✪ 强世功 | 北京大学法学院





本文原发表于《文化纵横》2021年第5期和2021年第6期,原题分别为《贸易与人权(上)——世界帝国与“美国行为的根源”》、《贸易与人权(下)—— 世界帝国背景下的中美竞争》,仅代表作者观点,特此编发全文,供诸君思考。





从特朗普对中国全面发起贸易战以来,不少开明人士仅仅将其看作特朗普在民粹主义支持下的疯狂举动,从而期待秉持自由主义立场的民主党上台之后,拜登政府能够恢复商业理性,着眼于中美两国商业利益而缓和对华关系,通过谈判解决中美两国的经贸分歧。然而,在2021年3月举世瞩目的中美阿拉斯加对话上,双方争论的并非具体的经贸分歧,而是两国关系的定位。拜登政府试图向世界表明,美国以“人权帝国”形象回归世界并继续领导 世界,以矫正特朗普的“美国优先”政策给美国的世界帝国形象带来的损害。为此,拜登政府在中美会谈前一天以人权理由对中国香港施加进一步制裁。紧随其后,西方以“种族灭绝”“强迫劳动”之类的人权理由在联合国对中国展开围攻,并对新疆的棉花出口进行制裁。

“贸易”与“人权”两个问题紧密挂钩,代表了美国民主党未来对华战略的根本转变,即试图按照“新冷战”的思路抢占“人权”的道德制高点,从而在西欧和东亚致力于强化“民主同盟”的建构,动员整个世界帝国的力量向中国全面施加压力。由此,中美今天的竞争决不能简单理解为中美两国之间的“修昔底德陷阱”,而是美国建构的世界帝国体系压制中国崛起而引发的冲突和竞争。 [1]

如果我们不能从人类历史演化的角度来理解世界帝国体系的形成与发展,那么就看不清美国两党对华政策摇摆中的不变要素,也就无法真正理解中美竞争不单纯是两国力量对比关系的变化,而是涉及两种人权理论、两种政治理念、两种全球秩序构想之间的竞争。在这场竞争中,我们可以看到两种截然不同的国际秩序观:一种是美国基于经济军事硬实力和文化软实力所形成的帝国主义和霸权主义的世界帝国秩序观;另一种则是中国基于“和而不同”的理念,秉持在联合国框架下通过对话来解决各种争端,在全球化时代致力于建构人类命运共同体的“天下一家”秩序观。 [2]


在经济、人权议题上,大多数美国人支持对话强硬立场 | 图源:皮尤(Pew)民调

遗憾的是,中国似乎尚未充分意识到从“人权”这一普遍价值出发,讲述原本精彩的“人权故事”的重要性。一方面,中国在人权事业中做出了举世瞩目的巨大贡献,我们却始终未能讲好中国的“人权故事”;另一方面,我们也未能揭穿美国版“人权故事”的伪善面纱。以至于在这场全球意识形态和话语权的争夺中,中国始终处于弱势。其关键在于,我们未能从全球视野理解贸易与人权之间的内在关联,未能理解人权理论的不同版本及其内在联系。尤其是改革开放以来,我们完全接受美国主导的世界帝国体系的第一代人权理论叙事,忽略或遗忘了中国秉持的社会主义传统在第二代人权理论叙事中做出的世界性贡献。 因此,中国要与美国争夺人权话语权,首先就要理解美国如何利用贸易与人权之间的互动来构建世界帝国,从根本上理解“美国行为的根源”。 [3] 在此基础上,我们才能从全球视角出发获得自信,进一步发展社会主义传统的人权理论和人权叙事,从而在全球事务中高举“人权”旗帜,打赢人权话语的舆论战。




众所周知,今天我们所说的人权理论起源于启蒙哲学,具体而言源于自然状态学说、自然权利学说和社会契约学说,这些学说奠定了现代宪政、法治乃至民主的基本框架。需要注意的是,当时的权利理论称为“自然权利”(natural right),强调是“自然人”在自然状态中作为动物拥有的为所欲为的正当性;而“自然人”一旦加入社会契约成为“公民”,就只能享有公共权力制定的“法律之下的权利”,也就是“公民权利”(civil right)。在这个意义上,只有“自然权利”或“公民权利”,并不存在“人的权利”(human right)。因为“自然人”乃是动物,不是文明意义上的“人”;而自然人一旦成为人,就处在公共权力的约束之下,成为各个国家具体的“公民”。


就18世纪西方的启蒙哲学而言,人权话语的建构是为了给欧洲历史中涌现的一种前所未有的生活状态提供正当性辩护。 这就是地理大发现以来,从西欧兴起的全球商业贸易所推动的市场交换、自由流动、私有财产、契约精神、城市生活等这样一种不断扩散、壮大的社会生活。这种社会经济状态和生活方式给欧洲的封建主义和宗教秩序、东方的帝国秩序以及新发现土地上的初民社会秩序带来了巨大冲击。西方启蒙思想家们称这种新型生活方式为“市民社会”,或“资产阶级”生活方式,或更为概括性的“资本主义”。自此,在全球地理版图上形成了西欧的“市民社会”和资本主义秩序、东欧的封建秩序和宗教秩序、东方的农业帝国秩序以及美洲、非洲、大洋洲的初民秩序并存的格局;而商业贸易将曾经这些被分割在不同地理空间的不同文明秩序联系起来,催生了最初的全球化图景。此时,面对新发现空间中的初民社会,刚开始崛起的西方拥有巨大优势,将前者变为殖民地;但面对强大富裕的东方帝国,欧洲处于明显的劣势,绞尽脑汁思考如何通过商业和炮舰挤入已存在了几个世纪的“东方贸易圈”。正是借助炮舰和通过殖民非洲、美洲所获得的白银和廉价产品,西欧才勉强获得加入“东方贸易圈”的“门票”。 [4] 然而,18世纪之后,欧洲发生的两件大事深刻地改变了全球化的历史图景。

其一,英国通过长期的重商主义战略率先完成工业革命。 工业革命改变了全球格局,英国利用炮舰打开东方帝国的贸易大门,借助廉价的工业品打开东方帝国的广阔市场,从而将这些地区变成自己的原料产地和销售市场。英国由此逐渐从欧洲霸主变成全球霸主,最终在19世纪打败大陆竞争者拿破仑帝国之后,成为唯一的世界霸主。为了将整个世界纳入英国主导的贸易体系,英国开始在全球推广“自由贸易”的理论。英国在成为全球工业中心和贸易中心的同时,伦敦也成为全球金融中心,英镑取代了白银。这意味着全球经济霸主从东方世界转向西方,从中国转向了英国,全球经济和权势格局发生了历史性的大转移。最终,英国建立起第一个扩至全球的世界帝国——“自由贸易的帝国”。也正是在工业革命和自由贸易推动的世界帝国兴起和全球权势大转移的背景下,我们才能理解1840年之后的中国历史。

其二,法国大革命在意识形态领域的革命性贡献。 18世纪,英法两国曾长时期在全球层面相互竞争。英国人通过海洋贸易获得了巨大的殖民地和财富,而法国长期被面向大陆的农业政策阻碍,未能向英国那样走向全球商业扩张。在这个意义上,法国大革命可以说是由法国在全球遭受屈辱引发的一种过激精神反应。在这种精神的推动下,不仅产生了大革命的激情,而且产生了大革命之后的重要文件《人和公民权利宣言》。 这个文件将启蒙哲学的抽象性概括发展到极致,率先提出了“人权” (human right) 概念。 这个概念不同于启蒙思想家关于“自然权利”的理解,而是将自然状态下人作为动物的权利上升为人的 权利 。 但更重要的是,“人权”给出了衡量“人”与“非人”的标准和尺度。具体而言,欧洲人将自己的资本主义生活方式上升为“人类”,从而潜在地将全球其他地理空间和文明秩序中的其他民族视为“非人”或“野蛮人”;相应地,欧洲资本主义生活方式意味着“文明”,其他生活方式就意味着“野蛮”。既然是“野蛮”,那么不仅殖民主义是正当的,种族主义和大屠杀也变成了正当的。欧洲现代的“野蛮性”实际上源于欧洲人发明和垄断了“人权”概念,进而垄断了对“人”与“非人”的裁判权。

欧洲崛起使得大英帝国主导的“贸易”这种经济社会生活与法国哲学主导的“人权”这种价值观念表达,实现了完美的结合。在贸易推动的资本主义这种特定的社会形态、制度体系和生活方式中形成的“公民权利”,为“人权”充实了具体内容,核心是私有产权、市场交换权、自由贸易权,以及为了保障这些权利而形成的有限政府和宪政法治。这就是我们今天已经烂熟的辉格党叙述中的人权理论逻辑。一旦将这种特定历史条件下的“公民权利”视为“人权”,甚至将之视为划分“人”与“非人”、“文明”与“野蛮”的尺度,那么在欧洲人看来,非洲、美洲的初民社会就仍处于“野蛮”状态,而中国、印度这些拥有漫长历史文化传统和社会政治体系但未能进入资本主义生活方式的东方社会,则依然处在“未开化”阶段。对这些“野蛮人”和“未开化人”进行殖民征服以及经济社会和政治文化改造,将他们纳入全球资本主义商业贸易的世界帝国体系中,无疑是对这些民族和地区的“拯救”——这被欧洲的人权主义者、人道主义者看作是白人自觉承担的历史天命,是“白人的重担”(吉卜林语)。由此,我们就能理解为什么鼓吹人权的欧洲自由主义者可能同时是帝国主义者。 [5]






第二代人权理论虽然不断发展变化,但核心要义始终在于对第一代人权理论及其推动的自由贸易的世界帝国的颠覆和反叛。 只是在不同的历史时代,颠覆和反叛的方式不同。早期,马克思、列宁、毛泽东的民主革命权、民族自决权和独立建国权,推动了欧洲殖民帝国体系下的殖民地或半殖民地纷纷独立建国,导致自由贸易的世界帝国陷入分崩离析,于是阶级平等、男女平等、民族平等的社会主义道路,以及发展中国家的“发展权”,就成为人权理论的重要内容。“二战”之后,特别是冷战结束以来,面对自由贸易的世界帝国在全球的胜利,西方左翼提出后现代理论、后种族主义,转而在文化私人生活领域追求平等,试图颠覆世界帝国的文化基础,发达国家政治生活的核心议题也由此转向基于种族、性别的“身份政治”。



在这种背景下,第二代人权理论的核心概念就从“革命权”转向“发展权”,即强调发展中国家拥有与发达国家一样的发展本国经济的权利。 不少人将第一代人权称为“个体人权”,将第二代人权称为“集体人权”。但无论是“革命权”还是“发展权”,第二代人权理论的基石在于人民主权,主权意味着政治的“自主权”和“独立权”,强调每个国家为了保持独立性,均拥有摧毁世界帝国体系的“革命权”,强调每个国家均有运用独立的智识判断选择经济发展道路、制度模式和文明价值观念的“发展权”。第一代人权理论必然产生“历史终结”理论,即人类只有一条现代化道路,那就是通向世界帝国体系,而第二代人权理论必然强调“多元现代性”理论,强调发展道路和文明的多样性,强调基于“美美与共”的“天下大同”。






无论政治体制的设计,还是推动商业扩张,大英帝国始终是美国建国的模仿对象。联邦派就是第一代人权理论的积极主张者。 对内,他们主张通过三权分立和有限政府的分权理论来约束政治权力;对外,他们始终坚持建构“强大的联邦”来保障个 人自由,以为美国人和美国企业在全球开展自由的商业贸易开拓空间。他们还主张建立强大的海军,联邦拥有独立统一的外交权、司法权乃至行政权,甚至学习英国的重商主义战略,保护本国的“幼稚产业”,这一切无疑都以大英帝国作为楷模。联邦党人的政治理想,就是模仿大英帝国的自由贸易帝国“老路”。主张走这条道路的人,无不用辉格党叙事讲述美国的自由主义传统。 “二战”后基于英美特殊关系的大西洋体系论述,以及冷战中针对社会主义和计划经济的论述,进一步强化了这种辉格党的自由主义叙事。后冷战时期,新自由主义在美国全面兴起,对第二代人权理论展开系统批判,否定法国大革命和欧陆哲学传统,进而否定俄国革命、中国革命和社会主义道路。

