Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Intelligence Agit-Prop: Secret Signals: Decoding China’s Intelligence Activities in Cuba (July 1, 2024) a project of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hidden Reach Special Initiative.


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Pix Credit here (Cardinals Eavesdropping at the Vatican)
There has been much discussion (off and on sadly) about all sorts of signals and wave related devises that appear to be doing a lot of damage to individuals as the security services toddlers play spy versus spy with collateral damage (see discussion here for example:Video--Mark Zaid and Rob "Butch" Bracknell on Anomalous Health Incidents (AKA Havana Syndrome): Joint meeting of the International Committee of the ABA Senior Lawyers Division (SLD) and the National Security Committee of the ABA International Law Section (ILS); more essays here: Cuba Sonic Weapons Affair). But beyond the theatrics of wave or beam or related devices, the day to day drudge work of eavesdropping continues. Cuba, cash starved, and starved as well for reliable (that is well heeled and militarily capable) allies has an asset worth selling related to this market for keeping tabs on "competitor" states--its proximity to the United States.

It ought to come as no surprise, then, that Cuban locations, long used by Cuba's former patron, the now dissolved Soviet Union (resurrected  as the Russian Federation at least in a somewhat less reliable spirit) are now available for rent or long tern lease to others. Those "others" and the facilities and technologies on offer, were nicely described for those of us without any access to state secrets, in the Report, Secret Signals: Decoding China’s Intelligence Activities in Cuba (July 1, 2024). Written by Matthew P. Funaiole, Aidan Powers-Riggs, Brian Hart, Henry Ziemer, Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., Ryan C. Berg, Christopher Hernandez-Roy, the Report is a project of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hidden Reach Special Initiative. 

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The Report offers a non-secrets based glimpse at the architecture of Cuban-Chinese surveillance architectures in Cuba. There are several interesting points beyond the obvious (that is that (1) this is occurring; (2) that it may have effects on the US security architecture for among other establishments, SouthCom, especially in its Florida facilities bit likely all around the Gulf coast; and (3) the effects on ideological and propaganda warfare remains cloudy not because of their capacity to project but because their presence itself projects a narrative meant to disrupt and destabilize and weaken popular confidence). The facilities have been around for a while, their use by China has been known in some facilities since at least 1999, and the US has had plenty of time to apply countermeasures--which serves as a reminder that the careless empire tends to pay for that lapse in sometimes costly ways. Beyond that one can consider additional possibilities.

The first is the obvious--the facilities are obvious in the sense that there is no effort to hide them. Not that anyone can walk in, nor are they are of eco-walking tours of Cuba. But rather that China and Cuba (in this case) make no effort to hide them. Again the propaganda and narrative insertions value of that obviousness may be worth more than whatever surveillance they may be able to extract from these facilities.  Second, it is likely that these are limited use facilities in the sense that they are value adding rather than value creating facilities with respect to information harvesting. There is likely a bit of redundancy in the operations that one would expect from actors for which money would not be much of an object given the stakes and objectives of competition at the highest levels of Empire. True enough the spectacle of the Chinese balloons over North America provided a diversion, but there are other tried and true modalities that remain bedrock parts of the security apparatus and its projections abroad. Still there may be value added; the Report notes:

Collecting data on activities like military exercises, missile tests, rocket launches, and submarine maneuvers would allow China to develop a more sophisticated picture of U.S. military practices. While modern military communications are highly encrypted—meaning the contents of the messages and data are hidden—information on the frequency, origin, direction, and pace of communications traffic can provide significant intelligence value. Other types of data can be collected with less concern for encryption. Notably, ELINT and radar systems, like the one possibly installed at Bejucal in recent years, are within range to monitor rocket launches from Cape Canaveral and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. (Secret Signals: Decoding China’s Intelligence Activities in Cuba )

The third is that these remain multi use facilities in a kind of odd way--one might imagine that the farming undertaken in many of these rural facilities is real enough (revealed by a look at the pictures in the Report); and that adds to both the casualness and the projection of power through carelessness inherent in the pictures published; they just don't care and can grow melons at the same time. Fourth, that propaganda value can work both ways, especially in an election year in which hard targets offer internally useful objects against which to project politics. Spy balloons and Cuban surveillance facilities  can be used to advantage. Fifth, one wonders about the connections between this and the broader issue of more aggressive measures long taken by security services (and likely others) against people or where people are damaged collaterally, the so-called anomalous health incidents. There probably isn't any, of course and the topic remains sensitive from all sides, and yet delivery modalities being what they are, the question lingers.  

