Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"Mingde Strategic Dialogue on 'Chinese Modernization and the Future of the World Order' (2024) - International Leading Academics Visit China


 Wang Wen and the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY) have organized what promises to be a quite interesting set of events, the  "Mingde Strategic Dialogue on 'Chinese Modernization and the Future of the World Order' (2024) - International Leading Academics Visit China. There is much to learn and discuss.

The Press Release for the event (A delegation of US and European strategic academics is coming to China) follows below in the original Chinese and in a crude English translation, along with an explanatory essay, 当我们谈“美国战略界来中国”,我们谈些什么?[When we talk about "American strategic community coming to China", what do we talk about?].





世界处在新的动荡变革期,反全球化、保护主义、霸权主义思潮肆虐,以研究全球各国战略走向为主要目标的学术界交流变得十分必要。2024年3月27日,国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂集体会见美国工商界和战略学术界代表时曾表示:“中美关系是世界上最重要的双边关系之一。中美两国是合作还是对抗,事关两国人民福祉和人类前途命运。……中美关系回不到过去,但能够有一个更好的未来。” 习近平主席向美国工商界和战略学术界代表交托的殷切期盼,更说明举办一场面对面、去政治偏见的中外战略学术界对话十分重要。



“这次活动不止是‘对话’,还有实地探访。”承办此次活动的机构中国人民大学区域国别研究院(重阳金融研究院)院长王文透露,在为期6天的行程中,代表团成员将共同探访上海、义乌、温州、北京四地,既行走于中国最繁华的大都会,也走进基层的县市乡村,共同感受新时代真实的中国经济脉动。在上海,代表团成员将参观浦东新区改革开放成果展,调研中国国际进口博览局,同上海官员、学者展开经济金融战略座谈会;在义乌,走访义乌国际商贸城,调研全球最大吸管生产企业——义乌市双童日用品有限公司;在温州,参加第三届 WZBC 温商论坛,走访全球首个眼健康产业、科创综合体——中国眼谷;在北京,围绕“中国式现代化与世界:新机遇与新挑战”“全面深化改革开放:新形势与新任务”主题在中国人民大学进行战略对话,还会与人民大学师生展开座谈,全面探讨中国与世界发展所面临的未来机遇与挑战,凝聚共识,并寻求解决之道。






Renmin University Chongyang Network Comprehensive Media Report: International exchanges in the leading members of the academic community will have significance in the near future. 

At the end of August 2024, Renmin University of China will host the "Mingde Strategic Dialogue on 'Chinese Modernization and the Future of the World' (2024) - International Strategic Academics Visit China (hereinafter referred to as: Mingde Strategic Dialogue)". Eleven leading academics from  the United States and Europe will visit China for several days, and will visit cities and villages such as Shanghai, Yiwu, Wenzhou, and Beijing, where they will participate in in-depth dialogues with representatives of the Chinese government, enterprises, and strategic academics. It is reported that this delegation is the first international strategic academic delegation to come to China after the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.

The world is in a new period of turbulence and change, with anti-globalization, protectionism, and hegemonism rampant. Academic exchanges with the main goal of studying the strategic trends of countries around the world have become very necessary. On March 27, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with representatives of the American business community and strategic academic community at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and said: "Sino-US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. Whether China and the United States cooperate or confront each other is related to the well-being of the people of the two countries and the future and destiny of mankind. ... Sino-US relations cannot go back to the past, but they can have a better future." President Xi Jinping's earnest expectations entrusted to representatives of the American business community and strategic academic community further illustrate the importance of holding a face-to-face, politically biased dialogue between Chinese and foreign strategic academic circles.

In recent years, China has worked hard to enhance strategic mutual trust between China and foreign countries. At the end of 2023, China began to implement a 72/144-hour transit visa-free policy for some foreign citizens. Once the policy was introduced, not only did the number of inbound tourists increase significantly, but foreign tourists who visited China in person also greatly changed their impression of China. Related travel videos have won high views and a lot of praise on international platforms such as Youtube, conveying a friendly, modern and international image of China to the world.

China and foreign countries have strengthened academic exchanges, enhanced mutual understanding, built bridges of friendship, and played an important role in promoting the relationship between China and the West, especially the stabilization of Sino-US relations. Among them, Renmin University of China, as a frontier of Chinese-style philosophy and social science research, has held several high-end academic dialogues between China and foreign countries, such as the Sino-US Humanities Exchange Forum and the Global Governance Forum. This time, the Mingde Strategic Dialogue invited 11 heavyweight strategic academic representatives from Europe and the United States, including Gu Aile, President of the European Institute of Asian Affairs (EIAS), Mark Rozelle, Dean of the School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, and Martin Jacques, a world-renowned British scholar. Their research areas focus on global strategy, China's development, and American politics.