然而,在美国建国时期,最强大的精神力量源于第二代人权理论。这种人权理论的美国继承者主张,借助人民主权和共和主义传统反抗殖民帝国体系的“旧世界”,建立一个自由平等的“新世界”。 美国往往被视为“新世界”的代表,就是要彻底抛弃欧洲殖民主义的专制统治,以“人民主权”奠定国家发展的政治独立性,抛弃欧洲在殖民体系下建立的世界帝国,进而通过独立的、平等的国家之间的“联盟”,建立起邦联主义的世界体系。这实际上相当于走一条不同欧洲殖民帝国主义体系的“新路”。这种主张尤其体现在杰斐逊代表的反联邦派的论述中。正是在这种传统的基础上,20世纪的威尔逊提出了“大国共同体”这种“国际联盟”构想,这一构想最终发展为后来的联合国体系。 从“一战”到“二战”,美国之所以是“世界灯塔”,就在于与欧洲殖民主义的世界帝国体系相比,美国进步力量主张的这种主权国家独立平等的联盟体系代表着人类进步的方向。


这两种人权理论及其背后的世界政治理念看似相互“矛盾”,美国却恰恰利用二者建构起一个全新的世界帝国。一方面,美国利用第二代人权的自由建国理论,推动美国向西部扩张,以“联盟”的方式将西部并入“美利坚联合国”的联盟体系,使得美国在北美大陆不断发展壮大,最终建构起一个全新的“大陆帝国”。正因此,当美国向西的边疆开拓完成之后,特纳才会忧心美国的共和主义理念会随着边疆扩张的结束而走向衰落。 [7] 另一方面,美国又利用第一代人权中的商业贸易理论,采取重商主义战略,加快美国经济商业贸易的崛起。尤其经过南北内战后,美国形成了统一的国内大市场,政府产业保护政策下的“美国体系”也逐渐完备和强大。 [8] 美国终于摆脱了在英国建构的“棉花帝国”中的边缘地位,成为工业强国,进而成为全球商业贸易的强国。整个19世纪,美国正是在充分利用这两种人权理论的基础上,在大陆和海洋两个地理空间中,在吸纳新州与商业工业发展两个领域飞速扩张,最终实现了自身的崛起并开始登上世界舞台。


另一方面,美国并不完全按照第二代人权理论要求这些新独立国家必须是民主共和国,这些国家甚至可以是封建酋长国或独裁专制国家;但这些国家要加入美国主导的联盟体系,就必须接纳美国按照第一代人权理论建构的全球商业贸易体系。 换言之,美国对加入其联盟的国家有一个隐蔽的条件:必须采取第一代人权理论强调的自由市场体制,尤其要对美国开放其商业贸易领域。这就是与“民族自决”理念相伴随的是“门户开放”政策。在这个意义上, 社会主义国家之所以被美国视为“敌人”,绝非因为它们在理念上宣称要推翻资本主义世界,而是因为它们选择了公有制和计划经济体制,使得美国的资本、商业贸易的经济力量无法渗入。可见,美国实际上始终依据第一代人权理论的资本主义理念来划分政治上的“敌我”关系。

综上所述,第一代人权理论及其推动的世界帝国始终是美国政治的根本;而第二代人权理论往往只是工具,通过“民族自决”以及后来的“颜色革命”来打击外部的政治对手。 这些国家经过民族自决或政权更迭后,要获得美国的政治认可,就必须采取市场经济体制;至于在市场经济的经济基础上是建立自由民主政体,还是嫁接部落酋长制、独裁专制和宗教政体等其他上层建筑形式,都无所谓;只要其市场对美国的资本和商业开放,接受美国推行的全球经济规则,就可以纳入美国主导的全球商业贸易体系中,变成美国支配下的准殖民地。比较之下,采取计划经济的国家因为完全不受美国经济力量的干涉、渗透和支配,很容易被美国视为“敌人”。因此,美国在政治上判定敌我的逻辑之所以“矛盾”,真正根源乃是美国试图通过交替使用两种人权理论,建构一个新型的隐蔽的世界帝国。这就意味着我们要回到世界帝国的内在逻辑来探寻美国行为的根源。

在这方面,阿明提供了一个具有洞见的观察。他认为古代的财富积累主要依赖土地上的物产,为了掠夺其他土地上的财富,古典帝国往往通过军事征服建立直接统治,通过贡赋和税收完成利润榨取和财富积累。为了掩盖经济上的榨取关系,并为军事征服提供正当理由,古典帝国发展出一套具有垄断性的复杂的文明和宗教学说。然而,资本主义时代的财富积累往往通过资本和贸易完成,军事征服和直接统治的必要性大大降低,这就意味着在政治上和文化上完全不需要垄断,但需要建立起一套类似的具有垄断性的关于全球经济的复杂学说。这套用概念、数学公式和图表建立起来的复杂高深的经济学知识,实际上同样是为了掩盖新型的帝国榨取。 [9] 事实上,从这种古典的区域性文明帝国向现代的世界帝国过渡的过程中,恰恰是商业贸易的全球化使得通过资本和商业贸易控制全球的世界帝国成为可能。 作为第一个世界帝国,大英帝国只有在迫不得已的情况下才会采取殖民主义这种“有形帝国” (formal empire) 模式, [10] 除此之外则尽可能采取“无形帝国” (informal empire) 模式,通过商业贸易这只“看不见的手”获取利益。 [11] 此,帝国建构艺术的演化史,正是从直接征服的古典帝国形态发展到殖民主义“间接治理”这种中间形态,再发展到“无形帝国”形态的历史。




[1] 关于世界帝国的初步讨论,参见强世功:《超大型国家的内在逻辑:帝国与全球秩序》,载《文化纵横》2019年第2期。更详细的讨论,参见强世功:《文明终结与世界帝国:美国建构的全球法秩序》,三联书店(香港)2021年即出。

[2] 关于美国主导的世界帝国体系与“深度全球化”所推动的“天下一家”的历史发展趋势之间的内在矛盾,参见强世功:《“天下一家”vs. 世界帝国:“深度全球化”与全球治理难题》,载《东方学刊》2021年第4期(即出)。

[3] 刘小枫老师从政治哲学角度考察了“美国行为的根源”,本文试图作为其脚注,增加一些经济社会史和帝国史的背景和内容。参见刘小枫:《美国行为的根源:出自政治史学的观察》,载《文化纵横》2021年第4期。

[4] 贡德·弗兰克:《白银资本》,刘北成译,中央编译出版社2008年版。

[5] 珍妮弗·皮茨:《转向帝国:英法帝国自由主义的兴起》,金毅、许鸿艳译,江苏人民出版社2012年版。

[6] 伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦:《现代世界体系》(第1卷),尤来寅等译,高等教育出版社1998年版,第462页。

[7] 特纳:《边疆在美国历史上的重要性》,李明译,载张世明、王济东、牛昢昢主编:《空间、法律与学术话语》,黑龙江教育出版社2014年版。

[8] 关于亨利·克莱提出的“美国体系”(American system,也有译者译为“美国制度”),参见迈克尔·赫德森:《保护主义:美国经济崛起的秘诀(1815—1914)》,贾根良、马学亮、邓郎、黄阳华等译,中国人民大学出版社2010年版,第34页。

[9] 阿明:《古代世界诸体系与现代资本主义体系》,载安德烈·冈德·弗兰克、巴里·K. 吉尔斯主编:《世界体系:500年还是5000年?》,郝名玮译,社会科学文献出版社2004年版。

[10] 大英帝国由于领土狭小,为了驾驭全球贸易的世界帝国,在地缘政治上必须依赖南非和印度这种采取“间接治理”的殖民地形态。

[11] John Gallagher and Ronald Robinson,“The Imperialism of Free Trade,”The Economic History Review,New Series,Vol. 6,No. 1,1953,pp. 1~15.

[12] 关于“门户开放”在美国帝国扩张“大战略”中的意义,参见克里斯托弗·莱恩:《和平的幻想:1940年以来的美国大战略》,孙建中译,上海人民出版社2009年版。


—— 世界帝国背景下的中美竞争





“二战”后,资本主义世界掌握“贸易”(第一代人权)的话语权,社会主义阵营掌握“人权”(第二代人权)的话语权。美国原本希望按照第一代人权理念设计推动自由贸易的世界贸易组织,并签署了著名的《哈瓦那宪章》。然而,秉持第二代人权理念的新独立国家很难认同这种摧毁国家主权的做法,更何况在经历大萧条和两次世界大战后,人们对自由放任的经济政策导致的灾难有切肤之痛。即使在美国,由于新政自由主义的影响,人们也意识到自由经济必须与充分就业和政府调控联系起来,资本主义的“经济安全”必须与新政自由主义强调的“社会安全”和“道义安全”联系起来,甚至希望用新政自由主义的理念塑造战后秩序。[2]在这种背景下,两种人权理念之间相互妥协,形成了美国主导下的关税与贸易总协定(GATT)这样的多边谈判机制,不同经济制度、不同发展阶段、不同意识形态的国家都纳入关税和贸易问题的谈判中。这种妥协将第一代人权理论强调的市场自由与第二代人权理论强调的政府调控有机地结合起来,被称为体现了一种“嵌入式自由主义”(the embodied liberalism)。[3]























可见,冷战的结束和“华盛顿共识”支撑的新自由主义,将经济、政治和文化领域的自由化前所未有地结合在一起,为美国建构的世界帝国提供了新的前景。美国终于可以踢开布雷顿森林体系包含的对国家主权和政府自主性的尊重,抛开第二代人权理论保护的国家主权,完全按照新自由主义的原则和逻辑塑造更彻底的世界帝国。正是在后冷战时代美国加速推动世界帝国建设的历史进程中,国际货币基金组织和世界银行的职能发生了根本性变化,从稳定全球金融的机构变成美国管理世界帝国的超主权机构。与此同时,曾经作为主权国家多边协商谈判机制的GATT也被抛入历史,代之以全新的管理机构——世界贸易组织(WTO)。与GATT相比,世贸组织的最大区别在于拥有强有力的争端解决机制,因此成为凌驾于主权国家之上的世界帝国的法律执行机构,成为“世界法治”的象征。由此,世贸组织与国际货币基金组织和世界银行一道,被讥讽为美国展开世界帝国建构的“邪恶的三位一体”(Unholy Trinity)。正是在这种新自由主义的世界帝国筹划中,“人权高于主权”乃至“人道主义干涉”成为美国摧毁其他国家的主权,并将它们纳入其世界帝国版图的利器。美国以“人权保护”名义发起“第三波民主化”,以“反恐战争”名义提出改造中东的“大中东民主计划”;为了在其他国家和地区推行民主化改造,美国甚至发动“颜色革命”这种新型战争形态,将其世界帝国变成所谓的“民主帝国”或“人权帝国”。[11]












简单总结上篇及本篇前文的论述,可以看出自从欧洲发展出现代人权理论之后,现代人围绕人权概念形成了五种“理想类型”(ideal type)。一是历史上亚当·斯密式的英国模式,按照第一代人权理论形成自由放任模式,对内是商人阶层主导的议会制,对外是自由贸易的世界帝国体系。二是与此相对立的苏联时代将卢梭的“公意”理论发展到极致的斯大林模式,按照第二代人权理论形成全面计划控制模式,对内采取工人阶级专政,对外构建社会主义盟友互惠的“帝国体系”。三是在两种类型之间、让两种人权理论保持平衡的欧盟模式,对内采取民主社会主义的经济社会政策,对外采取平等的联盟体系。四是美国模式,两种人权理念处于不断斗争、相互推动、交替主导的状态,最终在“二战”后逐渐形成以第一代人权理论为“体”、第二代人权理论为“用”的世界帝国模式。[14]





