Tuesday, March 19, 2024

王伟光 [Wang Weiguang] 深化党的创新理论整体性系统性研究阐释(构建中国特色哲学社会科学)[Deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovation theory (constructing philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics)]


研究范式、学术理论,是构建中国特色哲学社会科学的重大任务,是广大哲学社会科学工作者的重要使命。[Researching paradigms and academic theories is a major task in building philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and is an important mission for the vast number of philosophy and social science workers.]

One of the key areas of development of New Era Leninism touches on 建设社会主义文化强国 [Developing a Strong Socialist Culture in China] (Mapping New Era Theory: 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学体系 [Xi Jinping’s Scientific System of Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era]). 

That objective and challenge, in turn, can be divided into four parts informally known by their contractions: (1) “两个结合” [Two Combinations]; (2) 中华文明的突出特性 (“五个突出特性”)[Outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization (“Five Outstanding Characteristics”)]; (3) 学习贯彻 习近平 文化思想(“七个着力”)[Study and implement Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts (“Seven Focuses”)]; and (4) 新时代新征程网信工作的使命任务 (“十个坚持”)[The mission and tasks of cybersecurity work in the new era and new journey (“Ten Persistences”)] . Each of these ideological building block for developing a strong socialist culture then incorporates its own policy objectives/maxims. Two of these are of articular interest for those in the knowledge creation sectors:

(i) “两个结合” [Two Combinations]
(I) 坚持和发展马克思主义必须同中国具体实际相结合 [(I) Upholding and developing Marxism must be combined with China’s specific reality]
(II) 坚持和发展马克思主义必须同中华优秀传统文化相结合 [(II) Upholding and developing Marxism must be combined with China’s excellent traditional culture]
*       *       *
(iii) 学习贯彻 习近平 文化思想(“七个着力”)[Study and implement Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts (“Seven Focuses”)]
(I) 着力加强党对宣传思想文化工作的领导 [(I) Focus on efforts to strengthen the party’s leadership over ideological and cultural propaganda work]
(II) 着力建设具有强大凝聚力和引领力的社会主义意识形态 [(II) Focus on building a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership]
(III) 着力培育和践行社会主义核心价值观 [(III) Focus on cultivating and practicing socialist core values]
(IV) 着力提升新闻舆论传播力引导力影响力公信 [(IV) Focus on improving the dissemination, guidance, influence and credibility of news and public opinion]
(V) 力着力赓续中华文脉、推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化和创新性发展 [(V) Strive to continue the Chinese cultural context and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s excellent traditional culture]
(VI) 着力推动文化事业和文化产业繁荣发展 [(VI) Focus on efforts to promote the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries]
(VII) 着力加强国际传播能力建设、促进文明交流互鉴 [(VII) Focus on strengthening international communication capabilities and promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations]
*       *       *

All  sectors of Chinese society, of course, have an obligation to contribute to building a strong Chinese socialist culture.  This applies with particular force to knowledge workers and intellectuals. 

These appeared to be very much on the mind of Wang Weguang [王伟光] is a professor of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(UCASS), a tenured professor of the Nankai University, a professor of the Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C, a doctor of Philosophy, a doctoral supervisor, and a member of academic division of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS).

In a recently circulated essay,  王伟光 [Wang Weiguang] 深化党的创新理论整体性系统性研究阐释(构建中国特色哲学社会科学)[Deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovation theory (constructing philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics)], the scope and forms of academic worker contribution to Chinese socialist culture in the field of knowledge production is considered. The essay is worth a careful reading--but especially against the background of the relevant framing ideology of New Era Leninism applicable to the issue of academic workers and intellectual duties to fulfill the goal of a strong socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.  

The essay is rich. Interesting for those interested in the alignment of theory and policy, perhaps, is the way that the  “两个结合” [Two Combinations] and the 学习贯彻 习近平 文化思想(“七个着力”)[Study and implement Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts (“Seven Focuses”)]. And always the shadow of the West and the outward projection of cultural power:

为更好用党的创新理论凝心铸魂,建设具有强大凝聚力和引领力的社会主义意识形态,迫切需要加快党的创新理论原理性理论成果的知识话语转化,加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系,形成同我国综合国力和国际地位相匹配的学术话语权,从道理学理哲理维度讲好中国故事、传播好中国声音,为回答世界之问贡献中国智慧和中国方案。In academic exchanges and especially in the exchange of international academic discourse, the pattern of the West being strong and the other being weak has not been fundamentally reversed. In order to better use the Party's innovative theory to align the heart and soul, and build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership, it is urgent to accelerate the transformation of the theoretical achievements of the Party's innovative theory into intellectual discourse and accelerate the construction of philosophy and social science disciplines with Chinese characteristics. Theoretical systems, academic systems, and discourse systems must be developed to form an academic discourse power that matches China's comprehensive national strength and international status, tell China's story well, spread China's voice from a moral and philosophical dimension, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to answer the world's questions.

