrial production, waste gas or energy utilization process
It is separated from the atmosphere, used as a resource, injected into the stratum for storage or injected into underground oil reservoirs to increase oil production, such as carbon dioxide capture in thermal power plants, carbon dioxide flooding, direct air carbon capture, biomass carbon capture and storage and other technical applications.
1.4.2 Recovery and utilization of methane in oil and gas fields
Including the application of liquefaction treatment, adsorption treatment, compression treatment and other technologies to recover methane in oil and gas fields, and its pipeline transportation for energy supply of other oil wells, waste water desalination treatment energy supply, power generation, etc.
1.4.3 Development and Utilization of ODS Substitutes
This includes encouraging the development and utilization of alternatives to ozone-depleting substances, hydrofluorocarbons, and persistent organic pollutants. Ozone-depleting substances refer to chemicals that are harmful to the ozone layer and are included in the "List of Controlled Ozone-Depleting Substances in China", and hydrofluorocarbons refer to chemicals that may cause climate warming and are included in the "List of Controlled Ozone-Depleting Substances in China" , Persistent organic pollutants refer to perfluorinated compounds, brominated flame retardants and other chemicals listed in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
1.4.4 Greenhouse gas emission reduction in industrial production process 12
Including activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the production process through process improvement and clean production. For example, the cement industry replaces traditional limestone raw materials with non-carbonate raw materials, the glass industry uses advanced float processes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the chemical industry uses hexafluoride. Sulfur mixed gas and recovery of sulfur hexafluoride, etc.
2 Environmental Protection Industry
2.1 Manufacturing of advanced environmental protection equipment and raw materials
2.1.1 Manufacturing of Air Pollution Prevention and Control Equipment
Including flue gas dust removal, flue gas desulfurization, denitrification and mercury removal, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) treatment, dioxin treatment, mobile source tail gas post-treatment, food industry fume purification, household room air cleaning devices and other equipment manufacturing. Need to comply with "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Levels of Dust Collectors" (GB 37484) (level 2 and above), "Electric Precipitators" (GB/T 40514), "Electric Bag Composite Dust Collectors" (GB/T 27869) , "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of High-Efficiency Air Pollutant Control Equipment" (GB/T 33017), "Coal-fired Flue Gas Desulfurization Equipment" (GB/T 19229), "Coal-fired Flue Gas Denitrification Technical Equipment" (GB/T 21509) It is encouraged to meet the requirements of relevant policies and norms such as the "Comprehensive Catalog of Environmental Protection (2021 Edition)" and "The Catalog of Major Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment Encouraged by the State (2020 Edition)".
2.1.2 Manufacturing of Water Pollution Prevention and Control Equipment
Including urban and rural domestic sewage, industrial wastewater treatment and recycling, reuse equipment, surface water, groundwater pollution prevention and control and repair equipment, dredging machinery, drainage pipe network maintenance and testing equipment, sponge city construction supporting equipment, urban rainwater collection and
Manufacture of processing equipment, drinking water safety assurance and leakage control equipment. It must comply with the "Safety Technical Specifications for Sewage Treatment Equipment" (GB/T 28742), "Technical Specifications for Seepage Prevention in Petrochemical Engineering" (GB/T 50934), "Household and Similar Drinking Water Treatment Devices" (GB/T 30307), "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades of Rotary Aerators for Sewage Treatment" (GB 37483) (Energy Efficiency Level 2 and above), "Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades of Submersible Plug-Flow Mixers for Sewage Treatment" (GB 37485) (2 Energy efficiency level and above), "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of High-Efficiency Water Pollutant Control Equipment Rotary Aerator" (GB/T 38220) and other relevant standards and specifications, encourage to meet the "Comprehensive List of Environmental Protection (2021 Edition)" "National Encouraged The catalog of major environmental protection technology and equipment developed (2020 edition)" and other relevant policies and normative requirements.
2.1.3 Manufacturing of Soil Pollution Control and Restoration Equipment
Including mine reclamation and ecological restoration, soil pollution restoration of agricultural land, soil pollution restoration of industrial land, contaminated land treatment and restoration equipment, and related equipment listed in the "Catalogue of Advanced Technology and Equipment for Soil Pollution Prevention and Control". It is encouraged to meet relevant policies and normative requirements such as the Comprehensive List of Environmental Protection (2021 Edition) and the Catalog of Major Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment Encouraged by the State (2020 Edition).
2.1.4 Manufacturing of Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Equipment
Including the manufacture of solid waste treatment and disposal equipment for industrial solid waste, domestic waste, construction waste, agricultural solid waste, waste electrical and electronic products, and waste motor vehicles and ships. Need to comply with "Waste Landfill Compactor" (GB/T 27871), "Waste Cracking Incinerator" (GB/T 35251), "Waste Incineration Tail Gas Treatment Equipment"
(GB/T 29152), "Food and Catering Waste Treatment and Utilization Equipment for Catering Industry" (GB/T 28739) and other relevant standards and specifications, encourage the "Comprehensive List of Environmental Protection (2021 Edition)" "Major Environmental Protection Encouraged by the State" Technical Equipment Catalog (2020 Edition)" and other relevant policies and normative requirements.
2.1.5 Manufacturing of Noise and Vibration Control Equipment
Including sound barriers, mufflers, sound insulation windows, vibration isolation devices for power equipment, soft connection equipment for pipeline vibration isolation, track vibration and noise control devices, sound absorption and sound insulation materials, damping and vibration suppression materials and equipment, active noise and vibration control Equipment and other equipment manufacturing. It must comply with relevant standards and specifications such as "Ventilation Muffler" (HJ/T 16), "Sound Insulation Window" (HJ/T 17), "Composite Damping Vibration Isolator and Composite Damper" (GB/T 14527), and is encouraged to meet "Comprehensive Catalog of Environmental Protection (2021 Edition)", "Catalogue of Major Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment Encouraged by the State (2020 Edition)" and other relevant policies and normative requirements.
2.1.6 Manufacturing of radioactive pollution prevention and treatment equipment
Including radioactive waste treatment and disposal equipment, radioactive source contaminated soil treatment and repair equipment and other equipment manufacturing.
2.1.7 Manufacture of Environmental Pollution Treatment Chemical Materials
Including new chemical phosphorus removal agents, bactericides and algicides, organic synthetic polymer flocculants, microbial flocculants and other environmental protection agents, as well as the manufacture of high-performance bag filter materials and fibers, etc., and listed in the "Catalogue of Major Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment Encouraged by the State for Development" (2020 Edition)" and meet the requirements of "Carbon-based Products for Integrated Flue Gas Purification" (GB/T 35254),
"Technical Specifications for Flue Gas Denitrification Catalyst Testing" (GB/T 38219) and other national standards for the manufacture of environmental pollution control agents and materials.
2.1.8 Production and alternative use of non-toxic and harmless raw materials
Including non-toxic, harmless or low-toxic and low-hazard raw materials used in key industries such as electrical appliances and electronics, automobiles, paints, furniture, children's toys, hardware equipment for educational establishments, printing, automobile manufacturing and coating, rubber products, leather, and shoemaking. Production and use of raw materials or substitutes for raw materials containing heavy metals or organic pollutants and other toxic and harmful substances. Such as the production and use of substitutes listed in the “Catalogue of Toxic and Hazardous Raw Materials (Products) Substitutes Encouraged by the State” and other low (no) VOCs content paints, inks, adhesives, cleaning agents and other substitutes, manufacturing of clean packaging raw materials, degradable In the production and use of plastic products, replace plastic with bamboo, and the production and use of substitute products for "high pollution and high environmental risk" products in the "Comprehensive List of Environmental Protection (2021 Edition)".
2.1.9 Production of high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides
Including the transformation and upgrading of the production process of low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides, the substitution of high-toxicity and high-risk pesticides, and the R&D and production of environmentally friendly pesticides with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residues, etc. High-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides must conform to the list of main varieties of low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides used in planting production (2018) and other pesticide varieties that are prioritized by the state and the industry, and do not belong to the "high level" in the "Environmental Protection Comprehensive List (2021 Edition)". Pollution, high environmental risk" pesticide products.
2.1.10 Manufacturing of environmental monitoring instruments and emergency treatment equipment Including air, water, soil, biology, noise and vibration, solid waste, motor
Vehicle emission (including remote sensing monitoring and PEMS detection), nuclear and radiation and other ecological environment monitoring and testing instruments and meters, environmental emergency testing instruments and meters, environmental emergency equipment and other equipment manufacturing, and listed in the "Comprehensive List of Environmental Protection (2021 Edition)" " Equipment manufacturing in the Catalog of Major Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment Encouraged by the State (2020 Edition).
2.2 Air Pollution Control
2.2.1 Transformation of industrial desulfurization, denitration and dust removal, including the transformation of desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal of coal-fired boilers, the transformation of desulfurization and desulfurization of sintering
manufacturing, coke oven gas fine desulfurization transformation, cement industry desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal transformation, glass industry furnace flue gas desulfurization, denitration and dust removal transformation, etc. The emission of air pollutants after transformation must comply with the "Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Boilers" (GB 13271), "Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Iron and Steel Sintering and Pelletizing Industry" (GB 28662), "Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Cement Industry" (GB 4915), "Principles and Requirements for Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Gas in Industrial Parks" (GB/T 36574), "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Operation Effect of Coal-fired Flue Gas Denitrification Equipment" (GB/T 34340), "Evaluation of Operation Effect of Coal-fired Flue Gas Desulfurization Equipment "Technical Requirements" (GB/T 34605), "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Operational Effects of Iron and Steel Sintering Flue Gas Desulfurization and Dust Removal Equipment" (GB/T 34607) and other relevant national and local standards and specifications.
2.2.2 Ultra-low emission transformation of coal-fired power plants
Including desulfurization, denitrification, ultra-low emission transformation of dust removal, ultra-low emission control system optimization and other coal-fired power generation unit ultra-low emission transformation. Need to comply with the "Notice on Carrying out the Transformation and Upgrading of National Coal Power Units" (Fagai Operation [2021] No. 1519), "Coal Power Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction
[2014] No. 2093), the ultra-low emission standards and other relevant requirements in the "Comprehensive Implementation of the Ultra-Low Emission and Energy-Saving Transformation Work Plan for Coal-fired Power Plants" (Huan Fa [2015] No. 164).
2.2.3 Ultra-low emission transformation of non-electricity enterprises
Including iron and steel, cement, coking and other industries desulfurization, denitrification, dust removal ultra-low emission transformation. Need to comply with the "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-Low Emissions in the Iron and Steel Industry" (Huanqi [2019] No. 35), "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Evaluation and Monitoring of Ultra-Low Emissions in Iron and Steel Enterprises" (Environmental Affairs Office [2019] No. 922) Relevant requirements such as medium and ultra-low emission standards must meet the requirements of A-level performance indicators for cement clinker enterprises in the cement industry and the leading indicators for grinding stations in the "Performance Classification and Emission Reduction Measures for Key Industries in Heavy Pollution Weather".
2.2.4 Comprehensive Control of Volatile Organic Compounds
Including petrochemical, chemical, industrial coating, packaging and printing, oil product storage, transportation and marketing and other key industries and fields for comprehensive control of volatile organic compounds, and enterprises using raw and auxiliary materials containing VOCs such as coatings, inks, adhesives, cleaning agents, etc. Low (no) VOCs Substitution of raw and auxiliary materials. It is necessary to comply with national and local emission standards for volatile organic compounds.
2.2.5 Fugitive emission control of air pollutants from industrial factories and mines
Including the control of unorganized air pollutant emissions in industrial factories and mines that do not pass through exhaust pipes, escape from open workplaces, and discharge through gaps, vents, open doors and windows and similar openings (holes).
2.2.6 Comprehensive control of urban dust, including setting up fully enclosed retaining walls at the construction site,
cover, earthwork excavation, ground hardening of access roads, cleaning of vehicles entering and exiting, and waste transport vehicles
Confine measures, adopt low-dust operation methods such as mechanized road cleaning, and build greening and wind-proof and sand-proof forests in and around the city. Construction dust emissions must meet the requirements of local emission standards.
2.2.7 Catering oil fume pollution control
Including the installation of high-efficiency oil fume purification facilities, oil fume and odor treatment facilities in catering service business premises, the implementation of third-party operation and maintenance management of treatment facilities, and comprehensive treatment of catering gathering areas. The operation of the facilities must comply with national and local emission standards such as the "Catering Fume Emission Standard" (GB 18483), and the cooking fume purification equipment must comply with the "Technical Requirements and Testing Specifications for Catering Fume Purification Equipment (Trial)" (HJ/T 62) and other standards requirements.
2.3 Water pollution control
2.3.1 Protection of water bodies and prevention and control of groundwater pollution Including strict protection of river sources and rivers, lakes and reservoirs whose water quality reaches or exceeds Class III,
Carry out the standard construction of important drinking water sources, the construction of backup water sources, water conservation and ecological restoration, the construction of biological buffer zones, the implementation of closure and backfilling of abandoned mines, drilling wells, and water intake wells, and the investigation of groundwater pollution in petrochemical, mining, and farmland areas , prevention and zoning, risk assessment and pollution control, etc.
2.3.2 Water environment management in key river basins and sea areas
Including the coordinated use of sewage interception and pollution control, garbage cleaning, river dredging, wetland protection and restoration, vegetation restoration, etc., to improve water environment quality and restore water ecology.
Governance activities for state functions. Including the implementation of water environment protection and comprehensive treatment in the seven major river basins of the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Pearl River, Huaihe River, Haihe River, Songhua River, and Liaohe River, the rivers in the southeast, the rivers in the northwest, and the rivers in the southwest, ecological restoration of rivers and lakes, and implementation of the Taihu Lake, Dongting Lake, Dianchi Lake, Chaohu Lake, Poyang Lake, Baiyangdian Lake, Wuliangsuhai Lake, Hulun Lake, Aibi Lake and other key lakes and reservoirs, carry out comprehensive treatment of water pollution, carry out internal source control of rivers and lakes such as the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the Pearl River Delta, and carry out the Bohai Sea, the Yangtze River Estuary- Comprehensive management of key sea areas such as Hangzhou Bay and the adjacent waters of the Pearl River Estuary.
2.3.3 Remediation of urban black and odorous water bodies
Including sewage treatment, recycling, sewage pipeline construction and technical transformation, sewage outlet renovation, sewage interception system construction and transformation, internal source treatment, artificial wetland construction, garbage cleaning, smart water affairs and other governance activities. After treatment, the water quality of the water body must meet the requirements of laws and regulations and national and local standards and regulations such as "Guidelines for Urban Black and Odorous Water Treatment", "Urban Black and Odorous Water Treatment-Technical Guidelines for Treatment of Outlets, Pipelines and Inspection Wells".