[1] [13] [14] 参见强世功:《贸易与人权(上)——世界帝国与“美国行为的根源”》,载《文化纵横》2021年第5期。

[2] 参见约翰·伊肯伯里:《自由主义的利维坦》,赵明昊译,上海人民出版社2013年版。

[3] 参见安德鲁·朗:《世界贸易法律和新自由主义:重塑全球经济秩序》,樊健、王缙凌译,法律出版社2016年版。

[4] 相关讨论参见杰奥瓦尼·阿瑞基:《漫长的20世纪》,姚乃强、严维明、韩振荣译,江苏人民出版社2011年版。

[5] 大卫·哈维:《新帝国主义》,初立忠、沈晓雷译,社会科学文献出版社2009年版,第46~47页。

[6] 卢克·马特尔:《社会学视角下的全球化》,宋妍译,辽宁人民出版社2014年版,第235页。

[7] 参见理查德·罗蒂:《筑就我们的国家》,黄宗英译,生活·读书·新知三联书店2014年版。

[8] 参见麦克尔·哈特、安东尼奥·奈格里:《帝国》,杨建国、范一亭译,江苏人民出版社2008年版;Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri,Multitude,Penguin Books,2005;迈克尔·哈特、安东尼奥·奈格里:《大同世界》,王行坤译,中国人民大学出版社2016年版。

[9] 2017年特朗普就任美国总统后,30余年前担任美国贸易代表,对日本发起“一般301调查”并迫使日本签署《广场协议》的莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer),再次被任命为贸易代表,并对中国发起“301调查”。然而,莱特希泽这次面对的中国,不是美国的附庸国,而是真正独立的主权国家。

[10] 关于TRIPS谈判以及由此引发的知识产权问题的详细论述,参见彼得·达沃豪斯、约翰·布雷思韦特:《信息封建主义》,刘雪涛译,知识产权出版社2005年版。

[11] 强世功:《文明终结与世界帝国:美国建构的全球法秩序》,三联书店(香港)2021年版,第二章。

[12] 强世功:《中美“关键十年”——“新罗马帝国”与“新的伟大斗争”》,载《东方学刊》总第9期。

[15] 参见强世功:《“天下一家”vs. 世界帝国:“深度全球化”与全球治理难题》,载《东方学刊》2021年第4期(即出)。

本文原载《文化纵横》2021年第5期和2021年第6期,原题分别为《贸易与人权(上)——世界帝国与“美国行为的根源”》、《贸易与人权(下)—— 世界帝国背景下的中美竞争》。 文章仅代表 作者本人观点,欢迎分享,媒体转载请联系本公众号。



 Qiang Shigong: The Hidden Logic of Trade and Human Rights

Article published by Culture Vertical and Horizontal | Time: 2022-01-08 | World·China

✪ Qiang Shigong | Peking University Law School

[Introduction] After the Biden administration took office in early 2021, a subtle change in the U.S. strategy of encircling China has occurred: starting from the hype of the "Xinjiang Cotton" incident, the Sino-U.S. value conflict has become increasingly fierce. Although many enlightened people pin their hopes on the Biden administration to change the negative impact of populism during Trump's tenure, the storms the Biden administration has caused in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and other Chinese affairs show a strong ideological encirclement against China. The Biden administration intends to exclude China and other countries from the "Global Democracy Summit", which further exacerbates the value rift between the two countries.

This article focuses on a grand historical perspective and theoretical analysis to reveal the deep roots of American behavior. The author pointed out: The Biden administration's approach of closely linking "trade" and "human rights" means that the competition between China and the United States not only involves changes in the balance of power between the two countries, but also involves two human rights theories, two political concepts, and two Competition for the idea of ​​a global order. The author analyzes that human rights theories originating from the Enlightenment actually have different branches: the first generation of human rights theories emphasized private property rights and free markets, which led to free trade and colonial world empires; the second generation of human rights theories pursued human rights equality among nations, among nations, among nations. After the 20th century, the United States took the first generation of human rights theories as the "body" and the second generation of human rights theories as the "use", and gradually established a legal system where all sovereign states are equal, but in economic terms, all countries are subject to varying degrees of constraints. America's hegemonic, covert new world imperial system.

Under this system, the United States constructs the world economic and trade system through the alternate use of human rights discourse. The transition of the world economic and trade system from the era of the British Empire to the era of the American Empire actually reflects the change in the logic of capitalist profit extraction. Different from the completely open free trade system dominated by the British Empire, the United States has formed a more "moderate" economic monopoly and technological monopoly by integrating global business networks through multinational companies. So much so that the demands of developing countries for "fair trade" arising from the unequal free trade system have finally turned into trade protectionist measures taken by the United States to combat competitors. In this sense, "fair trade" is actually synonymous with the United States asking other countries to open their markets and adopt "free trade". The United States can switch between "free trade" or "fair trade" at will in different situations as its justification. "Free trade" and "fair trade" have become two opposing and cooperative forces in the construction of a world empire by the United States. The reason why the United States can switch freely among them is that it has "absolute sovereignty" that transcends international law. domestic law prevails over international law.

It is from the perspective of the world imperial system that we can understand the choice and fate of the two paths in China's struggle for national independence and liberation since the Revolution of 1911. The key here is not whether China wants to join the world system, but what kind of identity and status to join the system. Different from the failed transitions of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, China’s transition was successful precisely because it did not completely abandon the second-generation human rights theory in a gesture of surrender to return to the world system, but instead formed a “body” based on the second-generation human rights theory. ", the first generation of human rights theory is a new model of "use".

This article was originally published in the 5th and 6th issues of 2021 and 2021 of "Cultural Landscape", with the original titles of "Trade and Human Rights (Part 1) - World Empire and "The Roots of American Behavior", "Trade and Human Rights (Part 2)" ) - Sino-American Competition in the Context of World Empire", only represents the author's point of view, the full text is hereby compiled and distributed for your consideration.

Trade and Human Rights (Part 1)

- World Empire and "The Roots of American Behavior"

▍ Question: How to tell the story of "human rights" well?


Since Trump launched a full-scale trade war with China, many enlightened people have only regarded it as Trump's crazy move supported by populism, and hoped that the Biden administration could resume business after the liberal Democrats took office. Rational, focus on the commercial interests of China and the United States, ease relations with China, and resolve economic and trade differences between China and the United States through negotiations. However, at the China-US Alaska Dialogue in March 2021, what the two sides debated was not specific economic and trade differences, but the positioning of the relationship between the two countries. The Biden administration is trying to show the world that the United States has returned to the world as a "human rights empire" and continues to lead the world, in order to correct the damage that Trump's "America First" policy has done to the image of America's world empire. To this end, the Biden administration imposed further sanctions on Hong Kong, China, on human rights grounds, a day before the Sino-US talks. Immediately after that, the West launched a siege of China at the United Nations on human rights grounds such as "genocide" and "forced labor" and imposed sanctions on Xinjiang's cotton exports.

The two issues of "trade" and "human rights" are closely linked, representing a fundamental change in the future of the US Democratic Party's strategy towards China, that is, trying to seize the moral commanding heights of "human rights" in accordance with the idea of ​​"new cold war", so as to devote itself to strengthening the The construction of the "Democratic Alliance" mobilized the power of the entire world empire to exert comprehensive pressure on China. Therefore, the competition between China and the United States today cannot be simply understood as the "Thucydides Trap" between China and the United States, but the conflict and competition caused by the suppression of China's rise by the world imperial system constructed by the United States. [1]

If we cannot understand the formation and development of the world imperial system from the perspective of human historical evolution, then we will not be able to see the invariable elements in the swing of the U.S. bipartisan policy toward China, and we will not be able to truly understand that the Sino-U.S. competition is not simply a matter of two countries. Instead, the change in the balance of power involves the competition between two human rights theories, two political ideas, and two global order conceptions. In this competition, we can see two completely different views of the international order: one is the imperialist and hegemonic world imperial order based on the US’s economic and military hard power and cultural soft power; the other is It is China based on the concept of "harmony but different", upholding the concept of "one world, one family" order, which is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind in the era of globalization. [2]

The competition between China and the United States is not only the competition of economic, technological and military strength of the two countries, but more importantly, the competition of the construction of the global political order based on concepts and values. This is undoubtedly a competition of universal historical significance. In this competition, "trade" and "human rights" play an important role, the former involving economic and political power and the latter involving cultural values. This means that in the future, China and the United States will inevitably compete for the right to speak on the issue of "human rights" in the international arena.

On economic and human rights issues, most Americans support a tough stance on dialogue | Source: Pew poll

Regrettably, China does not seem to have fully realized the importance of telling an otherwise wonderful "human rights story" from the universal value of "human rights". On the one hand, China has made great contributions to the cause of human rights, but we have not been able to tell China's "human rights story" well; on the other hand, we have also failed to expose the hypocrisy of the American version of the "human rights story". As a result, China has always been at a disadvantage in this global competition for ideology and discourse power. The key is that we fail to understand the interlinkages between trade and human rights from a global perspective, and to understand the different versions of human rights theories and their interlinkages. Especially since the reform and opening up, we have completely accepted the first-generation human rights theoretical narrative of the world imperial system dominated by the United States, ignoring or forgetting the world contribution made by the socialist tradition upheld by China in the second-generation human rights theoretical narrative. Therefore, if China wants to compete with the United States for the right to speak on human rights, it must first understand how the United States uses the interaction between trade and human rights to build a world empire, and fundamentally understand the “roots of American behavior.” [3] On this basis, we can gain self-confidence from a global perspective, further develop the traditional socialist human rights theory and human rights narrative, so as to hold high the banner of “human rights” in global affairs and win the public opinion war of human rights discourse.


▍ "Empire of Free Trade": The First Generation of Human Rights Theory


As we all know, what we call human rights theory today originated from the philosophy of the Enlightenment, specifically from the theory of the state of nature, the theory of natural rights and the social contract theory. These theories have established the basic framework of modern constitutional government, rule of law and even democracy. It should be noted that the theory of rights at that time was called "natural right", which emphasized the legitimacy of "natural persons" as animals in the natural state to do whatever they wanted; and "natural persons" became "citizens" once they joined the social contract. , they can only enjoy the "rights under the law" enacted by public power, that is, "civil rights". In this sense, there are only "natural rights" or "civil rights" and no "human rights". Because a "natural person" is an animal, not a "human" in the civilized sense; and once a natural person becomes a human being, he is under the constraints of public power and becomes a specific "citizen" of each country.

According to the theoretical thinking of the Enlightenment philosophy, people in the natural state will transition to different political states under different social conditions, and will inevitably enjoy different "civil rights" according to different legal systems. That is to say, the natural rights of human beings are the same, but the "civil rights" enjoyed by different countries and ethnic groups are different. The civil rights of primitive society, nomadic people, agricultural society and commercial society are undoubtedly different, not to mention the civil rights of different religions and civilizations. Therefore, if we truly uphold the philosophical tradition of the Enlightenment and "bravely use reason", we will not accept various "slang words" such as "there was no freedom, human rights, the rule of law, constitutionalism and democracy in ancient China" popular in today's mainstream academic circles. There is no need to focus on criticizing the so-called "Westerncentrism". This means that the political debates we face today cannot simply be attributed to the "East" vs. "West" debate, but stem from the different traditions initiated by the philosophy of the Enlightenment. To resolve this debate, we must use our reason to understand the history and future of mankind based on the philosophy of the Enlightenment.