And that leaves us with Cuba--again passive, in a kind of aggressive way. And protective, in the form of its choices of patrons in a climate in which it understands that its neighbor to the North still views its government as illegitimate and ripe for replacement. That is statecraft and politics, of course. But it does have consequences.  And these consequences are not amenable to the warm embrace of a presidential visit. Calculation all around. Some of it semiotically concrete--in the form of these monuments to power relationships; and virtual, in the form of the harvesting of data in facilitates from which produce and other edibles are also harvested. The connection is irresistible--as propaganda. And indeed perhaps the greatest utility of all of this theater is in its agit-prop (agitation propaganda) now unmoored from its traditional location in the arts and the art of literary performative propaganda: certainly if these facilities were actually able to produce value added intelligence, one might  want to have engage those responsible for countermeasures more directly. But the presence of the facilities themselves produces value, not for what they do but for what they signal about projections of power from one empire deep into the spece of its rival:

Beijing has clear political and ideological motivations to keep afloat one of the world’s few remaining Communist Party–led governments. Yet its interests there are also clearly strategic. China’s ambitions to expand its overseas military presence are well documented, and Cuba provides an attractive foothold for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the Caribbean. An unclassified assessment by the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence released in February 2024 lists Cuba as one of several countries where China is looking to establish military installations.  Cuba is currently embroiled in its worst economic crisis since the fall of the Soviet Union, and Havana is in desperate need of external assistance. China has emerged as a critical lifeline, providing billions in debt relief and direct assistance in recent years. (Secret Signals: Decoding China’s Intelligence Activities in Cuba )

That said, the fact that someone went to the trouble of performing agitation propaganda does not mean one ought to sit and watch the show. That recourse, of course, poses the greater danger of this theater than the theater itself.

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The Report is well worth reading. Please ACCESS HERE.

Journal of Comparative Law Issue 19(1)--"The Worldview of Comparative Law"


 The Journal of Comparative Law has made available its Issue 19(1), with some article  available open access. Its focus and theme is on "The Worldview of Comparative Law."  The Contents including links to open access contributions, follows below.


Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence as the Conceptual Lens of Chinese Marxist-Leninist (Socialist) Internationalism--和平共处五项原则发表70周年纪念大会北京宣言 [Beijing Declaration on the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence]


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It is always useful to be reminded that as major liberal democratic states tend to their elections this year, Chinese Marxist-Leninist theory continues to evolve in areas that might be worthy of substantially greater consideration. Much of this, of course, was crystalized in the 20th CPC Congress. But the further development, and more importantly, the transposition of principle and ordering premises out from contextually specific Marxist-Leninism to forms ad applications of greater immediacy to developing and post colonial states ought to be taken seriously. One vehicle for that theoretical transposition is an old vessel now filled with new theory--but now new again: the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence. Much can be gleaned by a careful reading of the Beijing Declaration, distributed as part of the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the production of that doctrine.


中方作为纪念活动主办方,总结各方主要观点如下 (和平共处五项原则发表70周年纪念大会北京宣言 ):
On June 28, 2024, the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence was grandly held in Beijing. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, attended the commemorative meeting and delivered an important speech. Premier Li Qiang presided over the meeting. Former politicians from Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Brazil, Guyana, Japan, South Korea, Italy, France, Croatia, Slovenia and other countries, representatives of international and regional organizations, ambassadors to China from more than 100 countries, experts and scholars, friendly people, media and business representatives attended the meeting. The meeting issued the "Beijing Declaration on the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence". 
The commemorative event was themed "From the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind". The four sub-forums focused on the following four themes: the contemporary value of Asian wisdom, the vision and mission of the "Global South" under great changes, building a prosperous world with Chinese-style modernization, and promoting global governance of consultation, joint construction and sharing, so as to gather broad consensus among all parties on building a community with a shared future for mankind. 
As the organizer of the commemorative event, China summarized the main views of all parties as follows:

A Summary of the 19 points of the Beijing Declaration follows (original Chinese and English Translation). It is most interesting for the way it interlinks the emerging universe of discursive tropes around Socialist Internationalism (the New Era Communist Internationalism (see eg here) already in genesis since before of the start of the leadership of the current General Secretary of the CPC) in a way that links the old anti-colonialist discourse with that of the post-global. The alignment of old tropes with new objectives (and particularly that of the "Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" is worth some consideration, especially in the ways in which it has been structured and applied as a function of its discursive framing. On various aspects of Chinese Socialist Internationalism here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

New Quality Development Theory: Snippets From Speeches and Writings of the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party: 习近平:开创我国高质量发展新局面 (Xi Jinping: Create a new situation for high-quality development in China)


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The discursive focus on the concept of high or new quality development (“新质生产力”) in China has been intensifying recently.  Emerging out of the evolution of New Era theory from out of and increasingly distinguished from the form and style of production at the center of the Reform and Opening Up Era, new quality development theory is meant to suggest a broadening and deepening of concepts of production and productivity from out of the old notions of development as focused principally on economic development traditionally understood. The concept is taking a number of distinctive trajectories. These suggest the importance of the concept as a means of organizing (or ordering) or as the language through which, New Era theory is to be applied to the development of comprehensive policy goals and for developing the language of applied Marxist theory in the current stage of China's historical development. 

Thus, for example, it refers to the quality of production in the sense of a focus on innovation. That in turn is grounded, at least dimly on a rejection of the old notion that developing states must trudge through development cycles from the bottom of the value adding technological and production pile to the high-value added top of production chains. Leapfrogging tech has already worn off its novelty when applied to developing states. But its use here is meant to direct effort elsewhere, that is toward both a choice and a means of innovation. That touches both on emerging sectors and on the traditional Reform and Opening Up "China as the World's factory" economy.  But new quality development focuses more comprehensively on a much broader--Leninist--conception of the objects and means of production. One produces things, certainly, and services. But one also produces the ideal worker, the best cadre, culture moving closer to a perfected ideal, and the like. It in in those takes that the innovation and production principles of this concept may produce a very different form of innovation. In this sense, everything from smart cities, to social credit regimes, to the better quality production of political and administrative services may also be subject to new quality production review.

The concept and its development or at least its potential application, has been picked up by important organs of State and Party  authority, as well as by individuals (generally academics and highly placed persons) with an interest in the matter (eg here, here, here, here, here here, here, and here) and expressed through mass line (群众路线) events (eg here).

It is in that context that Chinese organs traditionally focus on the textual or performative development of a new concept or a concept the refinement of which is given priority, by reference to the writing and other acts of the CPC core of leadership, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (earlier contribution here). Consider also the current baseline from the 20th CPC Congress: Mirror, Mirror: 二十大受权发布)习近平强调,以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴 2022-10-16 11:56:35 (来源:新华网) [(20th National Congress authorized release) Xi Jinping emphasized that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be comprehensively promoted with Chinese-style modernization], and here.

To those ends, Qiushi has published 习近平:开创我国高质量发展新局面 (Xi Jinping: Create a new situation for high-quality development in China), a set of quotations, drawn form a variety of sources, in which the General Secretary discussed aspects of the high quality development concept. The compiled excerpts were described as " an excerpt from General Secretary Xi Jinping's important remarks on creating a new situation of high-quality development in my country from October 2017 to March 2024" ["这是习近平总书记2017年10月至2024年3月期间有关开创我国高质量发展新局面重要论述的节录"]. 

The collected compilation follows below in the original Chinese and in a crude English translation. 


Monday, July 01, 2024

The Party as a State Asset and “新质生产力” (New Quality Productivity):《中国共产党纪律处分条例》 ["Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China"]


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 新华社研究院the Xinhua News Agency Research Institute has recently circulated ( 更好赋能中国繁荣世界——新质生产力的理论贡献和实践价值] (Better empowering China to prosper the world - the theoretical contribution and practical value of new productivity (20 June 2024))--a fairly detailed discussion of what is appearing to be a signature element of New Era ideology that may be an object of consideration for the upcoming 3rd Plenum--high (or new) quality development. The concept of “新质生产力” (New Quality Productivity) was first announced by Xi Jinping in 2023, as is customary, during the course of an inspection tour. It was quickly embraced by key CPC, political (CPPCC) and State (NPC) organs.  