2.3.4 Water Pollution Control in Key Industries
Including papermaking, coking, nitrogen fertilizer, non-ferrous metals, printing and dyeing, agricultural and sideline food processing, API manufacturing, tanning, pesticides, electroplating and other key industries, sewage and wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater recycling and cleaning transformation. It needs to comply with relevant national and local water pollutant discharge standards, the clean production evaluation index system of the industry, the "Guidelines for Evaluation of Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Technology" (GB/T 32327) and other relevant standards and specifications.
2.3.5 Centralized control of water pollution in industrial agglomeration areas, including economic and technological development zones, high-tech industrial development zones, export processing zones, etc.
Construction and operation of sewage pretreatment systems, sewage collection systems, and centralized sewage treatment and recycling facilities in industrial agglomeration areas. The discharge of industrial wastewater in agglomeration areas must comply with national and local standards for the discharge of water pollutants, and meet the requirements of standards and regulations such as "Principles and Requirements for Classified Use and Recycling of Water in Industrial Parks" (GB/T 36575). The drainage of the park is allowed to be connected to the urban municipal sewage system, and it must meet the relevant national and local water pollutant discharge standards and the "Water Quality Standards for Sewage Discharged into Urban Sewers" (GB/T 31962) and other management requirements.
2.4 Soil pollution control
2.4.1 Agricultural land pollution control Including carrying out detailed investigation and monitoring of agricultural land soil pollution, risk assessment, agricultural land pollution
Classification of land and soil environmental quality, safe use, risk control, governance and restoration, and evaluation of governance and restoration effects.
2.4.2 Pollution control of construction land
Including carrying out detailed investigation and monitoring of soil pollution in construction land, risk assessment, and adopting physical, chemical, and biological engineering measures such as transfer, absorption, and degradation to reduce the level of soil pollutants, so that the soil quality of construction land conforms to the soil environment of relevant planned land Quality requirements, and improve the soil use value of construction land.
2.4.3 Prevention and control of agricultural, forestry and grass industry non-point source pollution
Including the reduction of new types of pollution such as farmland pollution, agricultural waste pollution, and antibiotic pollution through comprehensive prevention and control measures such as source control, process blocking, and terminal strengthening; the application of agricultural clean production technologies such as soil testing and formula fertilization, and nitrogen and phosphorus interception and reuse in farmland;
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Specialized unified prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests and professional green prevention and control services; centralized treatment and resource utilization of manure, large-scale breeding of livestock and poultry and resource utilization of manure, harmless treatment facilities for sick and dead livestock and poultry, ecological ditches, sewage purification construction and operation of ponds and other facilities; prevention and control of agricultural mulch pollution. Livestock and poultry farming must comply with the requirements of the Discharge Standards of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry (GB 18596).
2.4.4 Desert pollution control
Including physical measures such as cleaning, washing, vitrification, heat treatment and gas phase suction, chemical measures such as incineration, electrodynamic restoration, chemical stabilization, and biological measures such as phytoremediation, animal restoration and microbial restoration.
2.5 Other pollution control and comprehensive environmental improvement
2.5.1 Harmless treatment and disposal of industrial solid waste Mainly including tailings, fly ash, smelting slag, industrial by-product gypsum, red mud, chemical
Construction and operation of facilities for recycling, harmless treatment and reuse of industrial solid waste such as industrial waste residue and dust removal ash. It must comply with the "Guidelines for Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste Technology Evaluation Guidelines" (GB/T 32326), "Technical Guidelines for Environmental and Quality Safety Evaluation of Industrial Solid Waste Comprehensive Utilization Products" (GB/T 32328), "Environmentalization of Industrial Comprehensive Utilization Equipment" Design Guidelines" (GB/T 31513), "Terms for Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste" (GB/T 34911), "General Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill Pollution Control Standards" (GB 18599), "Cement Kiln Co-processing of Solid Waste Pollution Control Standards (GB 30485), Technical Specifications for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permits, Industrial Solid Waste (Trial) (HJ 1200) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications, and
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"Interim Measures for the Evaluation and Management of Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste Resources", "National Catalog of Products for Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste Resources" and other supporting scopes.
2.5.2 Hazardous waste disposal and transportation
Including medical waste, medical waste, waste medicine and medicine, pesticide waste, wood preservative waste, waste organic solvent and waste containing organic solvent, heat treatment waste containing cyanide, waste mineral oil and waste containing mineral oil listed in the "National Hazardous Waste List" The reduction of hazardous wastes, the construction and operation of harmless treatment facilities, and the transportation of related hazardous wastes. Need to comply with "Pollution Control Standards for Hazardous Waste Incineration" (GB 18484), "Pollution Control Standards for Hazardous Waste Storage" (GB 18597), "Pollution Control Standards for Hazardous Waste Landfills" (GB 18598), "Specifications for Treatment and Disposal of Cyanide-Containing Wastewater" (GB/T 32123), "Technical Guidelines for Hazardous Waste Disposal Engineering" (HJ 2042), "General Technical Conditions for Transport Packaging of Dangerous Goods" (GB 12463), "Technical Specifications for Hazardous Waste Collection, Storage, and Transportation" (HJ 2025) and other national and industry-related standards and regulations.
2.5.3 Noise pollution control
Including industrial enterprise noise pollution control, traffic noise pollution control, construction noise pollution control and social life noise pollution control, etc. It must comply with relevant standards and regulations such as "Environmental Noise Emission Standards at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises" (GB 12348), "Emission Standards for Environmental Noise at Boundary of Construction Sites" (GB 12523), "Emission Standards for Noise in Social and Living Environments" (GB 22337).
2.5.4 Odor pollution control
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Including enterprises and other units that produce malodorous gas in production and business activities to install purification devices or take other engineering and technical measures to carry out odor pollution control. It must meet the requirements of relevant standards and regulations such as the Discharge Standard of Odor Pollutants (GB 14554).
2.5.5 Treatment of New Pollutants
Including petrochemical, paint, textile printing and dyeing, rubber, pesticide, pharmaceutical and other industries new pollutant treatment pilot projects, green substitution of toxic and harmful chemicals, new pollutant emission reduction, and application of demonstration technology for new pollutant treatment in sewage sludge, waste liquid and residue . It is necessary to comply with relevant policies and standards such as the "Action Plan for the Treatment of New Pollutants" (Guobanfa [2022] No. 15).
2.5.6 Cleaner production transformation in key industries
Including the transformation of key industries such as iron and steel, petroleum and petrochemical, chemical, non-ferrous metals to clean production, and the (poly)vinyl chloride production industry to make mercury-free transformation. Need to comply with the "Evaluation Index System for Cleaner Production in Iron and Steel Industry", "Evaluation Index System for Cleaner Production in Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry (Trial)", "Evaluation Index System for Cleaner Production in Caustic Soda/PVC Industry (Trial)", "Evaluation Index System for Cleaner Production in Aluminum Industry (Trial) ", "Lead and Zinc Industry Cleaner Production Evaluation Index System (Trial)" and other relevant standards and specifications.
2.5.7 Centralized transformation of pollution control in the park
Including industrial parks, enterprise clusters centralized pollution control facilities, centralized spraying facilities, and centralized coating centers, activated carbon centralized Iron and steel, waste non-ferrous metals, waste plastics, waste rubber) centralized dismantling treatment and concentrated pollution
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Construction and operation of pollution control facilities, construction and technological transformation of public infrastructure (such as water supply, power supply, heat supply, roads, communications, etc.) in industrial parks and enterprise clusters. It must comply with relevant national and local standards and regulations such as "Pollutant Discharge Standards for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB 18918), "Indicator System and Evaluation Method for Greening Industrial Park Infrastructure" (GB/T 38538).
2.5.8 Pollution Control of Vehicles and Vessels
Including the use of efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly motor vehicles, ships and non-road mobile machinery to replace old, high-energy consumption, and high-emission equipment, the construction of a real-time monitoring system for pollution emissions from motor vehicles, ships and non-road mobile machinery, and maintenance of motor vehicles, vessels and non-road mobile machinery. The treatment of waste oil, waste water and waste gas must meet the requirements of relevant national and local discharge standards.
2.5.9 Pollution Prevention and Control of Ships and Ports
Including the construction of port oil and gas recovery system for the purpose of preventing and controlling ship port pollution, ship renovation and installation of tail gas pollution control equipment and domestic sewage collection and treatment devices, construction of windproof and dust suppression facilities for large coal and ore wharf yards, and port ship pollutant receiving facilities Construction, construction of shore power facilities, special control of dust in dry bulk cargo terminals, upgrading of environmental protection facilities for inland ships, and construction of facilities to avoid the invasion of alien species caused by ship ballast water. It must meet the requirements of national, local and industry-related standards and regulations such as the "Ship Water Pollutant Emission Control Standard" (GB 3552).
2.5.10 Pollution control of livestock and aquaculture wastes, including collection and treatment of livestock and poultry manure, treatment of livestock and poultry wastewater, and treatment of livestock and poultry
Gas control, prevention and control of secondary pollution from livestock and poultry breeding, collection and harmless disposal of sick and dead livestock and poultry, and construction and renovation of facilities such as clean aquatic breeding, waste collection, reduction of rear water discharge from breeding, and harmless disposal of sick and dead aquatic products. It must comply with the "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Pollution from Large-scale Livestock and Poultry Breeding", "Administrative Measures for the Harmless Treatment of Sick and Dead Livestock and Poultry and Diseased Livestock and Poultry Products", "Pollutant Discharge Standards for Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry" (GB 18596), "Livestock and Poultry Breeding Manure Composting Treatment and "Utilization of Equipment" (GB/T 28740), "Technical Specifications for Harmless Treatment of Livestock and Poultry Manure" (GB/T 36195) and other relevant regulations and policies as well as relevant national and local standards and specifications.
2.5.11 Improvement of rural living environment
Including rural domestic waste classification, cleaning and collection, storage and transfer and other harmless and resource-based treatment, sanitary toilet construction and manure treatment, domestic sewage treatment, comprehensive treatment of rural rivers, black and odorous water treatment, improvement of village appearance, drinking water Construction and operation of safety engineering and other facilities. The operation effect of rural sewage treatment facilities should not be lower than the good level in the "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Operation Effect of Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment Facilities" (GB/T 40201).
3 Resource recycling industry
3.1 Resource recycling equipment manufacturing
3.1.1 Manufacturing of equipment for comprehensive utilization of mineral resources
Including energy minerals, ferrous metal minerals, non-ferrous metal (including rare metal) minerals, non-metallic minerals and comprehensive utilization of associated mineral resources and other equipment manufacturing.
3.1.2 Water resource efficient and recycling equipment manufacturing 26
Including agricultural water-saving irrigation devices, power, steel, nonferrous metals, petroleum and petrochemical, coal, chemical, papermaking, textile printing and dyeing, food processing, machinery, electronics and other high-water industries water-saving and wastewater treatment and recycling devices, urban sewage recycling devices, Building reclaimed water utilization devices, mine water utilization and purification devices, brackish water comprehensive utilization facilities, rainwater collection and utilization and reinfiltration devices, large-scale membrane reverse osmosis seawater desalination membrane modules, high-pressure pumps, energy recovery and other key components and thermal seawater Desalination core components, hot film coupled seawater desalination equipment, equipment for seawater desalination using power plant waste heat, nuclear energy, wind energy, ocean energy and solar energy and other renewable energy, comprehensive utilization of concentrated brine and concentrated zero-emission equipment and other equipment manufacturing.
3.1.3 Equipment manufacturing for comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste
Including the comprehensive utilization of coal gangue, fly ash, industrial by-product gypsum, smelting slag, tailings, chemical waste residue, red mud, industrial by-product salt, waste filter bags and other solid waste, metallurgical soot dust recovery and rare precious metal high efficiency and low Cost recovery and other equipment manufacturing.
3.1.4 Manufacture of equipment for comprehensive utilization of agricultural and forestry waste
Including straw, livestock and poultry breeding waste collection, storage, transportation and processing equipment, manure returning to the field application equipment, sick and dead livestock and poultry, aquatic product harmless disposal equipment, breeding waste resource utilization equipment, agricultural film, chemical fertilizer and agricultural and veterinary drug packaging, Irrigation equipment, agricultural machinery, fishing nets, rafts and other waste agricultural materials recycling equipment, as well as resource utilization equipment manufacturing such as sub-small fuelwood and three forestry residues (logging residues, wood residues, and processing residues) .
3.1.5 Manufacture of recycling equipment for waste materials 27
Including waste steel, waste non-ferrous metals, waste plastics, waste paper, waste tires, waste mobile phones, waste power batteries, waste textiles, waste glass and other renewable resource recycling equipment manufacturing, waste electrical and electronic products, scrap motor vehicles, scrap ships, decommissioning Manufacture of equipment for dismantling and utilization of aircraft, waste lead-acid batteries, decommissioned photovoltaic modules, blades of wind turbines, and remanufacturing equipment of auto parts, construction machinery, machine tools, office equipment, shield machines, aero engines, and industrial robots.
3.1.6 Manufacture of waste resource utilization equipment including household waste, Waste resource utilization, kitchen waste resource utilization, comprehensive utilization of sludge, comprehensive utilization of construction waste, comprehensive utilization of waste pavement asphalt produced in road, bridge and rail construction and other equipment manufacturing.
3.1.7 Manufacturing of Exhaust Gas Recovery and Utilization Equipment
Including raw coal gas (coke oven gas), blast furnace gas, converter gas, high-sulfur natural gas and other combustible waste gases produced in the production process of iron and steel, coking, building materials, non-ferrous metals, petrochemical and chemical industries, industrial hydrogen, methane, hydrogen sulfide , Chlorine, hydrogen chloride, high-purity carbon dioxide and other industrial waste gas, flue gas, kiln waste gas and other dusty waste gas, etc., for treatment, raw material conversion, fuel conversion and other comprehensive utilization and other equipment manufacturing.
3.2 Resource recycling
3.2.1 Comprehensive utilization of mineral resources Including coal mine gas, oil shale, oil sands, associated natural gas and other energy mineral resources
Development and comprehensive utilization of iron, manganese, chromium and other ferrous metal minerals, low-grade ore and associated ore comprehensive development and utilization, copper, lead, nickel, tin, aluminum, magnesium, gold, silver and other non-ferrous gold
It belongs to the efficient development and utilization of mineral resources, the comprehensive development and utilization of associated mines, and the comprehensive development and utilization of associated mines of non-metallic mineral resources such as kaolin, bauxite, limestone, gypsum, and phosphate rock. Processes, products, etc. must comply with relevant national and local laws and policies and relevant standards and specifications.