As far as 18th century Western Enlightenment philosophy is concerned, the human rights discourse was constructed to justify an unprecedented state of life emerging in European history. This is the kind of social life that has been spreading and expanding since the Great Discovery of Geography, such as market exchange, free flow, private property, contractual spirit, urban life, etc., driven by the rise of global commercial trade in Western Europe. This socioeconomic state and way of life had a huge impact on the feudal and religious order in Europe, the imperial order in the East, and the social order of the primitive people in the newly discovered lands. Western Enlightenment thinkers called this new way of life "civil society", or "bourgeois" way of life, or more generally "capitalism". Since then, the “civil society” and capitalist order in Western Europe, the feudal order and religious order in Eastern Europe, the agricultural imperial order in the East, and the primitive order in America, Africa, and Oceania have coexisted on the global geographic map. Linking these different civilizational orders, once divided in different geographical spaces, gave birth to the original globalization picture. At this time, in the face of the primitive society in the newly discovered space, the rising West had a huge advantage and turned the former into a colony; but in the face of the powerful and wealthy Eastern Empire, Europe was at a distinct disadvantage, racking its brains to think about how to use business and gunboats squeezed into the "Eastern Trade Circle" that has existed for centuries. It was with the help of gunboats and the silver and cheap products obtained by colonizing Africa and the Americas that Western Europe barely got the "ticket" to join the "Eastern Trade Circle". [4] However, after the 18th century, two major events in Europe profoundly changed the historical picture of globalization.

First, Britain took the lead in completing the Industrial Revolution through a long-term mercantilist strategy. The industrial revolution changed the global pattern. Britain used gunboats to open the trade gates of the eastern empire, and opened up the vast market of the eastern empire with the help of cheap industrial products, thus turning these regions into its own raw material origin and sales market. The United Kingdom gradually changed from a European hegemon to a global hegemon, and finally became the sole world hegemon after defeating its continental rival Napoleon's Empire in the 19th century. In order to bring the whole world into the British-dominated trading system, the United Kingdom began to promote the theory of "free trade" globally. While the UK became a global center of industry and trade, London also became a global financial center, and the pound replaced silver. This means that the global economic hegemony has shifted from the Eastern world to the West, and from China to the United Kingdom. The global economy and power structure have undergone a historic shift. In the end, Britain established the first world empire that expanded to the whole world - "the empire of free trade". It is also in the context of the rise of world empires and the global power shift driven by the Industrial Revolution and free trade that we can understand Chinese history after 1840.

Second, the revolutionary contribution of the French Revolution in the ideological field. In the 18th century, Britain and France competed with each other on a global level for a long time. The British gained enormous colonies and wealth through maritime trade, while France had long been hampered by a continental-oriented agricultural policy that prevented the British from expanding globally in commerce. In this sense, the French Revolution can be said to be an over-the-top mental reaction to the humiliation suffered by France worldwide. Driven by this spirit, not only the passion of the Great Revolution was produced, but also the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen", an important document after the Great Revolution. This document developed the abstract generalization of Enlightenment philosophy to the extreme, and was the first to put forward the concept of "human rights". This concept is different from the understanding of "natural rights" by Enlightenment thinkers, but elevates the rights of human beings as animals in the state of nature to human rights. But more importantly, "Human Rights" provides the standard and scale for measuring "human" and "non-human". Specifically, Europeans elevate their capitalist way of life as "human", thereby potentially seeing other peoples in other geospatial and civilized orders across the globe as "inhuman" or "savages"; correspondingly, Europeans The capitalist way of life means "civilization" and the other way of life means "barbarism". Since it is "barbaric," not only is colonialism justified, but racism and the Holocaust are also justified. The modern "barbarism" in Europe actually stems from the Europeans' invention and monopoly of the concept of "human rights", which in turn monopolized the jurisdiction of "human" and "inhuman".

The rise of Europe has achieved a perfect combination of the economic and social life of "trade" dominated by the British Empire and the expression of the value concept of "human rights" dominated by French philosophy. The "civil rights" formed in the specific social form, institutional system and way of life of trade-driven capitalism enrich the specific content of "human rights", the core of which are private property rights, market exchange rights, free trade rights, and The limited government and constitutional rule of law formed by safeguarding these rights. This is the logic of human rights theory in the Whig narrative that we have learned so well today. Once the "civil rights" under such specific historical conditions are regarded as "human rights", or even the yardstick for dividing "human" and "inhuman", "civilization" and "barbarism", then in the eyes of Europeans , the primitive societies of Africa and America were still in a "barbaric" state, while China, India and These eastern societies with long historical cultural traditions and social and political systems but failed to enter the capitalist way of life are still in the "uncivilized" stage. Colonial conquest and economic, social and political and cultural transformation of these "savages" and "uncivilized people", and incorporating them into the world imperial system of global capitalist commercial trade is undoubtedly the "salvation" of these peoples and regions—— This is regarded by European human rightsists and humanitarians as a historical destiny consciously borne by white people, and it is "the burden of white people" (Kipling). From this, we can understand why European liberals who advocate human rights can be imperialists at the same time. [5]

It is through the implicit division between "human" and "inhuman", "civilized" and "barbaric" that human rights theory becomes a legitimate ideology that promotes the wanton expansion of the world empire of global commerce and trade. It is in the context of the construction of world empires that "trade" and "human rights" began to work together, with "trade" representing the "hard power" of Western capitalism and "human rights" representing the "soft power" of Western capitalism, jointly promoting Western capitalism and the expansion of the capitalist world empire. We call this human rights theory that matches the world empire of free trade "the first generation of human rights theory". Modern man's freedom", or "negative freedom" as Berlin calls it.

▍ From “Right to Revolution” to “Right to Development”: The Rise and Development of the Second Generation of Human Rights Theory


What the French provide for the rise of Europe is not only the abstract concept of "human rights", but more importantly, to give the concept of "human rights" something different from the "negative liberty rights" of commercial trade, that is, equal and active participation in political life. Democracy and freedom, as well as "popular sovereignty" with political dominion, what Constant called "the liberty of the ancients", or what Berlin called "positive liberty". The founder of this theory of human rights is undoubtedly Rousseau. It is on the basis of the right to democracy and freedom and the sovereignty of the people that human rights theory develops the right to democratic revolution, the right to establish an independent state, and the right to independently explore the development path. Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong were all heirs of this theoretical tradition, and they continued to develop the people's right to freedom and political autonomy proposed by Rousseau.

European thought often distinguishes between Anglo-American liberalism and continental liberalism, emphasizing that the former is based on so-called empiricism, the latter on so-called rationalism, and so on. This philosophical distinction is also reflected in the difference between two human rights theories and their corresponding development paths: the former is the first generation of human rights theories based on the historical experience of British global commercial trade, and the latter It is a second-generation human rights theory based on the historical experience of the French Revolution, the 1848 Revolution, the European Communist Movement, the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolution. The core value of the first generation of human rights theories is freedom, especially the freedom of individuals not to be interfered by political power in the economic field, but the price of this freedom is to create, expand and even solidify social inequality. As a correction to the first-generation human rights theories, the core value of the second-generation human rights theories is the pursuit of equality, the pursuit of equality between people, countries, nations, and even civilizations in various fields. For hundreds of years, the first generation of human rights theories has become a constant dogma in the Whig narrative; the second generation of human rights theories, on the other hand, can constantly explore new possibilities in response to changes in historical circumstances, and therefore are always in development and change.

Although the second-generation human rights theory is constantly developing and changing, its core essence is always the subversion and rebellion of the first-generation human rights theory and the world empire of free trade it promoted. It's just that in different historical eras, the ways of subversion and rebellion are different. In the early days, Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong's right to democratic revolution, national self-determination, and independent state-building pushed the colonies or semi-colonies under the European colonial empire system to establish their own countries one after another, leading to the disintegration of the free-trade world empire. The socialist road of equality and national equality, as well as the "right to development" of developing countries, has become an important content of human rights theory. After the "World War II", especially since the end of the Cold War, in the face of the global victory of the world empire of free trade, the Western leftists put forward postmodern theories and post-racism, and turned to the pursuit of equality in the field of cultural and private life, trying to subvert the culture of world empires As a result, the core issue of political life in developed countries has also turned to “identity politics” based on race and gender.

Once we look at the two paths of development driven by two human rights theories, it becomes very clear that the importance of first-generation human rights must be emphasized if the world imperial tradition of free trade from the British Empire to the United States is defended. ; If you oppose the British and American world imperial traditions, emphasizing the republicanism of equality of all or the cosmopolitan and internationalist traditions of the equality of nation-states, it must emphasize the importance of the second-generation human rights theory. Because the first-generation human rights theory was closely integrated with the world imperial system constructed by the United Kingdom; and the greatest achievement of the second-generation human rights theory was to provide ideological weapons for the independence of nation-states after World War II, making the world imperial system (colonial system) ) gradually disintegrated and promoted the formation of a community system (United Nations) of equal sovereign states. The UN Charter not only emphasizes the principles of absolute sovereignty, sovereign equality of states and non-interference in internal affairs, but more importantly, it emphasizes the different understandings of the concept of rights among different civilizations. The two human rights theories and the two global orders they support are always in constant struggle.

Thus, when we understand human rights theories, it is not the discourses at the discursive level that matter, but the historical actions and political practices they promote at the non-discourse level. The same is the "revolutionary right", from a republic system that pursues equality of all people in a country to the United Nations system that pursues equality of nations and countries in a global order. The former is aimed at the autocratic regime established by the intertwining of colonialism and feudalism , the latter is aimed at the world imperial system based on the theory of global free trade. However, if one realizes that the economic basis of the world imperial system is the center-periphery world system of technology, industry, trade and finance,[6] then the colonial or post-development countries in the peripheral zone need to get rid of this inequality The "dependency" of the economic system requires not only the use of political "revolutionary rights" to break away from or even overthrow the world imperial system, but more importantly, it is necessary to grasp the "right to development" based on independent political sovereignty that is in line with the country's actual situation, especially to get rid of The exploitation and oppression of international capital protects domestic industries and markets and promotes domestic economic development. Therefore, after the Second World War, whether it is the theory of protecting infant industries from the United States to Germany, or the theory of planned economy of Marxism, it is very attractive to developing countries or the third world.

In this context, the core concept of the second-generation human rights theory has changed from "the right to revolution" to "the right to development", which emphasizes that developing countries have the same right to develop their own economies as developed countries. Many people refer to the first generation of human rights as "individual human rights" and the second generation of human rights as "collective human rights". But whether it is the "right to revolution" or the "right to development", the cornerstone of the second-generation human rights theory is the people's sovereignty, and sovereignty means political "autonomy" and "independence". Destroy the "revolutionary right" of the world imperial system, emphasizing that each country has the "right to development" to use independent intellectual judgment to choose economic development paths, institutional models and civilizational values. The first generation of human rights theories inevitably produced the theory of the "end of history", that is, human beings have only one path to modernization, and that is to lead to the world empire system, while the second generation of human rights theories inevitably emphasize the theory of "multiple modernity", emphasizing the diversity of development paths and civilizations. Sexuality, emphasizing the "Great Harmony of the World" based on "beauty and commonality".

It is precisely based on the critique of the capitalist world imperial system that under the framework of the United Nations, there has always been a relationship between capitalism and socialism, developed and developing countries, free trade and fair trade (protectionism), and market economy and planned economy. competition and debate around two human rights theories. The game between these two forces is reflected in the two human rights covenants of the United Nations: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights embodies the claims of the first generation of human rights theories, while the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights embodies Advocacy of second-generation human rights theories. Based on the second-generation human rights theories such as the "right to development", developing countries justifiably choose a development path and development model that is different from the Western free market economy, especially emphasizing the positive role of the government in promoting economic development. In this context, even the developed countries that believed in the first generation of human rights theories had to respect the concept of the "right to development" and put forward the discourse strategy of "development economics", but only regarded private property rights, market economy and free trade as the Medicines are provided to developing countries.


▍ "The Roots of American Behavior": A Practical Combination of Two Human Rights Theories


Since the debate between federalists and anti-federalists during the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States has always been in "contradiction", so that various theories such as isolationism and cosmopolitanism, idealism and realism, conservatism and liberalism have been formed. Summary of perspective. This kind of contradiction originated from the process of North America's independent statehood and inherited two human rights theoretical traditions in Europe.