"This event is not just a 'dialogue' but also an on-site visit." Wang Wen, dean of the Institute of Regional and Country Studies at Renmin University of China (Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies), the organization hosting the event, revealed that during the six-day trip, the delegation members will jointly visit Shanghai, Yiwu, Wenzhou and Beijing, walking through China's most prosperous metropolises as well as grassroots counties, cities and villages, to jointly feel the true pulse of China's economy in the new era. In Shanghai, the delegation members will visit the Pudong New Area Reform and Opening-up Achievements Exhibition, investigate the China International Import Expo Bureau, and hold an economic and financial strategy symposium with Shanghai officials and scholars; in Yiwu, they will visit Yiwu International Trade City and investigate the world's largest straw manufacturer, Yiwu Shuangtong Daily Necessities Co., Ltd.; in Wenzhou, they will participate in the third WZBC Wenzhou Business Forum and visit the world's first eye health industry and science and technology innovation complex, China Eye Valley; in Beijing, they will hold a strategic dialogue at Renmin University of China on the themes of "Chinese-style modernization and the world: new opportunities and new challenges" and "comprehensively deepening reform and opening up: new situations and new tasks", and will also hold a symposium with teachers and students of Renmin University to comprehensively discuss the future opportunities and challenges facing China and the world's development, build consensus, and seek solutions.

"I pay close attention to the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which is a general outline of the economy. I pay close attention to China's macroeconomics. But I want to go to enterprises and cities to see what is happening in order to get a more specific view. This is irreplaceable." One of the delegation members, former Director of the London School of Economics and Business Policy, said when talking about this trip.

"I am very much looking forward to this interesting trip. I expect our representatives to have very interesting and lively contacts and discussions on the current problems encountered by China and foreign countries, although there may be differences." Klaus Lares, one of the members of the delegation and a researcher at the Wilson Center's Global Europe and Kissinger Institute for U.S.-China Relations, said, "I think this is the essence and significance of dialogue."

❉The organizers invite you to interact: 11 representatives of European and American strategic academic circles gathered in China. This is a rare opportunity. Do you have any questions you want to ask them? Leave a message to tell the organizer which expert you want to ask what question. The questions with the most likes will have the opportunity to receive the Renmin University Chongyang Research Results Package.




















 When we talk about "American strategic community coming to China", what do we talk about?

Editor's note: At the end of August 2024, Renmin University of China will host the "Mingde Strategic Dialogue (2024) - International Strategic Academic Community Entering China (hereinafter referred to as: Mingde Strategic Dialogue)" event. 11 representatives of strategic academic circles from the United States and Europe will come to China for several days, and will visit cities and villages such as Shanghai, Yiwu, Wenzhou, and Beijing, and have in-depth dialogues with representatives of the Chinese government, enterprises, and strategic academic circles. On August 28, Wang Wen, Dean of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China, published an article on the National Development and Reform Commission's Zhonghong Network and Guanchazhe.com, "When we talk about "American strategic community coming to China", what do we talk about?" Pointing out that in the process of Sino-US exchanges, we should talk about how to better contact each other, better explain China, and interact with them more easily, rather than worrying, fearing, vigilant, and guarding like "security generalization". At least in this special era, it is very important to have this confidence and open mind. Now published as follows:
In recent years, when the United States is mentioned, Chinese public opinion will mostly have some strange emotions, or feel sensitive, or inexplicably vigilant, or afraid of contact. Of course, some people still have admiration. These abnormal multiple and complex emotions are all characteristics of the current Chinese people's external psychology. The question is, can we view and contact the United States and its citizens more normally, especially those in the strategic community, more frequently?

Once I investigated a county town in a southwestern province that had just been lifted out of poverty. The county magistrate talked to me about many international situations, and was particularly keen on telling about the pressure of county governance under the tense situation between China and the United States. So I joked that you are nearly 3 hours away from the nearest airport, and you can't see foreigners in the county town, let alone Americans. Why should you consider the tense situation between China and the United States as an important position in daily governance?

Another time, I recommended a visit and research by several American strategic community people and former senior officials to the CEO of a state-owned enterprise in a certain place in the Midwest. The CEO was very interested, but quickly responded that the local security, foreign affairs, and approval procedures were too complicated and completely beyond the local reception capacity, so he had to give up in disappointment.

These experiences, which are common in various places, precisely reflect the urgency of a key content to be reformed in the "Decision" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, namely, Article 41 in Part 10 "Promote the facilitation of management of going out and inviting in, and expand international cultural exchanges and cooperation."

