Sunday, October 17, 2021

Video Recordings of Session 5: Agriculture-- 31 Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy “COVID and the Eighth Party Conference: Reforming the Cuban Economy”

I am delighted to make available the video recordings of the panels organized for the 31 Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy Videos Link “COVID and the Eighth Party Conference: Reforming the Cuban Economy.”

The theme of this year’s conference is Cuba’s economic reforms, the impact of COVID and the VIII Congress of the Cuban Communist Party. Cuba is in a tremendous state of flux, one that is likely to affect all aspects of the society. No one can be sure how this will turn out, but ASCE’s members old and new have for more than 30 years brought understanding and analysis to the Cuban puzzle. That experience and familiarity with Cuba is needed more than ever as we note that our work is being widely read and watched by more people in government and on the Island. This year we will also focus on the Cuban diaspora.

Access Video of Session 5 HERE

ACCESS ALL VIDEOS--Conference Playlist HERE

DAY 3, SATURDAY AUGUST 14 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Session 5: Agriculture

Chair: Felipe Manteiga

Olimpia Gómez-Consuegra and Tomás Depestre, “Producciٕón de Semillas Hortícolas: Actualizacion de Caso de Estudio en Cuba"

William Messina, University of Florida, "Cuban Agricultural Production and Trade in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic"

Mario A. Gonzalez-Corzo, Lehman College, The City University of New York (CUNY), "Policy Measures to Incentivize Agricultural Production in Cuba after the 8th Party Congress."

Alonso Exposito Alvarez, “El minifundio rural: principal estructura agraria de Cuba desde la época precolombina hasta nuestros días”

Recordando a Pepín Alvarez. Comments by Francisco Proenza, William Messina, and Jorge Perez-Lopez

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