Saturday, January 30, 2021

On the Re-Appropriation of Traditions of Candomblé in Brazil: Film: "Afro-Atlantic Memories" Now Accessible on YouTube

I am delighted to share with you the announcement recently circulated by Xavier Vatin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology at the Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Brazil

Compartilho com vocês o nosso filme "Memórias Afro-Atlânticas" (2019, 76'), que acaba de receber quatro prêmios no festival Cine-PE 2020: prêmio da crítica de melhor longa-metragem, prêmio do Júri Popular, Melhor Direção e Melhor Roteiro. "Memorias Afro-Atlânticas" é o resultado de 8 anos de pesquisa dedicadas ao estudo do acervo (gravaçoes sonoras, fotografias) em terreiros de candomblé, na Bahia, em 1940/41, pelo linguista negro estadunidense Lorenzo Dow Turner e o processo de reapropriaçao deste acervo pelas comunidades de candomblé na Bahia, inclusive os descendentes de Menininha do Gantois, Joaozinho da Goméia e Manoel Falefa. Vocês podem assistir o filme (legendado em inglês) no Canal Youtube do Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute (CCADI, NY), com apresentação do Prof. Ken Dossar e seguido de uma discussão comigo sobre o filme e a nossa pesquisa.
I share with you our film "Afro-Atlantic Memories" (2019, 76 '), which has just received four awards at the Cine-PE 2020 festival: critical award for best feature film, Popular Jury award, Best Direction and Best Script. "Afro-Atlantic Memories" is the result of 8 years of research dedicated to the study of the collection (sound recordings, photographs) in candomblé terreiros, in Bahia, in 1940/41, by the American black linguist Lorenzo Dow Turner and the process of reappropriation of this collection by the candomblé communities in Bahia, including the descendants of Menininha do Gantois, Joaozinho da Goméia and Manoel Falefa. You can watch the film (subtitled in English) on the Youtube Channel of the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute (CCADI, NY), with a presentation by Prof. Ken Dossar is followed by a discussion with me about the film and our research.
For anyone intersted in Brazil and in the cmpex interplay of its peoples and religions, the video is worth watching. MOre importantly, perhaps, is the power of communities to recapture their own heritage and to manage it from within and share it. But always the problem of translation.   Ther are profound lessons to be learned here in this year of Olokún.

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