3.2.2 Efficient and cyclic utilization of water resources
Including the application of water-saving technologies such as water-saving irrigation in the agricultural field and the construction of farmland water conservancy facilities; Drainage treatment and reuse, allowing the utilization of harmless resources such as industrial wastewater and initial rainwater discharged into the urban sewage system, desalination treatment and reuse of seawater and brackish water, collection, treatment and utilization of rainwater and brackish water, unconventional Construction and operation of water resources utilization and other facilities. It needs to meet the requirements of relevant national and local regulations and policies, as well as "Technical Specifications for Water-saving Irrigation Projects" (GB/T 50363), "Pollutant Discharge Standards for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB 18918), "Classification of Urban Sewage Reuse and Utilization" (GB 18919 ), "General Technical Conditions for Water-saving Products" (GB/T 18870), "Water-saving Sanitary Ware" (GB/T 31436), "Water Quality for Seawater Desalination Utilization Industry" (GB/T 39481), "Rainwater Collection Relevant national and local standards and specifications such as "Technical Specifications for Storage Utilization Engineering" (GB/T 50596).
3.2.3 Comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste
Including industrial solid waste in the extraction of valuable components, building material production, engineering construction (including housing, infrastructure, etc.), subsidence area treatment, goaf filling, ecological repair
Applications in fields such as rehabilitation, water pollution control, and air pollution control. For example, coal gangue and fly ash are used in engineering construction, green building material production, and ecological restoration of saline-alkali land and desertified land; efficient extraction and overall utilization of valuable components in metal tailings; preparation of sand source substitute materials and gelled backfill by mining waste rock Utilization, application of red mud in road materials and recovery of iron, alkali, alumina, steel slag powder as concrete admixture in the field of engineering construction, recovery of valuable components such as rare scattered metals and rare precious metals in smelting slag, phosphogypsum in Utilization in the production of cement, soil conditioner, sulfuric acid, and new building materials; application of desulfurized gypsum and citrate gypsum in the production of new materials such as green building materials and gypsum whiskers; resource utilization and high-value utilization of industrial by-product gypsum, etc. . Processes, products, etc. must comply with relevant national and local laws and policies and relevant standards and specifications.
3.2.4 Comprehensive utilization of agricultural and forestry waste
Including straw collection, storage, transportation, solidification and molding, straw production of environmental protection boards, carbon-based products, polylactic acid, pulp and other raw materials utilization, straw returning to the field and other fertilizer utilization, silage, puffed, micro-storage and other feed utilization, edible fungi Utilization of substrates, seedling substrates, cultivation substrates, etc.; collection, treatment and resource utilization of livestock and poultry farming waste, resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure production of organic fertilizers, biogas, etc.; sub-small fuelwood, forestry three residues Production of composite boards, edible fungus cultivation and energy utilization, etc.; fertilizer utilization, cultivation substrate utilization, and production of forestry products such as activated carbon and saponin using economic forest fruit processing residues such as peels, shells, and pomace as raw materials. Processes, products, etc. must comply with relevant national and local laws and policies and relevant standards and specifications.
3.2.5 Recycling of waste materials
Including motor vehicles, digital products, household appliances, clothing and other second-hand commodity recycling, auto parts, engineering machinery, machine tools, office equipment, electric motors, internal combustion engines, mining machinery, petroleum machinery, metallurgical machinery, rail vehicles, and other special machinery and equipment Production of remanufactured products such as shield machines, aero-engines, industrial robots and other emerging fields, and recycling of scrap iron and steel, waste non-ferrous metals, waste plastics, waste paper, waste tires, waste textiles, waste glass, etc. Recycling and utilization of resources, recycling and dismantling of waste electrical and electronic products, waste mobile phones, scrapped motor vehicles, scrapped ships, waste lead batteries, decommissioned photovoltaic modules, waste power batteries, wind turbine blades, etc., paper, plastic, metal, glass, wood Recycling and treatment of packaging waste made of other materials, recycling and comprehensive utilization of waste agricultural materials such as waste agricultural film, irrigation equipment, agricultural machinery, fishing nets, raft racks, etc. The reuse, remanufacturing, and renewable resources, processes, and products of second-hand commodities must comply with relevant national and local regulations and policies, as well as the "General Requirements and Labeling of Recycled Products and Remanufactured Products" (GB/T 27611), "Packaging and the Environment" (GB/T 16716) and other national and local standards and regulations.
3.2.6 Waste resource utilization
Including resource utilization of domestic waste, resource utilization of kitchen waste, comprehensive utilization of sludge, comprehensive utilization and harmless disposal of construction waste, comprehensive utilization of waste pavement materials produced by road construction, etc. Equipment, technology, products, etc. must comply with relevant national and local regulations and policy requirements, as well as "Technical Requirements for Comprehensive Treatment of Domestic Garbage and Resource Utilization" (GB/T 25810), "Equipment for Treatment and Utilization of Kitchen Waste in Catering Industry"
(GB/T 28739), "Agricultural Sludge Pollutant Control Standards" (GB 4284), "Urban Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Sludge" (GB/T 24188), "Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant Pollutant Discharge Standards" (GB 18918), "Technical Specifications for Recycling of Engineering Construction Waste" (GB/T 50743) and other relevant national and local standards and specifications.
3.2.7 Waste gas recycling
Including the energy conversion, raw material conversion and resource utilization of various waste gases generated in the production process of iron and steel, coking, building materials, non-ferrous metals, petrochemical and chemical industries. For example, waste gas such as raw coal gas (coke oven gas), blast furnace gas, converter gas, and high-sulfur natural gas is recycled and utilized as raw materials for the production of fuel ethanol, and industrial hydrogen, methane, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, carbon dioxide, etc. Waste gas is purified to produce pure hydrogen, sulfur, and carbon dioxide coupled to methanol and other raw materials for recycling, and high-purity carbon dioxide and other waste gases are recycled for raw materials, mineralization, and oil flooding, and for the production of hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons. During the process, by-product trifluoromethane and other exhaust gases are utilized as resources, dusty exhaust gases such as flue gas and kiln exhaust gases are utilized as resources, and waste heat and pressure are recycled and utilized for exhaust gases. Processes, products, etc. must comply with relevant national and local laws and policies and relevant standards and specifications.
3.2.8 Recycling transformation of the park
Including aiming at improving resource output rate and waste recycling rate, relying on industrial development activities such as chain building, chain replenishment, and chain extension carried out by existing projects in the park, to promote the formation of a circular economy industrial chain; idle land in the park Intensive land use activities such as land consolidation, inefficient land consolidation, and abandoned land restoration; waste recycling activities carried out in the park
Activities such as transformation. Need to comply with "General Rules for Circular Economy Management in Industrial Parks" (GB/T 31088), "Code for Evaluation of Circular Economy in Industrial Parks" (GB/T 33567), "General Rules for Compilation of Circular Economy Standard System for Industrial Enterprises and Parks" (GB/T 33751) and other national and local standards and regulations.
4 Clean Energy Industry
4.1 New energy and clean energy equipment manufacturing
4.1.1 Wind power equipment manufacturing
Including advanced and efficient onshore wind turbines and offshore wind turbines suitable for my country's wind energy resources and climatic conditions, all kinds of generators and wind turbines supporting offshore and plateau type, low temperature, and low wind speed wind turbines with 5 MW and above Manufacture of components such as blades, bearings, cables, gearboxes, towers, and related systems and equipment for wind farms.
4.1.2 Manufacturing of solar power generation equipment
Including photovoltaic power generation equipment, photothermal power generation equipment, solar power generation control system and equipment manufacturing. Photovoltaic power generation equipment manufacturing enterprises and projects must meet the requirements of the "Regulations for the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry (2021 Version)".
4.1.3 Biomass energy utilization equipment manufacturing
Including biomass resource collection, crushing, transportation and storage equipment, biomass power generation equipment, biomass heating equipment, biomass biogas, biomass gas production equipment, biomass solid and liquid fuel production equipment, etc.
4.1.4 Manufacture of hydropower and pumped storage equipment, including high-performance and large-capacity hydropower units, high-head and large-capacity pumped storage units
sets of equipment, million-kilowatt-class large-scale hydroelectric generating units, variable-speed pumped storage units, ultra-high head large-scale impulse hydroelectric generating units, seawater pumped storage units, etc.
4.1.5 Manufacturing of nuclear power equipment
Including complete sets of equipment for million-kilowatt advanced pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants, fast neutron reactor and high-temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plant equipment, modular small nuclear energy devices, nuclear emergency devices, nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, nuclear-grade pumps, nuclear-grade valves, million Zirconium alloy cladding tubes for kilowatt-level nuclear power series, heat exchange tubes, titanium alloy pipes for nuclear power and their fittings, special materials for nuclear power steam generator heat transfer tubes and other auxiliary equipment, radiation protection materials for nuclear power, uranium mining, uranium Purification conversion, uranium enrichment and other equipment, high-performance fuel elements, uranium-plutonium mixed oxide fuel preparation device, digital, automatic instrument control system and reactor, measurement alarm protection system and other auxiliary equipment, advanced spent fuel reprocessing device, nuclear radiation safety and Manufacturing of monitoring devices, nuclear facility decommissioning and radioactive waste treatment and disposal devices, comprehensive utilization equipment for uranium and thorium associated mines, etc.
4.1.6 Gas turbine equipment manufacturing
Including heavy-duty gas turbines, micro gas turbines, etc., as well as complex structural ceramic cores, high-strength thermal shock-resistant ceramic mold shells, large-scale directional crystallization or single crystal blades, large-scale turbine disks, high-precision rotors, high-durability bearings and sealing equipment, high-strength Manufacture of gas turbine core components such as steel tie rods, high temperature and high pressure burners.
4.1.7 Manufacturing of geothermal energy development and utilization equipment
Including ground source heat pump system, high temperature geothermal heat pump system, geothermal absorption refrigeration system, medium and low temperature geothermal power generation system, geothermal drying and hot water supply system, geothermal anticorrosion
Manufacture of anti-scaling key equipment, etc.
4.1.8 Equipment manufacturing for ocean energy development and utilization
Including the manufacture of ocean energy development and utilization equipment for power generation using ocean tidal energy, tidal current energy, wave energy, temperature difference energy, and salt difference energy, such as tidal energy bulb tubular turbines, shaft tubular turbines, vertical axis tidal energy turbines, Horizontal axis tidal current energy turbine, eagle type wave energy conversion device, oscillating water column type wave energy conversion device, pendulum type wave energy conversion device, point absorption type wave energy conversion device, ocean temperature difference energy conversion device, ocean salinity difference energy conversion device, etc.
4.1.9 Manufacturing of unconventional oil and gas exploration and production equipment
Including million-channel seismic acquisition system, multi-dimensional high-precision imaging logging system, deep well automatic drilling rig, rotary steerable drilling system, deep well and ultra-deep well coiled tubing operation equipment, domestic underwater production system, 11,000-ton semi-submersible crane pipe-laying vessel , rapid drilling equipment for shale horizontal wells, long-life oil-resistant downhole power drilling tools, staged fracturing equipment for horizontal wells in shale reservoirs with a burial depth of more than 3,500 meters, drilling fluid and fracturing flowback fluid treatment and disposal equipment, etc.
4.1.10 Manufacturing of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploitation Equipment
Including semi-submersible drilling platform, drilling ship, jack-up drilling and workover/operating platform, semi-submersible production platform, floating production storage and unloading device, crane pipe-laying ship, large crane ship/floating crane, underwater survey Manufacture of underwater systems and operating equipment such as robots, underwater Christmas trees, and oil spill emergency treatment devices.
4.1.11 Manufacturing of New Energy Storage Equipment
Including energy-type, power-type energy storage technology equipment and system integration, auxiliary technology equipment and other manufacturing. Energy-based energy storage technology equipment and system integration include compressed air, lithium-ion batteries, lead-carbon batteries, liquid flow battery technology equipment and system integration, sodium-ion batteries, solid-state lithium-ion batteries, water-based batteries and other new-generation high-performance energy storage technology equipment And system integration, heat storage and cold storage technical equipment and system integration. Power type energy storage technology equipment and system integration include superconducting, dielectric capacitor and other electromagnetic energy storage technology equipment and system integration, supercapacitor, flywheel energy storage technology equipment and system integration. Auxiliary technical equipment includes battery management system, energy intelligent management system, safety warning and system protection technical equipment, advanced cooling and fire protection technical equipment, etc.
4.1.12 Manufacturing of fuel cell equipment
Including the manufacture of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, direct methanol fuel cells, alkaline fuel cells, molten carbonic acid fuel cells, phosphoric acid fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells, etc.
4.1.13 Manufacture of full-chain equipment for hydrogen energy "production, storage and transportation"
Including alkaline electrolyzers, PEM electrolyzers, SOEC electrolyzers, AEM electrolyzers, proton exchange membranes, bipolar plates, etc. Manufacture of aluminum liner carbon fiber fully wound gas cylinders, plastic liner carbon fiber fully wound gas cylinders, long tube trailers and tube bundle containers, pipelines, hydrogen valves and other equipment required for liquid and other forms of hydrogen storage and transportation.
4.1.14 Manufacturing of smart grid products and equipment including smart transformers, rectifiers and inductors, advanced power electronic devices, smart
Manufacturing of power transmission and distribution and control equipment, UHV power transmission equipment, charging facilities, smart grid and new energy-related control products, etc.
4.2 Construction and operation of clean energy facilities
4.2.1 Construction and operation of wind power facilities Including onshore wind power, offshore wind power and other facilities construction and operation using wind power
camp. It must comply with the "Code for Design of Wind Farms" (GB 51096), "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Wind Power Projects" (GB/T 51121), "Technical Regulations for Connecting Wind Farms to Power Systems" (GB/T 19963), "Large Wind Power Field Grid-connected Design Technical Specifications (NB/T 31003) and other relevant national and industry standards and specifications.
4.2.2 Construction and operation of solar energy utilization facilities
Including solar photovoltaic power generation, solar thermal power generation and solar thermal utilization and other facilities. Need to comply with the "Design Code for Photovoltaic Power Stations" (GB 50797), "Technical Regulations for Connecting Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems to Distribution Networks" (GB/T 29319), "Technical Specifications for Independent Photovoltaic Systems" (GB/T 29196), "Operation and Maintenance Specifications for Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems" (JGJ /T 264), "Restricted Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades of Household Solar Water Heating Systems" (GB 26969) (Energy Efficiency Level 2 and above), "Technical Standards for Application of Solar Water Heating Systems in Civil Buildings" (GB 50364), "Industrial Applications Technical specifications for solar water heating systems" (GB/T 30724), "Technical requirements for water storage tanks for household solar water heating systems" (GB/T 28746), "Technical specifications for solar heating engineering" (GB 50495) and other countries and industries Relevant standard specification requirements.