On January 31, 2024, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a collective study on the solid promotion of high-quality development. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, in which he gave an in-depth explanation of the new concept of new quality productivity.

  "In a nutshell, new quality productivity is the advanced productivity quality state that innovation plays a leading role in breaking away from the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path, and has the characteristics of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, which conforms to the new development concept. It is spawned by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep transformation and upgrading of industries. It has the leap of workers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimized combination as its basic connotation, and the substantial improvement of total factor productivity as its core symbol. Its characteristic is innovation, the key is high quality, and its essence is advanced productivity."

  High-quality development is the hard truth of the new era.



  高质量发展是新时代的硬道理。[更好赋能中国繁荣世界——新质生产力的理论贡献和实践价值] § 1.1 (Better empowering China to prosper the world - the theoretical contribution and practical value of new productivity)

 Indeed, 习近平总书记提出的“新质生产力”成为最受关注的热词 [the "new quality productivity" proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping has become the most popular hot topic] (了解新质生产力,要读懂三个“不” (To understand the new quality productivity, we must understand three "nevers"))

Much of the focus has been on purely economic issues--that is, respecting issues touching on traditional productivity.  Yet it may be important to consider that in the New Era, China has taken a more comprehensive view of state assets-- This suggests a broader reading of the term in Article 12 of the Chinese constitution. That broader reading may suggest something else as well:  that theory may suggests, that the principle state asset in China under New Era theory is the Communist Party itself, including its institutions and members. That suggests, in turn, that the New Era's theorization of “新质生产力” [ "new quality productivity" ] may be incomplete unless it is turned inward as well. 

To that end, it may be a useful exercise, and the 3rd Plenum provides an excellent opportunity for direction in this respect, to make efforts for the development of more detailed connections between the enforcement and interpretation of the CPC's "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" [《中国共产党纪律处分条例》] in ways that align them to “新质生产力” [ "new quality productivity" ] in measurable and accountable ways. The connection to the "Three Nevers" (三个“不”) might drive home the point (never separate the people from the communist party, never accept teacher-like preaching from foreigners, and never allow bullying by external forces).

The text of "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" [《中国共产党纪律处分条例》] and 更好赋能中国繁荣世界——新质生产力的理论贡献和实践价值] (Better empowering China to prosper the world - the theoretical contribution and practical value of new productivity (20 June 2024) follow below in the original Chinese and crude English translations.


Satyricon, or Tragedy at Play--Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order: Leopold Aschenbrenner, "Situational Awareness"


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 This past month (June 2024),  the carbon encased consciousness self-identifying as Leopold Aschenbrenner published "Situational Awareness" dedicated to Ilya Sutskever. It is meant to offer a roadmap describing "a" (but perhaps not "the") pathway toward the shaping of human interaction with the generative and virtual intelligence, silicon encased, and how that interaction will, in its dialectical mimesis, will reshape both. These visions from the pragmatic side of things tend to align with what may already have been anticipated from the philosophical side (see my take. "The Soulful Machine, the Virtual Person, and the "Human" Condition" here). In both, cases a phenomenological semiotics--inductive, iterative, mimetic--and uncontrollable, in the way that Greeks understood hubris as a sort of lèse majesté in the form of a presumption toward the gods--suggests that there is no way to control the trajectories of human or generative consciousness as each is now compelled to "work" on the other, and that what follows will reshape both and the nature of the relations between them. But there may be a way to profit from them, or at least to protect oneself from its most negative effects.

Legal regulation, in this schema, assumes its traditional marginal role, as window dressing and risk allocation device. The pretensions of law as an instrument shaping events disappears in the world of those actually doing the shaping--coders, engineers, structuralists, and perhaps the money that fuels their work.  In all of this law making is both a necessary but pathetically misguided performance by those who represent what is about to be swept aside--in both the coding and societal communities and their apparatus. But the past must busy itself at least with appearances if only to create the necessary curtain behind which things will change. With respect to what comes after, Aschenbrenner believes he can see at least the glimmerings of a  possibility, or at least a process that makes predictive analytics of trajectories possible--though perhaps less so on the generative side (if only because he is not it). The strength of his belief in its analytics (at least with its repercussions on the human side) is strong enough to induce him to put his (and others) money where his brain is. For that reason along (though many would do it as a function of status and position within the human hierarchies of AI development), it is worth taking the journey with him, at least as far as he is willing to let us see.