Regardless of the design of the political system or the promotion of commercial expansion, the British Empire has always been an imitation of the founding of the United States. Federalists are the active advocates of the first generation of human rights theory. Internally, they advocated that political power should be restrained through the separation of powers and limited government theory; externally, they always insisted on building a "strong federation" to protect individual freedom, and believed that Americans and American companies could conduct free business and trade around the world. Open up space. They also advocated the establishment of a powerful navy, the federation possessing independent and unified diplomatic, judicial and even executive powers, and even learning from the British mercantilist strategy to protect their own "infant industries", all of which undoubtedly took the British Empire as a model. The political ideal of the Federalists is to imitate the "old way" of the British Empire's free trade empire. Those who advocate this path use the Whig narrative to tell the story of America's liberal tradition. This Whig liberal narrative was further reinforced by the post-World War II narrative of the Atlantic system based on the special relationship between Britain and the United States, and by the Cold War on socialism and the planned economy. In the post-Cold War period, neoliberalism emerged in the United States, systematically criticized the second-generation human rights theory, denied the French Revolution and the continental philosophical tradition, and then denied the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution and the socialist road.

However, in the founding days of the United States, the most powerful spiritual forces stemmed from second-generation human rights theories. The American successor to this theory of human rights advocated the establishment of a free and equal "new world" against the "old world" of the colonial imperial system by means of popular sovereignty and the republican tradition. The United States is often regarded as the representative of the "new world", which is to completely abandon the autocratic rule of European colonialism, establish the political independence of national development with "people's sovereignty", and abandon the world empire established by Europe under the colonial system, and then through independence The "alliance" between equal and equal nations establishes a confederate world system. This actually amounts to taking a "new road" that differs from the European colonial imperialist system. This assertion is particularly evident in the discourse of the anti-Federalists represented by Jefferson. It is on the basis of this tradition that Wilson in the 20th century put forward the concept of the "international alliance" of the "community of great powers", which eventually developed into the later United Nations system. From "World War I" to "World War II", the reason why the United States is the "beacon of the world" is that compared with the European colonialist world imperial system, the independent and equal alliance system of sovereign states advocated by the progressive forces of the United States represents the progress of mankind direction.


These two human rights theories and the world political concepts behind them seem to be "contradictory" to each other, but the United States has used them to build a brand new world empire. On the one hand, the United States used the second-generation human rights theory of freedom of nation-building to promote the expansion of the United States to the west, and incorporated the west into the alliance system of the "United Nations of America" ​​in the form of an "alliance". A whole new "continental empire". It is for this reason that Turner worried that the idea of ​​republicanism in the United States would decline with the end of frontier expansion when the frontier expansion to the west was completed. [7] On the other hand, the United States took advantage of the commercial and trade theory in the first generation of human rights and adopted a mercantilist strategy to accelerate the rise of American economic and commercial trade. Especially after the Civil War between the North and the South, the United States has formed a unified domestic market, and the "American system" under the government's industrial protection policy has gradually become complete and strong. [8] The United States finally got rid of its marginal status in the "cotton empire" built by the United Kingdom and became an industrial power, and then a power in global commerce and trade. Throughout the 19th century, on the basis of making full use of these two human rights theories, the United States expanded rapidly in the two geographic spaces of the continent and the ocean, in the absorption of new states and commercial and industrial development, and finally achieved its own rise and development. Get on the world stage.

The United States, which entered the stage of world history in the 20th century, faced the colonial empire tradition in the European "Old World" represented by Britain and Russia. Faced with this situation, two seemingly contradictory human rights theories have formed a new round of delicate combinations. On the one hand, the United States made full use of the ideological legitimacy of the second-generation human rights theory to promote democratic revolutions in nations and countries under colonial oppression, and continuously disintegrated the European colonial imperial system. At this historical juncture, the United States, which has entered the world stage, is also playing a revolutionary and progressive role, just like Russia after the October Revolution. If we do not consider domestic politics, but only consider the understanding of the international pattern, both Wilson and Lenin are the heirs of the French Revolutionary thought, and both promoted national self-determination, national revolution and national liberation movement on the basis of the second-generation human rights theory. Although they have different real-political considerations, they are all ideological subversives of the European colonial imperial system, and both advocate the path of sovereign states moving towards the League of Nations on the basis of independence and equality. It was because of Wilson's America and Lenin's Russia that defended and promoted the second-generation human rights theory that the colonialist, imperialist path of the old European empire lost its legitimacy in the global political concept of that era. After the two world wars, the imperial system of European colonialism began to disintegrate, and a series of colonial or semi-colonial countries gained independence or liberation. According to the cosmopolitan ideal of the Union of Republics, these countries either joined the capitalist alliance system headed by the United States or the socialist alliance system headed by the Soviet Union.

On the other hand, the United States does not require these newly independent countries to be democratic republics completely in accordance with the second-generation human rights theory, and these countries can even be feudal emirates or dictatorships; however, in order to join the alliance system dominated by the United States, these countries must accept The global commercial and trade system constructed by the United States according to the first generation of human rights theories. In other words, the United States has a hidden condition for the countries that join its alliance: it must adopt the free market system emphasized by the first generation of human rights theory, and especially open its business and trade areas to the United States. This is the "open door" policy that accompanies the idea of ​​"national self-determination". In this sense, the reason why socialist countries are regarded as "enemies" by the United States is not because they ideologically claim to overthrow the capitalist world, but because they have chosen public ownership and planned economies.

system, making it impossible for the economic power of American capital and commercial trade to penetrate. It can be seen that the United States has always divided the political "enemy" relationship according to the capitalist concept of the first generation of human rights theory.

To sum up, the first-generation human rights theories and the world empire they promoted have always been the foundation of American politics; while the second-generation human rights theories are often just tools to combat external politics through "national self-determination" and later "color revolutions" opponent. After these countries have undergone national self-determination or regime change, they must adopt a market economic system in order to gain political recognition from the United States; as to whether to establish a liberal democratic government on the economic basis of a market economy, or to graft tribal chieftainship, dictatorship, and religious government, etc. Other forms of superstructure do not matter; as long as its market is open to American capital and commerce and accepts the global economic rules implemented by the United States, it can be incorporated into the global commercial and trade system dominated by the United States and become a quasi-colonial under the domination of the United States. In contrast, countries that adopt planned economies are easily regarded as "enemies" by the United States because they are completely free from interference, infiltration and domination by US economic power. Therefore, the real reason for the "contradiction" in the logic of the United States' political determination of friend and foe is that the United States tries to construct a new type of hidden world empire by alternately using the two human rights theories. This means that we have to go back to the inner logic of world empire to explore the roots of American behavior.

In this regard, Amin offers an insightful observation. He believed that the accumulation of wealth in ancient times mainly relied on the properties of the land. In order to plunder the wealth of other lands, the classical empires often established direct rule through military conquest, and achieved profit extraction and wealth accumulation through tribute and taxation. In order to mask economic exploitation and to justify military conquest, the classical empires developed a monopolistic complex of civilizational and religious doctrines. However, the accumulation of wealth in the capitalist era is often accomplished through capital and trade, and the necessity of military conquest and direct rule is greatly reduced, which means that there is no need for monopoly politically and culturally at all, but the establishment of a similar set of Monopoly's complex doctrine about the global economy. This complex and sophisticated set of economic knowledge, built with concepts, mathematical formulas, and diagrams, is actually also designed to cover up a new type of imperial extraction. [9] In fact, in the process of transitioning from this classical regional civilizational empire to a modern world empire, it is precisely the globalization of commercial trade that makes it possible to control the global world empire through capital and commercial trade. As the first world empire, the British Empire adopted the “formal empire” model of colonialism only when it was compelled to do so. ) mode, to obtain benefits through the "invisible hand" of commercial trade. [11] From this, the evolution history of the art of empire construction is the history of developing from the classical imperial form of direct conquest to the intermediate form of colonialist “indirect governance”, and then to the form of “invisible empire”.

After entering the 20th century, due to Wilson's propaganda of the second-generation human rights theory, and more importantly, the competition from socialist ideas, coupled with the foundation of the continental empire and the "Monroe Doctrine", the United States can follow the second-generation human rights theory. Under the premise of theoretically promoting the independence of nation-states, take the road of a new world empire of "invisible empire", which requires all newly independent countries to adopt an "open door" policy and accept the market concept of free trade, thereby incorporating it into the capitalism dominated by the United States. world empire system. [12] It is in the construction of this new type of world empire that the two human rights theories and the two policies of "national self-determination" and "open door" are perfectly combined. Among them, the "open door" promoted by the first generation of human rights theories is "body", while the "national self-determination" formed by the second generation of human rights theories is "use". This new type of world empire construction is well reflected in the two seemingly contradictory aspects of the United States after World War II: politically, it fully accepts the second-generation human rights theory and promotes sovereign states to join the United Nations independently and equally. Union system; but economically, dollar hegemony and control over the global economy are constructed through the Blington Woods system. After the "World War II", although European countries, Japan and many other countries are independent sovereign states in legal form, the United States can turn these allies into "vassal states" or "quasi-quasi-states" through economic, financial, technological, information and data methods, etc. colony".

It can be seen that in the new world empire built by the United States, these two contradictory human rights theories have achieved a perfect "body function" coordination: on the one hand, the United States has always held high the banner of "human rights" and waving the "human rights" stick to interfere with other countries , advocates "human rights over sovereignty", and adopts "humanitarian intervention" to destroy the sovereignty of other countries; on the other hand, the United States has incorporated the market and labor released in the aforementioned process into the division of labor of its world empire through the global market system system. This strategy is more obvious and prominent in the post-Cold War era, because the disintegration of the socialist camp means that the United States has lost the power of external constraints and can recklessly accelerate the process of world empire building. Two seemingly "contradictory" human rights theories form a perfect combination of "body and function". On the surface, they promote the republican and cosmopolitan ideals advocated by the second generation of human rights, but in their bones they are world empires supported by the first generation of human rights theories. Therefore, it forms the internal and external structure of "external human rights" and "internal empire", and jointly promotes the construction and global expansion of a new type of world empire, which undoubtedly constitutes the "root of American behavior."


[1] For a preliminary discussion on world empires, see Qiang Shigong: "The Inner Logic of Super-Large States: Empire and Global Order", in "Cultural Landscape", No. 2, 2019. For a more detailed discussion, see Qiang Shigong: The End of Civilization and World Empire: The Global Legal Order Constructed by the United States, Sanlian Publishing (Hong Kong), 2021.

[2] For the internal contradiction between the world imperial system dominated by the United States and the historical development trend of "One World, One Family" promoted by "deep globalization", see Qiang Shigong: "One World One Family" vs. World Empire: "Deep Globalization" "Globalization" and the Dilemma of Global Governance," Oriental Journal, 2021, No. 4 (coming soon).

[3] Mr. Liu Xiaofeng examined "the origin of American behavior" from the perspective of political philosophy. This article attempts to add some background and content of economic and social history and imperial history as a footnote. See Liu Xiaofeng: "The Roots of American Behavior: Observations from Political History", in "Cultural Landscape", No. 4, 2021.

[4] Gond Frank: "Silver Capital", translated by Liu Beicheng, Central Compilation Press, 2008 edition.

[5] Jennifer Pitts: Turning to Empire: The Rise of British and French Imperial Liberalism, translated by Jin Yi and Xu Hongyan, Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2012.

[6] Emmanuel Wallerstein: "Modern World System" (Volume 1), translated by You Laiyin et al., Higher Education Press, 1998 edition, p. 462.

[7] Turner: "The Importance of Frontiers in American History", translated by Li Ming, edited by Zhang Shiming, Wang Jidong, Niu Bingbing: "Space, Law and Academic Discourse", Heilongjiang Education Press, 2014 edition.

[8] For the "American system" proposed by Henry Clay (also translated as "the American system" by some translators), see Michael Hudson: "Protectionism: The Secret to the Rise of the American Economy (1815-1914)" ", translated by Jia Genliang, Ma Xueliang, Deng Lang, Huang Yanghua, etc., Renmin University of China Press, 2010, p. 34.

