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For both friends and foes of China, the Chinese political-economic model--its contemporary Marxist-Leninist structures--has become something of a fetish. In one sense it has been reduced to an object--a thing encapsulated in words--that ca be used to signal loyalty or opposition (for example), or to manage targeted populations (one way or another). In another sense, it has become the vessel through which it is possible to "signify" China and its governance apparatus--either as a marker of bad, good, or indifferent. Lastly, it serves to define place, space, and time; in this case either China, or more often it is useful to define the spaces (including ideological spaces) that are "not China. All of this is fair--and an ancient set of practices that ave been studied (and used) from a variety of perspectives for an even wider variety of purposes.
Still, every once in a while it pays to recall that Chinese Marxist-Leninism is not an object, or objectifier of the institutions and apparatus of power in that nation. This is especially so in Chine Leninism's "New Era" emerging from out of the prior era of "Reform and Opening Up." To that end it is useful to move beyond a treatment of its parts as a series of ideological slogans to the system for which it serves as sign and signal. A closer study of the internal guts of contemporary Chinese Leninism in its current "New" era rewards its student.
Indeed, Chinese Leninist theory as it has developed substantially and in important ways during the leadership of Xi Jinping; it remains a dynamic process. That dynamism, in turn, has added a level of difficulty for anyone seeking to distill the essence of contemporary Chinese Leninism in this New Era (new, that is, from the passing Era of Reform and Opening Up). The difficulty is not limited to foreigners. As theoretical underpinnings have developed since the 1920s, it has become more complex and layered. Even as specific premises, principles and manifestations of Leninist frameworks have been given shorter names, both the number of these components of New Era Leninism, and their relationship to each other has proven to be a challenge.
To some extent, the General Program of the Chinese Communist Party Constitution proves helpful. BUt it has its own challenges. It is an organic documents that must be read simultaneously in the traditional linear fashion (that is from beginning to end), and at the same time as a series of layers, each of which manifesting the essence of Leninism during its historical eras of central relevance (revolutionary era; the era of class, struggle, the era of reform and opening up, and now the new era). That also requires a certain level of sophistication that may prove challenging to those who do not devote themselves full time to the study and application of theory within the complex ecologies of Chinese Marxist-Leninism as a structural, normative, and operational system.
It is thus of great interest when authoritative elements of the vanguard of leading social forces--organized as the Communist Party of China and vested with the leadership and guidance authority of the nation under the theories of Marxism and Leninism and its progressive dialectics firmly planted on the socialist road toward the establishment of a communist society in China--permits the development and circulation of a text-based chart which attempts to describe the ecologies of principles and premises, and their inter-relations, that together constitute New Era theory--习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学体系 [Xi Jinping’s Scientific System of Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era] and its core related premises. The text chart is introduced this way:
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学习大国 2024-02-05 04:25北京 学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,是贯彻落实党的二十大精神的重大举措。2024年2月4日,主题教育总结会议在京召开。从去年4月开始,主题教育自上而下分两批进行,目前已基本结束。巩固拓展主题教育成果,深入领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,这份要点导图学习收藏↓↓↓
A Mapping of collected knowledge that consolidates and expands thematic educational achievements
Study the Great Country 2024-02-05 04:25 Beijing
Studying and implementing the thematic education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is a major means of implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. On February 4, 2024, the theme education summary meeting was held in Beijing. Starting from April last year, thematic education has been carried out in two batches from top to bottom and is now basically completed. Consolidate and expand the results of thematic education, and deeply understand Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Learn and collect this key map↓↓↓
The Text Chart may prove quite useful for those who could profit from a rationalized organization of the principles, and premised, along with their inter-relations, that together describe the the whole of Chinese Leninism for the New Era. It provides a quite useful insight into the way in which the core of leadership now understands the premise ecologies of New Era theory as the current expression of Leninist response to the fundamental objective justifying its existence--the stay on and move the nation forward with the ·socialist" path toward the establishment of a Communist society in China--one with, at least at this point, with Chinese characteristics. For those on the outside it serves as a hint of the neural pathways that inevitably produce the forms and thrusts of Chinese responses to and projections onto the world beyond its borders.
