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Everyone takes their orthodoxy in different ways. Some like it straight; others dilute it with necessary additions (national conditions; reservations; normative overlayments, etc.); still others won't touch the stuff. However one approaches orthodoxy, one would be foolish to ignore it or to fail to note the composition of the those who appear to be driving the development of these orthodoxies and their imaginaries, at east among important social castes involved in that process.
Rule of Law and Corporate Actors: Fall Talks Series
Join the Fall Talks on the Rule of Law and Corporate Actors. It includes 5 online talks:
1. The rule of law in the face of rising corporate power over human rights
2. Human Rights due diligence through the lenses of the Rule of Law
3. Horizontal effect of the Rule of Law in the practice of the ECtHR
4. Corporate Actors under Sanctions Regime 5. The Rule of Law Benchmark for Social Media and Digital Platforms.
The first one will happen on 5th October 12.00 – 13.30 CET with fantastic panel of BHR names: Surya Deva, Karin Buhmann, David Birchall and Ioannis Kampourakis.
More information about the speakers and link for registration at https://rb.gy/aawvm
The series is organized by the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in cooperation with the Law Group, Wageningen University, the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association and the Rebalance project.
More detail about the Fall Talk Series follows.
Rule of Law and Corporate Actors: Fall Talks Series

Companies hold different forms of power.[1] For example, such power may take the form of introducing restrictions to human rights by the employer, making rules for social platform users or developing a model of interaction with their own supply chains. Some companies are so powerful that they take on the function of protecting democracy and public order at a time when the state is arguably showing weakness.[2] Any exercise of corporate power that interferes with human rights must be assessed in terms of the rule of law.
Recognizing that corporate actors exercise power and must act within the rule of law does not mean such actors may completely supplant the state. Unlike states, they cannot establish a legal order applicable to the entire society. But they are able to influence the behavior and lives of other participants in social relations significantly. Moreover, companies could use their power “to influence the political and regulatory sphere where businesses engage political processes in support of policies that respond to their own interest and priorities, even when such policies are inconsistent with human rights protection and promotion”.[3]
Recognizing that every time companies exercise power raises questions related to the rule of law, we initiate this Fall Talks Series on the Rule of Law and Corporate Actors.
The Fall Talks series includes the following topics:
RoL Talk 1. The rule of law in the face of rising corporate power over human rights
Questions for the discussion:
– There are different kinds of power. Is corporate power a public power like state power?
– Has the rule of law concept the potential be applied without state support? Or is this concept state-centric?
– What is the impact of the rule of law concept on the business and human rights framework?
Invited speakers:
– Surya Deva, Professor at the Macquarie Law School and Director of the Centre for Environmental Law at Macquarie University. He is also the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development
– Karin Buhmann, Professor at the Copenhagen Business School, Full Professor and Head of Centre for the research initiative, Centre for Law, Sustainability and Justice at the University of Southern Denmark
– Ioannis Kampourakis, Assistant Professor in Law and Markets at Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam
– David Birchall, London South Bank University
Moderator: Olena Uvarova, Head of International Lab on Business and Human Rights, Centre for Research and projects support at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Visiting Researcher at the Law Group, Wageningen University
Date: 5th October 2023
12.00 – 13.30 CET (13.00 – 14.30 Kyiv time)
RoL Talk 2. Human Rights Due Diligence through the lenses of the Rule of Law
Questions for the discussion:
– Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: will it impact the rule of law environment beyond the EU?
– We expect that companies publish human rights commitments. Should we ask them to have the RoL commitments?
– Human rights due diligence is a way for companies to proactively manage potential and actual adverse human rights impacts with which they are involved. Is there a potential to consider it in terms of formal and substantive conceptions of the rule of law?
– Do you see correlations between access to justice as a component of the rule of law and the concept of access to remedies within business and human rights?