[9] Amin: The Systems of the Ancient World and the Modern Capitalist System, in Andre Gund Frank, Barry K. Giles, eds.: The World System: 500 Years or 5000 Years? ", translated by Hao Mingwei, Social Sciences Literature Publishing House, 2004 edition.

[10] Due to the small territory of the British Empire, in order to control the world empire of global trade, it had to rely on the colonial forms of South Africa and India, which adopted “indirect governance” in geopolitics.

[11] John Gallagher and Ronald Robinson, "The Imperialism of Free Trade," The Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1953, pp. 1-15.

[12] For the significance of “Open Doors” in the “grand strategy” of American imperial expansion, see Christopher Lane: The Illusion of Peace: American Grand Strategy since 1940, translated by Sun Jianzhong, Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2009.

Trade and Human Rights (Part 2)

—— Sino-US competition in the context of world empires

▍ GATT: A compromise between two human rights ideals


Through "national self-determination" and "open door", the United States has formed an internal mechanism of combining physical and practical human rights between the first generation of human rights and the second generation of human rights, using the opportunity of the two world wars to promote the United States to inherit the mantle of world empire of the British Empire, And advance it to a new stage of "invisible empire". The United Nations system in the political field and the Bretton Woods system in the economic field formed after the Second World War are the products of these two human rights theories. [1] In the design of the Bretton Woods system, the primary goal of the United States was to destroy the global trade division created by the British Empire's imperial preferential, and to take advantage of the favorable opportunity of the United States to dominate the global economy after the war, requiring that Europe and Asia must take trade and investment A liberal "Open Door" policy so that the United States can gain access to the resources and markets of the entire world, rebuild a world empire of free trade, and achieve what Paul Kennedy called "peace under America." In fact, while the British Empire was shifting from free trade to imperial preferences, the United States was shifting from mercantilism to free trade policy since Roosevelt's New Deal, and this policy change just reflected the change in imperial power.

The British Empire naturally grew into a world empire in a state of "absence of mind", while the United States has systematically studied the success and failure lessons of the British Empire since its founding, and built a world empire through careful planning and design. Therefore, different from the spontaneous formation of the British Empire, which promoted free trade centered on industry and finance, and thus formed an economic system that freely adjusts the balance of payments, the United States had a complete set of systematic plans for building a world empire after World War II. The key to this is how to learn from the lessons that countries adopted mercantilist policies that led the Western world to fall into the "Great Depression" and rebuild a free trade world trading system.

After "World War II", the capitalist world has the right to speak of "trade" (the first generation of human rights), and the socialist camp has the right to speak of "human rights" (the second generation of human rights). The United States originally hoped to design the World Trade Organization to promote free trade in accordance with the first generation of human rights concepts, and signed the famous "Havana Charter". However, it is difficult for newly independent countries that uphold the concept of the second generation of human rights to agree with such a practice of destroying national sovereignty, not to mention that after the Great Depression and two world wars, people are deeply hurt by the disaster caused by laissez-faire economic policies. Even in the United States, due to the influence of New Deal liberalism, people realized that a free economy must be linked to full employment and government regulation, and that the "economic security" of capitalism must be related to the "social security" and "moral security" emphasized by New Deal liberalism link, and even hope to shape the postwar order with the ideas of New Deal liberalism. [2] In this context, the two human rights concepts compromised each other, forming a multilateral negotiation mechanism such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) under the leadership of the United States. Countries are included in negotiations on tariff and trade issues. This compromise organically combines market freedom emphasized by the first generation of human rights theories with government regulation emphasized by the second generation of human rights theories, and is called "the embodied liberalism". [3]

The GATT system was designed to give developing countries moderate space for tariff protection, which was more reasonable than the free-trade world economy of the British Empire. The free trade promoted by the British Empire was set against a backdrop of stark colonialism, with colonies or semi-colonies woven entirely on the fringes of the world system. When the United States proposed free trade, it was an era of anti-imperialist and anti-colonialism driven by the communist movement, and an era of national liberation when the colonies became independent. In this era of sovereign countries pursuing independence and equality, the free trade proposed by the United States must give these countries the right to regulate their sovereignty. Although the United States strives to limit the discussion of the GATT to the technical category of "trade", it hopes to avoid the influence of the second generation of human rights (the right to economic and social development) promoted by the socialist movement, and to isolate "trade" from "human rights" open, but the relationship between the two always exists objectively. This means that the historical environment in which the British Empire built a world empire through free trade is gone forever.

Compared with the completely open free trade system dominated by the British Empire, the Bretton Woods system both provided space for sovereign states to solve employment and social problems, while preventing these countries from adopting mercantilist policies that endanger the global economic order, thus avoiding the British Empire. Radical free trade led to a backlash against protectionism. It can be said that this is a milder and more rational economic globalization order than the free trade of the British Empire. However, we must realize that the transition of the world economic system from the era of the British Empire to the era of the American Empire actually embodies an important change in the logic of capitalist profit extraction. The main way of capital accumulation in the British Empire is to gain commercial trade advantages through manufacturing advantages, and then obtain financial advantages. In comparison, the way of capital accumulation in the United States after World War II not only relied on the financial hegemony of gold-dollar and later oil-dollar, but more importantly, it once accumulated the advantages of "corporate capitalism" under the pressure of British hegemony - the United States of multinational corporations effectively internalize transaction costs in international trade by integrating global business networks to cope with the impact of global trade liberalization. The most typical example of new corporate governance is the rise of Fordism and Taylorism. The improvement of the company's management efficiency effectively accelerates the company's expansion, and finally forms the new economic monopoly and technology monopoly of multinational companies. [4]

Free trade in the British Empire, as conceived by the Manchester School, was a global commercial network of countless small shopkeepers; free trade in the United States was controlled by a few large multinational oligarchs. The comparison of the two models of profit extraction in the British Empire and the American Empire is perfectly reflected in the debate among Chicago School economists that which of the two models, the market or the firm, is more efficient ultimately depends on which one is more beneficial lower the transaction cost. MNCs internalize market costs in free trade, which is more conducive to reducing transaction costs. These multinational corporations have a monopoly position in the global economy, they have privileges and authority in many sovereign countries (especially third world countries), and can even control the politics and economy of these countries. In this sense, America's desire for free trade is far less strong than that of the British Empire in its heyday, because the trade protection of any sovereign state The policy also favors multinational companies established by the United States in the country, and the profits earned by multinational companies in these countries will eventually flow back to the United States in the form of dollars. As the Chinese complained during the Sino-US trade war, many of the products China exports to the US are manufactured in China by US multinational companies, and the Chinese earn only a small portion of the labor and processing profits.

▍ Two faces of world empire: "free trade" and "fair trade"


Although due to the external pressure from the socialist camp and the resistance of developing countries in the GATT negotiation, the ideal of free trade expected by the United States cannot be realized immediately, but the United States has made full use of its economic advantages to continuously promote trade liberalization in the GATT negotiation. To this end, the United States launched "development economics" and "modernization theory" based on this. These theories claim that foreign trade is the "engine" of economic development, emphasizing that only by vigorously developing foreign trade can backward countries stimulate economic growth; because foreign trade can not only accelerate capital accumulation by expanding exports, but also improve industrial structure and achieve coordinated economic development through imports At the same time, it is conducive to the introduction of advanced technologies, production methods, economic systems and cultural concepts. These theories have attracted developing countries to join GATT and agree to lower tariffs and promote free trade as much as possible. [5]

Nevertheless, in this "club"-style negotiating arena, the second-generation human rights theory will inevitably become an ideological weapon for developing countries to fight against developed countries. Whether it is Wallerstein's theory of the world economic system or Amin's theory of dependence and underdevelopment, these left-wing ideological trends, like Marxist theory, have become the third world's criticism of the Western-dominated global economic system in various international occasions, and strive for its own An ideological weapon for development rights. Developed countries believe that developing countries are underdeveloped because their economic and political systems are immature, while developing countries attribute it to an unreasonable global economic order dominated by the West, and even criticize this post-war economic order as "neocolonialism" . The second generation of human rights discourse combined with the global left-wing movement has promoted the "global justice movement" in the field of trade, and "fair trade" has become the demand of developing countries. The reason why developing countries strive for "fair trade" and use "fair trade" to criticize the world imperial order constructed by Western developed countries is that after they joined this order, they did not experience the economic prosperity promised by developed countries, but became more and more trapped. Deprived of status,[6] the economic gap between the developed (North) and developing (South) countries constructed by the Bretton Woods system is getting deeper and deeper.

Since the United States wants to incorporate the vast number of developing countries into its economic system through the economic "club" of GATT and isolate the socialist camp by means of the Cold War, it has to endure the criticism and resistance of developing countries to certain propositions put forward by the United States in trade negotiations. pressure, and more importantly, the challenges posed by the economic revival of the European Union and Japan, driven to win the Cold War. To address these challenges, the U.S. Trade Expansion Act of 1962 gives the president the power to take retaliatory measures on the grounds of "unreasonable" or "unfair" trade. In 1974, the United States further revised the trade law, and put forward the concepts of "fair and harmful" trade and "unfair trade", and called goods that conform to the principles of fair trade but do not meet the standards of U.S. interests as "harmful". This marks a major adjustment in U.S. trade policy: the discourse strategy of trade legitimacy has shifted from emphasizing "free trade" to "fair trade"; Outside the framework, taking advantage of the U.S. economic hegemony and constantly revising domestic trade laws, the government has given the government stronger and stronger trade retaliation and sanctions, forcing other countries to accept various so-called "fair trade" demands put forward by the United States. As a result, the organic interaction between US domestic trade law and GATT and other international laws, and between unilateralism and multilateralism has gradually formed.

"Fair trade" was originally a developing country's criticism of the inequalities caused by "free trade" based on the second-generation human rights theory, but now it has become the United States' intervention in government trade (including subsidies, state-owned enterprises, Labor rights, ecological environment damage, etc.) criticism. On the issue of "fair trade", there are two different understandings, and this difference is closely related to the so-called "substantive justice" and "procedural justice". If "free trade" has a visible objective measure of lowering tariff barriers, then "fair trade" lacks a universally accepted standard, because the strong and the weak have different understandings of fairness. When the strong and the weak compete, the strong emphasize that the competition should start from a common starting line, that is, "fair competition" based entirely on market freedom. Therefore, any government assistance to trade is "unfair trade". "Fairness" is actually the embodiment of the concept of procedural justice in the field of international trade. However, for the weak, this laissez-faire trade is the plunder of developing countries, which will lead to developing countries forever on the fringes of the world system, resulting in underdevelopment due to dependence; therefore, the true "fair trade" The "right to development" of developing countries to use government power to promote economic development must be recognized, so as to achieve equality between countries. Such "fair trade" undoubtedly runs through the concept of substantive justice.

Behind the political game and discourse debate about "fair trade" between the strong and the weak is essentially a disagreement between two generations of human rights theories. In this long debate over "human rights," especially around market trade and national development, liberty and equality, the United States is not always the winner. In the 1960s and 1970s, influenced by the "May Storm" in Europe and the "Cultural Revolution" in China, American campuses launched a huge "Cultural Revolution", a second-generation human rights theory with equality as the core value promoted by socialism. gained global dominance. Compared with the class equality, gender equality, ethnic equality, and international equality shown by socialist countries, the United States is mired in the abyss of widening economic inequality, racial segregation, exclusion of women, and the Vietnam War with foreign countries. Faced with this pressure, in order to compete for the global discourse on human rights issues, the United States, starting from the breaking of racial segregation, promoted the "civil rights movement" involving gender equality, gender liberation, and the protection of the rights of the accused. Since then, the "class left" influenced by Marxism has turned to the "cultural left" under the influence of postmodern thought, and the American Democratic Party has also undergone a fundamental turn. [7]

It can be seen that different countries are talking about "fair trade", but they all give it different connotations according to their own interests. Developing countries often use "fair trade" to strengthen the protection of their internal economic development, and oppose the free trade policies that developed countries try to promote, especially in the face of the impact of global trade liberalization promoted by the "Washington Consensus", "fair trade" It has always been a theoretical tool for the global left to critique this trend. The United States' emphasis on "fair trade" is precisely to crack down on such trade protectionist measures taken by competitors in order to promote free trade. In this sense, "fair trade" is actually a synonym for the United States to ask other countries to open their markets and adopt "free trade". It is a kind of freedom that the United States is forced to choose under the historical background of the second-generation human rights discourse dominated the world. New discourses in the defense of trade policy.