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However one values this system, its values, and structures, along with its core premises, a better understanding of its structures, framework and the normative substance of its core values is always useful beyond the instrumental fetishism of it uses otherwise. If nothing else, it might help to understand both the choices and constraints of Chinese decision making on the world stage and within its own territory.
The Text Chart follows below. It is then disassembled and reconstituted in a layered format suitable for English speakers/readers (together with the original Chinese text from which it is drawn). My hope is that this may prove of some use for those who try t align Leninist theory in contemporary China with contemporary expressions as Chinese national policies and choices. In the process, the reader can acquire a better introduction to many of the key principles that constitute Chinese Leninism and that appear from time to time in Chinese political discourse. A final caution: (1) each of these points can be best understood as condensation, a reduction and essentialization, of what in some cases are much more nuanced elaborations to which they refer; (2) notice the way the key premises overlap reproducing a dialectics within the conceptual universe of New Era Leninism. (for introductions to some key terms see, e,g, here (1), here (2), here (3), here (4), here (5), here(6), here(7), here(8), here(9), here(10).
(1) 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学体系 [Xi Jinping’s Scientific System of Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era]
(2) 两个确立 [Two Establishes]
(3) 四个意识 [Four Consciousnesses]
(4) 四个自信 [Four Self-Confidences]
(5) 两个维护 [Two Safeguards]
(6) 『五位一体』总体布局 [Five-in-one-Overall Layout (of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics)]
(7) 『四个全面』战略布局 [Four Pronged Comprehensive Strategy]
(8) 中国式现代化 [Chinese Style Modernization]
(9) 推动高质量发展 [Promote High Quality Development]
(10) 建设社会主义文化强国 [Developing a Strong Socialist Culture in China]
(11) 建设美丽中国 [Building a Beautiful China]
(12) 坚定维护国家安全 [Firmly Safeguard National Security]
(13) 推动构建人类命运共同体 [Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind]
Each of these is then further sub-divided:
(1) 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学体系 [Xi Jinping’s Scientific System of Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era] is composed of four parts:
(i) 十个明确 [Ten Clarifications/Affirmations] (Discussion papers here,
(I) 明确中国特色社会主义最本质的特征是中国共产党领导,中国特色社会主义制度的最大优势是中国共處婆鋼品:-由果替價隊是靈煙堅益來冒杂學:
鑫醬、做到“两个维护”。[(I) It is clear that the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is the Chinese coexistence. We must achieve "two safeguards" [NOTE: (1) "Safeguard the 'core' status of General Secretary Xi Jinping within the CCP"; (2)"To safeguard the centralized authority of the Party"].]
(II) 明确坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,总任务是实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴,在全面建成小康社会的基础上,分两步走在本世纪中叶建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国,以中国式现代化推进中华民族伟大复兴。[(II) It is clear that the overall task of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is to realize socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the basis of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we will build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful society by the middle of this century in two steps. We must build a modern and powerful socialist country and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization.]
(III) 明确新时代我国社会主要矛盾是人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,必须坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,发展全过程人民民主,推动人的全面发展、全体人民共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展。[(III) It is clear that the main contradiction in our society in the new era is the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. We must adhere to the people-centered development idea, develop people's democracy throughout the process, and promote the all-round development of people. development and common prosperity for all people.]
(IV) 明确中国特色社会主义事业总体布局是经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设五位一体,战略布局是全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党四个全面。[(IV) It is clear that the overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is five-in-one: economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction. The strategic layout is to comprehensively build a socialist modern country, comprehensively deepen reforms, comprehensively govern the country according to law, comprehensively Strictly govern the party in four aspects.]
(V) 明确全面深化改革总目标是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。[(V) It is clear that the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.]
