Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Interesting Articles Recently Published in Qiushi 《求是》2024(8)


There are a number of quite interesting articles in the most recent issue of Qiushi 《求是》2024(8). In addition to their substance, there is much to be learned by the choices of what was published. The Introduction to the issue provides a nice summary (in the original Chinese and an English translation). The table of content with links follows.

 Introduction to this issue
Source: "Qiushi" 2024/08 2024-04-16 09:00:00

This issue publishes an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping "Strengthening the Protection and Inheritance of Cultural Heritage and Promoting China's Excellent Traditional Culture." The article emphasizes that cultural relics and cultural heritage carry the genes and blood of the Chinese nation and are non-renewable and irreplaceable relics of outstanding Chinese civilization's resources. * * *

This journal distributes an editorial article "Creating New Glory of Chinese Culture in the Continuous Historical Context" that studies the important articles of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Focusing on the study, publicity and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important articles, this journal published articles by Ni Hong, Li Qun, and the Dunhuang Research Institute, respectively, on how to do a solid job in the new era under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts. Explain the current urban and rural historical and cultural protection and inheritance work, strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, and continue to protect Dunhuang cultural heritage. Articles by the Party Leadership Group of the Supreme People's Court of the Communist Party of China, studying and implementing Xi Jinping's Thought on the Rule of Law, and explaining how to modernize judicial work to support and serve Chinese modernization. Chen Yixin's article summarizes the historic achievements in national security work in the 10 years since the overall national security concept was put forward, and explains the study and implementation of the overall national security concept. Nobunaga Star's article introduces Jiangsu's learning and implementation of the overall national security concept and ensuring high-quality development with high-level security. An article by the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council explains the innovative development of a state-owned assets supervision system with Chinese characteristics. Zhang Hongzhi's article elaborates on the contemporary value and historical significance of "the second combination". The article by the China Agricultural University Committee of the Communist Party of China tells the story of the science and technology courtyard's efforts to improve people's livelihood, cultivate knowledge, and educate talents. The National Bureau of Statistics released a statistical chart of economic and social development: China's manufacturing purchasing managers index indicators.
来源:《求是》2024/08 2024-04-16 09:00:00

  本期发表了习近平总书记的重要文章《加强文化遗产保护传承 弘扬中华优秀传统文化》。文章强调,文物和文化遗产承载着中华民族的基因和血脉,是不可再生、不可替代的中华优秀文明资源。* * *




目 录


  加强文化遗产保护传承 弘扬中华优秀传统文化 /习近平

  在赓续历史文脉中铸就中华文化新辉煌 /本刊编辑部

  扎实做好新时代城乡历史文化保护传承工作 /倪 虹

  让文物和文化遗产绽放时代光彩 /李 群

  赓续守护,让千年文化瑰宝璀璨依旧 /敦煌研究院

  学思践悟习近平法治思想 以审判工作现代化支撑和服务中国式现代化 /中共最高人民法院党组

  全面贯彻总体国家安全观 /陈一新

  以高水平安全保障高质量发展 /信长星

  不断创新发展中国特色国有资产监管体制 /国务院国资委党委

  深刻理解“第二个结合”的时代价值与历史意义 /张宏志

  解民生、治学问、育英才的科技小院 /中共中国农业大学委员会

  经济社会发展统计图表:中国制造业采购经理指数各指标情况 /国家统计局



Table of contents

Introduction to this issue

Strengthen the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage and carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture/Xi Jinping

​Creating new brilliance of Chinese culture in the ongoing historical context/Editorial Department of this Journal

Do a solid job in protecting and inheriting urban and rural historical culture in the new era / Ni Hong

Let cultural relics and cultural heritage shine with the glory of the times / Li Qun

Continuously guard and keep the thousand-year-old cultural treasures as bright as ever/Dunhuang Academy

Study, think and practice Xi Jinping’s Thought on the Rule of Law and support and serve Chinese-style modernization with the modernization of judicial work / Party Group of the Supreme People’s Court of the Communist Party of China

Comprehensively implement the overall national security concept/Chen Yixin

Ensure high-quality development with high-level security/Nobunaga Star

Continuously innovate and develop the state-owned assets supervision system with Chinese characteristics/Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council

Deeply understand the contemporary value and historical significance of the "second combination" / Zhang Hongzhi

A science and technology courtyard that addresses people's livelihood, cultivates knowledge, and educates talents/China Agricultural University Committee of the Communist Party of China

Economic and social development statistical chart: China's manufacturing purchasing managers index indicators / National Bureau of Statistics

National anti-terrorism fist force "Falcon Commandos" (heroic model)

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