Invited speakers:
– Claire Bright, Associate Professor in Private Law, Vice-Dean, the Founder and Director of the NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment at NOVA Law School in Lisbon (TBC)
– Jernej Letnar Cernic, Professor of Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Faculty of Government and European Studies, New University
– Nadia Bernaz, Professor in the LAW group at Wageningen University
– Harriet Moynihan, Associate Fellow, International Law Programme, Chatham House
– Bohdan Karnaukh, Associate professor at the Department of Civil Law No.1, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, co-director of Joint Master Degree Program “European and International Business Law”
Moderator: Tamara Horbachevska, the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, the Law Group, Wageningen University, Research Assistant of the Horizon project “Rebalancing disruptivE Business of multinAtional corporation and gLobal value chAins within democratic and iNClusive citizenship processes”
Date and time: 13th October 2023
13.00 – 14.30 CET (14.00 – 15.30 Kyiv time)
RoL Talk 3. Horizontal effect of the RoL in the practice of the ECtHR
Questions for the discussion:
– Do you agree with the concept of horizontal effect of the RoL? If so, what examples we can find in the ECtHR case-law?
– How the horizontal effect of the RoL could be maintained and strengthened?
– What is the impact of the business and human rights developments on the ECtHR jurisprudence? Could we say that the European consensus to implement human rights due diligence by corporate actors already exists and should be part of the horizontal effect of human rights?
Invited speakers:
– Pavlo Pushkar, Head of division, Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, Directorate General of Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Council of Europe
– Robert Spano, former President of the European Court of Human Rights, Partner in the London Office of the multinational law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Oxford, Professor of Law, University of Iceland
– Danielle Anne Pamplona, Full Professor at the Law School at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
– Stanislav Pohrebnyak, Chair of the Human Rights and Legal Methodology department at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Moderator: Kacper Zayac, Postdoctoral researcher within the Horizon project “Rebalancing disruptivE Business of multinAtional corporation and gLobal value chAins within democratic and iNClusive citizenship processes”, Law Group, Wageningen University
Date and time: 30th October 2023
11.00 – 12.30 CET (12.00 – 13.30 Kyiv time)
RoL Talk 4. Corporate Actors under Sanctions Regime: What is the RoL saying?
Questions for the discussion:
– What sanctions mechanisms are applied in/by Ukraine to corporate actors?
– Should applying sanctions to corporate actors be based on regular RoL requirements? Or do we need to develop a concept of “RoL for emergency“?
– If we recognize that states and state-based regional and international institutions are empowered to apply sanctions against corporate and other private actors (do we?), should we also recognize that corporate actors are empowered to apply equivalent sanctions to other private actors as well?
– Are existing practices of sanctions application based on RoL requirements?
Invited speakers:
– Iurii Barabash, Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs and Strategic Development, Professor at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
– John Morrison, Executive Director, Institute for Human Rights and Business, World Economic Forum Expert
– Iryna Bogdanova, Postdoctoral Researcher, World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Lecturer, Kyiv School of Economics, author of the book “Unilateral Sanctions in International Law and the Enforcement of Human Rights” (2022)
Moderator: Ekaterina Deikalo, International Law and Business & Human Rights expert of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee
Date and time: 2nd November 2023
12.00 – 13.30 CET (13.00 – 14.30 Kyiv time)
RoL Talk 5. The Rule of Law benchmark for Social Media and Digital Platforms
Questions for the discussion:
– Could we imagine a Rule of Law Index (or benchmark) for Social Media? If so, what methodology and indicators could we propose?
– Why are social media and digital platforms critically influencing the RoL today? Do they pose a serious threat to the rule of law?
– What should be the strategies of regulation and restraint in relation to companies that own large social media and digital platforms?
Invited speakers:
– Yulia Razmetaeva, a visiting researcher at Uppsala University and Head of the Center for Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
– Barrie Sander, Assistant Professor of International Justice at Leiden University – Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
– Andrea Pin, Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law, University of Padova Law School.
Moderator: Dmytro Vovk, a Visiting professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Head of the Center for the Rule of Law and Religion Studies at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Date and time: 14th November 2023
16.00 – 17.30 CET (17.00 – 18.30 Kyiv time)
Duration: 1,5 hours.
Languages of the RoL Talks – English and Ukrainian (simultaneous translation will be provided).
All talks are online (zoom). The record will be available in YouTube.
For participation please register…
Participation is free.
Based on the results of the discussion, we have an ambition to develop the book proposal. All who are interested please send the abstract (no more than 500 words) to Olena Uvarova (lena.uvarova@wur.nl) no later than 20 December 2023.
An invitation to the event and a link to the meeting will be sent to the email address provided during registration.