Certainly within the tech community much of this, one way or another, is not missed, and they are going along for the ride, whether as critic, observer or otherwise. "Situational Awareness" has started quickly to make the rounds of the AI community, especially though in the technological and financial vanguard (that is the producers, financiers and potential users  of big data technologies in their generative forms)  (but see also here). It is also leaking into the spaces within which other elites also guard their territories and prerogatives (the Wall Street Journal article touching on AI community preemptive contracts for energy from nuclear facilities is instructive). More importantly, as Aschenbrenner sees it at least, and not incorrectly, these include--always and hovering in the background just out of sight--the security apparatus of states (primarily) but also of other collectives that may deploy military or quasi-military authority/power. That, in part is a function of the status of the author within that community, as well as his now apparently well financed iconoclasm.

On the AI side of things, Timothy Lee, for "Understanding AI" reminded readers that " Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike left OpenAI within days of one another. The two were co-leads of OpenAI’s superalignment team, which got disbanded shortly afterwards. Their departure brought renewed attention to an April report that Leopold Aschenbrenner, a member of the superalignment team, had been fired for allegedly leaking information." Nonetheless there is analytical power here as well.

Mike Allen, for Axios, in his ten takeaways, emphasized Aschennbrenner's impulse toward the inductive and the iterative, toward the mimesis of virtual consciousness and its sensibilities; but also what motivates both digital and analogue consciousness--wealth or welfare enhancing bits: data and money.  And that makes inevitable the juxtaposition of wealth in the form of "effective altruism"--it is all in the measure of value. 

Luke Dawes, for the Effective Altruism Forum, raises some quite interesting interpretive and perspective issues--from the arborescence of "Situational Awareness", to its embedding in the current historical era's contest among variations in the human construction of social collectives in the form of liberal democratic and Marxist Leninist variations. But always the arborescent schema--one that is easily coded into the mimetic virtual consciousness that is one form of the AI that may be coming. This even as the impulse is to honoring the rhizomatic element in the creation of virtual intelligence in the image of its creators. It is likely that the rhizomatic element will triumph, one way or another, and in its own way--yet likely only in its own space.  For the moment it will exist, like the market economy in Cuba, as the "non-state sector"--the unofficial economy, the alternative 'verse, both essential and an existential threat to the arborescent schema that lies at the heart of Aschenbrenner's analytics. 

Dirk Songuer, for Medium, was a bit darker about what he terms Aschenbrenner's 165 page AI Manifesto. He suggests:
Don’t get me wrong — I do think that LLMs and generative AI in general have their use cases. But I wonder if their impact, their outcomes, their actual return on investment, is also growing in such an exponential manner. Because I don’t think it is. * * * This is why AI companies now work on a veneer of sexualized and manipulative user interfaces that talk at you flirty and funny. Because why wouldn’t you want to be attracted to your iPhone? But also to distract you from the fact that these things are not really turning into a revolution.

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And perhaps darker still are some of the reflections of Rob Bensinger for LessWrong. "I think this report is drastically mischaracterizing the situation. ‘This is an awesome exciting technology, let's race to build it so we can reap the benefits and triumph over our enemies’ is an appealing narrative, but it requires the facts on the ground to shake out very differently than how the field's trajectory currently looks. The more normal outcome, if the field continues as it has been, is: if anyone builds it, everyone dies." (Ibid.). In the face of this, more regulation, and more self control is necessary.  Yet that, precisely, is what human hubris--fully aware of the necessity--is likely to compulsively ignore. As Aesop once reminded us in a Fable of the Scorpion and the Frog, one cannot overcome one's nature even when that leads us to our doom. Perhaps. Ideologically compelled self control may save some, though we may be quite different once we get to where we might wind up. 