Intellectual cultural production is also closely tied to the alignment between research and the maturation of a political ideology grounded in cultural practice. 研究范式涵盖某一思想理论观察世界、研究分析问题的立场、观点、方法等内容。形成独立的研究范式,是一种思想理论发展成熟的重要标志之一。[The research paradigm covers the standpoint, viewpoint, method, etc. of a certain ideological theory in observing the world and researching and analyzing problems. The formation of an independent research paradigm is one of the important signs of the maturity of an ideological theory. ].

The essay follows below in the original Chinese and in a crude English translation. 



王伟光 《 人民日报 》( 2024年03月18日   第 09 版)






















 Deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovation theory (constructing philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics)

Wang Weiguang "People's Daily" (Page 09, March 18, 2024)

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Based on summarizing historical experience, the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed and elaborated on the scientific methods of promoting the party's theoretical innovation such as 'two combinations' and 'six must persist', which laid the foundation for continuing to advance the party's theoretical innovation. Theoretical innovation provides fundamental compliance." Focusing on systematic chemistry and physics, we will expand the breadth and depth of research on Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, continue to deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party’s innovative theory, and transform the principle theoretical results into knowledge discourse, Researching paradigms and academic theories is a major task in building philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and an important mission for the majority of philosophy and social science workers.

Adhere to the soul and roots of theoretical innovation and transform the theoretical achievements of the Party’s innovative theory into knowledge discourse

The emergence and innovation of theory always originate from a certain historical and cultural foundation, era background and social practice needs. Marx and Engels said: "The real content of all epoch-making systems was formed due to the needs of the period in which these systems were produced. All these systems are based on the entire past development of the country and are based on class relations. It is based on the historical form and its political, moral, philosophical and other consequences." To promote the party's theoretical innovation, we must adhere to the soul of Marxism and the root of China's excellent traditional culture. Adhering to this soul and root is the foundation, premise and purpose of theoretical innovation, and is also an important guide for deepening the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovative theory.

Intellectual discourse is a distinct representation of the purpose, content, connotation, and denotation of ideological theory. It is also an important carrier for the expression and dissemination of ideological theory. It has the characteristics of being concise, profound, systematic and rigorous, and can be widely recognized by the academic community. Most of the theories with important influence in the history of thought have unique and distinctive systematic knowledge discourse. To deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the Party's innovation theory, an important task is to transform the principle theoretical achievements in the Party's innovation theory into intellectual discourse.

Marxism profoundly reveals the universal laws of the development of nature, human society, and human thinking, points out the direction for the development and progress of human society, provides scientific theoretical tools for people to understand and transform the world, and injects the power of truth into promoting historical development and social progress. . The extensive and profound Marxist theoretical system and knowledge system include dialectical materialism, historical materialism, scientific socialism, surplus value theory and a series of intellectual discourses that have far-reaching influence on future generations. Philosophy and social sciences provide scientific guidance and important ideological and theoretical foundations. The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the crystallization and essence of Chinese civilization, the root and soul of the Chinese nation, and the foundation for us to stand firm in the surge of world culture. The splendid and brilliant traditional Chinese culture provides rich ideological and cultural resources for the continuous advancement of the Sinicization of Marxism and the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics. It also lays a solid foundation for the transformation of the Party's innovative theory and theoretical achievements into intellectual discourse. foundation. To continue to deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the Party's innovative theory, and to transform the theoretical achievements of the Party's innovative theory into intellectual discourse, we must adhere to Marxism as the unshakable foundation for building the Party, the country, and rejuvenating the Party and the country. We must persist in rooting the country and The fertile historical and cultural soil of our nation will not stop the development of Marxism, and we must persist in the scientific method of combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture. Only in this way can we find the correct direction, method and approach for transforming the theoretical achievements of the Party's innovative theory into knowledge discourse.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has deeply grasped the inherent laws of the innovative development of Marxism, creatively put forward the important idea of "two combinations", and profoundly elaborated on the integration of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and the integration of China's excellent traditional culture. The internal logic, historical inevitability and great significance of the combination reveal the only way to open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and also reveal the only way to promote the party's theoretical innovation. In this process, General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively proposed a series of original and iconic new ideas, new thoughts and new strategies. To deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovation theory, we must fully and accurately apply the scientific method of "two combinations" in academic research, combine theoretical arming, theoretical guidance and theoretical innovation, and integrate the correct political direction and value orientation. Integrate with academic orientation, not only conduct in-depth research and interpretation of the specific content of the Party’s innovation theory, but also deepen macro research from a holistic and systematic level; not only inherit and adhere to the knowledge discourse that has been tested by practice and history, but also combine the development of the times and practical needs Summarize and refine new concepts, new categories, and new terms with the characteristics of the times and Chinese characteristics.