4.2.3 Construction and operation of biomass utilization facilities 37
Including the use of agricultural and forestry waste and urban domestic waste as raw materials for power generation, heating and production of gas, liquid, and solid fuels, the production of biodiesel with gutter oil as the main raw material, and the polygeneration demonstration of alcohol, electricity, gas, and fertilizer, etc. It must comply with the "Code for Design of Straw Power Plants" (GB 50762), "Code for Design of Bio-liquid Fuel Plants" (GB 50957), "Standards for Production Preparation and Production Process Management of Bio-Liquid Fuel Construction Projects" (NB/T 13006), "Large Medium-sized Biogas Project Technical Specifications (GB/T 51063), Biomass Gasification Centralized Gas Supply Operation and Management Specifications (NY/T 2908) and other relevant national and industry standards and specifications. Coal-fired coupled biomass power generation technical transformation projects shall be implemented in accordance with the "Notice on the Construction of Coal-fired Coupled Biomass Power Generation Technical Transformation Pilot Projects" (Guoneng Fadian [2018] No. 53).
4.2.4 Construction and operation of large hydropower facilities
Including the construction and operation of key large-scale hydropower bases specified in national energy plans such as "The 14th Five-Year Plan for Modern Energy System Planning" and "The 14th Five-Year Plan" for Renewable Energy Development, including Gangtuo and Benzilan in the Jinsha River Basin , Longpan, Wudongde, Baihetan, Lawa, Xulong and other projects, Yagen Second Class, Lianghekou, Mengdigou and other projects in the Yalong River Basin, Dadu River Danba, Shuangjiangkou and other projects, Yellow River Yangqu, etc. Project, Jinsha River, Yalong River, Dadu River, Wujiang River, Hongshui River, the upper reaches of the Yellow River and other major hydropower base expansion and optimization and upgrading projects.
4.2.5 Construction and operation of nuclear power plants
Including the construction and operation of facilities that use controllable nuclear fission to release heat energy and use third-generation and fourth-generation nuclear power technology to generate electricity under the premise of ensuring environmental safety. Need to comply with the "nuclear
Regulations on Quality Assurance of Electrical Engineering Construction (NB/T 20120), General Requirements for Reactor System Design of Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (NB/T 20285), Technical Specifications for Construction of Conventional Islands and Auxiliary Facilities in Nuclear Power Plants (NB/T T 25043.1), "Nuclear Power Plant Conventional Island and Auxiliary Facilities Construction Construction Acceptance Regulations" (NB/T 25044.1) and other national and industry-related standards and specifications.
4.2.6 Construction and operation of geothermal energy utilization facilities
Including the construction and operation of mid-to-deep hydrothermal geothermal heating, shallow geothermal energy utilization, and geothermal power generation.
4.2.7 Construction and operation of marine energy utilization facilities
Including tidal power generation system, wave power generation system, tidal current/ocean current power generation system, ocean temperature difference power generation system, ocean salinity difference power generation system and other facilities construction and operation.
4.2.8 Construction and operation of coalbed methane (coal mine gas) extraction and utilization facilities
Including the construction and operation of coalbed methane mining facilities, underground gas drainage facilities, coalbed methane transmission and distribution network, coalbed methane storage facilities, and coalbed methane power generation systems. It must comply with relevant national and industry standards such as "Civil Coalbed Methane (Coal Mine Gas)" (GB 26569) and "Guidelines for Utilization of Coal Bed Methane (Coal Mine Gas)" (GB/T 28754).
4.2.9 Construction and operation of hydrogen energy infrastructure
Including hydrogen production (ammonia) from renewable energy, hydrogen-electric coupling, safe and efficient hydrogen storage, hydrogen refueling stations, hydrogen fuel cell operation and maintenance, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell
The construction and operation of facilities such as battery power generation and hydrogen energy application. It must comply with the "Safety Technical Regulations for Hydrogen Use" (GB 4962), "Basic Requirements for Hydrogen System Safety" (GB/T 29729), "Technical Requirements for Water Electrolysis Hydrogen Production System" (GB/T 19774), "Hydrogen Storage and Delivery System "(GB/T 34542), "Technical Requirements for Liquid Hydrogen Storage and Transportation" (GB/T 40060), "Code for Design of Hydrogen Stations" (GB 50177), "Technical Specifications for Hydrogen Refueling Stations" (GB 50516), "Demonstration Operation Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Technical Specifications (GB/T 29123), Stationary Fuel Cell Power Generation System (GB/T 27748) and other relevant national and local standards and specifications.
4.2.10 Construction and operation of heat pump facilities
Including air source heat pumps, groundwater source heat pumps, surface water source heat pumps, sewage source heat pumps, soil source heat pumps, high temperature geothermal heat pumps, high temperature air source heat pumps and other heat pump heating (cooling) facilities construction and operation.
4.3 Clean and efficient development and utilization of traditional energy
4.3.1 Clean coal production includes the use of intelligent equipment and green mining technologies in the coal production process to reduce
Low energy and resource consumption, reduce ecological environment damage and destruction, realize safe, efficient, green and intelligent mining; increase coal washing and processing, improve commercial coal quality, etc. Need to comply with the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Coal Industry Development" (Fagai Energy [2016] No. 2714), "Interim Measures for Commercial Coal Quality Management" (Decree No. 16 of the Development and Reform Commission and other six departments), "On Promoting Coal Safety Opinions on Green Development and Clean and Efficient Utilization (Guoneng Coal [2014] No. 571) and Action Plan for Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal
(2015-2020)" (Guoneng Coal [2014] No. 141) and other regulations and policy requirements, as well as "Energy Consumption Limits per Unit Product in Coal Underground Mining" (GB 29444) (advanced level of energy consumption per unit product), "Coal Open-pit mining energy consumption limit per unit product (GB 29445) (advanced value level of energy consumption per unit product), "Coal Industry Pollutant Discharge Standard" (GB 20426) and other relevant standards and specifications.
4.3.2 Clean and efficient utilization of coal
Including activities in the fields of industrial clean combustion and clean heating, civil clean heating, and comprehensive utilization of coal resources. It is necessary to comply with the "Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments on the release of the "Benchmarking and Baseline Levels in Key Fields of Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal (2022 Edition)" (Fagaiyun [2022] No. 559) and other relevant policies and standards.
4.3.3 Clean fuel production
Including gasoline products conforming to the National VI gasoline standard, diesel products conforming to the National VI diesel standard, the production of fuel oil detergent and synergists, and the application of heavy and low-quality crude oil and coal tar processing technology and equipment.
4.3.4 Clean production of natural gas
Including the use of advanced technology and equipment in the natural gas production process, reducing pollution from the source, improving resource utilization efficiency, reducing or avoiding the generation and discharge of pollutants, so as to reduce or eliminate the harm to human health and the environment. It must comply with the "Emission Standards of Air Pollutants for Onshore Oil and Gas Exploitation Industry" (GB 39728), "Guidelines for Clean Production Technology for Onshore Oil and Gas Exploitation Industry" (SY/T 7292), "Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Exploitation Industry
Standards and specifications such as "Green Mine Construction Specifications for Oil and Gas Exploitation Industry" (DZ/T 0317).
4.3.5 Development of unconventional oil and gas resources
Including the development of unconventional oil and gas resources such as shale oil and gas and tight oil and gas.
4.4 Efficient operation of the energy system
4.4.1 The construction and operation of power source-grid-load-storage integration and multi-energy complementary projects include optimizing and integrating resources on the power source side, grid side, and load side, and constructing source-grid-load
Construction and operation of regional (provincial) level, city (county) level, park (residential area) level source-grid-load-storage integration projects for the purpose of a new type of power system with high integration of storage and storage; in order to increase the consumption capacity and utilization of renewable energy Combination advantages of multiple resources, construction and operation of multi-energy complementary systems such as wind-solar-storage integration, wind-solar-water (storage) integration, wind-solar-fire (storage) integration, and other multi-energy complementary systems that improve the stability of power system operation; The construction and operation of the terminal integrated energy supply system facilities for the construction and operation of technologies such as renewable energy and energy smart micro-grids, and the comprehensive energy efficiency of the facilities shall not be less than 70%. Need to comply with the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Integration of Power Sources, Networks, Loads and Storage and Multi-Energy Complementary Development" (Fagai Energy Regulations [2021] No. Gaineng Energy [2016] No. 1430) and other relevant national and local policy requirements.
4.4.2 Construction and operation of new energy storage facilities
Including sodium-ion battery, lithium-ion battery, vanadium flow battery, iron-chromium flow battery, zinc-bromine flow battery and other electrochemical energy storage, compressed air energy storage, flywheel energy storage, fire
Demonstration, demonstration and industrialization projects of various new energy storage technologies and composite energy storage technologies such as electric power and nuclear power pumped steam storage. Need to comply with "Code for Design of Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Station" (GB 51048), "Lead-acid Battery for Energy Storage" (GB/T 22473), "Lithium-ion Battery Industry Standard Conditions (2021 Version)" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement No. 37 of 2021), "New Energy Storage Project Management Regulations (Provisional)" (Guonengfa Science and Technology Regulations [2021] No. 47), "Notice on Strengthening the Safety Management of Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Stations" (Guoneng Comprehensive Security [2022] No. 37) and other relevant regulations and policies as well as relevant national and local standards and specifications.
4.4.3 Construction and operation of pumped storage power stations
Including pumped storage power stations that mainly undertake the function of "shaving peaks and filling valleys" in the power grid in order to improve the grid's ability to accommodate intermittent renewable energy such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation, and improve the flexibility, stability and reliability of the grid operation construction and operation. It must comply with relevant national and industry-related standards and specifications such as the Specifications for Hydropower Planning and Design of Pumped Storage Power Stations (NB/T 35071), and the Specifications for Site Selection and Planning of Pumped Storage Power Stations (NB/T 35009).
4.4.4 Energy-saving and consumption-reducing transformation, heat supply transformation and flexibility transformation of coal-fired power units
Including referring to the "Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration on Carrying out the Transformation and Upgrading of Coal-fired Power Units in the Country" (Fagaiyun [2021] No. 1519), "The General Office of the National Energy Administration of the National Development and Reform Commission "Notice on the Transformation and Upgrading of Electric Power Units" (Development and Reform Office Operation [2022] No. 662) and other relevant policies require the energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of coal-fired power units, heating transformation and flexibility transformation projects.
4.4.5 Smart grid construction and operation
Including integrated information, control, energy storage and other technologies and intelligent power equipment, promoting clean energy consumption, realizing digital management, intelligent decision-making, and interactive transaction grid facility construction and operation in the process of power generation, transmission, distribution, storage, and storage. It must comply with relevant national and local standards and regulations such as "General Requirements for Smart Grid Client Communication System" (GB/Z 32501), "Overall Framework of Smart Grid Dispatch Control System" (GB/T 33607).
4.4.6 Construction and operation of power load regulation and response system
Including the construction and operation of power load regulation and response systems for data collection, load control, and service support. It must comply with the "Technical Specifications for Electric Power Load Management System" (GB/T 15148), "Technical Requirements for Energy Management and Control System of Smart Factory Process Industry" (GB/T 38848), "Overall Function and Process Requirements for Collaborative Control of Integrated Energy Ubiquitous Energy Network" ( GB/T 39119), "Guidelines for the Construction of Energy Management and Control Centers for Industrial Enterprises" (GB/T 40063) and other relevant national and local standards and specifications.
4.4.7 Construction and operation of peak-shaving facilities for natural gas transmission, storage and transportation
Including the construction and operation of long-distance natural gas pipelines, gas storage, branch pipelines, regional pipeline networks, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving stations for natural gas transmission, storage and transportation, peak shaving facilities, equipment for methane leakage detection and repair, and implementation The gas source contract is the premise to promote the construction and operation of natural gas power generation and new energy joint venture facilities in areas rich in natural gas resources. It is necessary to comply with relevant regulations and policies such as the "Natural Gas Infrastructure Construction and Operation Management Measures" (Decree No. 8 of the National Development and Reform Commission) and the "Gas Transmission Pipeline Engineering Design Regulations".
Specification" (GB 50251), "Code for Engineering Design of Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Station" (GB 51156), "Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Production, Storage and Shipment" (GB/T 20368), "Code for Design of Underground Gas Storage" (SY /T 6848) and other national and industry-related standards and specifications.
4.4.8 Construction and operation of distributed energy projects
Including distributed energy projects such as natural gas combined heating, power and cooling, distributed renewable energy power generation, and geothermal energy heating and cooling. The energy-saving rate of distributed combined cooling, heating, and power generation energy systems and engineering projects driven by natural gas or other fossil energy sources must comply with "Energy Saving Rates of Distributed Cooling, Heating, and Electricity Energy Systems Part 1: Fossil Energy Driven Systems" (GB/T 33757.1) Requirements, the planning and design of relevant systems and engineering projects must comply with the requirements of the "Guidelines for the Design of Distributed Cooling, Heating, and Power Energy Systems" (GB/T 39779), and the refrigeration, heating units and power units of related systems and engineering projects must comply with the "Distributed Relevant standards and specifications such as "Technical Conditions for Cooling, Heating, and Power Energy Systems" (GB/T 36160).
4.4.9 Digital and Intelligent Upgrade of Energy Industry
Including power plants, power grids, oil and gas fields, oil and gas pipeline networks, oil and gas reserves, coal mines, terminal energy consumption and other fields of equipment, facilities, and process intelligent upgrades, building an intelligent scheduling system, building a smart energy platform and data center, and developing intelligent scheduling, energy efficiency Demonstration of smart energy system technologies such as management and intelligent load control, and technical applications such as intelligent operation of factories and stations, replacement of operating robots, and big data-assisted decision-making.
5 Ecological Protection, Restoration and Utilization 5.1 Ecological Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
5.1.1 Modernized breeding and breeding
Including high-efficiency breeding technology for seed production and processing, quality testing and evaluation, improved seed promotion services, modern breeding bases, variety regional test stations, resistance identification stations, variety testing and evaluation centers, modern seed (seedling) production bases and national core breeding farms, The construction of breeding stations and breeding bases, as well as large-scale, mechanized, standardized, intensified, and information-based seedling raising activities. It must comply with the "Forest Tree Seed Inspection Regulations" (GB 2772), "Quality Grading of Main Afforestation Tree Seedlings" (GB 6000), "Technical Regulations for Nurturing Seedlings" (GB 6001), "Quality Grading of Forest Tree Seeds"Grade" (GB 7908), "General Rules for Inspection of Crop Seeds" (GB/T 3543.1), "Inspection Regulations for Grass Seeds" (GB/T 2930), "Technical Regulations for Grass Variety Approval" (GB/T 30395), "Main Afforestation Broad-leaved Tree Breeding Procedures and Requirements" (GB/T 14073), "Technical Specifications for Routine Cultivation of Freshwater Fish Seed Ponds" (GB/T 1008), "Water Quality Requirements for Sea Shrimp Breeding" (GB/T 21673) and other countries , industry-related standards and specifications.
