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Artificial Intelligence policy has been an elite sport almost from its inception. Either techno-bureaucracies in the public or private sectors, investment entities, or political or media leaders tend to dominate not just discussion but actin on A.I. policy that is then fed--along with the soothing discursive tropes of leadership assurances--to the masses. From time to time, those who tend already to have a plan moving forward, and who are invariably already committed to an architecture (a framework) on which new policy and regulation is to be erected, will sometimes nod in the direction of the masses and seek "comment."
This impulse is non-political in the sense that leaders of both Democratic and Republic Parties have indulged this pattern of inclusion for many years. While "Town hall" tropes tend to be used post facto, periods of "open to comment" are used before the framework is used to finalize whatever objective is set for that framework. There are positive benefits to the state of course: (1) the comments will certainly pick up mass sentiment (valued on the basis of the power or authority of mass collectives the comments represent); (2) they may pick up important lapses in form or drafting that need correction; (3) they signal the sort of democratic solidarity which in Marxist Leninist States is subsumed with the broad action habits of the Mass Line, but which in liberal democratic states comes from these sorts of commentary episodes.
And perhaps, as the A.I. generated image above suggests, these comment sessions may expose some of the contradictions of an A.I. policy that will be generated for the 21st century filled with 19th century tropes--text in a human language, paper, writing instruments, and building representative of a physical world to which A.I. may have only a tenuous relation. At its base it suggests the fundamental contradiction--for whose benefit is the policy created--is it directed to A.I., is it directed to the state and regulatory organs, is it directed to markets and entrepreneur with money but no expertise other than to grow money, or to A.I. workers (coders, and formulators of analytics, including generative analytics and algorithms. Who knows? Though getting this tight will make the resulting product more interesting, or at least less sloppy (see, generally at at a theoretical level, 'The Soulful Machine, the Virtual Person, and the “Human” Condition').
It is with this in mind that one might most usefully engage with the announcement of a Public Comment Invited on Artificial Intelligence Action Plan.
President Trump’s recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) Executive Order shows that this Administration is dedicated to America’s global leadership in AI technology innovation. This Order directed the development of an AI Action Plan to sustain and enhance America’s global AI dominance. Today, the American people are encouraged to share their policy ideas for the AI Action Plan by responding to a Request for Information (RFI), available on the Federal Register’s website through March 15. (Ibid.).
The request for comments is undertaken in furtherance of the objectives specified in President Trump's Executive Order 14179 of January 23, 2025 ("Removing Barriers to American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence"). This effort is meant to redirect U.S. A.I. policy away from the basis for A.I. policy that was to be developed in the Administration of President Biden in 2023 (see "Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence" Text and Brief Reflections).
It might be worth noting that the Commentary is directed toward the construction of an Action Plan. That is, that the focus of commentary that might resonate with those responsible for sifting through them, evaluating their value to the project and either summarizing them correctly or passing them on (the gatekeeper role in comment gathering exercises is itself worthy of analysis--in this case there is no indication of the methodology to be employed to make the aggregation of commentary "useful." Sometimes all comments are posted to a website for greater popular engagement; sometimes they are retained but otherwise unavailable to the public; usually they are sorted (and evaluated for usefulness in the process), summarized, packaged and then delivered to those who might digest the summary in their journey from idea to action planning. It is not clear how the process will work in this case--tough that is not unusual. Nonetheless, the emphasis on action rather than theory or principle ought to serve as a guide to commentary (including commentary in opposition to the approach--for what it will be worth). And that action, to appears, seems to favor those that enhance innovation--new or high quality development--of benefit to the nation, its markets and people. That may focus both on actions in furtherance of efficiency in financing, in protection of innovation for exploitation, in the availability of markets for development, financing and product distribution, in the development of data and product markets, and in the facilitation and construction of the infrastructures necessary to make all this possible--power (electricity) generation perhaps dedicated to this industry, protection against corruption or threats of espionage, and the enhancement of the ability of actors to profit from all of this in ways that creates what might be thought to be an enhanced innovation environment. Some of this enhancement, of course, might be lubricated by a focus on sharing the profits of exploitation to labor, communities and other suppliers of productive forces necessary for the development of robust A.I. ecologies in physical space by enhancing the market power of these participants in the project (or at east not inhibiting their market power). Lots of moving parts here with a large space for national regulation with respect to market integrity, financial transparency, and national security. What it is likely not to include will be those principles that have marked the forms of European A.I. regulatory efforts nor anything of a similar sort that served as the basis of the A.I. policy that had been in development during the Biden Administration. The only principle at work here is one that privileges the effective development of A.I. high quality productive forces. Still the A.I.Plan will have to deal with the development path of A.I. regulations that are popular elsewhere.