The Party's innovation theory has the character of having the world in mind. Promoting the transformation of the Party's innovative theory's principle theoretical achievements into knowledge discourse is an open, inclusive and inclusive process. It is also a process of transforming the Party's innovation theory's principle theoretical achievements into knowledge discourse and improving knowledge. The process of discursive influence. The world today is in an era of great development, transformation and adjustment. The world is becoming multi-polar, economic globalization, social informatization, and cultural diversification are developing in depth. The ideological and cultural exchanges and confrontations in the form of knowledge discourse games around the world are becoming more and more important. frequently. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the situation in the ideological field of our country has undergone overall and fundamental changes. The cultural confidence of the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups has been significantly enhanced, and their spiritual outlook has become more high-spirited. At the same time, the situation in the ideological field is still complicated, with various ideological trends emerging one after another. In academic exchanges and especially in the exchange of international academic discourse, the pattern of the West being strong and the other being weak has not been fundamentally reversed. In order to better use the Party's innovative theory to align the heart and soul, and build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership, it is urgent to accelerate the transformation of the theoretical achievements of the Party's innovative theory into intellectual discourse and accelerate the construction of philosophy and social science disciplines with Chinese characteristics. Theoretical systems, academic systems, and discourse systems must be developed to form an academic discourse power that matches China's comprehensive national strength and international status, tell China's story well, spread China's voice from a moral and philosophical dimension, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to answer the world's questions.

Closely connect with the historical process of the Sinicization of Marxism and transform the theoretical achievements of the Party’s innovative theory into research paradigms

A research paradigm covers the standpoint, viewpoint, method, etc. of a certain ideological theory in observing the world and researching and analyzing problems. The formation of an independent research paradigm is one of the important signs of the maturity of an ideological theory. For more than 100 years, our party has adhered to Marxism as its fundamental guiding ideology, continuously deepened its understanding of the laws governing the Communist Party, the laws of socialist construction, and the laws of the development of human society. It has continuously opened up a new realm of adapting Marxism to the times and made great achievements. A series of major theoretical innovations. In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to open up a new realm of sinicizing Marxism with the times and emphasized that it is the solemn historical responsibility of contemporary Chinese Communists to continuously write a new chapter of sinicization of Marxism with the times. To deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the Party's innovation theory, we must closely connect with the historical process of the sinicization of Marxism and strive to transform the principle theoretical results in the Party's innovation theory into research with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style. paradigm, and continuously expand the breadth and depth of theoretical research and interpretation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chinese Communists, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the main representative, have courageously carried out theoretical exploration and innovation in promoting the great changes in the new era, created Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and opened up an era of sinicization of Marxism. Transform into a new realm. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was created and continuously developed under the background and practical conditions of the new era. It is a systematic and scientific theoretical system. This important thought adheres to the worldview and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, creatively proposes a series of new categories, new discourses, and new judgments, and promotes the innovation of research paradigms for theoretical innovation of the party. To deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovation theory, we must deeply understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, grasp the worldview and methodology of this important thought, make good use of the positions, viewpoints and methods that run through it, and continuously deepen our understanding of the party. Understand the regularity of theoretical innovation, further clarify the orientation, direction, and methods of theoretical innovation, focus on promoting the chemistry and physics of the party's innovation theory system, and integrate the party's innovation theory in the new era from the aspects of academic stance, research methods, evaluation standards, etc. Principle theoretical results are transformed into research paradigms rich in contemporary connotations and Chinese characteristics.