(VI) 明确全面推进依法治国总目标是建设中国特色社会主义法治体系、建设社会主义法治国家。[(VI) It is clear that the overall goal of comprehensively promoting the rule of law is to build a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and a socialist country ruled by law.] [discussion here]
(VII) 明确必须坚持和完善社会主义基本经济制度,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用,把握新发展阶段,贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,推动高质量发展,统筹发展和安全。[(VII) It is clear that we must uphold and improve the basic socialist economic system so that the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation, and let the government play its role better, grasp the new development stage, and implement the new development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles reinforcing each other, promote high-quality development, and coordinate development and security.]
(VIII) 明确党在新时代的强军目标是建设一支听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良的人民军队,把人民军队建设成为世界一流军队。[(VIII) It is clear that the party’s goal of strengthening the military in the new era is to build a people’s army that obeys the party’s command, can win wars, and has a good work style, and to build the people’s army into a world-class army.]
(IX) 明确中国特色大国外交要服务民族复兴、促进人类进步,推动建设新型国际关系,推动构建人类命运共同体。[(IX) It is clear that major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics should serve national rejuvenation, promote human progress, promote the construction of a new type of international relations, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.]
(X) 明确全面从严治党的战略方针,提出新时代党的建设总要求,全面推进党的政治建设、思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、纪律建设,把制度建设贯穿其中,深入推进反腐败斗争,落实管党治党政治责任,以伟大自我革命引领伟大社会革命。[(X) It is clear that the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party must be clarified, it must progressively develop the general requirements for party building in the new era, comprehensively promote the party’s political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, work style construction, and discipline construction, integrate system construction throughout it, and deeply promote the reform and opening up of the party. Fight corruption, implement the political responsibility of party management, and lead the great social revolution with great self-revolution.]
(ii) 十四个坚持 [Fourteen "Persist-in"/Commitments/Adherances]
(I) 坚持觉对一切工作的领导 [Commit to conscious party leadership in all work]
(II) 坚持以人民为中心 [Adhere to the people-centered approach]
(III) 坚持全面深化改革 [Adhere to comprehensively deepen reform ]
(IV) 坚持新发展理念 [Adhere to a new vision in development concepts]
(V) 坚持人民当家作主 [Commit to the principle that the people are the masters of the country]
(VI) 坚持全面依法治国 [Adhere to the comprehensive [Socialist] rule of law in all governance]
(VII) 坚持社会主义核心价值体系 [Adhere to the socialist core value system]
(VIII) 坚持在发展中保障和改善民生 [Persist in development to ensure and improve the people's livelihood]
(IX) 坚持人与自然和谐共生 [Adhere to the harmonious coexistence between man and nature]
(X) 坚持总体国家安全观 [Adhere to the overall national security concept]
(XI) 坚持党对人民军队的绝对领导 [Uphold the Party’s absolute leadership over the people’s military]
(XII) 坚持“一国两制”和推进祖国统一 [Adhere to "one country, two systems" and promote the reunification of the motherland]
(XIII) 坚持推动构建人类命运共同体 [Persist in promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind]
(XIV) 坚持全面从严治党 [Adhere to comprehensive and strict governance of the party]
(iii) 十三个方面成就 [Thirteen Aspects of Achievement]
在坚持党的全面领导、全面从严治党、经济建设、全面深化改革开放、政治建设、全面依法治国、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设、国防和军队建设、维护国家安全、坚持“一国两制”和推进祖国统一、外交工作等方面取得的历史性成就和发生的历史性变革。[(I) upholding the Party's overall leadership, (II) comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, (III) economic development, (IV) comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, (V) political construction, (VI) comprehensive rule of law, (VII) cultural construction, (VIII) social construction, (IX) ecological civilization construction, (X) national defense and military construction, (XI) safeguarding national security, (XII) adhering to "one country, two systems" ” and the historic achievements and changes that have occurred in promoting the reunification of the motherland, and (XIII) diplomatic work.]
