Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Stanford’s China Guiding Cases Project Bids Farewell After 10 Years [十年卓越——告别斯坦福中国指导性案例项目]



Sad news today:  Stanford’s China Guiding Cases Project is ending after ten years. Here is the notice received:

When we founded the China Guiding Cases Project (the “CGCP”) of Stanford Law School in February 2011, we did not expect the project to take us to various important forums where we could share our insights globally.  These forums included the World Bank, the Open Government Partnership, the Supreme People's Court of China, and the Belt & Road Initiative conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. 

We did not expect that our commentaries would lead to a call for the publication of a quarterly, bilingual journal.  In response to the call, we launched China Law Connect in June 2018.  The 13 issues of the journal have brought more than 140,000 new readers to the CGCP website, allowing us to share our analyses of China’s Guiding Cases and related topics with a total of 220,000 global readers since the founding of the CGCP.  

The world has changed and new issues have emerged.  The core CGCP team has decided to move on to new ventures with the potential to produce even more impact.  We thank you very much for your support.  To express our gratitude, we are releasing all of the content of China Law Connect.  Feel free to download individual articles or entire issues of the journal at

The CGCP is coming to an end, but the mission to bring about positive changes in China and improve understanding of China through in-depth analyses continues.  


View the video here





我们没预料到我们的评论会引起要求出版一份双语季刊的呼声。为响应号召,我们于2018年6月推出了《中国法律连接》。已出版的13期期刊为CGCP网站带来了超过14万名新读者,使我们能够与自CGCP成立以来的合共22万的全球读者分享我们对中国指导性案例和相关主题 的分析。

世界风云变幻,新问题层出不穷。CGCP 的核心团队已决定开启有可能产生更大影响的新旅程。我们非常感谢您的支持。为表达我们的谢意,《中国法律连接》的所有内容现已公开。请在下载该期刊的单篇文章或整期期刊。


This interested might wish to take advantage of the Guiding Cases Project's generosity in making available  the journal's 13 issues for download. 

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