Adhere to a people-centered academic stance. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Marxism is a theory that speaks for the people and speaks for the people. It was created to change the people's destiny and was enriched and developed in the people's practice of seeking liberation. The people's creative practice is the inexhaustible source of Marxist theoretical innovation. exhausting the source", emphasizing that "the people's position is the fundamental political position of the Communist Party of China and a significant symbol that distinguishes a Marxist party from other political parties." Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era adheres to the Marxist people's stance, puts forward important assertions such as people-centeredness and people-first supremacy, and makes major theoretical innovations such as people-centered development thinking and whole-process people's democracy. The clear people's position and strong feelings for the people are manifested in every component of Xi Jinping's scientific system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and run through the entire process of the governance practice of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. In building philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, the primary issue is to solve the problem of who we are. Only by always adhering to the academic stance and values of speaking for the people and speaking for the people can we accurately grasp the research orientation of philosophy and social sciences, and do a good job in comprehensive and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovative theory in the process of deepening and refining. Adhering to a people-centered academic stance is not a one-way process, but a two-way promotion process. On the one hand, we must find the entry point and source of motivation for academic research around the people's needs for a better life; on the other hand, we must take the people's creative practices as the source, draw inspiration and wisdom for academic research, and draw conclusions from the people's creative practices. Fresh experiences are elevated to rational understanding and new theoretical results are refined.

Adhere to problem-oriented research methods. Problems are manifestations of contradictions in things. Contradictions are ubiquitous and are the essential content of the relationship between things and the fundamental driving force for the development of things. The leap in theory is not reflected in the novelty of words and sentences, nor in the self-consistency and self-support of logic. In the final analysis, it must be reflected in answering practical questions and leading practical development. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “In the face of a rapidly changing world and China, if we stick to conventions, have rigid ideas, and do not have the courage to innovate theoretically, and cannot scientifically answer China’s questions, the world’s questions, the people’s questions, and the questions of the times, not only will the Party and the country If the cause cannot continue to advance, Marxism will also lose its vitality and persuasiveness." Adhering to a problem orientation is a distinctive feature of the party's theoretical innovation, and it is also an important method that must be adhered to and applied to deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovative theory. Only by taking history as a teacher, taking the times as a perspective, and carefully studying the new, major, and real issues faced in different eras can we accurately understand the logical relationship of the party's theoretical innovation achievements, deeply grasp the basic laws of the party's theoretical innovation, and The party's innovation theory is deeply studied and explained at the holistic and systemic level.

Clarify the inner mechanism of the generation and development of the party's innovative theory. Development is the Party's top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, General Secretary Xi Jinping has coordinated the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the world's major changes unseen in a century, with a profound historical perspective, a broad international vision, and With a broad and open mind, we must correctly understand the historical position and development stage of the party and the country's cause, integrate development throughout the entire process of the party's theoretical innovation, and focus on what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics and how to uphold and develop China in the new era. It proposed a series of new concepts, new thoughts and new strategies on major contemporary issues such as socialism with characteristics, and innovated and developed Marxist theory. The development of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is a process of continuous enrichment, expansion, systematization, and theoretical learning. To deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovation theory, we need to adhere to the evaluation criteria of promoting the free and comprehensive development of people and promoting high-quality economic and social development, taking my country's reality as the starting point for research, and taking the ongoing vivid practice of Chinese-style modernization as the research Objects, discover new materials, discover new problems, put forward new ideas, construct new theories from the practice of reform and development in the new era, and make subjective and original theoretical contributions. It is necessary to conduct in-depth research and explain why the party’s innovative theory in the new era can lead and promote the development of contemporary China, why it can lead and promote our party to continuously meet the people’s growing needs for a better life, and clarify the party’s innovative theory in the “two combinations” The internal mechanism of its generation and development, a deep grasp of the scientific worldview, methodology and standpoints and viewpoints contained in the "Six Musts", and a systematic and in-depth study of the profound theoretical system of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Focusing on systematic chemistry and physics, transform the theoretical achievements of the Party’s innovative theory into academic theories