(iv) 六个必须坚持 [Six Musts] (discussed here)
(I) 必须坚持人民至上 [(I) We must adhere to putting the People]
(II) 必须坚持自信自立 [(II) We must persist in self-confidence and self-reliance]
(III) 必须坚持守正创新 [(III) We must adhere to integrity and innovation]
(IV) 必须坚持问题导向 [(IV) Must adhere to problem orientation]
(V) 必须坚持系统观念 [(V) Must adhere to a systematic concept ]
(VI)必须坚持胸怀天下 [(VI) We must persist in being world-minded]
(2) 两个确立 [Two Establishes]
(i) 确立习近平同志党中央的核心、全党的核心地位 [Establish Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core position of the entire party]
(ii) 确立习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的指导地位 [Establish the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era]
(I) 党在新时代取得的重大政治成果 [These are the Party’s major political achievements in the new era]
(II) 对新时代党和国家事业发展、对推进中华民族伟大复兴历史进程具有决定性意义 [They are both of decisive significance to the development of the cause of the party and the country in the new era and to promoting the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.]
(3) 四个意识 [Four Consciousnesses] (also here)
(i) 政治意识 [conscious maintenance of political integrity]
(ii) 大局意识 [conscious attention to the broader picture/situation]
(iii) 核心意识 [conscious of following the leadership core]
(iv) 看齐意识 [conscious alignment with the Central Committee]
(4) 四个自信 [Four Self-Confidences]
(i) 坚定道路自信 [self-confidence in the [Socialist] path]
坚信中国特色社会主义道路是我国实现现代化、创造人民美好生活的必由之路,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路。[We firmly believe that the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only way for our country to realize modernization and create a better life for the people, and it is the only way to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. ]
(ii) 坚定理论自信 [self-confidence in the theory]
坚信中国特色社会主义理论体系是指导党和人民实现中华民族伟大复兴的正确理论,是立足时代前沿、与时俱进的科学理论。[We firmly believe that the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the correct theory to guide the party and the people to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is a scientific theory based on the forefront of the times and advancing with the times.]
(iii) 坚定制度自信 [self-confidence in the system]
坚信中国特色社会主义制度是当代中国发展进步的根本制度保障,是具有明显制度优势、强大自我完善能力的先进制度。[We firmly believe that the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental institutional guarantee for the development and progress of contemporary China. It is an advanced system with obvious institutional advantages and strong self-improvement capabilities. ]
(iv) 坚定文化自信 [cultural self-confidence]
坚信中国特色社会主义文化积淀着中华民族最深层的精神追求,代表着中华民族独特的精神标识,是激励全党全国各族人民奋勇前进的强大精神力量。[We firmly believe that the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics embodies the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, represents the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, and is a powerful spiritual force that inspires the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups to move forward bravely.]
(5) 两个维护 [Two Safeguards/"Upholds"]
(i) 坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位 [Resolutely safeguard General Secretary Xi Jinping’s central position as the core of the Party Central Committee and the entire Party]
(ii) 坚决维护党中央权威和集中统-领导 [Resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized leadership of the Party Central Committee]
党的十八大以来我们党的重大政治成果和宝贵经验,是最根本的政治纪律和政治规矩。 [Our party’s major political achievements and valuable experiences since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are the most fundamental political disciplines and rules.]
(6)『五位一体』总体布局 [Five-in-one-Overall (Development) Layout (of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics)]
(i) 经济建设 [Economic Development]
(ii) 政治建设 [Political Development]
(iii) 文化建设 [Cultural Development]
(iv) 社会建设 [Social Development]
(v) 生态文明建设 [Ecological Civilization Development]中国特色社会主义事业总体布局,是我们党对社会主义建设规律在实践和认识上不断深化的重要成 [The overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an important achievement of our party’s continuous deepening of practice and understanding of the laws of socialist construction.]