The Fall Talks series is in the frame of Jean Monnet Module “EU Rule of Law Mechanism for Private Sector” (101047106 — PrActRoL) implemented by Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (NLU) in the synergy with Horizon project “Rebalancing disruptivE Business of multinAtional corporation and gLobal value chAins within democratic and iNClusive citizenship processes” (101061342 — REBALANCE) and Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “European Fundamental Values in Digital Era” (101085385 — EFVDE) and in cooperation with the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association, the Law Group of the Wageningen University and Research and Human Rights and Legal Methodology Department at the NLU.
Верховенство права і корпоративні актори: Осінні бесіди
Компанії мають різні форми влади.[4] Наприклад, такі повноваження можуть набувати форми обмеження прав людини роботодавцем, створення правил для користувачів соціальних платформ або розробки моделі взаємодії з власними ланцюгами поставок. Деякі компанії настільки потужні, що беруть на себе функцію захисту демократії та громадського порядку в той час, коли держава, як виглядає, демонструє слабкість.[5] Будь-яке здійснення корпоративної влади, яке порушує права людини, має оцінюватися з точки зору верховенства права.
Визнання того, що корпоративні суб’єкти здійснюють владу та повинні діяти в рамках верховенства права, не означає, що такі суб’єкти можуть повністю витіснити державу. На відміну від держав, вони не можуть встановити правовий порядок, застосовний до всього суспільства. Але вони здатні істотно впливати на поведінку та життя інших учасників суспільних відносин. Більше того, компанії можуть використовувати свою владу, «щоб впливати на політичну та регуляторну сферу, де бізнес залучає політичні процеси на підтримку політики, яка відповідає їхнім власним інтересам і пріоритетам, навіть якщо така політика несумісна із захистом і просуванням прав людини».[6]
Визнаючи, що кожен раз, коли компанії здійснюють владу, виникають питання, пов’язані з верховенством права, ми ініціюємо цю осінню серію розмов про верховенство права та корпоративних акторів.
Осінні бесіди пройдуть за такими темами:
RoL Talk 1. Верховенство права в умовах зростання корпоративної влади над правами людини
RoL Talk 2. Належна обачність з прав людини (Human Rights Due Diligence) крізь призму формальної та змістовної концепцій верховенства права
RoL Talk 3. Горизонтальна дія верховенства права у практиці ЄСПЛ
RoL Talk 4. Корпоративні суб’єкти під режимом санкцій: що говорить верховенство права?
RoL Talk 5. Еталон верховенства права для соціальних медіа та цифрових платформ
На електронну адресу, вказану під час реєстрації, буде надіслано запрошення на подію та посилання на зустріч
Серія бесід про верховенство права і корпоративних акторів проводиться в рамках Модулю Жана Моне «Механізм верховенства права ЄС для приватного сектору» (101047106 — PrActRoL), який реалізує Національний юридичний університет (НЮУ) імені Ярослава Мудрого спільно з проєктом Horizon «Відновлення балансу підривного бізнесу транснаціональних корпорацій і глобальних ланцюжків створення вартості в рамках демократичних та інклюзивних процесів громадянства» (101061342 — REBALANCE) та Центру передового досвіду Жана Моне «Європейські фундаментальні цінності в цифрову еру» (101085385 — EFVDE) та у співпраці з Глобальною асоціацією дослідників бізнесу та прав людини, Групи права Університету Вагенінгена та кафедри прав людини та юридичної методології Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого.
[1] Birchall, David, Corporate Power over Human Rights (October 4, 2021). Encyclopaedia of Business Ethics, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3935865.
[2] Webinar “Freedom of speech, populism and social media: Trump’s case and lessons for Ukraine,” accessed July 1, 2021, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dmkkRf ZYpHQ&feature=youtu.be.
[3] UN WG Report (2022). Report of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises. Corporate influence in the political and regulatory sphere: Ensuring business practice in line with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/432/83/PDF/N2243283.pdf?OpenElement.
[4] Birchall, David, Corporate Power over Human Rights (October 4, 2021). Encyclopaedia of Business Ethics, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3935865.
[5] Webinar “Freedom of speech, populism and social media: Trump’s case and lessons for Ukraine,” accessed July 1, 2021, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dmkkRf ZYpHQ&feature=youtu.be.
[6] UN WG Report (2022). Report of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises. Corporate influence in the political and regulatory sphere: Ensuring business practice in line with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/432/83/PDF/N2243283.pdf?OpenElement.
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