Monday, July 28, 2014

“Cuba’s Perplexing Changes” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy

The Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE) will hold its 24th annual meeting to discuss and evaluate the economic changes introduced in Cuba in recent years. The two and-a-half day conference will take place July 31st to August 2nd at the Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel, 1601 Biscayne Boulevard.


Panels will include discussions on the political and social implications of economic changes in Cuba, the new foreign investment law, the Mariel port project, property rights, labor rights, exchange rate policies, medical service exports, housing and sustainable development, political opposition, civil society, entrepreneurship, and self-employment. 

In addition to presentations by renowned experts members of ASCE and other distinguished participants, a record number of participants will come from Cuba. In all, over one hundred Cuba experts will present on a wide variety of topics. 

Accredited journalists are welcome and are asked to register in advance, their conference fee will be waived upon registration. (Those wishing to partake of the optional official luncheon of Friday June 31st are expected to cover the $50 cost.).  Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to register for a highly discounted fee of $25. 

The Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy is a non-profit, non-political organization incorporated in Maryland in 1990 affiliated to the American Economic Association and the Allied Social Sciences Association. Its primary mission is to study the transition to a free market economy and open society in Cuba as well as to promote scholarship, research, and publications. The organization supports a wide range of research primarily focused on economic developments, but also pertaining to social, legal, political, demographic, and environmental issues.

For information on ASCE, including the conference program and pre-registration forms, please visit  

For a view of the Conference Program go to
Ted Henken at  (718)490-7555

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