Tuesday, July 13, 2021

From Hong Kong and its Five Demands to Cuba and the Development of Demands on the State--The Hong Kong Playbook Continues to be Relevant


Pix Credit: Imagen: Cartel de un ciclo de talleres organizado por un grupo de jóvenes en 2009, a 50 años del triunfo de la Revolución, para repensar colectiva y críticamente ese aniversario.


I have been suggesting that Hong Kong provides an important baseline against which one might usefully analyze the situation in Cuba.  Most people are focused elsewhere of course.  They are embroiled in (1) the romance of revolution; (2) the glorious  authority and tragedy of unbalanced conflict where sympathies must rest with the weaker group (something that was nurtured over the years in the development of the discursive stratagems for  de-legitimating Israel and cultivating the underdog tropes); (3)  the indulgence in obsolete but appealingly false analogies to middle class revolutions and the European experience of overthrowing Soviet Marxist Leninist regimes (now a generation out of date); (4) using the current protests to manage the internal politics of the United States in and through the quite divisive politics of the Cuban diaspora there; (5) relying on the legitimating power of international standards for the protection of civil and political rights (in ways that proved eventually irrelevant in Hong Kong); and (6) abstracting the bodies of Cuban protesters for longer term purposes (the value of sacrifice) and delegitimating the current political-economic order. 

All of this is fair game. And one would have been surprised not to see this combination of well meaning obsolescence at play in Cuba.  It is a pity. Like most things involvng Cuba, the discourse and the arguments tend to be as anachronistic as the baseline against which they are made--1 January 1959.  Centuries form now people will wonder at this as a unique global phenomenon--as a bubble in global space that is 'out of time' an 'timeless' but with respect to which the albatross of 1 Januarary 159 ahngs heavy on the neck of the Cuban people and the intellectuals who now appear (apologies) t profit form this discursive and startegic stance on all side so the debate. I have been making these points to no one in particular for some time.  See, e.g., Cuba’s Caribbean Marxism: Essays on Ideology, Government, Society, and Economy in the Post Fidel Castro Era (2018). But then I would be ashomed if I also sounded like the herd mentality that propels what passes for analysis among the current Cuban vanguard and its opposition; two sdes of an anachronism desperate to vindicate a position whose time has come and gone. And yet the victims of this discursive obsolescence remains the Cuban people who are buffeted by and are managed within this quite pathological space.  

But to my point: Just as the Hong Kong protesters developed (finally) a list of Five Demands that were eventually rejected and now serve as the basis for prosecution under the post protest rectification in Hong Kong, so too the Cuban people may be developing their own equivalent to the Hong Kong Five Demands. I came across one that will likely capture the essence of the emerging position (at least beyond the borders) that is worth a careful read.  It follows below with thanks to Ailynn Torres Santana for posting.  Those follow below in the original Spanish.  

While it is impossible to say what will emerge, this nicely captures the essence of the sentiments now widely circulated and supported among critical elite players. At the same time it exposes quite nicely the way that the Cuban protests are following the Hong Kong playbook. That does not bode well, at least in the short run, for this cycle of protest. But the future is unclear. The anger of the Cuban people is now unavoidable.  Mere suppression may be attainable in the short run, but that provides the state apparatus only a very short breathing space to meet its public responsibilities before the eruption that follows, one which may be far far more difficult to meet. And that is the real issue here--if the vanguard continues to avoid its own (even minimal) responsibilities guided by its no longer plausible shifting of blame for everything on the U.S., then there is very little that is available to support its  authority. This is a reality that transcends ideology and one that can no longer be avoided.  



Presidente de #Cuba,
Abra un proceso de diálogo popular y será recordado por eso.
1. Paren la gestión policial de esta situación, que es la imagen inversa de la gestión política deseada y debida. 
2. Paren la caricaturización y criminalización de la acción popular con adjetivos de vandalismo y otros similares, que son idénticos a los que hemos escuchado en Nuestra América en fechas muy recientes por gobernantes que han gestionado sangrientamente el descontento popular. Que hayan actos que algunos puedan calificar como vandálicos no quiere decir que el descontento popular y sus repertorios de protesta lo sean. 
3. Ordenen a las fuerzas del orden que protejan la propiedad social y, a la vez e indefectiblemente, el derecho de manifestación pacífica de la ciudadanía. 
4. Ordenen a las fuerzas del orden el cese de la represión y la violencia. Hemos visto registros de oficiales pateando a jóvenes en el suelo, cargando a manifestantes pacíficos afuera del ICRT, llevándose de sus casas a personas sin cargos y un largo etcétera. Paren.
5. Impidan el ejercicio policial sin identificación y por personas vestidas de civiles que, además, portan armas de fuego. Es completamente inadmisible, presidente. 
6. Levanten el apagón tecnológico y estabilicen la conexión a internet y telefónica. Permitan a las familias comunicarse, urgentemente.
7. Paren las detenciones arbitrarias y den a conocer el paradero de las personas detenidas. Respondan a las madres, familiares y amigos que van a las estaciones policiales donde están sus seres queridos y déjenles en libertad si están ahí ilegítimamente. 
8. Presidente, abra un diálogo popular en Cuba. Escuche a la gente. Escuche sus demandas. Escuche sus propuestas. La rendición de cuentas de ayer poco va a resolver la situación realmente. Los errores sistemáticos y sostenidos de la gestión económica, política, social y cultural cubana necesitan no sólo reconocerse sino corregirse. Esos mismos errores que en otras ocasiones usted ha mencionado tienen que estar ahora en juego. Ofrezca el espacio para ello y para la autorganización que permita traducir el desconsuelo y la rabia política en acciones que funden y reconcilien. 
9. Denuncie y permítanos denunciar el bloqueo de Estados Unidos sin saña y sin sospecha. Muchas personas lo hacemos y no necesitamos el beneplácito de nadie para ello. Capitalice el desprecio por el bloqueo en lugar de seleccionar cuáles denuncias son legítimas y cuáles no, sin razones ni pruebas ni justicia. 
10. Si Cuba necesita recuperar horizonte, esperanza, confianza, es en este momento. Contribuir a ello es su función en esta hora y no otra.
Abra una diálogo nacional real, sin tokenismos (recordando al universal Martin Luther King), sin intervencionismo, con la fuerza y la honestidad que permitan a Cuba, y sobre todo a cada cubana y cubano, ser un territorio de soberanía.


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