Information relevant to the development of this new A.I. Plan is being directed through the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office (NCO), National Science Foundation.
This Plan, as directed by a Presidential Executive Order on January 23, 2025, will define the priority policy actions needed to sustain and enhance America's AI dominance, and to ensure that unnecessarily burdensome requirements do not hamper private sector AI innovation. Through this Request for Information (RFI), OSTP and NITRD NCO seek input from the public, including from academia, industry groups, private sector organizations, state, local, and tribal governments, and any other interested parties, on priority actions that should be included in the Plan. (Request for Information on the Development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Plan; Notice by the National Science Foundation on 02/06/2025 ).
For anyone otherwise not invited or engaged in the formulation of national policy on AI. with an interest in contributing (at least via text and only within the fora opened for that purpose) to its development, this may be an opportune time to contribute comment. To leverage comment, of course, those would have to be distributed elsewhere--through collective efforts, on social media, with campaigns to lobby the elected political branches, with pressure on involved thought leaders etc. But that is the subject of a quite different post.
The text of Public Comment Invited on Artificial Intelligence Action Plan follows along with the 23 January Executive Order, and the Request for Comments. Comments can be submitted online and will be accepted until 11:59PM on March 15, 2025.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Trump’s recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) Executive Order shows that this Administration is dedicated to America’s global leadership in AI technology innovation. This Order directed the development of an AI Action Plan to sustain and enhance America’s global AI dominance. Today, the American people are encouraged to share their policy ideas for the AI Action Plan by responding to a Request for Information (RFI), available on the Federal Register’s website through March 15.
“The Trump Administration is committed to ensuring the United States is the undeniable leader in AI technology. This AI Action Plan is the first step in securing and advancing American AI dominance, and we look forward to incorporating the public’s comments and innovative ideas,” said Lynne Parker, Principal Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
The AI Action Plan will define priority policy actions to enhance America’s position as an AI powerhouse and prevent unnecessarily burdensome requirements from hindering private sector innovation. With the right governmental policies, continued U.S. AI leadership will promote human flourishing, economic competitiveness, and national security.
Today’s RFI from OSTP seeks input from interested public parties, including academia, industry groups, private sector organizations, state, local and tribal governments, and others on actions that should be included in the AI Action Plan.
Comments can be submitted online and will be accepted until 11:59PM on March 15, 2025.
Please click here for submission information.
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Request for Information on the Development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Plan
Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office (NCO), National Science Foundation.
Request for information.
On behalf of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the NITRD NCO requests input from all interested parties on the Development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Plan (“Plan”). This Plan, as directed by a Presidential Executive Order on January 23, 2025, will define the priority policy actions needed to sustain and enhance America's AI dominance, and to ensure that unnecessarily burdensome requirements do not hamper private sector AI innovation. Through this Request for Information (RFI), OSTP and NITRD NCO seek input from the public, including from academia, industry groups, private sector organizations, state, local, and tribal governments, and any other interested parties, on priority actions that should be included in the Plan.
Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before 11:59 p.m. (ET) on March 15, 2025.
Comments submitted in response to this RFI may be sent by any of the following methods:
- Email: ostp-ai-rfi@nitrd.gov; Email submissions should be machine-readable and not be copy-protected. Submissions should include “AI Action Plan” in the subject line of the message.
- Mail: AI Action Plan Attn: Faisal D'Souza, NCO, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA. Telephone: 202-459-9674.
Instructions: Response to this RFI is voluntary. Each individual or institution is requested to submit only one response. Submissions must not exceed 15 pages in 12 point or larger font, with a page number provided on each page. Responses must include the name of the person(s) or organization(s) filing the comment and the following statement: “This document is approved for public dissemination. The document contains no business-proprietary or confidential information. Document contents may be reused by the government in developing the AI Action Plan and associated documents without attribution.” Responses to this RFI are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act and may be posted online at https://www.nitrd.gov/. Therefore, we request that no business proprietary information, copyrighted information, or sensitive personally identifiable information be submitted as part of your response to this RFI.
In accordance with FAR 15.202(3), responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Responders are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI.
Faisal D'Souza at ostp-ai-rfi@nitrd.gov or (202) 459-9674. Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern time, Monday through Friday, except for U.S. Federal Government holidays.