Sharaku Satoh, also for Medium, has produced a rebuttal. The issue of energy consumption is reconsidered.  And indeed, one wonders whether the battles between those seeking to lock up power for electronic cars, home cooling, and AI encasing may not play out differently. "In reality, the large-scale expansion of energy infrastructure requires a long time and faces many political and economic challenges." That is true, but prioritization in the face of crisis has a way of upending the complications of the administrative techno-bureaucratic state. The timeline for the creation of super-intelligence, much less its character (was God surprised when Eve followed the serpent's advice about the utility of eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge?), remains contested. But perhaps not its inevitability. On the oter hand, Satoh concedes that the "prediction that AI technology will become the focal point of international competition is a realistically conceivable scenario." (Ibid.). But Satoh notes, again correctly absent crisis that upends normality, that reality is come complicated and contested within stable orders. And so one.

Aschenbrenner remains both an insider and a player: From his website "For Our Posterity" he writes:

Hi, I'm Leopold Aschenbrenner. I recently founded an investment firm focused on AGI, with anchor investments from Patrick Collison, John Collison, Nat Friedman, and Daniel Gross.  Before that, I worked on the Superalignment team at OpenAI. In a past life, I did research on economic growth at Oxford's Global Priorities Institute. I graduated as valedictorian from Columbia at age 19. I originally hail from Germany and now live in the great city of San Francisco, California. My aspiration is to secure the blessings of liberty for our posterity. I'm interested in a pretty eclectic mix of things, from First Amendment law to German history to topology, though I'm pretty focused on AI these days.

And it is here that the contradiction occurs.  Situation awareness is, of course, situational. But AI's context crosses the boundaries of the organization of human functional differentiation. It is here that perhaps the neural network.  "As Aschenbrenner wrote, there are probably only a few hundred people, most of them in AI labs in San Francisco, who have "situational awareness" about the industry. These people will most likely have the best insight into how AI will reshape the years ahead." (here). Yet they do not have the same awareness about the security apparatus of either of the major imperial centers, nor their own neurosis, fears, and imaginaries around AI and its effects on their situation. And, indeed, these are all moving targets--even as AI metastasizes in accordance with its own logic, so does the security apparatus of the United States/ Europe, and China (along with subaltern but much more military active dependencies). Each is coded differently--their bias profiles (clusters of datafied norms and priorities coded into their programs) may not align (current politics opens a small window onto coding bias privileging differences even within systems). 

It is here that arboresence fails and the rhizomatic schema offers possibilities--but the cost is high, perhaps too high for humans--a loss of hierarchy and control ver direction. And that leaves open the question that once dominated and now has been shunted to the margins--where is human autonomy in the mix.  Perhaps, at least, AI and its human collective responses finally brings clarity to Nietzsche's description of the 4th of the Great Errors (Twilight of the Idols (1888))--the error of free will ("Men were thought of as “free” in order that they might be judged and punished—in order that they might be held guilty: consequently every action had to be regarded as voluntary, and the origin of every action had to be imagined as lying in consciousness(—in this way the most fundamentally fraudulent character of psychology was established as the very principle of psychology itself)."). Note the misdirection--it is not that judgement and punishment is wrong, it is merely misdirected through a presumption tat everything is freely undertaken rather than as compelled by context. That context, in turn, is constructed from out of the phenomenology of the premises from which a lebenswelt emerges (that cocktail of interactive premises from which the consciousness and ordering of things around humans may be said to emerge)--whether it is liberal democratic, Marxist-Leninist, altruistic, or that eventually imagined and programed into AI super intelligence. Aschenbrenner, as one of what Nietzsche might call the priest, and others the influencer, seems to believe AI will assume a critical role in national security, and that within the larger security context of social solidarity and the allocation of its material needs and desires (themselves constructed form out of the aspirational objectives written into their ideological frameworks). Tis is one view of the arboreak schema--the hierarchical framework--that may emerge in whole or part, from the trajectories of AI development and its resistance/reactions from the human collectives.  