The transformation of knowledge discourse and research paradigms must be realized in academic innovation and presented in systematic scientific academic theories. The transformation, generation and enrichment of knowledge discourse must not only be based on the existing achievements of human philosophy and social sciences, but also must have the courage to break through the original theoretical paradigms and academic principles, and dare to refine new concepts, new perspectives and ideas on the basis of predecessors. New terminology, all of this is inseparable from the continuous deepening of academic innovation activities. The transformation of research paradigms is also inseparable from academic innovation. The continuous advancement of the Sinicization of Marxism and the continuous deepening of the Party's theoretical innovation have provided scientific ideological guidance and powerful truth power for the vigorous development of academic innovation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Promoting the systematic physics and chemistry of theory is an inherent requirement and an important way for theoretical innovation.” In order to deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party’s innovative theory in academic innovation, we must focus on systematic chemistry and physics, and integrate The principle theoretical achievements in the party's innovation theory are transformed into systematic and scientific academic theories. The reason why Marxism has far-reaching influence and always maintains vitality is that it reveals the truth of the development of human society with profound academic theories and demonstrates the scientific nature of its theories with a complete system. Marx once said that his work is an artistic whole. The three components of Marxist philosophy, Marxist political economics and scientific socialism have a high degree of internal unity. It is precisely because of its profound academic theory and complete system that Marxism has defended and developed its scientific nature time and time again, and avoided and corrected various misunderstandings of fragmentation and vulgarity of Marxism.

Contemporary China is experiencing the most extensive and profound social changes in history, and is promoting Chinese-style modernization, a very grand and unique practical innovation in human history. To study and interpret the innovative theory of the party well in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner, we must focus on systematic chemistry and physics, continuously expand the breadth and depth of research, and focus on studying and interpreting the party in the new era.

 We should accurately grasp, systematically sort out, and deeply explain the internal connections between different principled theoretical achievements in innovation theories. At present, to deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovation theory, the primary task is to continue to deepen the research and interpretation of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era from a systematic, physical and chemical perspective. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is contemporary Chinese Marxism and twenty-first century Marxism. It is the essence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit of the times. It is a shining example of "two combinations" and realizes the sinicization of Marxism in the new era. leap forward and made original contributions to the enrichment and development of Marxism. This important thought adheres to the Marxist position, viewpoint and method, adheres to the basic principles of scientific socialism, profoundly summarizes and fully applies the historical experience of the party's century-old struggle, inherits and carries forward the essence of China's excellent traditional culture, and develops and changes according to the times and practice, with new ideological content and enriched and developed Marxism in theoretical form. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era has broad and profound contents and a strict logical structure, covering all aspects such as reform, development, stability, domestic affairs, diplomacy, and national defense, and governing the party, the country, and the military. It embodies the dialectical unity of theoretical logic, historical logic, and practical logic, and constitutes a collection of contemporary characteristics. A scientific system that integrates , systematicity and originality. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China summarized the main contents of the party's innovative theory since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as "eight clarifications" and "fourteen insistences". The report of the 20th National Congress is summarized as "Ten Clarifications", "Fourteen Persistences" and "Thirteen Achievements", and summarizes, refines and profoundly elaborates on the theories of advancing the party such as "Two Combinations" and "Six Must Persistences" Innovative scientific methods. It is precisely in the party's theoretical innovation and practical innovation in the new era, and in the process of systematization and academic transformation, that Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era has been continuously enriched and developed and has become a complete and scientific theoretical system.

Deepening the comprehensive and systematic research and interpretation of the Party's innovative theory in the new era requires the majority of philosophy and social science workers to conduct in-depth research and interpretation of the historical background, significance, scientific connotation, spiritual essence and practical requirements of Xi Jinping's socialist thought with Chinese characteristics for a new era, from the world view and methodological aspects, adhere to and use the standpoints, viewpoints and methods throughout, and innovatively develop a series of weighty and high-quality academic theories through holistic, systematic, theoretical and theoretical research and interpretation, fully embodying Xi Jinping’s The scientific nature and truth of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era educates and guides the whole party and the people in the whole country to continuously enhance the theory of using this important thought to gain insight into the general trend of the times, analyze the problems of the times, and promote the development of the times while truly learning, understanding, believing and applying them truly. Self-consciousness and practical self-consciousness.

With great theoretical courage and strong historical responsibility, contemporary Chinese Communists are shouldering the important historical task of constantly writing a new chapter of the Sinicization of Marxism for the times. The great practice in the new era provides strong impetus and broad space for theoretical innovation. There is no end to practical innovation, and there is no end to theoretical innovation. With the development of the times and the deepening of practice, the party's theoretical innovation achievements will become increasingly abundant. The research and interpretation of the party's innovative theory has a glorious mission and a heavy responsibility. The majority of philosophy and social science workers must continue to deepen their understanding of the regularity of the Party's theoretical innovation, continue to deepen the overall and systematic research and interpretation of the Party's innovative theory, and provide effective theoretical support and make responses to the continuous writing of a new chapter of the Sinicization of Marxism. Have academic contributions.

(The author is a tenured professor at Nankai University)

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