5.1.2 Germplasm resources protection
Including agricultural germplasm resources, livestock genetic resources, aquatic germplasm resources, agricultural microbial germplasm resources, forestry germplasm resources and agricultural wild plant introduction observation, collection and preservation, identification and evaluation, distribution and sharing activities, for those listed in the "National The endangered agricultural wild plants that are of great value to food security and the sustainable development of agriculture and forestry in the List of Key Protected Wild Plants, including wild relatives of crops, wild vegetables, wild fruit trees, wild tea and wild medicinal plants, etc. conservation activities, other
The activities of effective protection of animal and plant species resources, as well as the national mid-term bank of agricultural germplasm resources, the national forestry and grass germplasm resource bank (nurture), the national marine fishery biological germplasm resource bank, the national freshwater fishery biological germplasm resource bank, New construction, reconstruction and expansion of aquatic product original fine seed farms, aquatic genetics and breeding centers, transfer isolation bases, national animal and plant gene banks, germplasm resource gardens, livestock and poultry protection farms, gene banks, and agricultural microbial germplasm resource banks.
5.1.3 Green agricultural production
Including promoting the "three products and one standard" of agricultural production (variety training, quality improvement, brand building and standardized production), the "three products and one standard" of agricultural products (green, organic, geographical indication and qualified agricultural products), selection and promotion of high-yield, high-quality and multi-resistant Activities such as monitoring and evaluation of new varieties and green agricultural development, manufacturing of standard mulch films and environmentally friendly biodegradable mulch films, activities to promote the green transformation of the agricultural product processing industry by using technologies such as processing loss reduction, recycling, cascade utilization, energy saving and low carbon, and high-quality agricultural products Production bases, core production bases of agricultural products with geographical indications, ecological farms, pioneering areas for green agricultural development, standardized demonstration bases for the entire industrial chain of modern agriculture, production bases for green standardized agricultural products, standardized demonstration farms for livestock and poultry breeding, healthy aquaculture and ecological breeding demonstration areas building.
5.1.4 Green and organic certified agriculture
Including agricultural production and processing activities certified by organic agricultural products, green agricultural products, ecological origin protection products, and national forest ecological label products. Need to comply with relevant regulations and policies and "Organic Product Production, Processing, Labeling and Management System Requirements"
(GB/T 19630), "Green Food Origin Environmental Quality" (NY/T 391), "General Rules for the Protection and Evaluation of Ecological Origin Products" (SN/T 4481), "General Rules for National Forest Ecological Label Products" and other national and local regulations , industry-related standards and specifications.
5.1.5 Crop planting protection areas, construction and operation of protection areas
Including the integration and merger of sporadic and scattered cultivated land, land reclamation and cultivated land upgrading and transformation projects carried out in the designated permanent basic farmland area according to local conditions; the comprehensive management of degraded cultivated land, the transformation of medium and low-yield fields, and the construction of high-standard farmland in permanent basic farmland. Quality improvement project; the stripping of the topsoil of the occupied cultivated land in the balanced project of cultivated land occupation and compensation is used for new cultivated land, soil improvement projects for cultivated land in poor quality or basic farmland preparation areas, as well as the construction of farmland water conservancy facilities, cultivated land water and fertilizer conservation, pollution control and restoration, etc. Among them, reclamation and reclamation of severely desertified land are prohibited, reclamation and reclamation of cultivated land on steep slopes above 25 degrees are prohibited, and illegal deforestation and reclamation of cultivated land are prohibited. Need to comply with the "Maximum Permissible Concentration of Air Pollutants for the Protection of Crops" (GB 9137), "Soil Environmental Quality Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Risk Control Standards (Trial)" (GB 15618), "General Rules for High Standard Farmland Construction" (GB/T 30600 ), "Technical Regulations for the Designation of Grain Production Functional Zones and Important Agricultural Product Production Protection Zones (Trial)" and other relevant policies and relevant national and local standards and requirements.
5.1.6 Green prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests
Including the promotion of pest-resistant crop varieties, the use of biological control technologies such as "insect control", "rice-duck co-cultivation", and "biological and biochemical preparations", and the use of physical and chemical inducement technologies such as "insecticidal lamps" and "insect-proof net barriers". , low toxicity, low residue, environmentally friendly
The green pesticide prevention and control activities of crop diseases and insect pests, as well as the activities of reducing the amount of chemical pesticides, increasing their efficiency, and zero growth in usage, etc. Where conditions permit, the establishment of local standards is encouraged.
5.1.7 Leisure agriculture and rural tourism
Including the integration of agriculture and tourism, education, health care and other industries, promoting the development of pastoral health care, scientific research, farming experience, leisure fishing, homestay health care and other new forms of leisure agriculture and rural tourism, key counties of leisure agriculture, beautiful leisure villages, leisure agriculture The construction of boutique parks, key villages and towns for rural tourism, and the release and promotion of boutique scenic spots for rural leisure tourism and boutique routes for rural tourism.
5.1.8 Agro-ecosystem protection and restoration
This includes carrying out crop rotation in Northeast China, the Huang-Huai-Hai River Basin, and the Yangtze River Basin, carrying out fallow cultivation in areas where groundwater is overexploited and areas with severe ecological degradation, implementing compound planting of agricultural products, and carrying out activities such as saline-alkaline waterlogging control.
5.1.9 Forest resource cultivation
Including improved seed production, nursery stock cultivation, forest construction, forest tending, forest regeneration, sustainable forest management, etc. It must comply with the "Forest Tending Regulations" (GB/T 15781), "Forest Tree Seed Inspection Regulations" (GB 2772), "Technical Regulations for Forest Resources Planning, Design and Investigation" (GB/T 26424), "Afforestation Technical Regulations" (GB/T 15776), "Technical Regulations for Closing Mountains (Sand) Afforestation" (GB/T 15163), "Technical Regulations for Aerial Seeding Afforestation" (GB/T 15162), "China Forest Certification Forest Management" (GB/T 28951), "China Forestry Certified Production and Marketing Chain of Custody (GB/T 28952) and other relevant national and local standards and specifications.
5.1.10 Protection of forestry genetic resources
Including forestry genetic (genetic) resource investigation, monitoring and information platform construction, forestry genetic (genetic) resource collection and preservation projects (in-situ or off-site conservation, preservation facilities, protection area construction, etc.), native tree species, economic tree species, fast-growing tree species Breeding, domestication and bioprospecting projects, improved species utilization projects, invasive species prevention and control, etc. It must comply with "Forest Tree Seed Storage" (GB/T 10016), "Standards for the Compilation of Forestry Basic Information Codes" (LY/T 2267), "Guidelines for the Construction of Forest Resource Management Information Systems" (LY/T 2185), "Main Afforestation Broad-leaved Trees "Procedures and Requirements for Selection and Breeding of Fine Breeds" (GB/T 14073) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.1.11 Understory breeding and understory collection
It includes planting food crops, oil crops, medicinal materials, edible fungi, forage grass, vegetables, etc. under the forest or in the open space without destroying the forest vegetation or affecting the growth of trees, and raising poultry under the forest, grazing or house feeding Livestock, etc., as well as the understory collection industry developed in a reasonable and orderly manner without destroying forest resources.
5.1.12 Forest recreation and health care
Including the sightseeing and leisure experience based on natural landscape resources such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, deserts, mountains, lakes, rivers, coastal zones, wild animals and plants without destroying surface vegetation, biodiversity and ecosystems , cultural and sports, health care and other activities. It must meet the requirements of relevant national and industry standards such as "Quality Assessment of Forest Experience Base" (LY/T 2788) and "Quality Assessment of Forest Health Base" (LY/T 2789).
5.1.13 Green animal husbandry
Including the standardized construction of large-scale livestock and poultry farms, the production of new veterinary drugs and feed additives, the development of high-quality forage industry, the combination of planting and breeding family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprises, family pastures that make scientific and rational use of natural grasslands, etc. It is necessary to comply with laws and policies and relevant standards and regulations such as the "Livestock Law" and "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Pollution from Large-scale Livestock and Poultry Breeding".
5.1.14 Green Fisheries
Including carbon sequestration fishery and water purification fishery, rice and fish comprehensive planting and saline-alkaline water fishery comprehensive utilization, pond and industrial circulating aquaculture, deep-water anti-wave and deep-sea aquaculture, marine ranch, cage culture without bait, aquatic Product processing and comprehensive utilization of by-products, models related to ecological and healthy breeding, and promotion of energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation of facilities and equipment in various fields such as fishing, breeding, processing, and fishing ports. It must comply with the "Technical Specifications for Mesh Fence Culture of Grass-type Lakes for Fish, Crab, and Mixed Culture of Fish and Crabs" (SC/T 1091), "Technical Specifications for Rice and Fishery Comprehensive Planting and Breeding" (SC/T 1135), "Low-lying Saline-alkali Land Pond Culture" Technical Specifications" (SC/T 1049), "Requirements for Freshwater Aquaculture Pond Facilities" (SC/T 6048), "Mariculture Water Discharge Requirements" (SC/T 9103), "Technical Guidelines for Marine Ranch Construction" (GB/T 40946 ), "General Technical Requirements for Fish Culture in Freshwater Cages" (SC/T 1006), "Technical Specifications for Fish Culture in Floating Seawater Cages" (SC/T 2013), "Hygienic Standards for the Production of Aquatic Products" (GB 20941) and other countries , local and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.2 Ecological Conservation
5.2.1 Biodiversity Conservation
Including rescue protection of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, management of animal and plant resources, protection of fishery resources, protection of ancient and famous trees, etc. It must comply with the "Technical Regulations for Rare and Endangered Wild Plant Conservation Areas" (LY/T 1819), "Technical Regulations for Collection of Rare and Endangered Wild Plant Seeds" (LY/T 2590), "Guidelines for China Forest Certification Production and Management of Rare and Endangered Plants Operation Review" "(LY/T 2603), "Technical Guidelines for Biodiversity Observation" (HJ 710), "Requirements for Breeding Facilities for Aquatic Mammals" (SC/T 6073), "Technical Specifications for Biodiversity Impact Assessment of Nature Reserve Construction Projects "(LY/T 2242), "Nature Reserve Biodiversity Survey Specification" (LY/T 1814), "Forest Ecosystem Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment Specification" (LY/T 2241), "Marine Survey Specification" ( GB/T 9411), "Reservoir Fishery Resources Survey Specification" (SL 167), "Technical Specifications for Urban Old and Famous Trees Conservation and Rehabilitation Engineering" (GB/T 51168) and other national, local, and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.2.2 Construction and protective operation of nature reserves
Including national parks, nature reserves, natural park construction and conservation operations, etc. It must comply with the "Regulations on Nature Reserves", "Regulations on Scenic Areas", "Interim Measures for the Administration of National Parks" and relevant laws and policies for the reform of the national park system, as well as the "Technical Specifications for the Overall Planning of National Parks" (GB/T 39736), "National Park Establishment Specifications" (GB/T 39737), "National Park Monitoring Specifications" (GB/T 39738), "National Park Evaluation Specifications" (GB/T 39739), "National Park Labeling Specifications" (LY/T 3216), " Classification and Grading of Nature Reserves (LY/T 3291), Ecotourism Specifications of Nature Reserves (LY/T 3292),
Terms and Terminology of Protected Areas" (GB/T 31759), "Technical Regulations for Overall Planning of Nature Reserves" (GB/T 20399), "Technical Regulations for Ecotourism Planning of Nature Reserves" (GB/T 20416), "Geological Survey of Nature Reserves "Boundary Standard Specification" (GB/T 39740) and other national and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.2.3 Natural forest protection and restoration
Including the prevention and control of forest diseases and insect pests and other harmful organisms, forest management and protection equipment and infrastructure construction, and the construction of natural forest tending and conservation infrastructure (such as forest management and protection rooms in natural forest farms, power supply , water supply, communications, roads and other infrastructure construction), natural forest degradation restoration projects (such as the use of native tree species to reforest sloping farmland, artificial afforestation, closing mountains for afforestation, tending logging, etc.). Need to comply with the "Forestry Resources Classification and Code Nature Reserve" (GB/T 15778), "Forest Tending Regulations" (GB/T 15781), "Standardized Nursery in State-owned Forest Areas" (LY/T 1185), "Natural Forest Resources Protection Engineering Construction Evaluation Technical Regulations (LY/T 1818), Forest Harvesting Operation Regulations (LY/T 1646) and other national and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.2.4 National reserve forest construction
Including the activities of building and cultivating multifunctional forests such as industrial raw material forests, native tree species, rare tree species, and large-diameter timber forests through intensive plantation plantation, conversion of existing forests, tending and replanting.
5.2.5 Construction, operation and maintenance of forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing system Including the construction, operation and maintenance of forest and grassland fire prevention and fighting systems. required
Comply with the "Forest Fire Prevention Regulations", "Grassland Fire Prevention Regulations" and other laws and regulations, the "Master Plan for National Important Ecosystem Protection and Restoration Major Projects (2021-2035)" (Fagai Nongjing [2020] No. 837) and its special plans, etc. Relevant policy planning, forest and grassland fire risk zoning, early warning and monitoring, equipment and tools, information and communication, team building, fire source management, infrastructure construction and other standards and specifications.
5.2.6 Construction and operation of ecological product monitoring system and ecological perception system
Need to comply with the "Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Value Realization Mechanism of Ecological Products", "The National Overall Plan for the Protection and Restoration of Important Ecosystems (2021-2035)" (Fagai Nongjing [2020] No. 837), "Forest and Grass Ecological Network Perception System Construction Plan", "Forest Ecosystem Long-term Positioning Observation Method" (GB/T 33027), "Forest Ecosystem Long-term Positioning Observation Index System" (GB/T 35377), "Forest Ecosystem Service Function Evaluation Specification" (GB/T T 38582) and other relevant policies and standards.
5.3 Comprehensive Land Improvement and Ecological Restoration
5.3.1 Comprehensive management of coal mining subsidence areas, including land improvement, ecological restoration and environmental improvement in coal mining subsidence areas
Restoration activities, as well as the safe-haven relocation of residents within the area affected by coal mining subsidence areas, the restoration and upgrading of infrastructure and public service facilities, and the construction of non-coal continuous alternative industry platforms, etc.
5.3.2 Governance and restoration of groundwater overexploitation areas
Including the water-saving transformation of irrigation areas in North China, Northeast China and other groundwater overexploitation areas, high-efficiency water-saving irrigation projects in the field, adjustment of crop planting variety structure and
Fallow and crop rotation, industrial water-saving transformation, urban water supply pipe network transformation and construction, redevelopment Raw water utilization projects, water diversion and water conservancy projects, groundwater source replacement projects, ecological water replenishment and other groundwater overexploitation area governance and restoration activities.