"Free trade" and "fair trade" are just two different faces of the United States in different situations in the historical process of promoting world empire, and both are useful tools in the U.S. trade policy toolbox. The United States can define what "fair trade" is based on its own interests at any time, and choose to use "free trade" or "fair trade" as its justification for different objects and situations. For example, the United States adopted a laissez-faire policy during the Reagan period and once restored the idea of ​​"free trade". However, in his second term, the huge foreign trade deficit made Reagan quickly turn to "fair trade". It was Reagan who formally proposed the concept of "free and fair trade" in his "Trade Policy Action Plan" in 1985, and formed a trade counter-attack group, which laid the foundation for the discourse strategy and legal logic of the United States to deal with trade issues later. In the post-Cold War era, the United States used unipolar hegemony to accelerate the pace of world empire building: on the one hand, it used neoliberal doctrine to expand its economic power; on the other hand, in order to ensure the ability of the United States to control the global economy, the Clinton administration even "Economic security" is the primary goal of U.S. foreign policy, and it has publicly declared "fair trade" as part of a national economic strategy to expand trade. In a word, "free trade" and "fair trade" are two parallel tracks for the US to build a world empire, both aimed at combating competitors and ensuring US control over the world economy: on the one hand, "free trade" is used to attract and control development China, on the other hand, uses "fair trade" to meet the challenges of the EU, developed countries in East Asia and even emerging economies such as the "BRICS".

What is more noteworthy is that in the context of the construction of world empires, there is a trend of confluence between the globalization right wing that advocates "free trade" and the globalization left wing that advocates "fair trade". The right wing of globalization uses the proposition of "free trade" to require other countries to remove various non-tariff barriers (such as subsidies, dumping, etc.) in order to achieve the goal of global trade liberalization; the left wing of globalization requires that global trade must strengthen labor, environmental protection etc. to protect human rights. However, the labor protection and environmental protection emphasized by the left wing of globalization will undoubtedly greatly increase the cost of export products of developing countries, which will eventually weaken the competitiveness of industrial products of developing countries in global trade. In March 2021, the West attempted to ban China's Xinjiang cotton from entering global trade through human rights discourses such as "forced labor" and "genocide" to achieve the goal of winning the trade war through "human rights" issues. The globalization left, like the globalization right, is objectively weakening the power of sovereign states, but the globalization right builds a world empire, while the western left in the context of globalization accepts this "world empire". Attempts to transform the "Empire" into a "Great Harmony World" through the resistance of the "people". [8] In this sense, the right wing and the left wing of the United States can often form beneficial cooperation in the debate on "free trade" and "fair trade". Just like the two faces of the Trump administration and the Biden administration, the former mainly focuses on Trade, the latter highlighting human rights, has become two antagonistic and synergistic forces in America's construction of world empire. The reason why the United States can switch freely between "free trade" and "fair trade" lies in the fact that the world empire it has constructed enables it to have "absolute sovereignty" that transcends international law, and can put the domestic law of the United States above international law.

▍ The Neoliberal World Empire: Trade and Intellectual Property


Since the issue of "unfair trade" was raised in the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, with the increasing trade frictions, the United States has continuously revised its trade laws to strengthen the US president's ability to act unilaterally outside the GATT, forming the so-called "unfair trade". General Section 301", that is, the U.S. Trade Representative may, under the authority of the President, take unilateral punitive and retaliatory measures against any other country's violation of "fair trade" that harms U.S. interests. It is based on the "General Section 301" that the United States repeatedly launched trade wars against Japan in the 1970s and 1980s to combat Japanese manufacturing challenges to the United States. In 1985, the United States forced the yen to appreciate against the dollar through the famous "Plaza Agreement", which solved the trade friction between the United States and Japan from the fundamental level of finance. Since then, the Japanese economy has entered a long-term recession. At the same time, the United States also launched a "Super 301 investigation" against Japan. In 1989, the two countries signed the "U.S.-Japan Structural Trade Barrier Agreement", which not only required Japan to open its domestic market, but also forced Japan to revise its domestic economic policy. For Japan, a sovereign country, these two agreements are undoubtedly "unequal treaties" that "suffer their rights and humiliate the country". The unilateral punitive retaliation by the United States has worked not only because Japan’s export-oriented economy has long been embedded in the world economic system dominated by the United States, but more importantly, Japan has been integrated into the world imperial order of the United States as a “vassal state”. [9]

Faced with the challenges of emerging countries in the manufacturing and trade fields, the United States has continuously strengthened its unilateral action capability of various "301 investigations" on the grounds of "fair trade", while on the other hand, it has tried to consolidate its dominant position in the GATT negotiation. , forming a dual-track interactive framework for promoting international law with domestic law. In this regard, linking intellectual property issues with trade issues and using "fair trade" discourse to incorporate intellectual property rights into GATT negotiations is undoubtedly a new strategy for the United States to strengthen the world imperial system since the 1980s.

Since its independence, the United States has realized that the secret to European imperial hegemony lies in the rise of technology-driven manufacturing. For this reason, the founders of the United States actually included intellectual property protection clauses in the constitution, which seems to be the only one in the constitutions of all countries in the world. The US government has been an "enterprise country" from the very beginning. With the help of trade protection policies, the US government has always vigorously promoted technological progress and industrial development, and finally ushered in the second industrial revolution. During the two world wars, European scientists took refuge in the United States, and the United States quickly reached the pinnacle of global technology. The famous "Science: The Endless Frontier" report before the end of World War II further laid the foundation for winning the Cold War with the power of science and technology. After encountering industrial challenges from the European Union and Japan in the 1970s, the United States realized that it must maintain its dominant position in the high-tech industry by strengthening technological innovation and intellectual property protection. In 1979, President Carter formally proposed a national development strategy for the protection of intellectual property rights and formulated a series of laws to protect intellectual property rights.

However, the vast majority of countries, especially developing countries, oppose the technological monopoly of developed countries. But without the recognition of the international community, it is impossible for developing countries to abide by the rules of intellectual property protection that mainly safeguard the interests of developed countries. To this end, the United States tried to bring the issue of intellectual property protection into the GATT negotiation, making it an international law recognized by all developing countries. In 1988, the U.S. comprehensively revised Section 301 of the Trade Act, which clearly defined violations of U.S. intellectual property rights as "unfair trade" and authorized the U.S. President to set up a special office to initiate investigations into countries that engage in such acts until the lawsuit is filed. trade sanctions. This is called a "special Section 301." Since then, the Office of the US Trade Representative has become the spokesperson for intellectual property protection of multinational companies, and has launched intellectual property investigations on countries around the world, especially emerging economies. Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Southeast Asia and China have all been investigated and harvested, and a series of Intensive IP negotiations.

In order to further publicize the legitimacy of intellectual property protection, the concept of "knowledge economy" has been widely publicized by the media. The wealth myth of Microsoft President Bill Gates has become a symbol of the knowledge economy, and intellectual property rights have thus become a "new human rights". The United States is trying to use the new intellectual property rules to bring the world's major economies into its imperial system of intellectual property. In the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations, the United States used the "Special Section 301" as a backstop for threatening sanctions, and in the final stage, intellectual property, an issue that had nothing to do with trade and was not originally planned for the negotiation, was included in the negotiation agenda, and finally in 1994 Sign the famous Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). The TRIPS Agreement violates the GATT principle of national autonomy and adopts a "one-size-fits-all" approach, which undermines the freedom of countries to decide their own IPR protection legislation.

Sovereignty, setting minimum standards of intellectual property protection that all countries must accept.

At that time, many developing countries were not clear about the intellectual property strategies of US multinationals. When the United States lured developing countries to accept the TRIPS agreement with the opening of agricultural markets, many developing countries thought that although they suffered in the industrial field, they could at least benefit in the agricultural field. But what they don't know is that oligarchs in the fields of biology, pharmaceuticals, and genes in the United States have monopolized various patented technologies, so that planting and breeding in traditional agriculture are under the control of these multinational oligarchs. The global intellectual property protection promoted by the TRIPS Agreement means the dawn of a new era. After the era of industrial capitalism, in which industrial capitalists control labor and surplus value, and the era of financial capitalism, in which bankers control capital, securities, and bonds, capitalism enters the era of capitalism. The new stage, the era of "information capitalism" in which abstract intellectual property rights are controlled by information oligarchs like Apple, pharmaceutical oligarchs like Pfizer, and biological oligarchs like Monsanto has arrived. These multinational corporations that control knowledge and information "collect rents" from users, just as medieval feudal landlords who controlled land collected rents from tenant farmers. [10]

It is important to note that in the final stages of the TRIPS negotiations, the Cold War is over. The socialist camp that once supported developing countries disintegrated, and socialist theory and the second generation of human rights discourse also declined. In its place was a worldwide conservative revolution, the first generation of human rights theory under the background of classical liberalism began to fully revive, and in the new historical environment, neoliberalism, a revival of classical liberalism, was formed, with the background of left-wing. New Deal liberalism draws a line. Neoliberalism not only revived the first generation of human rights theories, but more importantly, transformed the second generation of human rights theories with the first generation of human rights theories, and used the concept of economic liberalization to promote political democratization and liberalization of cultural values, destroying The original core propositions of the second generation of human rights theories, such as people's sovereignty, national equality, and socialism.

It can be seen that the end of the Cold War and the neoliberalism supported by the "Washington Consensus" have combined unprecedented liberalization in the economic, political and cultural fields, providing new prospects for the world empire built by the United States. The United States can finally kick away the respect for national sovereignty and government autonomy contained in the Bretton Woods system, put aside the national sovereignty protected by the second-generation human rights theory, and shape a more thorough world empire entirely in accordance with the principles and logic of neoliberalism. It is in the historical process of the United States accelerating the construction of world empires in the post-Cold War era that the functions of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have undergone fundamental changes, from institutions that stabilize global finance to super-sovereign institutions that the United States manages world empires. At the same time, the GATT, which once served as a multilateral negotiation and negotiation mechanism for sovereign countries, has also been thrown into history and replaced by a brand-new governing body, the World Trade Organization (WTO). Compared with GATT, the biggest difference of the WTO is that it has a strong dispute settlement mechanism, so it has become the law enforcement agency of the world empire above sovereign states, and has become a symbol of "world rule of law". As a result, the WTO, along with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, has been ridiculed as the "Unholy Trinity" for the United States to build a world empire. It is in this neoliberal world empire planning that "human rights over sovereignty" and even "humanitarian intervention" have become a powerful tool for the United States to destroy the sovereignty of other countries and incorporate them into its world empire. The United States launched the "third wave of democratization" in the name of "human rights protection", and proposed the "Greater Middle East Democracy Plan" to transform the Middle East in the name of "war on terror"; in order to promote democratization in other countries and regions, the United States even launched "color revolutions" "This new form of warfare has transformed its world empire into a so-called "democracy empire" or "human rights empire". [11]


▍ "The Chinese Way": The Reconstruction of the Human Rights Community and Human Rights Theory


In modern times, China was forced into the European-dominated world system and began to shift from an agricultural country to a modernized path of developing commerce and industry, so that from the very beginning, China was defined as a semi-colonial on the fringes of the world system. It means that modern China had to accept the fate of "dependence and underdevelopment". To change the marginal position and the fate of dependence, political independence must be achieved first. Only in this way can protectionist measures be adopted to promote industrialization, achieve national prosperity and strength, and move towards the center of the world system. Therefore, political independence, political autonomy, and global anti-hegemony have always been closely linked with changes in the world system.