On January 23, 2025, President Trump signed Executive Order 14179 (Removing Barriers to American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence) to establish U.S. policy for sustaining and enhancing America's AI dominance in order to promote human flourishing, economic competitiveness, and national security. This Order directs the development of an AI Action Plan to advance America's AI leadership, in a process led by the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, the White House AI and Crypto Czar, and the National Security Advisor.
This Order follows the President's January 20, 2025, Executive Order 14148, revocation of the Biden-Harris AI Executive Order 14110 of October 30, 2023 (Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence), which hampered the private sector's ability to innovate in AI by imposing burdensome government requirements restricting private sector AI development and deployment. The Trump Administration recognizes that with the right government policies, the United States can solidify its position as the leader in AI and secure a brighter future for all Americans.
OSTP seeks input on the highest priority policy actions that should be in the new AI Action Plan. Responses can address any relevant AI policy topic, including but not limited to: hardware and chips, data centers, energy consumption and efficiency, model development, open source development, application and use (either in the private sector or by government), explainability and assurance of AI model outputs, cybersecurity, data privacy and security throughout the lifecycle of AI system development and deployment (to include security against AI model attacks), risks, regulation and governance, technical and safety standards, national security and defense, research and development, education and workforce, innovation and competition, intellectual property, procurement, international collaboration, and export controls. Respondents are encouraged to suggest concrete AI policy actions needed to address the topics raised.
Comments received will be taken into consideration in the development of the AI Action Plan.
1. 90 FR 8741 (January 23, 2025), Removing Barriers to American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence, https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/removing-barriers-to-american-leadership-in-artificial-intelligence/.2. 90 FR 8237 (January 20, 2025), Initial Recissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions, https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2025/01/28/2025-01901/initial-rescissions-of-harmful-executive-orders-and-actions.
(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1861, et seq.)
Submitted by the National Science Foundation in support of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office (NCO) on February 03, 2025.
Suzanne H. Plimpton,
Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation.
[FR Doc. 2025-02305 Filed 2-5-25; 8:45 am]
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Executive Order 14179 of January 23, 2025
Removing Barriers to American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1 . Purpose. The United States has long been at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, driven by the strength of our free markets, world-class research institutions, and entrepreneurial spirit. To maintain this leadership, we must develop AI systems that are free from ideological bias or engineered social agendas. With the right Government policies, we can solidify our position as the global leader in AI and secure a brighter future for all Americans. This order revokes certain existing AI policies and directives that act as barriers to American AI innovation, clearing a path for the United States to act decisively to retain global leadership in artificial intelligence.
Sec. 2 . Policy. It is the policy of the United States to sustain and enhance America's global AI dominance in order to promote human flourishing, economic competitiveness, and national security.
Sec. 3 . Definition. For the purposes of this order, “artificial intelligence” or “AI” has the meaning set forth in 15 U.S.C. 9401(3).
Sec. 4 . Developing an Artificial Intelligence Action Plan. (a) Within 180 days of this order, the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology (APST), the Special Advisor for AI and Crypto, and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (APNSA), in coordination with the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB Director), and the heads of such executive departments and agencies (agencies) as the APST and APNSA deem relevant, shall develop and submit to the President an action plan to achieve the policy set forth in section 2 of this order.
Sec. 5 . Implementation of Order Revocation. (a) The APST, the Special Advisor for AI and Crypto, and the APNSA shall immediately review, in coordination with the heads of all agencies as they deem relevant, all policies, directives, regulations, orders, and other actions taken pursuant to the revoked Executive Order 14110 of October 30, 2023 (Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence). The APST, the Special Advisor for AI and Crypto, and the APNSA shall, in coordination with the heads of relevant agencies, identify any actions taken pursuant to Executive Order 14110 that are or may be inconsistent with, or present obstacles to, the policy set forth in section 2 of this order. For any such agency actions identified, the heads of agencies shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, suspend, revise, or rescind such actions, or propose suspending, revising, or rescinding such actions. If in any case such suspension, revision, or rescission cannot be finalized immediately, the APST and the heads of agencies shall promptly take steps to provide all available exemptions authorized by any such orders, rules, regulations, guidelines, or policies, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, until such action can be finalized.
(b) Within 60 days of this order, the OMB Director, in coordination with the APST, shall revise OMB Memoranda M-24-10 and M-24-18 as necessary to make them consistent with the policy set forth in section 2 of this order.
Sec. 6 . General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
THE WHITE HOUSE, January 23, 2025. Filed 1-30-25; 11:15 am]Billing code 3395-F4-P
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