5.3.3 Comprehensive land improvement
Including comprehensive improvement of rural land and redevelopment of low-efficiency urban land, such as comprehensive improvement of rural mountains, rivers, roads, and forest villages, consolidation of low-efficiency agricultural land (excluding forest land), improvement of low-efficiency idle construction land, reclamation of industrial and mining abandoned land, and improvement of hollow villages In order to improve the quality of arable land, soil improvement, fertilization, water conservation and fertilizer conservation, pollution control and restoration, etc., as well as comprehensive improvement measures for existing construction land in cities and towns with scattered layout, extensive use, irrational use, and dilapidated buildings, Activities to increase the effective supply of urban construction land and improve land use efficiency, etc. Need to comply with "Land Consolidation Terminology" (TD/T 1054), "Code for Basic Survey of Land Consolidation Projects" (TD/T 1051), "Guidelines for the Construction of Beautiful Rural Areas" (GB/T 32000), "Village Consolidation Technical Specifications" (GB 50445) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.3.4 Comprehensive control of desertification, rocky desertification and soil erosion
Including returning farmland to forest and grassland, returning grazing land to grassland, sealing sand for afforestation and grassland cultivation, artificial grass afforestation and other plant sand control measures according to local conditions, and physical sand control measures such as building mechanical sand barriers and plant sand barriers. Land desertification control activities carried out by chemical sand control measures such as soil coagulant consolidation of quicksand surface in growing areas; conversion of farmland to forests and grasslands, afforestation and land preparation, construction of ecological and economic forests, water conservation forests, and soil and water conservation forests in rocky desertification areas , Closing mountains for afforestation and other comprehensive management activities of rocky desertification;
Through engineering measures such as slope control (terraces, terraces, fish scale pit construction, etc.), ditch control (silt check dams, sand control dams, etc.), small water conservancy projects, biological measures such as planting grass and afforestation, water storage and soil conservation agricultural production and construction projects The comprehensive control activities of water and soil loss carried out by means of development. It must comply with the "Technical Specifications for Sand Prevention and Control" (GB/T 21141), "Technical Regulations for Vegetation Restoration in Karst Rocky Desertification Areas" (LY/T 1840), "Standards for Prevention and Control of Water and Soil Erosion in Development and Construction Projects" (GB 50434), " Specifications for Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Design (GB 51018), Technical Specifications for Comprehensive Treatment of Soil and Water Conservation (GB/T 16453) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.3.5 Ecological protection and restoration in key areas
Including the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ecological barrier area, the key ecological area of the Yellow River (including the ecological barrier of the Loess Plateau), the key ecological area of the Yangtze River (including the ecological barrier of Sichuan and Yunnan), the northeast forest belt, the northern sand prevention belt, the southern hilly and mountainous area, and the coastal belt. In the region, ecological protection and restoration activities such as restoration of natural forests and grasses, closure of mountains for afforestation, balance of grassland and livestock, prohibition of grazing, rest grazing and rotation grazing, closure and protection of desertified land, and treatment of degraded land have been carried out. It must comply with the "Technical Regulations for Closing Mountains (Sand) Afforestation" (GB/T 15163), "Technical Regulations for Afforestation" (GB/T 15776), "Technical Specifications for Desertification Prevention and Control" (GB/T 21141), "Development and Construction Projects Water and Soil Erosion Control Standards" (GB 50434), "Code for Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Design" (GB 51018), "Technical Specifications for Comprehensive Management of Water and Soil Conservation" (GB/T 16453), "Important Wetland Monitoring Index System" (GB/T 27648) , "Technical Specifications for Wetland Ecological Risk Assessment" (GB 27647), "Guidelines for River and Lake Ecological Protection and Restoration Planning" (SL 709) and other national, local, and industry-related standards and specifications
Including the activities of overall protection, system restoration and comprehensive management of damaged, degraded, and service function-decreasing ecosystems such as mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grasses, and sand. It is necessary to comply with relevant regulations and policies such as the "Guidelines for Ecological Protection and Restoration of Mountains, Waters, Forests, Fields, Lakes, and Grasslands (Trial)" (Natural Zibanfa [2020] No. 38) and the "Regulations for Compilation of Implementation Plans for Ecological Protection and Restoration of Land and Space" (TD/T 1068) , "Code for Acceptance of Land and Space Ecological Protection and Restoration Projects" (TD/T 1069) and other national and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.3.7 Prevention and control of pest disasters
Including the prevention and control of invasive alien species for the protection of biodiversity, the prevention and control of agricultural and forestry pests and pests, and the management of invasive alien species by means of resource utilization. It must comply with national, local and industry-related standards and specifications such as "Technical Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment of Alien Species" (HJ 624), "Management Regulations for Invasive Alien Species in Nature Reserves" (LY/T 2243).
5.3.8 Mine geological environment, oil and gas field ecological environment restoration and ecological restoration
It includes taking artificial measures to promote various types of ecological damage and environmental pollution in the process of mineral resource exploration and mining, oil and gas field exploitation, etc., relying on the self-regulation ability and self-organization ability of the ecosystem to gradually restore and rebuild the ecological function of the plot. Such as land remediation and vegetation restoration of abandoned mines, backfilling and closure of abandoned mines, land reclamation of mines, restoration and treatment of subsidence areas, prevention and treatment of air, water and soil pollution in mines,
5.3.6 Integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand
Comprehensive utilization of waste such as tailings, reduction of land occupation, etc. It must comply with the "Mine Geological Environment Protection and Land Reclamation Program", "Technical Specifications for Mine Ecological Restoration Part 1: General Rules" (TD/T 1070.1) and special rules for different types of minerals, "Technical Regulations for Vegetation Restoration of Abandoned Mine Land" (LY/ T 2356), "Land Reclamation Quality Control Standards" (TD/T 1036), "Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards" (GB 3838), "Ambient Air Quality Standards" (GB 3095), "Groundwater Environmental Quality Standards for Shale Gas Development Projects" Monitoring Technical Specifications" (NB/T 10848), "Code for Environmental Protection Design of Offshore Oil (Gas) Field Development Projects" (SY/T 10047) and other relevant regulations and policies as well as national and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.3.9 Water Ecosystem Drought and Flood Disaster Prevention and Response
Including restoration of natural water system connectivity, construction of water conservancy facilities, restoration of wetlands, construction of disaster early warning information platform and other water ecosystem disaster prevention and response facilities construction and operation. It must comply with national, local, and industry-related standards and specifications such as "Flood Disaster Assessment Standards" (SL 579), "Technical Specifications for Wetland Ecological Risk Assessment" (GB/T 27647).
5.3.10 Protection and restoration of rivers, lakes and wetlands
Including the adoption of treatment, restoration, protection and other measures according to local conditions to promote the protection of rivers, lakes and wetlands and the restoration of biodiversity, and enhance their ecological integrity and sustainability. Such as the construction of pollutant source control and pollution reduction facilities, the construction of riverside and lakeside ecological buffer zones, the restoration of native plants and vegetation, the orderly connection of rivers and lakes, the construction of ecological dispatching projects, the construction of flood control and shoreline erosion prevention facilities, etc. Need to comply with "Wetland Classification" (GB/T
24708), "Important Wetland Monitoring Index System" (GB/T 27648), "National Important Wetland Identification Indicators" (GB/T 26535), "Technical Specifications for Wetland Ecological Risk Assessment" (GB 27647), "River and Lake Ecological Protection and Restoration Planning Guidelines (SL 709) and other national, local, and industry-related standards and specifications.
5.3.11 Marine Ecology, Coastal Zones and Island Ecological Restoration
Including in order to maintain marine ecological security, improve the quality of marine ecosystem, and enhance the service function of marine ecosystem, restore damaged marine ecology through the combination of natural restoration and artificial restoration, implement blue bay regulation and natural shoreline restoration, protect Restoration of island natural resources and ecological environment and other activities. It must comply with relevant national and local standards and specifications such as the "Technical Guidelines for Marine Ecological Restoration" (GB/T 41339).
5.3.12 Breeding and release and marine pasture construction and operation
Including releasing eggs, larvae or adults of fishery organisms into natural waters such as oceans, tidal flats, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc. to improve the water environment and protect biodiversity, to restore or increase the population, to improve and optimize the structure of biological communities in the waters, and to release and marine ranching construction and operation. Need to comply with the "National Marine Ranch Demonstration Area Management Specifications (Trial)" (Nong Ban Yu [2017] No. 59), "Artificial Reef Construction Project Management Implementation Rules (Trial)" (Nong Ban Yu [2017] No. 58) , "Technical Specifications for Sampling of Prohibited Drugs in Aquatic Seeds" (Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture No. T 9111), "Technical Regulations for Releasing Aquatic Organisms" (SC/T 9401), "Technical Specifications for Artificial Reef Construction" (SC/T
9416), "Technical Specifications for Conservation Effect Evaluation of Artificial Reef Resources" (SC/T 9417) and other national, local and industry standards and specifications.
5.3.13 Project construction of returning farmland to forest and grassland and returning grazing land to grassland
Including in order to protect the ecological environment, the planned and step-by-step cessation of cultivation in the cultivated land with serious soil erosion, desertification, salinization, and rocky desertification, planting grass and afforestation according to local conditions, restoring vegetation, and inhibiting the deterioration of the ecological environment; Grassland degradation, the construction of grassland ecological protection facilities such as grazing prohibition and enclosure, grassland fences, shed pens, and artificial forage grassland construction. It must comply with the "Monitoring and Evaluation of the Benefits of the Project of Returning Farmland to Forestry" (GB/T 23233), the "Rules for Inspection and Acceptance of the Project of Returning Farmland to Forestry" (GB/T 23231), and the "Indicators and Methods of Quality Evaluation of the Project of Returning Farmland to Forestry" (GB/T 23235) and other national and local regulations and policies and relevant standards and specifications.
6 Green upgrade of infrastructure
6.1 Building energy efficiency and green buildings
6.1.1 Green building construction and operation
Including green building design, construction, comprehensive performance adjustment, delivery training, smart operation and maintenance, etc. Need to comply with the "Green Building Label Management Measures", "Green Building Evaluation Standards" (GB/T 50378), "Green Industrial Building Evaluation Standards" (GB/T 50878), "Green Building Operation and Maintenance Technical Specifications" (JGJ/T 391) , "Building Green Operation Technical Regulations" and other relevant regulations, policies and standards, green buildings must meet the standard of one star or above.
6.1.2 Ultra-low energy consumption, near zero energy consumption, zero energy consumption, low carbon and zero carbon building construction 60
and operation
Including the design, construction and operation of ultra-low energy consumption, near zero energy consumption, zero energy consumption, low carbon and zero carbon buildings. Ultra-low energy residential buildings must comply with the "Passive Ultra-low Energy Green Building Technical Guidelines (Trial) (Residential Buildings)" (Jianke [2015] No. 179), and nearly zero-energy buildings must comply with the "Nearly Zero-Energy Building Technical Standards "(GB/T 51350). Ultra-low-energy buildings, near-zero-energy buildings and zero-energy buildings must comply with relevant national and local standards and regulations. Low-carbon and zero-carbon building projects need to calculate specific carbon emissions according to the "Building Carbon Emission Calculation Standard" (GB/T 51366).
6.1.3 Energy-saving and green transformation of existing buildings
Including energy-saving transformation of existing buildings and energy-saving transformation activities of building energy-using systems where relevant technical indicators of buildings after transformation meet relevant national or local building energy-saving standards; transformation and operation of existing buildings that have obtained the relevant national green building star marks within the validity period, and Renovation and operation of existing buildings that have reached the relevant national green building star marks within the validity period after renovation. Need to comply with "Unified Standards for Civil Building Design" (GB 50352), "Design Standards for Energy Conservation of Public Buildings" (GB 50189), "Technical Specifications for Energy Conservation Retrofit of Public Buildings" (JGJ 176), "General Specifications for Maintenance and Retrofit of Existing Buildings" ( GB 55022), "Technical Regulations for Energy-Saving Renovation of Existing Residential Buildings" (JGJ/T 129), "Evaluation Standards for Green Renovation of Existing Buildings" (GB/T 51141), "Technical Standards for Green Renovation of Existing Communities" (JGJ/T T 425) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications.
6.1.4 Whole-process green construction
Refers to engineering construction-related activities that adopt construction methods that are conducive to saving resources, protecting the environment, reducing emissions, improving efficiency, and ensuring quality through scientific management and technological innovation, including the entire process of green planning, green design, green construction, and green delivery. It must comply with the "Green Construction Technical Guidelines (Trial)" (Jian Ban Zhi [2021] No. 9), "Green Construction Code for Construction Engineering" (GB/T 50905), "Evaluation Standard for Green Construction of Construction Engineering" (GB/T 50640 ) and other relevant regulations and policies and national and industry-related standards and specifications.
6.1.5 Green Building Operation
Refers to the use of system adjustment, energy-saving renovation, intelligent management and other means to improve the operational efficiency of existing buildings, including comprehensive performance adjustment during the building operation phase, refined management and maintenance of equipment and facilities, long-term monitoring of the building environment, intelligent management of energy consumption and energy efficiency, etc. It must comply with the "Technical Requirements for On-line Monitoring of Energy Consumption of Energy Consumption Units" (GB/T 38692), "Technical Specifications for Operation and Maintenance of Green Buildings" (JGJ/T 391), "Technical Specifications for Operation and Maintenance of Intelligent Building Systems" (JGJ/T 417 ), "Air Conditioning and Ventilation System Operation Management Standards" (GB 50365), "Economic Operation of Air Conditioning Systems" (GB/T 17981), "Economic Operation of Lighting Facilities" (GB/T 29455), "Energy-saving Supervision System for Campus Buildings in Colleges and Universities Construction Technical Guidelines, "Technical Guidelines for the Operation and Management of Campus Building Energy Conservation Supervision System in Colleges and Universities", "Technical Guidelines for the Construction of Hospital Building Energy Conservation Supervision System" and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications.
6.1.6 Prefabricated building design and construction, including architectural design using prefabricated components at the construction site through assembly construction methods
and building. Need to meet the "Technical Standards for Prefabricated Concrete Buildings" (GB/T 51231), "Technical Standards for Prefabricated Steel Structure Buildings" (GB/T 51232), "Technical Standards for Prefabricated Wooden Structure Buildings" (GB/T 51233) and other countries , Relevant local standards and regulations require that building-related technical indicators must meet the requirements of Grade A and above in the "Evaluation Standards for Prefabricated Buildings" (GB/T 51129).