How can newly independent countries promote their own industrialization? One is the market economy and capitalist road taken by Turkey and India, and the other is the socialist road taken by the Soviet Union and China. The former attempts to promote the industrialization of the country under the Western-dominated world system, adopting the mercantilist strategy implemented by the rise of Western powers. However, the mercantilist development strategies of the Western powers are premised on war. If there is no preparation and capability for war, the mercantilist strategy cannot be successful. Moreover, despite their political independence, Turkey and India are still unable to escape their dependence on the West, and ultimately cannot escape their dependence on the Western-controlled world system. On the contrary, the socialist road has seen through the dependence and comprador of the country’s bourgeoisie to the world system from the very beginning, so it chose to rely on the working class and even the peasantry to obtain complete political independence, and even dared to use war with Europe and the United States that maintain the world system. The great powers confront each other and dare to bear the pressure and consequences of the Western powers cutting off their relationship with the world economic system economically. The two camps confronted at the political and military level during the Cold War were also two different economic systems, in which the Western capitalist system adopted a policy of blockade, restriction, isolation and encirclement of the socialist camp.

It is from the perspective of the world empire system that we can understand the choice and fate of China's two paths in the struggle for national independence and liberation since the 1911 Revolution. The key is not whether China wants to join the world system, but what kind of identity and status it will take. Join this system, and political identity and status depend on economic and military strength. In this sense, the new China after 1949 entered a critical moment in history when both crisis and opportunity coexisted. The "crisis" stemmed from the political and military suppression from the world imperial system. Only through tests like the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack, and the Vietnam-Aid War to Resist the U.S. can mean that China has gained independence in the world system. political status; "opportunity" lies in the fact that national liberation and national rebirth have given China the confidence and ability to embark on the road of independent development and industrialization, completely getting rid of the dependent character and marginal status stipulated in the world system, and helping China move towards the world system. The center has laid a solid foundation. The socialist planning system adopted after the founding of the People's Republic of China was a road that did not rely on the capitalist world system, and quickly "leap forward" from a backward agricultural country to industrialization. The development path of "industrialism". At this time, China was still a backward agricultural country, unable to obtain sufficient and cheap raw materials through global commercial trade or colonization, but had to go beyond the stage of completing resource accumulation and knowledge accumulation through commerce, and directly develop modern industry, and from the very beginning, it was the development of national defense and heavy industry. , the difficulty can be imagined. This "heavy industry" development strategy has cost China a huge price, but it has also achieved great success. It has quickly changed China's long-term colonial and plundered status, and has become a global power in a "triangular game" with the Soviet Union and the United States.

However, this development strategy takes the second generation of human rights theories to the extreme and will inevitably inhibit the first generation of human rights theories. In the long term, this situation is not sustainable. In the context of the Cold War, the Western world exported the first generation of human rights concepts to socialist countries in order to dismantle the industrialization efforts of socialist countries. This means that socialist countries must recognize the achievements of the first generation of human rights theories and return to the world system promoted by globalization after they have achieved successful industrialization. In this process of return, the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries completely lost the independence of their political sovereignty due to their political failure. They accepted the "Washington Consensus" launched by the world empire, the industrial capacity was directly destroyed, and the entire country was rewoven into the on the fringes or semi-peripheries of the world imperial system. In the process of rejoining the world system after the reform and opening up, China has always maintained its political independence, thus maintaining its autonomy in the choice of economic development strategies.

It is against this background that we see that China's economic development strategy after the reform and opening up has always included two processes: on the one hand, integrating into the world system as soon as possible, fully absorbing external knowledge, funds, systems and laws to develop and strengthen itself, Speed ​​up the establishment of a market economic system that is in line with the world; on the other hand, always take advantage of political autonomy to formulate independent development strategies. For example, the Chinese government has always maintained financial governance to avoid being manipulated by Western financial capital after joining the world system; the Chinese government insists on formulating a step-by-step development strategy, especially in the field of trade, initially aiming at "earning foreign exchange through exports", and rebates through exports and a series of policies to promote the export of primary products, and use the foreign exchange earned to introduce high-tech; and with the development of the economy, in recent years, the Chinese government has made full use of the manufacturing advantages accumulated in the "heavy industry" stage, accelerated industrial upgrading, and promoted China's development in the industry. The continuous upward movement in the global technology industry chain is gradually posing a challenge to the advantages of the US technology industry and its dominant world imperial system. This is the root cause of today's China-US competition.

Compared with the failed transitions of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, the success of China's transition lies in the fact that it did not completely abandon the second-generation human rights theory in a gesture of surrender like they did. While re-accepting the first-generation human rights theories, China has always adhered to the ideals and beliefs of the second-generation human rights theories and perfectly combined the two. From this point of view, the core essence of "socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics" is the perfect combination of the first-generation human rights theories and the second-generation human rights theories. The reform and opening up just caught up with the United States’ comprehensive revival of the first-generation human rights theories against the backdrop of neoliberalism sweeping the world. The first-generation human rights theories and the strategy of “connecting with the world”, which advocated full integration into the world imperial system, have become China’s mainstream ideology. . However, with the rise of China and the strategic transformation in the "critical decade" between China and the United States,[12] China's mainstream ideology will inevitably turn to the full revival of the second generation of human rights and the socialism it promotes, and to rebuild on this basis Human Rights Theory.


As revealed in the previous part, both the US's own national construction and the US's foreign strategy of world empire are the combination and application of the two human rights theories. [13] Then, what is the difference between the internal assembly and specific application of the two human rights theories in the United States and China?

Briefly summarizing the discussion in the previous article and this article, we can see that since the development of modern human rights theory in Europe, modern people have formed five “ideal types” around the concept of human rights. One is the Adam Smith-style British model in history, which formed a laissez-faire model according to the first-generation human rights theory. Internally, it was a parliamentary system dominated by the merchant class, and externally, it was a world imperial system of free trade. The second is the Stalin model in which Rousseau's theory of "general will" was developed to the extreme in the Soviet era, and a comprehensive planned control model was formed in accordance with the second-generation human rights theory. "Empire System". The third is the EU model that maintains a balance between the two types of human rights theories, adopting a democratic socialist economic and social policy internally and an equal alliance system externally. The fourth is the American model. The two human rights concepts are in a state of constant struggle, mutual promotion, and alternate leadership. Eventually, after the "World War II", a system with the first generation of human rights theories as the "body" and the second generation of human rights theories as the "use" was gradually formed. World Empire mode. [14]

Since the founding of New China, in the process of two human rights theories intertwined and alternately dominated, a new model with the second-generation human rights theories as the "body" and the first-generation human rights theories as the "use" is gradually forming. At the domestic economic and social policy level, China will undoubtedly uphold the socialist concept promoted by the second-generation human rights theory, reconstruct and improve our economic, social, political and cultural systems in accordance with the "people-centered" human rights theory, and at the same time As an organic part of the socialist system, free property, market economy, and free trade give full play to the enthusiasm of the government and the market, equality and freedom, the second-generation human rights theory and the first-generation human rights theory. At the level of global order, based on the second-generation human rights theory, China respects the rights of different countries and civilizations to explore a path of modernization that suits their own reality, advocates giving full play to the positive role of the United Nations system, and promotes various equal alliance systems to play an active role in global governance It is necessary to carry out institutional construction around a community of shared future for mankind, so as to adapt to the inevitable development trend of "deep globalization".

It can be seen that the competition between China and the United States today is a competition based on different human rights theories and practices. Since modern times, the two human rights theories developed in the West have always been in a tense struggle, and Chinese practice is exploring a development path that allows the two human rights theories to form a perfect combination. This is not only due to the historical experience of China's great achievements in human rights. More importantly, it stems from the Chinese wisdom of seeking the "middle way". In the tradition of Chinese civilization, human rights are not the dominant concept. Human rights are ultimately subordinate to the order of heaven. Only in the order of heaven can the rights protected by each human rights theory find its place and define its own boundaries. In China, the two human rights theories can be used interchangeably under specific circumstances, changing with the circumstances, overcoming the either-or binary thinking inherent in Western fundamentalism, so that the market and the government, capital and the people can be perfectly combined, To jointly serve the construction of the Chinese order and a community with a shared future for mankind.

In this sense, the rise of China is bound to reconstruct the theory of human rights. In the struggle for international discourse power and the promotion of global governance, China should always take the initiative in human rights discourse and criticize the human rights disaster brought about by the world imperial order promoted by the United States. The unfettered capital forces under the world imperial system have brought about human rights issues such as class oppression and racial oppression in Western countries. More importantly, at the international level, this world imperial order anchors the Western and non-Western center-periphery structures that have developed over the past few hundred years, with the United States grabbing global wealth for its self-interest without assuming responsibility for global governance, resulting in The trend of "de-globalization" is now making waves around the world. Narrow nationalism, populism, and protectionism are resurgent in many countries, and conflicts in the international community are intensifying. The rise of China is precisely based on the second generation of human rights theory, through international community consultation, dialogue and regional integration, to solve the governance problems brought about by the decline of the world empire, to promote the next wave of globalization, to jointly build "One World, One Family" and share " The Great Harmony of the World". [15]


[1] [13] [14] See Qiang Shigong: "Trade and Human Rights (Part 1): World Empire and "The Roots of American Behavior", in "Cultural Landscape", No. 5, 2021.

[2] See John Ikenberry: The Liberal Leviathan, translated by Zhao Minghao, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2013.

[3] See Andrew Lang: World Trade Law and Neoliberalism: Reshaping the Global Economic Order, translated by Fan Jian and Wang Jinling, Law Press, 2016.

[4] For related discussions, see Geovani Ariki: "The Long 20th Century", translated by Yao Naiqiang, Yan Weiming, Han Zhenrong, Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2011.

[5] David Harvey: "New Imperialism", translated by Chu Lizhong and Shen Xiaolei, Social Science Literature Publishing House, 2009 edition, pp. 46-47.

[6] Luke Martel: "Globalization from the Perspective of Sociology", translated by Song Yan, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 2014, p. 235.

[7] See Richard Rorty: "Building Our Country", translated by Huang Zongying, Life·Reading·Xinzhi Sanlian Publishing House, 2014 edition.

[8] See Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri: Empire, translated by Yang Jianguo and Fan Yiting, Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2008; Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Multitude, Penguin Books, 2005; Michael Hart, Antonio Negri: "The World of Great Harmony", translated by Wang Xingkun, Renmin University of China Press, 2016 edition.

[9] After Trump took office as the US president in 2017, Robert Lighthizer, who served as the US Trade Representative more than 30 years ago, launched the "General Section 301 investigation" against Japan and forced Japan to sign the "Plaza Agreement", was re-appointed as the Trade Representative, and launched a "Section 301 investigation" against China. However, the China Lighthizer is facing this time is not a vassal state of the United States, but a truly independent sovereign state.

[10] For a detailed discussion of the TRIPS negotiation and the intellectual property issues arising therefrom, see Peter Davhouse and John Braithwaite: "Information Feudalism", translated by Liu Xuetao, Intellectual Property Press, 2005 edition.

[11] Qiang Shigong: The End of Civilization and World Empire: The Global Legal Order Constructed by the United States, Sanlian Publishing (Hong Kong) 2021 Edition, Chapter 2.

[12] Qiang Shigong: "Sino-US "Key Decade" - "New Roman Empire" and "New Great Struggle"", in the 9th issue of Oriental Academic Journal.

[15] See Qiang Shigong: "One Family in the World" vs. World Empire: "Deep Globalization" and the Dilemma of Global Governance," Oriental Journal, 2021, No. 4 (coming soon).

This article was originally published in the 5th and 6th issues of 2021 and 2021 of "Cultural Landscape". - Sino-American Competition in the Context of World Empire. The article only represents the author's own point of view, welcome to share, media reprint please contact this public account.