(7) 『四个全面』战略布局 [Four Pronged Comprehensive Strategy]
(i) 全面建设社会主义现代化国家 [Comprehensively build a modern socialist country ()]
战略目标,在“四个全面”中居于引领地位。[Comprehensively build a modern socialist country strategic goals, taking the leading position in the "Four Comprehensives". ]
(ii) 全面深化改革 [Comprehensively deepen reforms]
(iii) 全面依法治国 [Comprehensively governing the country in accordance with law]
(iv) 全面从严治党 [Comprehensively and strictly govern the Party]
三大战略举措,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家提供重要保障 [These three major strategic measures provide important guarantees for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country]
(8) 中国式现代化 [Chinese Style Modernization]
(i) 中国特色(五方面)[Chinese Characteristics (five aspects)]
(I) 人口规模巨大的现代化 [(I) Modernization for a country with a huge populaiton]
(II) 全体人民共同富裕的现代化[(II) Modernizatn with common prosperity for all people]
(III) 物质文明和精神文明相协调的现代化 [(III) Modernization that harmonizes material civilization and spiritual civilization]
(IV) 人与自然和谐共生的现代化 [(IV) Modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously]
(V) 走和平发展道路的现代化 [(V) Modernization follwoing the path of peaceful development ]
(ii) 本质要求 (九个)[Essential Requirements (nine)]
(I) 坚持中国共产党领导,(II) 坚持中国特色社会主义,(III) 实现高质量发展,(IV) 发展全过程人民民主,(V) 丰富人民精神世界,(VI) 实现全体人民共同富裕,(VII) 促进人与自然和谐共生,(VIII) 推动构建人类命运共同体,(IX) 创造人类文明新形态。[(I) Uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China, (II) Adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, (III) Achieve high-quality development, (IV) Develop people's democracy throughout the process, (V) Enrich the people's spiritual world, (VI) Achieve common prosperity for all people , (VII) Promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, (VIII) Promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, (IX) Create a new form of human civilization.]
(iii) 重大原则 (五个)[Major Principles (five)]
(I) 坚持和加强党的全面领导 [(I) Uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership ]
(II) 坚持中国特色社会主义道路 [(II) Adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics]
(III) 坚持以人民为中心的发展思想 [(III) Adhere to the people-centered development philosophy]
(IV) 坚持深化改革开放 [(IV) Persist in deepening reform and opening up]
(V) 坚持发扬斗争精神 [(V) Persist in carrying forward the spirit of struggle]
(iv) 重大关系 (六个)[Significant Relationships (six)]
(I) 正确处理顶层设计与实践探索的关系 [(I) Correctly handle the relationship between top-level design and practical exploration]
(II) 正确处理战略与策略的关系 [(II) Correctly handle the relationship between strategy and tactics ]
(III) 正确处理守正与创新的关系 [(III) Correctly handle the relationship between integrity and innovation ]
(IV) 正确处理效率与公平的关系 [(IV) Correctly handle the relationship between efficiency and fairness]
(V) 正确处理活力与秩序的关系 [(V) Correctly handle the relationship between vitality and order ]
(VI) 正确处理自立自强与对外开放的关系 [(VI) Correctly handle the relationship between self-reliance and self-reliance and opening up to the outside world]
(9) 推动高质量发展 [Promote High Quality Development]
(i) 新发展理念 [New Development Concepts]
创新 协调 绿色 开放 共享 [Innovation, coordination, green, openness, sharing]
(ii) 新发展格局 [New Development Structures [Dual Circulation]]
加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局 [Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main element and with domestic and international dual circulations reinforcing each other. ]
(iii) “两个毫不动摇” [Two Unwaivering Principles]
(I) 毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济 [(I) Unswervingly consolidate and develop the public economy]
(II) 毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展 [(II) Unswervingly encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public economy]
(iv) “两个健康” [Two Healthy Developments]
(I) 促进非公有制经济健康发展 [(I) Promote the healthy development of the non-public economy]