6.1.7 Application of renewable energy in buildings
Including the use of building roofs and walls to install solar photovoltaic power generation devices to provide power to buildings, and the use of heat pumps and other facilities to provide cooling and heating to buildings, design, construction and renewable energy building application transformation activities. It must comply with "Technical Standards for Application of Building Photovoltaic Systems" (GB/T 51368), "Code for Electrical Design of Solar Photovoltaic Glass Curtain Walls" (JGJ/T 365), "Technical Standards for Application of Solar Water Heating Systems in Civil Buildings" (GB 50364), "Technical Standards for Solar Heating Engineering" (GB 50495), "Evaluation Standards for Renewable Energy Building Application Engineering" (GB/T 50801), "Technical Guidelines for Household Air Source Heat Pump Heating Application" (Building Standard [2020] No. 66), "Ground Source Heat Pump System Engineering Technical Specifications" (GB 50366), "Design Standards for Flexible DC Transmission Converter Stations" (GB/T 51381), "Complete Design Standards for Flexible DC Transmission" (GB/T 51397) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications.
6.1.8 Electrification and intelligent transformation of building energy use
Including upgrading and renovation activities to increase the electrification level of building end-use energy such as heating, domestic hot water, and cooking, as well as to improve the intelligent operation level of buildings. smart building design
The design, construction and operation must comply with relevant national, local and industry standards such as "Smart Building Design Standards" (GB 50314), "Smart Building Engineering Construction Specifications" (GB 50606), "Smart Building Engineering Quality Acceptance Specifications" (GB 50339) requirements.
6.1.9 Renovation and operation of green and efficient refrigeration
Including focusing on building central air-conditioning systems, business industrial parks, cold chain logistics, etc., updating and upgrading refrigeration technology and equipment, and optimizing the design, transformation and operation of load supply and demand matching. It must meet the economic operation requirements in the standards such as "Economic Operation of Air Conditioning System" (GB/T 17981), "Economic Operation of Remote Compression Condensing Unit Refrigerated Showcase System" (GB/T 31510).
6.1.10 Green Storage
Including the design, construction, operation and transformation of logistics storage places, energy-saving agricultural product cold storage, storage warehouses and other storage places that meet the green building evaluation standards. It must comply with the relevant requirements for green logistics storage buildings in the "Green Warehouse Requirements and Evaluation" (SB/T 11164) and other standards.
6.1.11 Construction, renovation and operation and maintenance of green farm houses
Including the design, construction, renovation, comprehensive performance adjustment, delivery training, smart operation and maintenance of green farm houses, etc. It must meet the requirements of standards such as the "Design Standards for Energy Conservation of Rural Residential Buildings" (GB/T 50824).
6.2 Green Transportation
6.2.1 Green upgrade of highway transportation infrastructure
Including the green transformation of transportation infrastructure such as highways, comprehensive transportation hubs, expressway service areas, and passenger and freight stations. The construction and renovation of highway infrastructure must comply with the relevant requirements of the "Technical Guidelines for Green Highway Construction", and the energy-saving and green renovation of highways, service areas, passenger and freight stations, etc. must meet the "Technical Requirements for Green Transportation Facilities Evaluation" (JT/T 1199.1) And other relevant standards and specifications, green upgrading and transformation technologies must comply with relevant national and local policy requirements such as the "Promotion Catalog of Key Energy-Saving and Low-Carbon Technologies in the Transportation Industry (2021)".
6.2.2 Construction and operation of charging, battery replacement and refueling facilities
Including infrastructure construction and operation of distributed AC charging piles, centralized fast charging stations, off-board chargers, battery replacement facilities, natural gas filling stations for cars and ships, urban public charging facilities, and intercity fast charging networks. Need to meet the "Technical Conditions for AC Charging Pile for Electric Vehicles" (NB/T 33002), "General Requirements for Rapid Replacement Battery Boxes for Electric Vehicles" (NB/T 33025), "Technical Conditions for Off-Board Conductive Chargers for Electric Vehicles" (NB/T 33025) T 33001), "Technical Standards for Vehicle Refueling and Hydrogenation Stations" (GB 50156) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications.
6.2.3 Construction and operation of intelligent transportation system
Including traffic command center system and equipment, electronic police system and equipment, traffic video surveillance system and equipment, bayonet system and equipment, traffic signal control system and equipment, intelligent public transportation system and equipment, urban intelligent vehicle infrastructure, intelligent parking system and Equipment, traffic information collection and release system and equipment, GPS and police system and equipment, taxi information service management system and equipment, comprehensive passenger transport hub information system
and equipment, road network integrated management system, intelligent new generation civil aviation passenger service system (PSS), smart airport management system, tourism intermodal transport information service system, highway toll deduction system, urban bridge system, tunnel automatic toll deduction Construction and operation of system, parking lot non-parking payment system, etc.
6.2.4 Construction and operation of shared transportation facilities
Including the construction and operation of shared transportation facilities such as public rental bicycles, Internet rental bicycles, Internet rental electric bicycles, Internet rental cars, car time-sharing rental systems, three-dimensional parking facilities and equipment, and bicycle parking facilities.
6.2.5 Construction and operation of urban and rural passenger transport system
Including the construction and operation of urban rail transit facilities such as subways, light rails, and trams, the construction and operation of rural passenger lines and township passenger stations, and the construction and renovation of urban bus and tram systems (including bus lanes, hub stations, and information systems) and operation, purchase of new energy and clean energy passenger cars and public vehicles, etc.
6.2.6 Construction and operation of urban slow traffic system
Including pedestrian traffic system construction, bicycle traffic system construction, non-motor vehicle parking facility construction, urban greenway construction, road intersection street light optimization, road section crossing facility construction, slow traffic system optimization, etc.
6.2.7 Environment-friendly railway construction and operation and railway green transformation
Environmentally friendly railways refer to passenger, freight and passenger-cargo railways that comply with national environmental protection standards and regulations, consider the impact on biologically important habitats, effectively protect natural ecology, and minimize ecological impacts during project construction and operation. including environmental friendliness
Construction and operation of large-scale railways and related sites, electrification of existing railways, green transformation of railway yards and railway equipment, reclamation of abandoned railways, etc. After the construction or renovation of railway passenger stations and freight stations, they need to meet the "Evaluation Standards for Green Railway Passenger Stations" (TB/T 10429), "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Green Transportation Facilities Part 4: Green Passenger Stations" (JT/T 1199.4), "Green Railway Passenger Stations" (JT/T 1199.4), Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Transportation Facilities Part 5: Green Freight Stations" (JT/T 1199.5) and other standard specifications.
6.2.8 Construction and operation of multimodal transport system and transit rail and transit water
Including the construction and operation of a multimodal transport system for ordinary containers, bulk materials, cold chain materials, automobiles, express parcels, and other materials, as well as the construction and operation of related facilities that promote the transfer of roads to railways and roads to water.
6.2.9 Construction and operation of highway drop-and-pull transport system
Including the construction, operation and renovation of the drop-and-pull operation station and the drop-and-pull transportation management information system.
6.2.10 Green civil aviation
Green airport construction, including airport terminals, runways, airport bridge power supply facilities, etc., airport green transformation, new or updated operating vehicles and machinery at the airport use new or clean energy. The construction of green airports and the green transformation of airports must meet the requirements of standards and regulations such as the "Green Terminal Building Standard" (MH/T 5033).
6.2.11 Green Port and Airlines
Including the construction of port and ship shore (receiving) power system, the construction of clean fuel filling facilities such as marine LNG, the upgrading and renovation of old inland wharves, and the transformation of ship power receiving facilities and equipment
wait. The construction and renovation of relevant facilities must comply with relevant national and industry standards such as Guidelines for Green Port Grade Evaluation (JTS/T 105-4) and Technical Guidelines for Green Construction of Inland Waterways (JTS/T 225).
6.2.12 Green Logistics
Including the purchase of new energy and clean energy light logistics vehicles, medium and heavy trucks, the construction and operation of comprehensive logistics hubs or large cargo distribution centers, the green transformation of logistics places such as postal express business premises and processing places, and the establishment of smart freight information platforms or systems Construction and operation, digital and intelligent postal express information system or platform construction and operation, urban delivery system construction and operation, rural delivery logistics system construction and operation, zero-carbon logistics park demonstration and other activities.
6.3 Environmental infrastructure
6.3.1 Landscaping construction, maintenance management and operation Including urban comprehensive parks, special parks, community parks, amusement parks and other parks and greenery
Construction, maintenance and operation of local public facilities, construction, maintenance management and operation of urban greenways and their supporting stations, signage systems and other ancillary facilities, residential land, land for public management and public service facilities, land for commercial service facilities, industrial Construction, maintenance management and operation of subsidiary greenbelts such as land for land use, logistics and warehousing land, public facilities land, greenbelts and plaza lands, greenbelt construction and maintenance management for separation green belts, roadside green belts, green islands and other green belts of urban roads at all levels and types, The construction, maintenance management and operation of regional green spaces such as urban country parks and regional facility protection green spaces, the construction and maintenance management of three-dimensional space greening projects such as urban building roof greening, wall greening, and bridge and tunnel greening,
Need to comply with "Park Design Specifications" (GB 51192), "Greenway Planning and Design Guidelines" (Jiancheng Han [2016] No. 211), "Urban Road Greening Planning and Design Specifications" (CJJ 75), "Urban Green Space Classification Standards" (CJJ/T 85), "Technical Regulations for Vertical Greening Engineering" (CJJ/T 236) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications.
6.3.2 Sponge city construction and operation
Including the construction and operation of roof greening, permeable ground pavement, micro-topography, rain garden construction, rainwater pipe disconnection, rainwater storage and collection and utilization in public buildings and residential quarters according to local conditions; Parking lots, squares and other places adopt permeable pavement, roads and squares rainwater collection, purification and utilization facilities, construction and operation of facilities such as bio-retention belts, environmental protection rainwater outlets, swirling sand settling and other road rainwater runoff pollution prevention and control; in urban parks Construction and operation of rainwater gardens, sunken green spaces, artificial wetlands, rainwater ponds and other facilities in public green spaces and other places; construction of urban drainage and waterlogging prevention facilities up to standard, such as drainage renovation of urban waterlogging points, rain and sewage diversion pipe network, and rainwater shorelines Construction and transformation of purification facilities, construction and transformation of coastal stream main pipes, construction and transformation of overflow sewage and wastewater purification facilities such as sedimentation filtration and artificial wetlands, construction, operation and transformation of scientific layout of rainwater regulation and storage facilities, etc.; and for the protection and restoration of natural water bodies in cities The restoration and protection of the natural connectivity of river and lake water systems carried out by the ecosystem, river system improvement, and ecological restoration activities, such as channelization of river channels, restoration of natural curved river banklines, natural deep pools and shoals, and floodplains, etc.
6.3.3 Construction and operation of regional metering leakage control of urban water supply network 69
Including the construction, operation and transformation of urban public water supply facilities, as well as the construction, operation and transformation of water supply network leakage control equipment and facilities such as water supply network flow measurement, water quality monitoring, pressure regulation, data collection and remote transmission.
6.3.4 Intelligent transformation of water conservancy facilities
Including building a digital twin platform, upgrading monitoring facilities, improving the level of communication, computing, and control facilities, and improving the intelligence level of water conservancy facilities and the capabilities of forecasting, early warning, rehearsal, and pre-planning.
6.3.5 Investigation, reconstruction, construction and repair of urban sewage collection system
Including urban sewage pipe network investigation, dredging, repair and renovation, construction and renovation of sewage (rain) water regulation and storage facilities, sewage pipe network geographic information system (GIS) construction and operation, etc.
6.3.6 Investigation and rectification and standardized construction and operation of sewage outlets entering rivers and seas
Including the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, underwater robots and other instruments and equipment to conduct inspections of sewage outlets entering rivers and seas and patrol inspections of upstream sewage pipelines, formulate and update location maps of sewage outlets and sewage pipelines, and follow relevant guidelines for sewage outlets that do not meet the requirements. According to technical regulations, dismantle and close, merge and manage, clean up and rectify, repair, renovate and maintain relevant sewage pipelines, carry out standardized construction of sewage outlets entering rivers and seas according to requirements, and carry out related monitoring, data collection and transmission of sewage outlets entering rivers and seas. construction and operation.
6.3.7 Construction and operation of sewage sludge treatment and disposal facilities
Including construction, operation and renovation of urban and rural sewage treatment and recycling facilities, construction, operation and renovation of reduction disposal facilities such as sludge concentration, conditioning and dehydration, anaerobic
Digestion treatment, high-temperature aerobic fermentation treatment, lime stabilization, thermal drying, incineration and other treatment facilities construction, operation and transformation, as well as sludge transportation and storage, etc. It must comply with the requirements of the "Pollutant Discharge Standards for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB 18918) and other standards. Sludge treatment and disposal must comply with the "Agricultural Sludge Pollutant Control Standards" (GB 4284), "Sludge Sludge Quality in Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB/T 24188), "Mixed Landfill Sludge Disposal in Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" Quality" (GB/T 23485), "Mud Quality for Land Improvement of Sludge Disposal in Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB/T 24600), "Mud Quality for Separate Incineration of Sludge Disposal in Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB/T 24602) , "Sludge Treatment Stability Standards for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (CJ/T 510) and other national, local and industry-related standards and specifications. The operation effect of rural sewage treatment facilities should not be lower than the good grade in the "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Operation Effect of Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment Facilities" (GB/T 40201).
6.3.8 Construction and operation of domestic waste treatment facilities
The construction and operation of treatment facilities, including urban and rural household waste collection and transfer, must meet the requirements of relevant national and local standards such as the Technical Standards for Collection, Transportation and Treatment of Rural Domestic Waste (GB/T 51435).
6.3.9 Construction and operation of ecological environment monitoring system
Including the construction and operation of environmental monitoring systems for the atmosphere, surface water (water-containing functional areas and farmland irrigation water), groundwater, drinking water sources, oceans, soils, greenhouse gases, noise, radiation, etc., system sampling and analysis equipment, monitoring instruments, computers, Purchase, installation and construction of monitoring vehicles, monitoring drones, monitoring balloons and other hardware equipment, software system development, construction and operation of automatic monitoring facilities for pollution sources, etc. Relevant equipment must comply with the national
National and local standards and regulations.
6.3.10 Construction, operation and maintenance of ecological security early warning system and ecological protection and restoration information platform
Including the construction and operation and maintenance of the ecological security early warning system, as well as the design, development, testing and operation and maintenance of the ecological protection restoration information platform system. It must comply with relevant national and local policies and standards, such as the "Notice of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Overall Plan for Establishing a Natural Resources Survey and Monitoring System" (Natural Zifa [2020] No. 15).
6.4 Urban and rural energy infrastructure
6.4.1 Intelligent construction, operation and transformation of urban power facilities Including development and construction of urban power demand side management platform, technical transformation of urban distribution network
Manufacturing, intelligent transformation of electrical equipment, and electrical energy substitution transformation of high-pollution, low-efficiency energy-consuming equipment, etc.
6.4.2 Construction and operation of urban integrated energy supply facilities
Including the construction and operation of multi-energy complementary utilization facilities, distributed energy supply facilities or systems, smart microgrids and other urban integrated energy supply facilities .
