Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Text of Online Interview for China's Diplomacy in the New Era Organization: 论新时代社会主义现代化的特征 网络访谈文字摘要,美国东部时间周二(On the Character of Socialist Modernization in the New Era)


On 28 August 2024 I was interviewed by Li Ying [丽颖] for China's Diplomacy in the New Era Organization.

8月28日,即将来华参加明德战略对话(2024)的美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学法学与国际事务学院教授白轲接受@新时代中国外交思想库 专访时表示,中国式现代化不是一成不变的,而是不断与时俱进。如今,中国式现代化不仅聚焦经济领域,还致力于解决分配不均问题、推动社会主义文化发展和社会进步。#中国式现代化 #明德战略对话2024

On August 28, Bai Ke [(白 轲) Larry Catá Backer], a professor at the School of Law and International Affairs at Pennsylvania State University in the United States, who is about to come to China to participate in the Centennial Strategic Dialogue (2024), said in an exclusive interview with the @新ERA中国 diplomatic think tank that Chinese-style modernization is not set in stone; it continuously advances with the times. Today, Chinese-style modernization not only focuses on the economic field, but is also committed to solving the problem of uneven distribution and promoting the development of socialist culture and social progress. #中文字幕国产 strategic dialogue 2024

A written text substantially reflecting the interview follows below (in English and in my crude Chinese translation). 



Larry Catá Backer ( )

On the Character of Socialist Modernization in the New Era

Text summary of online interview, 10 pm EST on Tuesday (Aug 27)

For China-Diplomacy Org ( .


  1. How long has it been since your last visit to China?

I was last in China in late November 2019. I had been delivering lectures for graduate students at East China University of Political Science and Law in Shanghai and working with colleagues on issues of smart cities and social credit systems.


  1. What are your expectations for the Mingde Strategic Dialogue?

First I would like to thank Wang Wen and Renmin University for organizing the event. The Mingde Strategic Dialogue provides an excellent opportunity for people to learn from one another and in that way to advance mutual understanding. That is especially important given the central significance of modernization and productivity as a general principle in an age driven by new technologies and new ways of understanding and extending productivity.


  1. What China-related topics have caught your attention lately, and why?

The world has become a very busy place lately so there is much activity competing for attention.  I can name two developments that have caught my attention—both reflect the drive toward innovation at the heart of new quality development expressed in the 3rd Plenum Resolution.  The first are issues around technology-based regulations and operations.  This includes social credit systems, but also smart cities and big data tech based production. The second are issues related to the comprehensiveness of the concepts of modernization and productive forces.  The movement from the passing era of Reform and Opening Up now appears to be decisive and new era approaches are worth studying closely .


  1. Can you preview the main points of your upcoming remarks at this event?

I will be focusing on the importance of Chinese socialist modernization in a global context.  I will suggest that the development of concepts of socialist modernization, and especially the refinement of high or new quality development , has a substantial impact on international efforts to develop global concepts on development and sustainability.  And it is essential for global discussions about big data tech and generative and predictive AI. At the same time it is important for the largest states to begin to develop common ground through which they can effectively manage their relations while furthering their own political economic models and their theories of collective organization.


  1. How would you define Chinese modernization?

This is not a simple question. Reduced to its essence, and from an outsider’s perspective, Chinese modernization I think has several key characteristics that distinguish it from modernization elsewhere.


First, it is Chinese. This is driven by a presumption that national characteristics matter when transposing  theoretical principles into the concrete realities of a cultural-political community. Modernization may be universal; its manifestation is inevitably local.   


Second, it is socialist. That requires a very specific approach to understanding the relationship of national sources of productive wealth (human and other resources) with state policy. When combined with the first principle, one speaks about socialism with national characteristics.  


Third,  it is premised on the core role of the  productivity of national forces. The principle of productive forces has its roots in classical Marxism referring to the combination of human productivity with the means of production. In Chinese socialism the notion of the development of productive forces became a central element of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics initially in the period of Reform and Opening Up. In the New Era the focus is on high quality development driven by innovation.  


Fourth,  it is premised on an understanding that productive forces must be applied to a particular set of tasks.  In this case it is to move the notion forward along the socialist path at the end of which, ideally, is the realization of a communist society. To that end, of course, the development and deployment of productive forces is very broad in scope and changes to suit the times.


Fifth, modernization is dynamic.  Modernization must change with the times and build on the successes as well as learn from the challenges of the past.  During the period of Reform and Opening Up the focus was on economic productivity. In the current new era the focus is on uneven distribution of production and the development of socialist cultural and social forces as well as economic ones.


Sixth,  modernization is a comprehensive concept in China’s current historical era.   Because Chinese Marxism is dynamic and attempts to be in accord with the times, it has developed the original 19th Century notion of productive forces from one that centered on economic production to one that includes the comprehensive development of the nation and of Chin’s productive role in the world.


  1. In your opinion, how might Chinese modernization impact the world?

Chinese modernization has the potential for great impact in the world.  Let me break that down into several parts. 


The first is the effect of Chinese modernization on its most intimate foreign relations.  Chinse style modernization, adapted to national context, may have a potential to shape the way that China’s Belt & Road Initiative partners  engage in their own national modernization movements. Coordination with the Chinese model would create productive synergies.


The second is the effect of Chinese modernization on its trading competitors. The interface between Chinese style modernization and competitor bloc is becoming more challenging. Part of this is the product of substantial  theoretical differences. Part of it is grounded in the incompatibility of accountability systems, with U.S. sanctions programs and the new European Sustainability Due Diligence Directive as good examples.


And the third is the effect of Chinese modernization on the shaping of international trade and development.  That will produce a dialog between the  traditional approaches of  developed liberal democratic States, the Chinese Model, and the emerging development Model of post-colonial States that are finding their own voice within international forums. Much of this dialog is already evident within the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.   



Larry Catá Backer (白轲)

论新时代社会主义现代化的特征 网络访谈文字摘要,美国东部时间周二(8月27日)晚上10点 来自中国外交网(。


1. 您上次访问中国是多久前?

我上次来中国是在 2019 11 月下旬。我当时在上海华东政法大学为研究生授课,并与同事们就智慧城市和社会信用体系问题展开合作。


2. 您对明德战略对话有何期待?



3. 最近哪些与中国有关的话题引起了您的关注,为什么?



4. 您能否预览一下您即将在本次活动上发表的讲话的要点?



5. 您如何定义中国的现代化?















6. 您认为中国现代化将如何影响世界?








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