To truly implement this reform measure, the most important foothold is to reverse the atmosphere and environment of unwillingness, fear, and unwillingness to interact with foreigners, especially Americans.

It is undeniable that the recent US governments have long adopted a containment policy towards China, and of course they should pay more attention to some special people from the United States. But on the other hand, as a major country, it should also have sufficient confidence to contact all foreigners, including those Americans who have misunderstandings, prejudices, or even unfriendly feelings towards China.

In the revolutionary era and the Cold War era, the older generation of Chinese leaders were very willing to contact visiting foreigners, especially Americans. In recent years, President Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the importance of strengthening people-to-people friendship and cultural exchanges to the development of Sino-US relations. He has interacted sincerely with people from all walks of life in the United States many times to promote Sino-US people-to-people friendship and put forward that "the foundation of Sino-US relations lies in the people, and the source of strength lies in people-to-people friendship".

On March 27, 2024, Xi Jinping met with representatives of the American business community and strategic academic community, pointing out that "the history of Sino-US relations is a history of friendly exchanges between the two peoples. The past was written by the people, and the future will be created by the people. There is a saying in China that it is easy to do good and difficult to do evil. I hope that people from all walks of life in the two countries will have more exchanges and exchanges, constantly accumulate consensus, enhance trust, eliminate various interferences, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, bring more tangible benefits to the people of the two countries, and inject more stability into the world."

The high-level people personally doing the work of the Americans have set an example for governments at all levels, enterprises, institutions, and research institutions in universities. This is the important background for the think tank where I work to host the week-long "Mingde Strategic Dialogue 2024" and invite more than 10 strategic academics from the United States and Europe to China.

We arranged for these strategic people from Europe and the United States to investigate Shanghai Pudong, the forefront of opening up, visit Yiwu, the world's commodity distribution center, and observe Wenzhou, a major private economic center. We also guided them to see the construction of new rural areas, visit county night markets, visit business owners, etc. We arranged many batches of young people to have face-to-face dialogues with them, so that they can truly experience China in the new era, and then reshape the views of these influential people on China as much as possible.

From the preparations and arrangements, it can be seen that the foreign affairs and propaganda agencies of governments at all levels have the potential willingness to engage in foreign affairs exchanges, but they just hope that the system and atmosphere can be more relaxed. All enterprises and institutions have sufficient confidence in international exchanges. One business owner said, let them look at it, there is nothing they can't see; another local agency leader said, our place is so clean, safe, convenient, and there is fireworks, Americans will envy...

It can be seen that the "promoting going out, inviting in management facilitation, and expanding international cultural exchanges and cooperation" mentioned in the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is very popular and grassroots. The key is to be more courageous and good at releasing this motivation and vitality in system design and mechanism construction.

In fact, the gradual breaking of the blockade of the Western camp at the beginning of the construction of New China stemmed from bold exchanges and communication with the West. After more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China's national strength has grown from weak to strong, from domestic to the world, which is also due to the continuous opening of the country's doors to integrate with the world. Now, the world is in a new period of turbulence and change. Some Western forces are trying to re-suppress, blockade and contain China's path to becoming a strong country. At this time, it is even more necessary to work hard to break it and disintegrate it, and rely on bold, careful, and proactive exchanges and communication.

In the first half of 2024, 14.635 million foreigners entered the country through ports across the country, an increase of 152.7% year-on-year, and 8.542 million foreigners came to China with visa-free policies, an increase of 190.1% year-on-year. The frequency of overseas dissemination of China has increased significantly, which once again proves the positive effect of China's active contact and communication with foreign countries since it implemented a visa-free policy for many countries.

The famous Japanese writer Harumura Murakami has a very famous collection of essays called "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running". The book uses delicate writing skills to record the psychological activities of running and extends it to the attitude towards life, such as "pain is inevitable, suffering is optional", "I don't want to run, so I have to run even more".

Applying this title to the current exchanges between Chinese think tanks and the US strategic community, it may be changed to "We talk about 'US strategic community coming to China', what do we talk about?" I hope the meaning is, "The pain of fighting and cooperating with the United States is inevitable, how to reduce suffering is optional", "I don't want to interact with the United States that contains China, so I have to interact with it even more".

If there is really such a transformation of concepts, then the answer to "We talk about 'US strategic community coming to China', what do we talk about?" is that we should talk about how to better contact each other, better explain China, and interact with them more easily, rather than worrying, fearing, vigilant, and guarding like "security generalization". At least in this special era, it is very important to have this confidence and open mind.

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