(II) 促进非公有制经济人士健康成长 [(II) Promote the healthy growth of people in the non-public sector of the economy]
(v) 新时代做好经济工作的规律性认识 “五个必须” [Understanding the “Five Musts” for doing a good job in economic work in the new era ] [also here; here]
(I) 必须把坚持高质量发展作为新时代的硬道理 [(I) We must adherence to high-quality development which must be regarded as the last word in the new era]
(II) 必须坚持深化供给侧结构性改革和着力扩大有效需求协同发力 [(II) We must persist in deepening supply-side structural reforms and focus on expanding effective demand through coordinated efforts ]
(III) 必须坚持依靠改革开放增强发展内生动力 [(III) We must persist in relying on reform and opening up to enhance the endogenous driving force for development]
(IV) 必须坚持高质量发展和高水平安全良性互动 [(IV) We must adhere to high-quality development and high-level safe and positive interactions]
(V) 必须把推进中国式现代化作为最大的政治 [(V) We must regard promoting Chinese-style modernization as the top political priority]
(vi) 实施 乡村振兴战略 [Impementing the Rural Revitalization Strategy]
(10) 建设社会主义文化强国 [Developing a Strong Socialist Culture in China](I) 总目标——农业农村现代化 [(I) Overall goal—agricultural and rural modernization]
(I) 总方针一--坚持农业农村优先发展 [(II) General Policy Primary Goal - Adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas]
(III) 总要求——产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕 [(III) General requirements - prosperous industry, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance, and prosperous life]
(IV) 坚持乡村全面振兴,实现乡村产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴、组织振兴,推动农业全面升级、农村全面进步、农民全面发展。[(IV) Adhere to the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, achieve the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations, and promote the comprehensive upgrading of agriculture, comprehensive rural progress, and all-round development of farmers.]
(i) “两个结合” [Two Combinations]
(I) 坚持和发展马克思主义必须同中国具体实际相结合 [(I) Upholding and developing Marxism must be combined with China’s specific reality]
(II) 坚持和发展马克思主义必须同中华优秀传统文化相结合 [(II) Upholding and developing Marxism must be combined with China’s excellent traditional culture]
(ii) 中华文明的突出特性 (“五个突出特性”)[Outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization (“Five Outstanding Characteristics”)]
(I) 突出的连续性 [(I) Outstanding Continuity]
(II) 突出的创新性 [(II) Outstanding innovation]
(III) 突出的统一性 [(III) Outstanding unity]
(IV) 突出的包容性 [(IV) Outstanding inclusiveness]
(V) 突出的和平性 (V) Outstanding peacefulness]
(iii) 学习贯彻 习近平 文化思想(“七个着力”)[Study and implement Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts (“Seven Focuses”)]
(I) 着力加强党对宣传思想文化工作的领导 [(I) Focus on efforts to strengthen the party’s leadership over ideological and cultural propaganda work]
(II) 着力建设具有强大凝聚力和引领力的社会主义意识形态 [(II) Focus on building a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership]
(III) 着力培育和践行社会主义核心价值观 [(III) Focus on cultivating and practicing socialist core values]
(IV) 着力提升新闻舆论传播力引导力影响力公信 [(IV) Focus on improving the dissemination, guidance, influence and credibility of news and public opinion]
(V) 力着力赓续中华文脉、推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化和创新性发展 [(V) Strive to continue the Chinese cultural context and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s excellent traditional culture]
(VI) 着力推动文化事业和文化产业繁荣发展 [(VI) Focus on efforts to promote the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries]
(VII) 着力加强国际传播能力建设、促进文明交流互鉴 [(VII) Focus on strengthening international communication capabilities and promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations]
(iv) 新时代新征程网信工作的使命任务 (“十个坚持”)[The mission and tasks of cybersecurity work in the new era and new journey (“Ten Persistences”)] [also here]
(I) 坚持党管互联网 [(I) Persist on insisting that the Party governs the Internet]
(II) 坚持网信为民 [(II) Persist in adhering to the objective of Internet information for the people ]