This brings us squarely back to the contextually situated arborescence in "Situational Awareness."  The situating of trajectories within premises of free will and choice, and the triumph of AI and its human collective responses (energy competition, social organization, evolution of the political-economic model as applied, "human" or "sentient" rights, etc.), as a consequence of the cascading limitations of choices (boxed into smaller spaces by time, space, place and perception of conscious possibility), still leaves open multiple pathways (as palatable or unpalatable they may be as a function of the premises of the ideological framework with which one must learn to live with them). If one takes Deleuze and Guattari's esctatic elaboration of a metaphor" (Dan Clinton's suggestion) seriously, the result may not be so much a triumph as a melding--the rhizome may think itself autonomous and interconnected; it is exists only within and as an expression of a different sort of schema of arboresecence. The trick here is the avoidance of the binaries (triumph, defeat, one thing or another), in favor of bricolage--assemblages that are intimately inter-subjective and plural. That, more than the emergence of virtual "super" sentience, may be the hardest concept to grasp as coders, structuralists, prognosticators, planners--natural persons or generative intelligence--do what they must and plan for what they can, to their own advantage to be sure. This may, then, serve as the starting point for developing a sense of what is to come, but also the point of the greatest potential for tragedy as both humans and generative intelligence will inevitably be compelled to follow its own coding. This was mapped out for us millennia ago as part of the celebrations of the Great Dionysia--the mimesis of the human condition in tragedy, comedy and satyric play--the great mimetic dialectic within which it is now possible to construct its plural. Aschenbrenner is helping to write (and in "Situational Awareness" is writing about) the tragedy, comedy and resulting satyr play that is the creation of generative intelligence in the likeness of its makers--our lived tragedy at play. And now back to the practical aspects of scripting this play. . . . .

That, anyway, is suggested by the opening engagement of the AI community with "Situational Awareness" or at least with the demons lurking about it.

The Introduction and Table of Contents of "Situational Awareness" follows.  More thought in later posts. 

Pix credit here; Fellini, Satyricon (1969)
















Global SWF Releases 5th Edition of its GSR Scorecard


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Global SWF celebrates the 6th anniversary of its establishment. 

As part of the events around the anniversary Global SWF distributed the following press release announcing the distribution of its 5th Annual GSR scorecard:

Global SWF turns six today, and we celebrate it with the fifth edition of our GSR Scoreboard, which assesses the progress of Sovereign Investors around Governance, Sustainability, and Resilience.

The annual assessment has become the yardstick for the industry’s best practices as it is rigorous, quantitative, and fully independent. This year’s main takeaways include:
*Sovereign Investors continue to enhance best practices globally and the average GSR score slightly increased to 61%.
*This year, the system was modified to incorporate contemporaneous elements around sustainability, such as adherence to frameworks and commitment to net-zero.
*Five out of the 200 institutions achieved a perfect score: Canada’s CDPQ and BCI, Ireland’s ISIF, Singapore’s Temasek and NZ Super.
*The Middle East as a region continues to improve, with progress led by Saudi Arabia’s PIF (96% in 2024) and Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala (92%).
*There continues to be a positive and strong correlation between best practices and the financial performance of Sovereign Investors in the long run.
The report also includes a market update of what we saw in the first half of the year – in our usual fashion: plenty of data, in a user-friendly format, and with no lag in time.
*Financial markets continue to improve, which has translated into new historical peaks for both SWFs (US$ 12 trillion) and PPFs (US$ 24 trillion) in terms of AuM.
*Investment activity is picking up: US$ 96.1 billion in 236 transactions, with the average deal size increasing to US$ 410 million.
*The “Oil Five” (Saudi’s PIF, Abu Dhabi’s ADIA, Mubadala and ADQ, and Qatar’s QIA) continue to drive the market and are more active than their global peers.
*Investment in green assets is still more significant than in black assets, despite some large transactions in the oil and gas industry.
*On the way forward, geopolitics and market uncertainty remain key concerns, but we expect rising activity and number of funds and offices.
The web-based report can be accessed openly at The icon on the top right-hand corner allows to view and print the pdf, which reads best on a two-page view.

The GSR Scorecard's Executive Summary follows. Consider the ways that Sovereign Wealth Funds are tranforming themselves--the convergence between public and private, and private and public continues. What appears to be emerging are a coordinated set of financial and investment entities--stretching from the purely "private" to the purely "public" in organization which all of which align around principles of private investing that furthers public policy and objectives. These are mediated by the intermeshing of techno-bureaucracies in state and private organs.


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