6.4.3 Clean, low-carbon construction, operation and transformation of urban central heating systems
Including energy-saving and carbon-reducing environmental protection transformation of urban central heating boilers, energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of urban central heating pipe networks, heating of combined heat and power units instead of loose coal and small coal-fired boilers, construction and operation of low-grade industrial waste heat heating systems, and nuclear energy heating systems Construction and operation, as well as clean and low-carbon heating such as heat pumps, biomass energy, geothermal energy, and solar energy implemented according to local conditions.
6.4.4 Construction and operation of rural clean energy infrastructure
Including the application of clean heating equipment and the construction and operation of facilities, the construction and operation of rural power grids for clean heating, the construction and renovation of gas pipelines, and the construction and operation of other clean and low-carbon energy utilization facilities.
6.5 Information Infrastructure
6.5.1 Energy-saving transformation of communication network Including energy-saving transformation of communication network transmission system, switching system and related equipment, etc.
Including the construction of advanced and efficient Internet data centers (IDCs), enterprise data centers (EDCs), high-performance computing centers, supercomputing centers and other types of data centers, the power ratio of data centers must not be lower than the "Data Center Energy Efficiency Limit Value and Level 2 energy efficiency level in "Energy Efficiency Rating" (GB 40879).
6.5.3 Data Center Energy Saving Transformation
Including the energy-saving transformation of the power supply and distribution system, refrigeration system, operation control system, and other auxiliary systems of the data center.
7 Green Services
7.1 Consulting supervision
7.1.1 Green industry project survey service Including wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy and other renewable energy resources and
Other green resource exploration services, economic utilization potential of green resources such as renewable energy and green resources
6.5.2 Green Data Center Construction
Color industry project construction scale potential assessment and other services.
7.1.2 Green Industry Project Consulting Services
Including scheme design, technical demonstration, scheme evaluation, due diligence, feasibility study, risk assessment, Project acceptance and post-evaluation, operation and maintenance optimization, environmental safety assessment, ecological efficiency evaluation, research on green industry development planning, green and low-carbon technology consulting, water-saving management and technical consulting, chemical ecotoxicology testing and forecasting consulting, environmentally friendly Product evaluation and information statement, environmental service quality evaluation, environmental information disclosure and other services, voluntary carbon emission reduction project design, carbon emission information disclosure and other carbon emission reduction related consulting services, as well as environment, society and governance (ESG), green finance, Environmental investment and financing and risk assessment, bidding procurement agency, information disclosure, personnel training and other consulting services.
7.1.3 Construction supervision services for green industry projects
It includes construction supervision services for green industry projects such as energy saving and carbon reduction, environmental protection, resource recycling, clean energy, ecological protection restoration and utilization, and green upgrading of environmental infrastructure.
7.2 Operation Management
7.2.1 Construction of energy management system Including establishment of energy management centers by enterprises, energy management system consulting services, energy
Management benchmarking enterprise information consulting, energy management system construction effectiveness evaluation, energy management system tool software development, energy management system certification services, etc. Need to comply with the "Energy Management
Management System Requirements (GB/T 23331), Energy Management System Implementation Guidelines (GB/T 29456), Cement Industry Energy Management System Implementation Guidelines (GB/T 30259) and other relevant national and local standards and specifications.
7.2.2 Energy management contract
Including energy-saving technical transformation services in the form of energy-saving benefit sharing, energy cost trusteeship, energy-saving energy guarantee, and financial leasing, as well as contract energy management business model consulting, financing consulting, and service evaluation. It must comply with relevant standards and specifications such as "General Principles of Contract Energy Management Technology" (GB/T 24915), "Technical Guidelines for Contract Energy Management Service Evaluation" (GB/T 40010).
7.2.3 Contract water conservation management
Including water-saving technical transformation services in the form of water-saving benefit sharing, water-saving effect guarantee, and water-saving fee trusteeship, as well as contract water-saving management service model consulting, financing consulting, and service evaluation. It must comply with relevant standards and specifications such as the General Rules for Contract Water-Saving Management Technology (GB/T 34149).
7.2.4 Power Demand Side Management
Including energy-saving services, environmentally friendly electricity services, green electricity services, smart electricity services, orderly electricity services, etc. It is necessary to comply with relevant national and local policies and standards and requirements such as the "Power Demand Side Management Measures (Revised Edition)" (Fa Gai Yun Gui [2017] No. 1690).
7.2.5 Third-party services for resource recycling, including comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, efficient and recycling of water resources, industrial solid
Provide third-party services for projects such as comprehensive utilization of solid waste, comprehensive utilization of agricultural and forestry waste, recycling of waste materials, recycling of waste, and recycling of waste gas.
7.2.6 Third-party governance of environmental pollution
Including air pollution control, water pollution control, soil pollution control, other pollution control and comprehensive environmental improvement and other third-party governance of environmental pollution.
7.3 Monitoring and testing
7.3.1 Construction of online energy consumption monitoring system Including energy consumption data acquisition scheme design, energy consumption monitoring remote terminal equipment procurement,
Development of computer platform for online monitoring of energy consumption, calibration of energy consumption measurement and online monitoring equipment, development of energy consumption monitoring database and application software, construction of online energy consumption monitoring systems for key energy-consuming units, state agencies and large public buildings, etc. The construction of the online monitoring system for energy consumption needs to meet national, local, and industry-related requirements such as "Technical Requirements for On-line Monitoring of Energy Consumption by Energy Consumption Units" (GB/T 38692), "Technical Requirements for Online Monitoring of Energy Consumption in the Building Materials Industry" (GB/T 40083), etc. standard specification requirements.
7.3.2 Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emission Sources
Including the monitoring of greenhouse gas and other carbon emission data, monitoring system platform development and data accounting, analysis and evaluation, early warning, operation and maintenance services, related derivative carbon asset management and carbon information disclosure services, etc.
7.3.3 Environmental damage monitoring and evaluation
Including environmental damage assessment and monitoring program design, environmental damage appraisal assessment, environmental damage emergency response program design, environmental damage legal consulting services, environmental damage insurance
service etc.
7.3.4 Pollution source monitoring
Including the development of pollution source monitoring system, the procurement of pollution source monitoring equipment, the construction of pollution source monitoring database and the development of application software, the measurement of pollutant discharge and the calibration service of monitoring equipment, etc.
7.3.5 Enterprise environmental monitoring
Including procurement of enterprise environmental monitoring equipment, environmental monitoring services, development of environmental monitoring software and hardware, construction of environmental impact database, training of pollutant monitoring personnel, etc. It must meet the requirements of standards and specifications such as the "Data Interface Specifications for Public Platforms for Circular Economy Informationization in Industrial Parks" (GB/T 36578).
7.3.6 Ecological environment monitoring and ecological security early warning
Including water, air, soil, solid waste, groundwater, ocean, agricultural non-point source, radiation, noise, new pollutants and other ecological environment monitoring, technical services such as monitoring design schemes involved in sudden ecological environmental events, agricultural waste resource monitoring, Agricultural land and agricultural water resources monitoring, forestry and grassland carbon sink monitoring, ecological remote sensing monitoring, biome monitoring, ecological survey monitoring and early warning, ecosystem quality monitoring, biodiversity monitoring, soil and water conservation monitoring and other monitoring services, as well as toxicity testing services, etc.
7.3.7 Ecosystem carbon sink monitoring and assessment
Including land survey, remote sensing monitoring, carbon sink monitoring technology and model development, carbon stock assessment, ecosystem carbon sink certification standards and certification method research, ecological protection and restoration carbon sink effectiveness supervision, ecological protection restoration compensation, ecosystem carbon sink value evaluation, born
Ecosystem carbon sink supervision network system, etc.
7.4 Assessment Review Verification
7.4.1 Energy conservation assessment and energy audit Including energy efficiency assessment of energy-consuming units, design of energy-saving renovation schemes, third-party energy
Energy audit, energy saving assessment, energy audit training, energy saving report preparation services for fixed asset investment projects, etc. It must comply with the "Calculation Method of Energy Conservation Energy Consumption Unit" (GB/T 13234), "General Rules for Energy Conservation Measurement and Verification Technology" (GB/T 28750), "Guidelines for the Implementation of Energy Conservation Measurement and Verification" (GB/T 32045), "Technical Guidelines for Energy Conservation Assessment" (GB/T 31341), "General Rules for Energy Auditing Techniques" (GB/T 17166) and other relevant national and local standards and specifications.
7.4.2 Carbon emission verification and verification and verification of GHG voluntary emission reduction projects
Including third-party carbon emission verification, carbon emission verification personnel training, carbon emission verification database construction, carbon emission verification results spot check and verification, greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction project approval and verification services, etc. Enterprise carbon emission accounting must comply with relevant national and local standards and regulations such as "General Rules for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Industrial Enterprises" (GB/T 32150), "Requirements for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions" (GB/T 32151).
7.4.3 Building Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emission Evaluation It includes testing and evaluation services for various building energy efficiency levels and carbon emission levels. 7.4.4 Cleaner production review includes comprehensive and systematic investigation and diagnosis of the production process and production management of the enterprise.
It is found that the use of raw materials, process flow, product production, pollutant discharge, etc.
Weak links, and formulate targeted cleaner production transformation plans.
7.4.5 Environmental impact assessment
Including environmental impact comprehensive assessment, environmental impact and tracking monitoring solution design, environmental impact legal consultation, environmental impact database construction, environmental impact technology assessment, ecological protection red line, environmental quality bottom line, resource utilization upper limit and environmental access negative list compilation, and Environmental risk assessment of construction projects, administrative regions, industrial parks, etc., preparation of environmental emergency control plans, formulation of environmental emergency plans, etc.
7.4.6 Ecological environment quality monitoring and assessment
Including water environment, marine environment, atmospheric environment, soil environment, noise and vibration environmental quality monitoring and assessment, etc.
7.4.7 Natural resource ecological protection compensation and ecological damage compensation assessment
Including the evaluation of natural resource ecological protection compensation, evaluation services of natural resource ecological damage compensation, etc.
7.4.8 Ecological protection restoration products and ecosystem assessment
Including ecological protection and restoration product value accounting, ecological protection and restoration product evaluation, ecological restoration effectiveness evaluation, ecosystem service value evaluation services, etc.
7.4.9 Geological Hazard Risk Assessment
Including the risk assessment of geological disasters such as landslides, landslides, debris flows, ground subsidence, ground fissures, and ground subsidence, the vulnerability assessment of disaster areas, and the assessment of geological disaster damage losses. It must comply with relevant standards and specifications such as the "Code for Geological Hazard Risk Assessment" (GB/T 40112).
7.4.10 Soil and water conservation assessment
Including construction project water and soil conservation program preparation, monitoring and evaluation, supervision and other technical services, water and soil conservation facilities acceptance, third-party evaluation, water and soil conservation information supervision, water and soil conservation legal consulting services, etc. It must comply with relevant national and local standards and regulations such as the "Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring and Evaluation Standards for Production and Construction Projects" (GB/T 51240).
7.5 Promotion of Green Technology Product R&D Certification
7.5.1 R&D of green technology products Including energy saving and carbon reduction, environmental protection, resource recycling, clean energy, ecological
Research and development of advanced technology products in the fields of protection, restoration and utilization. Products must comply with relevant national and local standards and specifications.
7.5.2 Promotion of green technology product certification
Including the promotion of advanced technologies in the fields of energy saving and carbon reduction, environmental protection, resource recycling, clean energy, ecological protection restoration and utilization, wood-based panels and wooden floors, coatings, sanitary ceramics, architectural glass, solar water heating systems, furniture, thermal insulation materials , waterproof sealing materials, ceramic tiles (boards), textile products, wood-plastic products, paper and paper products, plastic products, washing products, refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machines, tires, express packaging products and other green product certification and promotion, computers Certification and promotion of energy-saving products such as copiers and copiers, certification and promotion of low-carbon products such as Portland cement and flat glass, certification and promotion of water-saving products such as faucets and showers, certification and promotion of green building materials such as energy-saving glass and thermal insulation materials, Certification and promotion of environmental labeling products such as electronic appliances and building materials, organic product certification and promotion, green food certification and promotion, sustainable forest management
business and product certification and promotion, ecological protection and restoration product certification, green transportation infrastructure certification and promotion, sustainable aviation fuel certification, comprehensive capacity assessment of energy-saving service companies, contract energy management service certification, etc. Need to comply with the "Administrative Measures for the Use of Green Product Labels" (Announcement No. 20, 2019 of the State Administration for Market Regulation), "Administrative Measures for the Evaluation and Labeling of Green Building Materials" (Jianke [2014] No. 75), "Organic Product Certification Management Measures" (Market Supervision General Administration Order No. 61 in 2022, the second revision), "Green Food Labeling Management Measures" (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Order No. 1 revision in 2022) and other relevant regulations and policies, products must meet the requirements of relevant national and local standards.
7.5.3 Green Technology Transactions
Including advanced technology transactions in the fields of energy saving and carbon reduction, environmental protection, resource recycling, clean energy, ecological protection restoration and utilization, as well as the construction and operation of trading platforms, technical achievement display, achievement transformation, technical review, technical evaluation, technology transfer, Services such as the transfer of ownership and use rights and their guidance and supervision.
7.6 Resource and environment rights and interests transactions
7.6.1 Carbon emissions trading, including statistical verification of carbon emissions and national greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction transactions
accounting, carbon quota registration and change, carbon trading legal services, carbon emission reduction plan consulting and services, carbon finance, carbon information management services, etc.
7.6.2 Energy usage right trading
Including the statistical accounting of energy use rights, third-party audit of energy use rights, legal consultation on energy use rights transactions, energy conservation program consultation and services, development and construction of energy use rights trading systems, energy use rights
Asset management and operation services, energy use rights financial pledge services, etc.
7.6.3 Water rights trading
Including feasibility analysis of water rights transaction, verification of transaction reference price, transaction plan design, transaction technical consultation, transaction legal services, transaction system development and construction, etc.
7.6.4 Emissions trading
Including data statistics and accounting services for emission rights trading, legal services for transactions, consulting and services for emission reduction schemes, financial services, and information management services.
7.6.5 Forest Right Transaction
Including forestry rights transaction feasibility analysis, transaction reference price verification, transaction plan design, data statistics and accounting, transaction technical consultation, transaction legal services, financial services, information management services, and transaction system development and construction, etc.
7.6.6 Renewable Energy Green Certificate and Green Power Trading
Including project information management, certificate issuance, transaction system construction, etc. for renewable energy green certificates and green power transactions. Renewable energy green certificates and green power transactions must comply with the "Notice on Trial Implementation of Renewable Energy Green Power Certificate Issuance and Voluntary Subscription Trading System" (Fagai Energy [2017] No. 132), "Green Power Trading Pilot Work Plan" and other policy requirements.
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