(III) 坚持走中国特色治网之道 [(III) APersist in aherance to the approach of Internet governance with Chinese characteristics]
(IV) 坚持统筹发展和安全 [(IV) Insist on coordinating development and security]
(V) 坚持正能量是总要求、管得住是硬道理、用得好是真本事 [(V) Persist on adhering to positive energy as the general requirement, being able to control it is the last word, and using it well is the real skill]
(VI) 坚持筑牢国家网络安全屏障 [(VI) Persist in building a strong national network security barrier]
(VII) 坚持发挥信息化驱动引领作用 [(VII) Persist in adhering to the leading role of informatization]
(VIII) 坚持依法管网、依法办网、依法上网 [(VIII) Persist in adherance to the concept of managing the Internet in accordance with the law, operating the Internet in accordance with the law, and accessing the Internet in accordance with the law]
(IX) 坚持推动构建网络空间命运共同体 [(IX) Persist in promoting the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace]
(X) 坚持建设忠诚干净担当的网信工作队伍 [(X) Persist in building a loyal, clean and responsible cybersecurity and informatization work team]
(11) 建设美丽中国 [Building a Beautiful China]
(i) 继续推进生态 [Continue to Promote Environmentalism]
(ii) 文明建设 [Build Ecological Civilization] [also here]
(iii) 正确处理 [Correctly Handle Contradiction]
(iv) “五个重大关系” ["Five Significant Relationships"]
(I) 正确处理高质量发展和高水平保护的关系 [(I) Correctly handle the relationship between high-quality development and high-level protection]
(II) 正确处理重点攻坚和协同治理的关系 [(II) Correctly handle the relationship between key tasks and collaborative governance ]
(III) 正确处理自然恢复和人工修复的关系 [(III) Correctly handle the relationship between natural recovery and artificial restoration ]
(IV) 正确处理外部约束和内生动力的关系 [(IV) Correctly handle the relationship between external constraints and endogenous motivation ]
(V) 正确处理“双碳”承诺和自主行动的关系 [(V) Correctly handle the relationship between “double carbon” commitments and independent actions]
(12) 坚定维护国家安全 [Firmly Safeguard National Security]
(i) 坚持总体国家安全观 [Adhere to the Overall National Security Concept]
(I) 必须坚持国家利益至上 [(I) National interests must be put first]
(II) 以人民安全为宗旨 [(II) Taking people's safety is the primary purpose]
(III) 以政治安全为根本 [(III) Natonal security is based on political security]
(IV) 以经济安全为基础 [(IV) It is based on economic security]
(V) 以军事文化社会安全为保障 [(V) It is guaranteed by military culture and the security of the social order]
(VI) 以促进国际安全为依托 [(VI) It relies on promoting international security]
(VII) 维护各领域国家安全 [(VII) National security must be maintained in all fields]
(VIII) 推进国家安全体系和能力现代化 [(VIII) national security systems and capabilities must be advanced and modernized]
(IX) 走中国特色国家安全道路 [(IX) The national security concept fllows the path of national security with Chinese characteristics]
(13) 推动构建人类命运共同体 [Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind]
(i) 高质量共建“一带一路” [High Quality Joint Construction of the Belt & Road Initiative]
(I) 原则——共商 共建 共享 [(I) Principle - Consultation, Contribution and Sharing]
(II) 理念一-开放 绿色 廉洁 [(II) Concept 1-Open, Green and Integrity]
(III) 目标-高标准 惠民生 可持续 [(III) Goal-high standards, benefiting people’s livelihood, sustainable]
(IV) 愿景将“一带一路”建成和平之路、繁荣之路、开放之路、创新之路、文明之路 [(IV) Vision to build the “Belt and Road” into a road of peace, prosperity, openness, innovation and civilization]
(V) 中国支持高质量共建“一带一路”八项行动 [(V) China supports eight actions to jointly build the “Belt and Road” with high quality](a) 构建“一带一路”立体互联互通网络 [(a) Build a three-dimensional interconnection network along the Belt and Road Initiative]
(b) 支持建设开放型世界经济 [(b) Support the building of an open world economy]
(c) 开展务实合作 [(c) Carry out practical cooperation]
(d) 促进绿色发展推动科技创新 [(d) Promote green development and promote technological innovation]
(e) 支持民间交往 [(e) Support people-to-people exchanges]
(f) 建设廉洁之路 [(f) Building a path to integrity]
(g) 完善“一带一路”国际合作机制 [(g) Improve the mechanisms for “Belt and Road” international cooperation]
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